Belfast News-Letter, Friday, April 12, 1935
Gymnastic Club for Unemployed - Committee's Proposal in Comber Area
The secretary, at the bi-monthly meeting of the Newtownards Local
Employment Committee, reporter that there were at present wholly unemployed
in the Newtownards district, 1,068 persons, compared with 1,155 two months
ago, and that temporary stoppages were much the same - namely, 324. At
Bangor, the figures were:- Wholly unemployed, 741, against 788; and
temporary stoppages, 26, compared with 25. The decreases were said to
be due mainly to recommencement of road work and quarrying. There was
an increase of the number of bricklayers unemployed, but a decrease in the
painting end of the building trade. During the period the exchanges
placed 67 persons in work locally and 48 in other districts. Further
consideration was given to the establishment of recreational and
occupational centres in the area. It was thought that it might be
possible to start a gymnastic club in Comber about the beginning of the
autumn. As regards Newtownards, where there are already reading and
recreational rooms and a garden plot scheme, consideration of further
development along occupational training lines was deferred until the next
meeting. MORE UNEMPLOYED IN ARMAGH At the meeting of the Armagh
Main Local Employment Committee the figures submitted were as follows:-
Wholly unemployed, 1,291 men, ? boys, 321 women, 4 girls, 1,623, an increase
of 505 compared with last report; temporary stoppages, 101 men, 1 boy, 198
women, 8 girls, 308, an increase of 11. The report shows an increase
of 516 on the register compared with last report. The increase is due
to a general slackness of work of a seasonal nature. There were 28
vacancies filled during March.
Widow and Chauffer Accused - Murder of Woman's Husband - "Dared me to
Kill" (part)
Sensational and contradictory evidence was forthcoming at Bournemouth
Police Court, yesterday, when Mrs. Alma Victoria Rattenbury, a young widow,
and George Percy Stoner (19), a chauffeur, were charged with the murder of
Francis Mawson Rattenbury (67), a retired architect, husband of the woman
prisoner, at Bournemouth on 24th March. It was alleged by the
prosecution that Mrs. Rattenbury, in a statement to the police, said:- "I
was playing cards with my husband when he dared me to kill him, as he wanted
to die. I picked up the mallet. He said, 'You have not got courage
enough to do it." I then hit him with the mallet." It was further
alleged by the prosecution that when the chauffeur, Stoner, who was employed
by Mr. Rattenbury, was arrested and charged with murder, he said: "Mrs.
Rattenbury had nothing to do with this affair. I hit him, and then told Mrs.
Rattenbury." TERRIFIED STATE Mr. Paling opening for the
prosecution said both Mr. and Mrs. Rattenbury had been previously married
and had had children. Of the marriage between them there was one son
John aged about six. On Sunday, 24th March, Mr. Paling continued, when
the maid returned home at 10-15 p.m., she saw Stoner on the landing looking
over the banisters down the stairs. He said he was looking to see if
all the lights were out. The maid went to bed but between 11 and 11.30
she was called by Mrs. Rattenbury and ran downstairs to the drawing-room.
There she saw Mrs. Rattenbury, who is described as being in a terrified
state. Mr. Rattenbury was sitting in the armchair which is by the fire
grate with his back to the window. Mr. Rattenbury was carried to his
bedroom and a doctor, sent for on Mrs. Rattenbury's instructions, attended
him. Continuing, Mr. Paling said Mrs. Rattenbury was very excited and
was running backwards and forwards about the room with a glass of whiskey
and soda. She said she had gone to bed early and was awakened by a
cry. She went downstairs and found her husband lying on the chair.
Counsel described Mr. Rattenbury's wounds which were about the head.
"LIVED TOO LONG" Mr. Paling went on to say that when a police
constable went to the house Mrs. Rattenbury was in her pyjamas covered by a
dressing gown, and according to the officer appeared to have been drinking.
She told the constable she had played cards with her husband for a short
while. Later Mrs. Rattenbury said to the officer: "I did it with a
mallet, which is hidden. Rats (apparently the name she called him by) has
lived too long. No, my lover did it. I will give you £10 - no, I won't bribe
you." Inspector Mills later told Mrs. Rattenbury that her husband was
in a critical condition. She said: "Will this be against me? I
did it. He has lived too long. He said 'Dear, dear,' I will tell
you in the morning where the mallet is . . . . I shall make a better job of
it next time. I made a proper muddle of it. I thought I was
strong enough." The police during a search found a mallet.
CHAUFFEUR'S STATEMENT Inspector Mills took a signed statement from
Stoner, who said: "I retired to my bedroom at about 8-5 p.m. on Sunday, 24th
March, leaving Mr. and Mrs. Rattenbury and the boy John in the drawing-room.
About 10-30 p.m. I was aroused by Mrs. Rattenbury shouting to me to come
down. I came down into the drawing-room and saw Mr. Rattenbury sitting
in the armchair with blood running from his head. Mrs. Rattenbury was
crying and screaming, and said to me, 'Help me to get "Rats" into bed. He
has been hurt.' I then took the car and went to Doctor O'Donnell's
house, but he had left before I got there. When I returned I cleaned
the blood from the floor on the instructions of Mrs. Rattenbury. Mrs.
Rattenbury was sober, and as far as I know she had not been drinking.
"I never seen a mallet on the premises. Until I was aroused I heard no
sounds of quarrelling or noise of any kind. Since September, 1934, I
had been employed by Mr. and Mrs. Rattenbury, and they had been on the best
of terms. I said to Mrs. Rattenbury, 'How did this happen?' she said,
'I do not know.'" In reply to the charge, Mrs. Rattenbury made a
statement, which was taken down in writing, and she signed it.
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ACCUSED "A portion of the evidence in the
submission of the prosecution," said Mr. Paling, "will clearly show that the
relationships between the accused persons were not confined to those usually
adopted or expected between servants and the wife of his master. You
may think that the statements she made as to having struck the blow are not,
perhaps, strictly accurate, and that the statement made by Stoner that he
was the first one that struck the blows on Mr. Rattenbury.....
Belfast News-Letter, Friday, April 19, 1935
Road Deaths, Car Speed, Goods Vehicles, Ulster T.T. Race,
Drivers' Hours of Work, Debating Grants, Duties on Northern Goods

Belfast News-Letter, May 3, 1935
(part story) Workman Fatally Burned - Accident at Belfast
Electricity Station
James Martin, of Glenwherry Street, died in the Royal Victoria Hospital
this morning from burns received in an accident...
Belfast News-Letter, Friday, May 10, 1935
Sheep Killed by Dog
Fines totalling 41s were imposed at Garvagh Petty Sessions yesterday on
Alexander Joseph Farlow, Leck, Coleraine, who was summoned for failing to
keep his dog under control, for allowing it to be at large between sunset
and sunrise, and for not having it licensed. William Holley, farmer,
Cashel, said that on Sunday, 14th April, he saw two dogs coming out of the
field, and recognised one of them as belonging to defendant. Later he
found that four of his ewes, a ram, and two lambs had been killed.
Constable McKenna said that Farlow, in a statement, admitted that he had no
licence for the dog, which had been missing from the previous Friday, 12th
April. In evidence Farlow said that the dog had not yet returned.
District-Inspector Robinson said that on 27th April no fewer than 26 ewes
were killed by dogs on the mountain, and he asked that a stern warning
should be given to owners.
Ulster Egg-Laying Test - Official Results up to the 21st April - Rhode
Island Reds Again Lead
The results of the egg-laying test (pullets) from 8th October last to
21st April, when the seventh period of four weeks ended, have just been
issued by the Northern Ireland Ministry of Agriculture. It will be
remembered that 136 pens, of six pullets each, are competing. There
was a further increase in egg production (says the report), the average for
all the birds having been 20 eggs per bird, as compared with 19.3 for the
previous period. The average for the corresponding period last year
was 19.5 eggs per bird. The highest average for the period under
review is again to the credit of the Rhode Island Reds in Section 3, namely,
21.9 eggs per bird; the Rhode Island Reds in Section 5 (c) being next with
an average of 20.9 eggs per bird. The following table gives the names
of owners of pens, and the number of super-grade eggs laid by each pen (the
total number of eggs laid also appearing in brackets) up to 21st April :-
Section I. - White Wyandottes (27 pens) - Mr. R. A. Copeland, Blackskull,
Dromore, Co. Down, 695 super-grade eggs (total number laid 855), value £5 5s
3d; Mrs. E. Johnston, Rathgael, Bangor 548 (837; Mrs. R. J. Beck, Cleigh,
Corbet, Banbridge, 455 (842); Mr. J. C. Stewart, Balloo, Killinchy, 381
(865) (1 dead); Mrs. H. G. Darley Trory, Ballinamallard, 251 (847) (1 dead);
Lieut.-Col. J. P. Galbraith, Clanabogan, Omagh, 404 (798); Mrs. J. Warnock,
Tower View, Rathegael, (Rathgael) Bangor, 444 (756); Mrs. A. Peel,
Oakleigh, Roses Lane Ends, Ballinderry, 564 (758); Villa Colony Poultry
Farm, Purdysburn, Belfast, 318 (771); Lieut. Col. J. P. Galbraith,
Clanabogan, Omagh, 391 (777); Mrs. E. Johnston, Rathgael, Bangor, 347 (726);
Mr. J. Stuart, Killyflue, Ballymena, 53 (861); Mr. W. McKelvey, Herdstown,
Donaghadee, 232 (797); Mr. T. Foote, Broughmore, Maze, Lisburn, 286 (740);
Mr. D. McCance, Knocknagoney, Strandtown, 361 (701); Mrs. V. G. Cope,
Drumilly, Loughgall, 294 (731); Mrs. V. G. Cope, Drumilly, Loughgall, 183
(685); Mrs. W. J. Robinson, Edenderry Cottage, Omagh, 217 (603); Miss E.
Kennedy, Tullyreagh, Glarryford, 172 (719); Mr. F. W. Pelan, Sycamore Hill,
Lambeg, 324 (672); Agricultural & Horticultural College, Greenmount,
Muckamore, 157 (661); Mr. R. Tolerton, Holborn Hall, Plantation, Lisburn,
426 (564); Mr. G. McCormick, Brookend House, Stewartstown, 468 (583); Mrs.
H. E. Stevenson, Dreemore, Dungannon, 141 (625); Mrs. H. L. Watson, Mount
Nebo, Gilnahirk, 126 (597); Mr. G. N. Robson, Ballyhamage, Doagh, 109 (520)
(1 dead); Mr. H. A. Montgomery, Carthall House, Coleraine, 94 (448) (1
Section II :- White Leghorns (14 pens) - Mr. (missing) Kilwaughter, 215
(missing) 231 (715) (Light Sussex); Mrs. F. R. Browne, Lakeview,
Enniskillen, 86 (676) (Light Sussex); Mrs. B. Murland, Ardnabannon,
Annsborough 179 (685) (Light Sussex); Miss M. Crowe, Knappagh, Killyleagh,
Co. Armagh, 119 (677) (Light Sussex); Mr. W. Sinclair, Holy Hill, Strabane,
117 (693) (Exchequer Leghorn); Mr. T. J. McMillan, Crossgar Poultry Service,
Crossgar; 127 (583) (Barred Road - 1 dead); Mrs. M. Finlay, Langfield,
Armoy, 206 (585) (Light Sussex); Mrs. T. J. McLaren, Ballykeel,
Sixmilecross, 254 (588) (Light Sussex); Mrs. A. Anderson, Ballymore,
Limavady, 124 (538) (Light Sussex - 1 dead); Mrs. G. S. Parker, Lakeside,
Tullyveery, Killyleagh, 147 (442) (Light Sussex); Mrs. C. C. Meara,
Coalisland, Co. Tyrone, 48 (495) (Light Sussex); Mr. T. E. Taylor, Silver
Dotte Poultry Farm, Ballyrobert, Craigavad; 1 (366) (Silver laced Wyandotte
- 2 dead).
Section V. (a) - White Wyandottes (17 pens) - Miss M. McAlister, Turnpike
House, Back Hamullagh, Dromore, Co. Down, 765 super-grade eggs (total laid,
818, value £4 19s 1d; Mrs. R. McCullough, Bruslee, Ballyclare, 331 (925);
Mrs. R. McDowell, Glenford, Glenoe, Larne, 271 (944); Miss A. Brown,
Ballyhill, Crumlin, Co. Antrim, 465 (782); Miss H. Knox, Templepatrick
House, Donaghadee, 422 (801); Mrs. H. McGrattan, Kintaugh, Portaferry, 216
(781); Miss M. Lynch, Drumaneeny Farm, Eglinton, Co. Derry, 132 (844); Miss
E. L. Wilson, The Hill, Moneycree, Armagh 172 (766); Mrs. M. J. Veitch,
Knockninny, Thompson's Bridge, Enniskillen, 360 (718); Mrs. S. Todd,
Sunbeam, Ballymullen, Lisburn, 74 (773); Mrs. J. C. Bell, Donaghanie,
Beragh, Co. Tyrone, 342 (696) (1 dead); Mrs. C. E. Crooke, The Rocks,
Blaney, Enniskillen, 212 (735); Mrs. W. Martin, Knockvale, Katesbridge,
Banbridge, 221 (660); Mrs. J. Armstrong, Keeranbeg House, Donagh,
Lisnaskea, 101 (601); Mr. T. Ross, Portmuck, Islandmagee, 165 (576); Mrs. O.
O'Doherty, Dressogue, Drumquin, Co. Tyrone, 71 (595) (1 dead); Mrs. R.
McClure, Ballytresna, Randalstown 188 (509) (1 dead).
Section V (b) - White Leghorns (14 pens) - Mrs. R. Gillespie, Drumlester,
Sixmilecross, 446 super-grade eggs (total laid, 801), value £4 7s 1d; Mrs.
W. Crawford, Redergan, Beragh, Co. Tyrone, 540 (762); Mrs. J. Knox,
Shanmullagh, Ederney, Co. Fermanagh, 285 (752); Mrs. M. Noble,
Roundpark House, Killycramph, Lisnaskea, 473 (632); Mrs. J. Stafford,
Rahouey, Dromore, Co. Tyrone, 107 (643) (1 dead); Mrs. J. Brown, Gorsebank,
Culcrum, Cloughmills, 279 (653) (1 dead); Miss E. M. Irwin, Termeil House,
Dungiven, Co. Derry, 177 (622) (1 dead); Mrs. M. A. Donnelly, Kilmore
Belfast News-Letter, May 17, 1935
Correspondence - A Castlerock Housing Grievance - To the
Editor of the "Belfast News-Letter"
Sir - If I told you that a large number of people in the world were
starving it might excite your pity, but it would not be likely to stir your
conscience into any action. If, on the other hand, I told you that
next door to you there was a family of starving children you would
immediately set about searching your larder or your pantry to see what you
could do to relieve their distress. If I tell the public that there is
bad housing in Northern Ireland it is not likely to stir the public
conscience so much as the telling of actual facts which have come under by
own observation. I have already put before your readers two cases of
bad housing of a most deplorable character. May I venture to tell the
public of another house in my parish? Early this year a family in this
area passed through a time of sorrow. The house in which they live is
utterly inadequate for their needs and these poor people are subjected to
most miserable conditions. Measuring their house I found the total
area to be 17 feet x 13 feet 5 inches. A partition of wood divides
this area into two compartments, a bedroom and kitchen. In the month
of February last this was too total accommodation for a family of nine
persons - a man, his wife, and seven members of the family. In wet
weather the house shows distressing evidence of damp. On the 20th of
February sorrow came to this house, and reduced the number of the household.
One of the children - a little girl almost four years old - died. Her
remains were laid to rest in the graveyard of this parish. It is a
very harsh and cruel wind which does no good and brings no consolation.
What good came of the child's death? When the small coffin was carried
from the home the vacant place left a little more room for those who
mourned. I visited them on Tuesday last; they are still in the
same house. Within the narrow limits of 17 feet by 13 feet 5 inches
this family still lives. Here they eat and sleep and wash and bake and
cook - manage as best they can. For the woman of the house life must
be one of unceasing toil in circumstances which no one with any heart or
conscience could regard with an untroubled mind. I leave your readers
to form their own opinion. I have formed my opinion. Too many of
our people are living in housing conditions here which are harsh and
inhuman. It is a violation of the laws of Christian brotherhood and
the Christian faith. This scandalous thing must be brought to an end
without delay. That these people should find themselves compelled to
have another winter in the same conditions is something which is too painful
to contemplate. Immediate action ought to be taken to meet the most
pressing cases, and put an end to the cruel hardships which some of our
citizens have too long endured. - Yours, etc. (Rev.) A. P. Chamberlain, The
Vicarage, Castlerock, 16th May 1935
Belfast News-Letter, Friday, May 24, 1935
British Forces in Iraq - Lord Londonderry and Recent R.A.F.
In the House of Lords, yesterday, Lord ??abolgi asked the Air Minister
whether he had any further information about the recent loss of an R.A.F.
bombing machine in Iraq, when the aeroplane was shot down in flames by
revolting tribesmen; what was the present position of the Royal Air Forces
in Iraq with regard to giving assistance to the Government of that country
in suppressing disorder; and where did the ultimate responsibility lie for
the use of our forces in that country in suppressing internal disturbances.
The Marquis of Londonderry replied that the information he had received
indicated that while it was impossible to say definitely how the air-craft
was brought down, the probability was that it was fired at by disaffected
tribesmen in the belief that it belonged to the Iraqi Air Force. "The
machine was not, it seems," he added, shot down in flames, but was set on
fire by the tribesmen after the dead bodies of the occupants had been taken
out. There is, of course, no doubt upon on point - namely, that the
air-craft was brought down, the probability was that ??ourse of its duty and
was not taking part in any way against the rebels." Lord Londonderry
said the only circumstances in which the question could arise of British
forces in Iraq being concerned in suppressing internal disorder would be if
our internal communications were threatened. "I hope," he added, "that
this is a remote contingency, and I am glad to be able to say that the most
recent information from Iraq is to the effect that the local disturbances in
the Middle Euphrates area have considerably abated."
Derry Woman's Theft - "Money to Buy Comforts for Invalid Child"
How a young woman stole to provide for the comfort of an invalid child
was related at Derry Petty Sessions yesterday, when Mrs. Agnes Graham,
Spencer Road, pleaded guilty to the larceny of articles of wearing apparel
valued at £2 15s, the property of Margaret Boyd, with whom defendant and
husband formerly resided. Mr. P. Maxwell, defending, said that Mrs.
Graham had two children, one of whom was an invalid. At the time of
her marriage both she and her husband were in good positions, but, like many
others, they had fallen on evil times through unemployment. They had
30s per week from the Labour Exchange, and most of that went for what he
might call luxuries for the invalid child. Miss Boyd worked during the
day and, during her absence, Mrs. Graham pawned the stolen articles for
money of which she was very badly in need. Mr. Maxwell said that if
the magistrates dealt leniently with the defendant she was prepared to have
the property restored. The magistrates adjourned their decision.
Mother's Tragic Ordeal - Brings Son Out of Pond Dead After Diving In
A woman who dived into a mill pond yesterday to save her four-years-old
son had the tragic experience of bringing him out dead. She was Mrs.
Marsh of Tyrone Crescent, Bamford, near Rochdale (Lancs.), whose boy,
Stewart, fell into the water when attempting to retrieve a ball. Mrs.
Marsh swam to her son and, holding on to a post, kept him up until she was
taken from the water by a neighbour. Artificial respiration failed to
revive the boy.
Men Who Ran Clinics For The Deaf - "Gross and Systematic Fraud" - Sent to
Described by Mr. Justice Finlay as having been found guilty of a very
gross and systematic fraud. Albert Charles (41) engineer, of Park Way,
Frien Barnet (Middlesex), was at Northamptonshire Assizes yesterday
sentenced to ten months' imprisonment in the send division, and John Charles
Frank Pratt (31), traveller, of Park Road, Crouch End, London, to five
months in the second division. The jury found them guilty on three or
four charges of obtaining money by false pretences, also of conspiring
together between 1st November and 1st December, 1934, at Northampton, to
defraud such persons as might be induced to part with money by falsely
representing that they were carrying on a genuine clinic for the treatment
of the deaf, and of the further charge in relation to a clinic at Bedford
between 22nd December and 26th January. The remaining two counts were
withdrawn. One was a charge of false pretences, the complainant in
which was too ill to attend the court, and the other a conspiracy charge in
connection with a clinic at Chester, of which the Judge said that he did not
think there was sufficient evidence to go to the jury. BASIS FOR FEES
Charles said that he had conducted clinics at Doncaster, Nottingham,
Wakefield, Birmingham and York, but he could not remember at the moment any
others. He based his fees on the circumstances of the patients.
He still believed the treatment was of value. At Peterborough he ran a
clinic for ten months and treated from 300 to 400 patients. Pratt said
Charles offered him a post as a higher remuneration than he was getting as a
potato salesman, and gave him instructions as to what to do. He denied
having told any patients he could cure them.
Fifty Years in Army - Omagh Recruiting Official Retires
Mr. David McKillop, Church Street, Omagh, has resigned, under the age
limit, his position as assistant in the recruiting office at Omagh military
depot, after almost 50 years' service in the Army. Mr. McKillop joined
the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers at Omagh in 1885m when under 17.
After serving in Malta and India, he was with the 2nd Battalion Royal
Inniskilling Fusiliers in the South African War, and on returning home in
1903 was posted to the 5th Battalion (Donegals) as musketry instructor,
being later transferred to the 3rd Battalion at Enniskillen. He
rejoined the Army in 1916, and served in France as a company
quartermaster-sergeant in the Labour Corps. He attended the Queen's
Jubilee parade in Aldershot in 1887, was one of the sergeants who attended
the "at home" given by Mr. Joseph Chamberlain at Mafeking, and was a member
of Lord Kitchener's guard in South Africa.
Belfast Rotary Club - Election of Officers at Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Belfast Rotary Club was held in the Grand
Central Hotel last night, Mr. David J. Thompson presiding. For the
year commencing 1st July Mr. Gordon J. Stephenson was elected president, and
Mr. W. D. Geddis, vice-president. The hon. treasurer, Mr. J. W.
Lindsay, and the hon. secretary, Mr. Wilfred W. Weston, were re-elected.
The following are the members of the council - Messrs. R. P. C. Gotto, R. R.
Bowman, S. Freeman, E. R. Ingram, J. Sawers, E. Dempster, W. C. Tate, and J.
H. Norritt.
Belfast News-Letter, Friday May 31, 1935
Army Recruiting
There is a recruiting tent at the showgrounds, where recruiting
sergeants, under Major D. Gray, are kept busy distributing literature
dealing with life in the British Army. Quite a number of young men,
influenced apparently by the cavalry display, inquired at the tent as to the
conditions of service, while others also with a taste for soldiering, ask
specially for information about infantry, not being too keen about trusting
themselves to a horse.
Ex-Service Men's Treat
Under the auspices of the Not Forgotten Association a number of men from
Craigavon U.V.F. Hospital were provided with stand ?? by the committee of
the Royal Ulster Agricultural Society yesterday afternoon. Mrs. ?eeney
and friends from Newcastle very kindly entertained the men to tea during the
afternoon. To all those who helped to make the ??ing so enjoyable the
association's committee return their grateful thanks.
Pig Weight Judging
Competitors were required to estimate the live weight, dead weight, and
grade carcase - 1, John Gaston, Carnimore, Clough, Co. Antrim; 2, Mrs. F.
Morrow, Ardijon, Killyleagh; 3, T. J. ??ddy, Cabragh, Dungannon
Portadown Show
The twenty-fifth annual show of the County Armagh Agricultural Society
will be held at Portadown on Thursday next, 6th June. Splendid entries
of cattle, horses, pigs, poultry, pigeons and dogs have been received, and
there will be numerous and attractive side shows, including a hunting
demonstration by the Newry Harriers, a display of working sheep dogs (under
the control of Mr. A. P. Wilson), a special programme of military band
music, and one of the most interesting home industries exhibits ever staged
in Portadown. There will also be a competition for cattle judging by
young farmers and an interesting exhibit under the auspices of the Ministry
of Agriculture and County Committee of Agriculture. The judging will
commence at 10-30 a.m., the parade of prizewinners at 2.30, and the
afternoon events at 3 p.m. Special fares to and from Portadown have
been arranged by the transport companies.
Tribute To The Show - Argentine Expert's Opinion of Ulster Livestock
In a breakfast talk from Balmoral Showgrounds yesterday evening, Mr.
Guillermo St. J. Peters, agricultural editor of the "Buenos Aires Herald"
and a leading authority in the Argentine on all matters relating to
agriculture and livestock, paid a high tribute to the Royal Ulster Show and
the standard of the livestock exhibits. Mr. Peters, who was one of the
judges of the shorthorn classes, said: "The present exhibition, which I
would characterise as a marvellous spectacular effort, demonstrating at
every point a masterful and careful organisation and management, is an
unequivocal proof of the high standard obtained by breeders of pedigree farm
livestock in Northern Ireland, and, while reflecting the inherent virtues of
her breeders, also vividly portrays the science and excellence of those of
her sons engaged in the manufacture of agricultural machinery, as well as
that required for her other industries, and which are so ably depicted in
your magnificent King's Hall and spacious showgrounds to-day."
School leaving Age - No Legislation in Britain This Year (From a Lobby
The Government has no intention of introducing legislation at present on
the question of raising the school-leaving age in Great Britain, but it is
expected that measures will be taken in the near future to prepare a scheme
with a view to its application a couple of years after it has been passed
into law. It is estimated that an interval of about two years would be
necessary to bring a scheme into full operation. Questions of
accommodation and the training of teachers arise in the consideration of
this problem in present circumstances, and a further complication is that
the numbers of children of school age will begin to decline after 1938.
It is not proposed, there-fore, to bring in legislation this year.
Belfast News-Letter, Friday, June 14, 1935
School Leaving Age - Educationists Demand That it be Raised
The association of Educational Authorities at Southport yesterday passed
a resolution, with four dissentients, demanding the raising of the school
leaving ago to fifteen. Sir George Lunn, chairman of the
Newcastle-on-Tyne Education Committee, said that no proposals along those
lines could be considered without an approved scheme of maintenance grants
in necessitous cases. He suggested, humorously, that the conference
should send a telegram to the new President of the Board of Education, Mr.
Oliver Stanley, in the following terms:- "School leaving age fifteen, On,
Stanley, on." Sir Percy Jackson, chairman of the West Riding Education
Committee said the Government could no longer resist the appeal to raise the
school leaving age. Councillor C. G. Gordon, of Liverpool, suggested
that the age should be raised to sixteen. He said that would prove to
be the salvation of this country, economically, socially and educationally.
Alderman H. Jackson, of Sheffield, urged that the cost of raising the school
age should be borne by the State. The Government, he said, had never
given them a square deal with regard to finance.
40-Hour-Week - Draft Convention Sent to Special Committee, Geneva,
The general draft convention for a 40-hour-week for which the workers'
group at the International Labour Conference has pressed, was this afternoon
referred by 79 votes to 26 to a special committee. This committee is
also considering the proposed five special conventions for certain
individual industries. The view that the decision of the conference to
re-open the question of a blanket 40-hour week convention was a great
mistake was expressed by the British Government delegate, Mr. Leggett,
to-day. Reuter
Alexandra Day - Belfast Children's Hospitals Appeal for Financial Help
To-day is Alexandra Day in Belfast, and the public is requested to
support liberally this annual effort on behalf of the Belfast Hospital for
Sick Children (Falls Road) and the Ulster Hospital for Children and Women
(Templemore Avenue). Alexandra rose emblems will be on sale in the
streets and there will also be a door-to-door collection. As both
these deserving institutions reply entirely on public generosity and are
essential in the city, it is hoped that the collection will result in a
bumper sum for the funds. In view of the excellence of the work done
by these institutions for the children, the Lady Mayoress (Lady McCullagh)
earnestly asks for generous support and will gratefully receive
subscriptions sent to her at the City Hall.
Imprisoned Father Released - Home Office Told of Little Daughter's Grief
A miner of Thurnscoe, near Doncaster (Yorks), has been released from
prison after serving eleven days of a term of one month because of his
little daughter's illness. A few days after he had been sentenced by
the West Riding magistrates at Doncaster on a coal stealing charge, the
three-years-old daughter of Arthur Fowell began to ask for him, fretted, and
then became seriously ill with pneumonia. Upon being acquainted with
the facts Mr. M. Noakes, chairman of the Bench which committed Fowell, took
the initiative in bringing the case to the notice of the Home Office, with
the result that Fowell has not only been released but the remainder of his
sentence has been cancelled. Fowell has returned home, and though his
little girl is still seriously ill she shows slight signs of improvement.
Belfast Shipyard Strike - Electric Welders at the Queen's Island
The strike of electric welders at Messrs. Harland & Wolff's Shipyard,
Belfast, is to continue as a result of a meeting of their section of the
Amalgamated Transport and General Workers' Union yesterday. Over a
week ago about 130 apprentices left their work and on Tuesday last they were
followed by 70 men.
A Liverpool Tragedy - Wife Found Not Guilty of Murder - Graphic Story of
Mrs. Muriel Eugenia Murdoch (26)m of Breck Road, Liverpool, give
dramatic evidence at Liverpool Assizes yesterday before she was acquitted on
a charge of the murder of her husband, James Murdoch (25). Mr.
Murdoch, who was in deep mourning, said that she and her husband had been
married for six years, and were happy. They had two children. On
the night of 7th May she visited a girl friend, and arranged to accompany
her and Murdoch to the Jubilee celebrations. When she returned home
she found her husband cutting up one of her coats to make one for their
little girl. "I told him he had no business to cut up my coat," said
Mrs. Murdoch. "He said that if he wanted to cut it up he would do so,
and came over to me and said that what was mine was his. He got hold
of my wrists. There was a struggle, and he struck me over the head and
shoulders. He struck me to the floor, and I feel into the fireplace.
As I pulled myself up by the oven door he came towards me." THREW A
FILE "I thought he had lost his head, and was going to do something.
I put my hand on the oven top, and threw a file, which we used as a poker,
towards him to stop or frighten him. I did not intend to hit him.
I would not have hurt him for the world. He put his hand to his head,
and said, 'You have hurt me,' I bathed his head, and said, 'I am
sorry, Jim.' He said, 'We all have our quarrels,' and he then kissed
me." Dr. Shannon, of Manchester Prison, said that he examined Mrs.
Murdoch and found bruises on her eye and various pats of her body. For
the prosecution it was stated that Murdoch died in the early hours of the
8th May from compression of the brain, caused by internal bleeding from a
wound in the temple caused by a file. The jury retained a verdict of
"not guilty" without leaving the box, and Mrs. Murdoch was discharged.
Why Omagh Milk Was Bad
When Dr. J. M. Johnston, medical superintendent at the Tyrone and
Fermanagh Mental Hospital, Omagh, made an adverse report to the committee
yesterday on the milk supple, he said that in the opinion of the pathologist
this was due to the cows being kept standing in the byre in the summer time.
The milk was so bad that one sample was unfit for human use. The
committee decided to have the byres better ventilated.
Fine of £90 at Garvagh
A penalty of £90 was imposed by Mr. H. R. Jones, R.M., and other
magistrates at Garvagh yesterday, on Felix P. Bradley, Killynumber,
Tobermore, for having used an untaxed motor lorry. The fine was three
times the amount of the tax, and the Bench recommended a mitigation.
At the same court, William Woodend, Cah, Garvagh, pleaded guilty to the
theft of an overcoat belonging to Elizabeth Cunningham, of the same place,
and was dealt with under the Probation of Offenders Act on payment of costs.
Miss Cunningham said she left the coat in a garage, but Woodend said he
found it on the roadside.
Belfast News-Letter, Friday, June 21, 1935
Cattle Sale Fiasco - Sympathetic Farmers Refuse to Bid
An advertised sale of milk beasts to realise ten pounds under a County
Court execution ended in a fiasco at Manor Farm, Stannington, near
Sheffield, yesterday, no one in a crowd of about 150 milk producers making a
bid. The occupant of the farm is Mr. J. W. Rhodes, who explained to a
reporter that the sale had been ordered because he refused to pay his levies
to the Milk Marketing Board. He said he wanted freedom and had been
against the Board all along. A prominent member of the Sheffield Milk
Producers' Association, addressing his fellow members, said if they were all
Englishmen and refused to bid, the auctioneer, would go away and they would
have won their case. A few cows were rounded up, and when he mounted a
dray the aged auctioneer was greeted with the singing of "For he's a jolly
good Fellow." He started by saying he was there to carry out a very
unpleasant business, but could not help it. Pointing to a cow he asked
if there were any bids. There were cries of "No." Three times he
asked for bids, and each time the crowd roared "No" Observing that he
could not sell the cattle he got down from the dray. Someone moved a
note of thanks to the auctioneer, and he was lustily cheered as he made his
way to his car.
Welwyn Train Crash - Inquiry Opened in Public and Concluded in Private
Colonel A. H. L. Mount, of the Ministry of Transport, completed in
private shortly before eight o'clock last night the inquiry into the Welwyn
train disaster which has been opened in public earlier in the day.
Colonel Mount, at the outset, emphasised that the inquiry would deal
primarily with the technical aspects of the accident. "It is in no way
a court for the determination of legal responsibility of any kind," he said.
It might be necessary to hear evidence in private in order to obtain "the
frankest statement possible" from those who would be likely to be prejudiced
if that evidence were given in public. Mr. H. N. Gresley, chief
mechanical engineer to the L.N.E.R., said that the eleven coaches of the
10-53 train were entirely of modern stock with heavy steel under-frames.
The van which bore the whole brunt of the impact was crushed up into a very
small space. The next carriage - last but one in the train - went on
with the rest of the train, but the impact caused it to lose its bogies, and
the carriage fell over on its side. The front end still remained
coupled to the next vehicle, the third coach, which was held up almost on
its side and was dragged forward about 120 yards. "The remarkable
thing," Mr. Gresley said, "is that notwithstanding this tremendous
shock the buck-eye coupler held firm and kept this carriage from falling
right over on its side. I am told that in this particular carriage
nobody was killed. The passengers were able to get out of the doors
nearly facing to the sky, and were able to walk back to the station.
There was no telescoping whatever. Beyond these two carriages there
was no damage to the rest of the train. This was entirely due to the
heavy steel frames and the buck-eye couplers." Mr. Greasley said that
the last train, the 10-58, consisted of an engine and eleven vehicles
weighing altogether 394 tons. This train was not entirely composed of
modern stock, but the first three coaches were modern with heavy steel
underframes and buck-eye couplers. The first two were practically
undamaged. Three gas-lighted brake vans which followed were wrecked.
They had wooden underframes. Every vehicle coupled with buck-eyed
couplings remained coupled. On the vehicles with ordinary screw
couplings, the couplings were severed. With the buck-eye coupling the
whole shock was taken on very large india rubber buffers.
Death in Cushendall Church
Mrs. Thompson, wife of Mr. P. Thompson, Cairns, Cushendall, took ill and
died at early morning service in St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church,
Cushendall, yesterday.
Rope Trick in French Chamber - Girl Lowers Herself From Gallery -
Deputies Bewildered, Paris, Thursday
Great excitement was caused during the debate in the French Chamber
to-day when a young woman suddenly let down a rope from the visitors'
gallery, lowered herself to the floor like a skilled gymnast, and quietly
sat down in a member's seat. After a second's bewildered silence the
Deputies broke out in a storm of exclamations, and pandemonium reigned.
One of the questioners tried to persuade the intruder to go out quietly, but
she sat firmly in her place until two ushers eventually expelled her by
force. So unnerved and excited had the house become as the result of
this incident, however, that the sitting had to be suspended. HELPED
BY SISTER The young woman whose name was given as Genevieve Bost, was
aided in her spectacular feat by another girl, said to be her sister.
The latter helped her to climb over the balustrade, and slip down the wall
until she ended with a light jump on to the highest row of benches.
She then calmly walked towards the tribune, and sat down beside the
Socialist deputy, M. Varenne. She next called the Speaker's name three
times in a loud voice. Finally, the intruder allowed herself to be led
away quietly to be questioned by the Chamber authorities, while her sister
was taken to a police station. The Chamber authorities are not taking
a serious view of the interruption. "It was an incident which really
was not one," Reuter was told. "In any case it is closed." Mlle.
Bost, a pretty girl of 22 or 23, told the Chamber authorities that her
father was an officer. She lived at Cannes. As to her motives,
she had read an article in a weekly magazine on the dangers of depopulation,
and was anxious to draw the attention of the deputies to this grave problem.
Throughout her questioning she did not lose her composure. Her sister,
however, was much more upset when brought back from the police station, and
had a fit of weeping.
The Late Mr. George Burgess
The funeral of Mr. George Burgess, a well-known Belfast commercial
traveller, took place yesterday from his residence, Ardmore Avenue, to
Knockbreda Burying-ground. Mr. Burgess, who had been in failing health
for some time, was in the service of Messrs. Hughes, Dickson & Co. Ltd.,
flour millers, Belfast, for almost forty years, and travelled all over
Ulster as the representative of that firm. He was a first-rate
businessman, highly popular with his colleagues "on the road," and held in
high esteem by all those with whom he came in contact in commercial and
social life. The funeral was of a private nature, and the Rev. Louis
W. Crooks, rector of Knockbreda, conducted the services at the house and
graveside. Messrs. Adam Turner, Ltd., funeral furnishers, Clifton
Street, Belfast, had charge of the arrangements.
Campbell College Scholarships
The following have been awarded junior scholarships at Campbell College,
Belfast (the list is in alphabetical order) :- J. C. Driscoll, Campbell
College and Campbell College Preparatory School; J. T. M. Erskine, Campbell
College Preparatory School; H. McC. Giles, Campbell College; H. W. Good, Elm
Park, Killylea; C. S. Lindsay, Bangor Grammar School; S. A. W. Waters,
Baymount School, Dublin. The following have been awarded exhibitions
:- D. S. A. Monard, Campbell College; W. H. Rutherford, Campbell College.
Mr. Edgar Lansbury's Estate
Mr. Edgar Lansbury, son of Mr. George Lansbury, who died in May, aged
48, left the whole of his £7,956 estate to his wife (Miss Moyna MacGill, the
actress, a daughter of the late William McIldowie, solicitor, Belfast)
Belfast News-Letter, June 28, 1935
Tuberculosis Expert on a Vaccine "Efficacious to Considerable
A vaccine known as "B.C.G.," which has been accepted by authorities in
many countries, was referred to at the annual conference of the National
Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis at Southport yesterday.
The president (Sir Robert Philip) said that in Great Britain, so far, the
vaccine had not been largely used. "Have we in the country been
over-conservative in this matter?" he asked. ""If by the B.C.G.
the child can be immunised safely, effectively, and permanently the fact is
so fundamental as to limit the need for discussion in other directions.
"Behind the scenes - perhaps with British caution - there have been carried
out a very large number of observations. The evidence is quite clear
that B.C.G. vaccine is in the first place harmless, and it is efficacious up
to a considerable degree." Mr. K. Neville Irvine said that it was
desirable that an English source of supply should be available. Under
the Customs regulations it could be imported only under licence. Major
A. B. Mattinson, a veterinary surgeon, stated that the country was being
deluged with unwanted milk. The maintenance of a tubercle-free herd is
a commercial impossibility. The milk industry was suffering acutely
from over-production. He believed that about 12 million more gallons
were sent in to the Milk Marketing Board last March than in the previous
March. That glut was deluging the country with unwanted milk, the
manufacturing price of which was an appalling drain upon the finances of the
scheme. "I believe that the very existence of dairy-farming depends
upon the milk marketing scheme, and that its failure must spell disaster.
It is necessary to consider if this giant is not standing upon feet of
Father and Son Hanged - Believed to be First Execution of Kind, St.
Thomas (Ontario), Thursday
A father and his 21 year old son were hanged in the courtyard of the
Elgin County Jail here to-day for the murder of Police Constable Colin
McGregor, on 7th May last year. The father's name was Frank Mactemple
and his son's Fred Mactemple. A double execution of this nature is
probably unique in criminal annals. Constable McGregor was killed in a
gun battle when police went to the Mactemple home to arrest the son on a
theft charge, Reuter
Belfast News-Letter, Friday, July 5, 1935
(I don't have all this story)
McClintock said: "Strange! I have just received a letter from that part."
He was asked if he knew Collin Villa, and his wife replied that was the name
of the teacher's residence. Witness asked the name of Mrs.
McClintock's friend, and she replied Miss Hay. I asked, continued the
witness, if she was a Miss Hay, and gave as a reason for it that I had heard
the teacher appointed was a widow with a daughter. My wife stated: "I
heard she was a widow and a connection of the Rev. Hay, of Lisburn."
Mrs. McClintock replied to that: "No; I was trained with her." The
witness added that there was general conversation and also references to the
teaching of Irish in the Free State. His Lordship - Did Mrs.
McClintock say, "Oh no, she never was married! - No. Would it not have
been a natural thing for her to sat? - It would, my lord. Did you
state that Miss Hay was not properly appointed? - No. Mrs. McClintock
has stated you did; that is all an invention? queried his Lordship. - I did
not say it. Replying to Mr. Chambers, the witness stated that he
first heard that Miss Hay considered herself injured by something he was
supposed to have stated was when he received a letter from Mr. Osborne in
November. CHARGED BEFORE PRESBYTERY Counsel read a letter
written by defendant denying that he uttered any slanderous words concerning
Miss Hay. Mr. Chambers - Was there a charge preferred against you
before the Presbytery? - Yes. Was that charge pursued? - No. Did
you, at Portstewart or anywhere else, make any reflections upon Miss Hay's
moral character? - I never did. Replying to further questions, the
witness stated he never said Miss Hay had a daughter somewhere. His
Lordship - There would have been no harm in that if you believed she was a
widow. The witness went on to state that until he met Mrs. McClintock
he believed the teacher appointed to the school was a widow. He
accepted Mrs. McClintock's statement that the new teacher was a Miss Hay.
His Lordship - Doesn't it come to this that Mrs. McClintock's evidence is
all true and correct, except that you did not say you heard she was a widow?
There was no answer. Cross-examined by Mr. Lowry, the defendant said
he could not tell why Mrs. McClintock should ask if he knew "Colin View,"
which was the name of the teacher's residence at Donacloney. The
witness admitted that Miss Hay was not in occupation of the teacher's
residence, but he had not hindered her occupying it. Mr. Lowry
questioned the witness respecting legal proceedings which had taken place
regarding the school, and asked him of he was not anxious that he should be
reinstated as manager. The witness replied that he was not.
Counsel then read a letter signed by Mr. Dunwoodie, and forwarded to Mr.
Little, stating that he (Mr. Dunwoodie), with others, had been appointed
manager of the school. The witness explained that he signed the letter
as chairman of the committee. Questioned further by Mr. Lowry, the
witness stated he was removed from the position of manager of the school by
the Ministry of Education, and Mr. Little was appointed. LOCKED UP THE
SCHOOL Were you satisfied with it? - I was quite satisfied. So
satisfied that you locked up the school and Mr. Little had to come to the
Chancery Court and get an injunction against you! The defendant, in
further cross-examination, stated he did not disapprove of the appointment
of Mr. Little as manager of the school. Two men who desired
appointment to the school called with him. He denied he told Mrs.
McClintock anything about law-suits regarding the school, but afterwards
admitted that there might have been some conversation on that point, and
that they had been successful. Mr. Lowry - Why didn't you say that
immediately? The Lord Chief Justice - Some people are too modest.
The witness denied further statements in the evidence of Mrs. McClintock
regarding the conversation that had taken place between them at supper-time
in the boarding house. His Lordship - Why should Mrs. McClintock
invent all this; she was a stranger to you? - I could not say.
Answering further questions by his Lordship, the witness stated that he
believed he explained what the action was for. Counsel reminded the
witness that in his letter he did not state he believed the new teacher was
a widow, and the witness replied that his letter was practically the same
thing. Answering questions regarding the charge made to the
Presbytery, the witness stated Miss Hay was not invited to be present at the
meeting to confront him. His Lordship observed that it would, in his
opinion, have been better taste on defendant's part not to have attended
when he was involved. "FAIR DEALING" The witness was proceeding
to give reasons when His Lordship intervened with the remark - "You were
inside and this girl was kept on the door step, and you call that fair
dealing!" In re-examination by Mr. Chambers, the witness stated that
the reason the matter was not investigated was that Miss Hay had not
complied with the Code in making her complaint. Mrs. Dunwoodie
corroborated her husband's account of the conversation with Mrs. McClintock
at Portstewart. Cross-examined by Mr. Black, she stated that her
husband did not want to be reinstated as manager of the school. She
denied that the words complained of were spoken at any time by her husband
during the conversation, and also denied that she used the words: "Oh, Jack,
you are making a mistake!" Mr. Black - How did Mrs. McClintock know
you called your husband Jack? - I don't know. Do you sometimes address
him as Jack? - Yes. The witness declared that her husband was removed
from the position of manager of the school in 1930. He was not angry,
but she supposed he was hurt after having been manager of it for 25 years.
THE SUMMING UP, Lord Chief Justice on Clergymen as Witnesses. The Lord
Chief Justice, in the course of his summing-up, said it was a very important
case for the parties concerned, but it did not affect anybody else very
much. If it were true that the defendant said the plaintiff was a
woman who had a child "tucked away somewhere" that would be a very serious
slander and the jury would be entitled to give the plaintiff very
substantial damages. But if he said she was a widow with a child that
would be an entirely different matter. The jury should not be carried
away by the fact that the defendant was a clergyman, observed the Lord Chief
Justice, adding that he had been on the Bench eighteen years and he had
never found clergymen better witnesses than any other witnesses. He
did not attach much importance to a black waistcoat and the collar, but he
did attach importance to the demeanour of a witness in the witness-box.
Alluding to the evidence of the witness, Mrs. McClintock, the Lord Chief
Justice said he found very little difference between the admissions of Mr.
and Mrs. Dunwoodie and the statements made in evidence by the witness; the
real difference lay in the actual words used, and on that the jury must be
the judges. He (his Lordship) thought there was no doubt, in that
case, that the defendant was obsessed with hatred or distrust, or whatever
they liked to call it, about the turn the school management affairs had
taken. The defendant had himself been a school manager and had been
deposed, and ever since he had been ready to attack school management
affairs. If the defendant repeated, in a foolish way, some lying
report he had heard about the plaintiff he slandered her, and he ought to
pay for it. "If you think he is a silly old man," observed his
Lordship, "and when I says that I am not attacking him - and if you find he
used the words complained of you will give the plaintiff damages, because he
is not entitled foolishly to repeat any slander he may have heard." On
the subject of damages his Lordship said that, if the jury found the slander
proved, they should award such reasonable damages as would mark their
disapproval of the defendant's conduct. They might think a sum in the
region of £100 would meet the case, but he threw that out merely as a
suggestion. The matter of damages was one entirely for the jury to
decide. When the jury had retired to consider their verdict, Mr.
Chambers, for the defendant, asked his Lordship to note his (counsel's)
objection to that part of the summing-up relating to damages. The jury
found that "the defendant did use the words complained of," and they
assessed damages at £120. The Lord Chief Justice - Gentlemen, may I
say that I quite approve of your verdict. Judgment was entered in
accordance with the verdict.
Belfast News-Letter, Friday, July 19, 1935
Open-Air Nursery Schools - Success of Belfast Experiment -
Medical Officer of Health and Housing Needs
Pure Milk Supply
Ten open-air nursery schools in Belfast would ensure the building of a
strong and virile generation of men and women in Belfast, states Dr. Charles
S. Thomson, Medical Superintendent Officer of Health for the City, in his
annual report, which was issued yesterday. He would be failing in his
duty to the little children of this city and to the whole community, Dr.
Thomson states, if he neglected to draw attention to the splendid
opportunity they had of building a strong and virile generation of men and
women at a cost which would be infinitesimal having regard to the splendid
harvest they would reap. That could to a large extent be ensured if
they were to open ten open-air nursery schools in Belfast. It might
seem a startling statement to make, but it was none the less true, that they
would not find healthier and better nourished children - between two and six
years of age - in the city than they would find amongst the children
attending the Arellian Nursery School. The children are the sons and
daughters of the working classes in and around Utility Street. SANE
HYGIENE "Why are these children so rosy-cheeked, plump, and healthy?
It is all a matter of sane hygiene - cleanliness of the body, including the
teeth; good, wholesome, but simple food; a sleep period on stretcher beds in
the verandah; play periods, games and exercises - the whole conducted in a
bath of fresh air. If only this could be general amongst the toddlers
in the city! Think of the resistance to disease which such a regime
builds up. What would it all cost? Take the Arellian Nursery
School as an example. This simple structure is situated on a piece of
vacant ground between Utility Street and the railway. The building is
of wood, with tiled roof. The roof of the verandah is concrete.
It consists of one large room 50ft x 18ft., and of a kitchen, bathroom,
lavatories, cloakroom, staff room, and isolation room. The south side
of the large room has Crittal doors opening on to the verandah, so that the
whole south side can be open. The cost of the building, including
equipment (but not toys) was roughly £750." The school was opened in
1928, and owed its origin to past students of Richmond Lodge School, who in
1930 erected the present school to accommodate 36 children. Dr.
Thomson explains the working of the school, and states that there are
thousands of toddlers in the city who need the same glorious health-giving
chance of life. At present it is recognised throughout Britain, he
says, that 25 per cent. of children entering upon elementary school life are
found to be suffering from some defect, and the medical and dental
examinations conducted at these open-air nursery schools would be the means
of ascertaining and correcting these defects. He outs the annual cost
of running a school for 50 children in the region of £550 to £600.
INFANTILE MORTALITY Dealing with infantile mortality, the repost
states that the means adopted to reduce the infant death-rate are telling in
the right direction. "It is still necessary to combat the pessimists,
who believe that the "weakest must go to the wall." These people
forget that those causes which kill and carry off so many babies create a
large number who develop into sickly children, boys and girls, adolescents
and adults, many of whom require hospital treatment. Those causes
which reduce the infant mortality rate and send a healthier, happier
generation speeding on to take their place in the ranks of life. It
has been handed down to us by the fathers of the public health service that
the infant mortality rate is probably the best index we possess as to the
social circumstances of an area, inasmuch as a high rate tends to be
associated with bad housing, overcrowding, defective sanitation, combined
with maternal ignorance and neglect. A baby's environment is its own
Tuberculosis - Medical Officer and a Distguisting Habit (Disgusting)
Dr. Andrew Trimble, chief tuberculosis officer, states, in his report:-
"There is still room for a good deal of improvement in the matter of
refraining from spitting on footpaths and in public conveyances. Many
of the people who offend in this matter do so from want of thought, and only
need to have their attention directed to its danger. "Apart altogether
from the offence which this habit causes to others in the vicinity of the
person guilty of it, there is the grave risk that dried sputum carried in
the air will be inhaled by little children who may, thereby, become infected
not only with tuberculosis, but with other equally dangerous and infective
diseases." In regard to milk, he states:- It is satisfactory to note
that the demand for grade A milk goes on increasing from year to year; thus,
for the year ended 30th September, 1928, there were only 13 grade A
producers and distributors in the whole of Northern Ireland, while in the
year ended 30th September, 1934, the number had risen to 68. The
result of this greater attention to milk - both qualitatively and
bacteriologically - must be to make milk less and less responsible for
non-pulmonary tuberculosis. It will not, however, as is so often
claimed, wipe out non-pulmonary tuberculosis altogether, since infection
from cases of human tuberculosis may still operate to produce its quota of
the non-pulmonary forms of the disease. SOURCE OF TUBERCULOSIS
Dealing with the source of tuberculosis, Dr. Trimble states - "It cannot be
too often repeated nor too widely known that the essential source of
tuberculosis is the tubercle bacillus in the sputum or other infective
discharge of the patient. Dr. P. S. Walker, resident medical
superintendent of the Municipal Sanatorium, states in the course of his
report that the proposed scheme of extension and improvement at Whiteabbey
will give a suite of buildings which from the medical, administrative, and
aesthetic points of view should equal the best of any similar institutions
of recent years both in this country and abroad.
Linen Hall Library - At a meeting of the Governors held yesterday, the
following books were ordered:-
Billinger (K.), "All Quiet in Germany;" Carr (A. W.), "Cricket With the
Lid Off;" Fisher (H. A. L.), "A History of Europe," vol. 2; Heard (G.),
"Science in the Making;" Kilpatrick (Rev. T.), "A Short History of Millisle
and Ballycopeland Presbyterian Church;" MacCreagh (G.), "The Last of Free
Africa;" Rogers (W. M.), "MacKenzie King;" Skene (M.), "A Flower Book."
Belfast News-Letter, July 20, 1935
Seven-Day Hall Licence - Dungannon Council Reject an
When an application for a public hall 7 day licence was received by
Dungannon Rural Council yesterday for St. Patrick's Hall, Tullyaraw, Mr. J.
R. Erskine, J.P., said he would always oppose Sunday dancing. Mr. John
Johnston said he was opposed to Sunday entertainments, but would not ram his
opinion down the throats of those who favoured Sunday games and dancing.
A proposal by Mr. Loughran that the 7-day licence be granted was defeated by
4 votes to 3. The council adopted a resolution from Ballymena Rural
Council protesting against payment of M.P.'s for attending committees and
advocating the payment of jurors.
Indian Pit Disaster - Calcutta, Thursday
Thirty-three men were killed and 43 injured in a colliery disaster at
the Joktiabad pit at Giridih to-day. This is the second mine disaster
in Bihar and Orissa this month. Eighteen men were killed and nine
injured at the Bagdidi colliery in the Dhanbad area of Bihar on 1st July,
when an explosion followed the collapse of a wall erected as a protection
against fire, Reuter
Another Injustice to Ireland
The following is an extract from the Colonial Office report on
Somaliland, which was issued yesterday:- "Plentiful rain brings good grazing
for the camels, and ensures for the Somali a generous supply of camel's
milk. In this condition the Somali may be compared with the
traditional Irishman when well primed with the liquor of his country,
The latter brandishes his shilelagh, and looks for heads to crack. The
Somali sharpens his spear, and begins to think of blood feuds to settle and
flocks to loot. Consequently the welcome rain does not always bring a
period of peace."
Irish Amateur Team - Players for Forthcoming International Matches
Our Golf Correspondent writes:- The Irish Amateur International team has
been completed by the selection of C. J. McMullan (Knock) and G. P. Owens
(Skerries). One reserve will travel with the team - W. J. Gill
(Sutton). The four-cornered international tournament between England,
Ireland, Scotland and Wales will be held on the links of the Royal Lytham
and St. Anne's Club, Lancs., on 7th, 8th, and 9th August. The names of
the Irish players are:- J. C. Brown (Waterford). J. Burke (Lahinch).
R. C. Ewing (Co. Sligo). J. A. Flaherty (Langley Park). R. M.
McConnell (Royal Portrush). C. J. McMullan (Knock). J. D.
MacCormack (Grange) (capt.). W. M. O'Sullivan (Muskerry). G. P.
Owens (Skerries). R. Simcox (Douglas). Reserve - W. J. Gill
(Sutton). The only new name in the whole list is that of Owens.
All the others took part in the internationals at Porthcawl last year.
Some of them having been playing in these contests since 1924. Owens
reached the fifth round of the Irish (Close) Amateur Championship at Galway
last month, being defeated by R. M. McConnell at the 20th hole. His
selection, in preference to F. Graham (Belvoir Park) will probably evoke
comment. Graham did exceptionally well at Galway. In the Senior
Cup matches he took John Burke to the 19th hole, and then in the
championship he reached the semi-final (defeating the holder, J. C. Brown,
on the way) and succumbed eventually to R. M. McConnell on the 19th green.
His performance at Newcastle this week, however, was not impressive and it
may be that this was the cause of his non-inclusion in the team this year.
Two vacancies were left by the selectors after Galway, and as one of them
has been filled by the selection of C. J. McMullan, who played indifferently
in the Close Championship, but came right back to his form at Newcastle, it
is a reasonable assumption that he played himself on to the team by his
performance this week. It might also be assumed that Graham's play
spoiled his chance of being selected. However that may be, and the
disappointing to Ulster golf though it is to see only two representatives of
the Province on the team this year, all Irish golfers will wish the players
good luck at St. Anne's. If they do as well there as they did at
Porthcawl last year, they will have justified themselves and the selectors.
Club Reports
Donaghadee Ladies - Hidden hole competition, 23rd July (prizes by Mr. T.
Capper) - Miss E. Strain (9½), 30½; runner-up, Mrs. R. Hamilton (11½), 32½.
Castlerock Ladies - Castlerock Perpetual Challenge Shield - Semi-finals -
Miss Joan Mitchell (5) beat Mrs. Meharg (11), 3 and 2; Miss B, Hume (20)
beat Miss M. McDevitt (7), after a tie. Final - Miss Hume beat Miss
Mitchell, 2 and 1.
Glendermott Choral Festival
About 250 choristers took part in the annual choral festival of
Glendermott Presbytery's Choral Union in Faughanvale Presbyterian Church
yesterday. The Rev. S. J. Wylie, B.A., Moderator of Presbytery,
presided, and an address was derived by the Rev. F. A. Robinson, B.A.,
Kilraughts. The choirs were conducted by Mr. C. G. Reid, Londonderry.
Brides Ask Too Much - Peril of Postponed Marriages
"The delay of marriage until middle age - because modern brides demand
too many luxuries - is threatening to destroy our civilisation." That
is the belief of Dr. Carl Holliday, of the California State College, San
Jose. " Girl should marry at 17 or 18," he said, when addressing the
students. "But girls will not marry to-day unless they can lead a life
made easy by the latest products of industrial efficiency. This
attitude is all wrong, for it delays marriage until middle life.
Marriage postponed until 30 or 35." he added, "causes a nervous strain which
is undermining our efficiency and threatening to destroy our civilisation."
The professor, according to Reuter's correspondent, advised his girl
students to pattern themselves after their grandmothers, who, he said, were
satisfied with a "mattress, a coffee pot, and a frying pan."
Belfast News-Letter, Friday, July 26, 1935
Fire Assessor in Court - Remanded on Charge of Defrauding
Insurance Company
Roland Alfred Relph (39), described as a fire assessor, of Dovedale
Road, West Bridgeford, Nottingham, was charged at Bow Street Police Court,
London, yesterday, with conspiring with others to defraud insurance
companies. Relph was remanded on bail in £2,000 until 15th August.
Relph had been charged on a warrant issued on Tuesday have having since 1st
November, 1931, at High Street, Stoke Newington, and elsewhere, conspired
with Harry Gould and others to defraud insurance companies by representing
that moneys obtained from buyers after fire claims had been made upon
insurance companies in respect of salvaged goods were less than in fact they
were, and by misappropriating the excess moneys to their own use and
benefit. Mr. Alfred Relph, a retired sea captain, went surety for
Relph, Superintendent Yandell stating that Mr. Alfred Relph was the father,
and the police were satisfied that he was worth the amount of the surety.
Fire in Bangor House
A slight fire occurred yesterday in the house of Mr. R. Grant, Osborne
Drive, Bangor. Mrs. Grant was cleaning a dressing gown in the scullery
with petrol, and was putting it through the mangle when it became ignited in
some way unknown. The mangle, scullery door and ceiling were badly
damaged, and Mrs. Grant and her sister-in-law, Miss Grant, had their hair
singed. The Bangor fire brigade turned out, but on arrival found the
outbreak extinguished.
Belfast Publican Fined
At the Belfast Licensing Court yesterday, before Messrs. P. J.
O'Donoghue, R.M., and H. Toppin, R.M., Joseph McAlinden, publican, Bridge
End, was fined £2, with endorsement of licence, for selling liquor on
Sunday, 30th June. For having been on the premises, John Kirk, Memel
Street; George McIlwaine, Avoniel Road, and David Brockelsley, Thorndyke
Street, were each fined 10s. Mr. J. D. Chambers (instructed by Mr. A.
J. Campbell) admitted the offence on behalf of McAlinden, and stated that
his client was absent in the country at the time of the offence. The
premises were in charge of a young barman.
Died on Ulster Holiday - Dundee Man's Seizure in Dublin-Belfast Train
A verdict of "Death from natural causes" was returned at an inquest in
Portadown yesterday on William Orr (68), works manager, of Dundee, who died
in the Dublin-Belfast train near Goraghwood on Wednesday, when returning
from sight-seeing in Dublin. Mrs. Isabella Orr, his wife, of
Clepington Road, Dundee, said they arrived in Ireland on Saturday, and were
staying at Antrim. On the train her husband complained of a pain at
the heart, and she got him soda water, thinking it was indigestion. He
got worse, and died in her arms. Dr. Geo. Dougan gave medical
evidence, and the Coroner (Mr. T. D. Gibson, M.A.), Mr. C. W. Neill,
solicitor for the railway company; Head-Constable Gosnell, and the jury
expressed sympathy with the wife on the tragic ending to her holiday.
Belfast Solicitor Summoned - Charge of Driving Without Due Care Dismissed
Henry J. Catchpole, a Belfast solicitor, was prosecuted at the Belfast
Summons Court yesterday on a charge of driving a motor-car without due care
and attention on Newtownards Road on 20th June. Mr. J. D. Chambers
(instructed by Mr. Catchpole) appeared for the defence. Constable Ed.
McBryan said that while he was escorting a hundred school children across
the road near Bryson Street defendant drove up to within four feet of him,
endangering the lives of some of the children. Mr. Catchpole, in
evidence, said he pulled up over twenty yards off the constable. He
was driving carefully, and did not in any way jeopardise the safety of the
children. The case was dismissed on the merits.
Belfastman Dies in Swimming Pool - Seizure While Bathing at Whitehead
A Belfastman, George Gorman, of Meadow Street, who was spending his
holidays in Whitehead, died while bathing in the Urban Council's swimming
pond there yesterday. He had bathed in the sea, and subsequently
returned to the pond. Shortly afterwards Herbert Graham, the
attendant, saw him lying face downwards at the shallow end of the pond.
He was dead when taken out. The deceased, who was employed in a local
tobacco factory, was unmarried, and resided with his sister. His
father died early in the present month.
Former Belfastman's Legacy - Bequest to French Institution Contested by
Mr. John Jaffe, formerly a member of the firm of Jaffe Bros., Belfast,
and a brother of the late Sir Otto Jaffe, who was Lord Mayor of Belfast in
1899 and 1904, and High Sheriff in 1901, in a will executed at Nice, where
he died in May, 1934, at the age of 91, bequeathed a large sum of money to
the Institut de France according to a Parish telegram to the "New York
Times," and if the Institut is permitted to received this bequest it will
increase by one third the total endowment of the five French academies.
The will, however, is contested by Mr. Jaffe's widow, who is the sole
beneficiary under another will executed in London. Mr. Jaffe retired
from business in 1885 and went to live at Nice with his wife. He was
an enthusiastic art collector, and in celebration of his diamond wedding in
1933 he presented to the French nation a collection of Napoleonic documents,
relics, etc., which he had bought at an auction in Germany, where they had
been put up for sale by an Austrian Archduke. Mr. Jaffe also made
other contributions to French institutions, and for his services to France
he and his wife were awarded the Cross of the Legion of Honour.
"Insanity Nonsense" - Young Husband Sentenced to Death for Murder of Wife
A young London man, Philip Stephen Quarry (22), a shopfitter, of
Chevening Road, Kensal Rise, who stabbed his wife to death early one morning
when she returned home, was at the Old Bailey, London, yesterday sentenced
to death for what the Lord Chief Justice described as "a brutal and
ferocious murder." The jury strongly recommended the man to mercy.
Quarry had declared that his married life had been unhappy, because his wife
wanted to go to dances while he wished to remain at home. The defence
was that Quarry killed his wife while suffering from epilepsy, and evidence
was called to support this. In his summing-up the Lord Chief Justice
(Lord Hewart) declared that there were few topics upon which so much
rubbish, so much sentimental nonsense, had been talked as upon the question
of insanity. Quarry received the sentence without showing any emotion,
and stared blankly, but as the Lord Chief Justice passed sentence one of the
men on the jury placed his hands over his ears so that he should not hear
Belfast News-Letter, Friday, August 9, 1935
Control of Shops in Ulster - Belfast Proposals - Ministry
Recommended to Limit Hours of Assistants
Forthcoming Legislation
Subject to the approval of the City Council, the Belfast Corporation Police
Committee yesterday made an important recommendation to the Ministry of Home
Affairs with regard to the hours of shop assistants. The meeting was
held to consider a communication from the Ministry inviting the views of the
Corporation on the necessity for an amendment of the provisions of the Shops
Act, 1912-1913, to bring the law in Northern Ireland relating to shops and
shop assistants into closer conformity with the corresponding legislation in
England. It was recommended that representation be made to the
Ministry to have the working hours of shop assistants limited to 52 per
week, and that all shops, except those dealing exclusively in articles
exempted under the Shops Acts, be required to close for one half-holiday per
week. Under the Shops Act, 1912, the trades and businesses exempted
from the provisions as to weekly half-holidays are as follows:- Retail of
intoxicating liquors; sale of refreshments, including the business carried
on at a railway refreshment room; sale of motor-cycle, and air-craft
supplies, and accessories to travellers; sale of newspapers and periodicals;
sale of meat, fish, milk, cream, bread, confectionery, fruit, vegetables,
flowers, and other articles of a perishable nature; sale of tobacco and
smokers' requisites; business carried on at a railway book-stall on or
adjoining a railway platform; sale of medicines and medical and surgical
appliances; retail trade carried on at an exhibition or show, if the local
authority certify that such retail trade is subsidiary or ancillary only to
the main purpose of the exhibition or show. All shops, except those
dealing exclusively in the above-mentioned articles, if this representation
is given effect to, will be required to close for the weekly half-holiday.
MEAL-TIME REGULATION It was also agreed to make representation to the
Government as to the regulation of meal hours for shop assistants and the
provision of sanitary accommodation in shops. Alderman Midgley,
representing the National Union of Distributors and Allied Workers' Union,
and Messrs. S. Geddis, P. McKenzie, M. Duffy and H. Downey, representing the
Amalgamated Transport and General Workers' Union, attended and suggested
that many of the provisions of the existing Shops Act were not in keeping
with the present-day conditions of life in the City, and suggested that the
Government should be asked to fix the number of hours per week for which
shop assistants could be employed, and to give local authorities power to
close shops earlier than 7 o'clock p.m. if they so determined; also that
local authorities should be empowered to make the closing orders for shops
on their own initiative without waiting for representation from traders for
a closing order.
X-Ray Pioneer's Death - Twelve Years of Suffering from Burns, Sydney,
After 12 years of suffering, Dr. F. R. Forster, one of Australia's
leading dental radiologists, has died here from X-ray burns. He was
the pioneer of X-ray dental treatment in Australia. In the early days
of X-ray treatment he worked without protection from the rays, and in 1923
his hands began to show signs of ray burns. At times he worked for
days in great pain with his fingers wrapped in bandages. Six years ago
he was forced to retire from work. Since then he has undergone many
operations. His fingers have been taken off inch by inch until at the
time of his death he had lost four fingers and his thumbs - Reuter
"Hot-Tempered" Irishman - Sentenced for Striking Sergeant with Rifle
Sentence of 112 days detention, to run concurrently with a sentence he
is already serving, was promulgated by a court martial at Aldershot
yesterday on Driver Michael Callanan (22), of the 18th Field Brigade, Royal
Artillery, stationed at Brighton. He was found guilty of striking
Sergeant G. Williams, of the Military Provost Staff Corps, in the face with
the butt of a rifle. Callinan was said to have struck the blow on the
morning after his arrival at Aldershot Detention Barracks. It was
stated on Callanan's behalf that he was a hot-tempered Irishman, and his
self-control broke down, when Sergeant Williams checked him because some
buttons were missing from his uniform.
Invalid in Blazing Bedroom - Aged Sister Raises the Alarm
Shortly after 3 a.m. yesterday Chelmsford (Essex) Fire Brigade was called to
a fire in Fairfield Road, Chelmsford, where two aged women, Miss Elizabeth
Taylor, aged 76, and her invalid sister, Miss Katherine Taylor, aged 88,
live. Miss Elizabeth Taylor was awakened by smoke and ran screaming
downstairs. She called her neighbours, who hurried to the rescue of
Miss Katherine Taylor, who is bedridden. Her bedroom downstairs was
found to be a mass of flames. With great difficulty the neighbours
managed to carry the woman on to the lawn. She was unconscious, and
badly burned about the body, She was taken by ambulance to Chelmsford
Hospital, where she is stated to be in a critical condition. Miss
Elizabeth Taylor escaped injury.
Racing Points Pool - Arguments in Scots Court - Alleged Lottery Coupons
The case at Edinburgh Sheriff Court in which Thomas Strang, commission
agent, of Hawkill Avenue, Edinburgh, and his manager, Robert Powrie, were
charged with a contravention of the Betting and Lotteries Act, was continued
yesterday. It was alleged that the two men acting in concert sold and
distributed coupons in lotteries organised weekly on horse racing. The
alleged lottery was known as the "T.S. Twopenny Starting Price Points Pool."
The Sheriff yesterday heard addresses for the prosecution and the defence.
JUDGMENT IN FILLING COUPONS Mr. Adair, for the prosecution, contended
that nothing could be more a lottery than the peculiar circumstances in
which the coupons were filled up. They could not call it a betting
transaction, and if it was a competition as distinct from pool betting, then
it was a competition in which chance played such a part as to make it
clearly a lottery. It was not a question of knowledge and it was quite
outside the realm of a skill competition. He moved for the destruction
of the postal orders seized by the police totalling about £1,700 in value.
Mr. J. B. Paton, K.C., for the defence, argued that it was not a lottery
because an element of chance came into it. The determination was not
entirely a matter of chance. Shill was required. Results night
be affected by chance, but there was chance in every affair of life.
If in filling up the coupons people were in the position to exercise some
judgment, choice or skill, then that took it out of the realm of a lottery,
and made it a betting transaction. Judgment was deferred until
Belfast Port - Appointment of Assistant Harbour-Master
The fortnightly meeting of the Belfast Harbour Commissioners was held
yesterday in the Harbour Office. Sir Ernest Herdman, D.L., presided,
and there were also present - Sir Frederick Cleaver, Sir Thomas McMullan,
Messrs. T. R. Burns, R. A. Mitchell, W. Strachan, J. McNeill, R. P. C. Gotto,
H. Murphy, S. Berkeley, A. S. Davidson, J. Milne Barbour, M.P.; K. D. L.
Sinclair, J. S. Garrett, James F. McCue, and J. McCaughey. The Harbour
Master reported that 451 vessels arrived at the port from 14th July to 3rd
August as follows:- Coastwise and cross-Channel, 405; foreign, 29;
non-trading, 17. The total tonnage of the vessels which arrived from
1st January to 3rd August was :- Coast-wise and cross-Channel, 1,887,933, as
compared with 1,742,495 for corresponding period of last year; foreign,
474,423, as against 73,406; total, 2,404,955, compared with 2,265,910 last
year, an increase of 139.045 tons. Captain J. A. Greig was appointed
to the position of assistant harbour master, to take the place of Mr. R. J.
Hill, who is due to retire at the end of the present year. Captain
Greig is 37 years of age, and commenced his sea-going career with Messrs.
Wm. Thomson & Co., Ltd., Leigh (Ben Line steamers), subsequently
transferring to the service of Messrs. Geo. Gibson & Co., Ltd., Leith, and
has been in command of several of the latters' steamers. He possesses
a Board of Trade certificate of competency as foreign master, and holds
pilotage certificates for the Rivers Forth and Tay. During his service
at sea he has had a world-wide experience of navigating vessels, etc., and
has lately been engaged in the Continental and East Coast trade. He
will take up new position on the 1st October next. The Chairman made
sympathetic reference to the death of Mr. W. E. Murdoch, a prominent member
of the harbour staff, who had entered the Board's service in the year 1899,
and for 36 years had served the Board faithfully and well. Sir Ernest
expressed the deep sympathy of the Board with the bereaved widow.
Exhumation of Earl and Wife - Re-interment in New Family Mausoleum
The reburial of two members of the Strafford family whose bodies were
exhumed from a disused churchyard at Potter's Bar (Middlesex) on Wednesday
night took place yesterday at Savernake, near Salisbury. The bodies
were those of Henry William John Byng, fourth earl of Strafford, who was
killed in 1899 on the railway line adjoining his estate at Wrotham Park,
near Barnet, and of his wife Henrietta Elizabeth, who died in 1880.
Their bodies were exhumed from the family vault in the old parish churchyard
of St. John's, Potter's Bar. The church was closed for public worship
in 1915, when a new church was erected. Members of the Strafford
family have since been buried at Wrotham Park, where a mausoleum was built.
The exhumation, which was the subject of a Home Office Order, was made at
the request of a member of the Strafford family. The vault is beneath
the churchyard by the wall of the church and workmen had to cut through 14
inches of brickwork to remove the coffins, which were 7 feet below the
ground. The fourth Earl of Strafford was successively Page of Honour
Groom-in-Waiting, and Equerry to Queen Victoria. He succeeded to the title
in 1898, and was killed the following year. He was the uncle of the
present Earl.
"A Bad Boy" R.M.'s Comment in Unusual Belfast Case
A case which presented unusual features was heard at the Belfast Summons
Court yesterday, when a youth named George Macken, of Lepper Street, was
charged with driving away a motor car without permission; with dangerous
driving, and the usual counts. Evidence was given that Macken, who
could not drive, got into a milk van while the driver was delivering milk
and started the van, which crashed into a wall. Macken was injured and
spent two weeks in hospital. Macken told the Court that he started the
car accidentally and did not mean to drive it. When it started to move
he did not know how to steer it. Mr. O'Donoghue, R.M., when the boy
was given a good character, said he did not agree. "I think he is a
bad boy," he said, "and is not fit to be going around among ordinary
civilised people." Mr. O'Donoghue said he felt inclined to send him to
Borstal, or to send him to prison for a month, or perhaps to return him for
trial. Eventually Macken was fined 20s on the dangerous driving
charge, the other charges being dismissed. Mr. Weatherup (instructed
by Mr. S. V. Tughan) defended.
Lisburn Motorist Fined
A fine of £5 with £3 12s 6d costs, with disqualification from driving
for a year, was the penalty imposed at the Belfast Police Court yesterday on
Henry Cochrane, Chapel Hill, Lisburn, who was convicted by Mr. H. Toppin,
R.M., of having been under the influence of drink while in charge of a
motor-car on the Lisburn Road after midnight on 6th August. A charge
of dangerous driving was withdrawn. Dr. Mills prosecuted, and Mr. W. W. B.
Topping (instructed by Messrs. Bigger & Strahan) defended.
Two Miners Gassed
Two Cronberry (Ayrshire) miners lost their lives through gassing in a
colliery at Auchenlech, near New Cumnock, yesterday. The victims were
Peter McCartnie (32), single, and Stewart Strachan (50), married, both of
Cronberry. There were four men involved. One also was overcome
by gas, but managed to get to safety, and subsequently he and his comrade
made a valiant efforts to rescue the other two men. Gas was noticed
when the lamp carried by one of the men went out, but the victims failed to
get clear.
Ulster Law Reports - Vacation Court Sitting - In Bankruptcy
(Before the Right Hon. Lord Justice Best, sitting as Vacation Court
A "Somewhat Difficult Case"
Nathaniel Reid, of Ellis Street, Carrickfergus, a bankrupt who had carried
on business under the title of Rodgers, Reid & Co., accountants, Howard
Street, Belfast, was again before the Court, on adjourned first and second
public sittings, for his examination in bankruptcy. Reid had been
adjudicated bankrupt on the petition of Mr. Hugh Boyd, the liquidator of
Moore's Cash Stores, Ltd., Belfast. Mr. L. E. Curran (instructed by
Mr. R. B. MacKeown), who appeared for the petitioning creditors, said it was
a somewhat difficult case, and had been before Mr. Justice Megaw on several
occasions, when his Lordship had expressed himself as not being satisfied
with the bankrupt's answering. Mr. Justice Megaw had warned the
bankrupt that when he was again before the Court he must give satisfactory
answers. Lord Justice Best - Is this an urgent matter? Mr.
Curran - The depositions are somewhat lengthy, and if I might, I would
suggest putting them before your Lordship to read over. Counsel added
that there was no special urgency in the matter. Lord Justice Best
said he would read over the depositions, and adjourn the further hearing
until that day fortnight. The bankrupt gave an undertaking to appear
on Thursday, 22nd August
Gloria Vanderbilt's Future - Mother Confident of Winning Appeal
Among the passengers who arrived at Southampton yesterday from New York
in the North German Lloyd liner, Europa, were Mrs. Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt
and her sister, Thelma Lady Furness. Referring to the recent
litigation in America concerning the custody of her daughter Gloria, Mrs.
Vanderbilt declared - "This is not a final decision. I am going to
carry the fight for my child into the highest court - the Court of Appeal -
which opens in October. I feel confident I shall win my child in the
end." Speaking on the financial side of the litigation, Mrs.
Vanderbilt said - "My mother-in-law, Mrs. Vanderbilt, left me 200,000
dollars when she died a year ago. I have not got the money yet,
although I have mortgaged a lot of it in law cases. I am willing to
spend all that money and more to get my child back, but it is very hard to
fight 78,000,000 dollars with 100,000. I think it is disgusting that
any woman with influence and money can get the custody of any child just
because she wants it. It means that no mother can be sure of keeping
her child if a wealthy woman wants it"
70-Year-Old Man Rescues Child - "When I Got Out She Kissed Me"
One of the delegates to the High Court of the Ancient Order of Foresters
(Br. F. Hurrell, of the London United District) arrived at yesterday's
meeting at Bristol clad only in his pyjamas with a light coat thrown over
them. The reason was revealed to the Conference by another London
delegate (Br. H. T. Goodspeed). He stated that Br. Hurrell had dived
into a lake at the Clifton Zoo on Wednesday night to save a child from
drowning. His clothes were not yet dry and he was forced, therefore,
to attend the Conference in his pyjamas. Br. Goodspeed told the High
Court that the water was about 9 feet deep where Br. Hurrell, who is about
70 years of age, had entered. "I would like to add," said Br.
Goodspeed, "that the danger was such that Br. Hurrell and the child, who is
about 10 years of age, had to be rescued by means of hooks." Br.
Hurrell meanwhile quietly slipped out of the building. When a reporter
saw Mr. Hurrell, the veteran said:- "I was sitting near the lake when the
child fell in. She sank once and I could not bear to see a little girl
go under a second time, so I (bit missing) but have not done any swimming
for twenty years or so. I remembered, however, that in rescuing anyone
it was advisable to turn on one's back, so I clasped the little girl by the
arms and turned on my back. I then saw that a long hook was being held
out to me. I grasped it and was pulled into the side. When I got
out the little girl flung her arms around my neck and kissed me."
A demand for legislation to protect the public against defaulting slate club
secretaries was made at the High Court yesterday
7 Killed in 'Plane Crash - Italian Minister Among the Victims, Cairo,
The Italian military 'plane, with a crew of four and three passengers,
which was reported missing after leaving Cairo at 5 o'clock yesterday
morning on its way from Rome to Massawa, crashed 12 miles west of Heliopolis.
The machine was a three-engined Savoia-Marchetti monoplane piloted by Major
Raffeale Boetani, and the passengers were Captain Luigi Razza (the Minister
of Public Works), the Italian Consul, Signor Vicenzo Minasi, and Signor
Raimondo Franchetti. All seven occupants were killed. Signor
Razza, who was on his way to Eritrea to inspect public works being carried
on there, was 43 years of age, and started life as a journalist. He
became editor of the "Popola d'Italia," was one of the founders of the
Fascist Party, and led one of the Fascist groups in the March on Rome in
1922. He was a member of the National Council of Corporations, and one
of the Italian delegates to the International Labour Office. Signor
Raimondo Franchetti was a well-known explorer. The third passenger
killed was Signor Minasi, colonel of the militia, who was private secretary
to Signor Razza. Some people believe that an act of sabotage was
responsible for the accident. This, however, cannot be decided until
the inquiry has been carried out under General Peligrini, who was second in
command of the Atlantic flight - Reuter
Suicide Before Wedding - Man Who Shirked Bringing Girl and Parents
Albert Henry Cooper (32), of Moseley Road, Bilston (Staffs), should have
been married on Monday. He disappeared from home on Friday night, and
yesterday his body was recovered from a pool where, apparently, it had been
for several days. At the inquest later Miss Maria Cox, the girl he was
to have married, stated that they had been keeping company for nearly a
year, and had been engaged since Marcy. The banns had been published,
and Cooper had paid a deposit for a bungalow and had bought furniture.
They were quite happy, but on Friday night Cooper seemed depressed. He
told her that he was worried about a letter his mother had from a girl whom
he met in a sanatorium about three years ago. He had never taken her
to see his mother. Cooper's stepfather stated that he was a quiet man,
and it was only just lately that they knew he was going to be married.
They knew nothing about a letter. Recording a verdict of suicide
whilst of unsound mind, the Coroner said that there was no reflection on
anyone so far as he could see. Instead of being courageous and
bringing his parents and the young lady together he appeared to have shirked
that, and in desperation to have taken his life
OBITUARY - Eastbourne "Character" - His Unconventional Greeting to the
"Dusty" Matthews, the Eastbourne character who was presented to the King
and Queen during their recent stay in the town, died yesterday in hospital.
He was 86, and a retired fisherman. "I'm pleased to meet you, captain.
I knew your mum and dad," was his unconventional greeting, which greatly
amused the King. Matthews was a grizzled veteran with mutton-chop
whiskers and small gold rings in his ears.
Sir John Thompson
Sir John Perrouet Thompson, for many years a distinguished figure in the
Indian Civil Service, died at a nursing home in London last night at the age
of 62. He underwent an operation for acute appendicitis last Saturday.
Sir John had been for four years Chief Commissioner of Delhi when he retired
from the Indian Civil Service in 1932. He was the second son of
Vincent Thomas Thompson, formerly Assistant Recorder of Leeds
Scotland's Oldest Fiscal
Mr. George Brander, until his retirement last year Procurator Fiscal of
East Fife and Scotland's oldest Procurator Fiscal, died at Cupar yesterday,
aged 88. During his 68 years' service as a court official he conducted
many important trials. After he became senior Fiscal he created a
record - which still stands - by conducting 13 jury trials in one day.
His wife is dangerously ill, and is unaware of his death.
French Village Ablaze - Republican Guards and Infantry Called to Help
Firemen, Bar Le Duc, Thursday
Every sort of watercart, and even carts used for tar spraying, were used
to rush water to the village of Vavincourt this afternoon, where a dozen
houses were on fire and burning furiously. The fire started on a farm
this morning and in a short time eight houses were ablaze. Republican
Guards and a company of infantry, as well as firemen, were hurried from Bar
le Duc, and continued their efforts until all the village wells had been
exhausted. It was thought that the fire had been mastered when it
broke out again for a second time this afternoon in such strange
circumstances that arson is suspected. Reuter
New York Strike Threat - Protest Against Wage Scale for Skilled Workers,
New York, Thursday
A general strike of all works of progress administration workers
throughout the city's five boroughs is scheduled for to-morrow morning.
It may possibly affect 100,00- workers. The strike was decided on as a
protest against the Government's wage scale of 93.5 dollars (£18.7) for a
three-week month for skilled workers.
Correspondence - A Bangor Complaint - To the Editor of the "Belfast
Sir - As a resident of many years standing may I be permitted a
criticism of Bangor as a place to come to live in? I am writing this
at 3 a.m., and I will describe what is taking place at the moment, and what
takes place practically every night during the summer - a procession of boys
and girls yelling and singing at the top of their lungs, cars honking,
mouth-organs and ukuleles going. A silence zone, forsooth. A
bedlam zone would be a mild description. I, fortunately, do not have
to rise for business in the morning, but dozens in this neighbourhood do,
and I feel very sorry for them. Our local Council advocate Bangor as a
great place to visit. Is the ratepayer to have no consideration, or is
the town to be run solely for visitors' benefit? I am no kill-joy, but
some sort of restriction should be put on this nightly row. I venture
to think that the desirable type of visitor thinks so too. Any benefit
secured in the day-time is counteracted at night - Yours, etc. A Sleepless
Unemployment Statistics - To the Editor of the "Belfast News-Letter"
Sir - The "Belfast News-Letter" published this morning the "unemployment
figures" for the United Kingdom, showing that the number of unemployed has
fallen below the 2,000,000 mark. This figure is misleading to the
general public in that it takes no account of the 1,500,000 in receipt of
Poor Law relief - a record figure. The normal number on Poor Law
relief was approximately 500,000, so that it is obvious to the thinking man
that there has been no real reduction in the numbers of the unemployed,
1,000,000 having been merely transferred from one register to the other.
It should also be noted that the increase in those employed is largely due
to two causes:-
(a) Many formerly in receipt of over £5 per week are now forced by the
slump to accept very much less and find themselves stamping Insurance cards
for the last time for many years.
(b) Many wives and daughters who were formerly supported by their menfolk
are now forced by economic pressure to enter the labour market, thereby
increasing the numbers of employed without corresponding reduction in the
3,500,000 unemployed. Yours, etc., C. M. Allen, Raceview, Broughshane, Co.
Antrim, 7th August 1935
Sectarian Warfare - To the Editor of the "Belfast News-Letter."
Sir - Permit me to make a few observations relative to the sectarian
warfare which recently came to such a pitch in this city of ours.
Looking at the matter from all points of view I think there is too much talk
of religion and too little practice of it. If we gave the proper time
and attention to the practice of our religion. 1st that be Protestant
or Catholic, there would be no inclination to interfere with that of our
neighbour or to destroy his life or property. God has said: "Love your
neighbour as yourself," and we are taught that our neighbour is mankind of
every description. This is a lesson that must be learned again by the
citizens of Belfast, and then, more important, put into practice. For
the sake of the good name of Belfast, which has so often been dragged in the
dust through the lawlessness of its citizens, I would appeal to all parties
to forget past differences and to live together as good and peaceful
citizens for the future - Yours, etc., Laughlin McCurdy (Alderman), 8th
August 1935
Highway Codes - To the Editor of the "Belfast News-Letter"
Sir - Allow me to thank your correspondent "Pedestrian" for his very
courteous correction of my misapprehension of the reason for the
non-appearance, in the "New Highway Code," of the medical report regarding
the affects of alcohol upon motorists. But, surely, considering its
great importance, that report should have taken a prominent place among
other items in the booklet. Would it not have been a simple matter to
obtain the report in good time for insertion in the Code? The want of
it is a very serious defect in what is otherwise a splendid efforts for
human welfare. Published in a medical journal, the report will not be
read by one in a thousand motorists. Where it should appear is on a
prominent part of every driver's licence issued by our Government. Yours,
etc., T. G. Houston
"One Wintry Night" - To the Editor of the "Belfast News-Letter"
Sir - The prompt reply to the inquiry about "Old Betty's Joints"
encourages me to hope that I might get help on a vexed question - namely,
the colour of the face of the "poor half-frozen beggarman" in a poem which
was in the same schoolbook as the one refers to "Old Betty's Joints."
It began:-
"Around the fire one wintry night, The farmer's rosy children sat,"
and later on came the lines:-
"With hasty steps the farmer ran, And close beside the fire he placed,
A poor half-frozen beggarman, With shaking limbs and . . . face."
Will some one help? I have filled up the blank with "pale blue" only to be
laughed at. But none of those who laughed could do better. - Yours,
etc. Albert Ervine, Old Cavehill Road, Belfast, 8th August 1935
Road Accidents
The number of persons killed or injured in road accidents in Great
Britain during the week ended 3rd August was as follows:- England - 123
Wales - 7 Scotland - 8 Total 138; The number of persons
injured during the week ended 3rd August was 5,411 compared with 5,621 in
the corresponding week of last year. These figures include deaths from
accidents which occurred in previous weeks. During the period from
30th December, 1934, to 3rd August, 3,590 persons were killed and 124,494
were injured
Colliery Strike Continues - An Appeal to Mr. Malcolm Macdonald
There was no signs of a settlement of the strike at Manton Colliery,
near Worksop, yesterday. The prospective Labour candidate for the
Bassetlaw Division of Notts (Mr. Fred Bellinger, of Godstone, Surrey) issued
an open letter to the member for the division (Mr. Malcolm Macdonald,
Secretary for the Dominions asking him to bring the colliery owners and the
men's representatives together with a view to securing a settlement.
Posed As Clergy - Two Collectors Sent to Prison
On charges of obtaining charitable contributions by falsely representing
themselves as clergymen, William Herbert and William Anderton, both of
Conway Avenue, Tile Hill, Coventry, were each sentenced to 12 months hard
labour at Nuneaton yesterday. It was stated that the men collected for
a boys' home known as Greyfriars Woodstock, on a 50 per cent. commission.
Webb and Anderton said they were clergy of the old Roman Catholic
Church of Folard.
Four Girl Cyclists Attacked - Two Counties Searched for Motorist -
Soldier Arrested
Hampshire and Surrey police combined yesterday in a wide search
following reports that four girl cyclists had been attacked within a
comparatively small radius. In each case a motorist was said to have
knocked the girl from her machine. An arrest has been made.
First, three attacks were said to have been made by a man driving a car
which was stolen from High Street, Aldershot, on Wednesday afternoon.
Later in the day this car was found abandoned with a damaged tyre at Ash
Rifle Ranges, near Aldershot. Shortly afterwards information was
received that another car had been stolen. The first three attacks
were made at Dogmersfeld, near Farnham, at Strathfieldsaye, near
Basingstoke, and at Winchfield, near Fleet. The fourth was reported
from near Woking. The woman who is alleged to have been attacked at
Strathfieldsaye informed the police that the driver of the car stopped after
colliding with her cycle, asked if she was hurt, and told her that his
steering was stiff. She said that when she bent down to look into the
car he struck her in the face several times and then drove away. At
Dogmersfield the car is said to have stopped, reversed, and collided with
the girl. The girl told police that the motorist asked if he could
take her to a doctor, and when she declined he attempted to push her into
the car. She struggled, and he then released her, got into the car and
drove away. Miss Phyllis Mary Oakes, the girl in the case at
Winchfield, made a statement that a car drove straight at her, knocking her
off her machine. She received a fractured leg and other injuries.
The girl said to have been attacked near Woking was Miss Lilian Harwood, of
Worplesdot, who alleged that she was knocked from her bicycle at 3-13 p.m.
by a man driving a motorcar. A man was arrested about an hour later in
connection with the attack on Miss Harwood, and he will appear at Woking
Police Court this morning on a charge of robbery with violence. He is
serving with the 1st Battalion Royal Welch Regiment, stationed at Aldershot
Thunderstorms Break Heat - Over an Inch of Rain in Forty Minutes
The heat wave and drought were broken by thunderstorms in the Midlands
of England yesterday. Torrential downpours were experienced, and at
Cromer (Norfolk) an inch and a quarter of rain fell in 40 minutes.
Dashing like rapids along Cromer streets, the water met on the West Cliff
and burst over the edge tearing away about 20 tons of earth. The fire
brigade had two engines pumping water from basements and 40,000 gallons were
removed within an hour and a half from one shop. At one shop the staff
distributed boxes for about 200 customers to stand on. A heavy
thunderstorm over the Coventry district broke 18 days' continuous drought.
There was vivid lightning, and at Walsgrave a cow in the centre of a herd of
pedigree cattle being driven to a farmyard was struck by lightning and
killed. A "thunderbolt" fell last night in West Bar Green, a congested
area in the centre of Sheffield and damaged the house of a surgeon, Mr. C.
M. Anderson. A chimney on the house was struck and bricks hurled
across the main road fell within a few feet of a crowd.
Stopped Wedding Sequel - Airman Fined for Making False Declaration
Francis Hubert Cheshire, a 27-year-old aircraftman, whose intended
wedding to a Hornsea (Yorks) girl was stopped by the authorities, was fined
at Beverley Police Court yesterday for unlawfully signing a false notice for
the purpose of securing a marriage licence. Police-Superintendent
Thompson said that Cheshire had arranged to marry Miss Emily Styles, but the
wedding was stopped. Pleading guilty, Cheshire said that he had paid
£37 to a firm in London who posed as solicitors and who said that they would
get him a divorce. When he signed the application form for a licence
to marry Miss Styles he believed he was a divorced man. The
magistrates imposed a fine of £7, with £3 15s costs and expressed the view
that there were extenuating circumstances. Mrs. Olga Dorothy Cheshire
smiled at her husband when she entered the witness-box. She said that
they were married in October, 1930. They lived together for about four
days. Shortly afterwards her husband left her to go on board a warship
for China. On his return from China she met him and asked him for her
freedom, but this did not eventuate. Miss Styles was to have been
married at the Hornsea Congregational Church on 21st July. She was
waiting in her wedding dress to go to the church when an officer from the
R.A.F. camp at Catfoss, four miles away, arrived and requested the
bridegroom to accompany him back to camp. Some time after the hour
fixed a message was received that the wedding would not take place.
Undressed On Beach - Retired Musician Fined at Brighton
The first of thousands of holiday makers at Brighton who regularly
undress on the beach appeared before the magistrates yesterday. He was
David Eldridge, aged 35, a retired musician, and he was accused of annoying
other people. Two married women said that they saw Eldridge sitting
unclothes on the beach two or three feet away. Police Constable
Crossley said the alleged offence took place on a beach where open-air
undressing was permitted. Eldridge produced a swimming costume and a
large towel. He sat on a seat in the witness-box and hung the towel
round his shoulders and said: "This is the exact way I did it." The
towel was below the knees. He went for a swim every day, he said, and
was most careful. Fines £2 or 21 days' imprisonment, Eldridge left the
court protesting his innocence.
A motor-cyclist who met with an accident which resulted in a death was
yesterday given 83 1/3 years - until Christmas 2018 - to pay a judgment
entered against him. In other words, Judge Wells, at Southwark County
Court, made an order against him to pay £500 by 1,000 monthly instalments of
10s each. The judge added that if the man's circumstances improved he
would have to pay larger instalments.
ULSTER - T. H. Benson, Dungannon Royal School, has been awarded
the Dungannon Education Committee's University scholarship. - At a special
court in Strabane informations were refused in a case in which
Archibald Mehaffy, of the Donemana district, was charged with the larceny of
a bicycle. - Aughnacloy Town Council, which up till two years ago was
the envy of other urban authorities because it was able to carry on without
a town rate, has been obliged to strike a rate of 9d in the £ for the
ensuing financial year. - At Banbridge yesterday, Rowan Corbett,
Shankerburn, Moira, was fined 20s for being drunk in charge of a pedal
cycle, and for a similar offence William Weir, Doughery, Banbridge, was
fined 10s. - In Dervock Post Office Daniel Gillen, postman, was
presented with the Imperial Service Medal, on his retirement after 40 years'
service. Major F. Donnelly, postmaster, Coleraine, presided; Mrs.
Patrick, postmistress, Dervock, read the order for the award, and Mr. Ardern,
postmaster-surveyor, Belfast, presented the medal. - All the young men
questioned by the Clones Civic Guard following the recent burning of
property in the town, have been allowed to return to their homes.
GREAT BRITAIN - Enoch Sherratt (17), of Bradford Terrace, Burches
Head Road, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, was killed yesterday while crossing the
railway line at Norman's Bay, Sussex. He was crossing the line
behind a stationary train when he was caught by an express. Mr.
William H. Smith (54), of Clifton Village, Preston, national secretary of
the Seamen's and Firemen's Union, was seriously injured while visiting
Heysham Harbour yesterday. He was apparently struck by a truck.
Mr. Smith was removed to Queen Victoria Hospital, Morecambe, where it was
found that he had a fractured spine and damaged ribs. His condition
last night was stated to be critical. - A former borough surveyor of
Newcastle-under-Lyme, said to be receiving £9 a week pension from the
Corporation, Austin Pattison, of St. Martin's, Kingskerswell, South Devon,
was sent to prison for six weeks at Stoke-on-Trent in default of payment of
£12 18s income tax arrears. - In an inquest on Harold Nichols (20), of
Waggon Lane, Sheldon, Birmingham, held yesterday, Miss Joan Pratt,
his fiancee stated that she saw Nichols pass the 'bus in which she was
riding. She felt the 'bus lurch and got out to find her fiancee lying
on the road. A verdict of accidental death was returned, the 'bus
driver being exonerated.
ABROAD - The Bavarian Minister of the Interior, Herr Adolf Wagner,
has sent a telegram congratulating the Burgomaster of Bad Toélz on having
expelled all Jews from the Spa, and hoping that the whole mountainous
district of Bavaria will follow his example, Reuter - The steamer
Neweca, bound from Stockholm to Immingham, was stopped in the Oresund,
Copenhagen, yesterday, in order to land a British passenger, Mr. Charles
Boniface, who was taken seriously ill on the voyage. An operation was
at once performed in hospital, Reuter
War on Slums - Whitehall Circular "Opens Attack" in England
An important circular in regard to the new British Housing Act, 1935,
which received the Royal Assent last Friday, was issued by the Ministry of
Health last night. It has been sent to county, county borough, town,
urban district and rural district councils of England and Wales. "The
passing of the Act opens the attack upon the evil of overcrowding," the
circular runs. The Minister emphasis the importance of the new work
which has to be undertaken, and the necessity that every member of a local
authority and every officer who is concerned should be considering the
problem as it affects his area.
Belfast News-Letter, Friday, August 16, 1935
Belfast Fire Brigade - Committee and Recent Factory Tragedy
At a meeting of the Belfast Corporation Police Committee yesterday,
Councillor George Gray, J.P., presiding, the report of the Chief Officer of
the Fire Brigade showed that during the past fortnight the brigade had
turned out in answer to 17 calls of fire, and the ambulance had responded to
171 cases. The Chief Officer reported that on the 2nd inst. while
engaged rescuing workers from the premises of Messrs. Sefton, Ltd., 2 Amelia
Street, two of the firemen had received injuries which rendered them
temporarily unfit for active service and necessitated treatment in the Royal
Victoria Hospital. He stated that a number of Messrs. Sefton's
employees were rescued from the building by means of the brigade's fire
escapes, and that eight of them were conveyed to the Royal Victoria Hospital
for treatment. Unfortunately, Mr. Powell, of Messrs. Sefton's staff,
succumbed to his injuries. The members of the Committee referred with
great regret to the death of Mr. Powell, who had given his life that others
might live, and on the motion of the acting chairman (Councillor George
Gray) a resolution extending their sincere sympathy to the widow and family
of the deceased was passed in silence, the members standing.
Councillor Gray and Councillor McKee, who were present at the fire, referred
in eulogistic terms to the efficient services rendered by the brigade, and
the Committee congratulated the Chief Officer (Mr. Smith) and his staff on
the manner in which the outbreak was dealt with. It is interesting to
note that the call for the services of the brigade at the fire was received
at 12 p.m. and at 12.20 p.m. all the rescues had been effected, and those
requiring attention were being treated in the Royal Victoria Hospital.
Four-Fold Village Shooting Tragedy - Crowds Assemble for Banbury Funerals
Three of the four victims of the midnight shooting drama at Shutford,
near Banbury, Oxfordshire, on Saturday, were buried yesterday. Joseph
Messenger, a labourer, was buried at Epwell, and the remains of Mrs. Hilda
Mary Gibbs, wife of Wilfred Gibbs (the fourth victim of the tragedy) and of
Miss Ivy Cora Goods, Mrs. Gibbs' sister, were interred at Banbury.
Crowds of people assembled for the funerals. Wilfred Gibbs, who the
jury found at the inquest murdered his wife, her sister and Joseph Messenger
and then committed felo de se, was given a quiet burial at Shutford the
previous day. By agreement, the Gibbs' baby boy will remain under the
care of the Gibbs family.
Ulster Law Reports - Chancery Division - Alleged Price-Cutting
(Before the Right Hon. Lord Justice Best sitting as vacation judge)
The Imperial Tobacco Company of Great Britain and Ireland, Ltd., who were
plaintiffs in an action brought against Joseph Graham, tobacconist, of
Beresford Road, Belfast, for alleged breach of agreement, moved by way of
motion on notice for an interlocutory injunction, to restrain the defendant
from selling certain proprietary tobaccos at less than the agreed retail
price. Mr. E. S. Murphy, K.C., M.P., who with Mr. Chambers (instructed
by Messrs. Crawford & Lockhart) appeared for the plaintiff company, said
that the defendant had entered into an agreement with the plaintiffs under
which he was to sell their goods at certain prices. The motion was for
an interlocutory injunction against defendant to restrain him from selling
at less than the proper retail price. Mr. W. F. McCoy (instructed by
Mr. T. E. Alexander), appearing for defendant, said that before Mr. Murphy
entered into the affidavits he had to ask for an adjournment in order to put
in a replying affidavit. He submitted that the matter was not one
which should be brought during the vacation. The alleged breach of
agreement occurred as far back as June and July and a writ could have been
issued and application made during the term. It was not a matter of
urgency that justified an application during the long vacation, and he asked
for an adjournment to the first day of next sittings. Mr. Murphy said
he was asking for an interim injunction pending the trial. Lord
Justice Best said that if Mr. McCoy wished, he would adjourn the motion for
a week to enable the defendant to put in an affidavit, when the matter would
go on peremptorily. Mr. McCoy said he was satisfied. The motion was
adjourned for a week.
King's Bench Division - Action Against Automobile Association
A motion to remit to the lower Court was brought by the Automobile
Association, defendants, in an action brought against them by Anthony
McGrady, a minor, by his father, Charles McGrady, 30 Eliza Street, Belfast
to recover damages for personal injuries. Mr. Chambers (instructed by
Messrs. C. & H. Jefferson), for defendants, said that no cause of action lay
against the defendants. The accident, out of which the action arose,
involved one of the defendants' messengers while cycling home to his
luncheon. The messenger was in uniform at the time, but could it be
said that every commissionaire employed in the city proceeding to his lunch
was engaged in his employer's business? The injuries, he submitted,
could be amply compensated in the County Court, if liability was proved.
Mr. Grant (instructed by Mr. Thomas L. Martin), on behalf of the plaintiff,
said he had shown prima facia cause of action. There had been serious
injuries to the plaintiff, and the action, he submitted, should not be
remitted. Lord Justice Best said that the plaintiff had not shown
cause of action. He could understand an action being brought against
the defendants if their messenger had been going on a message for
defendants, but in this case the boy had an hour for dinner, and could go
where he liked for it. During that time the accident had occurred.
It would be stretching liability too far, he thought, to hold that a case
had been made. He accordingly remitted the action to the Recorder's
Woman Found Dead In Wood - Sent "Suicide Note" to Friend
The body of Miss Phyllis Shakespear, the 39 year old Ministry of Labour
official, who had been missing since 13th July, was found yesterday in
Bregshell's Copse, about a mile from Holmwood Common (Surrey). A
thermos flask and a novel with the words, "The Crimes Club," on it were
beside the body, which was discovered by Mr. George Pelham, a Southern
Railway ganger. Miss Shakespear, who lived in a flat in Bywater
Street, Chelsea, sent a letter to a friend saying that she intended to
commit suicide and that her body would be found on Holmwood Common.
She also deposited her will and some documents at her bank, and left a copy
of her will in her flat addressed to her sister. Police searched the
downlands near Holmwood for 12 days without success. An autogiro was
used over part of the area.
Over 100 Descendants - Great-great-grandmother's Death at Age of 102
Worcester (Cape Province), Thursday.
Four generations were present at her bedside when Kathrina Albertyn died
here at the age of 102. Born on 15th June, 1933, and married to a
Moslem, she was a great-great-grandmother and had over 100 descendants - 25
of whom lived in one village. Up to a month before her death Katrina
was active and in full possession of all her faculties. Her last words
to her deathbed sympathisers were to adjure them all to be faithful and
support their Church, Reuter
Drunk In Charge Of Car
Bernard McMahon, Upper Newtownards Road, was fined £5 and disqualified
from driving for twelve months when he pleaded guilty at the Belfast Custody
Court yesterday to having driven a motor-car early that morning while under
the influence of drink. He was also fined 10s for driving without
lights. Mr. N. Tughan appeared for the defence.
"How to Feed Free" Title of Labourer's Diary Read in Court
"How to feed free" was the title of the diary a well-dressed builder's
labourer kept after his arrival at Liverpool in search of work, it was
revealed at Liverpool Police Court yesterday. Percy Walker (28),
Wordsworth Square, Morley, near Leeds, admitted incurring debts at three
Liverpool restaurants by eating meals and not paying his bill. Mr. J.
Tilley, prosecuting, said on Walker's arrest pages torn from a diary were
found in his possession, which read, "How to get free meals. Why go without,
I won't? You may have plenty of food, good and cheap. Just leave
a name and address with the manager." Another page recorded: "On
Saturday night went to grill room at Lime Street Station and had following -
Tankard of ale, steak, cauliflower and chips, raspberries and cream, jug of
coffee, three whiskies and sodas, two bottles of cider, glass of sherry.
The Deputy Stipendiary (Mr. S. C. V. Addinsell) said Walker would go to
prison for six weeks with hard labour.
Asleep For A Year - Physicians Baffled by Young Girl's Long Coma - Las
Palmas (Canary Isles), Thursday
A 14 year old girl is still alive here after sleeping for a whole year
without ever once waking up. She is Carmen Bodoy, who is being cared
for at the hospital in Guia. She is systematically fed by means of a
probe inserted through her nose. Her continued coma which is baffling
physicians is believed to be the result of shock received after seeing her
mother killed by her father in a family quarrel, Reuter
"Dead" Man's Return - Scots Case of Mistaken Identity
A day after everyone thought that he had been buried in a Perthsire
village churchyard, John Stewart, a native of Inver, Dunkeld, walked into
the County Police Office at Perth and proved that he was very much alive.
It was a case of mistaken identity. Last Sunday a man's body, partly
decomposed, was found on the hills near Dunning (Perthshire). It was
identified as being the body of Stewart by his sister Mrs. Robertson, of
Inver, and on Tuesday the dead man was buried under that name. (part
missing) who has not been to Inver since 1915, hearing that he was dead and
buried, called at Perth Police Headquarters and assured the authorities that
he was still alive. Yesterday his identity was definitely established,
not only by Mrs. Robertson, but by the police at Dunkeld.
Tyrone Field Club's Trip
Members of Tyrone Naturalists' Field Club had an enjoyable outing on
Wednesday to Gortin glens, the journey being made by 'bus from Cookstown via
Gortin village and "The Gap" the deep gorge which was cut in the range
during the glacial period. Regret was felt that Mr. J. J. Hartley,
M.A., lecturer on geology at Queen's University, was not able to be present
as he has been making a special study of the district. After tea at
Lislap the party did some mountain climbing and later returned by way of
Omagh and Pomeroy.
Whiteabbey Sessions - Rural Council and Proposed Abolition
Belfast Rural Council at its meeting yesterday, Mr. W. A. Bell, J.P.,
presiding, protested against the proposal of the Ministry of Home Affairs to
discontinue Whiteabbey Petty Sessions and have cases usually dealt with
there transferred to Templepatrick, Carrickfergus, and Belfast Petty
Sessions districts. The Council considered that it would be a great
hardship on the ratepayers in the Whiteabbey district, and it was decided to
communicate with the Ministry and impress upon them the desirability of
retaining the Whiteabbey court. Questions in regard to the proposed
water supply for Glengormley were discussed, and consideration has been
given to a suggestion that a water diviner should be employed. The
Council, however, will probably prefer obtaining a supply from the Belfast
Water Commissioners, and it would be pumped into a reservoir built at
Housing In Belfast
Councillor W. J. Gillespie presided at a meeting of the Belfast
Corporation Estates Committee yesterday when a large amount of business
arising under the Housing Acts and the Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts was
transacted. Tenders for electric lighting installations in houses on
the Woodvale and Cavendish Street sites were opened and referred to the
Estates Superintendent for report.
Standard Cars for 1936 - Ulster Dealers Approve New Models (By Our
Motoring Correspondent)
Yesterday at the showrooms of the Clarence Engineering Co. Ltd., I saw
the new models of the Standard car for 1936. An entirely new range of
cars is announced, each of which, with one exception, has de luxe equipment.
And although these are offered at prices somewhat below the corresponding
models of 1935, the proud Standard boast of "quality first" is evident in
every line. Yesterday's gathering was in place of the usual annual
convention at the Standard Works in Coventry, in the belief that smaller
gatherings would be found more convenient to dealers and everyone else, and
would enable them to complete their business in the shortest possible time.
The change was a complete success. The directors of the Clarence
Engineering Company, Messrs. F. N. Cooke (chairman), F. H. Rogers and
Drummond Kirkpatrick, with Major Jasper Johnstone managing director), were
present throughout the day, and the large number of visitors which passed
through the showrooms kept the demonstrators busy. Even at a casual
glance the excellence of the new Standard is notable. The new forward
position of the radiator, the downswept front wings and the raked windscreen
give a smooth, stylish contour which is thoroughly up-to-date and in every
way pleasing. Actually, while improving the appearance of the cars,
the new profile is the result of a scientific re-distribution of weight.
For this in turn it is claimed that the road-holding and riding comfort are
both still further improved. And full advantage of the improvement can
be taken, for the new engines, with their modified cylinder heads, new
induction systems and downdraught carburettors are capable of substantially
speed and more energetic acceleration. The complete range consists, as
last year, of a "Nine," "Ten," "Twelve," "Sixteen," and "Twenty," and to
have been added a "Light Twelve" and "Light Twenty." The latter are
two cars, the comparatively small size of which, in relation to engine
power, gives them a very remarkable performance, alike in traffic, on hills
and on the open road. All the new Standards except the two-door "Nine"
at £135 have de luxe equipment. The "Nine," however, is a great little
car. It has been designed expressly to meet the demand, at the lowest
possible price, for a thoroughly roadworthy motor car, capable of seating
four adults in ample comfort and possessing a maximum speed of 60 m.p.h.
It has, in addition, 12-volt electrical equipment, a four-speed, synchromesh
gear-box, illuminated self-cancelling traffic indicators and an ingenious
but simple easy jacking system. On the Standard "Ten," "Twelve," and
"Sixteen" telescopic steering, which is adjustable for both rake and height
of wheel, is provided. The catalogue price includes equipment of the
highest quality. Oversize Dunlop tyres are fitted and ample provision
is made for luggage and parcel accommodation. From every point of view
I am tremendously pleased with the new Standards, and look forward within
the next few weeks to a trial on the road.
Mossley Gasholder Explosion
James Wright, of Main Street, Whiteabbey, who was seriously injured when
a gasholder in course of being dismantled at Messrs. Henry Campbell & Co.'s
mills, Mossley, exploded on Wednesday afternoon, and who was removed to the
Royal Victoria Hospital, is detained in that institution. He was
assisting William Bennett in the work of taking down the disused gasholder
when the tank blew up, Bennett being hurled into the air and killed.
At an early hour this morning, it was stated that Wright, whose condition is
serious, was as comfortable as could be expected.
Col. H. H. A. Emerson's Appointment - Director of Hygiene at the War
Colonel Henry Horace Andrews Emerson, who has been selected for
appointment as Director of Hygiene at the War Office with effect from 6th
October next, is at present Commandant and Chief Instructor at the Army
School of Hygiene, Aldershot. Colonel Emerson was educated at
Rathmines School and, passing to Trinity College, he won the Stewart
scholarship in physiology and anatomy. After securing the degrees of
B.A., B.A.O., B.Ch., and M.B., he joined the Royal Army Medical Corps in
1905. He served in France from 1915 to 1919, and was awarded the
D.S.O. and the Croix de Guerre, as well as being mentioned in despatches
three times. He became a brevet lieutenant-colonel in 1928, and in the
same year was appointed Deputy-Director of Hygiene and Pathology at the Army
headquarters in India. He was promoted lieutenant-colonel in 1929, and
colonel last year. A keen oarsman, Colonel Emerson was captain of the
Dublin University Boat Club. His father was Robert Henry Mulock
Emerson, and his mother before her marriage was Miss Georgina Rebecca
"Unnecessary Torture of the Mind," Says Vicar
A reference to a deputy-coroner's criticism as "unnecessary torture of
the mind" was made by the Rev. R. T. Farley Walters at the funeral at
Harborne, Birmingham, yesterday of the three boys - members of a 64th
Company of the Birmingham Boys' Brigade - who were drowned while bathing at
Abergele, North Wales, on Saturday. The quarter-master with the boys
at the time of the tragedy was Mr. T. C. Graty, and the deputy-coroner, Mr.
G. V. Humphreys, said that he should have "taken more care." The vicar
said that he wished to give his testimony to the splendidly heroic conduct
of the young man, who did everything he possibly could, even to endangering
his own life, to save the boys.
Linen Hall Library
At a meeting of the governors, held yesterday, the following books were
ordered:- Albion (G.), Charles the First and the Court of Rome; Finlay (J.
A.), A Portrait of Paul; Gibson (W. J.), Wild Career; Hayter (J. E.), In
Quest of Sheba's Mines; Lossky (Prof.) and Marshall (J. S.), The Value
of Existence; Kiernan (R. H.), Lawrence of Arabia; Negociations de M. le
Comte d'Avaux en Irelande; Robinson (E. H.), Televiewing; Ward (F. K.), The
Romancing of Gardening; Wintringham (T. H.), The Coming World War; also a
number of works of fiction
African Boy Scouts in Belfast
A number of Boy Scouts from Rhodesia at present touring the British
Isles reached Belfast yesterday morning and were welcomed by Rover Scout
Commissioner, Mr. Thomas W. T. Watters, with whom was Mr. J. H. Britton,
District Commissioner, and Mr. Ernest Moore, the General Secretary of the
Boy Scouts' Association. During their brief itinerary in Belfast the
boys will be treated to a round of sight-seeing and will be cordially
welcomed at the places mapped out for visits by them. Tomorrow they
will proceed to Scotland and England.
Manslaughter Charge Fails - Medical Student Fined After Fatal Road Crash
A charge of manslaughter, arising out of a road accident, against a
Llandudno medical student, David Price Cule Lewis (20), son of a bank
manager, was reduced at Birkenhead County Police Court yesterday to one of
dangerous driving. Lewis, who pleaded not guilty to the original
charge and the reduced charge, was fined £25 on the charge of dangerous
driving, ordered to pay £25 costs, and was disqualified from holding a
licence for two years. The case was a sequel to a midnight road crash
at Eastham (Cheshire), in which a motor cyclist, Frank Thomas Goldstrew
(37), of Old Chester Road, Birkenhead, was killed. It was contended by
Mr. T. A. McLoughlin, for the prosecution, that Lewis, driving a sports car,
overtook a car and lorry in a thirty miles an hour limit, crossed to the
wrong side and collided with Goldstrew. For the defence, Mr. Shawcross
pointed out that a witness had said that he had followed Lewis for three
miles before the accident, and that Lewis was driving carefully. Lewis
said that he did not know he was in a restricted area. He was deceived
by the bend at the crossroads and dazzled by the lights of an approaching
motor cycle.
Dundrum Boy Injured in Belfast
Joseph Rogan, a nine years' old schoolboy, whose home is at Dundrum, Co.
Down, and who was on a visit to Belfast, was knocked down by a motor-car in
Duncairn Gardens yesterday, and sustained injuries to the head and body.
He is detained in the Children's Hospital, Falls Road, where, at a late hour
last night, it was stated that his condition was such as not to give rise to
Portrush Lady Injured in Belfast
Miss J. Wilson, whose home is in Portrush, is in the Royal Victoria
Hospital, Belfast, with serious injuries sustained when she was knocked down
by a motor vehicle outside the Great Northern Railway terminus yesterday
afternoon. Miss Wilson, who was on a visit to Belfast, was staying at
the Presbyterian Hostel, Howard Street. Inquiry at the hospital at a
late hour last night elicited the reply that the patient was unconscious,
and that her condition was grave.
Charges Against Fire Assessors - Harry Gould Called as a Witness - 'Mean
Trick' Reference
Leopold Harris and Harry Gould, both of whom are serving sentences
following the fire conspiracy cases, were taken to Bow Street Police Court
yesterday in connection with charges against two Nottingham fire assessors,
Roland Alfred Relph (39), of West Bridgford, Nottingham, and Harry Davis
Hayden (45), of Attenborough, Nottingham. Mr. Roland Oliver, for the
Director of Public Prosecutions, said that both men were insurance
assessors. Hayden was at material times a partner in the firm of Orton
Smith, insurance assessors, whose business, so far as the present case was
concerned, was carried on at Low Pavement, Nottingham, of which branch
Hayden was the head. Relph was a director of the firm of J. J.
Thompson, of Nottingham. According to the Somerset House record, he
was the largest shareholder in the company. The case against them,
continued Mr. Oliver, is that, representing these two entirely different and
opposing interests, one the companies and the other the claimants, they
conspired together to rob the companies of money which belonged to the
companies, and divided the money between themselves. He proposed to
open two cases concerning Hayden. One was with regard to a fire on the
premises of William Dobbs & Son, Ltd., of Leicester, in 1931. The
premises were insured by the Sun Assurance Co. The firm of Orton Smith
were acting for that company, and Hayden was acting for Orton Smith. Relph
was for the claimants. GOULD'S SALVAGE AGREEMENT This case, said Mr.
Oliver, turned to a considerable extent upon the evidence of Harry Gould,
who needed no introduction. He was one of the principals of the fire
conspiracy cases who in August, 1933, at the Old Bailey, was sentenced to
six years' penal servitude. No one would ask that there should be a
conviction on the uncorroborated evidence of Gould, said Mr. Oliver, but
Relph rang him up and told him he was acting for the claimants on the Dobbs
fire. Gould was asked to come up. He saw the salvage and agreed
on a price of £230. "You will see that if that was true there was
Relph selling the salvage which it was Hayden's duty to sell." Relph
said that he wanted cash and agreed to meet Gould in a Leicester hotel on
2nd December. Gould drew a cheque for £230, the payee's name being J.
J. Thompson & Son, Ltd. It was not handed over to them, but cashed in
bank notes by a man named Turvey, a satellite of Gould, and Turvey would say
that he handed over the notes, or at any rate some of them, to Relph.
Continuing, Mr. Oliver said that in that very day Hayden paid an account of
£25 which he owed to a firm of furniture dealers with a £50 note. On
5th December £50 in currency notes was paid into Orton Smith's banking
account. They were not part of the money Gould paid over. "It
looks as if it was not thought safe to pay into Orton Smith's banking
account notes which had come from Gould." In the final report sent by
Hayden on this case he said: "Your assuree stated that the salvage was
useless to them, and we called in the salvage buyers to obtain various
offers, the best of which was £50. Some months later, said Mr. Oliver,
Gould apparently felt that he was not getting enough salvage jobs from
Hayden, and feeling he was being ignored he wrote a letter saying: "Dear Sir
- We shall be glad if you will kindly let us have a receipt for the £230
paid on 2nd December, 1931, for salvage sale." Relph had an interview
with Gould, and Gould was persuaded to let the matter drop. He was
told that there would be plenty of favours to come from Hayden in the
future. After dealing with other cases, Mr. Oliver called Harry Gould
GOULD'S EVIDENCE Gould said his original name was Harry Goldstein.
His name was changed by deed poll. Leopold Harris and David Harris
were his broths-in-law. Gould said, in reply to Mr. Oliver, that in
connection with the fire at Dobbs & Company, Leicester, Relph telephoned him
at his private house at Ilford, saying that there was some good salvage, and
asking him to go to Leicester to inspect it and make an offer. Relph
said his firm was acting for the claimants and that Hayden was acting for
the insurance company concerned. Gould said that he saw Relph, and
they agreed on a price of £230. "Later," Gould said, "Hayden played a
mean trick on me in reference to salvage at Leicester. I thought it
was a mean trick, because he did not give me a chance of the salvage.
This was the Morley fire." Before the court resumed after the luncheon
adjournment, Mrs. Leopold Harris and her daughter arrived in court and made
a request to see Leopold Harris. The first witness after the interval
was the secretary to a firm of furniture dealers, who stated that Hayden
paid an account with a £50 note. At this point Relph and Hayden were
remanded on bail until 2nd September.
Lord De Clifford in Motor Smash - Racing-Driver Killed and Two Women
Lord de Clifford, the racing motorist, was in a car which was involved
in a collision early yesterday on the Kingston By-pass, near London, and
which resulted in the death of Douglas George Hopkins (26), of Moss Hall
Grove, Finchley. Mr. Hopkins was driving the car, in which were his
sister, Miss Sheila Hopkins, and Miss Rosemary Reynolds, of Golders Green.
The two women were slightly injured and taken to Kingston Hospital.
Mr. Hopkins died from his injuries. Lord de Clifford declined medical
aid for his slight injuries. Both Lord de Clifford and Mr. Hopkins
were racing motorists.
Jewess Who Refused to Give up Lover - Brother to Pay Damage for Injuries
- Family Conference "Scene"
The story of the refusal of a young Jewess at a family conference to
give up her intention of marrying a Portuguese naval officer and of
renouncing her faith, was told at Newcastle-on-Tyne, for injury. Miss
Messing gave her address as the Portland Hotel, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and said
that she formerly lived with her family at Elswick Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
KNOCKED DOWN BY BLOW Mr. Swinburn G. Wilson (for Miss Messing) said
that the girl and a Portuguese officer had become infatuated and intended to
marry. They were to live in Portugal, and the girl was to renounce her
faith. The girl's family wrote a letter to the commander of the sloop
on which the officer was serving asking him to persuade the officer to give
his intention of marrying the girl. She was called to a 7 a.m. family
conference, and her brother asked her to swear on a prayer book and by
memory of their dead father not to marry the officer. When she refused
to take this oath he twisted her arm, and just as his mother was about to
intervene, knocked his sister to the floor with a blow in the mouth.
Miss Messing, in evidence, said that she was left on the floor for twenty
minutes. Then she left the house and went to a doctor. Dr. H.
Shockett, of Rye Hill, Newcastle-on-Tyne, said that as a result of the blow
there was a wound on Miss Messing's upper lip which necessitated two
stitches. It had left a permanent scar. Her wrist was sprained,
and two of her teeth loosened. BROTHER'S EVIDENCE Hyman Messing,
in evidence, said that his sister attempted to strike her 72 years old
mother, and he intervened, using just as much force as was necessary.
When Judge Thesiger asked Emanuel Messing, another brother, why his sister
was left lying injured on the floor, the witness replied that he was
attending to his mother. No one attended to his sister, who did not
deserve any sympathy. Judge Thesiger said that he was satisfied that
Miss Messing's story was on the whole true. It was a wicked assault,
whatever justification there might have been in objecting to the marriage.
"To inflict a blow which necessitated two stitches and will leave a scar for
life is bad enough to do to anyone, but to do it to one's sister makes one
feel that one must moderate one's language before one says too much."
Cost of Dungannon Hockey Field
At a meeting of Dungannon Education Committee yesterday, Colonel Howard,
J.P., who presided, reported that at the Dungannon Girls' High School, at
present in course of erection on the Northland House grounds, it would be
necessary to purchase an additional three roods to complete the hockey
field. The purchase price was £275, and the architect had estimated an
additional £250 for levelling, making a total cost for the three roods of
£525. It was decided, subject to the sanction of the Ministry of
Education, to make the purchase.
Belfast News-Letter, Friday, September 6, 1935
Upkeep Of Ulster Roads - Armagh Chamber Criticises
Administration of Funds
Armagh Chamber of Commerce yesterday passed a resolution from Portadown
Chamber in which the administration of the Road Fund was condemned, and the
opinion expressed that the fund was sufficient for the upkeep of the roads,
and should be applied in its entirely to that work. Mr. McVitty said
the Association of Chambers of Commerce believed that the resolution was one
which should come from the individual Chambers rather than from the
association. Mr. McVitty also proposed the adoption of a resolution
asking for the restoration of penny postage, Mr. N. Smith seconded, and the
resolution was passed. Mr. McVitty reported that at the meeting of the
Associated Chambers payment of jurors had been discussed. The general
opinion was that it was a hardship that jurors had to attend court at their
own expense and wait for days, but he did not think that the Armagh Chamber
should take any action. This was agreed to. Mr. M. Garvey
explained the position with regard to the milk levy, stating that except in
one or two exceptional cases it had not been paid. The producers had
considered paying the levy and raising the price of milk to recoup
themselves, but had decided to await the result of their deputation to the
Two Policemen Assaulted - Ballyclare Men Fined and Bound Over
William Hagan, Doagh, and George Armstrong, Carnmoney, were each fined
10s and costs at Ballyclare yesterday when convicted of assaulting
Constables Williamson and Palmer, who were on special duty in Ballyclare on
31st August. Hagan was also fined 5s for having been drunk and
disorderly. The assaults took place while the constables were dealing
with a row in a public-house. Hagan said that he did not know what he
was doing, and Armstrong expressed his regret for what had occurred.
Each defendant was also bound to the peace for twelve months. |