Crothers WW1
- Edith Johnston PCs
- O'Keefe -
Plague -
Famous people PCs
W. A.
Stevenson Collection -
McKee PCs -
Hewitt -
Various Postcards & Photos etc.

Crothers - Christmas 1914 L/C J. Crothers 14 R.I.R. (Y.C.V.)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

photo came with Johnston postcards below, no info

1) 1911? - 31st July Postmark Belfast from S. D. to Mr. Johnston,
Bayview, Carnlough - We arrived here safely. Miss Graham was asking for you.
'P.S. Buy at Duffin's Corner'
2) 1905? January Postmark Ballymena from Sara
to Miss E. Johnston, Seaview House, Carnlough -
Dear Edith, Many thanks for P.C. I was surprised to see it. It’s awfully
nice. Hope you are well. Wish it was summer time. Sara Hughes.
you to Imelda Fairfield for having the patience to figure out the code :o)]
3) 1904 - 28th March Postmark Carnlough
from S. L. A. to E. N. J. Miss Edith Johnston, Sea View House, Carnlough
4) 1904 - 13th June Postmark Carnlough from
Isa? to Miss E. Johnston, Seaview House, Carnlough

1) 1917 - 17th September Postmark Dublin from Mrs.? J. S. J.? to Miss
Johnston, Hillesden, Holywood, Co. Down - 24 Castlewood Avenue, Rathmines,
Dublin - Dear Miss Johnston, _ I'm _ wishes you to send_ the dress
(scored out and 'Skirt of costume' written) to use on arrival at Hillesden.
What glorious weather we are getting. We may be home next Tuesday. Hope you
are very well & Kate? as fresh as a daisy. Have you everything shining &
beautiful? Sincerely yours. How is my Bobs? Is Jack conducting himself
2) 1905? - 23rd May? Postmark Ballymena from S.
Hughes to Miss E. N. Johnston, Sea View House, Carnlough, Co. Antrim -
Dear, E. Are you still in Carnlough. I am going down a run on Wdnsday (evg.)
with friends. If I've time I'll call, I am not sure if I will know you or
not. Hope you are well
25,15,21 to Irene Burns for the code-breaking :o])
3) 1907? 5th November Postmark Ballymena from
Sara Hughes to Miss E. N. Johnston, Seaview House, Willisden,
Holywood, Co. Down (scored out) Carnlough, Co. Antrim - Many thanks
for P.C. Are you still in Holywood. I'm sending this is speak anyway. Hope
you are well, Your friend
4) 1905 - 4th August Postmark Dublin to Miss E.
N. Johnston, Seaview House, Carnlough, Co. Antrim
5) 1915 - 7th May Postmark Belfast from M. T.
F. H. to Mr. J. N. L. Johnston, "Sea View House," Carnlough, Co. Antrim -
Just a p.c. in kind remem; I got your letter alright, many thanks for same.
How are my two "little sisters," I hope to see them soon, Kindest regards
from. Just after getting your card. (thank you Stuart for figuring out
the extra H's in this message)

1) 1961 - 15th March Postmark Tairbeart Co. Chiarraighe? from Hazel,
Alan & Louis to Miss Lucy Fitzell, Colyton, 19 Waltham Avenue, Stoughton,
Guildford, Surrey, England - with love
2) 1905 - 1st August Postmark Carnlough from
Isa to Miss E. Johnson, Seaview, Carnlough - Had a nice walk home, my Sister
did not come, may come this evening.
3) 1904 18th ? Postmark Carnlough from "E" to
Miss Edith Johnston, Seaview House, Carnlough - Hi, sorry I could not go to
"Soiree" but it was such a bad night and I expected to go to town the
following morning but of course this weather prevented me. I have two
post cards for you - with your picture on - could not see you all week altho
I was down nearly every day. Meet me some day.
4) no information
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Names inside a book, O'Keefe, McGrath, Sheppard
1) The Poetical Works of Dr. Thomas Parnell
John Sheppard
2) Mr. M. O'Keefe, 30th August 1849 - M. G.
McGrath, 7th July 1919
3) Michael O'Keefe, ????? - May
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A Plague infected house being burnt
Disinfecting plague stricken houses
A stock of coffins burning
Preparing a stack of Victims for burning
Burning household effects of an infected house
Plague stricken houses, Victims stacked in front for burning
Collecting the dead
Dress used for prevention of Plague by railway Employees
Stacks of coffins being burnt, about 500 bodies were burnt here daily during
the time of the plague
Analysing the plague germ
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Famous People Postcards
Merle Oberon
Joel McCrea
Jean Harlow
Gary Cooper

John Wayne
Myrna Loy
Magali Noél
Gordon Harker

Brigitte Bardot
Dominique Wilms
Louise Martini
Christine Maybach

Karin Baal
Elsa Martinelli
Liselotte Pulver
Alan Ladd

Marguerite Chapman
Tony Martin
Esther Williams
Billy De Wolfe

June Allyson
David McCallum
Robert Vaughan
Colonel John F. Glenn

Alan Tracy
Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

1921 - 1st March Belfast P. Leader W. A.
Stevenson, 10 Glenvarlock Street. You are hereby instructed to report for
duty at Mountpottinger Police Barracks on Wednesday, 9th March, 1921, at
7.45 p.m. (No. 8. Beat) J. C. McClughan, Capt. Station Commandant,
1923 - 9th March (18th January 1923?) Duty
Commandant's Office, Belfast - Special Constabulary Identity Card, County:
City of Belfast; District: E. Mountpottinger; I hereby certify that 01339
Sgt. W. A. Stevenson of 6 Glenvarlock Street is a Special Constable B. Class
in the above District (can't make out signature) Age 25; Height 5' 9"; Build
Medium; Comp. Fair; Eyes, Grey; Hair, Auburn; Particular Marks Mark on Left
Leg; Signature of Holder W. A. Stevenson
1937 - Discharge Certificate Class "B" Ulster
Special Constabulary - This is to Certify that No., B1339 Rank, Sergt. Name,
W. A. Stevenson has been enrolled member of Class "B" Ulster Special
Constabulary from 2nd February 1921 to 22nd November 1937. The Government of
Northern Ireland has directed the issue of this Certificate as a record of
its appreciation of the valuable service rendered voluntarily by Mr.
Stevenson as a member of the Special Constabulary. Place, Belfast; Date, 1st
December 1939; County Commandant scrawl Colonel; Inspector General, ?
Wicklaw - on back 67 G.? Gregg, (could be an address)

1943 - 1st April Discharge Certificate Army
Form B108J (If this Certificate is lost no duplicate can be obtained) Army
Number 2045273; Surname Stevenson; Christian Names William Alexander;
Effective Date of Discharge 6th April 1943; Corps from which Discharged
Royal Engineers; Embodied Service Three 225; Total Service Years Five Days
196; Rank on Discharge SPR?; Cause of Discharge Service no longer required
for the duties for which he enlisted. Para 390 (XVIII) (a) KR 1940; Military
Conduct Very Good; Place Brighton; R.E. Records Office

1951 - Certificate of Service Serial No.
0003587 Army Form B.108D - Signature and Rank C. E. Westall ?? Col.; Officer
i/c Reme & Rave Records; Date 18th June 51; Place Leicester - William
Alexander Stevenson No. 21019089 Sjt. Territorial Army 3.9.50 Paradox (1)
T&R 36, Termination of Engagement R.E.M.E. - Enlisted at Belfast enrolled on
4.9.1947 in Territorial Army 3 years Date of Birth 15th January 1899

1) 1956 - 14th November Commissioner's Office,
Ulster Special Constabulary, Court Street, Belfast, Northern Ireland - Dear
Sir, I have to inform you that the Minister of Home Affairs has been pleased
to award to you the Special Constabulary Long Service Medal in respect of
your 16 years in the Force. The date of the award is 4th September 1956. I
have pleasure in forwarding to you the riband of the Medal. The Medal itself
will be forwarded when issue has been approved. A. W. Cussans? Adjutant
for/Commissioner, U.S.C.
2) 1957 - 15th May City Commissioners Office,
Court Street, Belfast 15th May 1957 U.S.C. Belfast Ulster Special
Constabulary Long Service Medal - Dear Sir, I have much pleasure in
forwarding to you the enclosed Ulster Special Constabulary Long Service
Medal and Bar/s awarded to you in respect of your service in the Ulster
Special Constabulary. Please acknowledge receipt on the enclosed form. Yours
faithfully A. W. Cussans? Adjutant for/Commissioner

1958 - 16th December Command Secretariat,
Headquarters, Northern Ireland District, Lisburn, Co. Antrim - Dear Mr.
Stevenson, The Permanent Under-Secretary of State has asked me to convey to
you, on your retirement, his thanks for your valued work in the War
Department and his appreciation of the many years of loyal service you have
given. I should like to express my good wishes for the future. Yours
sincerely ?? Mr. W. A. Stevenson, 24 Thornhill Parade, Belfast

1959 - The War Department Civilian Employee's
Certificate of Service. This is to Certify that according to Official
records Mr. W. A. Stevenson has been employed in the War Department as
follows:- Period of Employment from 12.4.43 - 11.9.50 to 3.3.50 - 10.12.58
Grades in which Employed ? Labourer, ? Fitter, ? Ch Fitter, ? Fitter, MR (Ind)
Fitter - rate of pay £10.19.8; Nature of Duties: Repair and testing of
carburettors, fuel pumps, and injectors, including phasing and calibrating;
Reason for Termination of Employment: Medical Grounds; Assessments of
Ability, Conduct and Health Ability: He has a good knowledge of his work,
and provides a good standard; Conduct Good; Health See reason for
Termination of employment; Special Remarks A conscientious and cheerful
personality, who needs little supervision, He shows great interest, and
keenness, and always up the job. Respectful to superiors; Establishment
R.E.M.E. Workshop, Kinnegar, Holywood

For Loyal Service
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +

1) 1909 - 23rd December Postmark Chandlers ? from Sissie to Miss Lily
McKee, Ardenlee Avenue, Cregagh Road, Belfast, Ireland -
Dear Lily, To wish you and all the others a very happy Xmas, hoping
everybody is well, love from
2) 1911 - 3rd July Postmark Donaghadee, Co.
Down from G. A. B. to Miss L. McKee, c/o R. McBride & Co., Ormeau Avenue,
Belfast - Mrs. McWilliams, 14 Shore Street, D. Dee. You will see by this
that I have arrived at D. Dee. I was beginning to think I was not going to
get after all. You see you are not going to get rid of me yet a while. I am
feeling a lot better since I cane here. Love to all. Yours
3) 190? - 12th July Postmark Warrenpoint, Co.
Down from Martha to Miss Lillian McKee, 293 Ardenlee Avenue, Belfast - this
is a beautiful day, having a good time
4) 1913 - 10th November Postmark Castleblayney,
Co. Monaghan from N. J. to Miss L. McKee, c/o ? McBride & Co., Ormeau
Avenue, Belfast - M. D. L. (My Dear Lily?) Just a few lines in answer to
your W - glad you are allright, don't be working too hard, I am very busy,
will write you a long letter later on, goodbye yours
5) 1914? - 26th ? Postmark Castleblayney, Co.
Monaghan from ? S. to Miss Lily McKee, c/o ? McBride & Co., Ormeau Avenue,
Belfast - M. D. L. (My Dear Lily?) Hope you have got home allright, feel a
bit lonely now. I shall be expecting your P.C. Goodbye Love
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

1) no year - 29th September Postmark Belfast from ??? to Mrs.
Hewitt, 60 Chadwick Street, City - Have you not the
cushions made yet, as we haven't any I expected them in for Saturday, your
work is ? but of ? as I would always ? to make a ? of ?
2) no date - Postmark Millisle? from Milton,
Hilton to Mr. Robert Hewitt, 15 Walnut Place, Belfast - Dear Bob, Good
weather begs of sport. Hope you are enjoying yourself, tell S. Cogher? I
have forgot his address or I would of sent him a P.C.
3) 1909 - 12th August Postmark Belfast from ?
to Mrs. Hewitt, 60 Chadwick Street, Lisburn Road, City - 75 ? Hill, Lis?
Road, Please ?????????. I will be at ?????????
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

1) no date Postmark Rio De Janiero from Harry to Miss Hamilton, 20
Leppoc Road, Clapham Park, London S.W., England - Dear Annie, What do you
think of this? Rather a novelty - eh. Driving to Rio-de-Janero tonight
2) no year - March Postmark Auckland, N.Z. to
Mrs. Reilly, Woodburn Glen, Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim, Ireland
3) 1956 - 16th July Postmarks Gaillimh &
Newcastle, Co. Down from Audrey, Joe & Avril to Mr. & Mrs. Auld & Family,
c/o The Caravans, Castlewellan Road, Newcastle, Co. Down, N.I. c/o P.O. -
Saturday, Dear Mum & Dad, We are now on our way to Killarney, the
countryside round which we are motoring is marvellous, we have seen a
beautiful waterfall & an old Abbey on our way, the views we have got are
beautiful, we are going to stop in Killarney for couple of days, hope to get
into a Guest House, the weather is great to-day
4) 1918 - 21st August Postmark Bangor, Co. Down
from Mabel to Miss Maggie Stringer, 32 Kendal Street, Belfast - Dear Maggie,
Am having a lovely time here, from
5) 1908 - 29th May Postmark Macclesfield from
Maud to Mr. Cavan, 12 Prospect Street, Belfast - After the children had got
over the measles the Doctor recommended us to give them HOVIS instead of the
ordinary white bread. This is a picture of George - healthy enough isn't he?
(there are no photos of children in this whole collection - Mary) You
can get Hovis at your bakers.
6) 1963 - 25th June Postmark Glean??? Eire from
Denise & Muriel to Mr. & Mrs. P. Rafferty, 22 Woodland Gardens, Lambeg,
Lisburn, N. Ireland - Isn't this a lovely beach. The children just love it.
We were all in fir a bathe this afternoon, a bit cold but very nice. Hope
you got the shoes

1) 1907 - 1st June Postmark Belfast from A? Malone? to "The Cripples
Palace" Boot Department, Donegall Road, Belfast - Alt. C. M. M. 1/6/07 5
Mad? Ave.?, Cavehill Road, May 31st 07 Please send to above address for
"Repairs" & oblige.
2) 1905? - 21st October Postmark Belfast from
F. S. D.? to Miss L. Girvan, Summerhill, Larne - A son of Larne
3) 1907 - 25th November Postmark Belfast from
Fred to Miss L. Girvan, Summerhill, Inver, Larne - If you saw the original I
think it would alter your impression of the stage.
4) 1914 - 21st February Postmark Mallow from
Willie to Mr. Fred Davis, 1 Halstein Drive, Sandown Road, Knock
(scored out) ?? - Came up from Cork this morning, snowing here, Best love to
5) 1954 - 9th August Postmark Belfast from
Arthe & Hugh to Miss M. J. or I. Nelson, Security Directorate, H.Q.
B.I.O.(g) B.A.O.R. 19 - Had a lovely day here with Elsie on Friday, just
wish you had been with is. Got engaged last Saturday 31/7, writing shortly,
6) no date - Postmark Baile Atha Cliath? Eire
from B. R. and her sister to Mrs. Fails, High Shiel, Ardglass, Downpatrick,
Co. Down, N. Ireland - Having a very nice time. Weather very good so have
decided to stay until the 29th. Kindest regards from my sister and myself
7) no date - from John to Mrs. McKernon,
Collinwood Terrace, Whitewell, Belfast - not ? ? he is out of greens shop
listed, tell me if big dan is their ore not for their was some body out of
B. comp looking for me, he said he worked in greens shop on the antrim road,
he sent to fellows to look for me but he did not tell them his name and ?
Esplanade, Bangor, Co. Down
1913? - 21st August Postmark Belfast from E.
Rowlands to Messrs. Cousins, Mineral W. Company, Strandmillis, City - 11
Woodstock Road, City, Please send one of your men with 6 doz of minerals as
they have not called Tuesday & it is very annoying writing all the time &
oblige as soon as possible
Sheephaven Hotel, Port Na Blath, Co. Donegal
1962 - 18th August Postmark Blaithche Co.
Dunnangall from Hetty? to Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weir?, Ballyvaughan,
Castledawson, Co. Down, N.I. - Thursday 4pm Weather has been very mixed.
Letter from J. today. He is coming home to see B. (who is not so grand) on
Sun a.m. He will take a holiday & go back in Sept. Other boys? coming for
exams. All going well

High Street, Newtownbutler
Seabank Hotel, Portrush

Portmuck and Muck Island, Islandmagee
Guinness - Him Strong

Black's British Post Cards - Our Indian Armies

on back - Oldpark W. G. Armstrong, 79 Royal Avenue
With Compliments Yours Truly Victor Beauté
Fasting for 40 days - May 14 to June 22
Panopticon, High Street, Belfast

on back Mr. Fulton, Harland & Wolff, North Wollich, London (Woolwich?)

Boy Scouts' Encampment, Magilligan

Belfast Shipbuilders Challenge Football Match - Harland & Wolffs XI Windsor
Park, 6th April 1918
S, Burnison (right back) - W. Liddell (goal) - D. Rollo (left back) - Lord
Pirrie - W. Bennett (right half) - H. Leddy (centre half) - W. Emerson (left
half) - D. McKinney (outside right) - D. Reid (inside right) - J. Soye
(centre forward) - J. Adair (inside left) - H. Buckle (outside left

The Committee of the Ben Madigan Literary Society Present their compliments
to Miss Butler and solicit the favor of her presence at their conversazione
in St. Vincent's Hall on the 3rd November R.S.V.P. Concert at 8 p.m.
Punctually D. A. Glasgow Hon. Sec.

Iraq Army Headquarters, Baghdad With All Good Wishes for
Christmas and the New Year from Harry? Laverty
With Hearty Greetings and all Good Wishes for Christmas and the New Year
from Daddy