October 21, 1894 from Alexander Irvine on The Ship Maraval in Santos to his
Dear Brother, Just a few lines to let you know that we arrived here on the
twenty eighth of last Month and I received your letter all right, we are now
discharged and is nearly ready for sea again, although we don't know where
we are bound to yet but I expect we will be leaving this place some time
this week for some part of the world so I write this today because it is the
only chance that I can get but I won't post it until I find out where we are
going. Dear Brother, I was sorry to see by your letter that you had
only ? ? work since the fair? and that you had so much nocking? about and
you were saying also that you were trying to get into Corporation Tramway
Company as Conductor, no doubt it will be a fine cosy job and since your
mind is centered? on it I hope that you will be successful. I don't
think that you will have the same knocking about there? you have been
getting. You were saying that you hoped that I had got a good ship, I
won't say too much about that but one thing I ashure you that she is not the
best by a long way and for my Ship Mates nearly one half of them are nigers
and some of them has more gas that a white man. I don't think that I have
much more to say at present, there is not much to be seen here, only
mosquitos and they don't forget to let me feel them either. I think
that I will stop now, hoping this finds you well which leaves me the same at
present, with love from your Brother Alex. (the next letter give his name
as A. Irvine)

November 2, 1894 (as above)
Dear Brother, You will see by this date that it is some time since I started
to write this letter but as I have told you that I did not know where we
were bound to but we expected to get our Orders from home every day but we
did not get them until yesterday when the Captain got a telegram to go to
Adelaide, South Australia, so you might write as soon as you get this letter
for we will only take about 50 days to go their and the mail takes about a
month to go their, the Address is Ship Maraval Semaphore, Adelaide, South
Australia. No more at present, hoping this finds you well which it
leaves me the same at present, with Love from your Brother, A. Irvine, give
my respects to Miss Hamilton, I thank you for the paper you sent.

Masonic Hall, Londonderry 18/2/22
Dear Bro. Irvine, We are having a Concert in the Reading Room on Thursday
23rd inst. under the auspices of Lodge 640 and I would ? it a very great
favour if you could see your way to come and give us a recitation and I
could put you on at any time that would suit you. It will be a mixed
audience, ladies and brethren so that you will know what to choose. I
enclose a ticket, Yours fraternally ? Fulton

Londonderry Burns Club and Caledonian Society, 12 Harding Street,
Londonderry 18th March 1922
Dear Mr. Irvine, I have been asked by the Committee to write you,
requesting your attendance at a meeting of the Club to be held in Melville
Hotel on Wednesday the 22nd inst at 8 p.m. As this will probably be
the last opportunity before you leave the City you will have of meeting the
members the Committee trust you will favour us with your company. It
is expected the evenings proceedings will be both enjoyable & interesting.
Yours faithfully, Wm. Baxter. Hon. Scty.

Tully House, Newbuildings, Feb. 20, 1922
Dear Mr. Irwin (Irvine) - I just want to personally in a word or two to
thank you for your ? kindness in coming out ? & Entertaining us on Friday
night in such noble manner. The programme etc. etc. (too hard to make
out) Believe me with sincere regards yours very truly Geo. M?
Lower Cumber, Goshaden, Londonderry, 29th May 1922
Dear Mr. Irvine, I received your letter some time ago and I called and
paid fees to Mrs. Irvine as you desired. You were trusting, indeed, to send
me the receipt in advance. I was very sorry when I heard that you gone
away. In fact I never heard anything about your going till I heard you
were away, and I was surprised. I'm afraid I can do very little by
myself, but the few lessons I have had have been invaluable to me, if only
for my ordinary school work. I trust you will be successful in
obtaining work, though for my own part (and I'm sure all your pupils) we
would be glad to have you back again. (over) I'm glad you are liking Canada
all right. I remain, Yours sincerely, H. Cunningham

26 Hawkins Street, 22.3.22
Dear Mr. Irvine, The least we can do is to write & thank you for the
wonderful way you trained our 3 girls in such a short term. We were
more than surprised at their success. We regret to learn you are
leaving the City. We wish you every success in the future, we remain
Yours Respectively, J. M. & A. Bennett

1/7/31 40 Ash Avenue, Newport Mews? V.A.
Dearest Friend John, I know you will be surprized to hear from me after
so long silence. Well I did not know you were back in Portsmouth again
until W. Johnstone told me, which I am pleased to hear. Hoping you are
well & working as I am like-wise. Well John, we are running a Burns
Night on Sat. Jan. 24th and as one of the Committee I would deem it a great
favour, if you are not engaged for that night, if you came over to our
Supper & Concert as one of our artists. If you can favour us with your
presence I will mail a complimentary ticket to you. I will close
hoping you will be able to oblige. I remain Your Sincere Friend, J.

Best Birthday Wishes, from The Major
Newspaper Clippings
Shot Through the Heart - Distressing Fatality near St. Johnston
Father Accidentally Shoots His Son - Painful Evidence at the Inquest
About 2.30 o'clock p.m. on Monday a distressing accident occurred
whereby a boy of about 10½ years of age, names, John Lapsley, of Dundee,
near St. Johnston, lost his life, being accidentally shot through the heart
by his father. Mr. H. T. Gallagher, solicitor, Strabane, deputy
coroner, held an inquest into the circumstances attending the boys' death
yesterday. Sergeant Doherty and Constables Lucas and Naish represented
the Crown. James Lapsley, St. Johnston, uncle of the deceased,
identified the body as that of his nephew. John Lapsley, father of the
deceased, was next examined. He deposed that the accident occurred on
Monday afternoon about 2.30 o'clock. His son made the remark to him
that it was coming near Christmas, and that he had not tried the gun yet.
Witness said he would do so when the shower went over. Witness then
made a target about two feet square, and the boy put it up in the field
adjoining the house. Having done so the boy went a distance of ten
yards from the target, and witness levelled the rifle, which had only a
peephole sight enabling the person using it to see about six inches of a
circle at the target. Witness covered up the target, and never saw the
boy till he had fired. The boy must have thought the target was not
well enough up, and must have gone back to fix it. The minute he
pulled the trigger he heard the boy shouting, "Oh, daddy, daddy," and saw
him running towards him. The boy ran about ten yards and fell, and
witness lifted him and carried him into the house. The coroner - Can
you tell me if you hit the target? Witness - Yes, I hit the target.
Coroner - What time elapsed from when he put the target till you fired?
Witness - It would not be half-a-minute, I am sure. Coroner - It was a
rifle you had? Witness - Yes. Dr. Wm. Rankin, Newtowncunningham,
said he received a wire at 7.30 o'clock p.m. on Monday to come to Dundee.
It appeared that the wire was sent after two o'clock, and was delayed.
On receiving the message he came to the place at once, and found that the
boy had been dead for some hours previously. There was only one wound
in the body, and this was around one about a quarter of an inch in diameter,
situated midway between the breastbone and the nipple on the left side, and
lying between two of the ribs about an inch and a half above the nipple
line. The wound could have been caused by a bullet from a rifle such
as described by the father, and a bullet entering this particular point must
have penetrated the heart. There was no evidence of the bullet having
come out. The immediate cause of death would be internal haemorrhage
brought on by the bullet entering the heart. Death must have been
almost instantaneous. The jury returned a verdict to the effect that
deceased came by death by being accidentally shot, and that the immediate
cause of death was by internal haemorrhage caused by a bullet penetrating
the heart. The coroner and jury expressed sympathy with the father in
his bereavement.

When Life's Sun is Setting, Our Shadows Stretch Long Before Us

Do You Know These Famous Boats? by Winifred Nell
answer HERE (don't cheat)

1) Annual Banquet of Men's Association and Semper Fidelis Society of First
Methodist Church 1924
2) Rocky Hill Parish Pastor is Honored
3) Gloucester City, Bobby Burns' Birth
4) 1927 National Founders' Day
5) First Presbyterian Church 1914
6) Social
1) Bank of England K.O. - William Hickey (17,000 Share holders)
2) Bacon Rationing?
3) One Spends Two Years of Existence Dressing by Ring W. Lardner
4) A Woman's Voice by Leonora Eyles
5) 1922 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada x 4
1) Y.M.S. "At Home" 1922 Winnipeg, Canada
2) Woodland Avenue Presbyterian Church 1924
3) The Kearsarge


1) Caledonian Club 1924
2) Parkside Camden N.J.
3) Trimble Lodge No. 117 Officers 1924 Camden N.J. x 5
4) Camden 1925 Fairview

1) 1924 Philadelphia, Local Broadcasts
2) 1924 Germantown, March 26, to John Irvine from William A. Bradley
3) Northeastern Burns Club 1925 x 3
4) The Lighthouse x 2
5) Louis Wagner Lodge No. 715 1924
6) Scots Thistle Society of Phila. 1925

1) Benefit Piano Fund 1930
2) E. S. Webb, 6 King's Park, Knock, Belfast
Petty Sessions Court - Londonderry - Car Drivers and a Fare
Londonderry Petty Sessions were held on Monday, before Messrs. J. P.
Roulston (in the chair), B. Doherty, J. McColgan, and John Coyle.
William Burns, car driver, summoned Patrick Quinn, another car man, for
depriving him of a fare on 16th inst. Mr. G. D. Scott appeared for the
complainant, and stated tat Burns, who had a licence for three weeks, took
his stand at the Lough Swilly Station at seven in the morning. At nine
the defendant, who drove for Denis Bradley, arrived. At twenty past
eleven, on the arrival of a train, the defendant deliberately went on the
platform and got a fare, although complainant was first car. The
complainant gave evidence in support of the statement. Defendant said
he had arranged beforehand for the fare. The magistrates fined
defendant in 1s, and ordered him to pay 1s compensation for the lost fare
and 6s 6d, half solicitor's costs.
Mary Fry and Ellen Fry, mother and daughter, living on the Diamond, were
summoned for the larceny of a quantity of hosiery from the factory of Mr. R.
N. Anderson, East Wall. Mr. G. D. Scott defended. Mr. Anderson
deposed that late in November it was discovered that certain goods had been
stolen from the factory - socks and stockings. He identified twelve
pairs of socks and three pair of stockings (produced), value 11s or 12s as
his property. The girl, Ellen Fry, was in his employment since last
January up to about the middle of November, when she left. A boy names
John McVeigh, 9 Butcher Street, assistant in McMonagle's pawn office in
William Street, identified the stockings and socks as having been pawned on
different dates from 28th September to 10th November by a little girl who
gave the name of Margaret Finn, Society Street. Rose Fry, fourteen, a
younger sister of Ellen Fry, and daughter of Mary Fry, deposed that she
pawned the various articles as described. Her sister Ellen gave them
to her, and asked her to pawn them. Witness spent the money she got on
sweets. She gave none of it to her mother. She put the
pawn-tickets with her mother's pawn-tickets. To Mr. Scott - She gave
the name of Robert Fry, but the pawnbroker's assistant took it down Finn.
She knew the goods were stolen from Mr. Anderson's, but she never told her
father or mother. Detective-Sergeant Taylor deposed that after being
cautioned Ellen said, "I took a few pairs and gave them to Rose, and she
pawned them. Mrs. Fry said, "I had to send my own socks to the pawn. I
knit them myself. I have the tickets to show." She gave witness
four pawn tickets (produced) for socks which were part of those identified
by Mr. Anderson. Mrs. Fry added, "My girls had nothing to do with it."
Mr. Scott pleaded guilty on behalf of the girl Ellen, but there was no
evidence against the mother. Mr. McHugh thought there was evidence
against the mother of possession. The mother, Mary Fry, who pleaded
not guilty, was discharged. The defendant was bound over in her
fathers bail in £5.
Merryflatts Wounded Entertained
The wounded soldiers at Merryflatts Military Hospital spent a most
enjoyable evening on Tuesday last when they were the guests of the Platers
of Messrs. Harland and Wolff's shipyard, Govan. Mt. T. Lilley
presided, and after the boys had been treated to plentiful supplies of
tobacco and cigarettes, apples, oranges, bananas sweets, etc., a capital
concert programme was entered upon. The artistes were one and all
accorded a splendid reception. Mr. Lilley himself was cheered to the
echo for some very fine readings, and in this line Mr. Irvine also
made a hit. One of the successes of the evening was scored by Mr.
Conroy, whose comedy interludes "took" the boys immensely so that they
clamoured for more and yet more of him. Messrs. J. A. Stewart and
Houston were also well received. The ladies of the tracing department
also gave valuable assistance and the soldiers were not slow to show their
appreciation of the efforts of the Misses Mason, Cullen, and Higgins, who
all obliged. Just by way of completing the ploy the soldiers also took
a hand in the game, Sergt. Russell and Ptes. Miller and Porter ably doing
their bit. Altogether a most enjoyable evening was spent by all
Derry Minister for Burma
Rev. J. A. L. Irvine, of Londonderry, has been appointed a
missionary to Burma, and "a service of godspeed" was held on Sunday in
Carlisle Road Methodist Church, Londonderry. Solos were rendered by
Mrs. Roddie, wife of Rev. J. R. W. Roddie, pastor of the church.
At the Drimoleague Convention, which brings together annually a large
representation of West Cork Methodism, a hearty God-speed was given to Rev.
Paul Kingston, who is a native of the town. Mr. Kingston sailed the
following day to take up mission work on the West Coast of Africa. A
similar service of God-speed was held in Londonderry for Rev. J. A. L.
Irvine in Carlisle Road Church. Rev. J. R. W. Roddie conveyed the
good wishes of a large congregation to the new missionary. Mr.
Irvine sailed a day or two ago for Burmah.
'Fake Job Agent' Caught by Dupe - Camden Man Clutches by Throat Alleged
Swindler in Phila.
Camden Courier 27 December 1923
The business of selling jobs to unemployed men proved profitable to a
Chester resident until a Camdenite, who had been duped, found a strangle
hold on his neck at Ninth and Markets Streets, Philadelphia, this morning.
Now the job seller is in jail and the Philadelphia police are complimenting
the Camden man on his sleuthing ability. John Irvine, who lives
at the Camden Y.M.C.A., is the hero of the arrest, which was witnessed by
several hundred persons. He had met a man who said he was George West,
of Chester, and had been shown telegrams purporting to be requests for "able
young business men," sent by large concerns in various parts of the country.
In return for the small sum of ten dollars, West promised Irvine he would
place him in a high-salaried position. Irvine "swallowed" the bait and
handed West ten dollars. West was to meet him at a certain place the
next day. Irvine was there, but West was conspicuous by his absence.
Then Irvine realized he had been "stung." Today, while Irvine was in
Philadelphia, he saw West talking to another prospective customer.
Unseen, Irvine listened to the conversation. When the new dupe handed
West $10, Irvine grabbed the latter by the throat. West tried to break
away, but Irving (Irvine) tightened his grip and called for a policeman.
West was arrested and given a hearing before Magistrate Fitzgerald, who held
him under $500 bail for a further hearing. The police said the
telegrams found in West's pockets were forgeries and that they had been
searching for him for weeks. West said he had contemplated opening an
employment office and was willing to pay back Irvine his money. The
Camden man refused to accept it.
Fake 'Foreman' Gets Year
Chester Man Pleads Guilty to Obtaining Money Fraudulently
James H. Murphy, of Chester, was committed to prison for one year by Judge
Searie, after pleading guilty in Quarter Sessions Court today to obtaining
money by false pretences. The defendant represented himself as a
foreman for the American Iron Works, of Washington D.C., and from those of
whom he offered employment he obtained fees for joining a structural iron
workers union.

Union Jack Concert
This, the last Concert of the season, held in Clooney Hall, on May 14th,
was a great success. Though the weather was almost tropical a large
audience assembled and were delighted with the varied and interesting
programme. Undoubtedly the presence of the splendid band of the 4th
Batt. Dorsetshire Regiment under the skilful conductorship of Bandmaster
Hazell, L.R.A.M., was a great attraction, and the selection of music
presented by them was greatly enjoyed. The vocal, recital, and
instrumental items, which had been arranged by Mr. John Irvine, were
all of an excellent character, many of these being doubly interesting on
account of the fact that they had been the successful test pieces at the
recent Y.M.C.A. and Local Feis Competitions. To Mr. W. M. Nicholl, the
artistes who contributed to the programme, and all the other friends who
helped to make the event so great a success our thanks are heartily
I.O.G.T. - Star of Bethel Lodge
Under the auspices of above lodge a social that might be well termed a
brilliant success was held in the Good Templar Hall the other evening, under
the chairmanship of Br. A. T. Porter, D.E.S. Very enjoyable items were
supplied by Miss Longwell, Miss Bovaird, the Misses Brownlow, Miss Rees, Mr.
Albert McNutt, Mr. Dunseith, Mr. Glass, Mr. Irvine, and Mr. Burnie, Miss
Templeton presiding at the piano in her usual accomplished style.
During the evening short recruiting speeches were delivered by Mr. James
Hamilton, J.P., T.C., and Br. A. T. Porter. At the close of the
meeting quite a number signified their desire to identify themselves with
and further the interest of the Order by handing in their names for
acceptance at next session of the lodge.
Concert in Derry Sailors' Rest

A very enjoyable concert was given in the Sailors' rest on Monday night
by men from the U.S. Naval Air Station and Buncrana Naval Base and a number
of local artistes. A feature of the evening was the performance of the
Jazz Band, composed of Mr. Purrington, C.P.O., and Messrs. Gallagher,
Bonsignor and Mitchell. Songs were also contributed by Miss Doris
McCorkell and Miss Stevenson, and Messrs. Aitken, McGuinness, McNutt, James
Blair, and P. J. Gallagher; recitations by Mr. Irvine, and an
excellent comedian was found in Seaman Moody, Buncrana. At an interval
in the proceedings Mrs. Corscaden, of Richmond, moved a hearty vote of
thanks to the artistes, specially mentioning the U.S. naval airmen, whose
impending departure from Ireland, she said, would be generally regretted.
The many friends they had made in Derry wished them God-speed and every
happiness and prosperity on their return home. (Applause) A vote
of thanks was also passed to Mrs. Gamble for organising the evening's
entertainment. The recreation room, in which the concert was held, was
beautifully decorated with ships' bunting and the flags of the Allies.
An impromptu dance followed.

Knowhead Presbyterian Church
2) Magheramason Presbyterian Church
3) Derry's Good Templar Lodge Concert
4) Blue Triangle Stall x 2
5) Carlisle Road Wesley Guild
6) Galdonagh Point Sabbath School Concert
7) Victory Concert at Manorcunningham
8) Burt Presbyterian Church 1921

Londonderry Elocution Competitions for 1918 & 1919 x 3
Choir Concerts 1921 x 2
St. Augustine's Girls' Jewish Guild (no date)
Londonderry Y.M.C.A. 1921
Y.M.C.A 1918
6) Fourth Derry Boys Brigade Concert 1922

1) Apprentice Boys of Derry Annual Concert 1918, Military Variety Concert
2) Derry Shipyard Male Voice Choir
3) Craig Memorial Hall Concert 1921 x 2
4) Clooney Hall Sale of Work x 2
5) Y.M.C.A. Male Voice Choir 1925 x 2
6) Strength of Glendermott Lodge I.O.G.T. 1922

1) First Derry Company Boys' Brigade Concert 1918

Children who took part in the Floral Fete at Carlisle Road Methodist Church
yesterday 1929
1) W.M.M.S.
2) Methodist Church, Bushmills
3) Athenaeum Public Speaking Society 1920
4) Athenaeum Dramatic Class x 3

1) Y.M.C.A. Annual Social 1921
2) Londonderry Y.M.C.A 1922
Derry "B" Specials Concert
4) Londonderry Y.M.C.A. Sentinel Dec. 31
Y.M.C.A. Male Voice Choir - Grand Concert
In Assembly Hall, Y.M.C.A., Tuesday Evening, 27th October, 1925
Artistes: Miss Eva Jamieson, Soprano; Miss Maud Laird, Contralto; Mr. G.
Trimby, D.C., Baritone and John Irvine (from Philadelphia),
Elocutionist. Accompanist, Miss G. Gransden & Conductor, Mr. T. A. Stewart
Londonderry Y.M.C.A. - Elocutionary Competitions - Ladies and Senior
19th February, 1918, Chairman, The President, Sir R. N. Anderson
Londonderry Y.M.C.A - Elocutionary Competitions - Challenge Night
26th January, 1918, Chairman, John Nelis, Esq.

1) Derry Sea Scouts
2) Londonderry Wounded Soldiers' Concert 1919
Salvation Army, Londonderry
4) Wedding? Wilson - McDowell
Death - Marriage Notices
Peacock - February 5, 1929, at her residence, High Street, Bangor,
Elizabeth, dearly-beloved wife of Walter Peacock (late of Londonderry).
Funeral to Bangor Cemetery. - Wife of Bandmaster Peacock, The Bangor
Salvation Army Corps. Albert J. Grottick, Ensign C.O. & Jack Robinson,
Cordiner - Gamble - October 22, 1919, at First Ray Presbyterian
Church, Manorcunningham, by the Rev. S. J. Parker, B.A., Robert Keith,
second son of William Cordiner, Abercorn Road, Londonderry, to Annie J.,
third daughter of Thomas Gamble, Lismoughery, St. Johnston.

Free and Preserve Iron & Steel from Rust
2) Westland Drive, Cliftonville for sale
'Goodnight' How sad are they when forced to say "Good Night!" But
slumbers sweet shall make their faces bright.
Copyright 1880 'Good Mornin'
Sweet sleep and rest have cheered the joyous throng; "Good Morning" is the
burden of their Song

Abernethy, Belfast
Hall, New York

Answers to QUIZ |