Bangor Collection
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some of the other Bangor Pages on this site
Photos - B.S.D. 1965 -
Bangor Spectator Directory 1970
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1) 'Home of Rest for Girls, Bangor, Co. Down' 14th May 1938 Postmark Bangor
to Mrs. Dobson, 260 Old Lodge Road, Belfast - Arrived here safely and am
enjoying myself so far. Essie
2) 'Clifton, Bangor, Co. Down' 21st August 1911 Postmark Bangor to Miss H.
Welsh, 16 Market Street or Square, Lisburn - A nice day hear, J. R.

1) Esplanade & Queens Parade, Bangor, Co. Down - Queens Parade, Bangor, Co.
2) Bangor Bay, Co. Down, from Pickie - Queens Parade, Bangor, Co. Down -
Ballyholme Bay, Bangor, Co. Down
3) Esplanade, Bangor 'Let me take you to the Bandstand' - Bangor, from Pier
'The Pier as it appears' 23rd February 1903 Postmark Bangor - Miss E.
Clarke, Irish Street, Downpatrick, Co. Down
4) 2nd April 1910 Postmark Bangor to Mrs. Couser, 108 Ormeau Road, Belfast,
Co. Down - Dear Mother, I hope you are well, I have sold three packets of
seeds. Tom wants me to stay until thursday and would you be so kind as to
let me. hoping all is well. I remain your loving son, S. C. - M. Gibson,
Tailoring, Dressmaking and General Drapery Warehouse. The House for Value.
102 Main Street, Bangor - The Esplanade, Sandy Row. Photos by W.R. & S.E.
5) 'Clifton, Bangor, Co. Down - M. Gibson, 102 Main Street, Bangor' May 1910
Postmark Bangor to Mr. S. Couser, 108 Armeau (Ormeau) Road, Belfast - Dear ?
use are not going up home on Sunday as Sam is here. I was very glad to hear
you were still improving. Kind regards to uncle and Samuel. Yours
affectionately Samuel

1) 'Pickie from Swimming Pool, Bangor, Co. Down' - 26th September 1944
Postmark Bangor to Mrs. Carson, 19 Alexandra Gardens, Portadown, Co. Armagh
- Will be seeing you sat evg. M. L.
2) 'Ward Park, Bangor, Co. Down' 12th July 1928 Postmark Bangor, Co. Down'
to Miss McGonigal, 172 Ardenlee Avenue, Cregagh, Belfast - Having a fine
time, weather hasn't been so bad. Hope to see you & Cathleen one of these
days ? ? Kind regards ? Thomson? (131 Belfast Road)
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1) Gun Running at Bangor, Co. Down, April 25th, 1914
2) Victoria Road, Bangor from Old Pier. Here are many scenes of joy,
Happiness without alloy. (Harbour Cafe, Marine Bar and Hotel)
3) Mew Island Lighthouse, Ireland, East Coast
4) Caproni's Miramar Café and Palais de Dance, Bangor, Ireland
5) Main Street, Bangor, Co. Down
6) The Jetty, Bangor, Co. Down (Marine Bar and Hotel, Royal, Barry's) (Wild
7) The Royal Hotel, Bangor, Co. Down. Erected 1773 Re-Built 1932
8) Station Road, Cultra
9) Church Street, Bangor
10) Promenade, Donaghadee (Imperial Hotel)

1) Trinity Presbyterian Church, Bangor, Co. Down (Main St. Pharmacy, W. P.
Doohan (Scotty from Star Treks parents) (A, Millsop, High Class Grocer)
2) Ballyholme, Bangor, Co. Down
3) The King's Visit to Bangor, Co. Down, July 27th, 1903/ The Halt at the
Children's Stand. Walton, 39 Royal Avenue, Belfast
4) -
5) Bangor, from the Air (Pickie Pool)
6) (Bangor Seafront)
7) Sunnyside Villa, Shankill Road Mission Holiday Home, Bangor
8) Old Church, Bangor (Church Street)
9) Greetings from Ulster Guiders Training Centre, Lorne
10) Clifton & The Long Hole, Bangor, Co. Down

1) Ballyholme Bay, Bangor, Co. Down
2) Ballyholme Bay, Bangor, Co. Down
3) Queen's Parade and Esplanade, Bangor, Co. Down (J. Orr)
4) Bangor Bay, Co. Down
5) Queens Parade, Bangor, Co. Down
6) Ladies & Girls Homes of Rest, Bangor 1903
7) Pickie from Swimming Pool, Bangor, Co. Down
8) Esplanade, Bangor, Co. Down - 'Little children keep yourselves from
9) Main Street, Bangor (Pollock Jeweller,
10) Princetown Road, Bangor, Co. Down

1) Hotel Pickie, Bangor, Co. Down
2) Bangor 1944
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1) Parish Church, Bangor, Co. Down
2) Abbey Church, Bangor, Co. Down
3) Pickie area
4) Victoria Road from The Old Pier, Bangor
5) Pickie from Harbour, Bangor
6) Dining Room, Regent Palace Hotel, Bangor, Co. Down
7) The Lounge, Regent Palace Hotel, Bangor, Co. Down
8) -
9) The Merries, Bangor, 1922
10) The Merries, Bangor, 1922

1) 11th September 1908 Postmark Bangor to Mrs. ? Davies, 23 Dawe Street,
Troyville?, Johannesburg, South Africa - 9th Sept. 1908 So glad to get your
delightful letter from Durban? hope you feel greatly better for the change.
This is where we are now, having a good time, wish you & Mr. D. were here.
Will sent some photos next week. Best love to both from us all & kisses from
the kiddies. Your loving (blob of ink)
2) 'Sunset at Bangor' 1917? Postmark Bangor to Miss Guy, c/o Mrs.
Gallagher, 101 Wellesley Avenue, Belfast - 66 Seacliff Road, Dear A.,
Arrived safe, got two boys to carry bags. M was awful tired but is feeling
rested now. Mrs. Alburn/Allwin? seems to be very nice. Come as early as
possible on Friday. Love W. Don't work too hard.

1) 'Ballyholme, Bangor, Co. Down' 6th August 1903 Postmark Bangor to
Mrs. Dawes, 97 New Raby Street, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England,
Europe, The World - My dear Mother, We went a walk all round here last
night. It was showery in the day, but turned out a very nice evening. Marie
& I are going to try & get to Portrush again tomorrow, I hope we shall be
successful; she wants to prolong her visit here as she seems rather nervous
of returning; but cannot get anyone to stay with her. Has Miss Hamilton had
her card yet? I don't know if anyone has written to me. I suppose Margery
will have received Marie's card by now. Love Milly
2) 'Old Church, Bangor, Co. Down' 4th September 1906 Postmark Lincoln to
Mrs. H. J.? Bassett, East Kirkby Vicarage, Spilsby - I am glad to say Mother
is really better & stronger. She is capital in herself & her leg is
stronger. I am just off to Digby to help with this Concert, much cooler here
today. Love A. S. B. or A. & B. - 6 Minster? Road, Lincoln. Sep. 3. 06
3) 'The Pickie, Bangor, Co. Down' 2? August 1910 Postmark Bangor to Miss B.
Kennedy, 43 Brookhill Avenue, Antrim Road, Belfast - Many thanks for P.
card. Very sorry to hear you have been suffering so much from neuralgia.
Trust you are quite better by this time. You have my sympathy. Enjoying
myself in a quiet way. Weather rather unsettled, but not bad enough to keep
us indoors. M. M. H. ?
4) 'Looking towards Belfast Lough from the Home of Rest for Mothers and
Children, Bangor, Co. Down' - Love & best wishes for a very Happy Christmas
& New Year. Harriet
5) 'The Home of Rest for Mothers and Children, Bangor, Co. Down' 14th April
1934 Postmark Bangor to Miss Mary Lowry, Nurses Home, Ry. Vic. Hospital,
Belfast - Come to dinner at 1 p.m. whatever day you are free next week! We
hope to be finished with the plumbers by Monday eve. (hard to make out, more
talk about workmen I think) ? & ? 13.4.34

1) 'Ballyholme, Bangor, Co. Down' September Postmark Bangor to Miss Mable
Jess, Ballykeel, Dromore, Co. Down, Ireland - Dear Mable, we are having a
good time down here & keeping well, your loving Mother & Dad
2) 'Caproni's Palais de Danse, Bangor, Co. Down' (Miramar Café) 12th
June 1930 Postmark Bangor to Miss Mabel Jess, "Sunny Vale" Ballykeel,
Dromore, Down - Having a great day. Come down some of these nights won't
you. It's a pity you're not here. Cheerio M.

1) 'Ballyholme, Bangor, Co. Down' 17th August 1910 Postmark Bangor to
Miss A. Bowler, Two Oaks Farm, Nr. Mansfield, Nottingham, England - Thanks
for the letter, still in the pink, hope you are the same. A. - Postcard by
James Conally, Scrabo House, Bangor, Co. Down
2) 'Gray's Hill, Bangor' 1913 Postmark Lurgan to Mr. G. Gilpin, The
Crown Cafe, Market Street, Portadown - Sorry I will not be able to keep
appointment for Sunday evening, perhaps some other week evening would suit
you, it would suit me much better. Hope you are well. C. L.
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1) 'The Old Tower (Quay Street), Bangor, Co. Down (Lifeboat House,
Adelaide Tea Rooms, Harbour Cafe, Stags Inn?) 14th July 1913 Postmark Bangor
to Miss Mabel Henderson, 17 Loudon Street, Belfast - Having a lovely time,
only one thing missing. Splendid Weather S. L. or B. L.
2) 'Six Road Ends' 2nd June 1910 Postmark Donaghadee to Mrs. White, Dunleady,
Dundonald, Belfast - received note mon morning. I expect to be up on sunday
first. It will be late in the evening when I get. S. Gray

1) 'Royal Hotel, Bangor A.A. R.A.C.' (Marine Bars, The Windsor
Bars, Barry's Amusements 29th September 1957 Postmark Bangor to Miss
B. L. Taggart, R.?., Carnan, Arboe, Stewartstown, Co. Tyrone - Saturday
Having an enjoyable & restful week here at our Convent in Bangor. Weather
had been quite fine until to-day when it never ceased raining. This was
unfortunate as the Rynnes from Armagh came to take us out for the afternoon.
Note the Royal Hotel on this photograph - this is where ? Rynne's or Rynnis
friend is manageress. Hope you are keeping better. Love & every blessing to
? & yourself. ? & ?
2) 'Golf Club House, Donaghadee' 27th August? 1946? Postmark Donaghadee to
Miss Lily White, Dunlady, Dundonald, Belfast - I really cannot complain
about the weather I have got so far, and you will be interested to know that
I have been in the ocean every day so you can put a mark on the wall. It
really is a victory. Now please keep your hands off my wee man as I do not
want him spoiled when I go back, if ever!!!

1) 'Seacliff Road, Bangor' 13th July 1905 Postmark Bangor to Miss Jelty
Jetty? Gordon, High Street, Stranraer, N. B.? - had a good drive to day, was
thinking about you and the last one we had. Best Love Bert
2) ' "The Fair" Bangor (Co. Down)' 15th July 1903? Postmark Bangor to Mr.
McDonald, 14 Ashburn Street, Dublin Road, Belfast - Dear Mr. Mc. We are out
for the day at Bangor, it is cold but dry. C. Jardine

1) 'Old Tower and Victoria Road, Bangor' 14th July 1907 Postmark Bangor to
Miss M. Clark, Curr Road, Curr P.O.? Beragh - Hopping you are all well as
this leavs us three. I am stopping down at Bangor with May & Willie for a
few days, tell Bob that I could not get a black cap/cape? for him in Belfast
Except I got one made to order, yours J. A. C. (West Bangor, Swopped V.R.B.)
2) 'Ballyholme, Bangor' 15th September 1926 Postmark Bangor to Miss E.
Montgomery, Wellbrooke Cottage, Girton, Cambridge - Wesns. I am enjoying a
pleasant day here. Hope you enjoyed your holiday & are quite well. With love
A. S. Wilson/Nelson?

1) 'New Pier and Warships in Bay, Bangor, Co. Down' (Cowan's Aerated,
Carmichael's, Old Bushmills, Ross's Royal Belfast Aerated Table Waters,
Bangor Steam Laundry) 9th August 1917 Postmark Newtownards to Miss
Murray, Newburys Ltd., Old Square, Birmingham, England - How are the country
orders? Plenty of returns waiting? Hope you feel equal to them. I shall be
in good form next week. Thank you for P.C. Hope you are well. A. E. M.
2) 'Bangor from the Marine Gardens' 22nd January 1925 Postmark Bangor to
Mrs. Couser, 108 Ormeau Road, Belfast - Caboa? Victoria Drive, Bangor
Dear Mrs. Couser, Just a P.C. to say I was sorry not being able to go to see
you but I was called before my time, a little Baby girl, week old last
Wednesday, Mother and Baby doing well all just move?, your truly C Hill?
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1) 'Queen's Parade, Bangor, Co. Down' 25th August 1913 Postmark Bangor to
Mrs. Denham, Church Street, Ballymena - We are haveing a lovly holiday, hope
you are keeping well & enjoying the lovely weather. With kind regards to
all. M. Warwick
2) 'The Kinnegar, Bangor, Co. Down' 23rd December 1903? Postmark Belfast to
Miss Coward, 19 Wensly? Road, Aigburth, Liverpool - With love & best wishes
for a very very Happy Christmas, Yours Georgie (PEB)

1) 'Bangor, Co. Down, from Pickie Walk' 15th August 1916? Postmark Bangor to
Miss Minnie McBriar, 78 Vernon Street, Belfast - I am having a good time
here, had W. down Sunday & Monday. I am doing nothing only eat here. Yours
etc. Cissie
2) 'Pickie Rocks and Strand, Bangor' 4th July 1922 Postmark Bangor to Miss
S. Murdoch, 31 Upper Frank Street, Belfast - 33 Albert Street, Bangor
My Dear Sadie, I hope this P.C. finds you enjoying your holidays, as I am
enjoying mine, though the Weather is showery. I was glad to hear you passed
with honours, as I only passed. Please excuse this writing as Jean is
shaking me. (May)

1) 'Approach to Marine Gardens, Pickie, Bangor, Co. Down' 18th August 1937
Postmark Bangor to Miss S. Murdoch, Pottinger Street, Belfast - I hope you
are alright. I am. So Far. S. McVea
2) 'Gentlemen's Bathing Place & Pier, Bangor, Co. Down' 10th September
1910? Postmark to Mr. Bob Spence, 59 South Street, Newtownards - This should
interest you. Hope to make a visit soon. R. M.

1) 'Bangor from the Marine Gardens' 14th July 1911 Postmark Bangor to Miss
Henderson, 17? London Street, Ravenhill Road, Belfast - Dear May, I wish you
were here now, it is awful Jolly at the Camp. G. A.
2) 'Queen's Parade, Bangor, Co. Down' 21st ? 1935 Postmark Bangor to Master
John Taylor, "Heathcote" Sans Souci Park, Malone Road, Belfast - Well John,
have you had your holidays from school. I am sure you will have a jolly time
when you go away. Remember me to all Best love from Jean
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1) 'Bangor from Mornington Park (Co. Down)' 18th August 1905 Postmark
Belfast to Miss Illingworth, Simpson Green, Idle, Bradford, Yorks. England -
One more for the Collection. I am having a lovely time in Ireland, the boys
are at home. M. W.
2) 'Homes of Rest, Bangor, The Mrs. Forster Green Home for Mothers &
Children' 16th April 1908 Postmark Dublin to Miss D. Baynton, 19 Crowestones,
Buxton, Derbyshire - Many thanks for letter. Trust you will have a good
holiday coupled with fine weather. am pleased to hear you are persevering
with your music. Yours V.

1) 'Queens Parade, Bangor, Co. Down' no date or Postcode to Miss M.
Marshall, Windsor Bakery, Lisburn Road, Belfast - Having a lovely time down
here, the weather has been great. Will have a tall order for you when I get
back. Sadie
2) 'The Home of Rest for Mothers and Children, Bangor, Co. Down' 10th
November 1933 Postmark Bangor to Miss Mary Lowry, (Nursing Staff) Royal
Victoria Hospital, Belfast - If you can come to us this weekend we shall be
delighted & can give you all the ? news. On Saty. 18th ? we are engaged but
are free both Sundays. If coming drop a Card by return or phone Bangor 29.
H. J.

1) 'The Homes of Rest, Bangor, Co. Down' 22nd December 1935 Postmark Bangor
to Miss Mary Lowry, Nurses' Home, Ry. Vic. Hospital, Belfast - We join in
love & very best wishes for a happy Xmas & New Year. Caroline & Harriet
2) 'The Homes of Rest, Bangor, Co. Down' 22nd December to Miss Mary
Lowry, Nurses Home, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast - We both wish you a
very Happy Xmas and New Year. Love from both K. C. Johnston
3) 'Victoria Road from the Old Pier, Bangor' to Mrs. Sheill, Rabora,
Dunmurry, Nr. Belfast - Have arrived safely, weather not very good, enjoying
myself nevertheless, kind enquiries from all. Lily
4) (how much nicer is grey as opposed to coloured cards) 'Main Street,
Bangor' 11th September 1914 Postmark Donaghadee to Miss Madeline Jardine, 3
Clara Avenue, Bloomfield, Belfast - Donaghadee Thursday Dearest
Maddie, hope you are well, will you be down on Sunday, send me a P.C. love
to all from your Antie Mary

1) 'Main Street, Bangor, Co. Down' 22nd August 1904? Postmark Bangor to Mrs.
Simpson, 65 Tates Avenue, Belfast - 12 Alfred Street, Bangor Dear Mrs.
Simpson arived in Banger yesterday and is doing well. I would like to see
you down. Mrs. Gardner
2) 'Main Street, Bangor, Co. Down' 7th August 1906 Postmark Bangor to Mr. A.
Richmond, 59 Burton Street, Sherwood, Nottingham, England - We have got to
Bangor once more. The Atlantic Fleet is here, we are going on one of them,
having nice weather and enjoying ourselves, not much time for writing, to
busy. Will
when sharing PLEASE share the whole page, not individual cards

1) Bangor, Co. Down, Swimming Pool & Bay' 14th July 1939
Postmark Bangor to Miss S. Murdoch, 4 Pottinger Street, Belfast - 143
Groomsport Road, Ballyholme Dear Sadie, We are having a very happy
time here together, the children are enjoying it very much. Trusting you are
all well. Kindest regards, Yours sincerely May
2) 'Main Street, Bangor (Co. Down)' 13th July 1910 Postmark Bangor to
Mr. J. Law? c/o Gilpellan, 250 New City Road, Glasgow - Having a good time,
hope you are getting plenty of work. Jeanie

1) 'Main Street, Bangor, Co. Down' 12th ? Postmark ?Shannon to Miss D.
Lowe, Shankill, Elphin, Co. Roscommon - Dear D. Hope your quite well since,
pardon me for not writing sooner. Had a P.C. from Ang., seems a bit lonely
yet: anything wozzey? up there, had a letter from Phil, sends best wishes to
Shankill, how is Mrs. - I forget the name. With all good wishes. P.? ?
Were you in Strokestown? since, any swops.
2) 'Main Street, Bangor, Co. Down' 30th August 1922 Postmark Belfast to Miss
E. Montgomery, "Canonsbigh?" Westcliff Parade, Westcliff-on-Sea - 30/8/22
Hope you are having a nice holiday & good weather. We have had a poor Summer
this year, so much rain. I sent you a P.C. of Whitehead a few weeks ago, but
I put in mistake Wellbrook Cottage, Girton Cottage instead of Girton, so you
can't have got it. We are all well & much quieter now. I will send a letter
when I hear from you again. I was here for the day. With love A. S. Nelson
or Wilson.

1) 'General View, Bangor' 9th August 1906? Postmark Bangor to Mr. S.
McMahon, Smithboro G.P.O., Co. Monaghan - c/o Mrs. J. McMahon, 51 Victoria
Road, Bangor Got settled here this Evg. are with a namesake of yours,
and are very comfortable. How are you getting on with the sale of your
photos. Have you got any news (?) yet? Bangor is very lively just now, and I
think we will have a very pleasant time. L. E. McC.
2) Hamilton Road, Bangor, Co. Down 31st August 1922? Postmark Bangor
to Mr. & Mrs. Munn, Mill Street, Comber - Having a lovely time here. Edith

1) 'Six Road Ends' 25? August ? Postmark Belfast to Miss M. Watson,
Ballymacashen, Killinchy
2) 'The Carlton Ballroom, Bangor, Co. Down' to Miss L. Fitzsimmon,
Crosgar - This is where we are having our dinner in Bangor. Florence
3) 'Bungalow, Strickland's Glen, Bangor, Co. Down' 2nd April? 1915?
Postmark Bangor to Mr. Robert Michael, 349 Saracen Street, Possilpark,
Glasgow, Scotland - Having a splendid holiday here, it is a beautiful place
and weather is delightful. S. L.
4) the next 2 P.C.s have the same photo ~ 'The Windmill, Bangor, Co.
Down' 13th August 1908 Postmark Bangor to Miss Miskelly, Granhsau?
(Gransha maybe?) Moneyrea, Comber - Dear Minnie, Having a grand time & got
very good weather. Hoping Aggie & Jim are well, we were at Donaghadee on
Wed., went on the Motor Tram? a grand ride. Yours L. C.
5) same photo as 4 - 22nd July 1910 Postmark Bangor to Miss B. Kennedy, 43
Brookhill Avenue, Antrim Road, Belfast - 11 Clifton Road, Bangor, Co. Down
Dear Bertie, I suppose it did not suit you to come last week. Could you and
Miss Kennedy come some afternoon in the beginning of the week, any day would
suit us. The weather has been showery this last day or two, but was lovely
last week. Hoping to hear from you soon. Kindest regards R. M.
when sharing PLEASE share the whole page, not individual cards

1) 'R.C. Church, Brunswick Road, Bangor, Co. Down' September 1911
Postmark Bangor to Miss M. McCoffey? Carrickapolin, Brookeboro, Co.
Fermanagh - Just a P.C. hoping all are very well. I will soon be home but
have a short stay, will write and say what day, hope Mother is keeping well.
Expect a letter from you. Ellie & Maggie?
2) 'The Royal Hotel, Bangor, Co. Down. Erected 1773, Re-Built 1932' on
the back: Cromic Street, Hamilton Street, 95 Co. Down £4.00

1) 'The Grand Hotel, Bangor' (Royal Hotel, Harbour Public Bar, Belfast ?)
23rd June 1910 Postmark Bangor to The Comber Dist. Co. Ltd., Comber - Please
receive and credit 12 cases empties to A. O'Hara signed A. O'Hara
2) (same photo as 1) 12th May 1910 Postmark Bangor to Miss J. Clark,
43 Lesson (Leeson) Street, Belfast - May 1910 Dear Jeanie, I write you
these few lines to ask you would you please send my shirt and collar. I hope
you and Annie are well as this leaves me well at present. This photo is the
hotel I am working at, I am having a good time at the Sea. from Joseph
Shepherd xxx
3) 'Regent Palace Hotel, Bangor, Co. Down (21/22)' 18th July 1935
Postmark Bangor to Miss Bond, 8 Tremellen Street, Accrington, Lancashire,
England - Dear Sister, Have received your letter, sorry to hear about
George. We are having a great holiday, would just suit you. Love to all
Sister Polly

1) 'Sandy Row, Bangor, Co. Down' (M. Gibson, 102 Main Street, Bangor) 27th
October 1909 Postmark Bangor to Mr. S. Couser, 108 Ormeau Road, Belfast -
Your P.C. to hand this morning. If you have not received the piece of seal
yet, you will surely get it in the morning as it was to be sent on to-day.
Yours respectively M. Gibson
2) 'Clifton, Bangor, Co. Down' (M. Gibson, 102 Main Street, Bangor) 11th
October 1909 Postmark Bangor to Master S. Couser, 108 Ormeau Road, Belfast,
Co. Down - Dear Samuel, I hope you are keeping better, sorry to hear you are
ill, but I hope you will soon be all right again. Your loving nephew
chum Tom

1) 'Bungalow, Stricklands Glen, Bangor, Co. Down' - My Dear Sissie, Your
Father & I are down here for the afternoon. The House is in good order. We
went round the Ballyholme Road & the Pickie Rock. Do you remember my
Birthday love. Oh! will I ever forget it. My goodness ?
2) 'Bangor Bay, Co. Down, from The Pickie' 15th August 19?? Postmark Bangor
to Miss M. E. Reid, 92 Fitzroy Avenue, Ormeau Road, Belfast - Having good
time here, pity you haven't time to come here for a few days. S. B.
3) 'Gray's Hill, Bangor, Co. Down' 30th June 1917 Postmark Bangor to
Mrs. A. E. Jamieson, 21 Rosemount ?, Aberdeen, Scotland - Bangor 29-6-17
My Dear Mother, Cycled here this evening alone. Glorious weather. Hope to
get Portrush tomorrow. The house we lived in three years ago is about half
way down on the right hand side. Willie
4) 'Pickie and The Bay, Bangor' 27th September 19?? Postmark Bangor to Mrs.
Couser, 98 Deramore Avenue, Ormeau Road, Belfast - Have got back to Bangor
once more & commenced to business. We are expecting you down every day, hope
to see you soon, so sorry I did not see you at Lurgan. Mrs. S. is off,
sailed on Wed. night last, hope you have had a pleasant time, drop me a P.C.
& say when you will be down, soon, I hope, kindest regards to Mr. C., Samuel
& yourself, from Ria? G.
5) 'The Promenade, Bangor, Co. Down' 25th July 1909 Postmark Bangor to
Mrs. Couser, 108 Ormeau Road, Belfast, Co. Down - Dear Mrs. Couser, We are
going up to-morrow some time, Samuel is quite well. From your loving Friend
T. G.
when sharing PLEASE share the whole page, not individual cards

1) 'Fishing on the Old Pier, Bangor' 14th July 191? Postmark Bangor to Miss
May Henderson, 17 London Street, Belfast - Dear May, Having a grand time,
wish you were here. Marie
2) 'Belfast, The Slieve Donard leaving for Bangor' 21st June 1906 Postmark
Belfast to Mrs. Gray, 17 Pottinger Street, Woodstock Road, Belfast - For
your Album, E. Carleton

1) 'Bryansburn Road, Bangor' 28th October 1913 Postmark Bangor to Miss M.
Marsh, Chichester Gardens, Belfast - Dear Miss Marsh, I arrived at Bangor on
Monday, and I like the Homes all right. I am very thankfull to you for your
Kindness of sending me down. J. Roberts
2) 'Yachting at Bangor, Co. Down' 21st July 1909 Postmark Bangor to
Mrs. Couser, 108 Ormeau Road, Belfast - Dear Mother, I am not going home
until Tuesday, we have a wee shop Tom and I, has made a lot of money, we are
all well. I remain your loving son S. Couser

1) 'The Parade, Bangor, Co. Down' 16th July 1962 Postmark Bangor to
Miss or Mrs. Close, 5 Bay Road, Larne, Co. Antrim - We are having a very
nice holiday. The weather has been lovely, except Saturday - it was very
wet. Hope the good weather continues until the weekend, Archie & Eileen
2) 'The Juvenile Regatta, Bangor, Co. Down' 11th July 1906 Postmark
Bangor to Miss Simpson, 65 Tates Avenue, Lisburn Road, Belfast - Dear N. How
are you getting along, I suppose you are busy getting ready for your
holidays. It is bitter cold down here, I saw Knotty? & Minnie, they have
just passed in the long car for Donaghadee. I did not get to Comber, it
rained such a lot now good bye Mary
3) 'Ballyholme, Bangor'
4) 'Gun Running at Bangor, Co. Down, April 25th 1914' - Edith
5) 'Main Street, Bangor, Co. Down' 22nd October to Miss Jennie
Moore?, 1 Hartington Street, off Dublin Road, Belfast - Dear
Jennie, I hope you are well as I am in the best of health, I hope you have
not got a new boy. I will be Home on Sunday week. Yours John H.

1) 'Harbour and Pickie, Bangor' 3rd September 1939 Postmark Bangor to
Mrs. L. Sweetlove, "Malden" Ballynahinch Road, Carryduff - Kenneth is in a
lot better form these days. Went up to Hospital on Sat. & the wound was nice
& clean. I just wanted to make sure it was alright, don't know whether to go
home Wed or stay to end of week. Love Dorothy
2) 'The Pier, Bangor, Co. Down' 7th August 191? Postmark Bangor to J.
Smyth, Esq., Draper, Stewartstown, Co. Tyrone - Hope you are quite well.

1) 'The Pierrots, Bangor, Co. Down' (Esplanade Hotel) 18th August 1908
Postmark Bangor to Miss Jessie Lawther, Lagan View Cottage, Springfield,
near Lurgan - arrived home safe, you will see by these P.C. that we are
spending this evening in Bangor from Minnie
2) 'The King's Visit to Bangor, Co. Down, July 27th 1903. The Halt at the
Children's Stand' 11th August 1904 Postmark Portstewart to Mrs.
Skelly, Fernbrook, Tennyson Avenue, Bangor, Co. Down - Dear Mother, I hope
you got home dry, it was very wet here after six, but is lovely this
morning. We had a great time getting our stores this morning, I brought this
P.P.C. from home to send as we wanted to keep it. I hope Father will let us
stay the other week, as it is lovely & we are as comfortable as possible.
Georgie Much love from us both, we are going round to see Mary now she is
simply dili???? we are here.


1) 'Henry Wingfield at the organ of the Tonic Cinema, Bangor' - Mabel
2) 'The Komikal Skots, Bangor, Ireland 1906' to Miss Falloon, 16 Chobham
Street, Connswater, City - Maggie Now true love I am going from you
far across the deep blue sea, But think of me & bear in mind A truer love
you'll never find, And when you have got me good & true Don't give up the
old one for the new, For you dear Maggie have all my love And I hope that we
shall never part, And when I return to the land I love I'll take you to
church my little dove, To make a happy home I'll try So farewell sweetheart
I'll say goodbye. I hope you enjoyed yourself in Bangor this summer for ? ?
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'The Park & Bowling Green, Bangor'
Harry Ritchie, Bangor, Co. Down 7/9/39
1) 'Ward Park from Main Entrance, Bangor, Co. Down'
2) 'The Central Gardens, Bangor' 10th August 1912 Postmark Bangor to
Mrs. McGifford, Portland Place, Downpatrick - Dear Mrs. Mc. Have the broth
ready tomorrow. From L.
'The Marble Hall, Seacliffe Road, Bangor' 24th July 1925 Postmark
Bangor to Miss A. Wilkinson, Toughblane, Hillsborough, Co. Down - Dear
Annie, Your Mother is keeping fine and enjoying the good weather here, she
will be home on Monday. Hope all keeping well. Jennie
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'Marble Hall Cafe, Bangor, Co. Down. (Dancing, Gallaher's Rich Dark

1) 'Meharg Merchant Tailor and Boys Clothier, 88 Main Street, Bangor,
Ireland' 23rd June 1913 Postmark Bangor to W. W. Orr, Merchant,
Kilkeel, Co. Down - Dear Mr. Orr, The matter of your letter was all arranged
to suit you before yours was received. Yours obediently, J. M. Meharg
2) 'The Jetty, Bangor'

1) 'Ward Park & Lake, Bangor, Co. Down' 1st August 1917 Postmark
Bangor to Miss S. Gilpin, Clanrolla, Portadown - Please send my bag early
tomorrow (Thursday) & the Key of it is on dressing table in my room. You can
post Key along with receipt for bag. Send it to Tysanlar, Main Street,
Portrush ??
2) 'Ladies' Boarding School, Duniris, Bangor, Co. Down' 26th December
1906 Postmark Bangor to Mrs. Cluff, Charlecote, Marple, Nr. Manchester -
Thanks for your card. Best wishes for a Happy New Year from Ina

Mitchells N. Ireland Tours (Holborn A?? Bangor)
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1) 'Railway Station Bangor, Co. Down' (Belfast and County Down Railway'
6th August 1913 Postmark Bangor to Mr. C. Thompson, c/o Miss Thompson, Cedar
Avenue, Belfast - Hope you are having a good time as I am. Yours Lottie
2) 'Pickie Bathing Pond, Bangor, Co. Down' (Boats for Hire 1? per hour
Marine Jetty
1) 'Windsor Hotel, Bangor, Co. Down' (The Palace)
2) 'Technical Institutes, Bangor, Co. Down' 10th July 1913 Postmark
Holywood G.P.O. to Miss M. Stannage, 42 Saunders Street, Ballymacarrett,
Belfast - Dear Martha, Just a few lines to let you know that we received
your letter to day and glad to hear from yous. I will be looking for yous on
Saturday. We are comming along, Nell? and has got the B. I think I have
little more to say at present. I send my kind Love to all and to ? ?

1) 'Golf Links, Bangor, Co. Down' 15th July 1908 Postmark Bangor to
Miss Wylie, 11 Vicinage Park, Belfast - Having a splendid time. I guess
Bangor is a right jolly place for a holiday. Punch
2) 'Bangor from Pier' 29th July 1914 Postmark Bangor to Mr. Andrew Lutton,
44 Warwick Street, Barrow-in-Furness, England - Dear Andrew, Just a line to
let you know we arrived in Ireland yesterday - Had a good Passage, & are
spending the afternoon at Bangor, which is a nice place. Trust to see you
when we arrive home, with best wishes Wm.
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'South Camp, Clandeboye' - Dear May, Very many thanks for the cakes which
arrived safely to-night. They were simply topping. I hope you didn't have to
go short of fruit to make them for me. Best love to Dad, Dan, and Marjorie
and yourself, from your loving son Jack

'Clandeboye Camp'

'North Camp, Clandeboye' 27th April 1918 Postmark Cla(ndeboye) (Camp
Pink) to Mifs (Miss) E. Harrington, 127 Castle Road, St. Albans, Herts,
England - Dear Mifs H. It will rather surprise you when you see I am
in Ireland, such a lovely spot, about 15 miles from Belfast, spent 3 days in
Dublin, food is very plentiful here, no rationing, am keeping very fit,
quite a color, will write shortly, H. W. D.
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"Ulster Will Fight Series" Ulster Horse Reviewed No. 25 at Clandeboze.
(Clandeboye) - Ulster 1914 Series

"Ulster Will Fight Series, No. 23" Sir Edward Carson, Reviewing His Troops.

"Ulster Will Fight Series", No. 26. Troops Reviewed by Sir Edward Carson and
General Richardson at Clandeboye
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"Ulster Will Fight Series" No. 8. Storming A Hill


The President Inspecting British Ambulances in Paris
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