Various Small
Collections 2
Small Collections 1
Various Small Collections 3
Various Small Collections 4
Various Small Collections 5
Millar -
Album -
Bulloch -
Duncan -
Ellison -
Henderson -
Watson -
O'Neill -
Photo -
Sunderland -
Windrim House
Walker -
Russell -
Mixed Names -
Symington/Woodside -
Vintage Car Rally Stormont 1955
- R. A. Wallace -
4 lovely photos
A.T.S. -
Q.U.B. Photos -
Pirrie maybe -
Bell -
photos -
Hastings Postcards -
Flower Postcards -
R. John Hind Drawings
McKeegan? -
Bloomer etc
- Large Framed Photos -
Bunch of Photos -
Marshall -
Donnelly -
Assorted Lot Millar

Ballygowan L.O.L. 1207
on back Dunlop and measurements for framing Belfast photographer

Belfast photographer

Londonderry photographer

1) Royal Arch Chapter No. 383 Belfast - Brother James Millar - Lodge N 516 -
Grand Lodge Ireland - 23rd July 1957
2) Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter No. 383 Belfast - James Millar - 28th
May 1957
3) Imperial Grand Chapter of Black Knights - Brother Sir James Millar -
Preceptory No. 1023 at Ballygowan in Co. Down - 7th February 1923 - Royal
Arch Masonry 2581
4) Lodge of St. John - James Millar of Myra castle Lodge No. 516 Saintfield
- 19th September 1957 - Registered as Master Mason 15th April 1922

RBP 1023 LOL 1207
LOL 1207
Blue Album

only a couple of photos in this little album, no info

2, 4, & 5 Belfast photographers
Ford - Bulloch
The First and Ten-Millionth Ford - New York to San
Francisco Lincoln Highway
31st August 1935 Postmark Detroit, Mich. to Gabriel Leslie Bulloch, 2
Maryville Park, Belfast, Ireland - 31/8/35 Dearest Leslie, Which of these 2
cars would you prefer, perhaps you'd rather have the Austin. Take care of
yourself & the family. Much Love Daddy

Travis(?) K. Duncan, 1 California Terrace, South
Methodist Demonstration Against Home Rule, Thursday 14th March 1912
30th August 1928 Postmark Belfast to Wm.
Ellison, Esq., B.A., 34 Elmwood Avenue,
Belfast, Castle Street, Ballymoney, Ireland - Frondhjem, 21st
August 1928. Dear Mr. Ellison, My wife informs me that you have sent p.c.
from Copenhagen: I hope you enjoyed Denmark. This is a very beautiful
country and I have been favoured with wonderful weather. I would have gone
to Denmark after Norway but have not time. Yours Very Sincerely, A. Murray

1) 13th July 1908 Postmark Belfast to Miss Lizzie
Henderson, 24 Marsden Gardens, Cavehill Road, Local - Dear L. awfully
sorry to disappoint you but we have arranged to go somewhere with B. D. you
will know who I mean. Beattie. Hoping you won't be angry
2) 14th July 1923 Postmark Belfast to Miss Wend???, 68 Strathearn Street,
Antrim Road, Belfast - Hoping you are quite well, this is a lovely place. E.

1) Molly Henderson, 86 Stratheden Street, Antrim Road, Belfast - Duncairn
Mission Hall Sabbath School 1st January 1924
2) November 1926 Postmark London to Mr. Arthur Henderson, c/o Mr. R. D.
Gordon, 35 Wellington Park, Belfast
3) 30th October 1926 we hope to arrive home by Friday next, please don't
post any letters after Wednesday & oblige R. D. Gordon

1) 19th September 1935 Postmark Bangor to Mrs. Watson,
Theberton Rectory, Leiston, Suffolk - Here for a few days with M. we sends
love to all, Mother
2) 10th July 1908 Postmark Londonderry to Miss L. O'Neill,
Tyrone House, Main Street, Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone - Many thanks for P.C. I
am here today shopping, don't forget your photo. Love from Mum?

1) 15th September 1913 Postmark Grand Central Sta. to Miss M. O'Neill,
Spirit Merchant, Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone, Ireland - Arrived safe after food
times, kindest regards to the Misses O'Neill, Jas. Rogers
2) 1914 - 1918 to Mr. W. Pollok, 97 Ewarts Row, Belfast, Ireland - Card from
Tommy Parkes during 1st World War

no names Belfast photo grapher

No. 1 Crew - Sunderland Flying Boat
R.A.F. Coastal Command, Northern Ireland
Sgt. Cook - Sgt. Freddie Coatsworth
- Sgt. Bowes - Sgt.
Jones - Sgt. Turner
Navigator 2nd Wireless Operator/A.G.
F/Rigger/A.G. Flt. Mech/A.G.
Flight Engineer
Sgt. "Jock" Barnes (Me!) -
P/O Haycock - F/O Parsons
- F/O Soward - Sgt.
George Lovett
1st Wireless Operator/A.G.
2nd Pilot 3rd Wireless Operator/A.G.
Windrim House - where A. May
stayed in Bangor ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~
Birthday Wishes 14th October 1938
Postmark Belfast to Miss M. Walker, 50 Reid Street,
Cregagh Road, Belfast - Wishing you a very happy Birthday from Granny

Walter S? Brentford?

....iam Wallace Moore McKinney

not Ireland but they ended up here so must have some sort of connection
(see update below)
John Pelan, who has a gift for finding information has created this
wonderful site and has very kindly researched some of the photos on this
site, here is what he found for the following photos, thank you John,
amazing :) Signal History Sheet, Examination Record Name: A. G. Russell, Port Division Mersey 28-3-18 Victory VI Depot R.N.V.R. O. Sea O. Sig. O
22-5-18 Chatham O.Sig. Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Mersey Division Service Certificate of Allison Gibson Russell Date of Entry: 7 Nov. 1917 Period
of War Liverpool Manchester M.E. 4451 Date of Birth: Nov. 10th 1899 Place of Birth: Parish
Meller, Town Derbyshire Residence: 21 Lorne Grove, Fallowfield, Manchester Mother:
Eleanour, same address Religious Denomination: Wesleyan Can he swim?: Yes
Civil Employment: Clerk 5ft. 4 Ins. Black Hair, Grey Eyes, Fresh Complexion Mobilisation Record with dates Examinations Training
Allison G. Russell born 10 Nov. 1899 died 1966, he lived with his wife,
Edith G. Russell at 9 Marple, Cheshire in 1939 and worked as a
travelling sales man selling biscuits. He had a daughter, Shelagh W.
Russell who married Robert Livingstone in Cheshire in 1966. They moved
to Northern Ireland and Sheila is listed as living at 18 Isadore Avenue
in 2001. so that's how these documents
got to be in Northern Ireland, thank you to some great detective work by
Kelly Anderson, a member of Lennonwylie Group on Facebook
not convinced these all belong
names are:- Riordan? Maitland, McFarlane, Finnegan,
Craig, Kerr, McCoy, Fairbrother, Brown, Sinclair
recurring names Lily and Frank

1) Royal Munster Fusiliers - With Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year
- Hope you are all in the pink, John & Kit Riordan?
2) Christmas and New Year - from Eric, 2/Lt. E. Maitland, 4 East Lancashire
Regiment, Whalley, Lancs.
3) Xmas 1918 V. Army Infantry School - From Frank To Lily & all at Home
4) 29th January 1917 Postmark Folkstone to Miss L. Brown, 29 Bute Street,
Belfast, Ireland - 28-1-17 Dear Lily. Just a P.C. to let you know I
have only got as far as this place, we had a wait of 8 hours Thurs. was a
Land Slide in Wales just outside Holyhead which blocked all the railway. I
am leaving here at ? for France. I will be ? the ? Frank xxx
5) 9th May 1918 Thursday - My own Darling Wife x I received your letter
dated 2nd May. I am glad to hear you are keeping fit and well as this leaves
me the same. I am having a very busy time at present so I don't get much
time for my correspondence. I enclose two cards of my residence in post war
days, as you can see it is close by the sea and ---------?---------- place
at ------?------- yourself. I hope Billy and Minnie are keeping fit & well,
sent you some views of this place. I am glad to hear old ? gave you a good
laugh, he is very ? when he starts. I have to churn milk. Lots if love to
yourself, always yours, Frank xxxxxxxxx

The Sydney Herald. Monday 18th April 1831 Volume 1
Number 1
1) Column One: Public Notice, Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney, April 4,
1831. The undermentioned Prisoners of the Crown have obtained Tickets of
Leave since the last day of publication, viz:- Sydney, Donohoe Martin,
Mangles (4); Bathurst, ???nter Thomas, Asia (1); Maitland, Taylor James,
Tottenham - By Command of His Excellency the Governor. Alexander McLeay ~
Column Two: ~ Column Three: Government Notice, Colonial Secretary's Office,
Sydney, April 9, 1831. His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to
approve of the following alterations in the Police of the Colony, namely:-
Sydney. To be Constables. William Longhurst, came free, from the 25th
February - James Mayo, per Neptune (2), from the 25th February - Hugh
Montague, per Recovery (2), from the 25th February - James Sperin, per
Mangles (2), from the 11th ultimo - Edward Moriarty, per Countess Harcourt
(2), from the 23rd ultimo. To be Water Police Boatman. William
Mitchell, came free, from the 25th February. Constable resigned,
Patrick Fitzpatrick. Constables dismissed, Hugh Montague and
John Turner, for highly improper conduct. Water Police Boatmen
dismissed, Michael Garvey, for highly improper conduct and drunkenness,
and William Mitchell, for highly improper conduct. By Command of His
Excellency the Governor. Alexander McLeay ~ Column Four: Sold by Auction
Names - James Porchmouth, Pierce Collett
2) Column One: Auction names - John Thomas Campbell. Column Two &
Three: ~ Column Four: Change of Ministry. On Tuesday last, the Earl of
Liverpool arrived with female prisoners, bringing news to the 4th December.
Click Image 2 to read more.
3) Column One: article continued from Image 2, column four; English News,
The King's Speech; Column Two The New Ministry, The following is a list of
the new Ministry Click image 3 to read full article; more articles.
Column three: continued from column two. Column Four: For Sales &
4) Column One: Poetry, Omniana; Insolvents declared by the Supreme Court,
April 6, Francis Girard, Solomon, Thomas Rowley, Huxham, Smith, Burn, Gaggin,
Bates, and Jackson. Mr. Merritt was lately fined 5s. a head, and 3s. 9d.
expenses, for having 12 head of cattle driven for slaughter, from Brickfield
Hill to Sussex Street, between the hours of three and four on the 30th ult.,
contrary to the 16th Act of Council, 10. Geo. 4. No. 4. The Hashmy,
whaler, with 112 tons of oil, which left England in November 1829, has put
into port to procure a captain, her master having been struck out of the
stern sheets, of a boat buy the tail of a whale, and never seen afterwards.
On the night of Sunday week, about ten o'clock, as Satland and Biffit were
going their rounds, their suspicions were excited by three men, whom they
stopped, and from one of them, Michael Hayes, they took a loaded pistol.
Risley was pursued by Riffit? and when within four yards, the former fired a
pistol at him, and then flung it into the air. He was floored and searched,
when a "jemmy" was found on him. The other man Stuart, with Hayes and Risley
were examined; the first was discharged, the others were remanded, and
finally committed for trial. Column Two: Mr. & Mrs. Moyan, with eight
children, for Sydney; The lady of Captain Bell, of New Town, and two
children of a domestic, have died from eating toad fish. Column Three:
Earl of Liverpool (brig) Manning master, from London, A. B. Spark agent, 89
female prisoners and Government stores. Column Four: Prices of Goods;
Meteorological Tables; Married - On Saturday the 9th Inst. at St. Philip's
Church, by the Rev. Mr. Cowper, Mr. W. T. Cape, of Sydney to Jane, the
eldest daughter of William Jaques, Esq., of the Surveyor General's
Department; On Tuesday, 12th Instant, at Maitland, by the Rev. R. Hill,
Francis Mitchell, Esq. of Sydney, to Miss Eliza Merritt, daughter of Mr.
Merritt of the same place; On Thursday the 14th Instant, by the Rev. Mr.
McGarvie, Mr. Henry McDermott, of Sydney, to Mrs. Margaret Pickever of King
Street. DIED - At Portland Head, on the 13th instant, Mr. James
Davison, an old and respectable settler.

Death Penny, John Hamilton Sinclair
not convinced this death penny has anything to do with this collection, was
in the same bag but....?
also on this page

1) Sarah McFarlane (Finnegan)
2) C.S.M. Craig "Jock" 1st. Gordons
3) Belfast photographer Aunt Sarah McFarlane
4) Yours Charles McCoy
5) Belfast Photographer Uncle Davy Kerr - centre

on back - to Cpl. Fairbrother, Abbey St. Valery or Valley S/Somme - Hi
Lillie x, These are a few of my company who entered for the Fancy Dress
Competition, Charlie Chaplin was the winner. Frank. names listed:
Binding, Lowe, Proops, Fairbrother, Robinson, Alton, Boyles, Davies, Burton,
Hampton, Ayde, Britton

Kirkpatrick Bros. Ltd. Ballyclare - Making-Up
Dept. 1939 (on back) Mrs. Woodside, Scullinbon(?),
Ballyclare, Avoniel only

last 2 photos Louis Morrison, Belfast
the above photos came with this
death penny ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~
Vintage Car Rally, Stormont,

obviously this isn't Stormont or a Vintage Car
Rally, it is a vintage boat though
it came with the above photos :) It's Portstewart as the 3 + 3 houses
are still to be found in other old photos online
R. A. Wallace, Airman

Royal Air Force Airman's Pay Book - Wallace, R. A.
No. 1007158. Rank: ACA LAC
Group: 2 Trade Classification: A?????. Date of Attestation:
4 lovely photos, all Belfast
photographers except young fellow, no information

the young fellow, middle row, 3rd from right looks very like the young lad


A.T.S. 3 Platoon C Company No. 7 Training Centre
March 26th 1943
names on back - E. M. Denley(?), C. Stone, Paddy, M. Pembery(?),
Elizabeth Jarden(?) USA, B. J. Armstrong, Doreen, ? Wood, H. Skinner(?), C.
W. Barnett, Violet King, Dot Christie(?), Noline(?) Fagert(?) cpl., Evelyn
I. Giles, cpl., Blanche Stewart, Mary Ferguson, U.S.A., Breage(?) Speers(?)
U.S.A., Sally Burkshire, U.S.A., Ann Lowway(?), L. Davis/Tich, A. Lee, J.
Wood, E. Cox, H. Konopka(?), S. Al??????(?), Sgt. Blossom, Bloomfield, Best
of Luck

To Peggy from Kath & Joan
Spoons - Paris(?). Mons. Arras. Trouville.
Armentiers -
Queens University Belfast,
came together as one lot
John Pelan, who has a gift for finding information has created this
wonderful site and has very kindly researched some of the photos on this
site, here is what he found for the following photos, thank you John,
amazing :)

The Society of Applied Chemistry - The Queen's University of Belfast 1966-67
R. Clements Lyttle Studios, Belfast
back row
- Mr. P. I. Daly Mr. W. R. Murphy
Mr. B. Hamilton Mr. W. S. A. Kyle Mr. R. McB. Davern
Mr. W. J. Jones Mr. J. McGinn Mr. T. H. Rea
Mr. P. A. P. O'Hare Mr. S. C. Fitzpatrick Mr. W. L.
Boyd Mr. W. Barr
middle row
- Mr. J. E. Riordan Mr. W. Moore Mr. M. Grimshaw
Miss E. Barrett Miss J. E. Beckett Miss C. T. Ch'ng
Miss K. McNally Miss B. Campbell Miss Y. M. Warden
Mr. A. D. Ince Mr. J. N. Mulholland Mr. D. E. Hood
Mr. J. A. Reid
front row -
Mr. H. S. Blair Dr. M. B. Meyers Mr. J. Kirk (Vice-President)
Miss A. E. Brown (Hon. Secretary) Dr. R. A. Ross (Hon.
President) Mr. R. Cromie (President) Mr. E.
Tyrall (Hon. Vice-President) Mr. C. Wilson (Hon.

Society of Applied Chemistry Q.U.B. Final II. Research Students and Lectures
Reg Perry, Photographer, 103 Great Victoria Street, Belfast
back row - J.
A. McGurran D. L. Jamison M. A. Waheid
J. G. Swanton W. D. O'Donoghoe R. D. McKnight
J. A. Hamill W. J. R. Robinson T. N. S. Stevenson
H. G. Dunlop M. F. Mufti B. A. Black W.
T. Foster R. B. Peel D. D. Owens
front row -
J. A. Agha M. H. Sayliss (Hon. Treas.) E. O.
Blegen K. Y. Singleton, B.Sc. (President) Dr.
D. Hamer (Hon. Pres.) E. Tyrrall, M.Sc. Miss
R. J. W. Barry, M.Sc. J. G. Mawhinney A. J. Evens, B.Sc. (Hon.
Sec.) C. S. Shapiro, B.Sc.

Technical High School Football Club 1946-1947
R. Clements Lyttle Studios, Belfast
back row -
J. Beattie Mr. J. F. Harbinson Mr. E. W. B. Astle
Mr. H. Neeson E. Pickering
middle row -
R. W. Black J. G. Allen A. G. Anderson
J. C. Young H. C. McClatchey (Vice-Captain)
F. R. McAuley G. Boyce E. R. Dempster
front row -
R. Purdy W. J. Dornan R. Press J. N.
Harrison (Captain) W. N. Rodgers J. T.
Macklin R. J. Kelly

M.T.I.B. Day Technical Course and Queens University Students - Session 1913
- 1914
Alex. R. Hogg, Belfast
back row
- B. Cowser M. F. McHenry C.
J. Connell H. A. McConnell W. Allen F.
middle row
- E. J. Matchett J. P. Mackie A. Zaitseff
G. Jackson T. D. Ferguson W. A. Tyrrell
H. J. Calvert R. B. McCowen
front row -
J. S. Secker J. N. K. Rankin W. S. Keown
R. K. Porter F. McEvoy R. S. Hanson C.
F. Duffin W. Harbison J. A. Beck

Hembry, 15 Donegall Place, Belfast Photographer
on back M? Edwards, ?? Maguire & Co.(?) Upper Arthur Street
no info, label on back
all photos may or may not be
Pirrie related

these 2 photos were very badly damaged and the
2nd one is blurry, have thumb-nailed them CLICK to enlarge, no info

Framers in Newport
writing on the back is faint and eaten by silverfish, looks like
'Uncle ? James or Jones d 1918
on front M. H. I.(?) Hurdles Final 1914

Framers - William Rodman & Co., Belfast

1) Framers - Nottingham
2) Gold Casket, containing the First Freedom of the City of Belfast,
Presented to the Right Honourable W. J. Pirrie, J.P., By the Lord Mayor,
Alderman Henderson, J.P., In the name of the Aldermen and Councillors of
the City of Belfast, 21st July 1898. Specially designed and manufactures
by Messrs. Gibson & Co., Ltd., Donegall Place and Castle Place, Belfast
- on back ~ Study ~ To be treated 9/10/59 ~ Fumigated 10/11/59
a piece of paper that came with these - These 5 came together.
The 2 old Barques (barks) were built by Harland & Wolff & sailed out of

only information in this collection, the name J. Bell on the back of
this photo (photographer Market Street, San Francisco)
"Lord Templemore" Capt. McWilliams

"Lord Templetown" Capt. McCracken S.F. 1898
M.V. "Britannic" Cunard
Gala Dinner Wednesday September 10, 1958 Autographs:- Jean Robson, Mary
M.? Wigton?, Mary R.? McGrattan, Winifred Woods, Mary Jane ???ton, Wm.?
Novak, Colleen M. Harnett or Hannett, Jean Leese, Albert or Filbert

and two lovely ladies, no names
photographers Navana Ltd., Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds,
Bristol, Nottingham and London
6 Photos

1) Crayon drawing of the late Mr. Nelson of Hillsborough
by T. B. Walker, 22 Wellington Place, Belfast (T.B.W. 1920)
2) -

4) -
5) -

Hastings Postcards

1) 11th April 1929 Postmark Ballymoney to Mr. R. D. Pinkerton,
Ballaghmore, Ballymoney - Ballymoney Milk Recording Association. Yield
of cow 'Motalee.' Numbers of weeks in milk 40. Milk Yields 10,339 lbs.
Butter Fat 359.90 lbs. Average % Fat 3.48. M. Warnock, Supervisor
2) 12th October 1929 Postmark Ballymoney to Mrs. R. D. Pinkerton,
Ballaghmore, Ballymoney - Motalee was given 7028 lbs milk in eighteen
weeks ending 25/9/29. M. Warnock
1) 20th January 1948 Postmark Edinburgh to Miss Lorna Hastings, Broad
Street, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N. Ireland - Jordan Hotel, E'burgh,
Monday E'burgh is beautiful in the snow. I have been very busy
since I arrived and have had no time to look around. This view is by no
means the best of the castle. It is much nicer from Princess Street.
Love Mervyn
2) 20th January 1948 Postmark Edinburgh to Miss Lorna Hastings, Broad
Street, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, Nr. Ireland - E'burgh, 20th Jan '48.
We dined last evening in the Caledonian Hotel in the room that Elizabeth
and Philip dined in. The dance was in the assembly rooms where they also
danced. It was a very grand affair, wish you could have been here.
Thanks for your letter. Hope to sail this evg. Mervyn
3) 28th February 1948 Postmark Baile Atha Cliath to Miss Lorna Hastings,
Broad Street, Magherafelt, Co. Derry - Dublin 28.11.48 V. dull game,
Irish forwards didn't count - with exception of McCartney, De lacy &
Kyle V. good. I enjoyed the dance very much but was sleepy this morning.
All my love, Mervyn
4) 23rd July 1948 Postmark Bristol to Miss Lorna E. Hastings, Broad
Street, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, Ireland - Bristol 23.VII.48 We went on a
coach tour last evening and visited two very quaint little villages. One
of these Badminton owned by the Dukes of Beaufort is claimed to be the
oldest in England. It is now 8.30 a.m. and we have just had breakfast.
Love Mervyn
5) 'Hibernian Hall, Blackrock, Co. Lough' 17th August 1948 Postmark
Creagacha? Dubha? to Miss Lorna Hastings, 37 Fitzwilliam Street, Belfast
- Here today and the petrol coupons were awaiting us. We have had some
sunshine. The ham? in Omeath was most enjoyable. Johnny sends his love.
You have all mine. M.

1) 18th August 1949 Postmark Rath Droma to Miss Lorna Hastings, 37
Fitzwilliam Street, Belfast - Royal Hotel, Glendalough, 18.VIII.49
Stayed here last night. The hotel is shown on the other side of the
card. This is even more beautiful than Lough Lomond though not on so
large a scale. Johnny insisted on breakfast in bed this morning and I
was easy. Love Mervyn or Mummy x You could write to the G.P.O. in Cork.
2) 20th August 1949 Postmark Blarney, Co. Chorcaighe to Miss Lorna
Hastings, 37 Fitzwilliam Street, Belfast - Blarney, Saturday. Just after
kissing the Stone but don't feel any different as yet. Dr. Shear gave us
a marvellous dinner last night. We are now setting out for Killarney. M.
3) 25th August 1949 Postmark ? to Miss Lorna Hastings, 37 Fitzwilliam
Street, Belfast - Kerry 25.VIII.49 This morning we went boating on
this lake and bathing at the far end. It is about 5 miles long. This
afternoon we went up the top of Dunloe on ponies. We are still laughing
and not I think without cause. Looking forward to seeing you at Rosemont
this weekend. Love M.

1) 21st July 1950 Postmark Scarborough, Yorkshire to Miss Lorna
Hastings, Broad Street, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N. Ireland - Thursday.
Jolly glad Mervyn has got his exam. Congrats. I am sorry I was so busy
getting things ready to go away that I had not time to reply to your
letter. Yes Dick did a locum for P.H. Be careful. We are coming back on
August 8th from Portstewart so the pair of you come up some evening &
have a chat. Love Molly

1) no date, Postmark illegible, Stamp Eire to Miss Lorna Hastings, 37
Fitzwilliam Street, Lisburn Road, Belfast - Haven't we been very lucky,
this has been a heat wave I think. Both of us & Brandy feeling much
better. See you when we return. Peg.

The highest inhabited house in England
Ireland, Queenstown, Co. Cork
1400 feet above the sea

Shore, Patterson, Ramsey
Ireland, Glenarm, Co. Antrim
Flower Postcards
came with Autograph Book and
Hastings Postcards above

1) R.M.S. Carmania Cunard to Canada, Gross Tonnage 20,000 - This ship during
the Great War was an auxiliary cruiser, she had a great fight with a German
auxiliary cruiser, the Cap Trafalgar, which she sunk after heavy fighting.
2) 23/11/1906 - Mrs. Bell, Ardlussa? Bangor, Co. Down - Bangor 30 years ago.
H.B. - R. Seggons, Photographic Artist, 13 Castle Place, Belfast

1) R.M.S. Antonia, Cunard Line, Gross Tonnage 14,000
2) R.M.S. Baltic, White Star Line, 23,876 tons 24th August 1912 Postmark
N.Y.P.O. Hud. Term. Sta. Paquebot? to Miss S. J. Hewitt, 25 Little Victoria
St., Belfast, Ireland - Will arrive in N.Y. tomorrow morning all well, fine
voyage, love to all. Jim 8/23/12

1) R.M.S. Minnedosa (Minnedosa launched at Belfast about 1924) 5th May 1928
Postmark Belfast to Miss J. Reade, 99 Tildarg Street, Woodstock Road,
Belfast, N. Ireland - 451 Mayor Street, Montreal, Canada. Dear Jeannie, Just
a P.C. to let you know I am having a fine time ? so far, we are lying down
at Carrick just now waiting for the Belfast place ? This is a beautiful
morning but cold on Deck. Trust you are all well, don't forget to write &
let me know when you are leaving this & my address here. Remember me to all
at No. 99, Miss J. Reade, 15 May 1928
2) A. E. Middleton, Photo, Liverpool - Joseph Flower, 25 Little Victoria

1) The Quays (Bangor Steamer) Belfast 16th October 1905 Postmark Belfast to
Nurse Hewitt, c/o Dr. Haynes?, (Joe Flowers) The Cottage, 32 Brunswick
Terrace, Hove, Brighton, England - Dear J. Rec. letter Saturday, Have not
time to write to you expect to leave on Friday for Isle of Man, will write a
long letter to you then, write before if you have time. We are all well &
just as usual. I hope I will get on well, it is not so far away at all &
there are plenty of ? in the ? I hope I will be at home when you take your
holidays, don't know yet whether I will be at home for xmas, if not, love to
you all. I wish I were going to Brighton. N.
2) The Teutonic? An old White Star Liner

H.M.S. Temeraire

H.M.S. Iron Duke
P. & O. R.M.S. Strathmore 23,500 tons

1) H.M.S. Indefatigable
2) S.S. Patriotic Belfast & Liverpool Service - Joseph Flowers, 25 Little
Victoria Street, Belfast (sprickley)

1) H.M.S. Nelson, Wright & Logan, Southsea 29th June 1938? Postmark Dunoon,
Argyll to Mr. J. Flower, 25 Little Victoria Street, Belfast, N.I. - The
Fleet is on a visit to Gurock, which is a little further up the Firth of
Clyde. We went on a cruise around the Warships, and were allowed on board
the H.M.S. Nelson. I got this photograph on board. P.
2) The New White Star Liner "Britannic" The largest British built vessel.
Gross tonnage 50,000. Length 900 feet. Breadth 94 feet. Total height from
keep to navigating bridge 104 feet 6 inches. Accommodation 2,600 passengers,
950 crew. - This magnificent ship was torpedoed in the Baltic during the
Great War. She was then a hospital ship and when sunk carried many wounded
soldiers and nurses. Built at Belfast. Joe Flower, Little Victoria Street

1) S.S. Graphic, Belfast and Liverpool Service - Joey Flower, 25 Little
Victoria Street, Belfast - Joseph Thomas Flower
2) Harland & Wolffs Shipbuilding Yards, Belfast 28th November 1911 Postmark
Belfast to Mr. or Mrs. Hewitt, 25 Little Victoria Street, Belfast - F. G. H.
Dear M. Gatis?? all right again, I'm going over in the Cregagh Direction
this afternoon. Will be down on Thursday if it is nice. Love ?

1) C.P.R., R.M.S., Empress of Britain - Joe Flower
2) S.S. Duke of Cumberland, L. & Y. and L. & N. W. Royal Mail Service,
Fleetwood and Belfast - The best old ship in the world. Finished her Belfast
career in May 1928, having been running almost continuously for 20 years.
Built at Dumbarton 1909

John Hind, July 29th 1843

1) The Shannon from the Bridge at Shannon Harbour, Galway Side 1843
2) The Seat of Lord Avonmore on the Shannon 1843
3) Doonall or Doonass On the Shannon 1843
4) Dark Cascade 1843
5) In Lord Annesley's Park, Newcastle August 1846
6) Earlsdale near Tollymore Park, Bryansford 1847
7) On Lough Neagh Co. Antrim

R. J. Hind Sketches taken on a tour through Italy & South of France 1864

Chateau Fauché? Cannes
Narni? Bridge of Augustus

View of Grasse? Road from Villa Rye?
Temple of Neptune Paestum March 12th 1864

Friday, February 20th 1836 No. 2
April 11th 1834 Friday
A gift from Mary or May

To Mrs. Hind from J. A. Hind 1859
My Love
only one name, it looks like
McKeegan but could really be anything
L. McKeegan or W. McKeegan or McKilligan
the other words are just framing instructions
framed by Lafayette, 8 Donegal Place, Belfast

1) Portrush September 1924
2) Photographers - Morrison's Studios, 137 Leigh Street, Edinburgh
3) Photographer - Young, Ballymena
4) Photographer - Billen, Levin

1) Photographer - Thomas Erwin, 76 Church Street, Ballymena
2) Photographer - Thos. H. Ashe, Onehunga, N.Z.

CLICK to enlarge
Nairobi, Kenya
Cahoe or Lahoe?

no info, 2nd photo looks like a gramophone sitting on the table

no info.
Various Names inc. Bloomer
these may or may belong altogether

William James & Catherine Bloomer & their sons 1898
standing at back: Nursery Maid
Young Bill - Grandfather Wm. Bloomer - Uncle Walter - Young Albert -
Grandmother & Baby Charles - Uncle Bob

Irish Local Names Explained by P. W. Joyce, LL.D., M.R.I.A.
E. Cowan, No. 37 - Emily J. A. Smith, Armagh

Medical Card for - Mrs. Ivy M. Hall, 8 Castlehill Drive, Belfast 4
D.O.B. 4/6/22 (N.H.S. Number removed)
pretty frame

says Portrush on the back

on back 1942

1st Holywood Presbyterian Church
Ballywillan Presbyterian Church, Portrush
on back of all 3 - Art & Home, 147 High Street, Holywood
Large Framed Photos

B.V.D.C. Team 1916-17
Standing - Jas. Ewing (Linesman), Wm. McNaughton (Referee), A. H. Ward, J.
A. Howey, R. Forshaw, R. Thornton, A. Beattie (Linesman)
Sitting - Robt. Nicholl, R. H. Press, W. M. Davidson, Wm. McBride (Captain),
J. Barrie, J. V. Gosney, John McBride, R. H. Gibson, Geo. Willis
Photographer/Framer - Robt. Lyttle, 12 High Street and 44 Dublin Road,
Belfast, and Great James Street, Londonderry
Photographer R. Brownlie, Belfast
J. H. Martin & Co., 43 Dublin Road, Belfast

Bunch of Photos
no real information

on back - Anty Fred and Co. - Belfast News Letter
after a bit of research online I found a website for the 'Ulster
Girls Choir'
the sheet music in the girls hand is "Lark in the Clear Air"

Rex Roberts Studios, 2 Upper Mount Street, Dublin

CLICK to enlarge. Photograph by G. R. E. Hamilton, Main Street, Bangor
"Australia Sends her best to Northern Ireland"

on back of 1st photo 'Mother'
all W. R. Pratt, Photographic Artist, Station Road, Darnall, Sheffield

Photographer: J. H. Flower, St. John's, Isle of Man

The Northern Whig, Belfast

Jerome, Ltd.
Keogh Bros. Ltd., Dublin

no info.

Kerry Gold, Irish Dairy Queen

Building says 1919 in large numbers, there's a name
behind the men but I can't make it out
BRO-D? & BAST or RAST? A K ??

W. F. Marshall's Sister (The Bard of Tyrone)
and her husband?
(William Forbes Marshall)

1) Mother, Lily and Theresa Donnelly. Taken in Warrenpoint, August 1912
2) Templeogue. Sunday, 31st August 1947
3) Belfast Photographer
4) 14 May 1928


1) Belfast in its regional setting 1952 - Block diagram of the site of
Belfast, looking north from the Castlereagh Hills - Geology
2) The Little Bugler - Bangor Road Presbyterian Church Sabbath School,
Holywood. This Premium was awarded to David McConnell for regular
attendance, good conduct, and proficiency in lessons 1884
3) Arms of The Queen's University of Belfast - Canoe Club 1921 Queens
4) Riotous Living, Rowel Friers (signed)
5) To Robert Sebag-Montefiore from his loving father M. Sebag-Montefiore 1st
May 1933

Film Star photos - pity there's no
date on the envelope - Postmark Los Angeles, Calif. to Miss Olive Adams, 186
Ravenhill Road, Belfast, Ireland from Pola Negri, Lasky Studio, Hollywood,

Norma Talmadge - Rod La
Rocque -
? - Constance
Talmadge - Norma Talmadge

Alice Calhouse - Rudolph
- Malcolm McGregor - ?
- Rudolph Valentino -

Dock Street, Warrenpoint (may not have been called Dock Street then)
on back 1904 Moffitt
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