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Methodist College Register
1868 to 1927
(Register Menu)
the register goes up to 1984 but I am only transcribing based on the 100 year rule (ish)

1868 to 1878       1878 to 1886        1886 to 1893        1894 to 1902        1902 to 1910   

1910 to 1915       1915 to 1920         1920 to 1924        1924 to 1928       1928 to 1931

1931 to 1934             1934 to 1939                1938 to 1944   

1938-39 Boy Entrants  -  1938-39 Girl Entrants  -  1939-40 Boy Entrants  -  1939-40 Girl Entrants

1940-41 Boy Entrants  -  1940-41 Girl Entrants  -  1941-42 Boy Entrants  -  1941-42 Girl Entrants

1942-43 Boy Entrants  -  1942-43 Girl Entrants  -  1943-44 Boy Entrants  -  1943-44 Girl Entrants

1805 - 1806 - 1807 - 1808 - 1819 - 1843 - 1852 - 1861 - 1868 - 1877 - 1880 - 1890 - 1894
1901 - 1907 - 1908 - 1909 - 1910 - 1912 - 1918 - 1924 - 1932 - 1939 - 1943 - 1947 - 1951 - 1955 - 1960
1913 Tel. directory    1824 Pigots (Belfast)  &  (Bangor)   1894 Waterford Directory
1898 Newry Directory      Bangor Spectator Directory 1970


spaces left are for future entries
(but if you highlight them you can see the name and year of birth ;) ) *up to and including 1930

1938-39 Boy Entrants

Name Born Parent Address MCB Career Post-MCB Career
Addis, Walter Desmond 10/09/1925 Mrs. Fitzroy Avenue PL SGEx QS 2ndIV SA Physician MB(QUB) 1950 DPM MRCPsych *Antrim
Alexander, Kenneth J. C. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Armstrong, John Martin 29/09/1925 John Imperial Drive Business career (Hoffman & Presser London)
Ashenhurst, Edward McL. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Barron, James 08/08/1924 Humphrey Crumlin Farmer Dundrod Co. Antrim
Barron, Robert Alex. 22/02/1926 Humphrey Crumlin
Barry, Charles Graham 19/01/1926 Charles Onslow Parade
Bell, Alex. Cuthbert 19/04/1923 Wm. J. University Avenue JG
Bell, Edward Cyril 27/11/1925 Charles University Avenue JG Business career emigrated to Canada
Bell, William Desmond 21/08/1927 William Breda Gardens
Bennett, Edward R. 05/02/1926 Rev. E. Tullamore PL SG 1stXV 2ndIV Engineer 1939-War (RE) Nesbitt Drive Toronto Canada
Best, John Craig 13/11/1927 John Poyntzpass PL SG Mxv JA Agriculturist BAgr(QUB) 1948 Poyntzpass
Bethel, David Henry 06/09/1925 David H. Stewartstown Police (RUC)
Boyd, James Aubrey A. 02/07/1923 James A. Knutsford Drive Manufacturers' agent *Downview Park West Belfast
Boyle, John 22/02/1925 Samuel Malone Park SG Chartered accountant & Coy. Director BCom(QUB) *Malone Park Belfast
Boyle, Samuel Henry 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Brew, Wesley Alan 08/02/1925 Leonard Glastonbury Avenue JG 1stXV JA Engineer 1939-War (MN) AIME *Kensington Gardens South Belfast
Bridges, James Barron 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Brown, Noel Martin 06/02/1925 Samuel North Road Business career *Holywood Co. Down
Burns, James 24/06/1925 James Syringa Street PL JG Mxv SA Teacher (Dungannon Tech Coll) *Cookstown Co. Tyrone
Byron, Stewart Dunlop 18/10/1923 Mrs. Newtownbutler
Caren, Henry 27/11/1924 Wm. B. Melrose Street JG *Groomsport House Hotel
Carr, James Alex. 27/10/1924 Rowland Priory Park JG Civil Service (NI) 1939-War (RAF) *Cumberland Road, Dundonald
Carroll, Eric 10/03/1023 Fred Antrim Road SG 1stIV Construction training officer *Cavehill Road Belfast
Connell, Noel John 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Coulter, John Kirker 18/10/1925 James J. Ballynahinch PL SG Soils chemist BAgr(QUB) 1946 FRIC st Trinidad *Harpenden Hants
Craig, John Jackson 01/08/1925 Thomas M. Skegoniel Avenue PL SG 1stXV 2ndIV Dept. Manager (ICI) BSc(QUB) 1948 Welwyn Garden City Herts
Crawford, James McC. 28/06/1925 John McC. Jordanstown
Crozier, Sydney Dundas 23/10/1925 Walter Harberton Park PL JG Estimator *Castlereagh Road Belfast
Dalzell, Norman Sydney 17/09/1924 Andrew Killylea JG Medical representative 1939-War (MN) Acton London
Dark, Thomas R. Wm. 07/05/1925 Albert Hazeldene Avenue PL SG Civil Service 1939-War (Indian Army) *Glenavon Park, Newtownabbey
Davis, Thomas 24/07/1925 Thomas Landseer Street SG Atomic Power station Seascale BSc(QUB) 1947
Donaldson, Kenneth G. 24/05/1925 George M. Ardmore Park JG Mxv JA Imperial Civil Service 1939-War (RAF) Belsize Square London
Drury, Arthur Renwick 26/01/1924 Robert Melrose Street JG
Duncan, Leslie Gordon 07/07/1924 Herbert Osborne Drive JG QM Business career London
Fitzsimmons, James 22/10/1925 Albert Onslow Gardens SG Physicist BSc(QUB) 1947
Forsythe, George T. 18/02/1925 Wm. R. Bristow Park 1stXV
Freund, Gunter Adolf 20/06/1923 (Myles) MCB QM
Glass, George Brian 26/01/1925 James G. Rosetta Avenue Mxv 1939-War (RAF)
Gorman, James A. D. 30/07/1924 Francis Mount Eden Park Civil Service 1939-War (RAF) *Orangefield Park Omagh
Gray, Wm. John Wesley 16/01/1925 Richard Chadwick Street SG Methodist ministry since 1946 *Donaghadee
Hall, Richard Henry 08/07/1925 Charles Dunluce Avenue SG Office manager *Cricklewood Crescent Belfast
Halliday, Norman Victor 01/10/1924 Sydney Ravenhill Avenue
Hamilton, Robert Keith 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Hanna, Robert 13/10/1923 James Drumaness Farmer *Ballynahinch
Harbinson, Desmond J. 30/08/1925 Rev. A. Omagh PL SG 1stXV SA Physician MB(QUB) 1948 st Newfoundland
Harland, Robt. Wallace 07/03/1926 Wallace Ulsterville Avenue SG Physician MB(QUB) 1948 MRCGP *Castlehill Road, Belfast
Harland, Wm. Arthur 07/03/1926 Wallace Ulsterville Avenue SG 1stIV Sw Physician MB(QUB) 1948 PhD FRCP *Kilmacolin Renfrew
Harris, Gerald 30/08/1925 John Rugby Avenue Insurance inspector *Cregagh Road Belfast
Heaney, James Leonard 04/04/1926 James Wesley Street JG Mxv Sw Presbyterian ministry BA BD *North Road Belfast 1939-War (RN)
Henry, Edwin Wesley T. 10/11/1925 Wesley Adelaide Avenue PL JGEx Physician MB(QUB) 1948 MD FRCP (Cand) Prince George BC Canada
Hobson, George 06/02/1924 George Pakenham Street
Holmes, Michael McA. 17/04/1925 James McA. Llandovery SG 1stXV 1stIV Physician MB(QUB) 1950 DTM DObRCOG died 1981 at London
Hunter, Herbert Carson 25/06/1925 Courtland Richmond Park PL SG Mxv 1stIV Civil engineer BSc(QUB) 1946 MSc Leigh-on-Sea Essex
Irwin, John Edgar 02/11/1925 Joseph Dunluce Avenue PL Secretary (Belfast Water Comm) BSc (Ec) ACIS *Mt. Eden Park Belfast
Johnston, Frederic E. 23/01/1926 Richard JG British European Airways staff *Helen's Bay Co. Down
Keeble, Brian Alfred 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Kirk, Richard Leslie 30/04/1925 James Ballynahinch Belfast Corporation official *Cherryhill Road Dundonald
Kirk, Robert Morrow 16/08/1925 Robert Fort Eden 1stXI
Knox, Alick Lyle 16/12/1926 Hugh Eglantine Avenue JG Structural engineer*Jordanstown Road Newtownabbey
Laverty, Harold 22/11/1924 William Malone Avenue
Loftus, John Thompson 02/09/1925 John A. Silverstream Park JG Engineer 1939-War (Army) *London
Love, Wm. Jeffrey 06/02/1927 William Malone Road PL SG Sw Physician MB(QUB) 1950 FFA RCSI *Prospect Road Portstewart
Lowry, John Stewart 25/09/1926 John Portballintrae SG Project engineer GIERE Russell Road Shepperton Middlesex
Lowry, William Eric 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Macartney, James Whyte 11/06/1925 Charles Downshire Road JG Manufacturers' agent *Church Road Helen's Bay
McClune, John 30/12/1924 John Orby Drive Army career (RAMC)
McClure, Samuel 26/11/1923 Thomas Cregagh Road
McClurg, Sydney McM. 13/02/1926 Hugh Delhi Street Northern Bank (Staff Manager) *Belfast
McConachy, David Gerald 25/02/1925 James Duncairn Gardens PL SG 1stIV Agriculturist BSc (Reading) died 1954
McCormick, William P. 27/02/1926 James Gilnahirk Road
McFerran, Walter Henry 11/06/1925 John Ballywalter QM Veterinary surgeon BAgr(QUB) 1948 MRCVS *Kircubbin Co. Down
McIvor, Frederick Hugh 27/04/1926 Rev. Fred Brookeborough SG Accountant and property dealer *Putaruru New Zealand
McMillan, William 13/03/1925 James Albertbridge Road
Maguire, Stanley L. 10/09/1926 Rev. R. Bushmills PL SG 1stXV 1stIV Barrister LLB(Oxon) 1950 1939-War (RN) st Calcutta Rickmansworth
Mahaffey, Wm. Calvin 10/12/1923 Matthew Cedar Avenue JG Quantity surveyor FRICS *My Lady's Mile Holywood Co. Down
Marshall, John Robt. N. 27/11/1924 Samuel Botanic Avenue JG
Millar, Wm. Patton 16/06/1924 James Bangor JG Civil Service *Cotswold Drive Bangor Co. Down
Minnis, Herbert 31/01/1926 Herbert Shankill Road PL JG 1stXI Sw LT Royal Air Force then Shell 1939-War (RAF) Sale Cheshire
Miscampbell, John Desmd. 25/05/1925 John University Avenue 2ndIV emigrated to the USA 1939-War (RINnisFus)
Moore, Edward James 12/07/1924 Samuel Chesham Grove Mxv Production controller 1939-War (RAF) *Myrtledene Road, Belfast
Moore, George 03/07/1922 William Ballintra SG 1stXV SA
Nelson, James Rochester 20/05/1927 Samuel Cliftonville Road PL SG 1stXV Lt Physician MB(QUB) 1949 *Markethill Co. Armagh
Norris, Edward Raymond 27/01/1926 John Mt. Eden Park SG Chemical engineer BSc(QUB) 1947 Lambeg died 1981 swimming at Tenerife *Ireland
Patterson, Charles S. 10/07/1924 Stewart Malone Avenue Electrical engineer (NIES) *Malone Avenue Belfast
Patton, Thomas Alex. 16/08/1925 Vincent Shandon Drive PL SG Sw Lawyer LLB(QUB) 1950 1939-War (RN) settled in England
Pinion, James R. G. M. 05/09/1926 James E. Stranmillis Road
Porter, Wm. Arthur C. 20/08/1927 James Lisburn Road SG Engineer BSc(QUB) Hawthorne California USA
Porter, William Davis 02/10/1921 William Lisburn SG Physician LAH(Dublin)1953 *Annadale Avenue, Belfast
Pyper, Leslie Graham 01/05/1926 Henry A. Bloomfield Gardens JG *Nottinghill Belfast
Rainey, Edmund Wilfred 06/07/1925 James Tildarg Street
Reid, Norman Kingsley 09/03/1925 Charles South Parade PL JG Planning and progress engineer  st Zambia and Rhodesia
Reid, William James 19/01/1926 Robert E. Ligoniel
Renshaw, John Arthur 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Robinson, Robert W. 14/03/1926 Mrs. Burmah Street SA
Savage, Robert J. G. 02/07/1927 Joseph Agincourt Avenue PL SG Lecturer (Bristol Univ.) BSc(QUB) 1949 FLS FGS Bristol
Seavers, Ronald 23/10/1924 James A. Newport Street PL JG Representative Barton-under-Needwood Staffs
Simpson, John Desmond 27/11/1925 John Limestone Road JG 1939-War (RN)
Simpson, Robt. Wallace 03/05/1926 Robert Cheltenham Park PL SG 1stIV Physician MB(QUB) 1949 DObRCOG drowned 1977 at Uckfield Sussex
Sinclair, William 20/10/1925 Samuel F. Stewartstown SG Physician MB(QUB) 1949 DPH Port Coquitlan BC Canada
Smyth, Henry Carson 28/08/1923 Thomas Brookvale Street Manager (Chloride Group Belfast) *Finaghy Park Nth. Belfast
Smyth, Kenneth 20/07/1925 Thomas Brookvale Street JG Presbyterian ministry BA(TCD) 1948 *Drumbo Co. Down
Soye, David Wm. Fredk. 24/07/1920 F. Arthur Lurgan SG KS Teach (Lurgan Boys CSIS) *Windsor Avenue Lurgan
Spratt, Wm. Evan J. 20/07/1927 Jackson Knock Road JG
Steele, James Desmond 22/08/1926 James South Parade SG Physician LAH(Dublin) 1953 *Kingsway Dunstable Bedfordshire
Stubberfield, Stanley H. 18/12/1927 Herbert North Road BEA dispatch officer *Brae Hill Crescent Belfast
Surgeon, James Andrew 25/09/1924 James Cheviot Avenue
Thompson, Francis C. B. 12/08/1922 George N. Wellesley Avenue 1stXV *Mosside Road Dunmurry
Thompson, Richd. Ferrier 23/10/1925 Richard Balmoral
Todd, Thomas 13/03/1925 Thomas Delhi Street JG Medical technician FILMT *Norwood Crescent Belfast
Tunnah, Alexander 03/10/1925 Alex. Knock Eden Park 1stXI Manager 1939-War (Coldstream Guards) *Belvoir Drive Belfast
Wakefield, James 30/05/1925 Fred. W. Upperlands PL SG Lecturer (QUB) BSc(QUB) 1945 *Ravara Road Ballygowan Co. Down
Weir, Wm. Kenneth 24/08/1924 Thomas Ballynahinch SG Presbyterian ministry (Belvoir Park) *School Road Belfast BA
Wherry, John 15/02/1925 Robert Thorndyke Street PL JG killed in the Belfast 'blitz' 1941
White, Wm. Ronald 15/07/1925 William Prospect Street PL JG
Williams, Thomas H. 07/12/1924 Henry A. Ardenlee Parade Engineer (Short Bros. Ltd. Belfast) *Glenhugh Park Belfast

1938-39 Girl Entrants

Name Born Parent Address MCB Career Post-MCB Career
Acheson, Ethna Jean 16/04/1927 David Coleraine   (J. N. Balmer) Secretary *Lodge Road Coleraine
Adams, Mary Catherine 27/12/1924 Henry Kirkliston Drive   (Kenneth M. Womack  Prestwich 1954) 1939-War (WRNS) Johannesburg
Alexander, Betsy 08/06/1924 William Roden Street JG (Donal G. Muir) *Shandon Park Belfast
Armstrong, H. Winifred 21/02/1925 James Ballygomartin JG (W. Megraw) *Seymour Road Bangor Co. Down
Armstrong, K. Myrtle 22/05/1925 Francis Ravenhill Park Gn. PL SG (Joseph C. Hawthorne 1950) Carrickfergus
Barr, Eveline 15/07/1926 William Dunblane Avenue JG (John Welch 1950) *Circular Road Jordanstown Newtownabbey
Beattie, Mary 22/09/1925 Thomas Stockmans Lane    
Bell, Patricia Eleanor 29/05/1923 Mrs. S. Ormeau Road JG
Bertenshaw, Sheila 09/08/1924 Rev. John Strabane PL (Rev. Gerald J. A. Carson 1966) Dunfanaghy Co. Donegal
Best, Joan 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Black, Doreen Patricia 23/02/1925 Samuel Seapark Drive PL JG (R. Thompson) Teacher (Throne PS) Glengormley
Black, Nora Fay 22/05/1925 Samuel Saintfield JG  
Bolton, Annie Evelyn 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Boyd, Amy Teckla 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Boyd, Evelyn Gordon 14/11/1921 Gordon Armagh PL SG (Robert A. Dean architect) *Sicily Park, Belfast
Boyd, Mary  Steen 17/11/1922 Dr. Wm. H. Carnmoney   (Alex McG. Devon) *Cleaver Park, Belfast
Boyd, Vivien Rennie 29/04/1926 Dr. Wm. H. Carnmoney SG (John B. Lowry FRCS 1953) Physician MB(QUB) 1950 *Dungannon
Boyle, Muriel Agnes 07/02/1927 Samuel Malone Park PL SG (John Andress 1951) Millisle Co. Down *Castlehill Road Belfast
Bradshaw, May 19/11/1925 William North Parade   (William Price Bangor 1947) Secretarial
Briggs, Kathleen E. M. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Briggs, Winifred Sheila 30/04/1926 Vincent Ardenlee Gardens PL JG (William Law  Rochdale 1953)
Broderick, Katherine P. 02/08/1924 Herbert Dundonald JG (Clarke McKee) Wernersville Pennsylvania USA
Busby, Eleanor Mary A. 02/05/1923 James Windsor Park SG (Samuel H. S. Love MD) Teacher (DomSc) *Hillsborough
Busby, Margaret Edna J. 29/10/1924 James Windsor Park SG (James S. Elwood MD 1950) Teacher (DomSc) *Tyler Park Limavady
Carleton, Mary Margt. 01/01/1925 John E. Fleetwood Street SG (Rev. A. J. Douglas MA 1949) Teacher *Castlereagh Road Belfast
Carson, Alice J. D. V. L. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Christie, Josephine M. D. 29/07/1924 Samuel Marsden Gardens JG (James A. Smith LDS 1953) *Lisburn Road Belfast
Coleman, Jean 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Coleman, Sarah Dorcas 07/07/1926 George Lockview Road JG QM (Robert N. M. Clarke) *Lenaghan Avenue Belfast
Davidson, Gladys May 12/12/1924 Henry Ravenhill Avenue SG (Gwylim Jones  Bangor Wales 1950)
Donaldson, Adelaide M. 21/01/1922 Joseph Newtownhamilton PL SG KS (Drury) Teacher BEd *Quarry Road Belfast
Donaldson, Lorna Vivian 29/12/1925 David A. Enniskillen PL SG 1stXI (Robert C. Malseed 1948) *Dunwood Park Londonderry
Eakin, Mary Anderson 10/07/1924 John Crumlin   (Alex. M. Brown Crumlin 1954)
Ellison, Grace 15/01/1926 William Percy Street SG SC (Charles McKinstry) *Dunlambert Drive Belfast
Giff, Alice Esther 02/02/1924 Thomas H. Woodvale Road SG (A. Holmes) *Kingston Jamaica
Gilliland, Joan Maureen 28/09/1926 Rev. R. M. Kinsale SG  
Goffin, Patricia K. 07/11/1926 Ralph G. Grand Parade    
Gorman, Agnes Maureen 28/10/1921 Francis Mount Eden Park SG Secretarial (Provincial Bank) died 1965
Gorman, Gertrude Eliz. 20/11/1922 Francis Mount Eden Park JG (John G. Wilson 1944) Civil Service *Cranmore Avenue \Belfast
Gorman, Iris Maude 30/07/1924 Francis Mt. Eden Park JG (Arthur J. Ovens 1951) Civil Service *Cranmore Avenue Belfast
Gracey, Dorothea June 31/05/1926 Robert Clara Park   (David L. Hill 1952)
Graham, Ethel Chambers 07/07/1925 Robert Orby Gardens JG  
Hamilton, Margaret M. 07/08/1927 Thomas Ormonde Park PL JG  
Harpur, Joan Myrtle 08/06/1925 John O. Rushfield Avenue JG (Norman W. McLeod FRCS 1948) *Upper Lisburn Road Belfast
Hart, Irene 19/06/1925 James Dunluce Avenue SG (Hugh M. McManus Randalstown 1950)
Hastings, Doreen 08/04/1926 Henry Woodcot Avenue PL JG (George G. Hall PhD 1951) Beaston Nottingham
Hazelton, Florence D. 14/09/1925 Wm. F. Dungannon JG (Rev. Thomas McGonigle BA) BCom (QUB) *Churchwell Lane Magherafelt
Hicks, Annie Isobel 31/12/1924 Henry Lisburn Road    
Hillock, Annie Winsome 24/01/1924 Edward Lisburn Road JG (Harold Mabbett) Downs Road Hastings Sussex
Holland, Maureen 05/08/1927 Joseph Harberton Avenue SG (J. Kenneth McGregor MPS 1952) Teacher *Piney Hills Belfast
Hume, Wilhelmina Madge 23/07/1925 William Shore Road PL SGEx QS HG *Headmistress Redland Girls High School Bristol BA(Cantab) 1947
Irvine, Margaret G. G. 09/08/1925 Lendrum Marlborough Park Cl. JG  
Irvine, Phyllis Audrey 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Johnston, Yvonne 27/10/1925 George Locksley Park PL (G. R. Nelson) *Hamilton Road Bangor
Jones, Gwyneth M. D. 08/09/1921 J. H. Windsor Park PL SG (R. Vivian Gotto 1947) Teacher (VP-MCB) BSc(QUB)1943 POGA 1939-War (WAAF) *Harberton Drive Belfast
Jones, Hilda Margaret 03/07/1923 Thomas Bangor   (Dr. J. H. Beatson 1949) Physician MB(QUB) 1946 *Bristol
Jones, Jean Isobel M. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Jones, Mary Elizabeth 14/02/1923 Sewell North Parade SG (N. Richard Elwis) Ballyholme Bangor
Keeble, Marie Patricia 13/07/1927 Alfred Osborne Drive PL SG (Norman Leake) Derriaghy
Keeble, Sheila Marion 14/10/1925 Alfred Osborne Drive JG (Rev. Norman J. Cotgrove 1953) (Cosgrove?) Ashingdon Essex
Keith, Muriel Frances 12/10/1925 John Barnetts Road PL SG (R. George Bell) Civil Service *Kensington Drive Belfast
Kerr, Maureen Erskine 15/06/1925 Joseph Annadale Avenue PL JG (Sydney E. A. Acheson 1948)
King, Mary Isobel V. 21/06/1922 James H. Brookeborough    
Kirkpatrick, Ruth 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Laslett, Sheila Mary 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Leitch, Ethel Marjorie 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Lester, Kathleen C. 23/09/1925 Robert W. Cliftondene Gardens PL JG (Glen S. Fuller) East Carlton Way Tracy California USA
Lister, Beatrice Olive 09/12/1925 James Clara Park JG Civil Service *Knockmarloch Park Belfast
Little, Florence T. 05/10/1924 George Ballywalter JG (Robert G. Calvert) *Greyabbey Road Ballywalter Co. Down
Long, Muriel Irwin 27/02/1925 Thomas A. Newtownards Road JG (Earl H. Lyons) Belleville Austin County Texas USA
Loughran, Olive S. J. 15/03/1926 Wm. C. Finaghy   (Louis A. Eames 1945) 1939-War (WAAF) Burley Idaho USA
Love, Eileen Victoria C. 02/09/1925 William Cadogan Park JG (Tod Majury FAI 1952) *Helen's Bay Co. Down
Lovett, Patricia A. 15/12/1926 Albert W. Springfield Parade JG (Leslie Greenwood) Secretarial  Walton Road Ware Herts
Lowry, Norma Isabella 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Luke, Sarah Josephine 04/11/1923 Joseph Mt. Prospect Park    
Lynn, Hilda 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Lynn, Janet 19/03/1926 Robert G. Ardenlee Avenue PL SG  
Lynn, Margaret Clarke 19/03/1924 J. H. Glenburn Park JG  
McCausland, Florence 15/09/1924 William Downshire Road   (Bruce M. Hill Lurgan 1948)
McClintock, Mary Dunlop 30/09/1925 Charles Lanark Street PL JG  
McConnell, Aileen P. J. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McCord, Margaret H. L. 20/04/1924 Thomas Sydenham Gardens PL  
McCourt, Joanna 30/06/1925 John Muckamore SG SC (Robert J. Gregg) Teacher (Principal Ballyhill PS) *Dundrod
McCullough, Priscilla 23/08/1922 James Broadway PL SG (Bryce H. Gray China Inland Mission 1949) *Ballymena
McGookin, Jenny 02/07/1925 Robert Court Street    
McKelvey, May Alex. 25/05/1923 Alex. Ravenscroft Avenue    
McKinney, Edith Mary 13/10/1926 Rev. J. W. Antrim Road PL SG (H. O. Loane BAgr 1951) Physician MB(QUB) 1951 *Roscrea Co. Tipperary
McMichael, Helen Kathln. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McMullan, Stella R. 13/01/1926 William Barnetts Road JG  
McNally, Rachel Doreen 26/05/1925 James Lisburn Road    
Macoun, Maud Evelyn 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Maddock, Elizabeth P. 11/11/1918 John Dunmurry SG  
Magowan, Mary 18/02/1924 James Lisburn JG  
Manderson, Dorothea 03/03/1926 Thomas Harcourt Drive   (Joseph McBride) Upton-by-Chester Cheshire
Martin, Esmee Dorothy 04/11/1921 Rev. S. H. Keady PL SG 1stXI (Edgar G. Goff  Hadley Wood Herts 1951)
Milligan, Eliz. M. Jean 21/11/1924 Fred C. Deramore Gardens SG 1stXI (J. Marshall) Physician MB(QUB) 1949 *Mullagh Road Maghera
Mitchell, Eliz. Patricia 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Morris. Margt. Evelyn 30/10/1920 John Carrickfergus SG KS (Archie Andrews Ballymena 1946) Teacher
Morrow, Eileen 17/02/1925 Hugh G. Earlswood Road SG 1stXI (Gerald McK. Edward  Cardiff 1952) Caversham Reading Berks
Morrow, Sophia W. 22/03/1925 Robert E. Wandsworth Cr. JG  
Murray, Edna Aline 29/12/1925 Jerry Donegall Park Avenue PL SG (Herbert Baillie) Greenisland
Patterson, Emma Frances 17/08/1925 David Lisburn Road   (James McIlhagga) *Richmond Park Belfast
Patton, Freda Kathln. 19/08/1925 Wm. J. Cavehill Road JG Nursing SRN SCM (Springfield Avenue Kempston Bedford
Peterson, Nellie 22/11/1924 Archibald Richardson Street PL JG  
Poole, Doris Iris 05/12/1925 Alfred W. Parkgate Avenue   (Alan J. Gaunt  Doncaster 1957)
Price, Patricia 10/06/1923 John Sandymount Street   Office manager (Builders Association) *Abbey Drive Bangor
Rankin, Augusta G. 20/07/1920 John Carrickfergus SG KS (Adam T. Donald  Culross Fife 1949) Teacher (Strandtown PS) *Belfast
Reid, Dora 16/08/1925 Samuel Edenderry JG  
Reid, Ivy Boyd 10/04/1925 Thomas B. Mount Prospect Park JG (Wm. McCracken AMIEE 1948) Salisbury Rhodesia
Reid, Margaret Sylvia 16/07/1925 James Twaddell Avenue JG (Joseph Craig) *Belfast
Ross, Persis Mae 11/08/1927 Thompson Ardenlee Avenue   (George C. Morrison MA Downpatrick 1950) *Beechlands Belfast
Ross, Sheila Elizabeth 02/09/1923 Samuel J. Knockbreda Road   (Alex. W. Dann  1950) *Kingsway Park Belfast
Sands, Emma Maureen 17/08/1924 David Kirk Street PL SG SC Teacher (Belfast Girls Model SS) LTCL *Lyndhurst Gardens Belfast
Shaw, Margaret 05/05/1926 Henry Tennent Street PL JG  
Smyth, Maureen Eliz. 20/12/1921 Thomas Brookvale Street SG KS (John M. Blane 1950) Teacher BA)QUB)1942 *The Pines, Lurgan
Starr, Doris Emily R. 17/12/1924 John Ravenhill Avenue JG (William Preston) *Cairnshill Close Belfast)
Thompson, Beatrice May 13/02/1925 George Onslow Gardens SG (David Greene PhD  Ballymoney 1949) Manchester
Thompson, Henrietta 18/03/1925 Albert Saintfield Road   (James McAlpine) *Newtownards Road Comber
Thompson, Muriel F. I. 12/11/1924 Percy Oldpark Avenue SG (Delbianco) Secretarial
Thompson, Phyllis Irene 31/08/1925 George Crumlin Gardens PL SG (Reginald Johnston) *Tyndale Green Belfast
Thompson, Roberta 09/12/1923 Samuel Orlock    
Torney, Olive 30/03/1926 Thomas Ulsterville Avenue JG (Eric G. Bridle BSc (Ec) 1948) *Knocklofty Park Belfast
Uprichard, Anne Eliz. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Watkinson, Joan 08/08/1925 Robert Cyprus Park PL JG (S. E. A. Wisener PhC) Woodstock Road Belfast
Watson, Mavis Joy 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Whitla, Annie Susan 11/12/1926 James Greenisland PL SG Dr 1stXI HS (Robert A. Stewart BA Portstewart 1955) *Coleraine
Wilson, Maude Eleanor 16/02/1924 David R. Roses Lane Ends   (Gordon Ritchie) Lisnaskea Co. Fermanagh
Wisener, Florence N. 11/04/1926 Francis Kitchener Street JG  
Wood, Patricia Jean 12/12/1925 Albert Sandymount Street PL SG (John Parry-Evans RAF) 1939-War (WAAF)
Woods, Frances Mary 25/07/1926 Rev. Wm. J. Longford   (Howard L. Temple) *Donegal
Woods, Hazel Florence 09/09/1927 Rev. Wm. J. Longford 1stXI  
Worthington, Jean Mary 09/12/1925 Charles Ulsterville Avenue PL SGEx QS 1stXI (Robert H. Alexander 1950) *Lucerne Parade, Belfast
Wright, Kathleen Maud 20/01/1926 Stanley Dundonald   (Annesley W. Evans  Dunedin NZ 1957) Toronto Canada
Wright, Mildred Anna E. 04/10/1925 Wm. J. Caledon SG (Raymond Wightman PhC 1961) BA Social worker *Bangor
Wylie, Mary Elizabeth 28/05/1924 Robert Knockbreda Road   (Ernest Neely  Portrush) *Belfast

1939-40 Boy Entrants

Name Born Parent Address MCB Career Post-MCB Career
Aiken, Stanley 16/08/1926 John H. Ballynahinch
Allen, Fredk. Joseph 13/07/1926 Fred Woodvale Gardens SG SA Works manager *Springfield Road Belfast
Anderson, John Fredk. 18/02/1926 Henry Ulsterville Avenue JG LLB(QUB) 1951
Anderson, Wm. Joseph 07/05/1926 Andrew Stockmans Lane JG Buyer (furniture) *Ballycairn Road Coleraine
Ashenhurst, Charles H. 13/10/1926 Charles Fountainville Avenue SG Port Health Inspector *Kingsland Park Belfast
Bailey, John Desmond 01/12/1925 Joseph S. Oldpark Road JG Architect Christchurch New Zealand
Baird, G. H. M. Brian 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Bamford, Thomas G. I. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Barnes, George Edward 23/05/1926 George Haypark Avenue Civil Service *Flush Green Belfast
Bates, William 13/09/1927 Rev. Wm. Galwally Park
Bayliss, Rex Chandler 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Bell, William 26/10/1925 James W. Graymount Park Army career (Royal Corps of Signals)
Best, James Purdon 03/10/1925 Richard Tower Street PL Electrical engineer  died 1973 at Belfast
Bethel, Wm. Dennis 02/07/1927 David H. Woodvale Gardens SG SA London Metropolitan Police 1939-War (Indian Army)  *Kent
Bothwell, John Victor 01/10.1923 Wm. J. Lurgan SG Electrical engineer  *Moira Co. Down
Boullier, Wm. Robert 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Brennan, Leslie 07/04/1926 William Chadwick Street Bank official
Browne, Desmond Robert 14/05/1926 T. C. Ravenhill Park SG 1stXV 1stXI LT Sales and marketing manager  *Newcastle Co. Down
Burns, Richard H. F. 23/07/1923 John T. Coalisland PL SG HS SA Coy. Director (Samuel Burns & Co. Ltd.) *Creenagh Coalisland
Carlisle, Robert 19/04/1926 Ernest Loopland Cr. PL SG Shopkeeper (Wool) *Norwood Avenue, Belfast
Carnduff, Robert 28/03/1926 James Newtownbreda
Carson, Herbert C. 27/08/1926 Thomas Chesterfield Park
Caulfield, Archibald 02/03/1926 John C. Glandore Gardens Mxv Engineer *Broughshane Co. Antrim
Chesney, Robert 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Clarke, Cyril Wm. 17/10/1926 Wm. G. Ulsterville Avenue Agent (Builders materials) Norwood Drive Belfast
Clarke, Robert N. M. 28/03/1925 Robert Myrtlefield Park Pharmaceutical chemist MPS *Lenaghan Avenue Belfast
Colhoun, Alfred Alex. 12/03/1926 Alfred Marsden Gardens Airline traffic office  *Kylemore Park, Belfast
Cox, George Kennedy 13/06/1926 James Ailesbury Road Supervisor *Erinvale Drive, Belfast
Crangle, Harold Graham 24/05/1926 (Miss E. W.) Cliftonpark Avenue 1939-War (RAF)
Cresswell, Wm. Louis 05/06/1926 Wm. L. Agincourt Street PL SGEx Economist  BSc(QUB) 1947 MSc PhD Kussnacht-Haltikon Switzerland
Cross, John Henry T. 11/05/1926 John Melrose Street JG Chartered accountant  Weston Ontario Canada
Dickinson, Robert 25/04/1925 Wm. H. Irwin Crescent PL SG Presbyterian ministry MA BD *Tobermore Maghera
Dobson, Raymond Thomas 31/10/1927 T. G. Newtownbreda SG Shaw Tyre & Battery Co. Ltd. *Helen's Bay Co. Down
Donaldson, Alfred G. 05/07/1927 J. G. Downshire Road PL Civil Service (Parl draftsman) LLB PhD *Belfast
Duffin, Wm. Henry 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Farquharson, Ian S. R. 08/05/1927 A. A. Manor Grove PL SG 1stXV XI SA Civil engineer MA(TCD) BAI *Station Road Holywood
Finlay, George A. R. 27.05/1926 Thomas Dunluce Avenue JG 1stXV SA Police (RUC) 1939-War (RN)
Frew, Ernest Stewart 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Gilliland, Ronald W. 04/10/1926 Wm. K. Ravenhill Road PL SGEx HC 1stXV Teacher (VP-Grosvenor HS) BSc(QUB) 1949 Rugby (CRFC(207) 1946-55 and Ulster International referee) *Russell Park Belfast
Ginn, Gerald John 03/10/1926 Wm. F. Wellesley Avenue PL SG 1stXV SA *Principal Rupert Stanley CFE BSc(QUB) 1948 BEd CRFC(14) 1949-50
Glass, Albert 31/05/1923 William Derriaghy JG Teacher (Finaghy PS) 1939-War (RAF)
Glass, John Basil C. 21/05/1926 Rev. John Ballynahinch SG 1stXV 1stIV Solicitor LLB(QUB) 1947 st Chmn. Alliance Party POBA CRFC(2) *Belfast
Glass, Walter 31/05/1923 William Derriaghy JG Teacher 1939-War (RAF)
Gordon, Thomas 03/03/1926 Thomas Upton Avenue JG
Gorman, Charles Kenneth 25/02/1923 Charles Saintfield Physician MB(QUB) 1956 MD PhD FRCP (Can) Russell Hull Road Toronto
Granleese, Derrick H. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Greer, Robert Nesbitt 30/07/1927 Richard Sandhill Gardens SG Teacher (RBAI) BSc(QUB 1948
Hall, Kenneth William 19/07/1026 Alex Ashley Avenue JG Rate Collector *Eglantine Avenue Belfast
Halliday, Gerald 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Halliday, Hugh 11/02/1925 James Deramore Avenue JG Chartered surveyor ARICS *Killinchy Co. Down
Hawthorne, Gerald 18/05/1926 Thomas Cregagh Road PL SG SC Sw LT Principal Dunlambert Boys SS BSc(QUB) 1939-War (FAA) *Belfast
Hay, John Studley 12/09/1927 Fred Whitehead JG
Holmes, William Henry 06/07/1927 F. E. Greenock
Hooks, Thomas 19/06/1926 Joshua Elswick Street PL SG Teacher (Sullivan Upper) BA(QUB) 1949 *Belfast
Houston, John Cecil 02/05/1927 R. A. Old Cavehill Road PL SG Electrical engineer BSc(QUB) 1950 *Windsor Avenue Holywood
Hudson, John Gordon 10/11/1926 Wm. G. Irvinestown SG QM 1stXI Physician MB(QUB) 1949 DA *Wollongong NSW Australia
Hughes, Robert Austen 12/07/1926 John Chief Street Business career  died 1977 at Bristol
Hume, John 13/05/1925 William Evelyn Avenue JG Presbyterian ministry BA(TCD) 1948 *Bushmills Co. Antrim
Huntley, Ernest 30/10/1925 Robert B. Onslow Parade PL SG SC SA Teacher (MCB then Principal Wallace Prep) *Knightsbridge Park Belfast
Irwin, John Rollins 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Irwin, William Huston 26/05/1927 David A. Benburb Farmer *Derrycrewry Benburb Co. Tyrone
Jeffrey, Wm. Richmond 04/04/1926 William Gibson Park Gardens SG SC 1stXV SA Teacher (VP-Royal Alexandra's Reigate) BA CRFC(16) 1950-2 *Reigate Surrey
Johnston, James Moore 22/09/1925 Wm. W. Euston Street Physician MB(TCD) 1950 MD MRCPsych *Gortnagarn Road Omagh
Jones, Cyril David 12/02/1926 Edward R. Florenceville Avenue JG
Kyle, Eric 09/07/1925 John K. Glendower Street PL JG 1stXI Representative *Grand Parade Belfast
Leyburn, Wm. James L. 04/12/1926 John Ailesbury Drive SG 2ndIV PL
Lindsay, Terence D. 29/02/1924 Mrs. St. Ives Gardens
Lisk, David McTaggart 28/03/1926 Archibald Carrickfergus Coy. Director (R. Patterson Ltd. Belfast) *Helen's Bay Co. Down
Loane, Wm. Kenneth 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Long, Robert 13/09/1925 James Channing Street
Lowry, Desmond Herbt. D. 22/08/1926 S. H. Windsor Park JG SA Surveyor Pacific Avenue Toronto Canada
Lowry, John Wm. Patrick 11/03/1926 Mrs. Beersbridge Road SG Presbyterian ministry (Newtownbreda) BA BD *Hampton Park Belfast
McChesney, Archibald S. 15/09/1925 James Glenmore Street
McClean, Thomas James A. 07/09/1925 W. J. Newtownards Road Upper
McClelland, Joseph R. 03/07/1926 E. W. North Road Police (RUC)
McClements, Martin 09/06/1927 Martin Deramore Avenue SG Mxv Business career BCom(QUB)
McClure, Wm. James S. 20/04/1926 Rev. W. J. Lurgan JG Presbyterian ministry BA(TCD) 1948 Whitby Ontario Canada
McConnell, Samuel M. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McCudden, Henry 03/11/1924 John Willesden Park JG 1stXI 1939-War (RM) emigrated to the USA
McFarland, George H. 12/07/1925 Wm. H. Tate's Avenue Legal clerk 1939-War (RN) died 1963
McFarland, John 08/02/1926 John H. Kimberley Drive
McKee, William James 22/05/1925 Samuel Ballycarry
McKillen, Eric Raymond 13/01/1927 Thomas Westland Row PL SG 1stXV SA Civil engineer BSc(QUB) 1947 *Islington Ontario Canada
McNally, David Gordon 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McNally, Henry Edward 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Magee, Albert Wesley 14/02/1926 John L. Manorhamilton SG 1939-War (RN) st Salisbury Rhodesia
Makemson, Richard L. 06/04/1926 Charles Pommern Parade SG Test engineer (Grumman Aircraft USA) BSc(QUB) 1950 New York USA
Manuel, Douglas Albin 07/01/1926 George Victoria Gardens PL SG 2ndIV Central heating manufacturer (Perimeter) BSc(Oxon) 1950 1939-War (FAA) London
Mark, John Alexander 20/11/1925 Fredk. Gibson Park Gardens JG Insurance career  died 1965
Martin, Ernest Richmond 30/11/1925 John Carryduff
Mawhinney, Thomas O. 03/03/1925 James Norwood Gardens Tobacconist Belfast then moved to Jersey Channel Islands
Milliken, John Wesley 03/08/1925 Robert Aberdeen Street Prison officer  killed by terrorists 1977 at Belfast
Mitchell, Albert 12/10/1925 Albert Alexander Park Avenue JG Teacher (MCB) *Belfast
Moffatt, Wm. Henry 11/04/1926 John H. Ravenhill Park Gardens PL SG Physician MB(QUB) 1948 FRCPI *School Lane Greenisland
Montgomery, Wm. Allen 06/08/1926 William Rushfield Avenue Mxv Electrical engineer *Beechhill Park South Belfast
Moreland, John 12/08/1926 James Ashley Avenue Building contractor *Belfast
Morris, John 04/07/1926 John Carrickfergus SG SC Teacher (Crumlin IS) *Ballyhill Road Crumlin
Murphy, J. Gerry M. W. 20/08/1926 Wm. S. Bangor SG 1stXV 1stXI Sw SA Church of England clergy (Chaplain to the Queen, Rector of Sandringham) BA(TCD) 1952 MA 1939-War (Irish Guards) Rugby (Collegians(42) 1946-53 Lurgan and Ireland) *Sandringham Norfolk
Murray, James Desmond 24/06/1923 Wm. J. Fitzwilliam Street Ulster bank official 1939-War (RN)
Nicholl, Arthur 23/03/1926 Arthur Sandown Drive PL SG Teacher (Coleraine AI) BSc(QUB) 1947 *Coleraine
Nicholl, Wm. McCluggage 01/05/1927 Edward Battenberg Street PL SG Mxv JA Teacher (Dalriada) BSc(QUB) 1948 *Ballymoney
Noble, Edmund Denis 21/11/1926 Herbert Ravenhill Park Gardens SG Civil engineer BSc(QUB) 1948 AMICE *Knockbracken Park Belfast
Noblett, Kenneth 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Parker, Wm. Henry 14/02/1926 Wm. H. Whitewell PL SG Agriculturist BAgr(QUB) st Greenmount *Lansdowne Road Belfast
Paterson, Gerald 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Perrott, Ian Otho 20/11/1925 James G. Massey Avenue Business career *Elliott Place Enniskillen
Pinion, Alan C. Cullen 07/03/1927 F. M. Ballynahinch SG QM Physician MB(QUB) 1951 DObRCOG died 1979 at Newry
Pollock, Norman R. M. 05/04/1926 John A. Dundonald
Pollock, Robert Sydney 17/08/1926 Wm. C. College Park Avenue Representative *Belvedere Park Belfast
Pollock, William Conn 17/08/1926 Wm. C. College Park Avenue Office supervisor *North Parade Belfast
Porter, Ernest H. G. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Ramsey, James Norman 21/02/1927 Andrew Ballygomartin JG
Reddick, Albert Henry 22/07/1925 Henry Lisburn Road Sales manager (Vickers Ltd.) Wokingham Berks
Reid, Alan James 14/01/1927 Thomas Knockvale Park SG Mxv Journalist and BBC *Clonallen Park Belfast
Rollins, Stanley 09/07/1925 George F. Albertbridge Road JG
Rudd, Wm. James Niall 23/06/1927 Samuel Clontarf SGEx TS HB 1stXV HC LT Dr Professor of Latin Liverpool University st at Hull University and Univ. Coll. Toronto  BA(TCD) 1950 MA PhD *Liverpool
Rutledge, George 10/04/1926 George Ligoniel SG Physician MB(QUB) 1949 FRFPS (Glasg) st Tanzania dies 1970 Scotland
Semple, Mervyn James 13/07/1926 Samuel J. Bristol Avenue PL SG Teacher (BRA) BSc(QUB) 1948 *Whitehouse Park Newtownabbey
Shanks, William 16/12/1926 James Holywood Road JG Mxv
Sinclair, Alexander 26/10/1926 Samuel Stewartstown PL SG SC Teacher (Dalriada) BA *Ballymoney
Smith, John Hartley 27/07/1926 Alex. Dungannon SG 1stXV 2ndIV SA Physician MB(QUB) 1949 CRCP(Cand) Rugby (CRFC(23) 1952-53 Middlesex and Ireland) *Vancouver BC Canada
Smith, Samuel Godfrey 01/12/1926 Samuel Ladas Drive SG Insurance official *Gilnahirk Walk Belfast
Smyth, James 23/08/1925 James Sagimor Gardens
Soye, John Andrew 23/04/1923 Fred A. Lurgan SG Civil engineer (Regional Waterworks) BSc(QUB) 1945 Portadown
Spence, David Ewart 24/09/1926 Robert Dunmurry PL SG Teacher (MCB) Classics BA(QUB) 1947 *Donaghadee
Stewart, Alan Lawther 16/01/1927 Charles Twaddell Avenue PL SG QS Mxv University lecturer (QUB) BSc(QUB) 1948 PhD *Old Coach Gardens Belfast
Thompson, Stanley James 23/06/1927 James Bangor
Unsworth, Thomas W. 04/11/1926 Thomas Ballynahinch JG Dentist LDS *Church Road Ballynahinch
Wallace, Henry 22/10/1926 Alfred Dunblane Avenue PL JG Local government  Secretary (Ulster Farmers Union and Linfield FC) Asst. Secretary (Ulster Unionist Council) *Knockbreda Park Belfast
Walton, Fredk. Noel 16/12/1925 Thomas South Parade SG Costing Clerk (Rothmans Tobacco Co.) Weston Ontario Canada
White, Brian 1 9 3 0 X X X X
White, John 21/03/1925 Benjamin Chichester Street
Wiley, Noel Howard 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Wilson, Robert J. K. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Woods, Harold Derek 11/11/1925 Martin Lucerne Parade Maintenance engineer (RVH Belfast) died 1979 at Drumbo
Wright, Charles Edwd. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Young, George Ivan 15/05/1926 Robert J. Pandora Street PL SG Physician MB(QUB) 1949 FRCS *Magheralave Road Lisburn
Young, Wm. Douglas 15/05/1925 James Clones JG 1stXV Engineer

1939-40 Girl Entrants

Name Born Parent Address MCB Career Post-MCB Career
Abraham, Esme May 24/06/1926 Charles Shrewsbury Drive JG (Dr. M. Gerald Nelson)
Aiken, Virginia Myrtle 23/08/1924 John H. Drumaness Nursing SRN
Anderson, Frances Jill 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Anderson, Moya Pat 07/05/1926 Andrew E. Stockmans Lane JG Medical secretary *Finaghy Park Central Belfast
Armstrong, Irene P. N. P. 07/05/1927 Rev. H. R. Cullybackey SG HS (Derek E. S. Byrne 1952) Nursing SRN *Ardkeen Avenue Bangor
Bailie, Gwen Annette 21/05/1926 David W. Oriento Cuba
Bassett, Olive Maureen 16/09/1926 Wm. J. Sunbury Avenue PL SG SC (Samuel J. Banks BA 1949) Teacher *Bushmills Co. Antrim
Bell, Doris Eileen 01/08/1926 Henry Dungannon (Wray)
Bell, Dorothy Margaret 08/07/1924 Wm. J. University Avenue
Bell, Roberta Marjorie 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Best, Betty 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Blair, Norah Ellen 01/02/1927 John Lisburn Road
Blake, Lorna Rosemary 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Boyd, Elizabeth Pat 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Bradford, Margt. Eleanor 06/11/1927 Samuel Premier Avenue JG (Brian L. Patton Bangor 1960)
Brownlee, Marie Eliz. 25/03/1922 David R. Bangor PL SG KS Teacher *Sandringham Drive Bangor
Bunting, Eileen 17/09/1926 Wm. J. Stockmans Lane SG Sw (Rev. H. Windham  Jarrow 1954) Kirby Stephen Westmoreland
Chambers, Carol Rosemary 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Chambers, Doreen Alicia 01/01/1927 Wm. J. Broadway
Chapman, Catherine W. 08/01/1925 Henry Cork JG (Wood) BA(TCD) 1947 Darlington Co. Durham
Clements, Sheila M. C. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Collin, Meriel Mabel 28/09/1925 John S. Marlborough Park Central SG Accountancy Northenden Manchester
Collins, Dorothy F. 16/02/1926 William Rosapenna Street PL SG SC (Rev. John W. P. Lowry BA) Teacher *Hampton Park Belfast
Coop, Ethel Elaine 29/09/1923 Mrs. Canterbury Street Teacher (Rosetta PS) 1939-War (ATS) *Knock Eden Park Belfast
Craig, Mary Robinson 24/03/1925 James Alexander Park Avenue JG
Cromie, Olive Dorothea 17/04/1927 John Saintfield Road JG (J. N. Haire MA) *Mount Oriel Belfast
Crothers, Nessa M. A. 15/05/1926 Mrs. Deramore Avenue PL SG (James) Bedale Yorks
Davidson, Dorothy C. 29/05/1926 Philip Knutsford Drive PL SG (George H. McCourt BSc) Teacher *Church Road Holywood BSc(QUB) 1947
Davidson, Eliz. Palmer 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Davidson, Margt. Yvonne 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Davis, Elizabeth 05/07/1925 Robert Hillsborough PL JG (Jackson) Markham Ontario Canada
Davison, Eleanor 06/06/1927 Jeremiah Glengormley JG SG (Rev. Hamilton Leckey BA 1956) Teacher *Downshire Road Bangor
De Barre, Deirdre 04/02/1926 Stanley Stranmillis Road PL SG Electrical engineer BSc(QUB) 1947
Dickey, Annie 23/10/1922 Robert College Park Avenue SG Teacher (DomSc)
Elliott, Elizabeth 21/03/1927 Mrs. Jean Edward Street PL SG HC HG QS BA(QUB) 1949
Espie, Margaret Jane 05/07/1927 Samuel Taunton Avenue PL SG SC (Desmond McManus) Teacher *Richmond Vancouver BC Canada
Ferguson, Joan G. 27/09/1926 Matthew Pacific Avenue SG (Robert B. Weir) Secretarial *Lowwood Park Belfast
Finney, Helen 09/07/1926 James Belmont Road PL SG Teacher BA(QUB) 1947
Fitzsimmons, Joan M. 17/10/1926 Robert North Parade SG (Rev/ W. H. V. Cooper 1953) Physician MB(QUB) 1950 *Cookstown
Fletcher, Margaret R. M. 20/02/1923 James Caledon
Frew, Mary Louisa 28/04/1926 Stewart Greenisland JG died 1954
Gibson, Annie Matilda 25/11/1925 David Ballynahinch PL SG SC Teacher died late 1950s
Gibson, Eva Patricia 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Gibson, Lizzie Dick 12/10/1923 Samuel F. University Avenue SG QM GPO official *University Avenue Belfast
Gibson, Mary Jean 27/06/1926 Samuel F. University Avenue (Ferguson McNinch Templepatrick 1947) Etobicoke Ontario Canada
Giffin, Margaret Eliz. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Graham, Elsie 30/08/1926 Mrs. S. Emerson Street PL SG SC (Rev. W. E. Davison) Teacher (Abbots Cross PS) *Waterloo Park N. Belfast
Haire, Sarah Elizabeth 18/07/1926 Thomas Torrens Crescent Civil Service (NI) Torrens Crescent Belfast
Hamill, Jean 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Harkness, Corinna C. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Harrison, Mona Eliz 26/02/1927 Thomas Belmont Avenue PL JG
Harvey, Dorothea Eliz 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Hayes, Maureen Eleanor 21/04/1925 Thomas Clones PL JG 1stXI (Frank Anderson) London
Hegarty, Aileen Frances 26/07/1925 James Houston Park JG
Hinwood, Barbara Olwen 30/10/1925 Neville Priory Park
Holliday, Nancy 11/07/1925 Thomas Limerick SG
Holmes, Mary 25/06/1927 David Crumlin Road JG (Bradley) Bangor
Holms, Evelyn Jessie 07/05/1927 Wm. K. Greenock
Hunter, Elizabeth 09/12/1927 David Haypark Avenue PL SG HV QS (Richard Jameson) Teacher BA(QUB) 1949 *Beechgrove Park Belfast
Hutton, Rose Elizabeth 09/10/1925 Andrew Glendower Street PL SG SC
Johnston, Diana Claire 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Johnston, Jean 28/02/1924 Samuel Cyprus Park PL SG (Edwin S. Henshaw 1947) *Whitehead
Johnston, Mary Magennis 22/07/1926 William Donegall Road PL SG Teacher (Orangefield Girls SS) BA(QUB) 1948 *Beechill Park W. Belfast
Jones, Charline Frances 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Jones, Margery C. 06/07/1926 Sewell North Parade SG (Dr. J. Cameron) Physician MB(QUB) *Hawarden Clwyd Wales
Kernaghan, Mary 15/01/1927 Mrs. Drumbo PL
Kerns, Mary Isobel 30/12/1927 Robert Alliance Avenue PL SG HC (Wm. T. Patterson Holywood 1953) BA(QUB) 1948 *Cabin Hill Gardens Belfast
Kerr, Ailsa Yvonne M. 12/08/1926 Robert Finaghy Park North PL SG SC 1stXI (Arthur C. Baskett DPhil Croydon 1953) Welwyn Garden City Herts
Kilpatrick, Julia A. L. 27/01/1926 John W. Hillsborough PL SG Teacher BCom(QUB) 1946 *Kilwarlin Hillsborough Co. Down
Lindsay, Beatrice Alex. 19/06/1926 Samuel Dundonald (Walter I. Fisher 1955) *Comber Co. Down
Lindsay, Margaret 30/05/1924 Samuel Dundonald (Thomas Davidson) *Bristol
Logan, Kathleen Jane 16/01/1925 Robert H. Greenisland SG (Noel Martin) Jordanstown
Lymburn, Eileen Eliz 28/01/1927 John Shrewsbury Gardens SG Health Visitor Belfast
Lynch, Agnes 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McBride, Marjorie 15/07/1926 J. A. Springfield Road PL SG (L. Gerald Maclear) Nursing SRN SCM *Kloof Natal South Africa
McCluggage, Margaret J. 11/12/1923 J. A. Marino PL (Hugh C. Doran 1948)
McCormick, Doris Myra 06/10/1927 James H. Cabin Hill Gardens SG (Dr. Thompson P. Herriott 1950)
McCoubrey, Eleanor G. 05/07/1926 Louden Ballynahinch PL SG SC (James Ferguson 1949) Teacher (Ballykelly PS)
McCurley, Molly Eliz 14/04/1925 Wm. R. Park Road JG 1stXI Secretarial (Scottish Widows Life Assurance)
McIlroy, Elizabeth 07/02/1926 John Dunmurry PL SG SC Teacher
McIntyre, Muriel 22/09/1926 David Oldpark Road SG (Albert Connolly) Civil Service (NI) Comber
McIvor, Barbara 22/07/1926 Hugh Ballygomartin SG (Rev. W. J. Wesley Gray 1951) *Millisle Road Donaghadee
Mack, Ethel 19/08/1926 Samuel Moneyrea (Louis Aboud) Secretarial  Bellevue Hill Sydney NSW Australia
McKeown, Iris Creighton 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McKeown, Margaret 01/08/1926 George Roseleigh Street
McKeown, Margaret Jane 21/08/1926 James A. Lisburn SG (John D. Hulatt 1959) *Saintfield Road Lisburn
McMorris, Vera 11/05/1924 Sydney South Parade PL SG (J. S. McClean) Personnel officer *Hillhall Road Lisburn
McNeice, Agnes May 03/05/1927 Edward Pacific Avenue PL SG (Wm. S. Murphie) Teacher (Carrs Glen PS) *Bryansburn Road Bangor
McQuoid, Margt. Phillips 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Magill, Dorothy Eliz 09/03/1927 William Knock Eden Park JG (Alex Tunnah) *Belvoir Drive Belfast
Mansell, Martha Eliz 05/03/1926 Fred W. Riverview Street PL JG (Donald Francis Ballymena) died early 1960s
Martin, Elizabeth 14/02/1926 Thomas Moira JG (David Thompson)
Millar, Margt. Gibson 11/02/1927 James Madrid Street
Moffat, Patricia Jean 17/08/1926 Thomas Saintfield Road (Gerald Henderson) *Gilnahirk Park Belfast
Murphy, Sheila Mary L. 12/01/1923 Mrs. F. Dundalk Nursing SRN
Neill, Rose Isabel W. 03/12/1925 James McClure Street PL SG SC (John B. Mills) Teacher (Carrickfergus Model) *Fernagh Avenue Newtownabbey
Newell, Ellen Hannah S. 20/05/1923 Mrs. S. Mount Prospect Park Sg
Osborough, Ianthe R. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Owen, Joan Constance 31/08/1927 (Shannon) Marlborough Park North PL SG
Parke, Kathleen Eliz 08/02/1927 Mrs. E. Galwally Park PL (J. E. Richardson ASAA)
Purdy, Sheila 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Reid, Jessie Dorothy 25/11/1926 Charles South Parade PL SG 1stXI (Rex A. Acton 1954) Nursing SRN SCM Abergavenny Monmouth
Richards, Avril Kerr 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Ritchie, Ruth 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Ritchie, Sarah Lisbeth F. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Robin, Kathln. Beatrice 22/05/1926 Andrew Ardmore Park PL JG
Robinson, Leonora Hill 11/07/1926 Robert Kingsmere Avenue PL SG SC (Robert Harrington) Teacher Annadale Western Australia
Sivewright, Sheilah 01/03/1926 Anthony Ardenlee Avenue JG *Ardenlee Avenue Belfast
Smith, Iris Mary I. 13/02/1926 William Dundonald JG
Spence, Penelope M. G. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Stevenson, Phyllis M. 06/10/1926 William Sicily Park (Wm. Paul McCaughey 1952) *Old Coach Gardens Belfast
Strahan, Daphne R. A. 16/08/1926 James Knockbreda Park PL SG Teacher (Wallace HS) *Knockbreda Park Belfast
Stuart, Hazel 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Summers, Maureen Eliz 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Thompson, Doris 10/11/1924 James Westway Drive
Thompson, Mary Eliz P. 17/03/1927 Launcelot Crumlin Road (E. Dowd) Telephonist *Glensharragh Gardens Belfast
Treacy, Vera Elizabeth 19/06/1927 Francis Orient Gardens PL SG Teacher BA(QUB) 1949
Vance, Elizabeth 15/07/1926 (Hamill) Orkney Street (Leslie D. Smith) Massey Avenue Belfast
Walkington, Lorna June 13/06/1922 D. B. Bangor (Eric G. Lowe Matlock Derbyshire 1942) 1939-War(ATS)
Watson, Violet 29/09/1925 Robert Malone Road
Weatherup, Jane Hall 05/09/1926 James Sicily Park (Ronald Heald 1954) Beautician *St. John's Park Belfast
Wells, Edith Stella 04/01/1927 Albert Ardenlee Avenue PL SG (Ian S. R. Farquharson) *Station Road Holywood
Wellwood, Joan Eliz L. 26/10/1924 Joseph University Street Lab Technician (QUB) *Saintfield Road Belfast
Whyte, Eliz Doreen 09/01/1927 J. S. Haddington Gardens SG SC (Malcolm J. Alexander 1952) Teacher The Peak Hong Kong
Wilkinson, Emily Sybil 13/12/1925 Fred Crumlin Gardens JG (David G. King) Librarian  Llanfarian Aberystwyth
Williamson, Eleanor C. 29/06/1926 Arthur Toronto PL SG Sw (Peter S. Dawson 1948) Apapa Nigeria
Willis, Susan Eliz 14/03/1927 Paul McH. Ardmore Avenue PL SG Teacher (Regent House) BA(QUB)
Wilson, Norah Elizabeth 11/10/1923 Rev. R. J. College Park SG (Walter S. Hillary DFC Rhyl 1940)
Wilson, Sarah Elizabeth 18/02/1926 David R. Roses Lane Ends Nursing SRN sometime South Africa and the USA
Young, Sarah Hall 18/02/1926 William Ballynahinch SG SC (Aiken McClelland) Teacher *Beechill Park Avenue Belfast
1940-41 Boy Entrants
Name Born Parent Address MCB Career Post-MCB Career
Anderson, George Gardner 06/06/1927 Samuel Gilnahirk Road Housing inspector (Belfast Corporation) *Fairfield Road Bangor
Anderson, Leslie Houston 23/03/1927 Fredk. Paxton Street SG Civil Service (NI) *Carney Hill Holywood Co. Down
Baird, Lewis Allan 01/12/1926 Mrs. Thalia Street Mxv
Barr, Robert James 09/10/1927 Robert Crossnacreevy PL SG Civil engineer (North Down RC) BSc(QUB) 1949 AMIMunE *Newtownards
Bates, Thomas 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Beatty, Alex. Robert 17/07/1927 Robert E. Chief Street SG HC 1stXV SA Lecturer (Stranmillis Coll) BSc(QUB) 1949 MSc CRFC(18) 1945-6 *Belfast
Blair, David Alexander 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Bleakley, Norman A. 30/07/1926 George Onslow Parade JG Accountant ACWA
Bradbury, John Bates 25/10/1926 John Posnett Street Mxv
Burns, Kenneth D. 26/08/1926 Robert Colenso Parade Technical engineer (Harland & Wolff Ltd.) *Hazeldene Gardens Bangor
Burns, William Victor 29/01/1927 John Ashley Avenue Engineer (Harland & Wolff Ltd. Belfast) *Hazeldene Gardens Bangor
Cairns, Wm. Maurice 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Carlton, John Edward 09/02/1927 John E. Kingsmere Avenue JG
Carr, John Bertram 07/07/1927 Rowland Priory Park SG Mxv Transport contractor *Christchurch New Zealand
Carson, James Sydney 31/03/1927 Wm. J. Magdala Street SG SA
Carson, Thomas Stewart 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Cassells, Albert Victor 17/09/1927 Mrs. M. Empire Parade PL JG Naval architect AMRINA Canberra Australia
Chambers, Wm. Joseph H. 08/12/1925 Thomas J. Florenceville Avenue Garage proprietor *Belfast Road Newtownards
Cinnamond, John Park 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Cordner, James Maurice 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Cowan, Samuel McQuoid 26/02/1927 Charles Gilnahirk Road Draughtsman Brentwood Park Belfast
Craig, James Alexander 30/12/1926 James Empire Drive
Cresswell, Oliver D. 26/08/1927 Wm. L. Agincourt Street PL SGEx SC Teacher *Rosscoole Park, Belfast
Cuthbert, Brian 12/06/1926 William Pommern Parade Works manager (UK sub of Bostrom Corp. Milwaukee USA) Surbiton
Dale, James George H. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Dick, James Fleming 15/08/1927 Andrew Loopland Drive
Doak, Colin Scott 07/07/1925 David P. Lisburn Housing Executive Dunmurry (Laurel Hill Lisburn 1939-War
Dorman, Derek John 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Duncan, John Weir 12/08/1927 John Omeath Street JG
Eakin, Derrick Oswald 22/02/1926 Thomas Dunluce Avenue Teacher (Principal Enniskillen Model PS) *Enniskillen
Erskine, Kennedy Robt. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Evans, William Kenneth 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Finlay, Wm. Arthur 28/08/1926 Wm. J. Marino PL SG Presbyterian ministry (May St.) BA FLCM *Green Road Belfast
Fraser, John Hall S. 07/01/1926 William Glencairn Road SG Farmer BAgr(QUB) 1949 Farmer *Glencairn Road Belfast
Frazer, Eric 18/11/1926 Edmund Irwin Crescent JG
Geddis, James Alex. 22/06/1927 James Donegall Road PL SG SC HC 1stXV Teacher (Annadale GS) BSc(QUB) 1949 *Beechill Park West Belfast
Gilchrist, John Munro 30/05/1925 John Holland Park SG Civil Service (NI) 1939-War (RAF) *Lambeg
Gilliland, Wm. Henry 16/07/1926 William Crumlin
Graham, Andrew 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Graham, Nixon 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Gray, John Alex K. 29/03/1926 Alex Dundonald Progress clerk *Orby Drive Belfast
Gray, Richard Maurice M. 29/11/1926 Richard Wellesley Avenue SG Accountant (Secretary Bernard Hughes Ltd.) ACA *Beechill Park Avenue Belfast
Gray, Wm. Harold 01/07/1926 William Clanchattan Street PL SG SC Presbyterian ministry st Coalisland
Hamilton, Samuel A. 28/10/1926 Wm. J. Chichester Park
Hanna, Wm. Wilson 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Harland, John 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Harrison, John Ferguson 09/08/1927 James A. Russell Park PL SG Architect (Civil Service NI) ARIBA Moyne Park Belfast died 1976
Henry, Wm. James Gerald 21/10/1926 Saml J. Marina Park
Heron, William Cecil 20/11/1926 Dr. Wm. Hawthornden Drive SG Physician MB(QUB) 1950 DMRD FFR *West Winds Exton Exeter Devon
Hill, William Wilson 05/06/1927 David S. Stockmans Lane Chief Inspector (Kent County Police)
Hodgett, Edwd. J. Ferris 03/06/1927 Albert V. Springfield Parade PL SGEx HS XV IV Teacher (MCB) and Industry BSc(QUB) 1949 CRFC(26) 1946-48
Holmes, Samuel John 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Horner, Thomas 19/12/1927 George Earlswood Road PL SG Physician MB(QUB) 1951 st New Zealand *Castlehill Road Belfast
Hosford, David Francis 29/04/1927 Francis Newport Street PL SG Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering (NIP) BSc(QUB) 1948 *Newtownabbey
Hughes, William James 02/01/1927 Robert Derg Street SG
Hughes, Wm. Sydney V. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Hunt, Geoffrey William 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Hunt, George Desmond 27/09/1926 James K. Lisburn Road High Court official  killed in air crash near Paris 1974
Hunter, James Hartley 16/08/1927 Capt. H. C. Dromore Private air line official 1939-War (MN) Auckland New Zealand
Hunter, Noel Henry J. 17/12/1927 Alfred J. Malone Road PL JG HV 1stXV Teacher (Engineering) *Tedburn Park Belfast
Hutchison, Robert F. 17/12/1926 Robert Moneyrea SG SC Teacher
Hyde, Brian Forde 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Jamison, James Wilfred 25/06/1927 James A. Onslow Gardens SG 1stXI Mxv Building contractor
Jefferson, Howard H. J. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Jennings, Robt. Leslie 17/08/1927 Robert Glengormley JG QM Engineer *South Parade Belfast
Johnston, Wm. John 10/08/1926 John Forthill
Jordan, Joseph Davidson 08/08/1926 Samuel Court Street PL SG Accountant ACA *Netherleigh Park Belfast
Kennedy, George Alex. 28/02/1927 George Mount Merrion Park JG
Kenning, Alexander 18/06/1927 John C. Castlereagh Road PL SG SC 1stXV SA Teacher (Principal-Portavogie) BA CRFC(30) 1948-51 *Holywood
Kirk, Joseph Dunn 23/09/1927 Joseph Everton Drive SG SA Army career then surveyor  BSc AMICE
Kyle, Henry David 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Laverty, Wm. Sidney 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Logan, James Alex. 26/09/1926 James A. Aghalee Farmer *Aghalee Co. Antrim
Logan, Norman Bateman 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Love, Robert Hugh 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McBride, Norman 19/08/1927 David Ava Drive
McClean, Walter Clarke 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McConnell, David Norman 06/04/1927 David South Parade SG Pharmaceutical chemist *Saintfield Road Belfast
McCracken, Alan Lionel 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McCulloch, Angus Hugh 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McDowell, James Herbt. 10/04/1927 William Gilnahirk Farmer *Gilnahirk Road Belfast
McFarlane, Thomas Wm. 30/10/1927 Wm. J. Loopland Crescent PL JG Medical technologist FIMLT FRSH *Clontara Park Lisburn
McGladdery, Joseph R. 28/05/1927 Joseph Deerpark Road PL SG Civil engineer BSc(QUB) 1947 AMICE AMIME *Malone Park Belfast
McIlroy. John 13/06/1927 John Dunmurry PL SG SC Teacher Dunmurry
McIvor, Hugh 21/08/1927 Hugh Ballygomartin SG Teacher Ballygomartin Road Belfast
McIvor, Wm. Basil 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McMurray, William 01/10/1926 John Rosewood Street JG Engineer 1939-War (REME)
Maguire, Kenneth G. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Millar, Joseph Brian 27/06/1927 Mrs. Manor Street
Moody, Norman E. F. 05/12/1926 Thomas Salisbury Gardens Representative *Wanstead Road Dundonald
Moore, David Edwin G. 08/11/1926 Edwin Castlereagh Road JG
Moore, Samuel Robt. W. 26/06/1927 Robert Abbeydale Park SG Physician MB(QUB) 1953 MD FFCM *Church Lane Skelton York
Morrison, Philip Henry 08/10/1927 Mrs. S. J. London Street SG Manager (ICI Kilroot) *Glenedin Park Jordanstown
Nelson, John Howard 23/05/1925 Rev. S. T. Cliftonpark Avenue PL SGEx CS Imperial Civil Service 1939-War (RN) Blackheath London
Nixon, John Wm. George 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Nugent, William 22/01/1927 Wm. H. Warkworth Street PL JGEx
Pace, John 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Paterson, Stanley 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Patton, Ivan 12/11/1927 Wm. J. Cavehill Road SG Insurance official *Holywood Co. Down
Patton, Wilfred Ernest 15/10/1927 Wilfred Skegoniel Avenue PL SG QS Project engineer (Swan Wooster) BSc(QUB) 1950 Vancouver BC Canada
Peters, Dermod Gerald 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Porte, Edmund Ernest 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Randle, Peter Ernest 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Rankin, Alan George 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Ritchie, James Sinclair 11/12/1925 Wm. C. Ravenhill Gardens Mxv Representative Rugby (CRFC(32) 1945-51 Middlesex & Ireland)
Rodgers, John T. R. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Scandrett, Wm. Raymond T. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Scott, Andrew Carr 15/10/1927 James Lisburn JG QM Physician MB(QUB) 1953 DPH *Strathmore Park North Belfast
Secker, Fredk. James S. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Shane, John Desmond 12/04/1927 Richard Woodvale Road JG Data Processing supervisor *Abbeydale Parade Belfast
Simpson, Hugh Hawthorne 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Steele, Donald Millar 21/12/1927 James South Parade JG Representative Calgary Alberta Canada
Steenson, Hugh N. 20/08/1927 Hugh Knockbreda Drive SG Sw Mining engineer ACSM AMIMM Britannia Beech BC Canada
Stewart, Matthew H. 16/12/1927 Matthew Priory Park JG
Strain, William John 03/07/1927 Wm. J. Onslow Gardens JG Scientific officer at Christmas Island for nuclear explosion 1957 sometime Aden then Morpeth Northumberland
Stuart, John Knox 10/07/1926 John Brookvale Avenue SG Time & Motion Study BSc(QUB) *Ashford Middlesex
Taylor, Brian O'C. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Taylor, Henry Marshall 29/10/1927 Henry Park Avenue SG SA Colonial Police now Real Estate  Athletics (Irish and Malayan Javelin records) Perth Western Australia
Taylor, Samuel James 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Thompson, G. H. Arthur 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Thompson, Wm. Arnold 11/03/1927 George Wellesley Avenue SG
Treacy, Samuel Victor 01/12/1927 Austin Victoria Gardens PL SG SC Experimental officer (London) Hill Grove Road London
Trohear, Leonard 13/04/1926 William Dundrum East Downshire Steamship Co. Ltd. *Dundrum Co. Down
Waid, Robert Rodric C. 04/06/1927 Robert Ebrington Gardens Inspector Probation Service *Whakatane New Zealand
Waugh, Eric Laird 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Wilcox, Charles Henry 21/08/1926 Henry Mount Charles 1939-War (Army)
Wilson, Norman M. 30/10/1927 Cecil St. Johns Avenue SG 1stXI Pharmaceutical chemist *Knock Eden Park Belfast
Young, Robert Cecil 30/09/1927 Robt. C. Antrim Road SG SC HS 1stXV IV Teacher (Dunlambert SS) CRFC(126) 1946-56 *Dillons Avenue, Newtownabbey

1940-41 Girl Entrants

Name Born Parent Address MCB Career Post-MCB Career
Adams, June Ann 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Beacom, Veronica C. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Beckett, Margaret S. A. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Best, Patricia Dorcas 21/12/1927 Robert E. Chief Street PL SG SC (John D. Shane) Teacher *Abbeydale Belfast
Blair, Adela Mavis 12/03/1927 Mrs. K. Wolseley Street PL SG
Boyd, Marie Magee 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Caves, Joan Eliz. G. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Clarke, Martha Annie 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Cooper, Edith V. E. 28/06/1927 Walter E. Castlereagh Road
Davidson, Janet C. 15/10/1927 Arthur Ballynahinch PL SG (E. W. Carr) Physician MB(QUB) 1951 Sydney NSW Australia
Davis, Annie (Nan) 04/05/1927 Hugh Deerpark Road SG SC (Ronald Jennings 1956) Teacher *Deerpark Road Belfast
Deane, Sheila Roberts 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Dodds, Christina Smith 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Ellison, Jane Harper 1 9 2 8 X X X X
England, Maureen Ethel 21/09/1927 Thomas Newport Street PL SG (E. A. Forbes) Laboratory assistant *Cardigan Drive Belfast
Erskine, Mary Eliz. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Ferguson, Gertrude V. 23/07/1926 James Willowbank Gardens PL JG (Norman J. White 1952) Jordanstown
Fisker, Amy 29/11/1927 Carl Knockdarragh Park JG (Victor Kennedy) Elocution teacher *Somerton Road Belfast
Fleming, Cynthia Muriel 09/11/1927 Robert S. Somerton Road JG (Robert McGucken Larne 1948) *Station Road Greenisland
Foster, Florence J. S. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Fox, Eileen Margt. B. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Gardiner, Margaret I. 05/12/1927 Wm. J. Knock Eden Park JG (Wm. F. Polley 1951) Teacher *Lisburn
Gardiner, Sarah Noela 24/12/1927 John Manor Street PL JG (John Kennedy Philadelphia) Chicago Illinois USA
Gibson, Barbara 09/06/1927 Mrs. Ormeau Road
Giff, Anne Watchorn 20/07/1926 Thomas H. Woodvale Road Insurance broker *Bangor Co. Down
Giff, Mabel Williams 20/07/1926 Thomas H. Woodvale Road (William Topping) *Willesden Park Belfast
Govan, Elizabeth M. J. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Graham, Margaret Eliz. 29/04/1927 William Boardmills SG
Graham, Margaret Joan 12/02/1927 Robert Kerrsland Drive JG (W. J. Hunter) Civil Service (NI) *Knockvale Park Belfast
Gray, Olive Jackson 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Greer, Anna Rene 28/12/1927 Mrs. Windsor Road JG (C. S. Megahey) Receptionist *Windsor Road Belfast
Greer, Fanny 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Hall, Stella Adelaide 28/04/1927 Lucas Deramore Avenue JG (G. H. M. Brian Baird MA 1954) Nursing SRN *Bladon Drive Belfast
Hamilton, Mary L. Beryl 16/11/1926 Samuel Stoneyford
Heaney, Jean Gray 29/06/1925 Mrs. J. G. Everton Drive
Hillock, Helen Margt. 02/07/1926 Edward Lisburn Road JG (George F. Stewart) Point Claire Montreal Canada
Howard, Maureen Eileen 20/07/1927 Robert W. Benburb PL SGEx Sr HV (John Owen PhD) BSc(QUB) 1948 PhD(Oxon) *Oxford
Hume, Helen Henrietta 18/08/1927 William Seamount PL SG (John West BSc 1954) *Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Hunt, Patricia Denise 23/06/1925 Robert Askeaton
Irvine, Ellen Maureen 06/12/1927 Henry Ballynahinch JG (Norris Hughes) *Drumhill Avenue Ballynahinch Co. Down
Johnson, Olive May 24/09/1927 Walter A. Wandsworth Road PL SG SC (Parker) Teacher Northwich Cheshire
Johnston, Helen Eliz. A. 03/04/1927 James A. Helen's Bay SG
Kells, Sarah Ellen 11/08/1927 Wm. E. University Avenue (F. Walker H. Hall) Government typist *Green Road Belfast
Kendall, Kathleen Pat 1 9 2 8 X X X X
King, Sylvia Gladys M. 24/11/1925 Mrs. C. Landseer Street (W. A. Brain) Ontario Canada
Leesley, Elizabeth 30/06/1927 Vincent Shankill Road PL SG SC HS (E. Stanley Fitzsimons) Teacher *King's Road Belfast
Levy, Doris Ruth 28/06/1924 Jacob Shrigley PL
Lindsay, Mary Sophia 25/10/1927 Samuel Dundonald (Charles Ross 1953) *Hampton Park Belfast
Logan, Anna Phyllis I. 09/10/1924 James A. Aghalee SG (Henderson Ritchie) Nursing SRN (Tutor RVH) Maze Lisburn
McAuley, Margt. Pauline 14/08/1927 Thomas Dunmurry
McBride, Thelma 09/09/1927 Alex Kylemore Park SG SC (Cyril Smyth) Teacher
McCardle, Iris 24/07/1927 Robert J. Elswick Street JG (James G. Henry Holywood 1951) Legal shorthand writer
McClure, Margaret 14/04/1927 Walter Dunluce Avenue (Gerrard R. Brady) Stenographer *Dunluce Avenue Belfast
McClure, Renee 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McConkey, Elinor Pat 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McCourt, Doreen Yvonne 14/09/1927 George Crumlin Road (Thomas Vance) *Gransha Road Bangor Co. Down
McCune, Eliz Margretta 27/08/1925 Robert Whiteabbey SG (David Boyd Carnmoney 1958) *Newtownabbey
McCutcheon, Charlotte 04/12/1927 Wm. G. Kingscourt Street JG
McDonald, Florence E. I. 22/11/1925 James D. Antrim SG (Samuel D. Purce Antrim) Coy. Director *New Street Randalstown
Mackay, Elizabeth Margt. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McKeag, Ivie Elizabeth 09/07/1924 Hugh T. A. Dunmurry PL SG (John M. Hunter LLB Crumlin 1949) 1939-War (ATS)
McKee, Beatrice Val C. 20/10/1927 James Oldpark Road (William Corbett) *Jordanstown Road Newtownabbey
McNeill, Veronica 09/11/1926 Leonard Crumlin Road JG Business career
Matchett, Adeline Joan 28/06/1927 Mrs. F. M. Willowbank Gardens SG (Hugh Frew) Nursing SRN *Haypark Avenue Belfast
Matthew, Brenda M. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Nelson, Helen Coates 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Nield, Betty Maureen 27/02/1927 Fred G. Ravenhill Road SG
Nixon, Dallas M. Jean 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Payne, Alice Elizabeth 20/06/1927 Stewart Ardenlee Parade PL SG SC Teacher (Grove PS) *Ardenlee Parade Belfast
Poots, Mona 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Preston, Ethel Pat 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Pritchard, Margt. Yvonne 16/10/1927 Thomas Ainsworth Avenue JG (David Adams BDS) Lavernock Road Penarth Glamorgan
Ritchie, Mary Winifred 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Rowe, Olive G. B. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Sherwood, Veronica A. 23/06/1927 John W. Duncairn Gardens SG SC (David A. Spence) Teacher (Cloughfern) *King's Crescent Newtownabbey
Smyth, Maureen 29/01/1927 Mrs. S. University Street SG (David Cooper) Civil Service *Dundonald
Smyth, Myrtle Marie 04/06/1926 Alfred E. Castlereagh Road Drive (Robert F. McKee 1949) *Comber Co. Down
Speers, Eileen Eliz 02/05/1927 John Pommern Parade (James G. Black MA)
Stewart, Dorothy M. C. 05/12/1927 John Lisburn Road (David H. Elliott BA Richhill 1954) *Banbridge
Stewart, Phyllis V. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Streeter, Ursula Mary 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Taylor, Elsie Gladys 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Thomson, Anna Letitia 17/01/1927 Robert Lisbane SG
Trotter, Anna C. 12/07/1927 Thomas Dunluce Avenue PL SG SC (James Spence) Teacher *Dundonald
Wallace, Doreen Olive 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Weir, Jean Isabel 26/03/1925 George H. Sandford Avenue PL SG HV SC BA(QUB) 1949 died 1949 result of a bathing accident at Ballyhornan
Willett, Mabel Joy 23/01/1925 (Jarvis) Rathdrum Street
Williamson, Betty W. M. 28/08/1927 David R. Ravenhill Road SG Trans-World Airways Toronto Ontario Canada
Wylie, Gladys Isobel 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Wylie, Margt. Dorothy 22/07/1926 Robert Kimberley Street (J. Gibson) *Islandmagee Road Whitehead
Yarr, Audrey Margaret 01/08/1926 Wm. R. Ballinderry PL SG SC (Rev. W. J. Albert Bell BA Londonderry 1951) *Sandown Park South Belfast
1941-42 Boy Entrants
Name Born Parent Address MCB Career Post-MCB Career
Allen, Aubrey Bothwell 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Bamford, Derek 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Bamford, Norman Edwd. C. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Bates, Henry Simmerton 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Bates, John 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Beringer, Fredk. R. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Bothwell, David Wm. A. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Brown, James 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Campbell, Cecil 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Campbell, Kenneth S. M. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Collins, Hugh Alex 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Collins, Robert 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Conn, Robert 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Costello, George 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Cummings, George A. McD. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Dickson, Norman Trevor 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Duff. David Livingstone 08/03/1927 James Melrose Street JG
Eagleson, Robert J. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Edgar, Brian McCammon 13/02/1925 Leslie S. Portadown Physician MB(QUB) 1948 *High Street Broadway Worcs.
Emerson, John Brian 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Erskine, Manuel K. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Field, Robert Ernest 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Fleming, Ian Hughes 20/10/1927 Richard Orby Drive Civil Service *Brerton Crescent Belfast
Forbes, Donald Stewart 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Foreman, Robin L. McLean 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Freeman, Robert 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Fulton, James 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Gardiner, Robert Geo. 27/04/1927 Robert Kimberley Street
Gibson, Matthew Henry 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Gibson, Thomas 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Glass, Raymond Alan 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Hall, Walter 17/02/1927 James Springfield Gardens JG
Hamilton, Noel Johnston 17/12/1927 William Woodvale Gardens Research engineer (Ford Motor Co.) Southend-on-Sea Essex
Hammond, David Andrew 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Henry, David Ian John 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Hobson, James Fredk. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Hodgen, Robert 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Hoey, Walter Alex 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Hogg, Andrew McCandless 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Holmes, Richard 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Hughes, Trevor Ernest 09/11/1927 Ernest Circular Road West PL SG SC SA Lecturer (Stranmillis College) BSc(Lond) 1960 *King's Road Belfast
Jamison, Robert Oswald 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Jenkins, Robert Hugh 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Jenkins, Samuel James 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Johnston, Arnold Robt. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Johnston, George 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Kelly, William Alex 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Kennedy, Geoffrey Wm. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Kilpatrick, John Wm. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
King, James Arlow 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Kingsmore, Joseph 09/04/1927 Joseph Ormeau Road SA Kingsmore's Confectioners CRFC(92) 1946-53 *Beechgrove Park Belfast
Love, John Brian 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McClean, Robert 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McClure, Stanley Ewing 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McCormick, Gordon Ian 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McGowan, Eric Reginald 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McIlroy, Donald Watson 28/09/1927 Robt. W. Onslow Parade PL SG Police (RUC)
Marks, Frederick James 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Melcalfe, Cyril Alex 16/12/1927 Mrs. E. C. Wellesley Avenue Farmer *Helen's Bay Co. Down
Moffatt, John Fredk. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Murphy, Roy Carey W. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Neill, Samuel Desmond 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Nicholson, George 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Norwood, Thomas 25/01/1927 Alex Brookvale Street SG JA Sw Industrial Acceptance Corporation Canada
Patterson, John Kenth. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Price, Eric George 03/11/1927 Thomas G. Ballynahinch JG Belfast Savings Bank official *Crossgar Road Ballynahinch Co. Down
Price, Victor Henry J. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Pritchard, Wm. Scott 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Reid, Maurice 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Ritchie, Joseph Duncan 06/03/1925 A. C. R. Gravesend 1stXI LT 1939-War (RAF)
Scott, Victor 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Simpson, Samuel J. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Sloan, Wm. Angus 08/04/1927 Thomas H. Chadwick Street JG JA Belfast Savings Bank manager 1939-War (Indian Army) *Drumbeg
Smith, Wilfred David 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Sole, Fredk. Cecil 17/10/1926 Edward Edinburgh Street
Sommerville, John G. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Spence, Alfred 28/09/1927 George Aberdeen Street
Stewart, James Henry 20/11/1926 James Ravenhill Road JG
Surgenor, John Denzil 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Surplus, Raymond Frank 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Vaughan, Albert John 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Wallace, James Arthur H. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Watt, Robt. Brownlee 29/11/1924 Robert Ballymena 1939-War (MN)
Webb, Philip Henry 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Wells, George 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Wilcox, Michael Allan 08/09/1924 Henry St. Jude's Avenue SG 1939-War (Army cadet)
Williamson, James 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Wright, Cyril 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Wright, Thomas Hamilton 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Wright, William 06/03/1927 Joseph Park Road Motor engineer (Joseph Wright Ltd. Belfast) *Wynard Park Belfast
Wylie, Robert Hall 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Young, Wm. Mervyn 1 9 2 8 X X X X

1941-42 Girl Entrants

Name Born Parent Address MCB Career Post-MCB Career
Baird, Margaret Joyce 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Balmer, Mona Waters 16/08/1926 F. G. Magheragall PL SG SC (Herbert A. Wilson Dromore 1956) Teacher (MCB) *Cranmore Gardens Belfast
Barr, Ellen Patricia 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Bellew, Phyllis Rea 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Bingham, Elizabeth I. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Blair, Julia Ada K. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Blevins, Mary Eliz. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Bond, Margt. Charlotte 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Brett, Jean Audrey 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Bromham, Beryl Mary 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Brown, Margaret C. 16/01/1927 John Wheatfield Gardens SG (James B. Kell 1954) *Collinbridge Park Newtownabbey
Brown, Patricia Sarah 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Cairns, Margt. Letitia W. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Coulter, Sarah Jane 14/05/1927 James J. Ballynahinch PL SG SC (Hugh Graham) Teacher Salisbury Rhodesia
Crombie, Thelma F. Jean 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Cronne, Margt. Joyce 16/09/1926 G. F. Windsor Avenue (Edmund A. Faris) Georgetown Ontario Canada
Dermy, Nellie Louise 12/01/1927 Roger Stranmillis Road
Dickson, Annie Eileen 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Fleming, Dorothy 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Fleming, Eleanor Eileen 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Gamble, Margaret Pat C. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Gilmore, Mary Ritchie 11/06/1927 Mrs. M. J. I. University Street
Goorwitch, Belle 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Goorwitch, Greta 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Goorwitch, Mona 10/11/1926 N. Malone Road (Marcus Ruderman LDS 1947) Staff (? H. Evans) *Ruislip Middlesex
Gordon, Gloria Joy 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Gould, Dorothy 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Green, Maureen M. L. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Grey, Eveline Angelina 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Hammond, Margt. Jennie 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Harvey, Cathleen G. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Hodgen, Barbara McF. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Hollingberry, Elsie N. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Hoy, Ina 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Hunter, Anna Neill 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Hutchinson, Lilian M. 02/09/1926 Rev. D. C. Ligoniel (R. Harbinson Sloane DSc 1972) *Knightsbridge Park Belfast)
Irvine, May 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Kaine, Patricia Olivia 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Keightley, Esther 05/04/1927 (Davidson) Cromwell Road PL SG Teacher BA(QUB) 1952
Kennedy, Mary Margt. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Kerr, Dorothy Gordon 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Kerr, Nancy 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Kidd, Margaret Mair 28/09/1927 Alex. M. Knock Eden Park SG
Kingsmore, Iris Maureen 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Leinster, Guinevere 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Lilley, Kathleen 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Lindsay, Edna 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Logan, Robina Mary 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Lowry, Caroline M. P. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McAllister, Hannah J. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McBride, Eliz. Agnes F. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McConnell, Margaret 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McDonald, Gertrude E. M. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McDowell, Elizabeth 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McGregor, Mary Audrey 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McKinney, Joan Lyth 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McMahon, Kathleen 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McQuoid, Edna Eliz. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McQuoid, Kathleen Mary 22/12/1927 Wm. J. Crossnacreevy (Wm. L. Ardill) Insurance died 1981 at Reno Nevada USA
Madden, Joan Eliz. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Magee, Audrey Beryl 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Magowan, Jane Maxwell 24/01/1927 James Lisburn JG
Manley, Muriel McC. 1 9 2 9 Fredk. Ulsterville Avenue (J. T. Martin) Fashion Fayre Carrickfergus *Glen Road Jordanstown
Martin, Anna 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Milford, Sheila R. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Morrison, Margaret Eliz 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Mortimer, Kathleen M. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Nevin, Sarah Elizabeth 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Nicholl, Elsie M. Eliz. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Orr, Hazel Margaret 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Oughton, Lucy Maureen 16/07/1925 Mrs. L. F. Groomsport (George Lightbody) *Ardmillan Gardens Bangor Co. Down
Owens, Dorothy Jane 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Owens, Myrtle Daphne 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Partridge, Maribel P. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Reid, Stella Lemon 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Robertson, Margarette 03/06/1926 Fred W. Kinsale (Kendal Given) Bardsey Leeds Yorkshire
Rossler, Susanne 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Rudolf, Colette 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Sangster, Margaret 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Scott, Moyra Eliz. B. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Shilliday, Catherine 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Smyth, Elizabeth 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Spratt, Helen Margt. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Sproule, Gwendoline E. K. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Stewart, Ann Eliz. 03/07/1927 James A. Finaghy Road North (James J. Morton Lurgan 1956)
Stewart, Margaret Eliz. 23/12/1927 Wm. J. Haddington Gardens JG (James A. McKee) Bangor
Torney, Muriel Doreen 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Waite, Ethel Doreen 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Waite, Margaret Shirley 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Warwick, Margt. Gibson 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Weatherup, Madge 17/12/1927 (Miss M. B.) Malone Avenue JG
Williamson, Ada Violet 1 9 2 8 X X X X

1942-43 Boy Entrants

Name Born Parent Address MCB Career Post-MCB Career
Adair, Fredk. Malcomson 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Adams, Hedley C. G. 26/01/1927 Ernest H. Loopland Cr.
Allen, Fredk. Helier 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Andrews, Robert Aubrey 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Arlow, Samuel 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Armour, John Alex. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Bailey, Julian James 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Bain, Robert 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Bamford, Charles 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Barrett, Samuel 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Bastin, John Ernest 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Baxter, Bryan Quinton 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Bell, Robert McLea 18/09/1927 Henry Islandmagee SG Mechanical engineer BSc(QUB) 1949
Bertenshaw, John S. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Bigger, Alfred Alyn 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Birnie, Herbert 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Bloomer, Thomas Albert 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Bradley, Wm. Raymond G. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Bridges, John Moore 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Brown, William Guthrie 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Browne, Charles John 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Cameron, James Cowan A. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Carson, Cyril Winston 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Carson, Jock 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Chambers, Cyril Weir 14/11/1927 Thomas Earl Haig Cr.
Clements, Herbert N. 20/11/1925 Mrs. Ulsterville Avenue SG Clerk *Delgany Avenue Belfast
Clements, Wm. Wesley 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Collins, John Anthony 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Cooke, Bertram S. D. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Cooper, Gerald H. M. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Coote, Francis Edmund 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Cowan, John Mateer 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Cromie, Enoch Garfield 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Cully, Thomas James 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Curran, Ian Thomas 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Davison, Wm. Edwin 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Devlin, James Mervyn 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Devlin, John Thomas 04/08/1927 William Gardiner Street JG Physician LRCP&S(I) Woodchurch Birkenhead
Dixon, John 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Donnan, James 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Edney, Stanley George 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Ervine, Norman D. McK. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Ferrett, George 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Fisher, Norman 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Fleming, Desmond 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Forsythe, William 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Fraser, Hamilton A. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Furey, Thomas John S. 11/03/1927 Thomas J. Bangor SG 1stXI SA Business career CRFC(22) 1945-49 *Furlong Road London
Getgood, John Thomas W. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Gilbert, John Wesley 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Gordon, James 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Gorman, Thomas Lavery 08/12/1924 James M. Lurgan Business career *Lurgan
Wolsey, Alex Gracey 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Graham, Samuel 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Gunning, Robert N. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Hall, George Garfield 05/03/1925 Rev. R. Cyprus Park PL QS Professor of Applied Mathematics Nottingham University BSc(QUB) 1946 MA PhD *Elm Avenue Beaston Nottingham
Hall, Ronald 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Hamilton, Wm. Gordon 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Hawthorne, James Burns 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Hawthorne, Wm. McMullan 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Henderson, Robt. Stuart 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Heron, John Wallace 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Hillis, Richard Ronald 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Hinds, Alfred Edward 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Hodge, George Erskine 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Hoey, James 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Howell, James Oliver 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Hull, Fredk. Andrew G. 21/09/1927 Fred. W. Dundonald Mechanical engineer (Hull Bros.) (Old Dundonald Road, Dundonald
Hutchinson, David B. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Hutchinson, James A. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Irwin, George James 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Irwin, George Trevor 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Irwin, John Alex. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Irwin, Samuel H. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Jamison, Francis Hugh 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Jamison, John Chittick 1 9 30 X X X X
Jenkins, Girvan 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Johnston, Albert Denis 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Johnston, Hugh Kennedy 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Johnston, Joseph James 30/04/1927 Joseph Scarva BH
Johnston, Samuel 24/05/1926 Samuel Bangor Teacher (Oakleigh SS Belfast) 1939-War (RN) *Belfast
Johnston, Wm. George I. 14/06/1927 George Dundonald SG SC Teacher (Londonderry Gardens Comber Co. Down
Jones, Edwin Fergus 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Jones, Wm. Maynard 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Jordan, Thomas 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Kelly, William Robert 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Kennedy, John Robert 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Kenning, John Drage 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Kerr, Desmond Moore 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Kerr, Ian Collin 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Kirkpatrick, Robert W. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Larmour. Robert 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Lennox, Robert Ernest 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Lindsay, Raymond C. 03/07/1927 Albert Ava Street SG 1stXV SA Industrial chemist BSc(QUB) 1951 *Saintfield Road Belfast
Lord, James 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Lowrey, Thomas McDowell 13/12/1926 Thomas Ravenhill Road Business career *Milebush Park Carrickfergus
McAdam, Samuel Alwyn 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McBride, Gordon L. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McBride, Lawrence Alex. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McBride, Samuel C. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McClure, John Magill 1 9 2 9 X X X X
MacCorkell, Wm. J. Victor 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McCrea, Denis 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McCrea, John Abraham 1 9 2 9 X X X X
MacDonald, Thomas M. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McFarland, Ralph 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McGimpsey, James W. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McInnes, Allan Alister 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McKeown, Thomas Milling 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Macintosh, Robert A. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McMillan, Wm. Lawrence 11/11/1927 W. C. Dundonald Dairy farmer World ploughing champion 1959-60 *Dundonald Co. Down
Maguire, John Kells 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Mitchell, William 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Montgomery, Hugh 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Morwood, James Watt 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Moss, Ronald Laidlaw 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Nelson, Samuel Martin 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Nickels, Harold Bryan 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Norris, John Desmond 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Ormonde, Herbert R. StL. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Orr, Robin Morrow 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Parker, Wilfred N. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Pattison, Andrew B. 23/10/1927 Thomas Belmont Park PL SG SC SA Teacher *Grandmere Park Bangor Co. Down
Poots, Charles Boucher 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Rankin, Wm. Taylor 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Rea, Victor Gordon 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Reid, Harry 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Reid, Norman McLeod 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Reid, William Albert 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Rogers, James 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Rose, William Sydney 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Rosemond, William 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Rush, Thomas Tyrell 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Scandrett, John M. H. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Scott, Henry Raymond 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Scott, Ian Douglas 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Shackels, David 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Shields, James Desmond 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Sinclair, James Norman 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Smyth, Alan William 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Smyth, Robert Morton A. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Smyth, William James 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Snowden, James Arnold 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Soye, William 05/05/1925 William Lurgan SG Architect Home Farm Lurgan
Steele, Alexander 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Stephenson, Robert 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Sterrett, Cyril Alex 1 9 2 9 X X X  
Stewart, Derek Thompson 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Stewart, Samuel 29/10/1925 William Dundonald
Stirling, Bruce Edward 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Summers, Gerald Andrew T. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Thompson, Lancelot F. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Thompson, Wren 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Thomson, Samuel Brown 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Watkinson, Richard 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Watt, Andrew 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Weatherup, James 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Williams, Wm. James 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Wilson, James 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Wilson, John 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Yarr, William Robert 1 9 2 8 X X X X

1942-43 Girl Entrants

Name Born Parent Address MCB Career Post-MCB Career
Allen, Amelia Ann 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Angus, Wilhelmina S. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Atkinson, Hazel Newton 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Bamford, Irene 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Barbour, Margaret June 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Barr, Dorothy Frances 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Bartley, Mavourneen J. F. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Bates, Agnes 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Beattie, Joan Rosemary 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Beattie, Myra Frances N. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Bell, John 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Bellew, Rosetta Pat 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Black, Nora 21/05/1927 Wm. J. Collone SG (David W. Wilson) *Seagahan Road Collone Markethill Co. Armagh
Blackshaw, Beryl Sylvia 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Blain, Mary Agnes M. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Blatchford, Marion D. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Boyce, Agnes Hutchinson 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Bradford, Edith 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Bradford, Hannah 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Bridges, Aileen Margt. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Broham, Sybil Eileen 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Browne, Moira Eliz S. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Bunting, Eileen May 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Bunting, Elizabeth 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Butler, Helen 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Calvert, Mary Alice 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Campbell, Patricia R. J. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Carson, Evelyn Joan 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Carson, Millicent Joan 1 9 2 7 Charles Dunluce Avenue (William Gray) Dundonald Co. Down
Clarke, Muriel 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Cochrane, Elizabeth 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Comeskey, Margaret E. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Crawford, Adele Margt. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Crawford, Doris Mary 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Cross, Mildred Eliz. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Cummings, Annie 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Currie, Anna Elizabeth 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Dickson, Dorothy E. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Erwin, Joan 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Espey, Dorothy 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Ewing, Hazel Leila 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Ewing, Myrtle Alice 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Finch, Joyce Mary 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Forbes, Eliz. Robinson 15/12/1927 John R. Ulsterville Avenue (Wm. Roden Todd  Coleraine 1953) Coleraine
Forster, Doris Elsie 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Fraser, Violet V. E. 20/10/1927 William Glencairn Road JG died 1952 at Belfast
Fryer, Mabel Elizabeth 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Galbraith, Sarah M. C. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Garrett, Josephine E. B. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Gillan, Sarah 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Gilpin, Dorothy 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Gracey, Jessie 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Graham, Nola Mary 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Graham, Wilhelmina M. W. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Gregg, Lina Isobel 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Gregg, May Eleanor 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Hadden, Olga Mae 1 9 2 7 Wm. H. Carlow PL SG (Hindley) *Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
Hall, Isobel May 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Hamilton, Margaret P. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Hanlon, Vivian Florence 1 9 2 7 Wm. J. Ebrington Gardens SG (James Gallagher) *Ebrington Gardens Belfast
Hart, Joan Merryl 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Hazelton, Barbara Joan 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Howard, June 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Hudson, Stella Eliz 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Hunter, Brenda Kathln. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Hunter, Emilie Isabel 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Hunter, Irene 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Hutchison, Janet Joan 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Johnston, Dorothy 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Johnston, Maureen Ruth 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Jones, Gwynfryn Watt 14/02/1927 Wm. A. Ormeau Park
Jones, Idena Sybil 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Jordan, Irene Muriel S. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Kelly, Georgina 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Kelly, Jean 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Kennedy, Isobel S. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Kilpatrick, Sarah 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Leinster, Isobel Jean 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Leyburn, Martha 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Lindsay, I. G. (Trudy) 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Lindsay, Olive Winifred 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Long, Sheelah Barbour 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McAlister, Isabel 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McAlpine, Rosetta 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McAvoy, Margaret L. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McCall, Mary Thompson 17/01/1927 David Malone Avenue SG Secretarial *Cabin Hill Gardens Belfast
McFarlane, Margaret E. D. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
McIlroy, Mary Wilma 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McKee, Veronique 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McKinna, Moira 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McLucas, Eliz. Gladys H. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McMillan, Marjorie I. 12/01/1927 Rev. W. M. Moy SG Teacher (Dungannon RS)
McQuade, Mary Eliz. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McVicker, Stella S. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Mahaffey, Dorothy 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Martin, Anna Mary 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Meaklim, Ruby Lilian I. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Metcalfe, Thelma Eliz. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Millar, Barbara Jean 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Mitchell, Agnes 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Moffett, Shelagh 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Moore, Sheila 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Moore, Thelma 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Morrison, Elizabeth M. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Morrow, Christina I. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Munn, Eithne M. Louise 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Nicholson, Patricia 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Noble, Patricia Margt. E. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Nutt, Margt. McIlwaine 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Patterson, Mary 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Pollock, Florence M. R. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Rainey, Elizabeth 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Rankin, Lillie Denise 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Reid, Bertha Elizabeth 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Reynolds, Caroline L. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Ritchie, Barbara A. S. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Robinson, June Eliz. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Robinson, Olive May 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Roughead, Maureen Jean 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Sands, Dorothy Isabel 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Scanlin, Joan 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Shekleton, Ruby Mildred 08/11/1925 (Richey) Kensington Road SG SC Teacher
Sherlock, Ray Doreen 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Sherwood, Frances P. C. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Smith, Evelyn Muriel 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Smyth, Mary Rachel E. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Stanfield, Maureen 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Steenson, Doreen 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Steer, Maureen 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Stewart, Yvonne G. W. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Stockman, Dorothy Irene 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Stoddart, Hazel Margt. G. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Stringer, Adeline M. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Stuart, Muriel Frances 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Summers, Helen Gladys 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Thomas, Patricia Aileen 03/08/1926 B. Whitchurch PL 1stXI returned to Whitchurch Staffordshire
Thompson, Georgina M. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Thurley, Dorothy Pat 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Turnbull, Lilian K. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Tweedie, Kathln. Isobel 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Tweedie, Maureen 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Wallace, Kathleen 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Warnock, Clara Hazel E. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Watson, Ruth Helen 20/12/1927 John K. Posnett Street (Donovan F. Ross 1950) Drapery business *Knockdene Park North Belfast
White, Kathleen 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Whyte, Yvonne Maureen 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Wickens, Jane Anna 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Williams, Joan Brown 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Williamson, Margt. Eliz. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Willis, Beatrice Eliz. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Willis, Dorothy Margt. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Wilson, Dorothy 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Wylie, Margt. Russell 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Young, Edna 1 9 2 9 X X X X

1943-44 Boy Entrants

Name Born Parent Address MCB Career Post-MCB Career
Adams, David 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Andrews, John Napier 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Ballentine, William 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Barnes, Alexander 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Baxter, Thomas 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Brown, Thomas 12/12/1927 Thomas Rosevale Street
Carlisle, George 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Carson, Cecil Fredk. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Corbett, James Ewing 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Craig, James 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Crawford, Robert 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Crooks, Samuel John 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Davidson, James P. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Doak, David Noel Alex. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Douglas, Fredk. Ian 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Emerson, David Charles 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Gallen, Gerald 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Gibson, John Knox E. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Gordon, Richard Ernest 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Gould, David 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Gray, David 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Gray, Wm. Harold 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Guest, Wm. Robt. Harold 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Gunning, Wm. John 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Hammond, Reginald Robt. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Harper, James 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Harris, Richard L. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Heaney, William 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Herron, Alfred 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Heyburn, Wm. James 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Hobson, Cyril Andrew 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Houston, Robt. Arnold 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Hughes, Lawrence Edwd. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Hunter, Fredk. Hugh 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Hyslop, David Saml. J. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Johnston, David 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Johnston, Wm. James 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Kempston, William 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Kennedy, Thomas L. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Killips, Harris C. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
King, James Shaw 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Kirkpatrick, John B. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Kirkpatrick, Wm. Arthur 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Larmour, John 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Law, Victor Joseph 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Livingstone, Maxwell 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Lutton, Wm. James A. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McBride, Maurice F. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McCloy, John Andrew 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McClune, Hugh 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McConnell, James C. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McConnell, James H. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McCrory, Wm. Thomas 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McCutcheon, Hugh Desmd. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McDowell, Samuel Eric 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McFadzean, Wm. Norman 1 9 2 9 X X X X
McFarland, Angus Desmd. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McMahon, Noel George 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McNerlin, Robert McM. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McNutt, Robt. Gordon S. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Mills, Fredk. S. Calvin 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Miskelly, James 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Nelson, George Tedford 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Nixon, Robert 1 9 3 0 X X X X
O'Neill, Arthur 1 9 3 0 X X X X
O'Neill, John 1 9 3 0 X X X X
O'Neill, Wm. Walter 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Platt, Christopher J. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Platt, George F. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Price, Wm. Nicholas G. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Pritchard, Thomas 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Rollins, Norman Stuart 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Ross, Alfred 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Shane, Richard Noel V. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Shaw, Thomas Norman 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Slader, Albert David 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Spence, Stanley S. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Streight, Robt. Wilson 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Taylor, Albert 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Thompson, Ronald Hugh 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Walker, James Gerald 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Walker, Robert Henry 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Watson, Derek Roland 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Weir, Wm. Entwistle 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Welsh, Eric 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Wilson, Brian Graham 1 9 3 0 X X X X

1943-44 Girl Entrants

Name Born Parent Address MCB Career Post-MCB Career
Adams, Rosemary Willis 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Atkinson, Roberta 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Barron, Margaret June 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Beck, Mercy 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Black, Mary Elizabeth 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Boyce, Agnes 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Boyd, Maud Elizabeth 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Caughey, Rebecca 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Caulfield, Myrtle 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Coleman, Eileen Cecily 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Cox, Georgina Ethel 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Cuddy, Isabella C. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Deyermond, Esther C. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Dobbin, Irene 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Dobbin, Sara Elizabeth 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Doran, Joan Alice 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Dougan, Mary Elizabeth 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Dundee, Eliz. Nathina 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Elliott, Esther 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Elliott, Marie Kathln. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Fisher, June Adrien 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Fleming, Estelle T. 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Glass, Rhoda Eliz. M. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Graham, Evangeline A. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Graham, Jane 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Harron, Margaret P. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Henderson, Ida A. M. 10/04/1927 William Banbridge SG QM (Fred A. Browne 1953) Dentist LDS (QUB) *Castlehill Road, Belfast
Holliday, Elizabeth 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Hughes, Carolyn Anne 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Ingram, Dorothy Nancy 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Johnston, Dorothy May 1 9 2 8 X X X X
Kerr, Selina Gladys 23/01/1924 Mrs. E. Derrygonnelly SC Teacher (Buick Memorial) Cullybackey Co. Antrim
Kinney, Muriel Eliz. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Kirk, Doreen Elizabeth 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McAlister, Margaret B. 23/08/1927 Robert Fernwood Street SG SC Teacher
McClure, Dorothy Eliz. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McCredie, Margt. Agnes 24/12/1927 Mrs. Lisburn
McCullough, Ellen Joan 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McCune, Iris 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McFadden, Florence J. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McGookin, Irene 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McKee, Jean Orr 16/10/1926 Mrs. E. Ravenhill Gardens SG Senior Demonstrator (Belfast Corporation) *Ravenhill Gardens Belfast
McKeown, Irene  Eliz. 05/02/1927 Thomas E. Lisburn
McLaren, Jean 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McMullan, Eileen June 1 9 3 0 X X X X
McRoberts, Margaret 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Magrath, Geraldine M. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Martin, Eleanor 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Maxwell, Evelyn Eliz. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Milne, Agnes Adams 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Moffitt, Frances 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Monteith, Eliz. Agnes 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Moore, Irene Elsie 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Mullen, Georgina 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Musgrave, Anna M. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Neil, Patricia Valerie 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Nevin, Irene no date Mrs. Belfast PL SG
Nevin, Martha Agnes B. 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Pollock, Ellen Lough 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Porter, Jennie Eliz. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Rea, Joan 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Ritchie, Margaret Jean 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Russell, Catherine 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Simpson, Edith Rhona 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Simpson, Esther G. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Taylor, Patricia 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Templeton, Mona Pat 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Weir, Mary Frances 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Wellwood, Edith 1 9 2 9 X X X X
Wilson, Margaret Joan A. 1 9 3 0 X X X X
Young, Margt. Violet 1 9 3 0 X X X X
up to image 20250119_115736
20250119_115850 two entries for 1927 below 1944-45 Girl Entrants
Bailey, C. Eunice A. 18/09/1927 Cecil M. Sans Souci
Bruce, Mary Isa A. 10/03/1927 H. Lisburn SG 1stXI
one entry for 1920 below
1944-45 Girl Entrants
Levy, Miriam 06/12/1920 Moses Saintfield refugee from Gibraltar
20250119_120430 one entry for 1927 below 1945-46 Girl Entrants
Brownlee, Sheilagh P. M. 25/08/1927 David R. Bangor SG SC (Fred D. C. Mills BSc

updated with DOBs up to and including 1927
next update January 1928