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Roll of Honour

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History of St. Michael's Church, Castle Caulfield
(Parish of Donaghmore)
by Captain Ynyr A, Burges, J.P., D.L. 1936

View of St. Michael's Church, Castlecaulfield,
Where the 250th Anniversary Service and Dedication of Gifts was held

Procession of Clergy and Lay Readers on its way to the Church
Belfast News-Letter 30.9.36 Governor Walker's Church, 250th
Fifty Clergymen at Service in Castlecaulfield - Sermon by the Primate
The 250th anniversary of the Parish Church of St. Michael, Castlecaulfield,
County Tyrone, was celebrated at a special service yesterday. The Lord
Primate, Most Rev. Dr. d'Arcy, preached, and there were 50 clergy-men
present. The Primate was received at the door of the church by the
rector, the Rev. R. B. Blackwell-Smyth, and the church wardens, Captain Y.
A. Burges, D.L., and Mr. John A. Frizelle. The service was conducted
by the rector and the lessons were read by the Dean of Armagh and the Rev.
Canon McEndoo, M.A., of Dungannon. The Primate dedicated a number of
gifts to the church, including a credence table, presented by the son and
daughters of John Simpson, Killyliss, and Rachael Simpson; a brass table
desk, to the memory of Thomas Edward Hall, Reascor, presented by his widow
and family; and a brass alms dish, in memory of Charles Wesley W. Lucas,
presented by his parents, sister, and uncle. The village of
Castlecaulfield was founded in 1614 by Sir Toby Caulfield, of whom Viscount
Charlemont is a direct descendant. The old parish church was in the
village of Donaghmore and was much damaged during the rebellion of 1641.
The remains of it were gradually taken away, and at last the local Roman
Catholic priest was permitted by the then rector to remove whatever remained
of the old building to furnish part of the materials for a chapel. The
present church in Castlecaulfield has the date 1685 in the church tower.
It originally consisted of the nave and tower, and the transepts, chancel,
and vestry room were added about 1860. The church bell has been recast
on more than one occasion, and the present bell bears the inscription
"Second to none in weight and tone. - Thomas Hodges, Abbey Street, Dublin,
1859." The tower clock was erected in 1906 by Colonel Ynyr. H. Burges
as a memorial to his son. A part of the original church furniture, a
wooden pulpit, known as Walker's pulpit, was acquired by the Methodist
Church in the village, and later made into a chair for the use of worshipful
masters in the Walker Memorial Orange Hall. The vestry minutes are
complete from 30th September, 1741, and some of them make quaint reading.
The list of rectors and vicars of the parish dates from 1389, and the
curates from 1622. WALKER'S MONUMENT When this church was built
the Rev. George Walker, hero of the siege of Derry, was rector of the
parish. Walker was killed at the Battle of the Boyne, and was buried
on the battlefield, but several years later his widow had his remains
deposited in the church at Castlecaulfield on the south side adjoining the
chancel. In the wall above she placed the monument which bears the
following inscription:- "Near this, O reader, are deposited the remains of
the Rev. George Walker, Doctor of Sacred Theology, formerly Rector of this
Parish. He, by whose vigilance and valour Londonderry in the year 1689
was rescued from the enemies of William and the Faith, fell mortally wounded
on the banks of the Boyne for the same cause against the same enemy in the
year 1690; to whose remains and memory his inconsolable widow, Isabella
Walker, has erected this monument in the year 1703. But his fame shall
be more durable than rock, nor shall future ages less than the present
admire a soldier so pious and a minister so intrepid." In 1838 repairs
to the church were carried out, and the then rector, the Rev. Thomas
Carpendale, and some other gentlemen considered the time opportune for
ending a controversy on the question of whether of not Walker was buried in
the chancel. Search was made, and about four feet below the surface
were found two coffins and between them a box. The first coffin
contained a complete skeleton pronounced to be that of a female, and
therefore believed to be that of Isabella Walker. Beside it lay a
small oak box, about 24 by 16 inches, containing Walker's remains - a few
bones of the arms and thighs and a portion of the skull. The remains
of Walker and his wife were transferred to two oak boxes, and the grave was
newly cased with brick. On 25th October, at seven o'clock in the
morning (in order to avoid a large crowd), the re-interment was carried out.
25/- A YEAR The church also has a complete list of the churchwardens
from the year 1741, and sextons from the year 1751. The sexton of that
date received 25s a year. The Primate, in his sermon, said that was a
beautiful and a historic church, and owing to the history of their land old
churches were not common. It had been erected by the Rev. George
Walker, the gallant defender of Derry, who was honoured throughout Ulster,
and rightly so. Walker imparted courage to Derry's gallant defenders.
The choir led the praise service, Miss Burn, Moneymore, presiding at the

Memorial Inscriptions and Windows - Church Silver - Vestry Minutes -

Rectors & Vicars - Rev. George Walker - Churchwardens - Sextons

1) The original Font in Sr. Michael's Church, 250 years old.
("Northern Whig" Photograph)
The Credence Table, Alms Dish, and Table Lectern, new gifts to the Church,
which will be dedicated by the Lord Primate of All Ireland at to-day's
St. Michael's Church (Castlecaulfield) 250th Anniversary Service
From left - The ? R. B. Blackwell-Smyth (rector), His Grace The Lord Primate
(Most Rev. Dr.) who officiated at the service yesterday; Captain Y. A.
Burges, and The Earl of Belmore
Memorial Tablet in St. Michael's Church, Castlecaulfield, to Rev. George
Walker, who was rector from 1674 to 1690, when he was killed at the Battle
of the Boyne
Tucked inside the above booklet

Wishing Florence, Vera and Ella a Very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year, From
Jack Xmas 1917
Mrs. D. L. Savory, Beechville, Knockbreda Park, Belfast. Second Friday, Oct.
till May

Ritz Theatre Belfast September

1) Sally Gray who stars in the New Associated British-Bronstan
production "Silent Dust"
2 & 3) Anna Neagle Michael Wilding 'Spring in
Park Lane' also starring Tom Walls

September Attractions at the Ritz

Screen Personalities - Stephen Murray

Joseph Seal, well-known broadcasting organist, featured exclusively at the
Ritz Cinema, Belfast

Memoirs of an Irish Manse
Pages from the life story of Joseph Corkey,
M.A., LL.D., and his Wife, Isabella Sloane
- Corkey, Glendermott -
by their son, William Corkey, M.A., D.D., Minister Emeritus of Windsor
Presbyterian Church, Belfast
signed Wm. Corkey, 29th Nov. 58

Rev. Joseph Corkey, M.A., LL.D.
Mrs. Isabella Sloane Corkey


2nd Glendermott Presbyterian Church

2nd Glendermott Manse

The Rock Whence They Were Hewn