Donegall Street
Waring Street to Clifton Street [right hand
1. (Overland House) T. Edens Osborne, Cycle and
Hardware Merchant; Official Repairer to "C.T.C.;" Sole Agent
for the following Cycles; - Beeston Humbers, Raglans, & Calcotts;
latest Household Specialities, Musical Instruments, etc.; Stores and
Workshops, 28 North Street; res., Woodleigh, Marino, Holywood.
3. Gunning, Samuel, stock and share broker
" Johnston, S. A., commission agent
" Johnston, Edward, Printer, Bookbinder and Stationer
5. North of Ireland Cycle Works - Thomas Ireland,
Manager; Sole Agents for "Premier" & Makers of the
"Ireland" Cycles; Telephone, 525a
7. Mateer, William, & Co., wholesale woollen
9. McIlwrath, Hugh, hosier, glover and outfitter
11. Moore, M., military boot maker
13. Modery, H., hair dresser
15. Thompson, McVea & Bannister, warehousemen
17. Eason & Son Ltd., Booksellers, Stationers, Newsagents and Railway Advertising Agents and
Subscription Library
" Kennedy, E. & L., solicitors
19, 21. Mack, H., & Co. Ltd., wholesale woollen and Manchester
23. Young & Anderson, wholesale woollen and Manchester
25. Robinson Bros., stationers, bookbinders, lithographers, etc.;
res., S. Robinson, Breathtulla, Helen's Bay
25. Pinkerton, D., & Co., house, land, estate and insurance
..........Exchange Place intersects
27. Cunningham, W., merchant tailor; entrance by Exchange Place
" Gray & McCann, House and Land,
and Insurance Agents, and Property Brokers
29. Dickey, Edward O'Rorke; res., Breifue, (Breifne in 1907) Fortwilliam Park and
Fredk. A. Cunningham, B.A. (T.C.D.); res., Somerset, Fortwilliam Park, carrying on
business as Cunningham & Dickey, solicitors
" Osborne, Jos., chartered accountant
" Osborne, Albert, estate agent
" Alexander, T. E., solicitor
" Gommel, George, Designer, Damasks,
Embroideries, Prints, etc., etc.
29 & 31. Johnstone, Chas. J., Stock and Share Broker and Insurance
Agent. Registered Telegraphic Address, "Broker," Belfast.
Telephone No. 585; res., New Bath, Greenisland
..........Commercial Court intersects
33. Prescott, George, Optician, Maker of Optical and Surgical
Instruments for Treatment of Eyes and Ears, and at Dublin
" McNeilly, James, Clerical and
Merchant Tailor
35. Moore, James, (trading as Thomas Gray), Direct Importer of
Cadiz, Oporto, Spanish, and French Wines; Spanish & American Cane
Reeds; Cane for Highland Bagpipes; Fruits; Wholesale Paper Dealer;
Sporting and Blasting Powders; res., Clough Lodge, Greencastle
37. Oulton, John, & Co., flax and tow merchants
" Lanyon, Herbert Owen (of John
Oulton & Co.); res., Northleigh, Fortwilliam Park
39. Osborne, T. Edens, Depot for Phonographs, Gramophones,
Musical Instruments (mechanical) Head Offices and Cycle Warehouse,
Overland House, 1 Donegall Street; Workshops and Stores, 28 North Street
41. Kelly, Robert, & Son, solicitors; res., Robert Kelly,
J.P., Greenisland
" Kelly, Robert, jun., Sub-Sheriff
of the County of the town of Carrickfergus, secretary Carrickfergus
Grand Jury
" Northern Shipowners Co. Ltd.,
registered office
43. White, Jos., confectioner
45. Bingham, T. M., & Co., manufacturing cutlers
47. Linton, D. G., cycle merchant
..........Donegall Street Place intersects
49. Patton, H. & Co., wholesale school stationers and
kindergarten requisites
49a. Campbell, J., commission agent
" Hunter, J., tea agent
" Kennedy, Jas., commission agent
51, 53. Nesbitt & Co., House Furnishers, Auctioneers and Valuators
55. Tughan, N., solicitor, and 12 Lower Ormond
Quay, Dublin
55, 57, 59. "Belfast Newsletter" and "Belfast Weekly
News" Offices and General Steam Printing and Publishing House -
Henderson & Company, Proprietors
61a. Rice, Saml., hair dresser & wig maker
61. Nesbitt & Co., house furnishers, auctioneers and
63. Vacant
65. D. Meek's tailors' workshops
" (2nd floor) Kennedy, John, tailor
..........Talbot Street intersects
69. Rusk, A., merchant tailor
" The Central Loan Office - Thos.
Taylor, proprietor
71. Magee, John J., solicitor
" City of Belfast Friendly Society
and Star Bowkett Building Societies 4, 5, 6 - A. Hamilton, secretary
" Provident Homes Investment Co.
Ltd. - William Ross, district manager
" McNeill & Cooper, commission
" McNeill, J., builders' agent
Belfast Cathedral - Very
Reverend C. F. D'Arcy, D.D., Dean of St. Anne's; residence, Avondale,
Fortwilliam Park
73. Carr, Joseph, Sessional Crown Solicitor for Co. Antrim and
County of the Town of Carrickfergus, res., 6 Castleton Terrace
Ashley Chambers
" Curran, Wm., plumber &
" Palmer, Wm., merchant tailor's
..........Academy Street intersects
77. "Coventry House" Samuel Osborne & Co.,
Wholesale Factors of Bicycle Accessories, Tyres
79. Donnelly, Jos., solicitor
" Stewart, James, solicitor, res.,
32 Fitzwilliam Street
" British Legal Life Assurance Co. -
D. Taggart, district manager
" Murphy & Co., cycle agents,
wholesale and retail dealers in sundries, cycle parts, repairers, etc. -
Jos. Holland, manager
81. Bell, C., watch maker, etc.
83. Bell, J., dining rooms
85. Kearny, R., hair dresser
87. Graham, J. C., Belfast Imperial Building Society
" Gulston, A. S., accountant
" Sheals & McLorinan, solicitors
" McLorinan, Charles, J.P., solicitor
" Scientific Dress cutting Association,
272 Regent Street, London W. - M. Thompson, agent
" McCullagh, W. & Co.,
accountants & property brokers
" Taylor, S. G., commission agent
" Milliken, W., insurance agent
& c.
" McIlvenny, M., caretaker
89. Pakenham, R. J., stationer & fancy goods dealer
91. Murphy & Doonan, furnishers, auctioneers and land
" Rea, Jos., hair dresser
" McCann, John, income tax collector
" Fulton, Henry T., architect
" Shaw, F. W., architect
" Carson, A. H. C., district manager
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
" McGrath, Wm., shirt manufacturer
" Mitchell, Jas., shirt and
underwear manufacturer
93. The International Restaurant, bars and billiard hall; P.
& F. McGlade, proprietors
..........York Street intersects
95. Grand Metropole Hotel - P. & F. McGlade, proprietors
95. Grand Metropole Cafe
97. Riordan, John F., solicitor
" Caldwell, Wm., & Co., The
Irish Chemical & Colour Co., The Irish Mercantile Association
" Universal Furnishing Co. - Marcus Gibson, Proprietor
99. Thompson, James, Bookseller, Book and Tract
Depository, Stationer, Letterpress Printer, Bookbinder, Newsagent,
Lending Library; Military Books and Stationery a Speciality; School and
College Requisites
" Donegall Street Post Office
" School of Shorthand - J. A. D.
Henderson, condr.
" The "Belfast Citizen"
publishing office
" Freeman, Samuel, draper
" Erskine, J., merchant tailor
" McDowell, W. W., agent for A. G.
Thornton (Manchester), manufacturers of drawing materials, surveying
101. Wright, Fitzsimons, & Mayes, chartered accountants
Donegall Street Independent
Church - Rev. J. Wylie, minister; res., Hopefield Avenue
103. Royal Liver Friendly Society - Samuel Rainey, district manager
105. Ramsey, Thomas, The Ulster Safe and Cycle Depot., Bassinettes,
Hammocks, Woodenettes, Mail Carts, Pianos,
Rocking Horses, Tricycle Horses, Wringing and Mangling Machines, etc.;
Sole Agent for the famous Beau Ideal, Sparkbrook, and other celebrated
Cycles, the Ratner Fire and Thief proof Safes, and Pohl & Co.,
Berlin, Pianos, etc.
107 - Albert Hall
1. Walker, H. C., commission agent
2. 7th Starr-Bowkett Building Society
3. Todd, Henry, house agent
4. Marsh, J. C., architect
" Ulster Tin Company - L. C. Marsh,
5, 6. Maxwell, Mrs., servants' and governess registry
7. Grant, Short, & Co., commission agents
8. Maxwell, Mrs., registry
9. Maxwell, W. K., cashier and bookkeeper
109. Simpson, R. & W., shop fitters & manufacturers of beams, scales and
weighing machines
" (1st floor) Gettingby, M.,
" Maitland, Francis A.
" The Union Loan and Discount Co.
" Lewin, B., tailor
111. Vacant
113. Patterson, S., boot manufacturer
115. Shannon Bros., watch makers & jewellers
117. Vacant
117a. Duffy, W. J., hair dresser
119. Savage, J. C., merchant tailor & clothier, military and naval
121, 123. The Ulster Furnishing Company
121, 125. The "Irish News and Belfast Morning News," the
"Irish Weekly and Ulster Examiner" - T. Whyte, manager
127. Vacant
129. Smyth, T., gymn instructor (gym)
131. Domnick, Forte (Dominick)
" Potter & Co., hat and bonnet
box makers
" The X.L. Clothing Co.
" May, R., carver & modeller
131a. Harvey, Wm., leather merchant & boot upper manufacturer
133. Kernaghan, R., plumber
" Coates, F., merchant tailor
" Agnew, S. R., House & Land
Agents; and Agent for Union Assurance Society; res., 18 Kansas Avenue
" Dempsey, J., Designer,
Illuminator and Lithographer
135. Savage, J. C., merchant tailor
" Gillen, Jas., merchant tailor
" White, A. C., caretaker
" Forsyth, G., wood carver
135a. Smyth, A., shoe warehouse
137. McKee, John, & Co., Wire Workers, Window Blind Manufacturers
& Revolving Shutter Maker
..........Donegall Lane intersects
St. Patrick's National School
- P. Smith, principal
St. Patrick's Christian Bros'
St. Patrick's Roman Catholic
Chapel - Rev. J. K. O'Neill, Adm.; Rev. G. Crolly, C.C.; Rev. J.
McKinley, C.C.; Rev. H. Skeffington, C.C.; Rev. W. J. O'Connell
139. St. Patrick's Presbytery
141. Gingles, Mrs., servants' registry office
143. Carvill, J., Roman Catholic repository
145. Marks, J., & Co., painter
147. Freeman, J., Financier, General Broker and Bill Discounter
149. Shannon, Jas., plumber & gasfitter, sanitary engineer
151. McLorinan, Wm., M.D., surgeon
153. Vance, G., M.D., M.Ch., B.A.O.
155. Brannagh, D., butchers
__________ [left hand
Belfast Bank House - Scott,
T. W. Samuel Carson, resident porter
4. Hughes, M. B., woollen merchant & clothier
4½. Morrison, T., "Ulster General Advertiser" and printing
4½. Ellis, J., tailor
6, 8. Wilson, J. K., & Co. Ltd., wholesale merchants and
10, 10a. McCrea & McFarland Ltd., railway and tourist forwarding
agents, furniture removers
" McGonigal, D., solicitor; residence, Redcliffe, Strandtown
" McGonigal, Danl., solicitor; res.,
Lismore, Windsor
12. Lowry & Officer, Merchant Tailors, Hosiers and Colonial
14. Stewart, E. M., House and Land Agent, Valuer, Insurance
Agent, and Accountant; Agent for Commercial Union Fire and Standard Life
Insurance Companies, Employers' Liability Limited; Res., Knockbreda.
" The City of Belfast Perfect Thrift
Building Society - E. M. Stewart, secretary
" O'Rorke, Daniel & Son, solicitors;
res., Howard O'Rorke, Dunratho, Craigavad
16. McGonigal & Sons, wholesale warehousemen
18. Murphy & Orr, linen and damask merchants; res., W. H.
Orr, 5 Fortwilliam Terrace; S. McKee, South View Villas, Strandtown
20. Brown Linen Hall - Estd. 1773
22. Purdon Bros., seedsmen and florists; residence, Cliftonpark
House, Cliftonpark Avenue
St. Anne's Buildings
24. Douglas & Green, manufacturers and bleachers of linens,
linen cambric and cotton handkerchiefs, embroideries
26 to 30. Brookfield Linen Co. Ltd., flax spinners, powerloom linen
manufacturers, bleachers, finishers and merchants
32, 34. Johnston, Jas., & Co., flax & tow merchants; res.,
Seaview, Shore Road
34. Kent Fire and Life Insurance Co. - Jas. Harper & Son,
district agents
36. The House Furnishing Co. Ltd., Furniture and Bedding
Manufacturers & Complete House Furnishers
38. Carlisle, William, & Co., plumbers, gasfitters, brass
founders, lead merchants, iron mongers and sanitary engineers
40. Laverty, P., LL.B., solicitor, agent Ulster Assurance Society
" Curran, T., merchant tailor
" Ross, Jas., woollen merchant
" Oliver, G., linen merchant
" McClurg, W. J., & Co.,
publishers and advertising contractors; "Insurance and Financial
News" - W. J. McClurg, editor and proprietor
" English Coal Company
" Crooks, J., draper
" Goldring, M., draper
" The Gandy Belt Manufacturing Co.
Ltd., manufacturers of Cotton, Leather & Duxolide Beltings; Sole
European Agents for the "Dodge" Standard Wood Split Pulley;
Branch Manager, G. A. Bushell; residence, 12 Glandore Gardens
42. Irish Methodist Publishing Company Limited, Proprietors of
the Christian Advocate - James E. Robinson, Manager; res., 102 Durham
" (1st floor) McMeekin, J., house and land
" Goldring, J., credit draper
" Johnston, Stanley, plumber &
electrical engineer
44. Lowry, J., draper and outfitter
46. Northern Counties Loan and Discount Bank
" (1st Floor) Diamond, Robt.,
48. Dunn, Henry B., house, land, insurance agent, property
broker, auctioneer
48. Younger & Younger, Debt Recovery Enquiry and Business
Transfer Agents
48. McGinn & Partner, commission agents
" Boyce, T. & Son, commission
" Porte, Alex., caretaker
50. Gunning, H., & Co., merchant tailors & clothiers
..........Church Street intersects
52, 54, 56. Watson, John, & Co., wholesale druggists, oil and
general merchants
56. Allen, Sarah, dining rooms
58. McErlean & Thompson, solicitors; res., Andrew McErlean,
Clanerlean, Antrim Road
Cathedral Buildings - in
course of erection
First Floor
60. Ekin, John, commission agent
" Blair, J. H., commission agent
" Flinn, Robt., commission agent
" Wilson, John G. H., B.A.,
solicitor; and at Ballyclare
" Sinclair, John
" (2nd floor) Watson, Wm., &
Co., merchant tailors
62. Gaussen, W. L., com. merchant
64. Scott, John, ladies' and military tailor
" Peden, John H., solicitor
" Nelson, Andrew, draper
" Reid, N. M., manufacturers agent
" McCalmont, J., law publishers'
66, 68. Montgomery, C. & J., pharmaceutical
chemists and aerated water manufacturers
..........Royal Avenue intersects
80. Ashley Cafe - Irish Temperance League Proprietors
82. Robinson's Temperance Hotel - H. Robinson, proprietor
84. Harper & Mills, solicitors; res., Wm. Harper,
Chichester House; W. J. C. Mills, 6 Kinnaird Street
86. Allworthy, Ed., official assignee for Belfast Local
Bankruptcy Court; res., Ardgreenan, Cavehill Road
" Ewart, A. T., & Co., merchant
tailors and clothiers; res., Sterling Villas, Bloomfield
88. O'Kane, R. (of J. & R. O'Kane)
90, 92, 94. Watson, Robert, & Co., of Belfast Limited, Cabinet
Makers, Bedding Manufacturers and General House Furnishers
96. "The Arcade" Luncheon Bar and Billiard Hall; P.
& F. McGlade, proprietors; res., P. McGlade, 2 Laurington, Antrim
Road; F. McGlade, Avonrath, Adelaide Park
98. Craig, James, Agent for Electric Lamps and Fittings, Messrs.
S. T. Taylor & Sons, Newcastle-on -Tyne, Manufacturers of Boiler and
Steam Pipe Covering, Vulcan & Elastic Cement; F. Jones & Co.,
London, Manufacturers of Silicate Cotton for Fire proofing, Sound
proofing, or Heat proofing Floors, Walls, Partitions
98. Boyd, D. M. & Co., linen manufacturers; agents for
Frederick Siemens' Glass Works Ltd., Bohemia
100. Watson & Son, clothiers
" Daley & Wallace, merchant
" Lemon, J. & Sons, cabinet
makers & upholsterers
102. Brown, Ephraim & Son, House and Land Agents; Res., Thomas
Brown, Iona, Antrim Road
" Brown, Thomas, District Receiver
under the several divisions of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Ireland
" Downer & Co., Agents &
Representatives; Starch Importers, Preserved Provision and Fruit
Importers, Cigar Importers, Coffee Essence Importers; District Agents
for the Law, Guarantee and Trust Society Ltd., and Agents for the London
and Lancashire Fire Insurance Company
" Duff, John, solicitor
" Hanna, J. A., civil engineer and
architect; and at Coleraine
" Kirkwood, Duncan, district
secretary Independent Order of Rechabites
" Walsh, Halliday, caretaker
..........Union Street intersects
106. Donnelly, Felix, publican
108. Kelly, Mrs., tobacconist
110. Maguire, Thos., solicitor
" The Belfast Furnishing Co.
112. The Hamman Turkish Baths - John North, Proprietor
114. Skeffington, Mary M., book seller & stationer
116, 118. Vacant
120. McBride, M., millinery mantle and dress making warehouse
122. Donnelly, F., draper
Marsh's Buildings
1. Stirling, T., wholesale & retail conft. store
2. McGinn, P., B.A., solicitor; res., 15 Newington
3. Carlisle, Thos. E., property broker, valuator,
estate agent, house, land and insurance agent; res., 135 Antrim Road
4. Little, A. & J., house and land agent &
insurance agent
5, 6. Scott, John T., Corporate Accountant, House, Land and Estate
Agent; District Manager for National Union Society Ltd.; Fire Office,
London Friendly Benefit Society, and British Life Office, Ltd.; 20
Kenbella Avenue
7. Commissionaires office - Officers, Capt. T. W.
Reynolds; Sergt.-Major A. Cree.
9. Fairbairn Ltd., advertising agents
9, 10. O'Shea, J. J., architect
11 to 13. Office of H.M. Inspector of Factories - G. B. Snape, W. D.
Kirkwood, D. F. Young; H. M. inspector's assistant, J. J. Pender
15. Gibson, Wm., caretaker
126. Lennan, Son, & Co. Ltd.
128. Eclipse Tailoring Company
130. O'Kane & Co., funeral undertaking & posting establishment;
Hugh McCusker, manager
132. O'Shea, A. J., dispensing chemist
134, 136. Sterling, T., wholesale and retail confectioner
138, 140. Marsh & Co. Ltd., biscuit manufacturers
Donegall Street Little
Royal Avenue to Carrick Hill
1 to 11. "Evening
Telegraph" Works, despatch office
13. O'Kane, J. & R., stores
23. Kavanagh, Sarah
25. Watson, R., & Co., stores
27. McAllister, M., slater
29. Watson, R., & Co., back entrance
31, 33. McGlade, P. & F., billiard-rooms and stores and general
35 to 43. Vacant
47. Heaney, Mary Ann
49. Maguire, H., labourer
51. O'Hagan, H., sailor
53. Vacant
55. Eastwood, Margaret
Watson, R., & Co., cabinet and bedding factory
16. King, Fredk., & Co. Ltd., goods entrance
18. Morgan, Mary Ann
20, 22. Brown, J., stevedore
24, 26. Stewart, H. & J., Neat's foot oil and size manufacturers
..........Stephen Street intersects
Corporation stone yard
Donegall Street Place
off Donegall Street 1 to 5. Henderson, W., wholesale grocer
and confectioner
7. Kinkead & Co., wire mattress & flock
9. Rankin, John, bed manufacturer
2 to 4. Whitley, S., wholesale draper
6. Stores
8. McAlister, W. S., & Co., tea merchants
10. Vacant
Donegore Street
off Memel Street
1. McIlroy, R., van
3. Maynes, Mrs.
5. O'Neill, H., railway porter
7. Luke, Robt., labourer
9. Vacant
11. Kingsberry, Jos., labourer
13. Woodside, J.
15. McIlveen, John, labourer
17. Goody, A., sausage skin cleaner
19. McHaffy, George, labourer (Hoffey, Geo., labourer in 1907)
..........Memel Street intersects
21. Markin, J., shop keeper
23. Bowman, J., rivetter
25. Vacant
27. Gateway
29. Vacant
31. Curran, John, driller
33. Trodden, Chas., carpenter
35. Stewart, Wm., labourer
37. Lyttle, J., labourer
39. McCracken, F., labourer
41. Sprott, Wm., labourer
43. McVey, Ellen
45. McMilan, A., labourer
4. Salmond, W. J., labourer
6. Scott, J., iron moulder
8. Stewart, Mrs. E.
10. Patterson, R., labourer
..........Memel Street intersects
12. Martin, Robt., labourer
14. Thompson, D., joiner
16, 18. Vacant
20. Kearns, J., chair maker
22. Wilson, Mrs.
24. Steed, John, plater
26. Cooke, Mrs.
28. Hunter, James, labourer
30, 32. Vacant
34. McMillan, Wm., labourer
36. Vacant
Donnybrook Street
off Lisburn Road
1. Rea, W. L., clerk
3. Keown, Wm., stationer
3d. Bowden, S., carpenter
5a. Farr, Ed., printer
5. Steele, Mrs.
7. Maxwell, Wm., gardener
9. Watson, R. J., joiner
11. Calvert, Saml., street inspector
13. Robinson, J., warehouseman
15. Oliver, Wm., drain tester
17. Dollar, Mrs.
19. Cargan, R., book binder
21. Henderson, W., painter
23. Peters, Wm. H., printer
25. Gordon, Wm., plumber
27. Watson, Mrs.
29. Jamison, W. J., tram driver
31. Jackson, Alex., compositor
33. Hyland, Arthur, clerk
35. Smyth, John, brick layer
37. Kirkpatrick, W., baker
39. McClean, Jos., smiths' helper
41. Boyd, H., warehouseman
43. Edgar, James, gardener
45. Beech, Geo., porter
47. Perrie, Wm., gardener
49. Hanna, Mrs.
51. Barron, Rd., stableman
53. McCreight, J., postman
55. Tweedie, Wm.
57. Poston, Hy., linen lapper
59. Rowland, Hy., painter
61. Branagh, J., bread server
63. McCartney, H., brick layer
65. Parland, P., R.I.C. pensioner
67. Connor, J., brick layer
69. Carson, J., tram conductor
71. McGurk, J., school teacher
73. McIlveen, J., carpenter
75. Poix, Emelie
Vacant ground
New houses
2. Dickson, J., baker
4. Runnett, Chas., van man
6. Brown, J., linen lapper
8. McCane, Wm., plumber
10. Nixon, John, tram driver
12. Robinson, W., stone sawyer
14. Watson, W., coachman
16. McGuinness, J., painter
18. Morrow, W. J., painter
20. Noyes, Mrs. D.
22. Thompson, Mrs.
24. Mazes, Wm., butcher
26. Beattie, Robt., shoe maker
28. Dunwoody, J., hackle setter
30. Thornton, Jas., mechanic
32. Stewart, N., coachman
34. Bradley, T., paper cutter
36. Childs, J.
38. Brown, Wm., printer
40. Houston, Mrs.
42. McMaster, R., yarn dresser
44. Finlay, Mrs.
46. Colville, Mrs.
48. Prout, Mrs.
50. Vacant
52. Rodgers, Hy., coachman
54. Baillie, Mrs.
56. Craig, Thos., cooper
58. Alexander, F., hair dresser
60. Thompson, G., traveller
62. O'Neill Bros., publicans
64. Lennon, Robt., dealer
66. Bell, Thos., linen lapper
68. Patterson, S., gardener
70. Bailie, Wm., porter
72. McCleery, Mrs.
74. Vacant
76. McGaughey, B., h'sestewt.
78. Addis, Mrs.
80. Vacant
82. Murry, Patrick
84. Kerry, Thos., butler
Seven new houses
Donore Street
Annadale Street to New Lodge Road
1. Lenaghan, P., cab
3. McKenna, Hy., car driver
5. Sparks, W., car driver
7. Jerwood, John, labourer
9. Connolly, Miss Catherine
11. Mallon, Susan
13. Loughran, Mrs. S.
15. McKenna, Jas., car driver
17. Tully, Miss
19. Carberey, P., tram driver
21. Stabling
23. Graham, Wm., labourer
25. Vacant
27. Heron, Geo., labourer
29. McCloskey, Mrs. Eliza J.
31. Hayes, Mrs. Isabella
33. Dobbin, Miss
12. Campbell, E.
14. Gordon, Mrs. Isabella
16. Hughes, Peter, car driver
18. Kearney, Mrs.
20. Osborne, Wm., labourer
22. O'Malley, Jas., labourer
24. Lowry, Ellen
26. McNeill, Miss (Emily in 1907)
28. Boylen, John, storeman
30. Moore, G., labourer
32. Meek, Mrs.
34. King, Alex., mechanic
Dorchester Street
off Donegall Road
1. Vacant
3. Ferguison, Wm., labourer (Ferguson)
5. Hanson, Alf., labourer
7. Vacant
9. Bodel, John, labourer
11. Spence, Jas., strapper
13. Vacant
15. Doran, Wm., carter
17 to 21. Vacant
..........Abingdon Street intersects
2. Collins, John, clerk
4. Hawks, James, baker
6. Chambers, Jos., labourer
8. Bryson, T., tram driver
10. Cromie, Saml., clerk
12. Vacant
14. Hunter, Alex., fireman
16. Best, Wm., labourer
18. Wildridge, W. H., painter
20. Vacant
22. McQuillan, Adw., shop keeper
24. Vacant
26. Johnston, W. J., carter
Douglas Street
Beersbridge Road to Willowfield Street
1. Vacant
3. Whiteside, D., iron turner
5. Harrison, D., labourer
7. Vacant
9. Armstrong, Fredk., labourer
11 to 19. Vacant
21. Mooney, Francis
25. Morrow, A., labourer
27 to 37. Vacant
39. Weatherup, Saml., labourer
41. Glover, James, labourer
43. Magill, Thos., tailor
45. Vacant
47. Mulholland, R., labourer
49. Lee, Mrs.
51. Ellis, Thos., labourer
53 to 57. Vacant
59. McDermot, J., labourer
61. Vacant
2. McFarland, Geo., labourer
4. McMullan, Randal, labourer
8. Moreland, Martha
10 to 14. Vacant
16. Wedge, Geo., labourer
18. McWilliams, Thos., labourer
20. Allen, Miss
22. Mooney, Mrs.
24. Larkin, Thos., labourer
26. Haycock, Thos., labourer
28. McStay, John, labourer
30. McCoy, J., litho. printer
32. Hawthorn, Jas., labourer
34. Kerr, John, labourer
36, 38. Vacant
40. Proctor, John, labourer (Richd., labourer in 1907)
42. Galbraith, Ed., labourer
44 to 52. Vacant
56 to 60. Vacant
62. Hickey, Mrs. Mary
64. Larmour, Hugh, labourer
Dover Street
Shankill Road to Divis Street
[right hand
1. Bell, J. W., publican
3. Thompson, D., labourer
5. Gibson & Co., painters
7. Hall, Robt. J., brush and bellows maker
9. Hanna, Alex., labourer
11. McKelvey, W., baker
13. McConnell, E., spirit grocer
..........Westmoreland Street intersects
15. Huey, G., watch maker
17. Conway, Sarah
19. Armstrong, Mrs. (Mary Ann in 1907)
21. Gibson, Miss
23. Courtney, J., draper
25. Radcliffe, G., bookkeeper
27. McClure, William, collar & cuff manufacturer
29. Glendinning, T., labourer
31. Pierce, J., foreman painter
..........Forsythe Street intersects
31a. McHenry, H., linen lapper
33. Burke, S., book binder
35. Logan, Andw., carpenter
37. McCleery, Mrs. (Mary Ann in 1907)
39. Finney, J., joiner
41. Holmes, J., painter
43. Smith, Thomas
45. Nolan, H., sergt. R.I.C.
47. Ronald, B., stationer
49. Woods, Jas., cabinet maker
51. Burns, R., pork cutter
53. Savage, Thos., labourer
55, 57. White, Hamilton, grocer
..........Cumberland Street intersects
59, 61. Lynn, W. H., horse shoer
59½. Logan, A., scantling yard
63. Jackson, Henry, fitter
65. Mahaffy, Martha
67. Baxter, Jas., iron turner
69. Fisher, William
71. Gihon, J., compositor
73. Houston, L., brick layer
75. Mitchell, J., book binder
77. Donaldson, Wm., linen lapper
79. Harkness, J., coach builder
81. Bruce, S., mechanic
83. Nelson, S., cabinet maker
85. Rutherford, J., gate porter
Union Workhouse
..........Beverley Street intersects
87. Wallace, Wm., stereo typer
89. Harding, Mrs., dress maker
91. McGowan, B., constable R.I.C.
93. McDonald, W., piano tuner
95. Taylor, B., linen lapper
97. Bell, Minnie, dress maker
99. Smith, Geo., labourer
101. Peacock, J., bookkeeper
103. Hunter, R. L., engineer
105, 107. Byrne, A. & D., publicans
[left hand
2. Durnien, E. S., publican
4. McKinney, A., coach builder
6. Dumican, S., foreman
8. Edmondson, M., mantle maker
10, 12. Hogg, Samuel, grocer
14. Barry, David
16. Glendinning, Henry, builder
18. McKibbin, Susan
20. Nesbitt, Robert, clerk
22. Hamilton, W. J., moulder
24. Martin, Mrs. (Alice, dress maker in 1907)
26, 28. Gould, T. J., painter
30. Walsh, James, carpenter
32, 34. Nelson, John, printer
36. Adjey, R., pawn broker
38. Parlane, P., mechanic
40. McAlister, J., market constable
42. Nesbitt, Jos., carapenter (carpenter)
44. Walker, Mary, draper
46. Carr, J., bookkeeper
48. Drennan, J., bundling master
50. Brown, H., brass founder
52. Logan, J., brass finisher
54. McDonald, J., iron turner
..........Cargill Street Upper intersects
56. Dunn, Annie, dress maker
58. Courtney, H., draper
60. McCullough, S., bread server
62. Foster, Edward, porter
64. McBurney, Jas., pensioner
66. Kane, F., publican
..........Louden Street intersects
68. Dunbar, R., shoe maker
70. McAlister, R., porter
72. Wylie, W., cabinet maker
74. Gorcoran, M., painter (Corcoran in 1907)
76. Elder, Annie
78. Magowan, T., hair dresser
80. McConnell, Saml., baker
..........Duffy's Place intersects
82. Meikle, A., district manager for the Liverpool & Victoria
Legal Friendly Society
84. Thompson, Mrs.
86. Anderson, S., dress maker
88. Nicholson, S., baker & confectioner
90. Elliott, W. L., tailor
92. McBride, Jas., foreman
94. O'Mahony, B., pensioner
96. Dunn, M., house keeper
98. McIlvenny, J., packer
100. Millar, Daniel, grocer
102. Gordon, Alex., grocer
104, 106. Hale, Thos., coal merchant (Jane in 1907)
108. Keenan, C., assistant
110. Hollinger, T., blacksmith
112. Monteith, J., engine driver
114. Shaw, Isaac, clerk
116. Blair, R., plumber & gasfitter
118. Crabe, Robt., pressman
120. Connor, W., brick layer
122. Gullery, J., mechanic (Edw. F., merchant in 1907)
124. Maginnis, J., horse shoer (Hugh, leather cutter in 1907)
126. Kelly, P. J., constable R.I.C.
128. Quinn, H., labourer
130. McCaw, Thos., collar and cuff manufacturer
132. McDowell, Jane
134. Kennedy, M., dress maker |
Downing Street
Shankill Road to Blenheim Street
1. Woodvale Cycling Club
3. Porter, C., pork cutter
5. Thompson, H., heckler
7. Murphy, Annie
9, 11. Sherd, A., stabling yard
13, 15. Adair, D., grocer
17. Cumming, Wm., fruiterer
19. Graham, Jane
21. Andrews, Jos., baker
23. Mateer, Hugh, carter
25. Morton, Geo., machinist
27. Reid, T., fitter
29. McQuoid, J., carpenter
39, 41. Dalton, John, carter
43. Gibson, A., baker
45. Palmer, Thos., carter
47. Mateer, Edward
49. McCord, Robert
51. Hildiage, Mrs.
53. Cordner, Robt., labourer
55. Vacant
57. McGarrety, Samuel
59. Ruddick, Mrs.
61. Robinson, Thos., moulder
63. McAdams, James
65. Moore, William
67. Graham, G., carter
69. Vacant
71. Scott, Robert J.
73. Kearney, Wm., driller
75. Crawford, M. J., brush maker
2 to 6. Gleazer, Jas., publican
8. Pollick, James, tailor
10. McCourt, Jas., labourer
12. Matthews, Robert (Mrs. in 1907)
14. Patterson, Joseph
16. McMichael, Thos., painter
18. Trimble, James
20. Thompson, R., plumber
22. McCracken, Thomas
24. Milligan, Wm.
26. Christie, William
28. Ruddrell, David (Ruddell in 1907)
30. McKenna, Mrs.
32. McCracken, Robert
34. Turner, Jas., hackler
36. Smith, Wm.
38. Millen, Anne Jane
40. Prow, William
42. Vacant
44. McArthur, David, grocer
46. Gateway
48. Drennan, John
50. Gilmore, Mrs.
52, 54. Gateway
56. McIlwane, Thomas
58. Bristow, John, baker
60. Allen, Mrs.
62. Gibson, Jas., carter
64. Holmes, Wm., tenter
66. Martin, E., van man
68. Rea, James
Downshire Place
Great Victoria Street to Little Victoria Street
2, 4. Higgins, M., embroidery handkerchief finisher
Victoria Factory, goods
Downview Avenue
off Antrim Road
Stewart, Jas., linen merchant
Manila Villas
1. Bell, James
2. Lyness, Wm., builder
Drake's Lane
off Union Place
Ten small houses
Drain's Court
off Durham Street
five small houses
Drew Street
off Grosvenor Road
1. McKenzie, Ellen
3. Ferguson, R.
5. Norwood, J., hackle maker
7. Rainey, W. J., labourer (Geo., carpenter in 1907)
9. Patton, Margaret
11. Davidson, J., labourer
13. Blair, W., carter
15. Creighton, Sarah
17. Maguire, E., foreman
19. Jackson, M.
21. Hall, A., labourer
23. Wilson, Jas., driver
25. Vacant
27. Cheils, M.
29. Christie, Agnes
31. Smyth, John, plate layer
33. Hall, Mrs.
35. Cahoon, M.
37. Hughes, Wm., carter
39. Farley, Jas., foreman
41. Mathews, J., mechanic
43. Borland, John, grocer
2. Wightman, D., joiner
4. Cummins, S., brass moulder
6. Chittick, Geo., stoneman (storeman in 1907)
8. Cooper, R., bleacher
10. Kirk, Mrs.
12. Martin, Ann
14. Rea, Hugh, cork cutter
16. Vacant
18. Robinson, John
20. Burgess, Anne
22. Newell, Samuel
24. Jackson, Mary
26. Vacant
28. Whan, George, labourer
30. Wright, J., blacksmith
32. Vacant
34. Kidd, Jos., labourer
36. Bell, Jane
38, 40. Vacant
Druse Street
off Hillview Street
1. McCullough, A., labourer
3. Harper, Thos., labourer
5. McAllister, Sarah
7. Harper, Thos., labourer
9. Brown, John, labourer
11. Shanks, Mary
13. Hood, Robt., labourer
15. Vacant
17. Sloan, John, labourer
19. Moore, Robt., shoe maker
21. Rogers, Thos., labourer
23. Carson, Thos., smith
2. Vacant
4. Corbett, Wm. J., flax dresser
6 to 12. Vacant
14. McBurney, Miss
16. Vacant
18. Morrison, Jane
20. Allen, Jas., labourer
22. Rogers, Thos., labourer
24. Spottiswood, Ellen
Dublin Road
Bedford Street to University Road
[right hand
1½. McCauley, A., packing case maker
1, 3. Eadie, J., publican
..........Bruce Street intersects
Harmony Place
5. Dempsey, P., wine & spirit merchant
7. Jones, H. M., plumber & gas fitter
9. Robinson, E., tobacconist
11. Reilly, J., reg. plumber
13. Brown, J., R.I.C.
15. McNeilly, Miss
17. Stokes, Mrs., dress and mantle maker; agent for Pullar's
19. Vacant
21. Stafford, Miss
23. Milliken, J., tailor
25. Hegan, W., book finisher
27. Creighton, F.
29. Crawford, G., & Co., cycle agents and repairers
..........Harmony Street intersects
Botanic Terrace
31. Moore, E. & H., milliners and dress makers
33. Willis, W., plumber, gas and steam fitter
35. Willis, T., Royal Dairy
37. Cairns, J., painter and decorator
39. Dawson & Co., art photographers
39a. Gilmour, J., carpenter and builder
41. Shilliday, Miss A., millinery and drapery warehouse
43. Cruiks, H. C., auditor
..........Ventry Street intersects
Victoria Terrace
45. Burnett (Dentist); London address, 66 George Street,
47. Ford, Mrs., servants' registry
49. Hastings, Miss, dress maker
51. Snowden, Jos., draper
53. Murphy, Sarah
55. McCauley, A., packing case maker
57. Watson, M. J., milliner and dress maker
59. Baxter, Robert, painter & decorator
61. Alexander, J. & Sons, plumbers and gas fitters
63. Crone, Mrs.
65. Hoyland, S., dentist
..........Ventry Lane intersects
Inkerman Terrace
67. Coulson, Gerald
69. Singre, E. E., chef
71. Beattie, Mrs. Jane
73. Owen, W. C., engineer
75. Archer, Miss
77. Douglas, Miss
79. Rutledge, Miss
81. Vacant
83. City Dental Rooms - W. J. Shields, dentist
Magdalene Sunday Schools
..........Donegall Road intersects
Bradbury Place
87. Harvey Bros., fruiterers
89, 91. Walker, J., general draper
93. Torney, Bros., fruiterers
95. Ardrey, G., boot & shoe merchant
97. May, J. B., grocer
99. Vacant
101. Tart & McCullough, merchant tailors (Tait in 1907)
101b. Vacant
101a. Haslett, Wm., chemist
103. White, D., boot maker
103a. Vacant
105. Rice, Mrs. M., Malone Road Post Office & grocer
107. Magahy, J., confectioner
109. Carson, W. G., butcher
111. Delaney, C., hair dresser
113. Heaney, Mrs., tobacconist
115. Robinson, H. W., watch maker
117. Gray, S. N., registered plumber
119. Duffy, J., fish and ice merchant
Hertford Place
121. Mahaffy, W. A., boot warehouse
123. Lynas, W., painter
125. Watson, Miss
Crescent Building
1. Shaw, J. H., tea merchants
1a. Murray, Miss, dress maker
2. Milligan & Robinson, fancy drapery
3. Melville & Co. Ltd.,
funeral and posting establishment (branch)
[left hand
2. Willcox & Gibbs, Sewing Machine Manufacturer;
Warehouse, 5 Bankmore Street
4. Shaw, Wallace & Co., manufacturers and
4½. Stewart, Jas. A., M.P.S.I. Chemist and Perfumer
6. King, H. & Co., apron manufacturers
6. Morton, White, & Co., linen manufacturers
8. McCaughan, J., ladies' and gent's outfitters
10. Smyth, T., fruiterer & con.
12. Waddell, R. D., sausage manufacturers
Brown, John S., & Sons,
Royal Ulster Works, Damask, Linen and Handkerchief Manufacturers
Ye Bankmore Buildings
Buildings in course of
30. The Salvation Army Central Citadel - Ensign Hudson
Citadel Buildings
32. McDade, C., Belfast Piano & Organ Warehouse
34. Sheldon, C. E., & Co., Domestic Machinery Warehouse
36. Gateway
38. Standard Thread and Twine Co., T. J. Porter
" Barclay, Thos. & Co., apron
40. Dickie, Miss, stationer and fancy goods
42. Lockhart, E., watch maker & jeweller
Pakenham Place
44, 46. Thompson, A., painter and decorator
44a. Vacant
48. Mateer, J., tobacconist
50. Vacant
52. Dickson, W. W.
54. Nelson, S., cabinet maker
..........Salisbury Street intersects
56. Private Nursing Home - M. H. Houston
58. Purdon, E. B., M.B., surgeon
60. Purdon, H. S., M.D., surgeon
62. Bowden, Wm., dentist
64. Elwood, W. H., L.D.S., surgeon dentist
..........Hartington Street intersects
Dublin Road Reformed
Presbyterian Church - Rev. J. Lynd, D.D., 86 Egantine Avenue (Eglantine)
74. McCaw, J., M.D., L.R.C.P., Surgeon
76. Simpson, J., M.D.
..........Pakenham Street intersects
78. Vacant
80. Allen, S. C., printer
82. Watson, Mrs. W.
84. Murphy, Richard
86. Cahill, M. F., surgeon
..........Fulton Street intersects
..........Donegall Pass intersects
110 to 116. Braithwaite, W. T., publican
118. Graham, M., stationer & tobacconist
120. Hamilton, J. G., butcher
122, 124. Kinahan Bros., wine and spirit merchants
Albion Place
126. Dickson, Miss
128. Wallace, M., painter and decorator
130. Vacant
132. Walby, James, engineering department G.P.O.
134. McCoy, John
136. Campbell, Miss Anna
138. Carson, W. G.
140. Vacant
142. Gilmer, James
144. Harper, Mrs. (Mary in 1907)
146. Macauley, A. A., solicitor
148, 150. Wallace, M., painter and decorator
Dublin Street
off Ravenhill Road
1. Major, Thos., steward
3. Vacant
5. Reid, Elizabeth
7. Martin, Mrs.
9. Lutton, John, insurance agent
11. McGlennon, W., pensioner R.I.C.
13. Richmond, G., manager
15. Larmour, J., harbour constable
17. Kempton, G., hotel servant
2. Kelly, Edward
4. Vacant
6. Irvine, Johnston, time keeper
8. Nicholl, Wm., iron moulder
10. Vacant
12. Scott, David, tailor
14. Wilson, Mary
16. Vacant
18. Reid, Alex., ship carpenter
Dufferin Dock
end of Garmoyle Street
Dufferin Road
Whitla Street to Spencer Basin
Kosmack & Co., stores
Irish Shipowners' Co., general
Gregg & Co., flooring shed
Lyttle & Pollock, stores
Belfast Harbour Commissioners'
branch office - Storage department, John Dickson, S. D. Barrett, Jas.
Thompson, superintendents
Hall, R. & H., grain stores
Richardson Bros., stores
Hutton, H., & Co., timber strs.
Harbour Commissioners timber pnds.
Dufferin Street
off Lord Street
1. Galbraith, Jos., labourer
3, 5. Vacant
7. Nixon, John, labourer
9. Vacant
11. Sedgwick, J., labourer
13. Johnston, Elizabeth
15. Tosh, W., rope spinner
17. McKinley, Wm. J., driller
19. Magee, Wm., labourer
21. McAdams, Mary A.
23. Vacant
25. Haggans, W., cloth finisher
27. Heaps, Jas., rivetter
29. Baker, John, labourer
31. Stevenson, Geo., helper
33. Cochrane, Agnes
2. Craig, Robt., labourer
4. Johnston, Saml., labourer (M., ship carpenter in 1907)
6. Holmes, Jas., brick layer
8. Smith, John, labourer
10. Drennan, J., iron moulder
12. Craig, Thos., labourer
14. McAdams, Andw., labourer
16. Thompson, Chas., carpenter
18. Leinster, Jas., labourer
20. Hare, Mrs. E.
22. Bittle, Thos., labourer
24. McConnell, Mrs.
26 to 30. Vacant
Duffy's Court
off Duffy's Place
1. McBrien, Mary, dealer
3. Rooney, Bernard, labourer
5. Finnigan, Patk., labourer
7. McMullan, A., labourer
Duffy's Place
Boundary Street to Dover Street
1. Vacant
3. McNulty, Daniel
5. Vacant
..........Lynn's Court intersects
7. Feenan, Andw., driver
9. McCann, Teresa
11. McKeown, F., labourer
13. Vacant
15. Lennon, W., car propr. (Margaret in 1907)
2. Side door
..........Duffy's Court intersects
4. McLarnon, D., labourer
6. Mallon, H., slater
8. McGlennon, J., dealer
Duke Street
Bryson Street to Susan Street
1. Cully, W., plater
3. Havern, John, caulker
5. Green, D., blacksmith
7. Jude, H., engineer
2. Higgins, J., boiler maker
4. Niblock, D., carpenter
6. Edgar, David
8. Morton, James
Dunbar Street
from Gordon Street
McConnell, J.
& J., Ltd., Distillers, Bonded Stores
6. Davis, Mrs.
8. Armour, Samuel
10. Montgomery, Isaac
12. Gateway
14. Moorhead, Wm.
16. McDowell, Mrs.
18. Toner, Henry, publican
20. Lyttle & Pollock, hardwood timber merchants
Duncairn Avenue
off Duncairn Street
1. Greenwood, J., merchant
2. Hill, Mrs.
3. Martin, D., merchant tailor
4. Barrett, S. D., harbour official
Duncairn Manse
Rev. W. J. Jackson, M.A., minister
Duncairn Presbyterian Church
Duncairn Buildings
from Atlantic Avenue to Duncairn Gardens
1, 2. Vacant
3. Creswell, W. R., dairy
4. Creswell Bros., butchers
5. Henderson, Mgt., tobacconist
6. McFerran, John, draper
7. Sterling, T., confectioner
8. Cleland, S. L., chemists
9. Summers, W., fish monger
10. Currie, S., draper, etc.
12. Vacant
13. Alcock, J., hair dresser
14. Brady, E. J., stationer
Duncairn Gardens
North Queen Street to Duncairn Street
[right hand
Salmond Terrace
1. McCarthy, Mrs., spirit grocer
3. Duncan, S., milliner
5. Sloan, A., carpenter
7. McCurskie, J., mechanic
9. Campbell, S. M., jeweller
11. Conway, J., wood turner
13. Wilson, A., manager
15. McMinn, John, clerk
17. Edwards, Mrs.
19. Lilley, Wm., lamp manufacturer
21. Anderson, Misses, dress maker
23. Hopkirk, Thomas
25. Buchanan, J., store keeper
27. King, Miss M., dress maker
29. Boyd, T., manager
31. Hewett, J., seedsman
33. Nelson, J., cooper
35. Miskimmon, J., builder
37. Flack, Geo., traveller
39. White, Mary B.
41. Brown, Henry, hardware merchant
43. Larmour, W., carpenter
45. McKenna, Mrs.
47. McCutcheon, J., deputy harbour master
49. Martin, Thos., hosier
51. Vacant
53. Douglas, J., steam tug owner
55. Vacant
57. Simpson, J. H., boiler maker
59. Bamford, S., master tailor
61. Scott, Jas., sergt.-major
63. Black, Wm., grocer
65. Moore, Agnes
67. Vacant
..........Glenrosa Street intersects
69. Porter & Co., drapers
71. Calwell, Dr. Wm., surgeon
73. Parker, A., & Co., cycle merchants
75. Vacant
77. Speers, Mrs., dress maker
79. Ellison, F., watch maker & jeweller
81. Houston, John, draper
..........Adam Street intersects
83. McIlroy's provision market
83a. Young, R., hardware merchant
" Brown, W. R., dealer
85. Vacant
87. Murphy, Saml., auctioneer
89. Burrows, Margaret
91. Blackstock, Jas., broker (Mrs. in 1907)
93. McKinty, Mrs. (John in 1907)
95. Vacant
97. Walker, Wm. F., navy pensioner
99. Campbell, J., foreman mechanic
101. McCullough, W., boot maker
St. Barnabas Terrace
103. Wotherspoon, W., draper
105. Holmes, J. A., farmer
107. McDowell, J., milliner and dress maker
109. Robinson, J., shipwright
St. Barnabas' National School
- H. Molloy, principal
St. Barnabas' Church - Rev.
F. W. Austin, 47 Cliftonville Road
Edlingham Terrace
111. Seeds, Mrs., milliner
113. Marshall, H. C., school teacher
115. Knox, J., manager
117. Henderson, Miss
119 to 123. Vacant
125. Blower, John, fitter
127. McClintock, H., draper
..........Edlingham Street intersects
Princess May Terrace
125a. White, Dr., surgeon
127a. Malcolm, Mrs.
129. Knox, J., spinning master
131. Lyttle, J., tea agent
133. White, Mrs.
...........Kilronan Street intersects
Duncairn Gardens Methodist
Church, Rev R. S. Lee; res., 3 Brookhill Drive; Rev. Geo. Alley; res., 13
Brookhill Avenue
..........Ilchester Street intersects
135. Crozier, Thos., draper
137. Thompson, Mrs.
139. McNeice, Mrs.
141. Meharry, Dr. W. J., surgeon
143. Savage, John, grocer
..........Evolina Street intersects
145. Vacant
147, 149. Mahaffy, P., boot maker
151. Birch, Elizabeth
153. Johnston, S. A., grocer
..........Syringa Street intersects
155. Carlisle, Dr. Wm., surgeon
157. Gibb, Mrs.
159. Heron, Robt., draper (Herron in 1907)
161. Fittis, E., hardware and general merchant
..........Halliday's Road intersects
Trevelyan Terrace
163. Norwood, W. J., spirit merchant
165. Vacant
167. Miskimmin, Wm., builder
169. Smyth, Wm., builder (Mrs. in 1907)
171, 173. Vacant
175. Kerr, John (Mrs. in 1907)
177. Trelford, James
179. McIlroy, The Misses, dress makers
181. O'Driscoll, P., head waiter
183. Orm. John
185. Broughton, Charlotte
187. McFee, Mrs. Annie
189. Watson, R., insurance agent
191. Robinson, Ann J., artist
193. Arbuckle, Sarah Ann (Ardbuckle, Miss Sarah in 1907)
195. Mann, Madalene (Miss Madeline in 1907)
197. McGaughan, A., publican
199. Smith, Lizzie (Smyth, Elizabeth in 1907)
201. Stewart, J., manager
203. Jackson, Jane (Mrs. in 1907)
205. Davidson, Miss Matilda
207. Hewitt, Mrs.
209. Maguire, H., solicitor
211. Keers, Maud
213. Stevenson, Marilda
215. Sims, Elizabeth
217. Whyte, S., teacher of singing
219. Lunnebach, O., M.A., teacher of modern languages
[left hand
St. John's Terrace
2. Connolly, Alex., spirit grocer
4. Cunning, Ellen
6. McKnight, J., manager
8. Devinney, Mrs.
10. White, Andrew
12, 14. Hearst, M., builder and contractor
16. Savage, R., pensioner
18. Fulton, J., wood carver
20. Ferguson, M., master mariner
22. McCluskey, W. J., assistant traffic inspector harbour
24. McDowell, Robt., grocer
26. Macintosh, John, surgeon
28. Osborne, J., bookkeeper
30. Malcolm, J., engineer
32. McBride, W., carpenter
34. Thompson, M., traveller
36. Campbell, T., bookkeeper
38. Craig, Robt., engineer
40. Campbell, Mary
42. Vacant
44. Magee, Agnes
46. Kirkpatrick, Wm., clerk
48. Vincent, Chas., boiler maker
50. Neill, Wm. J., draper
52. Russell, Samuel, station master
54. McKinty, Mrs.
56. Priestly, E., bookkeeper
58. Thom, J., time keeper
60. McKenna, J. T., spirit grocer
62. Larmour Bros., grocers
64. Nelson & Sons, butchers
66. Turner, E., milliner
68. Williamson, Geo., plater
70. Ross, Jas.
72. Corr, Mathew (Mrs. in 1907)
74. Caskey, John, joiner
76. Henderson, Wm., butcher
78. Mundell, Mrs., hardware & fancy warehouse
80. McIntyre, K., baker and confectioner
82. Blair, Jos., tailor
84. Fitzsimons, Mrs.
86. O'Neill, Wm., butcher
88. Charleton, Wm., farmer
90, 92. Vacant
94. Stewart, A., carpenter
96, 98. Harper, R., family grocer
..........Lepper Street intersects
Rosslea Terrace
100. Connolly, P., spirit grocer
102. Dogherty, Patk., R.I.C.
104. McNally, J., marble works
106. Barr, M., engineer
108. Brown, J., sea captain
110. Henry, J., mineral water manufacturers
112. Allen, Richard, engineer
114. Adamson, S., pensioner
116. Roy, Jas., engine driver
118. Williams, Thos., draper
120. Vacant
122. Hampton, John, grocer
124. Rodger, Eliza
126. Hughes, P., recruiting sergeant
128. Penny, J., sailor
Macrory Memorial Presbyterian
Church - Rev. Jos. Northey; res., Mosaphir, Cavehill Road
..........Edlingham Street intersects
138, 140. Rea, S., grocer
St. George's Terrace
142. Hudson, F., pattern maker (W E. in 1907)
144. Reid, Wm., captain
146. Cumming, Miss
148. Evans, T. E., army school master
150. Playfair, Mrs.
152. Blair, Mrs., music teacher
154. Cleland, S. L., pharmaceutical chemist
156. Duff, Alex., journalist
158. Blair, W., warehouseman
160. Walker, Mrs.
162. Blair, John, clerk
164. Hoy, Andw., sea captain
166. Lees, Richard, carpenter
168. Williams, Edgar C., dentist
170. Yuill, Robt., clerk
172. Metcalfe, T., furniture dealer
174. Atkinson, Jas., post office official
176. McManus, J., traveller
178. Ellis, D., manager
180. Millar, J., cloth passer
182. Barr, H., marine dealer
184 to 188. Vacant
190. Boal, E., newsagent
192. McMacmahon, H., h'dsr
194. Crozier, Saml., outfitter
196. Hamill, Wm., painter
198, 200. Vacant
202. Smyth, Jas., draper
204. Reid, Miss, dress maker
206, 208. Owens, F., grocer
..........Halliday's Road intersects
210. McConkey, Jas., grocer
212. Davidson, A., traveller
214. Miller, A., upholsterer (Mrs. Agnes in 1907)
216. Ellison, Jas., saddler
218. Darragh, Miss J. (Darroch, Miss J. in 1907)
220. Thompson, Mrs.
Runkerry Villas
222. Taylor, Richard, traveller
224. Hughes, James
226. McLaughlin, M., manager
228. Sheals, Annie
Belalta Villas
230. O'Flaherty, D., wholesale tea merchant
232. Morrow, H. C., artist
234. Lancester, J., customs officer
236. Holmes, Wm., sea captain
238. Phillips, J., photographer
Hardford Lodge
240. Robinson, Miss, dress maker
Duncairn Street
Carlisle Circus to Antrim Road
St. Enoch's Place
1, 3. Ulster Bank Ltd., branch, D. Strain, manager
5. Smyth, A., watch maker & jeweller
7. Vacant
9. Browne, Miss, stationer
11. Fitzgerald, C., fruiterer & poulterer
Jubilee Villas
13. McLaughlin, J., teacher of music
15. Motrem, Mrs.
17. Bowman, Hugh, butcher
..........Pim Street intersects
Jubilee Buildings
19. Great Northern Co-operative Dairy Co.
21. Mulholland, J., bookkeeper
23. Lieghio, Giocomo Refreshment Rooms
25. Hanna, Charles, Hair dresser
27. McDowell, Jas., house painter & decorator
29. Hughes, Denis, fruiterer
31. Campbell & Brown, wholesale ironmonger and fancy goods
importers; branch, 59 Ann Street
33. Waddell, R. D., sausage manufacturer
35. Cummings & Co., Provision Merchants
37. Megahy, Miss, confectionery
39. McCann, D. & Sons, Fish and Poultry Hall
41. Stronge & Co., general drapers & outfitters
43. Nesbitt, C. H., pharmaceutical chemist
45. McCann, Hugh, butcher
47. Black & Carruth, Grocers
..........Churchill Street intersects
Woodbine Terrace
53. Morton, Mrs.
55. Kidd, James, Builder and Contractor
57. Magee, T. W., clerk
59. Nesbitt, J. H., machinist
61. Thompson, R. M., tailor
63. Burns, D. J., professor of music
65. Tweedie, D. H., M.D. and surgeon
67, 69. Cooper, W., Family Grocer & Provision Curer
Duncrue Street
Whitla Street to Thompson's Bank
[right hand
Mercier, W. & S., Meal &
Flour Millers and Merchants; Dufferin Flour Mills; res., W. T. Mercier,
5 College Gardens; S. Mercier, 10 Brookvale Avenue
Robb Bros., City Saw Mills; D.
McCullough, caretaker
The Main Drainage Pumping Station
Morrow, E. J., engineer
[left hand
McCrea & McFarland, stabling
B.N.C. Railway (entrance to engineers' department & permanent way
Dundee Street
Shankill Road to Luke Street
1. Fisher, J., publican
3. McAlister, Geo., labourer
5. Armstrong, R., carpenter ( Jane in 1907)
7. Nelson, Mrs.
9. Oliver, R., labourer
11. Maguire, J., labourer
13. Finlay, A., furniture remover
15, 17. Vacant
19. Craig, T. H., car driver
21. Barnett, Andw., carter
23. Neill, Ellen
25. Shaw, Agnes
27. Mercer, Henry, labourer
29. Tate, Geo., car driver
31. McKnight, J., linen warper
33. Smith, W., carter
35. McIntosh, John, carter
37. Graham, W., plasterer
39. Walsh, J., blacksmith
41. Morrow, Jas., labourer
43. Mussen, R., holder-up
..........Linen Street intersects
47. McCullough, Mrs. ( Barbara in 1907)
49. Templeton, W. J., labourer
51. McFall, Geo., labourer
53. Telford, James, carter
55. Bell, Thos., labourer
57, 59. Allen, J., labourer ( Margt., grocer in 1907)
61. McCleery, Margaret
63. Marno, Agnes, winder
65. Ferris, R., bus driver
67. Hutchinson, W., labourer
69. Doherty, W., driller
71. Walker, T., labourer
73. Crozier, R., labourer
75. Keenan, Mrs.
77. Wright, C., iron dresser (H. in 1907)
79. Wright, Isabella
81. Morrison, Ellen
83. Finlay, James, carter
85. Cully, John, labourer
87. Bradley, Wm., labourer
89. Gourley, Jas., labourer
91. Sloan, John, labourer
93. Matthewson, S., fireman
95. Wilson, H., labourer
4. Branagh, Wm., carter
6, 8. Jackson, J., coal merchant
10. Coey, William, seaman
12. Tougher, Hugh, labourer
14. Milliken, Wm., labourer
16. Jordan, S., brass moulder
18, 20. Vacant
22. Hunter, H., brick layer
24. Noble, Robert, oiler
26. Harrison, B., labourer
28. Irvine, E., labourer
30. Mulholland, T., mason
32. Hemphill, T., soap boiler
..........Craig's Terrace intersects
..........Linen Street intersects
34. Entwistle, Margaret
36. Tipping, Mrs.
38. McFadden, Margaret
40. Semple, Eliza Anne
42. Wilson, Sarah
44. Clark, Eliza, machinist
46. Hunter, Mrs. ( Lizzie, spinner in 1907)
48. Corry, Emily
50. Wallace, Wm., poulterer
52. Mullin, Annie
54. McGrath, S., labourer
56. Megarry, J., carpenter
58. Moore, Saml., dresser
60. Maxwell, Wm., labourer
62. Savage, Jas., labourer
64. Martin, F., flax dresser
66. Robinson, Ellen J.
68. Martin, D., van driver
70. Sloan, Wm., carter
72. Shannon, Margaret
74. Kidd, Alfred, joiner
76. Harper, Wm., weaver
78, 80. Bradley, B., publican ( D. & P., spirit grocers in 1907)
82. Livingstone, W., labourer
84. Clark, Wm., labourer
86. Larmour, Wm., labourer
88 to 94. Vacant
96. Moorhead, F., spinner
98. Vacant
Dundela Avenue
off Holywood Road
Shaw, Martin, manager seed
department of Mr. S. McCausland
Allen, David, manager
Thompson, Mrs.
Ballyhackamore House
Robb, Chas. H., of John Robb &
Dundela Villas
Lewis, Albert J., solicitor
Todd, W. A., house furnisher
Dundela House
Ross, D., linen manufacturer
1. McKinley, John, gardener
2. Connolly, John, watchman
3. Carter, J., time keeper
4. McKnight, Wm., fitter
5. Calwell, J. W., saddler
6. Brown, J., cabinet maker
7. McKee, Robt., labourer
8. Leckey, Jas., labourer
9. King, Jos., gardener
10. Harrison, R., labourer
11. Morrow, W. R., carter
12. McConnell, Wm., beetler
Strandtown Mission Hall
Strandtown Nursery
Denning, Robt., gardener
Dundela vacant
Burnside Place
Lee, Samuel, dealer
Tedford, Wm., livery stables
Jameson, Moses, gardener
Dundela Drive
off Dundela Avenue
1. Smith, P., school master
2. Guiney, J. C., bookkeeper
3. Lindsay, W. J., traveller
4. Boyd, Fredk., contractor
Dundela Park
off Holywood Road
Wilson, John, baker
Symington, R., coachman
Frackelton, Margaret
Hamilton, Augustus, engineer
McHutchinson, John, agent
Gray, R. A., auctioneer
Dundela Street
off Dundela Avenue
11. Magee, Alexander, labourer
13. Vacant
15 to 25. Stabling yard
27. Vacant
29. Shannon, D., dealer
31 to 45. Stabling yards
47. Adair, J., dairyman
49. Colville, A., grocer
51. Parkinson, John
53. Adams, John, labourer
55. Bradon, John, labourer
57. Kaligher, G., labourer
59. Breen, Mrs.
61. Davison, T., labourer
63. McLaughlin, T., labourer
65. McKenna, J., coachman
67. Crothers, Wm., traveller
69 to 73. Messrs. Millans' building yard
75. Moore, John
77. Vacant
79. Stabling yard
2. Vacant
4. Agnew, T., coal merchant
6. Glass, Miss, confectioner
8. Buckley, J. A., labourer
10. Adams, Mrs.
12. Vacant
14. Clarke, Mrs.
16 to 20. Vacant
22. Boyd, Mrs.
24. Erdis, John, labourer
26. Magill, Saml., labourer
28. Dickson, R., fireman
30. Buckley, Mrs.
32. Ringland, H., labourer
34. Martin, Geo., labourer
36. Vacant
38. Robinson, John, labourer
40. Bingham, Joseph, carter
42. Brown, Jas., labourer
44. Simpson, A., coachman
46. Vacant
48. Ogle, Mrs.
50. Gelston, Mrs.
52. Neill, Mrs.
54. Cochrane, R., labourer
56. Williamson, W., labourer
58. Logan, D., labourer
60. Hynes, H., copper & tinsmith
62. Mallon, J., labourer
64. Bickerstaffe, J., labourer
66. Vacant
68. Magowan, W., labourer
70. O'Neil, P., labourer
72. Long, Matthew, baker
74. Gordon, W., farmer
76. Frame, W., labourer
78. Vacant
80. Frame, Mrs.
82, 84. Vacant
86. Sampson, Mrs.
88. Heaney, J., labourer
90. Livingstone, W., labourer
92. Dougan, W., gardener
94. Petrie, Alex., rivetter
96. Connor, Patk., labourer
98. McKitterick, Jas., labourer
100. Porter, Sam., driver
102. Maybury, Geo., labourer
Dundela View
off Dundela Avenue
1. Cuddy, Geo., coachman
2. Harvey, Thos., coachman
3. McMath, J., labourer
4. McClure, A., gardener
5. McKee, John, gardener
6. Geddis, Fras., joiner
7. Oshaughenesy, Mrs. (O'Shaughnessy)
8. McCreedy, S., gardener
9. Dougan, Mrs.
10. Hamilton, Robt., carter
Dunlewey Street
Falls Road to Odessa Street
1. Convent of Bons Secours
3. Mooney, Patrick
5. Byrne, Margaret
7. Graham, Jas., engineer
2. Brennan, Jas.,
4. McDonnell, J., school teacher
6. Dawe, C., house keeper
8. McKeown, J., compositor
10. Vacant
12. Leonard, Isabella
14. Gateway
16. Miskelly, P., spinning master
18. O'Rorke, P., R.I.C.
20. McDonnell, P., school attendance officer
22. Mooney, Miss
24. Boyle, Miss
26. Devlin, G., moulder
28. Finnigan, Pk., coachman
30. Brady, Daniel, labourer
32. McAuley, Daniel, labourer
34. Dynes, Susan
36. Riordan, B., shoe maker
38. Cosgrove, B., flax dresser
40. Side door
Dunluce Avenue
off Lisburn Road
1a. Vacant
1. McIlwrath, Mrs.
3. Vacant
5. Reid, John
7. Waugh, Mrs.
11. Young, Mrs.
13. Logan, Mrs.
15. Robertson, W., sub-inspector of National Schools (Mrs. in
17. Shields, Mrs.
19. Martin, J. J. C., traveller
21. Allardice, Mrs.
23. Nuett, Mrs.
25. Martin, Samuel
27. Gibson, Thomas H., Barrister-at-Law
29. Mayne, T. (Elizabeth in 1907)
31. Scott, Mrs.
33. Gilmore, Mrs.
35. Greaves, Joseph, Government valuator
37. Black, W. C., house painter
43. McDowell, Alex., clerk
45. Noblet, J. R., of the Bank of Ireland
61. Stanfield, S., manufacturer
63. Stewart, Miss
65. Stewart, Hugh, H. B. builder
67. Duffin, James
69, 71. Vacant
73. Mason, Miss
75. Vacant
77. Steed, Miss Florence
79. McGahey, Alex., tailor
81. Jamieson, Andrew
83 to 89. Vacant
103. Douglas, Wm., artist
105. Kerr, R. H., collar cutter
107. Johnston, R., sexton of Donegall Square Church
109. Spence, D., cabinet maker
111. Anderson, Robt., painter
113. George, David, painter
115. Sawers, S., manager
117. Andrews, R., store keeper
119. Clark, Robt., saddler
121. McNinch, Miss (Mrs. in 1907)
123. Vacant
125. Burns, Isabella
127. Gardner, J., saddler
129. Connor, D. G., draper
131. Verran, John G., joiner
133, 135. Vacant
137. Rainey, Robert, clerk
139 to 143. Vacant
145. Bruce, Jos., salesman
147, 149. Vacant
151. Nelson, J., bookkeeper
153. Blain, J. G., stationer
155. Levitas, Isaac, tailor
157. Vacant
159. Beattie, J., law clerk
161. McCracken, Thomas
163. Malone, Hugh, clerk
165. Scott, S., plasterer
167. Turkington, W. Jas.
169. Murdy, E., linen lapper
171. Rennix, Wm., clerk
173. Willis, J., bookkeeper
175. Vacant
177. Johnston, Thomas
179. Hall, Richd., compositor
181. Shepherd, T., gun instructor Balmoral Ind. School
183 to 197. Vacant
199. Anton, Charles, clerk
201. Young, John, salesman
203. Gray, R., block cutter
205. Kelly, Richard, clerk (Mrs. in 1907)
207. Rogers, Robert, chief inspector Belfast Street Tramway Co.
209. Phillips, Mrs. Annie
211. Bruce, D., calico designer
213. England, S. J., manager
215. Carson, S. J., building surveyor's assistant
Dunluce Buildings
2. Neill, Mrs.
4. Baron, G., linen merchant
6. Ridge, J., tea agent
8. Matthews, T. W., teacher
10. Power, H. T., agent
12. Vacant
14. Stewart, Mrs., costumier
16. Vacant
18. Duke, W. J., clerk
20. Coulhoun, Mrs.
Vacant ground
76. McCauley, L. A., pr. store
78. Dermot, John, R.I.C.
80. Baggley, Edward J.
82. Havron, Robt., book agent
84. Nelson, Edw., painter
86, 88. Vacant
90. Bradley, Albert, draper
92. Tweedie, W., stone cutter
94. Rowan, W., manager
96. Herron, Charles, manager
98. Vacant
100. Dawson, H. B., plumber
102. Gilpin, T., bookkeeper
104. Dillon, Thos., boot maker
106. McMullan, A., mechanic (McMillan in 1907)
108. Gibson, T., commercial traveller
110. McConnell, Wm., draper
112. Vacant
114. Behan, John, clerk
116 to 124. Vacant
126. Loughridge, J., bookkeeper
128. Hunter, S. R., commercial traveller
130 to 144. Vacant
146. Harbinson, Elizabeth
148 to 164. Vacant
Dunmore Street
from Springfield Road to Clonard Gardens
1. Black, Mary Jane
3. Murray, M., brick layer
5. Jackson, W., carpenter
7. Magill, John H., fireman
9. Collins, Geo., carpenter
11. Hughes, Wm., carpenter
13. Brady, Bernard
15. Walker, J., fish monger
17. Malone, M., engine driver
19. Mallon, P., driller
21. McCorry, Henry, fitter
23. McCormick, Margaret
25. Flannery, M., carpenter
27. McGrath, P., labourer
29. Tracey, J., boiler maker
31. Hayes, M., grocer
33. McKeever, B., iron turner
35. Taggart, J., labourer (Teggart, Mrs. in 1907)
37. Graham, P., weaver
39. Gilmore, J., labourer
41. Kenny, Mrs.
43. McCann, Robt., tailor
45. Harrison, J., cutter
47. McGarvey, R., shoe maker
49. Charleton, J., printer
51. Magill, Bridget
53. Pollard, John, weaver
55. Kelly, Michael, moulder
57. Malone, Jos., labourer
59. Lenaghan, P., postman
61. McCourtney, M., plasterer
2. Lynch, Alice
4. Hamill, J., brick layer
6. Kinney, Chas., labourer
8. Cairns, Mrs.
10. McSherry, Eliza
12. Marshall, James, iron turner
14. Cannon, James, car man
16. O'Toole, J., beetler
18. Donnelly, Mrs., nurse
20. O'Toole, James, carter
22. McComb, John, fitter
24. McAnulty, J., glass silverer
26. Walsh, W., flax dresser
28. Mallon, J.
30. Traill, Mrs.
32. McFarland, Margaret
34. O'Reilly, Miss
36. Magee, J., butcher
38. Reid, John, coachman
40. Barry, Patk., bread server
42. Donnelly, A., stoker
44. Connolly, Maria
46. Rooney, A., labourer
48. Johnston, Catherine
50. Quinn, Ed., labourer
52. Ferran, A., compositor
54. Poland, Thos., rougher
56. McVeigh, Sarah Ann
58. Gibson, J., labourer
60. Lawther, John
62. Smith, J., plasterer
64. George, J., carpenter
66. Hazzard, Miss
68. Taylor, T., rougher
70. Carr, Wm., carpenter
Dunn Street
Tilley Street to Perth Street
7. Blackwood, George
9. Waterworth, W. J., labourer
11. Brown, F., labourer (John, brick layer in 1907)
13. Waterworth, T. J., labourer
15. McFall, G., sample maker
17. Hamilton, Alex., driller
19. Bell, John, labourer
21. Stewart, Thos., tailor
23. McBride, John, van man
25. Wilkinson, R., fireman
2. Lindsay, Jas., labourer
4. Clarke, Jas., storeman
6. Holywood, James, joiner
8. Clarke, Wm., machine man
10. Reilly, Wm., carpenter
12. Jordan, S., brick layer
Dunraven Avenue
off Grace Avenue, Bloomfield
Vacant ground
2. Heaney, Wm., rivetter
4. Kirkpatrick, J., rivetter
6. Smyth, Jane
8. Nesbitt, John, set maker
10. Rainey, David, tailor
12. Jones, David, tailor
14. Sinclair, J. K., joiner
16. Phillips, T., labourer
18. Minnis, Mary
20. Fair, C. J., insurance agent
22 to 28. Vacant
30. Wilkinson, J., photographer
32 to 50. Vacant
Dunvegan Street
off Ravenhill Road
Side door
1. Taylor, J., warehouseman
3. Colgin, Fras., labourer
5. Anderson, N., carter
7. Lunn, Wm. R., clerk
9. McKee, Wm., traveller
11. Hill, Thos., corker
13. Green, John, linen lapper
15. Vacant
17. Armstrong, John, clerk
19. Sumers, John, carter (Summers in 1907)
21. Vacant
23. Kane, Matthew, labourer
25. Berenton, W. H., assistant foreman (Brereton, Wm. H., foreman
in 1907)
27. Morrow, Mrs.
29. Reynolds, J., machine man
31. Emerson, Mary J.
33. Edmondson, E., labourer
35. Megahen, W. H., crane man
37. Reynolds, Rachel
39. Park, D., painter
41. Ferguson, W., shop assistant
43. Moore, Wm. J., tailor
45. Stanley, John
47. Lavery, J., traveller
49. Anderson, T., railwayman
51. Bassett, J., railwayman
53. Mooney, John, labourer
55. Arnold, J., collar cutter
57. Boal, Wm., ship joiner
59. Green, Joseph, crane man
61, 63. Vacant
2, 4. New houses
6. Nooney, Wm., labourer (Mooney in 1907)
8. Davison, W. J., store keeper (Wm. T., fireman in 1907)
10. Waterson, Jas., painter
12. Teeford, Saml., sawyer (Telford in 1907)
14. Brown, R., brass finisher
16. Costello, S., horse dealer
18. Davison, A., ship carpenter
20. Allen, Wm., time keeper
22. Rooney, J., blacksmith
24. Reid, Thos., brick layer
26. Keenan, Wm., blacksmith
Dunville Street
Falls Road to Sorella Street
Dunville's Park
2. McDonald, Margaret
4. Byrne, C., clerk of works
6. Collins, E., engineer
8. Shanagher, D., sergt. R.I.C.
10. Kerns, M., commercial traveller (Kearns, Ellen, house keeper
in 1907)
12. Kennedy, Hugh
14. Connolly, Jas., mechanic
16. Strain, Jas., baker
18. Maguire, H., flax dresser
20. McKernan, O., flax dresser
Vacant ground
42. Henry, Hugh, flax dresser
44. Magill, P., chain maker
46. Carbery, D., carpenter
48. Haughey, J., litho. printer
50. Haughey, Ellen
52. Martin, J., labourer
Vacant ground
Durham Court
off Durham Street
four small houses
Durham Place
off Durham Street
twelve small houses
Durham Street
from Divis Street to Boyne Bridge
1. (side door) Devlin, Catherine,
3. Hart, Rachel
5. McGrady, C., labourer
7. Mallon, J., labourer (Catherine in 1907)
9. McCabe, John, painter
11. Donaghy, Margt., weaver
..........McMillan's Place intersects
13. O'Hanlon, J., publican
15. Daly, A., grocer
17. Conlon, A., coalman
19. Ward, Michl., tailor (John, tinsmith in 1907)
21. McKinney, H., cork cutter
23. Smith, P., flax dresser
25. Leonard, Patk., carpenter
27. Stafford, M., dress maker
29. Lavery, J., car driver (Mary in 1907)
31. Owens, P., labourer
33. Gregory, C., crane driver
35. Gardiner, J., moulder
37. Rosbottom, R., butcher (Mary Ann in 1907)
39. McIlroy, Chas., labourer
41. McCallum, Catherine
43. Mahood, W., dairyman
45. Magill, Daniel, slater
47. McClure, J., publican
..........Pound Street intersects
47a. Gilliland, Ed., provision merchant
49. Martin, Geo., green grocer
51. Mallon, Ann, dealer
53. McLarnon, Margaret
55, 57. Kinney, J., cattle dealer
..........Durham Place intersects
59, 61. Donelly, J. M., publican
63. Vacant
65. Nolan, Peter, carter (P., car owner in 1907)
..........Durham Court intersects
67. McGowan, H., butcher and provision dealer
69, 71. Murray, J., green grocer
73. McNamee, M., butcher
75. Neill, A., cabinet maker
77. Harper, Wm., cattle buyer
79, 81. Rollins, T., grocer
83, 83a, 85. Vacant
87. Sharpe, F., plumber, etc.
89. Sargeant, Hugh, coal man
91. Ferguson, T., dairyman
..........Johnston's Court intersects
93. Walker, Mrs.
95. Glenny, R. E., grocer
97. Armstrong, J., porter
99. Neild, J., publican (Neill, Margaret A., publican in 1907?)
101. McMahon, J., grocer
103. Hawthorne, Mrs., confectioner & tobacconist
105. Vacant
107. Jones, J., merchant tailor
109. Patton, John, flesher
111. Wallace, David, publican
..........College Street West intersects
113. Nelson, Mrs., draper
115. Mehaffy, S., boot maker
117, 119. Durham Street Post Office
" Sinclair, J. & J., grocers
..........Albert Street intersects
125. Crawford, J., sexton
127. McLaughlin, J., newsagent
129. Doyle, John
131. Doyle, W., hair dresser
133. Murray, Edw., baker
135. Kelly, J. & M., publicans
137, 139. Moffatt, M., confectioner
141. Anderson, I., rent agent
143. Kershaw, W. H., mechanic
145. Johnston, J., boot closer
147. Teggart, Wm., inspector of waterworks
149. Rowland, John, sexton of Christ Church
151. Slavin, T., fruit dealer
153. Irwin, Robt., traveller
155. Moore, A., joiner
157. Neville, W., platers' helper
159. Kelly, J. & M., publicans
..........Cullingtree Street intersects
161. Mees, J. H., spring maker
163. Jones, Esau, labourer
165. Armstrong, John, porter
167. Johnston, Alex., packer
169. Baird, John
171. Davidson, Hanna
173. Collins, H., railway guard
175. Farley, Chas., labourer
177. Waring, H., foreman labourer
179. Smyth, Margaret
181. Creighton, Mary
183. Parr, T., linen lapper
185. Whiteside, J., iron turner
187. Bell, Saml., confectioner
189. Bratten, T., manager
191, 193. Reid, T. D., publican
..........Grosvenor Street intersects
195, 197. Scally, A., publican
199. Adams, D., baker
201, 203. Hardstaff, J., publican
205. Matchett, R., plumber
207. McMullan, H., van man
209. Clarence Factory Ltd., finishing department
211 to 215. Vacant
217. McWilliams, Eliza A.
219, 221. McBride, J., coach builder
223. Finlay, Eliza
225. Black, Hugh, brick layer
The Boyne Bridge
Barron & Co., Boyne Bridge works, manufacturers of jute and cotton bags,
hessians, etc.
2. (side door) Aikin, M., pawn broker
4, 6. Ross, J., hay stores
8. McCrea, J., house painter
10. Reilly, F., fowl butcher
..........Bathurst Court intersects
12. McGurk, John, dealer
14. McAreavey, James, dealer (Jas., hair dresser in 1907)
16. O'Neill, Margaret
18. Murphy, John, labourer
20. Cairns, H., coal trimmer (Jas., labourer in 1907)
22. Murphy, B., dress maker
24. Brinton, B., carpenter
26. McKeown, Jas., slater
28. Norwood, Martha (Marwood, Andw., labourer in 1907?)
30. Smith, Rose, smoother
32. Kerr, Hugh, stables (Joseph in 1907)
34. McShane, J., plasterer
36. Frere, M., char woman
38. McGregor, C., boiler maker
40. Magee, P., rectifier (Jas., packer in 1907)
42. Russell, P., shoe maker
..........Barrack Street intersects
44. Adams, W. J., bakery
46. McClure, John, slater (Margaret in 1907)
48. Lamb, Mrs.
..........Drain's Court intersects
52. Campbell, Mary
54. Conway, John, labourer
56. McDonnell, C., hair dresser
58. McLaughlin, J., sheet metal worker (M., boot maker in 1907)
60. Maglone, M., green grocer
62. Willis, R., labourer (Jane in 1907)
64. Greer, David, porter
66. Vacant
68. Glass, John, labourer (at 70 in 1907)
70. McComb, D., gas fitter
72. Taggart, W., iron moulder
74. Vacant
76. Cummings, D., labourer
78. Burnside, J., shoe maker
80. Bennett, Jas., baby linens
..........Galway Street intersects
Vestry College
Square North Presbyterian Church
..........College Square North intersects
82. Queen Victoria N.S.'s - principals, T. W. Wilson and Miss
84, 86. Vacant
88. McBurney, W., butcher
90. Donnan, W. J., basket maker
92. Carberry, J., labourer
94, 96. Clenaghan, J., painter
98. Kernaghan, W. H., labourer
100. Boyles, Jane
100½. Beggs, H., french polisher
102. Robinson, J. E., bookkeeper
102½. Burns, Lucy
104. Burns, J., boot maker
106. Adair, J., grocer
..........Athol Street intersects
108 to 112. Gorman, F., broker
114. Robinson, W., tailor
116 Foster, E., & C., grocers
..........Grosvenor Street intersects
118 to 120. Vacant
122. Ashton, W. H., broker
124. Dunlevey, D.
126. Rowley, W., blacksmith
128. Vacant
130a. Cooke, G., shoe maker
130, 132. Martin, W. J., publican
..........Glengall Street intersects
134. Vacant
136. Caldwell, Mrs.
138. Robinson, R., porter
140. McCullough, Robert (Mrs. M. in 1907)
142. Mitchell, T., plumber
144. McMullan, J., railway porter
Dysart Street
Alexander Street West to Milford Street
2. Henderson, J., labourer
4. Torrant, John, labourer
6. McClean, J., cabinet maker
8. Campbell, Patk., fitter
10. Hamill, Thomas, labourer
12. Smyth, John, carpenter |