Queen's College, Belfast Fete 1907
(on this page)
other Q.C.B./Q.U.B. items on this site
Queen's College, Belfast
Cookery Book 1907
another Q.U.B. Lot - Survey Camp
Photographs 1920/30s
Q.U.B. Group Photos
- Kirkpatrick Collection of
U.T.C./T.A. Photographs
and of course P.T.Q. Magazine Covers -
Queens' University WW2 War Record

The Book of the Fete
Queen's College Belfast
May 29, 30, 31st and June 1st 1907

The Stalls and Amusements of the Fete

Queen's College, Belfast, West Front

Preface - The Rev. Thomas Hamilton, D.D., LL.D. President of Q.C.B. - Table
of Contents

The History of Queen's College, Belfast by a Graduate

Chapter I - The Founding of the College

Chapter II - The First Professors

Chapter III - Queen Victoria visits the College, and it's First Session begins
- Faculty of Arts

Chapter IV - The Succeeding Years

Chapter V - The Annals of the College

Chapter VI - The Personnel of the College
Chapter X - What the College has done

Chapter VII - The Benefactors of the College

Chapter VIII - The better Equipment Fund
Chapter IX - The Students' Societies

Belfast Medical Students' Association - The Students' Union Society

Students' Representative Council - Sports

The Dudley Team, Queen's College, Belfast, Winners of the Dudley Cup, 1906-7

The Book of the Fete

Students' Athletic Fete - Amusements - College Staff No. 1

College Staff No. 2 - Arts, Law and Engineering Students' Stall - Medical
Students' Stall - Lady Students' Stall - Hospital Stall - Clandeboye and
Castlewellan Stall - Marchioness of Londonderry's Stall - Flower Stall

The Dowager Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava

Linen Stall - American Stall - Toy and Sweet Stall - Mayflower Stall -
Photographic Stall - Cafe Chantant - Gipsy Encampment

Refreshment Stall - The Q.C.B. Fete Supplement - The Autograph Book - The
Anthropometric Dept. - Dancing Entertainments - Special Notices - Back Cover
Advertisements ~ Blackthorn House H. Johnston, Manufacturer

The Albion Stores, 140 Bradbury Place, Denison Bros.
more Q.C.B. & Q.U.B. Items on this site
Queen's College, Belfast
Cookery Book 1907
another Q.U.B. Lot - Survey Camp
Photographs 1920/30s
Q.U.B. Group Photos
- Kirkpatrick Collection of
U.T.C./T.A. Photographs
and of course P.T.Q. Magazine Covers -
Queens' University WW2 War Record
the end