1) 9th September 1903 Postmark Shanklin - from (yeah, who knows,
writings awful) to H. H. B. Cunningham, St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington,
London - How are you getting on? ?????????
2) 4th October 1904 Postmarks Koln & London - to H. H. B. Cunningham,
Esq., M.D., London, England, 40 Glenloch Road, Haverstock Hill - Awfully
sorry to have offended your dignity, it was a slip of the nib, we are
awfully gay, out every day this week & 3 nights. Look to the top of this
alley & behold our abode.

1) 11th November 1904? Postmark Belfast - from
Wm. Mc? to Mr. D. Walshe, 17 Annalee Street, Cliftonville, Belfast - I am
sorry to have to ask you to postpone your visit till next Thursday or Friday
as I am engaged tomorrow evening, it is too bad of course but I'm sure you
won't mind. I hope then to see you whichever evening suits you best. Best
2) 7th June 1905 Postmark Falmouth - from W.H.S. to Mrs. Cunningham
c/o H. Kelly, Solicitors, Hecklands, Strandtown, Belfast - Glad to hear you
are both so fine & hope ? ? keeps so ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

1) 24th July 1905 Postmark David City? Neb(raska?) - to Miss J.
Walker, 81 Howard Street South, Donegall Pass, Belfast, Ireland
2) 2nd September 1905 Postmark Koln - from C. Spiers? to Dr.
Cunningham, St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington, London, England - My Mother & I
have had a great time in Paris, we came by boat down the Rhine to Koln today
& hope to go to Berlin later on. Remember me to Mrs. C., Yours
3) 15th September 1905 Postmark Ipswich - from May to Mrs. H. B.
Cunningham, 40 Glenloch Road, Haverstock Hill, London - Having a jolly time
here, went to Felixstowe by steamer yesterday, it was jolly, the weather has
been lovely the last two days, hope it lasts on for a bit now. Best love
from May
4) 23rd September 1905 Postmark Belfast - from M. M. to Miss J.
Walker, 81 Howard Street South, off Donegall Pass, Belfast - Sent with fond
affections to fill your collections. From your old friend
5) November 1905 Postmark North-Kensington from Bessie Bowles to Mrs.
Cunningham, 76 Lower Mount Street, Dublin - I have changed my address to 32 Kilravock Street, Queens Park W. & This is Horoues? 13 Victoria Villas,
Mortlake Road, Richmond, Surrey, hoping you are having a pleasant time & are
both enjoying good health.
6) 5th November 1905 Postmark New York - to
Miss J. Walker, 81 Howard Street South, Belfast, Ireland - Be Good
Chief "Afraid of Eagle"
Chief "Tall Crane"
July 1905 Postmark David City - to Miss J. Walker, 81 Howard Street South,
Donegall Pass, Belfast, Ireland

1) 27th August 1906 Postmark Bristol - from May, 27 Upper Belgrave or
Belgrade Road, Clifton to Mrs. Cunningham, Firenze, Malone Park, Belfast,
Ireland - We are staying here for another week & have had to go into other
rooms as our old ones were let. Hope you three are quite well, we are much
better for the change. I got a photo from Canada, don't think much jib.
2) 16th August 1906 Postmark Menaggio - from F.
R. Terry? Jeffry? Hotel Victoria, Menaggio, Lake Como to Mrs. Cunningham,
Firenze, Malone Park, Belfast, Ireland - How are J? & the Daughter, I hope
you are quite strong again. I hope in ? ? we shall be able to see you all,
we may be going to Scotland via Belfast. It is very lovely here, ? ? ? ?
Hotel, yesterday we went to Lake Lugano? for the day, had exquisite weather,
not too hot the first week here, send
3) 4th December 1906 Postmark Westgate-on-Sea -
from ?. R., Danehurst to Mrs. Hugh Cunningham, Firenze, Malone Park,
Belfast, Ireland - So sorry I have made a mistake in date of your birthday -
quite thought it was the "6th", however, "better late than never"!! So
please accept my best wishes, also very many happy returns. How are you
getting along & the chick Vera, she is growing fast I suppose. Weather has
been bad here & numerous gales. Kind love & remembrances to you & Dr.
Cunningham, yours etc. Send me a card here or letter, shall be here a week
more, don't get home before October. Love
4) May 1907 Postmark Bangor - from C. L.? to Miss L. McFarland, 13
Dunmoyle Street, off Springfield Road, Belfast - Dear Lizzie, I write you
these few lines to let you know that I am having a good time down here, hope
you are well as I am at present, I am your ?
5) 7th February 1907? Postmark Belfast - from
S. C. Y. K. to Miss E. McFarland, 13 Dunmoyle Street, Ainsworth Avenue,

Margaret Lennon
Charles McMullan
1907 - Belfast Telegraph, Thursday, July 28, 1983 Margaret Lennon
- The Postcard survives, but not the story of the circumstances surrounding
her death by shooting, during trouble between strikers and police.
Mystery Victim - Who was Margaret Lennon, and how did she come to be shot
dead in a Belfast street on an August afternoon, 76 years ago in some other
riots? The face of Margaret on a postcard, printed and published by J. W.
Boyd of North Street in the city is a grim reminder that some things never
chance. But how did the lady come to lose her life in trouble that flared
between workers and police during a massive strike? The caption on the
postcard doesn't say what role Margaret played that day, or if she was just
a passerby who became a victim. Margaret Lennon, 52 Conway Street & Charles
McMullan, 44 Conway Street. Both shot Monday 12th August 1907 at Peel
Street, Falls Road
Charles McMullan, One of the victims shot in Belfast Riots on Monday, August
12, 1907
7th July 1908 In Loving Memory of Marcus Sullivan age 64 years, Interred
Holywood Churchyard
2) In Loving Memory of William Henry Quinn, Who died at Newtownards
on Thursday, April 6th, 1911 and was interred in the Family Burying-ground,
Movilla - aged 25 years

1) Martha Quinn, 69 Parkgate Avenue, Belfast -
2) 4th April 1912 - from Clara to Mr. George Quinn, 43 Cuba Street,
Newtownards Road, Belfast - Dear George, Just a PC to see if you could come
down on Saturday as we will be very busy and if you can not come Nellie
could see her way to come but she would not have to bring the children,
please send us word if any of you's will come, yours Clara, hoping this will
find yous all well.
3) July 1912 Postmark Bangor - from Cassie to
Miss L. McFarlane, c/o Mrs. Burns, 1 Moat Avenue, Donaghadee - Just paying a
visit to Bangor, Georgina and I hope you are enjoying yourself. Lizzie will
not be going to see you to Sat. in company with me.

1) 2nd July 1912 - Railway Station, Newtownards - from Clara to Mr.
George Quinn, 43 Cuba Street, Newtownards Road, Belfast - Dear George, Just
a line hoping this will find your all well. Mother is a little better, her
cough is very bad, yet she is up a little every day so that is not so bad. I
think this is all at present, hoping to see you soon. Hope Nellie eyes is
keeping better.
2) 13th July 1912 Sanctuary of Lough Derg,
Pettigo, Co. Donegal Postmark Pettigo? - from A. J. McP? to Mr. D. Walshe,
17 Annalee Street, Clifton Park Avenue, Belfast - Dear Dave, Will be home on
Monday @ 4.45 p.m. Very wet & cold here yesterday but very warm to-day, you
should have been here.

1) 24th July 1912? - Donaghadee - from N. Q. to George Quinn, 43 Cuba
Street, off Newtownards Road, Belfast - We are having a good time here, I
don't think I will come home again, only I have not too much money, hoping
you make the ?
2) 3rd August 1912 - Scrabo Tower, Newtownards - from Lizzie to Mr.
George Quinn, 43 Cuba Street, Newtownards Road, Belfast - Dear G., Answer to
your letter, Mother is a lot better, but Bob is laying and the Doctor
attending him - it is the same as what Mother had. Will you please bring
down with you a pound of Black Pudding as M. has took a longing for them,
don't forget.

1) September 1912? - Newtownards Model Primary
School - from Fred Q. to Mr. George Quinn, 43 Cuba Street, off Newtownards
Road, Belfast - Dear George, I hope you are keeping a little better as
Mother was anxious to know, sorry I did not write sooner & Lizzie and Clara
are going up to Belfast on Sunday morning, first Lizzie is going on to
Gilford to see Uncle Bob for a week, hope you will ? up out of bed no more,
from Fred Q.
2) September 1913 William Gray Irish National Pilgrimage to Lourdes
3) 23 April 1913 Postmark Belfast - from Jennie
to Miss L. McFarland, 195 Ainsworth Avenue, Belfast - Dear Lizzie, I was
talking to W. Mills last night, he was up at that house, he says forms at
the Country, he will not be home until Sunday, Annie is to tell Willie on
Sunday morning if he is home so if we went we would have our walk for
nothing. Willie says he must have went last night or this morning, come to
our house on Saturday at 5.30 and go to the Hall, I will see you there.

1) 1914? - Postmark Ballykinler from Andrew to Mr. & Mrs. G. Quinn,
43 Cuba Street, off Newtownards Road, Belfast - Let me know by return if you
are coming up on Sunday. Teddy I suppose was in with you, he got a wire
saying Charlotte was very ill. She got her money £8 8. 0. same day. It is
very cold here just now and we car going to Newtownards. Hoping to see you
both on Sunday. I remain your loving Bro. Andrew
2) 7th September 1914? - Hazlebank Factory -
from Lizzie to Mrs. Quinn, 43 Cuba Street, Belfast - Arrived safe and
enjoying myself will, having grand weather, hoping yous are all well, you
cannot say I have forgot you. With love to all

1) 1914 - At Whitehead, The scenery's great and I'm feeling first
rate - To Mrs. Quin, 43 Cuba Street, Newtownards Road - having a good time,
wish you were here
2) 1914 - from Lizzie to Mr. G. Quinn, 43 Cuba
Street, Belfast - P.C. as promised, Dear G. I think when I put them on I
would of lit my face been sane your are very neat in them. Hoping you are
3) 1914 - Postmark Gilford? from Betty to Mrs.
G. Quinn, 43 Cuba Street, Belfast - Dear N.? I hope you are keeping
well. I got here safe, but feeling a little lonely. I hope this is not the
way you are spending your time reading Georges love from the very books, you
can't say I didn't keep my promise, from Betty. excuse writing
4) 1914 - from Mother to Mr. George Quinn, 48
Cuba Street, Belfast - Dear George, I suppose you know what Thursday is, I
hope you will have many of them & Good Luck, from Mother, love to all.

1) 1914 - Druids Altar, Island Magee, Larne, Co. Antrim Postmark
Larne from M. D., Victoria Road, Larne to Miss L. Walsh, 17 Annalee Street,
Belfast - Dear Lillie, I have this P.C. in the house a month and I forgot to
send it, tell my mother I will not be home for another week, with love from
2) 12 June 1914? from Mrs. Totten, to Mrs. Quinn, 40 South Street,
Newtownards - Dear Mrs. Quinn, I am glad to know your all well and Mrs.
Barron was telling me she never had a better day in her life and I am sure
she had for she was all sun burnt. We all miss you very much and we will be
down some day to see you emma miss lizzie and I think this is all now till I
see yourself, tell Gorde Isaac was asking for him, from Mrs. Totten, excuse
3) 3rd July 1915 - from Mrs. Barrons? to Mrs. Quinn, 40 South Street,
Newtownards, County Down - Dear Mrs. Quinn, Just a answer to your PC, there
is word from Andie and he is landed safe in England, be sure and meet Bela
on Sunday at the 10 train, she will leave Belfast then so you will know the
time to meet her at and Mrs. McCaullum is away to the hospital with the same
thing as Mrs. McAlister had, we heard the Ballykinler ones went away today,
little more at present. Be sure and meet Bela, to wee Clara xxxxx

1) 17th July 1915 - Market House and Square, Newtownards - From
Clara, Newtownards to Mr. G. Quinn, 102 Tabot Street, Dublin - Dear B., in
answer to your P.C., Walter & I received your very nice present alright,
which him & I thanks you very much for it, it is really lovely now I hope
you are having a good time, With Kind regards from Clara
2) August 1915 - from Andrew to Mrs. Quinn, 40 South Street,
Comber, Co. Down, Ireland [not for Comber, try Newtownards] - Hello
Nellie, Just a P.C. to let you know the reason of the telegram, I was called
back for Ball Firing and as you may know I was not in very good condition
for same. The Troops are to receive 7 days furlough before they go, I may
not get but may to ? I will write to George during ? I hope all at home not
worrying about me. Warrior of the Bro??? I am kept very busy here, just now,
will write again later, Love to all, Your affect ? Andrew
3) 25th August 1915 'I'll Take You Home Again,
Kathleen' Postmark Belfast - from R. W. Slade? to Mrs. Houston, 13 Office
Street, Whiteabbey - Dear Mrs. Houston, ? & I are thinking long since we
came back and feel very lonely and hoping you are quite well, I remain yours

1) July 1916 - Mountstewart near Newtownards - to Mrs. Quinn, 60
Parker Street, off Newtownards Road, Belfast - ?? I hope this PC will find
all well at home, also yourself as it leaves us. Pretty fair at present. I
expect to be ?????
2) 1916? Postmark Co. Dublin to Mrs. Quinn, 60
Parker Street, Belfast - Dear M. & George, I hope that you and all at home
are in perfect health, many thanks for ? favours, yours sincerely ?

1) 31st July 1916 - Bangor - The Old Mill - Postmark Newtownards from
L. French to Mrs. Quinn, 60 Parker Street, Belfast - Dear Mrs. Quinn, We got
here alright and I am sure we will enjoy ourselves, thanks for your kindness
on Saturday, hoping you are well.
2) 29th November 1916 - Postmark Field Post
Office from Andy to Mr. G. Quinn, 60 Parker Street, off Newtownards Road,
Belfast, Ireland - I should stay this well, was it a Film. I must say you
look fine. I haven't been that way myself. I hope all at home are in good
health, Love to Nellie, yourself & Kids.
1) 12th May 1919 Parish Church and Presbytery of the Sacred Heart,
Belfast Postmark Belfast - from Agnes Phillips, Secretary to Mr. D. Walshe,
29 Annalee Street, City - Special Meeting on Wed. 14th inst. at 8 p.m.
Postcards etc. part two from 1923 to 1991 |