1904 - 6th July The Harbour, Portstewart from
Nell to Mr. J. Grant, Main Street, Saintfield, Co. Down, Ireland - How are
you getting along this long while, hope you are well & doing well. Write
soon & tell me all the news. Yrs.
1905 - 3rd April Mr. T. H. Sloan, M.P.
addressing a meeting at Custom House Steps, Belfast from L. G., 26 Bangor
Street, Belfast, Monday evg. to Mrs. Grant, Saintfield, Co. Down - Started
this morning. Staying in my Aunts. I will hardly be home before Saturday.
Will write again. Yours
1905 - 11th September Cycle Parade Belfast 1905
"Spinning Wheel" Dickson - Publishers, Belfast Postmarks Belfast & Tynan,
Co. Armagh from M. H. to ? S. Henderson, Derryhaw, Tynan, Co. Armagh - This
is one of the groups of cyclists at cycle parade. It would take very good
cyclists to carry this load while riding wouldn't it? The costumes were
really amusing, one man being dressed as a bear. Hoping all are well.
1908 - 27th July Postmark Dublin from J. Grant
to Mr. James Grant, Main Street, Saintfield, Belfast - Dear James, I hear
you are winning all before you under the "L.C.A.?" I will be home on
Saturday & will see your prizes. I had a letter from Bob to-day. He seems to
be getting on alright. I like Dublin better now than I did at first. I know
a whole lot of North of Ireland men here. They are nearly all Presbyterians
and red hot Orangemen. I think I'll join them too. Bob is one now. Yours
1911 - 11th April Lisdoort Factory, Ballygawley
from M. Martin to J. Grant, Esq., Main Street, Saintfield, Down, Ireland -
Thanks for yours of this morning, F is here & expects to visit you at end of
week. Hope you are all very well. All have got colds here, yours
1911 - 2nd September Glendalough, Co. Wicklow
from M.? to Master John Grant, Main Street, Saintfield, Co. Down - Having a
good day here
1912 - 23rd May Slieve Donard Hotel, Newcastle,
Co. Down Postmark Newcastle from Mary and Gladys to Miss A. McCluggage, Main
Street, Saintfield, Co. Down - We are having a very pleasent time here. Hope
you and Mary are well. With love

1923 - 18th August Glenties, Co. Donegal from
Koniah to Mrs. John Grant, Balmoral Private Hotel, West Promenade, Colwyn
Bay, N. Wales - Love from
1923 - 18th April from D. to Mrs. John Grant,
Balmoral Private Hotel, West Promenade, Colwyn Bay, North Wales - Donegal
Town. Arrived here this morning. Stayed night in Ballybofey & called on Mrs.
Ewing, had tea at Rose Cottage & dinner in Newtownstewart. Love
1939 - 31st July Excavating the Great Canal at
Ardnacrusha, the Shannon Scheme, Limerick Postmark Luimneach from Dad to
A/P/L J. R. Grant, 24th Belfast Boy Scouts, Spylaw? Scout Hostel, Colinton,
Edinburgh 13 - Came here from Dublin this morning and going on to Killarney
this afternoon. Hope you arrived safely and are having a good time.

1939 - 3rd August Patrick Street and Bridge,
Cork Postmark Corcaigh from M. to A/P/L J. R. Grant, 24th Belfast Boy
Scouts, Spylaw Scout Hostel, Colinton, Edinburgh 13 - Thursday morning, We
are just about to leave Cork - our next stay is in Wexford. It was very wet
here last night but is dry again now. We have had the sunshine ? ? every day
so far. Love from us both
1939 - 3rd August Postmark Loch Garman from Dad
to A/P/L J. R. Grant, 24th Belfast Boy Scouts, Spylaw Scout Hostel, Colinton,
Edinburgh 13 - Wexford Monday. Our trip ends tomorrow. The weather has been
good. We hope you have had it good and that you are enjoying yourself.
1939 - 4th August St. Kevin's Kitchen &
Roundtower, Glendalough Postmark Rath Droma, Co. Chill Mhantain to A/P/L J.
R. Grant, 24th Belfast Boy Scouts, Sp?law Scout Hostel, Colinton, Edinburgh
13 - Here for lunch & then we go on to Dublin
1939 - 9th August Shandon Church and Bells, St.
Ann's, Cork
"With deep affection and recollection I often think of the Shandon Bells" -
Whose sounds so wild would, in days of childhood, Fling round my cradle
their magic spells;
On this I ponder, where'er I wander, And thus grow fonder, sweet Cork, of
With thy bells of Shandon, That sound so grand on, The pleasant waters of
the River Lee. from Dad to Miss M. W. Grant, c/o Mrs. Crooks, Liscooly, Up.
Greenisland, Co. Antrim - Cork Thursday, We were very glad to get your
letter here. The weather has been good and we go on to Wexford today. Hope
you are giving? a good time.

1944 - 27th October to Mammy with all best
wishes from Margaret & Rene x x
1976 - 14th July Postmark Ballycastle, Co.
Antrim from Ivy to Mr. & Mrs. J. Grant, 13 Kingsway Avenue, Belfast 5 -
Ballycastle in very crowded and very noisy but we escaped to Whitepark Bay
to-day. Having a pleasant time - with impeccable propriety.
no date - The Round Tower and Cemetery, Glendalough, Co. Wicklow from Mummy
or Murray? to Miss M. Grant, c/o Mrs. Crooks, Liscooly, Up. Greenisland, Co.
Antrim - Friday Just had our lunch here & are now going out to see the place
& then we go on to Dublin. Love

no date - Kissing the Blarney Stone from Mummy to Miss M. Grant, c/o Mrs.
Crooks, Liscooly, Up. Greenisland, Co. Antrim - Wed. 5.00 Blarney. I have
just kissed the Blarney Stone - like the man on the other side of this card.
The weather is very good. Love
no date - Postmark Warren?(point) from M. to Mr. James Grant, Linden Lea,
Saintfield, Co. Down - Having a good time. Wish you were here. Love x x x x
no date - Wynn's Hotel and Restaurant Wynn's Hotel from ? Dublin, Sat. evg.
to Mrs. J. Grant, Saintfield, Co. Down - Racing over all safe got a 1st &
Cup prize and made a fair show considering in other events. I saw John this
morning. He is working this evg. till ten. Will see him here afterwards.
Will be home Monday

1) no date - from Sam & Sadie to Mrs. Nan Cunninghame, 130 Lawerance
Avenue, W., Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Dear Nan, Hope you are feeling much
better. We have been enjoying our visits with all our families. Hope to hear
from you when we get home.
2) no date - Postmark ??aithche Co. Dunna Nga???
from Helen to Mrs. John Grant, 13 Kingsway Avenue, Cherryvalley, Belfast 5 -
Having a lovely time. The weather has been very good so far. On Sunday I was
water-skiing and I got up for about 500 yds. I have been going into the sea
about three times a day. I hope I see you on Saturday morning before you go
back to Belfast
3) no year - ? July Postmark ???? Aithche Co.
Dunna Ngall from Margaret to Mr. & Mrs. John Grant, 13 Kingsway Avenue,
Cherryvalley, Belfast 5 - Monday - Helen has just had an enjoyable weekend
with her "boyfriend" She went to tea with him on Saturday and he came to
lunch on Sunday. Dr. & Mrs. Spence have a halfday on Thursday and if weather
is good they will come down for tea. The weather so far is very good. Helen
says to say that she is enjoying herself. We have seen Jim S. on the beach.
He is sailing mad. Love

How East Down was Wooed but NOT WON by Wood

Derry Celtic F.C.
(Photo by P. M. Monagle, Junr., Derry)
Back Row:
Mr. P. Kelly (Director), H. Olpherts, D. Shearer, Mr. G. Boyle (Director),
N. Blaney, Mr. N. McClure (Director), J. Glenn, J. McVeigh, Mr. Tierney, J.
Flood, Mr. Leinster
Front Row:
Mr. D. Gallagher (Director), W. M. Ginnis, B. Donaghey, N. McBirnie, C.
Lynch (Capt.), C. Doherty

2nd Presbyterian
Church, Saintfield
Guildhall and Presbyterian Church, Saintfield

The Eternal Question "When the 'ell is it goin' to be strawberry?"
Blarney Castle - The Entrance to the Keep

Newcastle from Annesley Hotel, Co. Down
Ramore Hill, Portrush, Co. Antrim

A Bright and Happy Christmas to you from Cousin Mary with love

Lake from Dinas Cottage, Killarney
Old Irish Cottage, Exhibition, Dunlin 1907
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
1972 - 22nd September Postmark Quebec from
Bobby to Mr. George Currie, 10 Upper Canning? Street, Belfast 15, N. Ireland
- Hello George, This is a good holiday, Son or Sara has taken us around
quite a bit, we have been to Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa. Hope all is quiet at
home, weather is good

1) 1956 - 4th August Postmarks Lisburn, Belfast & Omagh, Co. Tyrone
from Michael (Blad (black/blond) haired) to Mr. William Currie, Ward
22, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast (scored out) Killowen
Convalesce Hospital, Lisburn (also scored out) 152 Upper Meadow
Street, Belfast - Friday Well how are things in ward 22 or maybe you're not
there any more. If you are I wish you a very speedy recovery and I must
thank you and Mr. Mason and the others for being so kind to us. Cheerio and
God Bless you
2) 1968 - 12th August Postmark Dublin from
Betty & David to Mr. Wm. Currie, 152 Upper Meadow Street, Belfast 15, No.
Ireland - Well the weather is still very good, we haven't seen rain since we
came/ David is only out from the sea & its only just gone 10.0a.m., that's
how warm it is! Hope that water shortage isn't too bad, so far it hasn't
reached us. See you on Sunday D.V.
3) 1930? - 22nd July Postmark Newtownards, Co.
Down from Annie, Betty & Margaret to Mr. G. Currie, 152 Upper Meadow Street,
Belfast - Having a nice holiday here. Weather just lovely
4) 198? maybe 30th August Postmark Skowhegan
from Sam & Eileen to Mr. W. J. Currie, 152 Upper Meadow Street, Belfast,
Northern Ireland - Dear Pap or Pop, We are now on our return journey & will
have done approximately 3500 miles in 10 days when we arrive in Toronto. It
has been a good trip but not very relaxing as we have done an awful lot of
sightseeing on the way. We were on Prince Edward Island for 2 days, just off
the east coast of Canada which we reached by ferry. On the island we
discovered a little community called Belfast which was founded by Selkirk
settlers in 1824. The little church (Presbyterian) was the nicest I have
ever seen. Love
5) 1962 - 21st August Postmark Kirkintilloch,
Glasgow from Betty & David to Mr. J. W. Currie, 152 Upper Meadow Street,
Duncairn Gardens, Belfast 15, N. Ireland - Dear Paps? Pegs? & George,
Yesterday we were ? past this hotel, (Gleneagles Hotel, Perthshire) it just
costs about £10 a day to stay here, its beautiful though, It was a nice day
& we really enjoyed it. David has got a job to go back to so things are
looking up. Will tell you all the news when we see you. Lots of love
6) 1956 - 22nd August Postmark Cardiff from
Mrs. Mac to Mr. W. & ? Currie, 152 Upper Meadow Street, Duncairn Gardens,
Belfast N.I. - We are having a grand time here. I hope you are keeping
better, be seeing you soon.
7) 1965 - 25th June Postmark London W.C. from
Eileen & Sam to Mr. W. J. Currie, 152 Upper Meadow Street, Belfast, N.
Ireland - Dear Dad, Have had a good day walking around here, sightseeing,
quite a city. Sorry we didn't have time to see you before we left, but will
see you shortly now. We leave here on Monday for Paris? for a few days. P.S.
Am now working for myself in Canada. Love for now.
8) 1963 - September Postmark Kentallen, Appin,
Argyll from Wilma to Mr. Curry, 152 Upper Meadow Street, Belfast 15 - Dear
Mr. Curry, Having a wonderful time, and the weather is simply beautiful. So
far, since Monday afternoon we have covered 900 miles and still have a right
more to do. Hope Mummy & Daddy are looking after you. Love

1) 1956 - 20th August from (can't make out names ? & David maybe?) to
Mr. W. J. Currie, 152 Upper Meadow Street, Belfast - Dear Pop? & George, We
are having a nice time here, only about 2 wet days in all, we have covered
some ground since coming to England. George don't forget to collect my suit
in the cleaners. I'll pay you when I get back Sat. morn. Had a quick look
around Bristol on Sat. last with Jimmy, but I prefer Cardiff to it. These
are a few of the places we have visited. Hope Pop your foot is feeling
better. Its a very warm & sunny day here in Cardiff, going to a little
places called ? in afternoon. See you all soon
2) 1956 - 7th ? Postmark Troon, Ayrshire from
Isa to Mr. & Mrs. D. Currie, 542 Shore Road, Belfast, N.I. - Having a nice
time, the weather isn't bad although we haven't had enough rain to keep us
in. We are going to meet Bobbie very soon, he is coming for the evening. See
you at the week-end. Love
3) 1956 - 18th August Postmark Bristol from
Betty & David to Mr. W. Currie, 152 Upper Meadow Street, Belfast, N.I. -
Dear Pop & George, Having a grand time, Bristol is a lovely place. The
weather is very stormy just now but I hope it takes up. Hope you are keeping
well, see you soon. Love
4) 1960 - 12th July Postmark Edinburgh, S.W.
from Gordon & Mollie to Mr. & Mrs. D. Curry, 542 Shore Road, Belfast 15,
N.I. - Having a very enjoyable time here, going to Kilsyth Tuesday, weather
not so good, kind regards
1) 1924 - 16th October from Cyril Horsfall in Hotel Central, Benoit,
St. Malo to Miss Elsie Carmichael, 48 Marlborough Park North, Belfast - Hope
you enjoyed your stay in "Gay Paree" Kind regards
2) 1925? - 25th ? Postmark Cork? from K. to
Miss Elsie Carmichael, 48 Marlborough Park North, Belfast -
Wednesday Thank you very much for the two magazines, they are very
interesting, you're very kind and I will write to you shortly. I have been
very interested in everything you have told me about the Spanish-English
Society meetings. If only I could go with you and hear the discussions and
the music! It's a shame we're so far away from each other and the damn
border is in between. Fondest regards from K.
(kindly translated from Spanish by Helen Porter)
3) 1928 - 14th August Warren Lodge, Rossnowlagh
Postmark Newtownstewart from W.R.H. to The Misses Carmichael, 48 Marlborough
Park, Belfast - Don't miss ??????????????????????? berth. I think we had the
best of the weather at R.N.

1) no date - Postmark Portstewart from ? L.? D. to Mrs. Davis, 63
Collyer Street, Belfast - 4 Victoria Terrace, Wednesday We are having a very
good time. I hope you are well & all things ? ay home. Will be home on Sat.
night about 8.30 oc. The weather has been very fine, a little stormy?
2) no year 18th July Postmark Bangor, Co. Down
from Minnie to Mrs. Davis, 63 Collyer Street, Limestone Road, Belfast - Down
here for the day. Weather fine. Hoping to see you soon.
195? - 16th July The Sychnant Pass Postmark Dolwyddelan Caernarfonshire from
Isa to Miss Betty Macauley, 19 Nile Street, York Street, Belfast, N.I. -
This is just one of the views we saw yesterday while we were climbing the
mountain. The weather was perfect for climbing, it is not so nice to-day as
it is a bit showery. We are really enjoying ourselves very much. I hope you
have a nice time next week.

1) no date
Postmark Betws-y-coed, Caerns from Isa to Mrs. J. Macauley, 19 Nile Street,
York Street, Belfast, Ulster - We have arrived safely after a very smooth
crossing. We got a deck chair and sat in the hold with a cover over it. The
scenery is beautiful and the house is lovely. Just now it is a bit showery
but as we didn't get a sleep last night we are going to bed. Believe it or
not but it is just 7.15 p.m. Aren't we good girls. I will drop you another
card later. Love
1954 - 15th July Postmark Scarborough, Yorkshire from Isa to Miss ?
Macauley, 19 Nile Street, Belfast - Having a lovely time here although it is
a bit dull this morning my face is burning after the wonderful day we had
yesterday. Last night we were in the park and it was all coloured lights, it
was really beautiful. See you Sat. D.V. To Betty & David
3) 1957? - 23rd July Postmark Friedrich from
Isa to Mr. & Mrs. J. Macaulay, 19 Nile Street, Belfast, N. Ireland - Dear
Mum & Dad, We are still getting around here in spite of the language
difficulty. We have just been to the little Swiss village on this card but
the shops were not so good and things are much dearer. The weather has been
disappointing, we had rain Sunday all day and Saturday as well. It is dull
today but the rain has kept off so far. Please excuse this writing as I am
on the steamer. Love

196? - 13th December Postmark Bad Schandau from Sabine to Miss Rose Colgan,
197 Upper Meadow Street, Belfast 15, N. Ireland - Dear Rose, a merry
Christmas and a happy New Year! your pen-pal Sabine I have sent you a little
present for Xmas. I hope you like it!

Ronald Colman
Ardglass, Co. Down

Mixed Bathing in the Harbour, Portrush
Killybegs Harbour

The Harbour, Ardglass

The Scout! God bless him
The Scout! He's a brave little Briton, Quite ready to do his share,
In keeping our homeland and Empire, And guarding her honour fair.
The Scout! He's the eyes of our Empire, And over our land far and near,
He is watching for those who'd betray her, For the spy - who is lurking
The scout! He's a messenger trusty, He asks but to serve, for you know,
There's nought he can do, but he's ready, For his King and his Country he'll
The Scout! He's the life-blood of Britain, God bless him! we all then must
May we too like him, now be ready, So we fail not our Empire to-day. |