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The Register of Pupils
of the
Methodist College Belfast
from the opening of the college in August 1868 to the end of the summer term of 1980
with a supplement of pupils who entered in the sessions from 1980-81 to 1983-84
book was owned by Roberta Campbell

Methodist College Register
1868 to 1927
the register goes up to 1984 but I am only transcribing based on the 100 year rule (ish)

Compiled by Paul Fry
M.C.B. 1917-27

On this page:-
Contents - Photos - Abbreviations - List of Transcribed Pages

Board of Governors - Teachers


Rolls of Honour WW1 & WW2 - In The News

1805 - 1806 - 1807 - 1808 - 1819 - 1843 - 1852 - 1861 - 1868 - 1877 - 1880 - 1890 - 1894
1901 - 1907 - 1908 - 1909 - 1910 - 1912 - 1918 - 1924 - 1932 - 1939 - 1943 - 1947 - 1951 - 1955 - 1960
1913 Tel. directory    1824 Pigots (Belfast)  &  (Bangor)   1894 Waterford Directory
1898 Newry Directory      Bangor Spectator Directory 1970

The Contents

          The names of pupils are entered chronologically by school sessions and each session is entered alphabetically boys followed by girls.  The Register of Pupils contains, where known, the pupil's name, the pupil's date of birth, the pupil's parents, the pupil's address on entering the College, the pupil's MCB career (see abbreviations) and the pupil's post-MCB career.
          With reference to the subsequent careers of pupils of the College in the case of boys the boy's occupation will be given first and this will be followed by any professional qualifications and other relevant data such as war service and international or interprovincial achievement at sport, and concluding with his last known or present (*) address.
          In the case of girls the first information to be given, if the girl is married, will be the name of the girl's husband, his domicile on marriage and the date of the marriage concluding with other relevant data of the girl's career.  The information on the marriage will be in brackets.

The Register
the register goes up to 1984 but I am only transcribing based on the 100 year rule
updated to 1927 (Jan 2025) - Mary *ok so I bent the rule a little ;)

PAGE ONE (1868-1878)
PAGE TWO (1878-1886)
PAGE THREE (1886-1893
PAGE FOUR (1893 to 1902)
PAGE FIVE (1902 to 1910)
PAGE SIX (1910 to 1915)
PAGE SEVEN (1915 to 1920)
PAGE EIGHT (1920 to 1924)
PAGE NINE (1924 to 1928)
(1928 to 1931)
PAGE ELEVEN (1931 to 1934)
PAGE TWELVE (1934 to 1938)

PAGE THIRTEEN (1938 to 1944)

Photos from the Register
not all just some of the older ones


     Henry R. Parker    Henry S. McIntosh    Ernest I. Lewis   John Watson Henderson
1871-90               1890-1912                   1912-17                    1917-43   

  John Falconer       Albert H. R. Ball      A. Stanley Worrall        James Kincade
    1943-48                 1948-60                  1961-74                        1974-    

Presidents of the College

William Arthur 1866-71 ~ Robert Crook 1871-73 & Headmaster 1868-71 ~ Joseph McKay 1880-91
Oliver McCutcheon 1891-95 ~ William Nicholas 1895-1908 ~ Joseph W. R. Campbell 1908-20


William M. Fullerton 1935-52 ~ William R. Maconkey 1952-59 ~ W. Norman H. Robb 1959-62
E. Harold C. Maguire 1963-65 ~ William L. Northridge 1965-66

Robert Marshall 1966-70 ~ Walter Smyth 1973-77 ~ R. D. Eric Gallagher 1977-80
William S. H. Lavery 1980-83 ~ John Waddell 1983-

Former Pupils

Fred Crawford 1868-75 ~ W. Macneile Dixon 1874-86 ~ James M. Alley 1876-82
John G. Dill 1877-79 ~ Paul Henry 1882-91

Edith H. Major 1882-85 ~ Charles S. Neill 1884-87 ~ Robert M. Ker 1887-89
Freeman Wills Crofts 1891-94 ~ Sean Lester 1903-04

George V. Allen 1907-15 ~ Ernest T. S. Watson 1915-22 ~ John E. Sayers 1920-30
Jack A. E. Siggins 1924-27 ~ Willoughby Wilson 1936-41

Clare MacMahon 1936-42 ~ W. Ewart Bell 1936-43 ~ Robin H. A. Eames 1947-55
Roger M. Young 1955-62 ~ W. Barry Douglas 1968-78

Rowing Crews

1st and 2nd IV's 1935
Back Row: J. A. Fee,  J. Frost,  T. C. Teuton
Middle Row: J. C. Montgomery,  M. C. Atkinson,  D. H. McAlister,  C. C. Johnston,  J. Ashcroft
Front Row: J. D. K. Beattie,  W. R. N. Savage

1sr VIII 1966 (Irish Schools' Champions
Back Row: Mr. D. McNeilly,  R. Fox,  G. Rice,  W. J. Minnis,  Mr. T. Anderson
Middle Row: S. A. Smith,  B. Thompson,  A. C. Ferguson (Capt.),  C. J. H. Wright,  R. Nimmons
Front Row: C. Green (Cox)

1st VIII 1977 (Irish Schools' Champions 1977)
A. P. Maxwell (Bow),  P. R. N. Morton (2), N. P. Gray (3),  A. K. Kirkpatrick (4),  P. W. Bleakley (5)
E. J. McErlean (6),  P. A. Thompson (7), C. J. Brown (Str.),  B. J. Eccles (Cox)

Rugby Fifteens

1st XV 1877-78
Back Row: J. Simpson,  W. F. Bailey,  J. W. Irwine,  D. Stevenson,  S. Patterson
Middle Row:  R. J. F. Donald,  J. B. Armstrong,  W. A. Wheeler,  S. R. Collier
Front Row:  J. S. Kinley,  F. S. Henderson

1st XV 1926-27
Back Row: G. R. M. Clarke,  W. J. Rooney,  R. G. Chambers,  F. G. Caldbeck,  A. V. West,  R. M. Cunningham
Middle Row: J. A. Lewis,  A. C. Maxwell,  J. A. E. Siggins,  D. Mairs,  J. McGuffin,  C. T. Mullen,  K. R. Kennedy
Front Row: R. M. Chambers,  F. W. Sweeney,  F. M. Carson,  P. P. Fry

1st XV 1948-49
Back Row: Mr. H. V. Gay,  J. Ludlow,  J. W. Nixon,  Mr. A. H. R. Ball,  R. A. C. Hart,  R. Pinkerton,  Mr. W. R. Todd
Middle Row:  J. Luney,  C. Bamford,  G. A. Jamison,  R. G. S. McNutt (Captain),  C. C. Cowan,  D. J. Hadden, E. McAuley
Front Row: E. C. M. McKee,  N. G. Mulligan,  I. H. McConkey,  D. Morrison

1st XV 1973-74 Winners of Ulster Schools' Cup 1974
Back Row: Mr. D. Wells,  D. A. Bronte,  Mr. A. S. Worrall,  S. R. Condy,  J. Frey,  Mr. T. Mulryne
Middle Row: M. H. J. McCulloch,  A. H. Watson,  S. R. Morris,  I. G. Carroll,  M. J. Allen,  D. E. J. Whittaker,  M. Harris
Front Row: R. H. Stewart,  A. J. Brown,  C. S. Gardner (V. Capt.),  R. S. Collins (Capt.),  D. W. Carson (Hon. Sec.)
S. M. Dawson,  A. P. Kennedy

Lacrosse Team 1898
Back Row: W. H. McKee,  D. McCausland,  F. H. Kerr,  W. Riddell
Front Row: W. C. Barnes,  G. R. Hutton,  J. R. Riddell,  J. H. Coulson,  G. L. B. Bradshaw
(in front),  R. G. Clements,  H. W. Millar,  T. L. De Courcy

Cricket Team 1st XI 1930
Back Row: H. S. Cochrane,  R. C. Lynd,  J. Lindsay,  J. E. McClay,  C. C. R. Young
Middle Row: J. W. Brownrigg,  G. A. Donaldson,  O. B. Glasgow,  J. E. Sayers,  W. L. McClay
Front Row: T. N. Brownlee,  F. G. Kelly

Girls' Hockey at XI 1938
Back Row: I. A. Abraham,  M. E. Thompson,  M. Cairns,  E. A. Johnston
Middle Row: E. McP. Armstrong,  D. I. Patterson,  E. H. Coulter,  P. H. Rea,  Y. H. Dennison
Front Row: E. O. Jeffers,  G. O'Neill

Boys' Hockey 1st XI 1964-65
Back Row: Mr. D. McDonald, A. A. Beattie, A. J. Wilkinson, Mr. A. S. Worrall, N. Crawford, J. Palmer, Mr. W. A. Dixon
Front Row: W. Ryding, R. Finlay, R. A. V. Gilmour, F. D. B. Young (Capt.), L. Hewitt, J. Stewart, G. Bullock

Chess 1st Team 1976
Mr. B. L. Thorpe, Dr. J. Kincade, Mr. W. A. M. Willans
R. J. Williams,  M. F. Rusk,  A. P. Hadden,  C. H. Parkes (Capt.),  T. M. Clarke,  D. S. Greenwood,  R. L. E. Thompson
Winners of Ulster Schools' League and all-Ireland Colleges' Championships

Golf Team 1980
B. R. Hobson,  I. D. V. Kerr, N. H. Anderson (Capt.)
Winners of All Ireland Aer Lingus Competition

Badminton Team Senior Boys 1974
Mr. T. W. Mulryne,  Mr. A. S. Worrall
W. J. Biscomb,  A. F. Hunter (Capt.),  W. Shannon (Hon. Sec.),  D. J. M. Finlay
Winners of Ulster Schools' Senior League, 1974, Winners of Ulster Schools' Senior Cup 1974
Winners of all-Ireland Schools' Championship 1974

Athletics (Girls) 1976
Winners of Senior Section of District and Ulster Championships. Winners of Overall Section of District
and Ulster Championships. Joint Winners of Senior Section of All Ireland Championships


MCB Career of Pupil (Methodist College Belfast)

AFS American Field Scholarship
AL Advanced Level GCE
Bb Basketball team
BH Boys Hockey 1st XI
Bm Badminton team
CA College of Art entry
CAS Current Affairs Society
CC Cross-Country team
CE Cambridge Univ. entry
Cex Cambridge Univ. Exhibition
Chm Chairman
CS Cambridge Univ. scholarship
C&SS Coin & Stamp Society
Cviii Colts rowing crew
CU Christian Union
DbS Debating Society
DH Downey House
DHB Deputy Head Boy
DHG Deputy Head Girl
Dr Dramatic Society
Fc Fencing team
FH Fullerton House
FS Film Society
GA Girls Athletics
Gf Golf team
HB Head Boy
HC House Captain
HG Head Girl
HS House Secretary
HV House Vice-Captain
IA Intermediate Athletic team
JA Junior Athletic team
Jd Judo
JG Junior Grade
JGEx Junior Grade Exhibition
Jiv Junior rowing crew
KS King's Scholarship
Lc Lacrosse team
LC Ladies' Classes
LdrCO Leader College Orchestra
LM London Univ. matriculation
LT Lawn Tennis team
L6G Lower Sixth General
L6L Lower Six Lit.
L6Sc Lower Sixth Science
MBC Money Box Committee
MG Middle Grade
MGEx Middle Grade Exhibition
M6L Middle Sixth Lit.
M6Sc Middle Sixth Science
Mxv Medallion Rugby team
Nb Netball team
NvIV Novice Rowing crew
p- Pupil 1983-84
OE Oxford Univ. entry
Oex Oxford Univ. Exhibition
OL Ordinary Lever GCE
OS Oxford Univ. Scholarship
PL Prize List
QM Queen's Univ. matriculation
QS Queen's Univ. Scholarship
RCSI Royal College of Science Ireland Scholarship
RSAC Royal Society Arts Certificate
RM Royal Univ. Ireland matric.
SA Senior Athletic team
Sc Secretary
SC Stranmillis College entry
SG Senior Grade Exhibition
SGEx Senior Grade Exhibition
SoS Social Services Society
Sq Squash team
SS Science Society
St Student
Sw Swimming team
TCD Trinity College Dublin
Tex TCD Exhibition
ThS Theological Student
TM TCD matriculation
Tr Treasurer
Tr Trampolining
TS TCD Scholarship


VChm Vice-Chairman
WGS War Games Society
YfUS Youth for Understanding Scholarship
IV Rowing crew
VIFm Sixth Form
VIII Rowing crew
XI Cricket 1st XI (Boys)
XI Hockey 1st XI (Girls)
XV Rugby team

The College Staff

A Art
Bi Biology
Br Bursar
C Classics
Ch Chemistry
Cm Commerce
CW Clerk of Works
DH Downey House
DHC Downey House caretaker
DHO Downey House office
DS Domestic Society
E English
Eg Engineering
EL Elocution
FH Fullerton House
FHO Fullerton House office
G Geography
GS General Studies
Gv Governess
H History
HM Headmaster
Kg Kindergarten
Lbt Laboratory technician
Lib Laboratory
LW Library
M Lady Warden
ML Mathematics
MO Modern Languages
Mt Medical Officer
Mu Music Matron
O Office
PE Physical Education
Ph Physics
Pol Politics
Pp Prep
Pr President
RE Religious Education
San Sanatorium
Sc Science
TT Theological Tutor
VP Vice-Principal
Wk Woodwork

Board of Governors
(Committee of Management to 1888)

Addy, Mrs. Janet C. 1961-62
Allen, Rev. Thomas J. 1938-39
Alley, Rev. George 1868-79
Alley, Rev. James M. 1907-50
Anderson, Henry  BA LLB 1934-49
Anderson, Sir Robert N.  JP 1915-24
Applebe, Rev. William P.  LLD 1866-82
Armstrong, Rev. J. Mostyn 1978-79
Arthur, Rev. William  MA 1866-1901
Bain, Rev. Charles H.  BD 1970-71
Ballard, Rev. J. Woods 1873-76  91-06
Baxter, Rev. Samuel H.  MA DD 1964-65
Bell, W. Ewart  BC MA (Sir) 1967-76
Bennett, Thomas 1888-98
Best, Rev. Edward 1876-79
Booth, Richard W.  JP 1907-29
Booth, Robert  JP 1902-14
Boyd, Rev. Samuel T.  BA 1906-27
Bracken, Rev. William A. 1907-08
Brown, William 1866-81
Budd, Rev. William R. 1911-23
Burgess, William R.  JP 1916-25
Callaghan, Rev. W. Sydney  BA 1973-80+
Calvert, E. Leonard  MAgr. PhD. 1970-80+
Campbell, Rev. Joseph W. R.  MA 1908-20
Campbell, William 1866-85
Capper, Bass 1914-16
Carlisle, James  JP 1866-82
Carrothers, Rev. John W.  MA LLD 1913-14
Carson, William  JP 1876-80  82-01
Carson, W. M.  FCA 1974-80+
Cather, Rev. Robert G.  LLD 1866-68
Cather, Rev. William 1869-74  82-84  88-91
Clarke, Robert  JP 1899-1900
Cleaver, Sir Frederick 1931-36
Cole, Rev. Richard 1899-1907
Cole, Rev. Richard Lee  MA BD 1926-34
Cooper, Ralph  MA PhD. 1932-51
Corrigan, Rev. William 1924-25
Cowdy, F. Charles  JP 1914-50
Cowdy, W. Laird  MA 1924-30
Cowie, G. R.  MA LLB JP 1972-75
Crawford, H. Gerald  MC BSc MICE 1965-73
Crawford, Robert  JP 1888-90
Crawford, Rev. William  MA 1884-1909
Crook, Rev. Robert  LLD 1866-73
Crook, Rev. William  DD 1866-68  71-74  83-85  88-97
Crookshank, Rev. Charles H.  MA 1899-1907
Crookshank, Rev. Charles H.  MA 1933-38
Cullen, Rev. Edward B. 1907-31
Davidson, Robert L. 1924-25
Davison, Rev. James  OBE 1970-71
Dennison, Mervyn W.  CBE  MC  DL 1974-80+
Dixon, Professor A. C.  ScD. FRS 1907-30
Donnelly, Rev. James 1881-93
Duke, Rev. John A.  BA 1932-45
Dwyer, Rev. John 1866-68  71-80
Egan, Rev. Alexander 1915-17
Elliott, Ernest  BSc  JP 1955-65
Elliott, Rev. Robert J.  BA 1932-48
England, Rev. John 1947-48
Evans, Rev. Henry  DD 1884-94  07-09
Eyre, Rev. G. Charles  BA 1969-80+
Farrar, Rev. John 1871-72
Ferguson, Richard  QC 1977-80+
Forrest, Kathleen B.  BA 1967-78
Fullerton, Alexander M. 1907-16
Fullerton, William M.  DL 1930-54
Fulton, George H. 1909-31
Fulton, John 1884-1907
Gallagher, Rev. Eric  OBE MA DD 1950-80+
Gallagher, Rev. Robert H.  BA 1946-47
Garrett, Rev. Charles 1883-84
Geale, Robert G. 1922-34
Gilcriest, Rev. John 1870-75
Good, Rev. George E.  MA 1969-70
Good, Rev. Robert J. 1958-59
Gorman, Rev. William 1879-85  88-06
Greenhill, William 1870-1907
Greenwood, Rev. Richard  MA BD 1963-80+
Greer, Rev. John 1870-71
Greeves, Rev. Frederick  DD 1885-86
Gregg, John  JP 1888-1907
Gregg, William  JP 1870-82
Gregory, Rev. Benjamin  DD 1880-81
Guard, Rev. Wesley 1889-1914
Hadden, George  JP 1903-09
Hamilton, Rev. William I. 1979-80+
Hart, Rev. John 1961-66
Harte, Rev. Frederick E.  MA 1913-43
Henning, Rev. John 1879-81
Hill, Rev. Frederick E.  BA 1963-64
Holland, Rev. Albert  DD 1948-76
Hollingsworth, Rev. Samuel  DD 1881-83  84-91
Horner, George 1869-81
Hull, Rev. Thomas T. N. 1879-81  88-89
Humphreys, Robert 1888-97
Humphreys, Samuel B.  JP 1907-09
Irwin, Rev. Thomas J.  DLitt 1935-36
Jagoe, Richard 1926-28
James, Rev. John H.  DD 1872-73
Jameson, Rev. Joseph B. 1946-55
Jenkins, Rev. Ebenezer E.  MA LLD 1881-82
Johnson, Rev. R. Crawford  DD 1893-1907
Johnston, Col. H. J.  OBE MA LLB 1966-80+
Johnston, Philip  JP 1866-83
Johnston, Rev. Samuel J. 1966-67
Jones, J. Lambert 1882-84  88-1907
Jones, Rev. Robert G. 1866-79
Joynt, Rev. George A.  MA BAI 1943-44
Keith, William  JP 1949-65
Kelly, Sir Samuel  CBE DL 1925-29
Keohler, Joshua W. 1870-76
Ker, Rev. John 1880-81
Ker, Rev. R. Ernest  MA 1949-61
Ker, Rev. Robert M. 1909-26
Kerr, Professor Alan G.  FRCS 1969-80+
Kirkwood, Rev. James 1919-20
Knox, Rev. Thomas 1904-05
Laird, Rev. Caleb S.  MA 1898-1907
Lamont, Rev. James D. 1901-11
Landers, Rev. John J. 1868-71
Lavery, William S. H.  LLB 1967-80+
Lindsay, David J. 1915-24
Lindsay, Rev. Edward R.  LLB 1969-80+
Lindsay, James 1868-81
Lindsay, James A.  MA MD FRCP 1906-28  31
Lindsay, John A.  JP 1886-1906
Lindsay, Thomas G.  JP 1866-82
Livingstone, Rev. Robert G.  MA 1977-78
Loane, Mrs. Joyce E. 1979-80+
Lockhart, Rev. Richard A.  OBE MA 1959-63
Lynn, Joseph M.  MD 1866-99
Lyons, Rev. Beresford S. 1920-28  42-43
McArthur, Sir William  KCMG 1866-87
McAuley, Rev. Alexander 1877-78
McCaffrey, Rev. Samuel E. 1956-57
McComas, Samuel  JP 1891-1904
McCrea, Rev. Alex  MA DD 1938-50
McCullagh, Rev. Thomas 1884-85
McCutcheon, John B. 1907-14
McCutcheon, Rev. O.  MA DD LLD 1874-83  84-95
McElwain, Archibald 1866-68
McGahie, Rev. Hugh R. 1885-94
McKay, Rev. Colin 1876-81
McKay, Rev. Joseph W.  DD 1866-91
McKee, Rev. Thomas A. M.  DD 1885-86
McKeag, Rev. Hugh DD 1917-38
McKelvey, Edward J.  FCA 1969-80+
McKinney, Rev. J. Wesley 1957-58
McMillen, Rev. Gibson 1866-68  74-80
McMullen, Rev. Wallace  DD 1866-99
Maconkey, William R.  CBE 1929-65
McVeigh, Rev. Robert W. 1960-61
Maguire, E. Harold C.  MD DTM 1950-68
Maguire, Rev. T. Cather 1878-79
Maguire, Rev. William 1916-18
Marshall, Andrew C. 1924-39
Marshall, Robert  MD FRCP 1930-73
Martin, Rev. Pierce 1909-21
Masaroon, Rev. Robert  DD 1868-71
Massey, Rev. William H. 1936-37
Mathers, Henry  JP 1904-07
Mathewson, Robert K. 1878-98
Maxwell, Rev. Richard 1870-72  73-74
Medd, Rev. Henry N. 1951-52
Megarry, Frank  JP 1900-03
Mercier, Samuel T.  JP 1909-15
Mercier, William T. 1882-1907
Metcalfe, Arthur W. 1916-30
Montgomery, Rev. John 1952-53
Moore, Alexander 1866-68
Moore, Rev. William 1930-31
Morris, Rev. R. Desmond 1974-75
Morris, Rev. Richard S.  MA 1955-58
Mullan, William  JP 1866-81
Myles, Rev. Gerald G.  MA 1968-69
Naylor, Professor Arthur H.  MSc. 1940-1  44-51
Nelson, Rev. Robert A. 1963-68
Nicholas, Rev. Wm.  MA DD LLD 1874-76  94-12
Northridge, Rev. Wm. L.  MA BD PhD 1926-66
Oliver, Rev. John 1866-68  71-76  1879-1906
Osborne, Rev. George  DD 1891-92
Park, Rev. John O.  BA DD 1885-89  98-15
Parkhill, Rev. James W. 1923-24  25-33
Parkin, Rev. Vincent  MA BSc 1977-80+
Paul, William J.  JP 1882-93
Paul, William J. 1936-44
Pedlow, Rev. James 1966-70
Peel, Joshua E. 1900-06
Perks, Rev. George T.  MA 1874-75
Phillips, Rev. Randall C. 1917-30
Plunkett, Rev. Hedley W,  DD 1975-76
Pope, Rev. William B.  DD 1878-79
Powell, John D. 1870-73  87-88
Price, Rev. Henry 1866-69
Price. Rev. John O. 1915-16
Price, Rev. Wm. Guard 1880-83  88-98
Punshon, Rev. W. Morley  LLD 1875-76
Quinn, Mrs. Norah  MB 1969-71
Ranson, Rev. Charles W.  BLitt DTh 1961-62
Reid, David  FCA 1978-80+
Rigg, rev. james H.  DD 1879-80
Robb, Elizbaeth M.  MB (Harland) 1951-60
Robb, W. Norman H. 1949-72
Roberts, Rev. Richard 1886-87
Robertson, Rev. James  DD 1897-98  06-07
Robertson, Rev. John C.  MA BD 1907-31
Robinson, Charles B.  MD FRCPI 1954-59
Robinson, Rev. George 1884-89
Robinson, Philip B.  JP 1914-22
Roddie, Rev. J. R. Wesley 1931-53
Ross, Hugh 1934-40
Sayers, John E.  DLit 1964-69
Sayers, Robert McM.  CBE MA 1942-64
Sayers, Rev. R. Roycroft  BA 1945-60
Scott, Rev. Robinson  DD 1866-84
Shaw, Rev. Ernest 1954-55
Shillington, Major D. G.  DL MP 1914-15  21-38
Shillington, Thomas  
Shillington, Thomas A.  JP 1866-73
Shillington, Thomas A. 1943-49
Shillington, T. Foulkes  JP 1884-1914
Shire, Rev. Henry 1920-21
Sloan, Rev. Harold 1960-80+
Sloane, R. Harbinson  DSc. 1966-68
Smiles, Councillor P.  CBE DL 1969-71
Smiley, Mrs. J. Elizabeth 1963-80+
Smith, Rev. Gervase  MA DD 1876-77
Smith, H. Gainfort  MA LLD 1907-25
Smyth, Walter  FCA CBE 1954-80+
Smyth, Rev. William H.  MA 1907-45
Spence, Rev. John N.  MBE 1937-59
Stevenson, John 1884-1906
Stutt, Rev. John W.  MBE 1949-68
Sutherland, Margaret  MA PhD 1969-72
Swanton, James H.  JP 1866-91
Thompson, Henry 1881-83
Thompson, James B. 1920-21
Thompson, John H. 1897-1924
Thompson, Rev. W. E. Morley 1941-69
Tobias, Rev. James 1866-74  75-82
Topping, Roy G.  VRD MA FRAS JP 1975-80+
Tulip, A. Jordan  CBE MA 1969-75
Turner, Rev. James B. 1970-78
Turner, Rev. John  DD 1978-79
Turtle, Hugh  LLD 1929-54
Turtle, Rev. T. David  BD 1967-80+
Vance, Rev. George  DD 1866-71  79-80  82-84  88-99
Waddell, John  CBE BSc 1973-80+
Walker, John W,  BSc FCIS 1950-73
Wallace, Rev. Robert 1866
Walton, Prof. E. T. S. DSc PhD SFTCD 1960-77
Walton, Rev. John A.  MA 1934-35
Watson, Rev. Hugh McM.  MA 1940-42
Waugh, Rev. Richard M. L.  MA BD 1953-54
Wedgwood, Rev. George R. 1905-17
Weeks, Thomas R.  MBE 1969-80+
White, Mrs. E. Joy  BA 1973-80+
Whitla, Sir William  MD MP 1906-33
Whittaker, Rev. Edward 1945-46
Wilson, Willoughby  FRCS  OBE 1977-80+
Wiseman, Rev. Luke H.  MA 1873-74
Wisheart, Rev. James 1962-63
Young, Rev. Robert N. 1887-88


Name Subject Years
Abernethy, D. N.   1939-40
Ablett, J. B.   1871
Acheson, George R.  BA E  VP 1956-80+
Adair, Thomas  BA   1884
Adamson, A. B.  PhD Sc 1930-33
Adamson, John  BA E 1922-27
Addis, W. D.   1945-46
Aitken, Mrs. Virginia  BA E  PE 1965-72  74-78
Alexander, Mrs. Joy M.  BA E 1975-77
Allen, A. C.   1948
Allen, Frederick  DA A 1950-56
Allen, Michael J.  LLB PE 1979-80+
Amon, D. Mu 1968-71
Anderson, A. Molly  LRAM ARCm Mu 1922-62
Anderson, Averill   1933-40
Anderson, D. ML 1921
Anderson, John E. T.  MA  BMus Mu 1971-78
Anderson, R. B.  BA ML 1921-22
Anderson, S. R.  BSc Sc 1955-57
Anderson, Mrs. Winifred FH 1964-73
Andrews, Mrs. C.   1943-45
Andrews, J.  BA Pp 1938
Annakin, Elizabeth   1877
Applebe, Rev. William P.  LLD TT 1873-82
Archer, Elsie M. D.  BA G 1957-62
Archer, Pat (Wilkinson)  DUCPE PE 1964-73
Argue, Audrey ML 1948-57
Armstrong, G. A. H.   1906
Armstrong, T. A.  BSc M 1961-62
Arnold, A. K. H 1948-51
Arnold, Miss M. R. (Hewitt) Mt 1919-20  22
Arnott, Mrs. Norma  BEd FH 1978-80+
Arthur, Rev. William  MA Pr 1868-71
Ashe, Mrs. Mu 1871-72
Ashe, Mrs. Gladys A.  BSc Ph 1972-75
Ashton, W.   1975-76
Ashwin, G. W. F.  BA M 1938
Ashden, James C.  BA ML 1930-34
Ashton, James H.  MA   1885-86
Aston, Mary ML 1883-91
Atkinson, Thomas W.  BA M 1881-84
Bagnall, Rev. Robert  BA BD RE 1959-80+
Bailey, Clarence S.  MA   1922-55
Bailie, Mrs. Margaret  BSc Sc 1968-72
Bainton, Miss F. C. (Ennis) Mt 1926-30
Baird, Edna M.  BA E 1971-73
Baird, G. H. M. Brian  BA E 1951-57
Baird, Kenneth A.  BA E 1930-33
Baker, C. F.   1875
Baldey, Elizabeth  LRAM Mu 1973-74
Ball, Albert H. R.  MA FRSE HM 1948-60
Ball, J. A. Ernest  BA BE M Sc 1906-08
Balmer, Mona A. W. FH 1952-56
Barbara, L. ML 1967-68
Barker, Winifred (Powell)  NFU Kg 1918-24
Barnes, Emily K.  BA   1900-01
Barnhill, Miss S. FH 1975-76
Barr, Mrs. S. L.  BA  LTCL Mu 1973-80+
Barry, David DH 1979-80
Bartlett, Roger P.  BA ML 1963-65
Bassinga, M. J. ML 1971-72
Bateman, J. C. O.   1947-49
Beacom, Henry A.  BA M 1908-14
Beare, William C 1924
Beattie, Miss A. M 1926
Beattie, Jill DH 1973-74
Beatty, Alexander R.  BSc Sc 1950-57
Beatty, L.   1960-61
Beer, R.   1946-49
Bell, Professor E1 1871-72
Bell, Miss E. M. Kg 1945-48
Bell, J.   1916
Bell, Miss J.   1924-25
Bell, Mrs. Joan  DDSc DS 1966-68
Bell, Mrs. J. W.   1949-50
Bell, L. S. O 1923-26
Bell, Miss M. DH 1940-44
Bell, Mrs. M.  DDSc DS 1953-54
Bell, Mary N. Pp 1944-45
Bell, Miss R.   1948-50
Bell, Robina D. (Smith) DH 1950-52
Bell, Mrs. S. E. Doreen  BSc E 1967-71
Bellis, Norman H.  DLC PE 1963-74
Bellis, Mrs. Ruth  LRAM GRSM Mu 1965-80+
Belshaw, Rev. Henry  BA RE 1935-36
Bendall, A. F.  BA E 1925-26
Bentham, R. M.  BA   1928-29
Beresford, John C.  BSc M 1973-77
Bernard, Mdlle. ML 1949-52
Bezevin, Mdme. ML 1972-73
Bickerstaff, Miss R.   1950-51
Billen, Bruce  BSc M 1965-68
Billes, Mdlle. ML 1928-29
Bingham, Henry J. F.  BA Cm 1920-21
Bion, Cyril W.  BSc Sc 1922-23
Birch, Mina PE 1891-1912
Birbeck, Harold E.  BA M 1923-24
Black, Dermot DH 1979-80
Black, Herbert S.  BA G 1945-50
Black, William H.  BA ML 1955-59
Blackburne, Gladys M.  BA M 1948-73
Blake, Mrs. E.   1941-44
Blake, Miss L.   1947-48
Blake, R. F.  FIC Sc 1897-1901
Blasco, E. ML 1969-70
Bleakley, David W.  MA GS 1966-67  69-79
Blogg, Miss Q.   1907-08
Bloomfield, R. Brian  BA G 1968-80+
Blythe, Yvonne Mu 1979-80+
Bogle, William  ATD A 1969-72
Boittier, Mdlle. ML 1873
Boland, Helen M.  BA RE 1979-80+
Bolton, Felicity O 1947-80+
Bolton, Mrs. Vivien  LRAM Mu 1967-72
Bond, W. E. GS 1872-75
Bordet, Mrs. M. E. DH 1966-67
Bothwell, Miss M. (Norton)  BA ML 1913-20
Bothwell, S. Ronald N. Mu 1967-69
Bouille, Mdlle. ML 1915-19
Bowden, L. Duke  BSc BLitt M 1950-54
Bowman, James H.  BSc Sc 1922-26
Bowman, S.   1914-17
Bown, John A.  MA ML 1926-67  69-70
Boyd, Edna (Maxwell)  BA ML 1961-73
Boyd, Elizabeth  BA M DH 1919-62
Boyd, Patricia  BA ML 1952-54
Boyd, Patricia G.  BA E 1925-26
Boyd, Rev. Samuel T.  BA RE 1871-73
Bradford, R.   1942-43
Bradley, Miss H.   1944-45
Bradshaw, Miss   1916
Bradshaw, Isaac ML 1880-1900
Bradshaw, Rev. T. Alfred  BA RE 1950-52
Brady, Norah  BA C 1924-25
Braithwaite, Charles  ARHA A 1909-41
Branagh, Mrs. Maureen LbT 1970-80+
Bredin, Mrs. Marguerite SDH 1943-46
Brenneau, Frederick   1875 87-88
Brett, M. Elizabeth D.  BA Bi 1956-59
Brierley, Albert E.  BA E  H 1924-25
Briscoe, Mabel  BA C 1921
Brogan, Mrs. P.  DACPE PE 1962-64
Brookes, Thomas B.  MA   1875-77
Brotherston, G.  BA C 1919-20
Brown, E. Godfrey  ARCM Mu 1922-24
Brown, Ernest  BA   1927-28
Brown, E. St. Clair  BA C 1895-96
Brown, Ethel E. ML 1927-28
Brown, Hugh  BA E  C 1933-34
Brown, James R.  MA BSc Sc 1918-47
Brown, J. Martin  BSc PhD Ph 1966-80+
Brown, Mrs. Lucy O 1924-38
Brown, Margaret  BA G 1968-71
Brown, M. Noel  BA O 1926-27
Brown, William   1886-87
Browne, Ernest W. M 1944-48
Browne, F. Alan  BEd E 1971-74
Browne, George   1975-76
Browne, Norman H.  BSc Sc 1955-60
Browne, Samuel E1 1873-82
Brushe, W. T. ML 1947-50  52
Bryan, G. E.   1897-98
Bryans, Gertrude  LRAM Mu 1923  26-27
Buchanan, Norah K.  BA ML 1925-63
Buckle, J. H. O 1874-96
Bullick, William J.  MA LLB C 1917-60
Bullock, R. BA M 1937-39
Bunting, Catherine Mu 1975-76
Bunting, John Mu 1974-75
Bunting, Kathleen  DDSc DS 1933-69
Burch, Alfred  ATCL FLCM Mu 1974-75
Burch, James  ALCM Mu 1967-75
Burgess, W. B.  BA GS 1924-25
Burnison, Cathryn G. Mu 1976-77
Burns, Rev. H. RE 1944-45
Burns, J. Colin  BA G 1978-80+
Burns, Kathryn A. Mu 1977-78
Burrell, Howard J,  BMus Mu 1966-67
Burrows, Joseph  BA C 1921-24  60-61
Bush, D. F.   1942-46
Byrne, Hazel  BA E 1968-79
Cairns, Brian D.  BA G 1965-80+
Caldelaresi, Mdlle. ML 1968-69
Callaghan, Mrs. E. Brenda  BA E 1978-79
Callaghan, Rev. W. Sydney  BA RE 1970-71
Calvert, Harold  BA BD RE 1950-80+
Cameron, Alan R.  BSc Bi 1977-79
Cameron, Alexander  MA   1884-85
Cameron, J. D.   1940-41
Campbell, Annabel H. S.  NFU DH 1924-43
Campbell, James J.  BA C 1920-31
Campbell, John E.  BA M 1884
Campbell, Rev. Joseph W. R.  MA Pr 1908-20
Campbell, Muriel  MSc M 1914-16
Campton, Mrs. Isobel LbT 1978-80+
Canning, Maud Mt 1925-26
Capper, Derek DH 1970-75
Capper, Norman S.  MSc Sc 1926-29
Capper, Rosaleen E.  BSc Pp 1937-42
Carleton, Albert E. M.  BA E 1900-17
Carlisle, W. John  BA C 1975-80+
Carr, Dorothy ML 1922-24
Carr, Phyllis O 1938-47
Carroll, B. Hobson  MusD Mu 1871-90
Carruth, Pamela E. DH 1973-80+
Carson, David W. FH 1973-76
Carson, George  BA FRGS H 1969-80+
Carter, Helen (Rowney)  DUCPE PE  DH 1960-62  71-80+
Casement, Thomas A.  MA Ch 1969-80+
Cathcart, Miss   1872-73
Cathcart, Harold H.  BSc M 1976-80
Caughey, Margaret B.  BA E  Pp 1917-27
Caulfield, Mrs. Larraine  BA ML 1975-80+
Caulfield, J. Derek  BSc Ph 1970-77
Caumont, Professor A. ML 1868-72
Caves, Mrs.   1945
Caves, Michael J.  BA DLC PE  M 1965-71
Chambelland, Mdlle. S. P. ML 1929-30
Chaplin, Rev. Frank K.  MA E 1926-27
Chapman, Agnes S.  MA ML 1894-98  00-04
Chapman, Mrs. Marjorie  BA G 1963-68
Chapman, Roger J.  BA G 1961-71
Charles, M. Edith  BSc Sc 1955-57
Charters, Miss D.   1942-43
Chartres, J. S.   1883-88
Chasty, Henry T.  BSc PhD DH 1956-62  66-78
Checksfield, Gay  DUCPE PE 1956-58
Chesney, Jean DS 1942-43
Childe, Muriel  ARCM Mu 1945-70
Chotzer, Rev.  DD RE 1875-76
Christie, Miss S. McI.   1947-50
Cinnamond, Maurice A.  BA E 1979-80+
Clark, Alastair F.  BSc Sc 1927-49
Clarke, G. Randall M.  BA H 1944-48
Clarke, John   1875-76
Clarke, Martha  BA E 1957-59
Clarke, Mrs. Mary L.  LGSM Mu 1967-73
Clarke, Olive   1920-21
Clements, Rev. William T.  MA M 1897-1906
Clifford, S. George DH 1974-80+
Coade, Rev. Charles E.  MA LLD TT 1887-95
Coburn, Victor  LTCL Mu 1975-76
Cochrane, Hazel M. R. DH 1978-80+
Coils, Sheila (Smyth)  BA E 1960-65  71-80+
Colbert, Myrtle E. DS 1940-47
Cole, James A.  MA M 1902-07
Cole, Rev. R. Lee  MA BD TT 1903-07
Coleman, Karon J.  BAgr Bi 1970-72
Collier, Thomas R.  MA M 1879-82
Collins, Miss E.   1942-48
Colquhoun, Ethel  BA C 1929-33
Connolly, Terence J. B.  ATD A 1960-63
Cooke, Mrs. June O 1976-80+
Cooke, Wilfred J. S.  BA E 1929-39
Cooney, Stewart E.  MA  LLB C 1881-82
Cordner, Mabel E. FH 1956-80
Cordner, Robert M 1949-51
Cormack, Margaret G.  BA E 1935-36  49-58
Corrin, Thomas O. Mu 1925-26
Coulter, Evelyn PE 1929-30
Coulter, Heather PE 1945-47
Coulter, Henry H.   1918
Coulter, Kathleen Mu PE 1916-25
Courtney, M. Dorothy PE 1955-58
Cowan, Cyril C.  BA G 1955-68
Cowan, Harold McN.  MSc Sc 1931-69
Cox, M. Christopher  BA C 1967-69
Craig, S. Jean B.  MA DS 1947-78
Craig, William W.  MA   1879
Crawford, J.   1894-95
Crawford, Miss L. G.   1948-49
Crawford, Naomi Mt 1928
Creber, Stephen J. PE 1979-80
Creighton, John W.  BA M 1952-69
Creighton, Thomas D.  BEd PE 1978-80+
Cresswell, W. L.   1946-47
Crews, Freda Pp 1951-52
Cromey, Mrs. S. P. Desney  BA E 1970-71
Cromie, Miss E.   1947-48
Cron, -   1898
Crone, Anne  BA E 1936-37  45-47
Crook, Rev. Robert  LLD HM  Pr 1868-73
Crowe, Leslie A. J.  BA C 1978-80+
Crowe, Margaret (Calvert) DDSc DS 1971-80+
Crowe, Thomas H. Mu 1890-95
Crowther, John Mu 1923
Cunningham, A. GS 1919-20
Cunningham, Margaretta  BA ML 1937-45
Dakin, G. W.  BA M 1928-29
Dale, Arthur  BA M  E 1923-24
Dalrymple, W. R.   1880
Daly, Eileen Mu 1900-01
Dalzell, A.   1945-46
Daniels, E. Veronica E 1964-70
Dann, James  FRCO Mu 1919-24
Darling, Miss M. DS 1914-18
Darragh, Mary  MSc Sc 1916-18
Darrah, James N.   1878-79
Davey, Mrs. Louise A. PE 1973-75
Davidson, H. A. E 1869-71
Davidson, Mildred  MA E 1960-64
Davidson, Samuel  BSc Ch 1962-64
Davies, Maureen  NFU DH 1936-37
Davis, Miss   1918
de Courcy, Elizabeth Pp 1899-1903
Dennison, Miss E. F.   1945-47
Denton, Mrs. Judith A. FH 1970-72
de Suzor, B es L ML 1928-29
de Ville, Claude Mu 1927-29
Dewar, Heather  MA PhD ML 1919-24
Diaz, J. M. Montez- ML 1971-72
Dick, Colin  AGSM Mu 1972-74
Dick, Miss M. E.   1940-45
Dickson, Frank Wk 1918-60
Dickson, Robert J.  MA H 1941-48
Dickson, W. J.  BSc Sc 1947-50
Dill, Robert F.  MA C 1885-91
Dixon, W. Alan  BA  DLC PE  E 1962-66
Dobbs, James  BA   1898-1900
Donaghy, Mrs. Jean  LTCL Mu 1971-72
Donald, Albert L.  BA C  E 1896-1906
Donald, Robert J. F.  MA C 1884-1930
Donaldson, Andrew  BA C 1943-59
Donaldson, George A.  MD MO 1961-80+
Donovan, Eileen Pp 1916-18
Dorman, F. C.   1944-45
Douglas, Arthur C. PE 1925-37
Douglas, Marjorie E.  BA ML 1966-67
Douglas, W. Barry Mu 1976-78
Dowds, Robert W. A. Pp 1919-25
Downam, John   1925
Drennan, R. Hayden  BA H 1946-53
Drinkwater, Mdme. Gertrude  ARAM MU 1909-46
Dubois, Mdlle. ML 1947-48
Dudgeon, Dorothy M.  BA ML 1957-61
Dudgeon, Mrs. Sally E.  GRSM Mu 1964-65  67-68
Duffell, Bee DH 1942-43
Duguid, H.  MA  PhD Cm 1919-20
Dunlop, Miss M. Mt 1921-22
Dunlop, Rev. S. Douglas  BA RE 1952-59
Eames, Ann E.  BA RE 1948-69
Eaton, R. C.  BA M 1938-41
Eccles, Norman C.  BSc Ph 1952-55
Edeson, John R. Mu 1871-75
Edgar, Mrs. Joan O 1971-80+
Edington, J. D., MSc Sc 1928-29
Edwards, Oliver H.  MA ML 1924
Edwards, Roy G. N.  BSc Ch 1968-77
Egan, Kathleen M.  BA Pp 1912-16  19-20
Elder, M. Joan (Boyd)  BSc M 1955-69  74-80+
Elliott, Rev. George R.  MA LLD   1908-13
Elliott, Kenneth C.  MA M 1979-80+
Ellis, Marie  MA Pp 1917-19
Emberson, John W,  BSc PhD Ph 1969-72
Emerson, A. S.   1950-51
Emery, Ernest H.  MusB  FRCO Mu 1929-55
England, Esther E.  BA ML 1967-78
Errington, Catherine  BA M 1966-70
Ervine, W. J. PE 1894-1918
Escott, Anne  DDSc DS 1960-62
Evans, Irene (Davidson)  MA Ch 1963-68
Evans, Mrs. Rosalie  BA E  LW 1933-51
Ewing, Isobel L. M.  OBE LW 1920-28
Ewing, Miss J. R. Mt 1921-22
Falcon, Faith PE 1926-27
Falconer, Annie F. O 1922-23
Falconer, John  MA HM  Pr 1943-48
Falconer, John  MA E 1917-26  27-43
Farrar, Edmund  BA  MSc M 1924-26
Farrell, Maureen J. PE 1951-55
Farrell, Thomas J.  BA  LLB   1901-02
Fazackerley, Thomas S.  MSc M 1927-37
Ferguson, Daphne (Gilpin) PE 1951-56  63-68
Ferguson, J. E 1948-50
Ferguson, Janet V.  BMus Mu 1976-80+
Ferguson, Jean A.  ATCL FH 1961-74
Ferguson, Kay  LRAM Mu 1973-75
Fernandez, J. M. de la C. ML 1964-66
Festu, M. ML 1868
ffrench, E. C.   1900-01
Field, George Mu 1972-76
Finlay, A. T. (Rex)  BSc Sc 1958-62
Finlay, Francis C.  BA M 1925-37
Finlay, Richard J.  BA G 1970-79
Finnegan, John M.  BA M 1884-85
Fisher, Eithne M. (Mitchell) M 1969-80+
Fisher, Emma (Patrick) ML 1904-09  16-17
Fishlock, N. J.  BLitt E 1926-27
Fitzpatrick, Miss H. M.   1913
Fleming, Claude  BSc Ph 1979-80+
Fleming, F. W.   1878-79
Fleming, Miss M. E.   1943-44
Flynn, A.   1944-47
Folland, B. M. R.  BA C 1930-31
Fordham, Michael R.  BA  DLC PE 1959-63
Forster, Fraulein Gv 1913-14
Fouchier, Bernard ML 1966-67
Foy, Michael T.  MA H 1970-80+
Frank, E. J.  BA C 1929-30
Freeborn, Kenneth  BA PE 1953-57
Frost, Helen E.  BSSc DH 1978-80
Fry, P. Paul  BA PE  H 1934-40  58-80+
Fullelove, Derek G 1948-52
Fuller, A. W.  BA M 1935-36
Fullerton, -   1885
Fullwood, Neville  BA C 1937-43
Fulton, Miss E. J. Mt 1922-23
Fulton, F. Elizabeth Mu 1960-61
Furston, Miss M. F.   1946-47
Galbraith, Sgt. PE 1876
Gallagher, David R. S.  BA Pol 1979-80+
Gallagher, Rev. Eric  MA  BD RE 1942-50
Gammell, Miss Pp 1871-72
Garbutt, J. G.  MA   1970-72
Gardiner, Mary A.  BA Pp  DH 1925  33-42
Garrett, A. Maureen DH 1945-76
Garrett, Edward J.  BA M 1937-39  46-48
Garvin, Sarah E.  LRAM Mu 1919-61
Gass, Edith  RTA A 1921-23
Gaston, Freda  BA E 1976-80+
Gault, Norman  BSc Sc 1936-37
Gay, H. Vernon PE 1939-43  45-50
Geddis, Miss D.   1950-52
George, Lily  DDSc DS 1955-60
George, Maureen FH 1955-80+
Gerardin, Mdlle. A. M. ML 1963-64
Getgood, Norah (Davison)  DUCPE PE 1958-65  71-80
Gibney, Miss C. DH 1940-41
Gibson, George W.  BMus  LRAM Mu 1959-62  66-77
Gilbert, Cecelia  ATC A 1973-80+
Gilbert, Miss D.   1949-50
Gilbert, Thomas T.  BA  BAI Sc  M 1923-28
Gildea, Joseph A.  ATC A 1963-73
Gillanders, W. Thomas  BEd M 1978-80+
Gillen, D. Alwyn  BA  DLC PE 1962-65
Gillen, Robert  BA C 1960-65
Gilliland, Ronald W.  BSc Sc 1949-54
Gilmore, Miss A.   1948-49
Gilmour, Alec.  BSc M 1948-80+
Gilpin, Noel N.  MSc Sc 1946-69
Ginn, Mrs. Arlene J.  BA ML 1972-80+
Gleghorne, Margaret  BA E 1979-80+
Glenny, J. B. (Lee)  BSc  MA M 1971-77  78-80+
Goldblatt, Charles Pp 1947-48
Goldblatt, Maurice  BSc Sc 1917-18
Gordon, Charlotte Y.  DEd DH 1947-80+
Gordon, Mrs. Dorothy M.  BA E 1966-70
Gorman, Miss A. C. Mu 1892-94
Gorman, William T.  BA C 1882-90
Gotto, Mrs. Gwenth M. D.  BSc Bi  VP 1953-80+
Gracey, Jessie  BA ML 1952-54
Graham, Mrs. Iris DH 1978-80+
Graham, John Mu 1967-77
Graham, Rev. Samuel I.  BA C 1888-1910
Gransden, Mrs. Mary E.  NFF DH 1967-80+
Grebbell, Audrey Pp 1952-55
Green, Miss B. J. J.  BA E 1953-54
Green, Eric T.  MA M 1923-24
Greene, T. H. Pp 1949-51
Greenfield, W. Henry Br 1927-53
Gregory, Mary W. (Cooper) LW 1929-33
Grey, Walter R.  BA E 1957-80+
Grice, Terence C.  BA Sc 1929-30
Grimshaw, Mrs. Dorothy I. PE 1944-45  52-38  63-76
Grindle, Harry  BA  FRCO Mu 1968-72
Guard, Rev. Wesley TT 1891
Guild, Miss M. S.   1921-22
Guillaumet, Mdlle. J. ML 1946-47
Gunning, William H.  MA C 1891-1907
Gwilliam, A. E.  BSc  PhD M 1935-45
Habershon, Richard  ARCM Mu 1977-78
Haire, J. Norman  BA ML 1979-80
Haldane, Mrs. Fiona A.  BSc Bi  VP 1972-78
Hale, Miss S. J.   1902-07
Hall, Beryl Mt 1934-39
Hall, Mrs. Maureen PE 1975-80+
Hamilton, Elizabeth A.  DDSc DS 1970-80+
Hamilton, Miss G.   1941-43
Hamilton, John LbT 1948-50+
Hamilton, Maisie A.  MA E 1954-57
Hammershlag, Heinz Mu 1975-79
Hanna, Elizabeth  BSc Bi 1966-71
Harbinson, Miss E.   1924
Harbottle, Miss K. (Macdonald) PE 1937-40  46-48
Hardie, Charles D.  MA M 1937-39
Harding, C. T. Sc 1919-20
Harper, Alice DH 1943-37
Harper, Sarah V.  BA ML 1930-32
Harper, Victor M.  BA M 1908
Harris, Joseph E.  BA C 1958-64
Harrison, James A.  BA C 1945-75
Harrison, Michael C.  BA E 1938-45
Harrison, Michael C.  BA ML 1972-80+
Harrison, Nigel J.  BSc PE 1979-80
Hart, Rev. John  BA Lib 1968-72
Hartley, John A.  BA E 1868-70
Harty, Mrs. Hazel DH 1977-80+
Harvey, Francis W.  BA Sc 1895-97
Harvey, Kathleen F.  MSc Sc 1939-40
Haslem, Brian FH 1975-80+
Haughton, Frederick A. Mu 1950-51
Haworth, J. A., BA E 1936-38
Hawthorne, Mrs. Muriel K.  BA M 1952-54
Hay, Miss ML 1919-20
Hayes, Dorothy DH 1977-80
Hazelton, J. Edward  BSc Sc 1943-46
Heanen, Marion D.  BSc M 1936
Heaton, David A.  BA H 1967-69
Heely, J.   1871-74
Henderson, James E. McC. Eg 1933-39  45-48
Henderson, John W.  MA HM  Pr 1917-43
Henderson, Robert M 1887-88
Heney, J.   1943-44
Henry, E.   1871-73
Henry, Miss M. Q.   1944-45
Hepworth, H. A. G.  BA ML 1928-29
Herbert, J.   1871-72
Herd, Miss   1919-20
Herdman, Miss  LRAM Mu 1918-19
Herron, Judith C.  TDHE DS 1978-80+
Hewton, H. Jane  BSc Ph 1968-80+
Hilditch, Eileen (Staley)  BA E 1966-70
Hill, Frederick C.   1918-19
Hill, Marion (Thompson)  BSc Bi 1972-77
Hill, Marjorie A. PE 1948-51
Hind, Gertrude Mu 1899-1919
Hindmarsh, Leonard K.  BA Sc 1901-02
Hinds, Henry Mu 1870
Hitchcock, Francis R. M.  MA   1891
Hix, Lucien  BSc Sc 1929-31
Hockridge, John F.  BA ML 1924-26
Hodgett, E. J. Ferris  BSc Ph 1958-61  62-67
Hodgett, Richard C. G.  MSc M 1959-61
Hodgson, Miss Mu 1873
Hodnett, John  BA G 1952-56
Hoey, Miss K. DH 1940-41
Hogg, Lilian R. DH 1937-45
Holland, Doreen A.  BA DH 1937-42
Holland, Mrs. Olive DH 1972-78
Hollingsworth, Rev. S.  BD RE 1891
Holmes, Eleanor A.  BSc M 1973-78
Holmes, Thomas S. S. Sc 1902-03
Holmes, William P.  MA   1879-80  84
Hopkins, Dorothy S.   1929-30
Hopper, Christine  MA G 1974-75
Houghton, William F.  BA E  H 1932-34
Howard, William W.  BA C 1944-45
Howat, A. P.  BA C 1932-33
Howatson, James B.  BA M 1939-45
Howe, Samuel F.  MA M 1893-94
Howe, William M. M 1910-17
Howes, Rodney  ATC A 1972-76
Hudson, Lillie E.  BA E 1911-46
Hughes, Alison DH 1978-80+
Hughes, Brian J.  MA  BMus Mu 1955-57
Hughes, Ivor E.  BA M 1930-33
Hughes, J.   1872-73
Hughes, Mrs. Maisie O 1974-80+
Hunter, Andrew Bennett- Br 1953-78
Hunter, Barbara A. ML 1924-27
Hunter, Catherine C.  BSc Sc 1919-23
Hunter, Desmond M.  FRCO  LRAM Mu 1973-76
Hunter, Iris Mt 1930-35
Hunter, Kenneth Bennett- Mu 1970-71
Hunter, Margaret W. Pp 1916-18
Huntley, Ernest FH 1950-64
Huntley, Robert B. FH 1938-75
Hutchings, Andrew W. S.  BA M 1930-34
Hutchinson, Mrs. Judith  BA E 1965-66
Huxley, Jane  BA E 1927-29
Hynes, Miss D. M.   1930-31
Iliff, Phyllis  BA M 1943-62
Irvine, David DH 1968-71
Irvine, Rev. Hugh A.  BA C 1923-26
Irvine, Patricia A. DH 1947-49
Irwin, Miss H.  ATCL Mu 1970-71
Irwin, Kathleen M.  BA Pp 1931-37
Irwin, Mrs. Susan LbT 1977-80+
Jackel, Fraulein ML 1909-12
Jackson, Alastair J. H.  BSc M 1972-75
Jackson, Mrs. Irene  BA FSCT LW  RE 1966-80+
Jackson, John Cm 1871-75
Jackson, T.   1945-46
Jackson, Walter  BA E 1933-34
Jackson, William W. W.  MSc Ch 1964-74
Jacques, William O'D.  BA C 1976-79
Jagoe, F. Evelyn  BA ML 1921-24
James, Mavis I.  BS ML 1948-80+
Jameson, Charles W.  BSc M 1957-59
Jamison, Miss   1900
Jeffery, Fred  OBE  BA  AKC (G DH VP) 1937-78
Jeffrey, Mrs. W.   1924-25
Jeffrey, William R.  BA M 1948-54
Jelly, Margaret Mt 1919-23
Jenkins, Edward   1884-85
Jensen, Mrs. Beryl  BSSc A 1978-79
John, Evan B.  MMus  MA  FRCO Mu 1976-80+
Johnston, Mrs. ML 1923
Johnston, Aileen N.  DDSc DS 1918-40
Johnston, Miss A. S.  BA ML 1935-36
Johnston, David FH 1957-59
Johnston, Mrs. E. Anne  BEd FH 1976-80+
Johnston, Ian R.  BA PE  G 1975-80+
Johnston, Rev. James  BA ML 1920-25
Johnston, Mrs. Joan  BA ML 1954-66
Johnston, Miss M. ML 1918-19
Johnston, Margaret Pp 1887-92
Johnston, Miss R. W.   1925
Johnston, Mrs. R. W.   1942-44
Johnston, Mrs. S. E. Mt 1925-27
Jones, Arnold Monk-  BA C 1921-23
Jones, Isobel S.  BA ML 1970-80+
Jones, Mrs. I. V.   1951-52
Jones, Mrs. Patience C. FH 1974-80+
Jordan, Albert DHC 1955-80+
Jordan, Robert H.  MA C 1967-80+
Joughin, George   1908-09
Joynt, Maud  MA ML 1891-94
Kane, Brian R. DH 1968-71
Kane, Hugh   1881
Kascar, H.   1941-44
Kelly, J.   1945-46
Kelly, Mrs. Marion G.  BSc(Ec) GS 1967-80+
Kennedy, Adrain G.  BA E 1954-60
Kennedy, David F. DH 1963-68
Kennedy, Lily  LGSM DH 1942-80+
Kennedy, Ruth G. (Wells) DUCPE PE 1964-69  73-80+
Kennedy, S. Herbert  BSC Ph 1966-68
Kenny, Robert T.  BSSc G 1978-80+
Kent, Miss M. G.   1945-47
Ker, Hazel  LRAM Mu 1977-79
Ker, Mrs. Mary  BA DH 1962-74
Ker, Rev. R. Ernest  BA C 1925
Kerr, Miss   1938-45
Kerr, Gillian (Lyttle)  BA ML 1979-80+
Kerr, J. Stuart  ARCSc Sc 1902-10
Kerr, L. C.   1949-50
Kerr, Mrs. Margaret  BA DH 1945-72
Kerr, Mrs. V. PE 1945-46
Kershaw, Clifford  LRAM Mu 1971-80+
Kershaw, Mrs. Wendy  GRSM Mu 1975-80
Keys, Mrs. Freda  BA E 1976-80+
Keys, Rev. J. Henry F.  BA  MSc RE 1973-80+
Kincade, James  MA BLitt PhD HM 1974-80+
King, Charles  BA C 1920-21
King, Christopher Mu 1979-80
King, Mary H.  LRAM DH 1934-41
King, Mrs. Muriel PE 1978-80+
King, S. Bernard W.  MSc Ph 1967-72
Kingsley, Joseph M.  BA H 1929-68
Kingston, Mrs. Marion  LTCL Mu 1975-80+
Kinkead, Miss E.   1930
Kirkpatrick, Laurence S.  BA PE 1979-80+
Kirkpatrick, William  BA ML 1973-79
Kirkwood, Dorothy DH 1979-80
Kirkwood, Miss K.   1947-48
Kirkwood, Stephen  ATD A 1979-80+
Kitson, G. Christine FH 1970-80+
Knight, T. W.  BA ML 1873-75
Knipe, Miss E.   1950-51
Knox, Miss M. A. E.   1947-48
Koelmeyer, Chad Mu 1968-74
Kornmann, Mdlle. M. R. ML 1946-47
Laing, Wilfrid  BA E 1930-33
Laird, Sarah K.  BA GS 1906-11
Lamont, Frances G.  BSc Bi 1973-76
Lamont, J.   1873-74
Langhammer, Mrs. P. LTCL LLCM Mu 1873-80+
Lapsley, Jos. C.  DLC PE 1951-59
Larke, Sgt. George PE 1887-88
Latham, Miss J. M.  BSc Sc 1957-58
Lawson, Kathleen  BSc Sc 1935-36
Leslie, Miss A.  NFU Kg 1925-27
Lewis, Ernest I.  MA  BSc HM 1912-17
Lewis, Graeme  BSc(Ec) Mu 1977-80
Lillie, Margaret W.  BA Pp 1935
Lindsay, Prof. James A.  MA MD MO 1878-79  96-00
Lindsay, J. T.   1918
Lindsay, R. J. M.  BA   1937-38
Linton, H. B.  BA E 1928-29
Livingstone, S. J.   1943-45
Lloyd, Roger  ARCM Mu 1973-74
Lloyd, William H.  MA M 1907-22
Lockhart, Rev. Richard A.  BA GS 1922
Lockwood, Stephen E. Ph 1975-76  77-78
Lockyer, Rev. Edmund   1869
Logan, James   1881-82
Logan, Mary L.  BA E 1919-24
Long, Miss A. H.  NFU Kg 1924-27
Long, Rosemary (Brown) DDSc DS 1965-68
Longstaff, Danny Mu 1979-80+
Lorimer, Rosemary  ATD A 1958-60
Lowe, Harold Mu 1924-29
Lowry, Alfred   1914
Ludlow, Bertha F.  BA LW  RE 1960-62
Lyle, Brian  BA H 1979-80+
Lyttle, David  BSc M 1975-79
Macafee, Andrew  BA E  M 1876-88
McAllister, David  BSc Bi 1971-73
McAlpin, W. Scott  BA G  VP 1950-80+
McAndrew, Mrs. D. M.   1949-50
McAndrew, Ronald  MA C 1919-20
McAnlis, Rev. Thomas  BA M 1884-85
McAteer, Joseph N.  BSc Sc 1941-47
McAuley, Mrs. Mildred LbT 1973-80+
McAvoy, James  BMus LTCL Mu 1959-67
McBride, Mrs. Alice P.  ATCL Mu 1976-80+
McBride, George  ADCPL FH 1964-69
McBride, Ronald H.  BA G 1971-80+
McBurney, Miss   1919
McCall, D. R.   1960-61
McCann, Miss H. G. (Loney) Pp  FH 1943-70
McCann, Isobel S.   1910
McCaughan, Miss M.  BA G 1958-61
McCaughran, Mrs. Barbara PE 1979-80+
McCay, Miss L. M.   1940-42
McCay, William  BMus Mu 1960-80+
McClean, John  BA E 1974-75
McClean, R. Trevor  BSc PhD Ch 1962-67
McClellan, Garry L.  BA M 1969-71
McClelland, S. Epworth  BSc Ph 1957-59
McClelland, S. Gordon  BSc Ch 1957-80+
McClintock, Mrs. Honor G.  BA H 1969-80+
McCluggage, J. Graham  BSc Bi 1978-80+
McClure, Alan J.  BA RE 1970-71
McClure, Mary W. DH 1942-47
McCombe, Denis  LTCL Mu 1971-80+
McConaghy, Miss E. L. P.   1951-52
McConkey, T. Dawson  DLC PE 1957-60
McConnell, Audrey  MA BD LW 1956-60
McConnell, Freda (Marshall)  BSc M 1959-67
McConnell, Marian  DDSc DS 1963-65
McConnell, Samuel J.  MA   1901-03 10-13
McCord, James D.  ARCA A 1931-32 35-48
McCormick, Miss M.   1940
McCorry, Rev. J. J.  FRSA FCI Cm 1907-17
McCorry, Terence T.  BA E 1941
McCoy, John C. Mu 1967-71
McCrea, Rev. Alexander H.  MA RE 1920-28
McCready, Alfred   1896
McCullough, Denis W.  BSc  PhD Ph 1972-79
McCullough, M. Alastair  BA ML 1976-80+
McCune, Mrs. E. PE 1963-64
McCutcheon, Jane T.  BA M 1892  94-12  15-30
McCutcheon, Rev. O.  MA  DD  LLD Pr 1891-95
McDonagh, Mrs. Elizabeth  LRAM Mu 1947-75
McDonald, David W.  BA C 1964-66
MacDonald, H. Wilgar GS 1886-93
Macdonald, James  BA M 1928-39
Macdonald, James A. GS 1871-80  82-86
McDonnell, J. Edward  BA G 1973-74
McDowell, J. Ivor  BSc Ph 1959-67
McDowell, T.   1877-78
McDowell, Thomas  BA C 1888-96
McFadden, William  MA ML 1932-42
McFarland, Miss M. Mt 1932-33
MacFarlane, Mrs. D. J. DH 1946-47
MacGibney, Miss L. E.   1940-42
McGladdery, Rev. S. RE 1945-46
McGuffin, Miss H. K.   1951-52
McIlroy, Hazel R. M 1972-73
McIntosh, D. Mu 1971-72
McIntosh, Henry S.  MA HM 1890-1912
McIntyre, Damien  FTCL Mu 1973-75
McKay, Miss E. W. Sc 1922
McKay, Rev. Joseph W.  DD Pr 1880-91
McKee, Miss   1921
McKee, Alex C.  BEd BMus LTCL Mu 1978-80+
McKee, D. Mu 1971-72
McKee, Elizabeth  DUCPE PE 1969-71
McKee, James L.  BA   1905
McKee, Miss M. Kg 1874-81
McKenna, Peter A.  BA ARCSI Sc 1918-26
McKennan, Daniel L.  MA ML 1942-73
McKenzie, Angus Eg 1923-29
MacKenzie, Constance M. (Stratford)  MA DH  E 1933  66-71
McKenzie, H. L.  MA C 1929
McKeown, Deardre S. Mu 1976-77
McKeown, Mrs. M. M.  LTCL Mu 1976-80+
McKeown, R. Mu 1974-75
McKnight, Mrs. Kay  BA LRAM Mu 1977-79
McKnight, Sylvia FH 1974-80+
McLain, Mae (Middlemore) A 1928-39
McLean, Eileen (Morrison)  BSc Ph 1976-80+
McLean, Grace   1950-52
McLean, Phyllis  BSc DH 1968-69
McMahon, H. O 1911-13
McMahon, Harold F.  BSc Ph 1961-67
McMahon, Kenneth A. Sc 1957-58
McMaster, Allan J.  BA ML 1959-69
McMillan, S. Roberta Mt 1938
MacMillan, W.   1887
McNee, John H.  BA C 1979-80+
McNeice, Mary O. Mu 1894-98
McNeill, Anne M.  DDSc DS 1968-70
McNeill, James A.  BA M 1877-90
McNeilly, Isabel FH 1955-75
McPherson, Helen  BA ML 1958-66
McPherson, Joan  BA E 1972-80+
McReynolds, Donal F.  BSc Bi 1977-80+
McVeagh, Ellen A.  BA E 1979-80+
McWilliams, Mrs. Catherine  ATD A 1970-71
Magee, Adrienne (Farmer)  BSc M 1968-72
Magill, Miss D. M. I.   1944-45
Maginnis, Zandra (Talbot)  BA E 1969-78
Magookin, David CW 1978-80+
Magowan, Mary  MA E 1956-57
Maguire, Emmeline  LRAM Mu 1920-60
Maguire, John K. DH 1952-66
Mahony, W. Gordon  BA C 1923-31
Mailey, Brian  BSc Ph 1977-80+
Mann, Miss   1920
Manning, George Pp 1917-19
Marsh, Mrs.   1872-73
Marshall, Miss Eileen Kg 1919-24
Marshall, Philip  BSc M 1975-80+
Marshall, Ronald  BA H 1926-46
Martin, Cath A. B. (Wright)  BA ML 1960-64
Martin, Mrs. Edna DH 1953-55
Martin, Hazel B.  ATCL Mu  FH 1968-74
Martin, J.   1919
Martin, Peter F.  BSc Ch 1965-80+
Mason, Derek LbT 1956-80+
Mathers, Rev. Joseph  BA TT 1897-99
Matheson, Miss S.   1907-10
Mathews, Miss E.   1947
Matier, Mrs. Myrtle G. O 1971-80+
Matthews, Claire  ARCM Mu 1970-74
Matthews, Ian A.  BSc Ph 1965-66
Mawhinney, Rachel O 1929-68
Maxwell, Miss D. E. S.   1948  51
Maxwell, Miss K. M.   1939-40
Maxwell, Ronald J.  BA ML 1967-79
Maxwell, William   1888
May, Geoffrey A.  BA E 1958-62
Meaklim, Peter J. PE 1979-80
Mee, Mrs. Shirley M.  DDA Mu  FH 1974-80+
Meechan, Pat  LRAM Mu 1977-79
Megahey, Spence  BEd DH 1979-80+
Megarry, Pamela  BSc Bi 1978-80+
Melville, Miss M. E. DH 1948
Mercer, Miss   1874
Mercer, Joan  DSilk PE 1928-36
Metscher, Mrs. Priscilla  BA ML 1966-71
Meyer, A.  BMus  LGSM Mu 1972-73
Meyer, James G.  MA C 1871-85
Michael, Mrs. Joy DH 1974-76
Middleton, Mrs. Mt 1916-17
Miles, T. J.   1945-46
Millar, Miss A. J.   1940
Millar, Anne  BA ML 1964-76
Millar, Charles Mu 1974-77
Millar, Helen C. ML 1917-46
Millen, John E1 1885-1913
Milligan, Margaret  LGSM ATCL DH 1941-71
Milne, David   1873
Mitchell, Albert  ACP Pp  FH 1950-58
Mitchell, Rev. Arthur D. C 1920-21
Mitchell, Crawford   1930-31
Mitchell, D. John DH 1970-72
Mitchell, Maria DH 1947-48
Mitchell, Robert H. R. DH 1946-47
Mitton, Keith  LRAM Mu 1973-74
Moffatt, Douglas M.   1901
Mol, William H.. MA C 1935-45
Molyneaux, Jane M 1913-14
Monaghan, Mrs. G.   1949-50
Monaghan, Gerald G.  BSc M 1972-80+
Moncrieff, Mrs. Margaret E. DH 1972-77
Monroe, Irene V. DH 1948-49
Montgomery, Mrs. Aline M. C. ML 1978-80+
Montgomery, Miss A. (McMillan)  ATCL LTCL FH 1960-68
Montgomery, Georgina  LRAM Mu 1898-1919
Montgomery, Mrs. Helen  DDSc DS 1969-71
Montgomery, J. H.   1879-81
Montgomery, John GS 1920-21
Montgomery, John K. Br 1926-27
Montgomery, Miss S.   1918-19
Montgomery, Mrs. Sylvia  ATD A 1966-70
Moore, Miss E.  LTCL Mu 1977-80+
Moore, E. Barbara  BA E 1962-66
Moore, Miss L. Mu  Kg 1871-99
Moore, Martha F. (Holmes) Mu 1900-08
Moran, Rev. Francis  MA   1884
Morigneau, Mdlle. L. R. ML 1929-31
Morley, Hewitt   1873-74
Morris, Anne M.  BA E 1946-53
Morris, Phyllis (Farnan)  BSc Bi 1973-77
Morrison, Derek  ATD A 1955-73
Morrison, Mrs. June  BSc Bi 1966-73
Morrison, Miss L. Mu 1923-25
Morrison, W. J.   1917-18
Morrow, W. John  MA M 1954-74
Mortimore, Rev. D. PE 1970-71
Morton, Sheila J.  MA LW  ML 1951-56
Moss, Miss W.   1923-25
Moxley, Joseph H. S.  BA GS 1871-74
Muir, Arthur H.  FCA Cm 1914-15
Mulholland, R.   1915-17
Mulligan, Mrs. DH 1954-55
Mullin, Katherine (Barr)  BSc M 1968-72  74-75
Mulryne, Trevor  BEd PE 1971-77
Mulryne, T. Wilfred  BA C 1965-78
Munn, Margaret  BA E 1964-65
Murphy, Graham  BSc  PHD M 1976-80+
Murray, Mrs. Margaret DH 1978-80+
Myascough, Edith   1910
Myles, Rev. Gerald G.  BA RE 1936-41
Naylor, Richard A.  BSc  PhD Ch 1974-80+
Neal, Miss M. G. Pp 1958-59
Neeson, John C.  BSc GS 1979-80+
Neill, D. W. Ch 1946-51
Neill, H.   1945-46
Neill, Rev. John E.  BA TT 1899-1903
Nepveu, Lucien ML 1872-79
Nesbitt, Professor   1874-75
Nesbitt, William  BA ML 1965-80+
Nicholas, Lucinda H. Pp 1901-09
Nicholas, Rev. W. M.  MA DD LLD Pr 1895-1908
Nicholls, Miss J.   1915
Nicholls, Richard C.  BA G 1944-78
Nicholson, Arthur R.  BSc PhD M 1958-65
Nicholson, Rev. T. B.  BA  LLD   1870
Nicoll, Mrs. A. Mt 1925-26
Nixon, Donald W.  BA Bi 1978-80
Norton, Harold R.  MSc Sc 1913-15  19
Nova, B. R. Alvarez- ML 1970-71
Oates, R. C. A.  BA C 1934-35
O'Donnell, Hilda A.  MA E 1942-71
O'Kelly, Miss   1910
Oliver, Rev. Turner B.  MA C 1879-84
Omnes, Mdlle. Yola ML 1967-68
O'Neal, Sgt.-Major PE 1874-78
O'Neill, Edward E.  BA Pp 1921-22
O'Neill, Ernest W.  BA E 1956-57
O'Neill, Frank R.  BA M 1926-27
Onions, E. J.   1875-76
Openshaw, David Mu 1975-80+
Oreinstein, Mdlle. R. F. ML 1969-70
Orr, Ellen O  
Orr, Josephine (Downer)  LRAM Mu 1903-06  12-19
Orr, Wm. McFadden M 1883
Osborne, Dorothy (Burrows)  BA ML 1920-24
O'Sullivan, Rev. Patrick  BA   1918
Overton, Brian Mu 1969-71
Price-Owen, Anne A 1972-80+
Price-Owen, Molly A 1971
Paice, Mrs. Margaret O. Lib 1973-80+
Paice, Peter A. M.  BA Bi 1959-80+
Parke, Mrs. Joan O 1977-80+
Parke, Joseph B.  DSc Ch 1930-32  37-42
Parker, Henry R.  LLD HM 1871-90
Parker, Thomas H.  BA E 1945-48
Parnell, Sheila RE 1969-79
Parra, C. ML 1968-69
Patchell, Miss V. (Sloss)  LRAM Mu 1916-18  19-20
Patrick, Arthur F.  BSc Bi 1977-80+
Patterson, Arthur  BA M 1929
Patterson, J. B. L. ML 1912
Patterson, Rev. T. C.  BA RE 1967-70
Paul, Miss A. R.   1948-52
Peacock, John R.  BA E 1956-59
Pearson, Chris A.  GRSM  LRAM Mu 1965-70
Pearson, Miss S.   1946-47
Pearson, William  BSc M  Sc 1914-15
Pedlow, Dorothy V.  LRSM Mu 1957-59
Pendlebury, A.  BA C 1930-37
Petrowski, Fraulein Gv 1912-13
Phillips, Lewis R.  BSc Sc 1915-17
Phillips, Reginald V.  BA E  M 1924-26
Philpott, William T. R.  BA Pp 1927-34
Picken, Andrew  BA  LLB   1908-12
Pilkington, Francis J.  MA   1893-95
Pimm, Miss A. M. LW 1933
Pitt, Mrs. P. Gloria  LLCM  ATCL Mu 1973-80+
Plumer, Arthur M.  BA  BAI M 1919-20
Polden, Miss Kg 1873-74
Pooler, Rev. Charles K.  MA C 1888-96
Pope, Ciaron  ATD A 1973-80+
Pope, Norman C.  MA Ph 1968-71
Porter, J. A.   1949-52
Porter, Robert  DLC PE 1950-53
Powell, F. J.  BMus Mu 1926
Pratt, Margaret  BA E 1965-66
Preston, George  MA M 1890-95
Price, W. G.  MusD Mu 1898-1906
Pumfrey, Montagu de la PE 1920  22-25
Purdon, Eustace   1896-97
Purser, Professor   1874-75
Quaill, Nora  BA E 1959-64
Quigley, Doreen (Mulryne) FH  DH 1967-70  74-78
Quinton, Edith D. San 1936-39
Radcliffe, George W.  MSc Sc 1926-65
Rainey, Maud  ATC A 1925-36  37-63
Rainey, Mrs. Sheila O 1975-80+
Ralph, Rev. Benjamin  BA TT 1868-72
Rankin, Mrs. Kathleen  BSc Sc 1965-66
Ranson, John  BSc Sc 1934-41
Rattenbury, K. W.  FCS Sc 1930-31
Rea, Douglas H.  MSc Ph 1972-78
Rea, Henry M.  BA ML 1934-48
Reid, Mrs. Ann  ARCM  LRAM Mu 1966-67  68-71
Reid, Miss E. H. Kg 1888-91
Reid, J.   1920
Reid, Kenneth E.  BA H 1953-66
Reid, Kenneth F.  BSc  PhD Ch 1958-80+
Reid, Miss M. F. ML 1878-83
Reid, Mrs. Patricia FH 1971-80+
Reid, R. Gerald H.  BA ML 1950-56
Reid, R. McN.   1930-31
Reid, Mrs. Thelma   1969-71
Reid, W. M.   1946-48
Reilly, James D.  BA ML 1965-72
Reynolds, Charmaine  BA ML 1963-65
Rhodes, David W.  BMus Mu 1977-80+
Rice, Denis F.  MSc Ch 1968-80+
Rice, Johnston CW 1960-78
Richardson, Miss   1898-99
Richardson, William  BA M 1872-77
Riddell, John M.  BSc M 1967-76
Riddell, Mrs. Mary Rose PE 1979-80+
Rimmer, Meta  LRAM Mu 1912-16
Ritchie, Alice G.  MA LW  ML 1891-1920
Ritchie, Frances  BSc Sc 1916-18
Ritchie, Janice (Bradley)  BA E 1973-76
Ritchie, Wendy A.  BSc Ph 1969-75
Robertson, W. H. T.  BA C 1930-33
Roberts, Mrs. Gwendth M 1978-80+
Robertson, Rev. J. C.  MA  BD TT  M 1891-97  07-20
Robertson, R. D. ML 1920-21
Robertson, William T.  BA   1905
Robinson, D. N. GS 1937  43-45
Robinson, Hazel A.  CESx PE 1975-80+
Robinson, J. Ronald  BSc Ph 1954-59
Robinson, J. Roy  BA E 1951-57
Robinson, Mrs. Rosemary LbT 1968-80+
Roddie, A. G. GS 1876-1906
Roe, Mrs. A. Mt 1922-24
Rollins, Sgt. William PE 1883-93
Roman, S. M. del C. S. ML 1963-64
Rose, Frank P.  MA M  VP 1940-66
Rose, Mrs. May  BSc M 1941-55
Rose, W. C.   1907-08
Rothwell, Rev. R. J.  BA  LLB   1900-05
Round, Mrs. Anne  BA H 1966-67
Rowlands, R. D.  BSc Sc 1926-27
Royle, Miss M. H.   1908-09
Ruddock, Pat (Pyne)  BA ML 1966-72
Russell, Mrs. E. Mu 1869-71
Russell, J.   1869
Saddler, Mrs. N. Mt 1930-33
Sailes, Roy  BSc Sc 1955-56
Sands, Julia Kg 1888-91
Saunders, Jack Pp  FH 1952-80+
Sawyer, Frederick H.  MusB  MA Mu 1906-22
Sayers, Mrs. Moira E.  DUCPE PE 1975-78
Scheyer, Ranata (Weil)  BA ML 1947-51  60-76
Schumann, Paul Mu 1979-80
Schwarz, Professor ML 1868-69
Scott, Miss Pp 1871-74
Scott, Miss J. I.   1942-47
Scott, Mrs. Patricia O 1975-80+
Scott, Rev. Robinson  DD Pr 1873-80
Seed, Mrs. J. Wendy DH 1972-76
Semple, J. Wesley D.  BA C 1969-76
Senecot, M. D. ML 1962-63
Sephton, Paul  BA E 1949-60
Sevilla, S. ML 1966-67
Shannon, Cherry Mt 1934-38
Shannon, David J.  MSc M 1970-71
Shannon, J.   1886
Shaw, Garry T. FH 1969-70
Shaw, James  BA C 1874-75
Shepherd, William A 1876
Sherrard, Jocelyn  DUCPE PE 1971-80+
Shields, Jean  DDSc DS 1929-33
Shillington, Ecca Gv 1898-99
Shillington, Elizabeth C. LW 1891-1906
Shuker, Norman  BA E 1977-79
Sibley, G. W. C 1869-70
Sideway, A.  BA C 1934-35
Simms, Mrs. Cheryl V.  BSc Ph 1979-80+
Simms, Mrs. H. J. Mt 1896-1902
Simpson, Mrs. Anne PE 1977-80+
Simpson, Noel R. J.  BSc Sc 1961-63
Simpson, Richard D. Br 1978-80+
Singleton, John Eg 1918-19
Sinton, Mary F. (Howard)  NFU Kg 1919-37
Skinner, Mrs. D. M.   1942-43
Sloane, Gwendoline Gv 1927-28
Small, Sandra  BA FH 1973-80+
Smeeth, Rowland A 1872-74
Smeltzer, Miss G. R. ML 1944-45
Smiley, James A.  OBE  MD MO 1935-61
Smiley, Rev. William   1871
Smith, C. F. Spencer-  BA E 1929-43
Smith, Gwen   1925
Smith, Sgt.-Major H. J. PE 1878-79
Smith, H. E. Marie  BA Pp  DH 1929-64
Smith, Linda M.  BA E 1974-75
Smith, Mary Spencer- Pp 1935-38
Smith, Miss M. G.   1917-20
Smith, Miss M. J.   1884
Smith, R.   1871-72
Smith, Ida C.   1925
Smith, Mrs. I. T.   1951-52
Smyth, Rev. James  DD  LLD   1949-50
Smyth, Miss J. K.  NFU Kg 1926-27
Smyth, W.   1960-61
Smyth, W. Johnston  BSc Ph 1967-79
Smyth, Mrs. W. Patricia DH 1957-60
Southgate, Philip J.  BA GS 1924-25
Speer, Deirdre M. A.  BA G 1971-73
Spence, David E.  BA C 1947-80+
Sprott, Mrs.   1909
Stapleton, Matthew  BA E 1970-72
Steele, M. Elaine  BA ML 1979-80+
Steele, William C.  BA M 1885-89
Steen, Patricia  BSc M 1976-80
Steepe, Ian S.  BA E 1978-80
Stephens, William H.  MSc Sc 1934-35
Stevenson, Miss   1906-07
Stevenson, Charles H.  MA ML 1973-75
Stevenson, C. James  BA C 1966-67
Stewart, Mrs.   1919
Stewart, Alaister L.  BA M 1979-80+
Stewart, Mrs. Mary LbT 1979-80+
Stewart, Michael A.  ATD A 1951-80+
Stewart, Rev. R. N.  BA  BD RE 1972-73
Stone, R. H.   1947
Stoneley, Ernest A A  MusD Mu 1923-55
Storey, Isobel E. Mt 1927-32
Storey, Naomi (Gordon) DH 1947-53  55-78
Storey, W. A.   1884-88
Stratford, Frederick J.  BSc M 1930-39  45-68
Stronge, James M.  MA C 1878-79
Stuart, J. D. Cm 1876-1907
Stuart, Margaret (Lilley) A 1932-34  36-57
Sullivan, Miss   1906-07
Sullivan, Rachel  MSc M 1937-38
Sumner, John A 1891-1909
Sutton, J.   1869-70
Swallow, M.   1871
Swan, Elizabeth (Turnbull)  BA E 1941-54
Swinson, B. Eg 1919
Symondson, Miss J. Mt 1915-18
Taggart, Jean Pp  FH 1945-67
Tait, Miss O.   1944-45
Tanner, J. GS 1879-80
Tate, Phyllis  LRAM Mu 1957-64
Taylor, Ann  BA E 1954-58
Taylor, Miss C. Mu 1922-57
Taylor, Carrodus Mu 1922-23
Taylor, Miss E. L.   1910-17
Taylor, Jean A.  BA ML 1965-66
Taylor, Mrs. M. A. DS 1911-14
Taylor, R.   1946-49
Taylor, Samuel J.  BSc M 1949-50
Tempest, Miss   1909-10
Templar. Miss Mt 1925-26
Temple, Miss H.   1942-45
Templeton, Mrs. Elaine W.  BEd DH 1978-80
Terry, Maurice S.  MA H 1953-80+
Thomas, A. Carey GS 1923
Thompson, Miss C.   1940-41
Thompson, Mrs. Chris FHO 1954-80+
Thompson, D. Fraser  BSc  LGSM FH 1975-80+
Thompson, Joseph Sc 1909-13
Thompson, Miss M. Mu 1949-57
Thompson, Mrs. Patricia O  
Thompson, Roy F.  BA M 1956-59
Thompson, Sadie H. (Calvert)  LLCM LW  Mu 1959-80+
Thompson, Samuel  BA M 1976-80+
Thompson, Valerie (Coates) FH 1959-64
Thompson, Mrs. Venessa DH 1976-78
Thorpe, Brian L.  BA M 1954-80+
Thorpe, Stanley  BA E 1929-30
Tillard, Philip J. B.  BA ML 1924-41
Tinkler, David H.  BA M 1895-1901
Tipping, James  MSc Sc 1935-37
Todd, Eileen A.  LRAM Mu 1971-78
Todd, John  MSc Sc 1938-39
Todd, William R.  BA M 1936-41  46-58
Topping, Roy  BA FH 1969-80+
Torney, Doreen (McCracken) DH 1949-52  53-56
Totton, Denis  BEd  LTCL Mu 1976-78
Town, W. E.  BA Pp 1921-22
Toy, John M. FH 1970-73
Trotter, H. C.   1910-11
Tulip, A. Jordan  BA E  H 1924-30
Tunnell, Richard S.  BA C 1926-29
Turkington, Maureen (White)  BA ML 1973-80+
Turnbull, T. Stanley  BA E 1948-54
Turner, Mrs.   1890
Turtle, May Mt 1908-15  18-19
Uprichard, Joseph D.  BA FH 1958-69
Upton, Amy F.  NFU Pp 1926-45
Valeroy, M. R. ML 1970-71
Vaughan, Maureen (May)  BA E 1959-60
Veale, Louise Mt 1923-24
Veysey, J. A.  LLB GS 1872-73
Walker, Miss M. J. Mt 1926-31
Walker, Orr GS 1918-19
Wallace, Eric  BA E 1950-68
Wallace, Ian D.  BSc Ch 1960-62
Waller, W.  BA C 1918-19
Walsh, Brian G.  BSc Ch 1956-60
Walshe, J. Helen  BA E 1970-74  75-76
Walton, Marian (Woods)  BA Ph 1961-68  69-80+
Wareham, George A.  MA ML 1928-41  46-47
Warhurst, Mrs. Sheila DH 1976-77
Warren, Averil P.  BA H 1977-79
Watson, Alan H.  BSc PE 1979-80
Watson, Catherine Mu 1979-80+
Watson, E.   1904-06
Watson, E. Alice G.  MA E 1971-80+
Watson, G.   1940-41
Watson, Norman Mu 1979-80+
Watson, R. C.  MEng MSc BA Sc 1929-30
Watson, Robert H. DH 1970-79
Watson, Rosemary A. G.  BA ML 1954-58
Watters, Irene   1929
Weaver, Sgt.-Major F. PE 1879-80
Webster, Herbert  BA GS 1912-19
Wedgwood, Charlotte L. R.  BA M 1912-16
Wedgwood, Miss J. E. ML 1914-16
Weil, Robert W. E.  MA  BLitt ML 1948-73
Weir, Miss   1925  27
Weir, Margaret C. Mu 1946-74
Wells, David  DPE PE 1966-80+
Wells, Mrs. Susan Gordon-  ARCM Mu 1972-77
Wells, Thomas G.  MA C 1923-24
Weston, Charles  MA ML 1926-30
Wheeler, Brian R.  BSc  PhD Ch 1977-80+
Wheeler, George H.  MA   1888
Wheeler, T. Kennedy sen  MD MO 1868-88
Wheeler, T. Kennedy jun  MD MO 1888-1935
Wheeler, William A. Sc 1881  87-88
White, Eleanor Mu 1895-97
White, Miss G.   1894-95
White, Ronald Scott- E  G 1922-40
White, William  BSc  ARCS M  Ph 1920-27
Whittaker, H.   1950-51
Whittaker, Mrs. I. M.   1945
Whyatt, Miss E. Mt 1927-28
Whyte, Dorothy P.  ATD A 1963-69
Wilkinson, Miss E. R.  BA LW 1928-29
Wilkinson, Joanne A. D.  DUCPE PE 1971-73
Willans, W. Arthur N.  MA H 1950-80+
Williams, Jane R.  BA E 1979-80+
Willis, C. Henry  BA LRAM ARCO Mu 1957-66
Willis, Mrs. Mary LW 1962-66
Willis, Samuel W.  BA   1892-93
Willman, Mrs. M. V.   1948
Wilson, Miss   1919-21
Wilson, A. J.   1945
Wilson, Audrey (McConnell)  DACPE PE 1958-60  63-75
Wilson, Caulfield  BSc Sc 1949-56
Wilson, Clive F.  ATD A 1976-78
Wilson, Miss E.   1930-31
Wilson, Mrs. Elizabeth DH 1976-80+
Wilson, Ethel (Sephton) Pp 1938-57
Wilson, Mrs. Eva  LRAM  LTCL Mu 1967-76
Wilson, Hazel E.  BSc Bi 1963-66
Wilson, K. Margaret  DDSc DS 1939-54
Wilson, Mrs. M. DH 1966-67
Wilson, M. M.  BA ML 1929-32
Wilson, Mrs. Mona W. FH 1972-80+
Wilson, Ronald T. DH 1967-68
Wilson, Samuel J.  BA C 1931-66
Wilson, W.   1897-98
Wilson, William J.  BA PE 1921-23
Winter, Jenny A. (Dale) Pp 1921-24
Wipf, Mdlle. S. ML 1963-66
Wood, Miss E. M.   1945-47
Wood, William G.  BSc G 1975-78
Woods, Derick  BSc  BA M 1962-76
Workman, James A.  MA M 1890-1906
Worrall, A. Stanley  MA  BD HM 1961-74
Worrall, Catherine M.  BA M  Sc 1967-68
Wright, Mrs. F.   1940-44
Wright, Gerard C.  BA G  E 1926-44
Wright, H. J.   1871-72
Wright, Thomas H.  DLC PE 1960-62
Wylie, Charles W.  BA Pp 1938
Wylie, Mrs. Jean DHO 1972-80+
Wylie, Thomas  BA H 1968-70
Wynburne, Mrs. Betty  DACPE FH  DH 1959-71
Wynne, Mrs. J.  BA G 1969-70
Young, Barry Mu 1979-80+
Young, Mrs. Meg  LRAM  ARCM Mu 1979-80+

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