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Methodist College Register
1868 to 1927

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Roll of Honour WW1
Roll of Honour WW2
In The News 1980's

1805 - 1806 - 1807 - 1808 - 1819 - 1843 - 1852 - 1861 - 1868 - 1877 - 1880 - 1890 - 1894
1901 - 1907 - 1908 - 1909 - 1910 - 1912 - 1918 - 1924 - 1932 - 1939 - 1943 - 1947 - 1951 - 1955 - 1960
1913 Tel. directory    1824 Pigots (Belfast)  &  (Bangor)   1894 Waterford Directory
1898 Newry Directory      Bangor Spectator Directory 1970


MCB Entry   MCB Entry  
1908 Addy, Beresford 1889 Lemon, Archibald Dunlop
1909 Atkinson, Hugh 1898 Lyons, William Thomas
1904 Bennett, Trevor Moutray 1903 McCurry, Isaac Alexander
1901 Bourke, Albert William 1901 McCutcheon, John Cecil
1908 Boyd, Thomas Moffett 1915 Macmahon, Herbert Henry
1907 Calvert, Herbert James 1910 McMordie, James Wilson
1895 Capper, Bass Durant 1893 MacWilliam, William Andrew
1903 Chittick, William Henry 1905 Magill, Alexander
1906 Christie, John Halliday H. 1903 Marshall, Edward Leslie
1899 Clarke, Neville Dutton 1902 Martin, Eric Franklin
1898 Clayton, William Albert Ernest 1910 Martin, Pierce Franklin
1900 Cleland, Francis Lee 1898 Mathewson, Hamilton
1903 Coates, George W. T. 1889 Maxwell, William Leigh
1903 Coulson, William John 1912 Mercier, Herbert B.
1908 Cowdy, Harold Evans 1898 Millar, Arthur James
1909 Cronhelm, Edward William Arthur 1901 Nicholl, Alfred Ernest
1906 Cullen, Lindsay Cyril Vivian 1900 Paton, Norman G.
1908 Cupples. William 1900 Quarry, William H.
1903 Davey, Edwin William 1901 Riddell, David Moore
1902 Downey, Sydney James Livingston 1893 Rutherford, George Thomas
1905 Earls, Walker Rennick 1892 Rutherford, William McConnell
1891 Ferguson, James F. 1888 Scott, Ninian R.
1905 Finnegan, Robert Thompson 1897 Seale, Theophilus
1903 Forbes, John Donald 1896 Shaw, William Lindsay
1909 Frizelle, Edwin Samuel 1904 Simonton, Mason
1909 Gibson, Albert H. 1909 Small, Hugh Alexander
1903 Gillespie, Norman Alexander 1905 Smyth, Irvine Johnston
1906 Green, Arthur Vivian 1900 Spence, Alexander
1901 Green, Percy Harold 1911 Tees, Percy Millar
1911 Hadden, Evans 1899 Templeton, Charles Bradley
1912 Harrison, John George 1902 Templeton, Ernest Churchill
1900 Hay, William Stevenson B. 1909 Thompson, John Crawford
1894 Hazelton, John Douglas 1907 Webster, Henry Hellyer
1903 Henderson, George York 1903 Wedgwood, Gilbert C.
1918 Hetherington, Hugh 1906 Wedgwood, Philip Egerton
Staff Howe, William M. 1901 Whitsitt, John Reginald
1900 Inwood, Charles H. 1906 Williamson, Frederick
1913 Ireland, James Staff Willis, Samuel W.
1884 Keeling, George B. 1913 Wilson, Eric Maurice
1911 Keightley, Philip Charles Russell 1902 Wright, Samuel
1901 Kennedy, William    


MCB Entry  

MCB Entry

1936 Adams, Harold William 1934 McCord, Thomas Alexander
1931 Adamson, Stanley 1928 MacGregor, Christopher James
1930 Aiken, Robert Lurring 1927 McIlwaine, John Patterson
1922 Amery, John Frederick 1926 Mackenzie, John Priestley
1905 Ardis, Harold Frederick 1920 McMinn, Ernest Walther
1931 Armtrong, Thomas Lindsay 1930 McNabb, Charles Alexander
1925 Austin, Finlay Kerr 1934 McNeill, Leonard
1936 Beckett, James Ewart 1923 Marshall, Robert William Stanley
1929 Bell, Maurice Watt 1924 Martin, Anthony
1923 Bradley, John Whitfield 1935 Martin, Hugh Cecil
1933 Brown, John Thomas 1934 Martin, Whitney Ernest
1931 Browne, Albert Kenneth 1930 Maxwell, William Ernest Norman
1928 Christie, Henry James 1935 Millar, Samuel James
1929 Clarke, Ernest Sumner 1928 Morgan, Reginald Norman
1931 Colhoun, William Andrew Lawrence 1925 Morrow, Martin McAuley
1927 Conn, William Alford 1936 Munce, Ian Lindsay
1930 Cook, Arthur Stanley Graeme- 1904 Napier, William
1930 Currie, Vivian Lester 1933 Newton, James Lyle
1933 Dickson, George Middleton 1933 Park, Walter Reynolds
1887 Dill, John Greer 1930 Parker, John
1934 Exley, George Arnold 1935 Peattie, David Stanley
1931 Fleming, William James Douglas 1894 Pinion, Stanley
1930 Forsythe, Samuel 1931 Plenderleith, Norman Peter
1929 Galbraith, Frank Wilson 1932 Polley, Edward Victor
1935 Gracey, Herbert 1926 Purce, Norman James
1935 Gray, William Forbes 1927 Rainey, John
1924 Grimshaw, Henry 1925 Rea, Edward Douglas
1931 Halliday, William Eric 1900 Reid, Adeil E. H.
1935 Hare, Maxwell Templeton 1933 Ritchie, Robert William
1926 Hawthorne, James Thomas 1933 Scott, Randal Archibald
1933 Henshaw, Desmond 1930 Shaw, James Douglas
1923 Hewitt, Mark 1934 Smith, William Herbert Robertson
1930 Holmes, Kenneth Thomas Shaw 1933 Smyth, Norman
1934 Jackson, Stanley Arthur 1934 Sprott, Robert
1934 Johnson, Robert Irvine 1925 Stewart, Henry Thorpe
1923 Johnston, Terence Harvey 1935 Stoddart, William Robert Bryans
1933 Keel, Norman Henry 1926 Stoneley, Michael John Ernest
1932 Keenan, Norman Clements 1919 Tees, David John
1932 Kennedy, Frederick William 1924 Thomas, Richard Alexander
1935 Kerr, James Archibald 1923 Todd, John Harvey
1929 Kinning, Raymond Armstrong 1936 Vance, Herbert
1929 Kirkpatrick, James 1935 Walker, Hamilton
1930 Kirkpatrick, Ross McFaul 1935 Webb, John Cameron Keith
1927 Law, William Alfred 1909 Wheeler, Douglas Reid
1927 Lindsay, John 1934 Wilson, Andrew Victor Sproule H.
1923 Livingstone, Arthur Rupert 1932 Wilson, Granville
1918 McCaghey, Harold Abraham 1933 Wilson, William Ernest
1932 McCausland, James Maxwell 1932 Wright, John

In The News

In The News 1980-81
Month MCB Entry Details
September 1977 Deborah Robinson murdered near Naas Co. Kildare
November 1949 Rev. G. Harold Good MBE appointed NI member of the UK Social Security Advisory Committee
November 1953 Thomas R. Orr murdered by terrorists at Boucher Road Belfast
December 1954 George Hamilton appointed to BBC Radio 2
December 1961 Raymond Refausse appointed archivist of the Church of Ireland
January 1935 IsaacG. Doran awarded the OBE
January 1949 R. J. Raymond Laverty awarded the MBE
February 1936 Blanche Clyne profile of her life in the 'Belfast Telegraph'
February 1943 James Ellis profile of his life in the 'Belfast Telegraph'
February 1941 Matthew H. Gibson profile of his life in the 'Radio Times'
March 1955 Michael J. Cinnamond FRCS appointed to the chair of Otorhinolargngology at Queen's University Belfast
May   Elected in the NI local government elections
May 1959 R. Leslie Caul (Off. U.) Newtownabbey C
May 1945 Donald P. Hayes (Alliance) North Down A
May 1933 Bruce R. Mulligan (Off. U.) North Down A
May 1942 Charles B. Poots (DUP) Lisburn B
May 1920 Hugh Wilson (Alliance) Larne A
May 1964 Samuel Wilson (DUP) Belfast A
May 1939 Brian Baird appointed a governor of the NI Arts Council
May 1946 Maurice Leitch received Pye award for his play 'Rifleman'
June 1921 Walter Smyth awarded the CBE
June 1934 William A. English awarded the CBE
June 1936 William H. D. Morgan awarded the CBE
June 1934 Vivian Mary Kerr awarded the OBE
June 1936 W. Ewart Bell CB appointed sdecond permanent secretary to the Northern Ireland Office London
June 1946 G. Sherwood Hobson elected a Fellow of the International College of Dentists at Monte Carlo
July 1953 Frank Cunningham appointed financial director of the Johnston Group
July 1959 James N. Scott MRCP appointed lecturer of psychiatry of Old Age at Queen's University Belfast
July 1951 Roberta Bullick collaborated with her husband (J. Lazzarini) in a book on the life of Paqvlova the Russian ballerina
In the News 1981-82
September 1946 Maurice Leitch had his fourth novel 'Silvers City' published
October 1947 G. T. Eric Priestley appointed Managing Director of Cawoods NI Ltd.
January 1936 W. Ewart Bell CB awarded a knighthood
January 1941 Major-General James Brown awarded the CB
January 1936 Clare Macmahon awarded the OBE
January 1935 Olive B. Bogle awarded the MBE
January 1955 Brian Walker PhD posthumously awarded the author's prize by Ferranti Engineering
January 1959 Mrs. Nora Bradford (nee Thompson) member of Unionist delegation in the USA and Canada in its 'Tell the Trust about Ulster' campaign
February 1976 Susan L. Edgar appointed General Secretary of the NI Alliance party
March 1944 Ronald J. W. Henry PhD appointed Dean of the Louisiana State University College of Chemistry and Physics
March 1944 Rev. W. Martin Smyth elected MP (off.U.) for South Belfast
March 1927 Frederick A. Hanna FRCR given the freedom of Cheltenham
June 1942 James B. Hawthorne awarded the CBE
June 1933 Adeline Semple awarded the MBE
June 1946 S. J. Frank Smiley MA elected UK delegate to the UCEPCEE
July 1949 Robert Ashe named Soccer Coach of the Year by the United States National High School Athletic Colleges Association
In the News 1982-83
September 1964 R. E. Brett Lockhart called to the Bar of North Ireland
October 1958 Douglas J. S. Squier awarded the AFC for service in the Falklands
October 1966 Constable Paul Hamilton murdered by terrorists near Lurgan
November 1946 Frank A. Edgar appointed Deputy Director of NI Court Services
December 1936 Willoughby Wilson FRCS awarded the OBE
December 1963 Morgan McClintock appointed Law Lecturer at Teeside Polytechnic
January 1929 Brian Brotherston appointed a member of the NI Probation Board
February 1951 Robert A. Hall appointed Deputy Director Forensic Science Laboratory
March 1958 John de W. Gillen appointed a Queen's Counsel
March 1945 David Reid appointed general manager of Musgrave Cash & Carry Belfast
May 1948 Joseph Gallagher appointed VP of Northrop Corp (Aircraft Div.)  USA
May 1920 John Hewitt received the freedom of the City of Belfast
May 1954 Maureen Cusdin appinted manager of the Olympia Leisure Centre
June 1944 Rev. W. Martin Smyth elected MP (Off. U.) for South Belfast
June 1937 Alfred C. Walker elected MP (Off. U.) for North Belfast
June 1959 R. Leslie Caul elected Mayor of Newtownabbey
June 1926 James L. McQuitty QC awarded the OBE
June 1935 John W. Ralph awarded the MBE
In the News 1983-84
October 1946 Thomas S. Reid installed as Professor of Practical Theology at the Union Theological College Belfast
October 1968 Chris J. Brown impersonator on BBC's Jasper Carrott ptogramme
October 1968 Michael J. Allen's book 'Cost of Going to Law' published
October 1965 Alison J. Coulthard regular interviewer on BBC Spotlight
November 1976 David A. Knight called to the Bar Inner Temple London
November 1969 Gillian E. Murphy admitted as a solicitor in Northern Ireland
December 1924 C. Douglas Deane's book 'The Ulster Countryside' published
December 1933 Basil Kelly QC appointed a Lord Justice of Appeal
December 1968 Barry Douglas formed a duo partnership with the Polish violinist Krzysztof Smietana
January 1944 Gerald R. McSheffrey Dean of the College of Architecture at Arizona State University in 'America Who's Who'
January 1933 Basil Kelly awarded a knighthood
February 1943 James Ellis and Derek Lord (MCB1953) acted in BBC's play 'A Coming to Terms for Billie'
March 1925 Howard L. Temple received the Bowmaker Award for Industry
April 1973 Alison McCready appointed the Translator with the German firm Heraeus Gmbh Hanau  West Germany
May 1959 Derek Caulfield appointed financial controller Forum Hotel Belfast
May 1950 Jack McGarry appointed Deputy Managing Director Harris Marrinan & Co.
June 1936 George McMaster awarded the OBE
June 1933 Bruce Mulligan awarded the BEM
June 1949 Margaret E. Bell (Mrs. Daly) elected European MP (Cons.) for Somerset and Dorset West
June 1972 Eleanor Wilkinson received a £2000 bursary from the NI Arts Council to study the violin with Josef Suk at Vienna
June 1933 Robert Greacen received a £1000 bursary from the NI Arts Cl
June 1952 Denis N. Brownlee area geologist Occidental Exploration & Production Co. California USA in 'Who's Who in the World'