1) 9th August 1923 Postmark Belfast - from Minnie to Mrs. Donelly, 66
Broadway, Falls Road - Having a good day, wish you were here.
2) 12th April 1926 Postmark Roma, Ferrovia - from ? to Miss Carey, 12
Cyprus Park, Belfast, Irlanda - This is what we saw yesterday in the Church
of St. Cecilia ? the ?, ???. We are now on our own wandering about, seeing
new things & other things that is especially liked ? ??? Rome is wonderful,
exceeding our expectations. I wish you were both here, Mr. Craig & his car
loom in the distance but ?????? There is a new Craig baby, 3 weeks old. Many
thanks for nice long letter, love from ?
3) 12th December 1928 - Postmark Wilkinsburg, Pa, from Bob to Mr.
George Quinn, 60 Parker Street, Belfast, County Down, Ireland - Dear Bro, A
card hoping it finds yous all well. Would like to hear from your soon & ?
wish you & Nellie a merry Xmas & bright & prosperous new N. years, from your
loving Bro. Bob
4) 13th December 1930 - G. Quinn, DOB 6th August 1883
5) 8th July 1931 Postmark somethingBally, Co. Antrim - from ?
Shearman to Miss Carey, Ardlui, Cyprus Avenue Park, Belfast
- So glad you were able to help Betty Sayers, I don't think her papers were
too bad except maths. The results, however, won't be out for some
weeks time. However we were cheered by hearing one of our girls had won
several entrance Scholarships to Q.U.B. I hope you will have a very
enjoyable holiday when you go off & that the weather will be kind. Yours
very sincerely

1) 1932 Secular Church, Mount Melleray Abbey Postmark Portland, Eire
- from Davie? to Mrs. Walsh, 3 Manor Crescent, Cliftonville, Belfast - This
is a very good change and I'm enjoying it all. Everything is a complete
change. Best Love
2) 2nd August 1938 from Cunningham & Dickey, 10 Chichester Street,
Belfast to Mrs. Ellen Quinn, 4 Templemore Avenue, Belfast re Mrs. Charlotte
M. Finlay, Deceased - Dear Madam, We are acting for Mr. Robert McCaw, of 29
Haddington Gardens, Belfast, and the Rev. W. J. Finlay Maguire of the
Rectory, Whitehouse, Co. Antrim, the Executors of the Will of the late Mrs.
C. M. Finlay of 27 Haddington Gardens, Belfast, who died on the 7th ult.,
Under the Will you are entitled to a legacy of £50, and also to share in the
residue with the other pecuniary legatees in proportion to the legacies
given to each legatee under the Will. We will communicate with you
about the matter at a later date. Yours faithfully
3) 2 July 1941 War Damage Claim dated 17.5.41

1) Transport and General Workers Union - T. Quinn, 69 Parkgate Avenue
2) 4th November 1942, War Damage Act 1941
Private Chattels Scheme, Claim dated 17th May 1941 £93 to Mrs. Eleanor
Quinn, 69 Parkgate Avenue, Belfast
3) 1st July 1942 - from Alice to Mr. & Mrs.
Walsh, 3 Manor Street, Belfast - Dear Mrs. Walsh, Agnes & I are having a
good time here & the weather is lovely but it was very cold last night. Tell
Lilly I am remembering her in my Prayers. Best Love
4) 18 December 1942, Alexander Spence,
Auctioneer, Belfast, Mrs. Quinn - ? glass,
snakes & ladders, 2 toy engines, toy barrow, pair copper vases & 4 handbags
1) 9th January 1943 War Damage Claim Eleanor Quinn for loss at 4
Templemore Avenue on the 5.5.41
2) 19 January 1943 Summary Jurisdiction Acts, Certificate of Order -
Complainant: Eleanor Quinn, 4 Templemore Avenue Defendant: George
Quinn - I certify that upon hearing of a Complaint that defendant within the
past six months at Belfast, being able wholly or in part to maintain his
said wife and family, has wilfully neglected so to do, and has deserted his
said Wife. Order was made on 24th May 1938 against George Quinn, 63 Belmont
3) 2 Colvil Street, Strandtown, Belfast, 24.6.43 - Dear Mrs. Quinn, I
was very sorry indeed to hear the sad news of the death of your husband.
I am writing these few lines t express my deepest sympathy to you and your
family. I know how I felt when my dear husband passed away, so I can
understand how you must feel now. But I hope you will do your best and keep
up. Yours Sincerely, Mrs. A. Niven
4) 29.5.43 from M. Cunane, Const. R.U.C.
Sydenham Road to Mrs. Quinn, 49 Parkgate Avenue - Please note that the
inquest will be held at 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday 30th June 1943 at the
Coroner's Office City Hall, Belfast
5) 14.6.43 - 19.7.43 - 8.7.47
Belfast Co-op Shares Mrs. E. S. Quinn

21st June 1943 Death Certificate for George Quinn late of 63 Belmont Avenue
Messrs. Harland & Wolff C.O.D.: Shock haemorrhage following internal
injuries accidentally received when his clothing caught in a revolving
2) 25th June 1943 Dear Mrs. Quinn, Please
accept my deepest sympathy in your great trouble of your dear Father, whom
had such a cruel death, which must have been awful, suffering from the death
of my own dear Son, I know what you are all
(there's was nothing on the back and no other page)
3) 1st July 1943, Belfast Co-op Society Ltd. to
Mrs. Eleanor S. Quinn, 69 Parkgate Avenue, Furnishing funeral of ? George
Quinn to Dundonald Cemetery £29
4) 28th August 1944, Robert Bell, Monumental Sculptor to Mrs. Quinn
(on back, Cemeteries Dept., No. F2 19 plan
5) 30 September 1944 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Eleanor Quinn, 69
Parkgate Avenue, Belfast
29th January 1945 from Inland Revenue, Belfast to Mrs. Quinn, 69
Parkgate Avenue, Belfast re George Quinn, Husband, deceased Income Tax
2 3
1) 12.11.45 Hello Martha, How are you & Mam?
Will answer your letter soon. Don't mention this little envelope when
writing but just put a little x at the bottom of your letter and I will know
you got it alright. Uncle Bob
2) 1946 Postmark Pittsburg P.A. to Mrs. Martha Quinn, 69 Parkgate
Avenue, Belfast, N. Ireland
3) 28th August 1946 Postmark Belfast from Govt.
of N.I. to Mrs. Eleanor S. Quinn, 69 Parkgate Avenue, Belfast
4) 19th November 1946 from Uncle Bob (Quinn)
419 South Avenue, Wilkinsburg, Pittsburg Pa (21) to Miss Martha Quinn, 69
Parkgate Avenue, Belfast, N. Ireland - excuse mistakes if any - Dear Sister
in law & Niece, I now take the pleasure of writing you's this letter hoping
it will find you's al well, this leaving all on this side in our usual way.
I am still working night turn. The cousins are all busy working except Clara
who isn't too well at present. She was married June 28th last, Tom is back
to college again, he & his wife were here over the week end. He
enjoyed receiving a letter from you, also one from your sister Clara, Well
Martha, I didn't finish this letter when I started so here I am again
speaking of your cousin Clara, who at present she is in the Hospital here,
Mother just called up to find how she was, is a little improved to day, Aunt
Mary or Marg. & I and husband was down to see her yesterday, wasn't too well
while we were there, I expect in a few weeks she will be well & back home
again, let us hope so. How are you keeping Martha, not forgetting your
Mother & Bro. Tom, also your other Bros. & sisters, I am very sorry Martha,
for not writing to you or Tom sooner, but I got out of the way of writing, I
mean good, but just can't settle down to it. So big niece, I hope you will
pardon me also asking Mum's pardon, I'm sure sister Betty will think me very
unfair at never writing to her, I said hello and will write her soon. How is
her sweet little kiddies Nell. Martha, before I forget, I want you to do me
a little favour, that is, I want you to write cousin Clara a nice little
letter, I know you will get an answer, hope you will do that for me.
The address Mrs. C. Johnson, 7128 Meade Street, East End, Pittsburg Pa.
How is Bro. Tom, I would like to hear from him, I'm glad your Mother is
keeping somewhat better, I would like very much to see you's all again. Tell
Mam to keep that candle burning in the cabin window. So as I will know which
door to knock on when I get there. Do you think she Mam will know me.
Cousin Tom & his wife is coming to visit us to day, I want to thank you
Martha, for all them newspapers, the only thing that worries me is that it
costs you money sending these papers, I don't want you or Mam? to deprive
your selves or ? Aunt Mary but some thing in a envelope for you, hope you
rec-eive it (all) alright. I wish Nephew George was here at present as I am
adding 4 rooms to my our house and I need brick layer. Rem-ber me to him.
Cousin Mary & her husband live on the 3rd floor so I am building this
addition for Clara & her husband. Did I send you a photo of our house, if
not, I will send you one. Martha, do you ever see or hear from Uncle Fred or
Aunt Clara, I rec-ed a nice long letter from Uncle Walter Cavan 2 weeks ago
in answer to one I sent him 32 years ago, I waited on that letter, I will
write him soon. Cousin Florence says hello to you while I am writing this to
you, she says you will hear from her soon. How is Aunt Sharlet & Uncle
Andrew. This in coming week is what we called Thanks giving day, held on the
last Thursday of November. It is much like Xmas feasting and soon Xmas will
hear again (be here?). Is it a great day in America, Pres. (presents)
decorations, feasting on Turkey & chicken, eats of all kind. Toys & gifts
exchanged. Mam & I had a big time when the children were small, but every
thing lasts just so long. Do you ever hear from Aunt Betty in Canada, I had
a letter from her last week, she is a Granny now. Martha, ask your
Bros. or sisters if they ever pass a book store or shop, if they would get
me that song sheet with that song in it 'I'll take you home again, Kathleen'
I will send you the money for it, hoping I'm not asking too much. Well
dear Niece & your Mother, I think I have said all I could think of at
present. Again asking that pardon for not writing sooner. So Aunt Mary &
myself & Cousins join together in wishing you, Bros. & sisters & Mam a very
merry & happy & prosperous N. year. From as ever your loving Uncle Bon xxx
for you

1) 12th February 1947 from Tommy, 1126 Dartmouth Road, Pittsburg 5,
penna - Dear Martha, My thanks to you regarding the beautiful hand-work you
sent Lucille and I for Christmas is just a bit delayed, but many many thanks
for it. I hope you will be kind enough to thank your mother for me too.
I should like to be more concrete in my thanks, that is something other than
mere words, but each time the problem of what would be appropriate arises.
For this reason I am going to push off the task on you and have you tell me
something which you might like or which might be useful to you. I
understand you still have a lot of items rationed so if you can think of
anything I would surely appreciate it. Lucille suggests that since
clothing is rationed we might return our thanks with something in that line,
but the problem of sizes comes up and that stops that. At any rate I am
burdening you with the task and will reply on you to come to our rescue.
I just completed my mid-semester finals and next week start in on the final
lap. I will graduate in June and so go back to work once again. This
college-boy life is OK but I would rather be working. I am an accounting
major and will get a Bachelor of Science Degree and so will be in line to
take my State examination for a Certified Public Accountant Degree in
another year or so. Once that is over I should be ready to work into
some of the big money that is going around Pittsburg. Here is hoping,
so, at any rate. Enough about that sort of thing though. What I want to hear
from you is all the details on what you folks are doing over there. What you
think of Attlee and the labor government and anything else you might think
of. I am interested in getting a first hand view of the situation.
I hope you and your family are all well. I thought I might hear from
your sister, Clara, but so far not a word. I guess she is very busy though.
Say hello to her for me and tell her to drop off a line of she gets time. By
the way, I haven't heard from you lately. That is along the letter line.
Your note enclosed with the package said you were writing soon, but in spite
of the fact that I have been watching that postman I haven't received the
good word from you. Dad is still receiving the papers you are kind
enough to send. He shows me the notes you put in them every now and then so
I do hear about you once in awhile. Everyone at home here is fine and sends
best regards to you and your family. Let me hear from you soon and bring me
up to date on things. Sincerely, Tommy. P.S. Why don't you send
me a picture of all you folks. All of which reminds me. I think
Clara said she had waited two years for a roll of film. If it is still
so hard to get let me know what size film you use and I will send you a few
rolls. P.P.S. Don't fail me on suggesting something you all can use.
2) 21st June 1947 Thomas Street, Armagh
Postmark Armagh - from Eleanor to Mr. & Mrs. A. Campbell, No. 5 McMaster
Street, Newtownards Road, Belfast - Hope you are both well & enjoying
married life, but Mrs you still owe me a letter & am dying to see those
snaps, so hurry up old girl.
1)13th January 1948 Robert Bell, Monumental Sculptor to Mrs. Quinn,
69 Parkgate Avenue - Railing & Base
2) 30th September1949 Postmark Baile Atha Cliath - John Lester's
Midgets, Blackpool, from Madeline to Mrs. Gray, 21 Harcourt Drive,
Cliftonville Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - Dear Mother, I arrived safely, it
is nice and warm. I hope the good weather keeps up, do not forget Ko Ko

1) 25th July 1950 Postmark Downpatrick - from Ena McPhillips to Mrs.
Grey, 20 Harcourt Drive, Cliftonville, Belfast - Hope your all well and
having good weather, Kind regards
2) 16th December 1953 Postmark Bangor to Mrs. Quinn, 69 Parkgate
Avenue, Belfast

1)1st July 1957 Order of Service at Iron Hall, Templemore Avenue -
Olive Hazel Millar and Charles McAllister
2) 1957 Letterkenny, Co. Donegal - from R.
Taylor to Miss B. Hughes, 165 New Lud? Street Road, Belfast, North Ireland -
Having a good time here all and doreens? well, the weather is fairly good,
did you get your ? alright

1) 10.8.58 419 South Avenue, Wilkinsburg, Pittsburg from Bob &
Mary Quinn to Eleanor & Tom, Thought I would write you a few lines hoping
they will find you, Tom, not forgetting the rest of your family all in the
best of health. This leaving Mary & I in our usual way. Have been wondering
how you have been. Not hearing from you in a long time. I think Nellie I
told you I had retired now 14 months ago. I try to keep busy around home
here but time is getting heavy. Will have to make the best of it now as one
can't do too much about the situation at 70 or 90 years Mary? & I took a
trip to the sunny south that was to Florida in Dec. last for 2 weeks, had a
nice time, lots of sunshine yet home looked when he got back again. I just
wrote Fred to day. I said in his letter that I was going to write you this
week, so here I am. How is my nephews & nieces, not having heard from Lizzie
I mean your girl in a long time, how is she doing, I do hope you are keeping
well. This week 9 years ago since I saw you last. The years go fast. Mary
has her Sister's memory in the Chronicle this week, now passed away 5 years
September 29th. How about A Blackmore? I heard his wife had passed or that
is 2 for Alfred I know Mary his second wife very well. When have you been in
New town ards, Fred & his wife has not been too well. He tells me he is
looking for a house, I hope he gets one soon. I haven't heard from Clara in
a long time, I don't suppose Nellie you see her very often. I hope she is
keeping well. I hear from Sister Betty in Canada once in a while. Is your
boy still in England. Sorry I didn't get to see when I was over. How is Bob?
Andrew, Sam & Sister Charlotte. Not forgetting your other Sister. I had one
Grand Child when I seen you last, now we have 9, Tom has 2, Mary 4 &
Florence 3. Well Nellie summer is gone for another year & how they are
passing pretty fast for me. I suppose the same for you. Fred tells me there
was a good many visitors over to New town ards from America. I expect they
are all gone back by now. One fellow you might remember I brought him up one
Sunday in 1910, that was Geo. Dorrian, he is out here in the City of
Cleveland, right now our daughter Mary came in with her husband & children.
This is Sunday Oct. 12th had our boy Tom here with his youngest boy, he said
his older boy had fell on a rusty nail the night before while out playing &
that the boy didn't feel too good but I hope every thing will be alright.
Clara comes often to see us, Florence doesn't come too often as she is so
far away from Wilkinsburg. Mary says to tell you she thinks of you often and
would like to meet you & your family again, but Nellie, that is a long trip
from 419 South Avenue here to 69 Parkgate Avenue in Belfast, but maybe some
day, ask Tom if he will meet us at the boat. Is your boys George & Willie
keeping busy, I mean Nellie, have they steady work. Would like very much to
hear from one of your family, Mary hears from her Bros. One in Co. Cavan,
the other in Bangor, Mary had a letter from a girl here in Manchester
Connecticut who worked with her in New townards 50 years ago. Her husband
passed away some time in August so Mary is answering her letter to night,
reminiscing her of by gone days. Well Nellie once again I hope you & yours
are in the best of health, hoping it will continue that way for a long time
to come. So Nellie I will draw to a close by saying Good night to all. From
your old Friends Bob & Mary Quinn. Should aul acquaintance be forgot
No P.S. Nellie, There is £2 reward if you can identify these 2 people.
So long Fomy?
2) 11th August 1958 Belfast & Northern Ireland
Directory, re 21 Harcourt Drive, Belfast, Gray, Samuel, C., car man
3) October 1958 Postmark Pittsburg P.A. from
Robert Quinn, 419 South Avenue, Wilkinsburg P.A. to Mrs. Eleanor Quinn, 69
Park Gate Avenue, Near Hollywood Arches, Belfast, N. Ireland

1) 12th March 1959, R.V.H. Personal Card, Eleanor Quinn, 600982, Mr.
2) 16th April 1959 Belfast Hospital Management
Committee, R.V. Hospital, Mrs. E. Quinn, 69 Parkgate Avenue, One Pound for
surgical support. A. ? Cairns

1960 In Memoriam
Orr - In loving memory of my dear Father, James, died 8th
January, 1960 - Always remembered by his loving Daughter and Son-in-law,
Florence and Edward Palmer, 29 Dhu Varren Park.
Rainey - In loving memory of my dear husband James H., and father of
Elizabeth, died 8th January 1960 - Sadly missed by his loving Wife and
Elizabeth, 309 Beersbridge Road; also Family Circle.
Shannon - Memories keep me very near to my dear parents, Mammy, died
8th January, 1960; Daddy, died 9th December, 1949 - Fondly remembered by
their loving Daughter and son-in-law, Jean and Thomas Devlin, also Grandsons
Jim and George, 8 McClure Street; In loving memory of our dear Grandmother,
always remembered by her loving Grandson and Wife, Albert and Emily Devlin,
38 Kensington Street
Sharkey - In loving Memory of my dear brother, Alfred Noel, died 8th
January, 1960 - Remembered always by his Sister and Brother-in-law, Mollie
and George Donaghy, also Jim and Audrey, 9 Glantrasna Drive
Spence - In loving memory of my dear husband, Robert Lloyd, who
departed this life 8th January, 1957 - Still sadly missed by his Wife, Sarah
Spence, 15 Henderson Avenue; Treasured memories of my dear parents, Mother,
died 8th January, 1960 - Father, killed in action, April 1945, Ever
Remembered by their loving Son John and Daughter-in-law Alice and
Grandchildren, 28 Wilton Street
Stewart - In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, called Home on
8th January, 1960. Remembered always by her loving Husband and Daughters,
and Son, also Son and Daughter-in-law, 123 Ebor Street
Sweeney - In Loving memory of our dear daughter, May, died 8th
January, 1942. Fondly remembered by her Father and Mother, Thomas and Mary
Sweeney, ?5 Annadale Flats
Thompson - In loving memory of my dear wife, Margaret, called Home
7th January, 1961. Always remembered by her loving Husband, Davidson, also
Granddaughter, Grace and Nephew David, 3 Hilltop, Derriaghy.
Thompson - In loving memory of my dear husband, Hugh, called Home 8th
January, 1961. Still sadly missed by his loving Wife and Family Circle, 7
????ille Avenue

1) 30th May 1960, from Bob Gray, Bar Library, Royal Courts of
Justice, Ulster, Belfast - Dear Clarence, It is quite some time since we
last met, nevertheless there is not a day passes but you are in my thoughts,
the time just has not been uneventful, not I may say & my pleasing the wife
had rather had him requiring hospital treatment and is now recovering slowly
at home. She was only a week at home when I slipped in the bathroom and ? my
back! I am ever so much better but my back is still weak. Enough about
myself. 'What about yourself, I hope you are fully restores to health & ?. I
wasn't fit to go to last meeting, but John Gray enjoyed himself. Do give me
a ring when we can arrange a rendezvous. sincerely yours.

1962 Thanks and In Memoriam Notices
Hargey, Maud - The Husband and Family with to thank all those
who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement; especially the
Doctors and Nursing Staff of the City Hospital; those who sent Mass cards
and letters of sympathy; the Neighbours for their beautiful floral tribute;
all those who called at the house and attended the funeral. Trusting this
acknowledgment will be accepted by all at 94 Bryson Street
Hunter, Alexander - The Wife and Family wish to thank the many kind
Friends and Neighbours who sympathised with them in their recent sad
bereavement; all those who sent floral tributes, letters and cards of
sympathy, called at the home and attended the funeral. Trusting this token
of appreciation will be accepted by all - 55 Doagh Road, Ballyclare
Hutton, Richard H. - The Wife of the late Richard W. Hutton wishes to
thank all those who sympathised with her in her recent sad bereavement;
especially the Rev. J. R. Hall, M.A., for his kind attention; the
Management, Directors, and the various Departments of James Mackie & Sons,
Ltd., and the Friends and Neighbours who sent floral tributes, letters and
cards of condolence, called at the home and attended the funeral. Hoping
this acknowledgment will be accepted by all - 42 Bainesmore Drive
Hynes, Violet E. - The Family wish to thank all those who sympathised
with them in their recent sad bereavement; also those who sent floral
tributes, cards and letters of condolence. Hoping this acknowledgment will
be accepted by all - 65 Kilcoole Park
Keenan, William James - The Wife of the late William James Keenan
wishes to thank the many kind Friends and Neighbours who sympathised with
her in her recent bereavement, especially Dr. Eric White, Rev. H. Irvine,
Staff of Lisburn Hospital, those who sent floral tributes, letters, and
attended the funeral. Trusting this acknowledgment will be accepted by all -
Belsize Road, Lisburn
McCloud, William - The Wife of the late William McCloud wishes to
thank all those who sympathised with her in her recent bereavement,
especially the Neighbours of Brenda Street for their sympathy and flowers;
the Doctors and Staff of Forster Green Hospital; Dr. Loughridge, the Rev. D.
Alderdice, M.A., B.D., and the Rev. R. J. Coulter, B.A., for their
sympathetic assistance. Hoping this will be accepted by all - 32 Brenda
In Memoriam
Houston - In Memory of my beloved Father, Andrew Houston, who
died 8th January, 1959 - Remembered always by his loving son Jack
Hutchinson - In loving memory of our dear Mother, died 8th January,
1961; also our dear Father, died 15th, February 1953 - Always remembered by
the Family Circle, Ballybeen, Comber
Lawther - In loving memory of my dear Mother, Mary, died 8th January,
1960; also Father, Samuel, died 30th March, 1959 - Always remembered by
their loving Son and Daughter-in-law, Samuel and Mabel Lawther, and Family,
14 Sydney Street West; Sadly missed, Maisie, Norman and Grandchildren,
Mack - In loving memory of my dear Wife and our dear Mother, who
passed away 8th January, 1959 - Always remembered by her loving Husband and
Son, George, also her Daughter and Son-in-law, Ruth and Bruce Watson, 5
Wrights Road, Dunmurry; Ever remembered by her Daughter and Son-in-law, Jean
and Arthur Magee, and Grandchildren, 12 Beattie Park Terrace, Dunmurry
Martin - In loving memory of my dear husband, Samuel, who died 6th
January, 1953 - Ever remembered by his loving Wife, Jennie, also the Family
Circle - 36 Argyle Street
Mills - Treasured memories of my dear parents, father, Rainey, who
was called home 7th January, 1958; also mother, Sarah J., 30th March, 1934 0
Lovingly remembered by their Daughter and Son-in-law, Evelyn and Jim Heslip,
8 Norwood Gardens
McCoy - Second anniversary of my dear Husband, died (result of an
accident), 8th January, 1960 - Ever remembered by his loving Wife and Sons,
139 Connsbrook Avenue

1962 Wedding Anniversaries, Deaths
Gold - Savage - Warmington, July 9th, 1912, at St. George's
Church, Brailes, Warwickshire, Joseph Savage (formerly of Castlebellingham
and Belfast) to Fanny E. Warmington, 27 Lyttleton Road, Aigburth, Liverpool,
Silver - Patterson - Bingham, July 9,
1937, at Drumbo Presbyterian Church, by Rev. J. B. Wallace, M.A., Ernest
Patterson to Ethel Bingham. Present address: Maryville, Ballycairn, Lisburn
Baker - July 8, 1962 (suddenly), at her home, 47 Westhurst
Drive, Chislehurst, Kent, Jean, wife of J. H. baker and dearly loved sister
of May Frizzell and Ella Johnston
Burns - Suddenly, at Winnipeg, Canada, Ernest, second son of Margaret
Burns and the late Robert Burns, 194 My Lady's Road, Deeply regretted by his
loving Mother and Family
Bury - July 5, 1962, at Liverpool, Robert Thomas, loved husband of
Ray Bury. Funeral from the residence of his father-in-law, John Banford,
Croftburn House, Lisnalinchy, Ballyclare to Rashee New Cemetery;
dearly-loved brother of May, Peg, Frances and Percy, U.S.A.
Campbell - July 7, 1962, at Ards Hospital, John Wellington, elder son
of Norah and the late John Campbell, 33½ William Street, Newtownards.
Funeral from Doggart's Funeral Home to Dundonald Cemetery. Very deeply
regretted by his sorrowing Mother and brother Norman
Hood - July 9, 1962, at his home, 69 Millburn Road, Coleraine, George
Edward, beloved husband of the late Mary Hood. Funeral to Coleraine Cemetery
Horrocks (see newspaper article) - July 7,
1962 (result of accident), Clifford Henry, beloved
son of Dina and Clifford Horrocks, 2 Lissan Close, Cregagh. Funeral to
Roselawn Cemetery. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Mother, Father,
Brothers and Sisters, and all the Family Circle; Deeply regretted by his
sorrowing Aunt and Uncle, Isa and Jim Morrow, also Mamie and Jim Boyd, and
Family and Aunt Emily, 72 Frome Street; Deeply regretted by his loving
fiancee, Eleanor Quinn, 67 Parkgate Avenue; Deeply regretted by George
and Rachel Quinn and Family; The Staff and Workers of W. J. Gray's regret
the death of their esteemed Colleague, Clifford Horrocks, and tender their
sincere sympathy, K. Walker, Manager; The Officers and Members of
Orangefield Temperance L.O.L. and R.A.P.C. 1974 regret to learn of the
tragic death of their highly-esteemed Member Br. Clifford Horrocks, and
tender their sincere sympathy. J. McMullan, W.M.; H. Smiley, Sec.
part entry - Hull - July 9, 1962, at her son-in-law's residence, 29

1) 29th June 1963, from Miss V. (Violet) Hughes, 43 Galwally Park,
Belfast to Messrs. McFarland & Smyth - Gentlemen, In last evenings 'Tele'
you have a self-contained Flat to let for August in Ballyholme Esplanade, Is
it a ground floor flat, if so, I would like particulars as I am wanting one
for August, but as I use a wheel chair, it would have to be a ground floor
flat, on the level, hoping you can help me in this matter. Yours faithfully
(looks like she is counting her saving, £5 notes, £1 notes and 10/- shilling
notes, totally £293.)
2) 1970s S. C. Gray, Esq., 18 Bennett Drive, Belfast 14
(see 1958 (2)) (calculating an age, MO? 9
Sept Oct 76, 1890 8, 86)

1) 1972 Bellingham Castle, Co. Louth - from Terry to Mrs. Eileen
McCarten?, The ? Bar, North Queen Street, Belfast - Hello Eileen, Bobby &
Staff, Down here for a few days. Wishing you were with us, Love
2) 1977 Postmark? Bouilla Ababisse - from Sam, Hotel De La Bentrovato,
Arhannsiaseont Rd, Bovilla Abaisse to Pat & Brigid & Passion Flower c/o
Rooney Bros., 1-3a Baltic Avenue, Belfast, Suffering Ireland - Having a good
time, skin diving every day, cabaret every night, its 5 before I get to bed.
Battery blew out twice. I have to put it in the fridge before I go to bed.
See you all next week if I last that long. These Go Go girls won't let me
alone. Sam

1981 - Fitzpatrick, Brian, September 10th (suddenly), at his
residence, 51 Carnmoney Road, Glengormley, beloved husband of Bridie. R.I.P.
to St. Mary's on the Hill Church then to Carnmoney Cemetery

Macartney, Sarah (Nee Trueman) - On June 13, 1991 (peacefully), in
her 94th year, eldest daughter of the late Robert and Mrs. Trueman,
Mullybrannon, Dungannon. Laid to rest in St. Maelruain's Churchyard,
Tallaght, Co. Dublin - Lovingly and gratefully remembered by her youngest
and only surviving Sister Dorothy (Mrs. Orr). In Heavenly love abiding
Mackay, James C. - June, 15, 1991, at Hospital, Scotland, dear
husband of Mavis and father of Roddy, John and Janet, loved son of Nellie
and the late Roderick D. Mackay, Carryduff and Brother of Margaret, Mairi
and Jean. Interment Notice later, Very Deeply regretted

Horrocks (see newspaper death
notifications) |