Bangor Collection
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some of the other Bangor Pages on this site
Photos - B.S.D. 1965 -
Bangor Spectator Directory 1970
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1) Bangor Amateur Operatic Society A.G.M. 29th October 1946 - Retiring
Members of the Committee are Messrs. R. M. Marshall and Cecil Finlay, who
are eligible for re-election. A further vacancy is caused by the resignation
of Mrs. G. F. Goodall. - Herbert C. Brown, Secretary, 13 Knockmore Park,
2) Bangor Amateur Operatic Society Social Committee Grand Christmas Party,
Hotel Pickie, Thursday 19th December 1946
3) Bangor Amateur Operatic Society Stage Pass, Pirates of Penzance
4) Bangor Amateur Operatic Society Social Committee, Military Whist Drive
will be held in the Society's Premises, Central Avenue, Bangor, Friday, 1st
October 1948
5) Bangor Amateur Operatic Society Social Committee, Military Whist Drive
will be held in the Society's Premises, Central Avenue, Bangor, Friday, 23rd
January 1948
Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Founded 1898/99


1) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club 1898 - 1948 Golden Jubilee Garden Fete 7th August
2) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Golden Jubilee Annual Dance Caproni's Ballroom
3rd December 1948 Cameron Ramsey & his Orchestra
3) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Garden Fete, Club Grounds, Farnham Park, 16th
June 1951/28th June 1952
4) Lawn Tennis Open Championships of County Down, Farnham Park, Bangor 18th
5) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Winner's Choice, 28th June 1952
6) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Farnham Park, Bangor, Subscription, C. A.
Alexander, Hon. Treas., 63 Ballyholme Road, Bangor

1) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Annual Garden Fete, 16th June 1951
2) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club A.G.M. 30th March 1949, John Gibson Armstrong,
Hon. Secretary, Ballyholme House, Bangor - W. J. McNinch, Honorary
Treasurer; Geoffrey T. Henderson; Denis R. Robb, B.Com.Sc., Hon. Auditors
President: Mr. Fred C. Brown; Honorary Secretary: Mr. J. G. Armstrong (12);
Honorary Treasurer: Mr. W. J. McNinch (12); Assistants - Mr. T. P. Lawley
(8); Mr. B. Marshall (20 out of 5); Mr. J. Hall (Resigned) (4 out of 7)
Committee: Miss H. Hozack (3 out of 5); Miss D. Kirker (8); Mrs. B. Marshall
(4 out of 7); Mrs. W. McFall (10); Miss B. Scott (7); Miss A. Spence (11);
Mr. S. Devon (5); Mr. G. Heuston (8); Mr. T. Linden (7); Mr. W. McGimpsey
(6); Mr. F. Miller (9); Mr. G. Matthews (8); Mr. W. Williamson (3) - The
figures in parentheses after each name denote the number of attendances at
General Meetings.
Bangor Lawn Tennis Club A.G.M. 28th March 1947
3) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Subscription Form

1) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Sale British Legion Hall, 15th November 1952
2) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Reply Form Annual Ball
3) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Receipt
4) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Headed Paper
5) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Annual Dress Dance
6) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club A.G.M. 14th March 1944
7) Tennis Section
8) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Entry Form County Down Championships May
19th till 24th 1952

1) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Candidate for Election Form & Map
2 Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Bangor Ladies Hockey Club and Joint Hospital
Draw 1945
3) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Open Championships of County Down 19th May
4) Golden Jubilee Garden Fete and Carnival in the grounds of the Bangor Lawn
Tennis Club August 1948


1) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Winner's Choice 20th June 1953
2) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Open Championships of County Down 18th May
3) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club A.G.M. March 1945
4) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Receipt

1) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club A.G.M. March 1948
2) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Receipt
3) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Prize Voucher
4) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club 3rd Annual Dance In Caproni's Ballroom 2nd
February 1945
5) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club The President and Committee request the pleasure
of the company of .... at the Annual Ball, which will be held in the Crofton
Hall Hotel, Friday 13th January 1950
6) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club The President and Committee request the pleasure
of the company of .... at the Annual Ball, which will be held in the Crofton
Hall Hotel, Friday 20th October 1950
7) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Farnham Park, Please attend a meeting of the ...
Committee .....
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1) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club An American Tournament (Changing Partners) 12th
July 1944
2) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Golden Jubilee Annual Dance Caproni's Ballroom
3rd December 1948
3) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Poppy Drive Lightbody's Restaurant 10th November
4) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club A Dance British Legion Hall, Bangor 17th November
5) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Headed Paper
6) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Annual Ball 13th January 1950
7) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Dress Dance 20th October 1950
8) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club The Hospital Tournament 3rd June 1944

1) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club "Record Rendezvous
2) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club 'Finals Day' Dance, Open Air American Square
Dancing 24th May
3) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club "Mistletoe Dance" 24th December 1951
4) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club The Opening Tournament 3rd May 1947
5) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Christmas Whist Drive 22nd December 1950
6) Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Entry Form County Down Championships 18th May
Bangor Drama Club 50th Anniversary 1935 - 1985
Souvenir Programme

other Bangor Drama photos

Advertisements: J. Eakin, Jewellers Ltd., 42
Main Street, Bangor - Ava Off-Sales & Bars - Bailie Claney, 37 Main Street
This Programme is dedicated to all those who have served the club in all
capacities since 1935 .. to them we simply say ... Thank you
Office Bearers: Presidents: 1937-40 - Lord Bangor; 1940-47 Lord Clanmorris;
1947-69 Joseph M. Andrews; 1970-77 Lord Dunleath; 1977-85 R. A. Ablett;
1985- J. M. Knipe, M.B.E.
Chairmen: 1935-37 J. E. Harris, M.A.; 1937-40 H. G. Simpson; 1940-44 F. E.
Reynolds; 1944-45 W. E. Parks; 1945-47 F. E. Reynolds; 1947-49 J. B.
O'Neill, B.A.; 1949-52 J. M. Rawlings, B.Sc.; 1952-54 R. A. Ablett; 1954-56
J. M. Knipe; 1956-58 R. Spence; 1958-60 J. W. McNinch; 1960-62 E. J. Cairns;
1964-66 S. J. Patton; 1966-68 J. T. McCreadie; 1968-70 N. W. Ellison;
1970-72 B. M. Rutherford; 1972-73 Miss A. F. Empy; 1973-75 J. G. Neill;
1975-77 C. A. Bayly; 1977-79 Mrs. D. Stewart; 1979-81 H. N. Gilbert; 1981-83
A. J. Ablett; 1983-85 W. S. Murphie; 1985- W. J. Henry
Council Members 1985-86
Letter from the Chairman W. J. Henry; Letter from the Mayor Hazel Bradford
Advertisement: R. K. McAuley, Watchmaker and Jeweller, 116 High Street
[ Throughout this programme a series of
lettered photographs will appear (A) ]
[ Let us TEASE your MEMORY! Can you name the play and/or the players???
Answers at bottom of this page ]
Club Activities
Advertisement: Cartwheel Restaurant, 44 High Street - Peter and Marion
Club History: On October 16th, 1935 a new Society was inaugurated - The
Bangor Dramatic Club - later to be changed to The Bangor Drama Club. This
Society reached its 50th Anniversary this year and is still firmly
established in the forefront of amateur theatre in Northern Ireland. In the
first two seasons the Club, meeting each Wednesday evening in the Downshire
Hotel, usually interspersed play-readings with guest speakers and
discussions. The reading of plays, however, became more popular and today
the season's programme is built around the weekly readings. The Club was
still young when thoughts were turned to the live performing of plays. The
first of these was a one-act, "The Road of Poplars" presented not to a
Bangor audience but at the Belfast Dramatic Feis of 1937. It was given third
place in a highly competitive class bettered only by more experienced
groups. 1937 was the first "milestone" date in the Club's history.
After two formative but successful seasons the Club began to assume
something of its present form with the appointment of a President,
Vice-presidents, etc. The debut of Bangor Drama Club before a "home",
Bangor, audience was the public performance in January 1938 in the Dufferin
Hall. There is no doubt that the presentation of "Call it a Day", by Dodie
Smith, was an impressive introduction. It became apparent towards the end of
the war that the Club would have to seek accommodation more suitable to its
aspirations. So it was that in 1945 they acquired the old Home Guard Centre.
These premises were in a state of disrepair but due to the hard work during
the summer by a band of enthusiasts the Club opened the following season in
comfortable and commodious. The membership doubled in that year. In
1946 the Club undertook for the first time the running of the Bangor Drama
Festival still one of the most prestigious on the Festival circuit.
The following year, 1947, further Festival honours were gained when the Club
won first place in the Association of Ulster Amateur Dramatic Society's
Full-length and One-act Festivals with "She Passed Through Lorraine" and
"The Road to Poplars" respectively. Last year, 1984, the Club again
achieved the "double" with the Full-length "Hay Fever" and the One-act
"Winners". This latter production went on to win the British One-act
Festival in Cardiff and as a result have been invited to take part in a
World Festival in Japan in November 1985. (CLICK the last image
above to read the rest of the History) [IMAGE

2) [IMAGE F]
3) " B D C " 1934 - 1947 & Earlier History - Exterior View of Bangor
Drama Club Premises
4) continued from - Interior View of Bangor Drama Club Premises
5) Bangor Drama Club's Fiftieth Anniversary by John M. Knipe
6) [IMAGE G]
7) [IMAGE H]
8) [IMAGE I]
9) Past Productions 1938 to 1986
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1) The Future - Advertisement John Moore Print & Design, 8 Donaghadee Road,
2) Acknowledgements - Advertisement The Sands, 10-12 Seacliff Road, Bangor
3) [ Answers to Photographic Quiz ] (B not
included) A = My Three Angels 1956 (N.
Murphy, A. Gillespie, J. Knipe, C. Campbell, C. Blakely, H. Stewart)
C = She Stoops to Conquer 1961 (B.
Rutherford, J. Morimer, G. Claney, D. McNeice, R. Ablett) D
= Autumn Crocus 1952 (J. Hay, A. Levine) E
= Thunder Rock 1953 (R. Ablett, J. McNinch, J. Knipe, C. Bayly, N. Larmour,
G. O'Prey, J. Jenkins, T. Corbett. Seated: D. Hepburn, Myrtle Douglas)
F = Rain 1980 (R. Jones, B. Henry, B.
Rea, G. Neill, J. Gilmore, D. Mayne, H. Cottle?, M. Gildea, A. Burns)
G = The Gentle Hook 1981 (P. Lagrue, V.
Burns, W. Ewart, A. Huffington. Seated: I. Eaton, B. Murphie)
H = Jeannie 1955 (P. Radclyffe, Muriel Douglas,
Y. Laird, D. Young, N. Byrne, J. Forsythe, N. Jones, T. Coghlan. Seated: A.
Woodburn, D. Heath (Beck), P. Gorman, D. Stewart (Neill) I
= The Heiress (D. Anderson, H. Simpson, N. Larmour, A. Polson. Seated: M.
Crawford, Myrtle Douglas, S. Davis, I. Empy, A. Sherill)
4) Advertisement: Angela Browne Bridal Gowns, 1 Hamilton Road, Bangor
5) Bangor Drama Club 1935-1985 presents A Play about a good woman "Lady
Windermere's Fan" by Oscar Wilde 30th September - 5th October 1985 - Little
Theatre, Bangor. 16th - 19th October Group Theatre, Belfast
The Gryphon Magazine, Bangor Grammar School
December 1974

Quarter Final of Schools' Cup versus R.B.A.I.

The School 1st XI, 1974 - Back Row, left to right: Mr. McIlroy, G. M. Beaman
(scorer), V. A. Bedford, R. D. Morrow, The Headmaster, I. S. Paterson, T.
Kirkpatrick, Mr. Harte. Front Row: P. R. S. Blair, N. T. Langley
(vice-captain), F. H. Bingham (captain), L. Kirkpatrick (secretary) P. H. B.
Blair. Sitting: S. R. Beckett, S. A. Timol.

School production of Shaw's "Pygmalion", December 1973.
Higgins (T, A, Kelly) finding the Eynsford Hills hard going: Mrs. Eynsford
Hill (Elizabeth Lamont), Freddy (C. J. Miller), Clara (Gillian Sweeney).
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Sports Day - N. C. Armstrong, Junior High Jump competitor.

F. H. Bingham
V. Stevenson, A. McKenzie, I. McCutcheon, G. McNinch
Irish Schools' Cricket Team
on Photographic Tour of West Scotland

Mr. Desmond Cole Baker speaking at the annual dinner of the Bangor Grammar
School Old Boys' Association dinner.

Staff versus Boys Soccer match.

Speech Day The Chairman addressing the School.

P. Herron scores versus Armagh Royal School, 2nd Round Medallion Shield.
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A tense moment in the match with Glenlola.

The Swimming Gala Flat Out

Mr. Styles sprinting to victory in the Old Boys' race.

The Sponsored Walk - S.A.C.

Golf Team 1974 Winners of Irish Schools' Championship and Ulster Regional
Winners of British and Irish Championship.
The Headmaster, C. Crozier, P. Martin, Mr. J. E. Steele;
S. Martin, W. Pope (capt.), D. Feherty
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A Hobbies Club outing.

Bangor Trinity Church, Bangor
The Story of One Hundred Years 1888 -1988

1) The original Church and Manse
2) Trinity School & Former Manse, Princetown Road, Bangor
3) Main Street in the late 1800s & Trinity Presbyterian Church, Bangor, Co.
Down (left Doohans Chemist, Scotty's parents - right Millsops)
4) Company 1949 - The Boys' Brigade, Trinity, 4th Bangor Company
5) 1939 - 1945 Trinity Presbyterian Church Memorial Tablet
6) 1914 - 1919 Trinity Presbyterian Church Memorial Plaque
7) The present Trinity Manse on the Ballyholme Road, Bangor & A historic
view of the Trinity Manse which can be seen directly behind the jaunting
8) Miss Pearl Hassard, Captain G.B. - Mr. Tom Boal, Captain B.B. - Mr. Roy
Glenn, Junior Section B.B. - Mrs. Lorraine Mahaffey, Robins

1) George Mann Irish Proficiency Awards, C.E.
Kneeling: D. Bates, S. Lovell, L. Baxter, A. Gillespie, J. Lightbody, C.
Standing: S. Gharardi (Gherardi?), J. Welsh, C. Lightbody, H. Emberson, A.
Patterson, A. Watterson, G. Moag, B. Wilsdon, R. Patterson.
Back row: C. Dorrian, J. McClelland, R. Heron, S. Gillespie, S. McCully, A.
Moag, D. Boyd, J. Watterson.
2) Young Women's Association Choir (1975)
Front row: Betty Crawford, Leonore Semple, Anne Glenn, June Robinson, Mary
Sutter (Conductor), Catherine Kyle, Doris Fletcher, Iris Ross, Nancy Orr.
Back row: Florence Patton, Margaret Gilmore, May Graham, Georgie McWhirter,
Emily Gillespie, Joy McCutcheon, Sheilagh Moag, Pat Miller, Margaret Wilsden,
Sadie Wright
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Historical Notes on the Abbey and Parish of Bangor
by the Rev. J. A. Carey, M.A.

Elizabeth C. Hardy

The Parish Magazine of Bangor Abbey November
October 1 - Avis, Susan Heather Evelyn, daughter of Brian Joseph and
Heather Evelyn Avis, The Old Inn, Crawfordsburn.
October 1 - Malloy, Nigel Philip, son of William de Winter and Deborah
Malloy, 16 Ward Avenue.
October 7 - Armitt, John Douglas, son of George Thompson and Georgina
Armitt, 27d Whitehill Drive.
October 7 - Fulton, Linda Gillian, daughter of George and Zoe Fulton, 10
Church Street.
October 7 - Fulton, Arthur Commerford, son of George and Zoe Fulton, 10
Church Street.
October 22 - AcAleer, (McAleer) Lynne Emma, daughter of Alan and
Patricia Josephine McAleer, 43 Killaire Park.
October 22 - McAllister, Christina, daughter of James Rutherford and
Ellen Louise McAllister, 14 Hillcrest.
October 4 - John Frederic Miller, 23 Ward Avenue, Bangor, to Elizabeth
Louise Proctor, 10 Knockmore Park.
October 21 - Raymond Christy, 13 Brooklyn Avenue, Bangor, to Rita
Oliver, 15 Croft Street, Bangor.
October 14 - David G. A. Grindle, 9 Newtownards Road.
In Memoriam:
The entire Abbey parish was plunged into mourning
following the death of one of our most splendid young members. On
October 14th, David Grindle was laid to rest at Clandeboye following a
service in the Abbey, in which the Rector was assisted by the Revd.
Maurice Carey, M.A., Dean of Residences, Queen's University. The
large attendance at this service was evidence of the widespread sympathy
which we all feel for Mr. and Mrs. Grindle and the other members of the
family in this time of sad bereavement.

The Church of Ireland Monthly November 1961
The End
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