Shanks Collection
Page 1 photos
Page 2 documents, letters etc.
this Page 3 more documents and things

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1, 2, 3) The Young Citizen Volunteers of Ireland, Inaugurated at a Public
Meeting in the City Hall, Belfast on 10th September 1912 - President: R. J.
McMordie, M.A., M.P. (Lord Mayor of Belfast) Treasurer: Frank Workman
(Councillor) Hon. Secretaries: F. T. Geddes and H. G. Stevenson.
Committee: Rt. Hon. Thomas Sinclair, D.L.; Sir W. Crawford, J.P.; J. Milne
Barbour, D.L.; G. S. Clark, D.L.; R. H. Reade, D.L., J.P.; Lt.-Col. W. E. C.
McCammond, J.P.; Major W. Baird; G. R. Black; Major F. Crawford; Major F. A.
Cunningham, J.P.; Capt. J. Ferguson; Capt. A. S. Frazer; Capt. J. R.
Mitchell; Dr. W. A. Wadsworth, J.P.; Councillor Dr. J. D. Williamson, J.P.;
Geo. Andrews, J.P.; Harold A. Barbour; S. D. Bell; Fras. J. Bigger,
M.R.I.A.; W. H. Chiplin; Alexr. Cooke; Geo. Crawford; J. Carroll Culbert; J.
E. Dawson; C. W. S. Drean; E. J. Elliott; F. W. Ewart; R. B. Fair; G. W.
Ferguson, J.P.; W. Fulton; W. Garrett; R. G. Geale; Wm. Gibson, M.D.;
Councillor W. J. Gilliland, F.R.I.B.A.; R. E. Herdman, J.P.; S. J.
Hutchinson; Hugh C. Kelly; R. H. Kinahan; James Mackie; John Malone; B. M.
Malone; H. H. Martin, L.D.S.; Sam Martin; F. W. L. May; Alderman S. T.
Mercier, J.P.; A. W. Metcalf; Robt. Meyer (Town Clerk, Belfast); J. H. D.
Millar; R. A. Mitchell, LL.B.; B. W. D. Montgomery; F. W. Moneypenny,
M.V.O.; Charles McMaster; Henry Joy McCracken; Leon. McVicker; Councillor
Wm. McMullan; E. M. Reid; Councillor H. Riddell, M.I.M.E.; G. V. Roberts;
Kirker Robb; W. D. Ryall; John Sinclair; W. Joseph Stokes; James A.
Thompson; M. H. Turnbull, LL.B.; Councillor J. C. White; A. G. Wilson, J.P.;
James Wood
4) (an engine driver on the very same line) Schedule of Strangford
Horticultural and Industrial Society's Show, 1904 Under the Distinguished
Patronage of Viscount Bangor, D.L.; Lord Dunleath; Hon. Somerset Ward, J.P.;
C. C. Ward, Esq.; Major H. N. Head; Col. R. H. Wallace, C.B.; C. C.
Brownlow, Esq., J.P.; Viscountess Bangor; Hon. Mrs. Ward; Hon. Mrs. Swinton;
Hon. Mrs. Dawson; Mrs. Head; Mrs. Wallace; Miss Brownlow; Mrs. Woulfe - The
Show will be held in a Marquee in Oldcourt Demesne, on Monday 15th August
1904 - President: Lord De Ros, K.P., K.C.V.O.; Lady President: Lade De Ros;
Vice-President: Hon. Somerset Ward. Committee: Mr. Wm. Crichton;
T. Spratt; J. Doherty; B. Hughes; H. Kemp; John Johnston; D. Johnston; J.
Coulter; J. Moore; J. Halpin; A. Porter; T. G. Nunan; W. Wallis; H. Porter;
T. Murnin; J. B. Crichton. Treasurer: Hon. S. Ward. Secretary:
Mr. Wm. Braniff
5) Portaferry L.O.L. No. 673 Anniversary Service in Portaferry Presbyterian
Church, June 30th, 1918 at 4 P.M.
6) Downpatrick Union, Portaferry Dispensary District, Consisting of the
Electoral Divisions of Portaferry, Ardkeen, and Quintin, in the above Union,
comprising the following Townlands:- PORTAFERRY - The Townlands of
Ballymurphy, Ballyminish, Ballyhenry, Ballywhite, Ballyherly, Thomastown,
Marlfield, Priest Town, Ardquin, Ballyridley, Ballywallon, Demesne,
Ballywaddan, Ballyhenry Island, and Ballywallon Island, in the Parish of
Ardquin; the Townlands of Ballyphilip, Tullyboard Ferry, and Tullymally, in
the Parish of Ballyphilip; the Townlands of Corrog, Ballymacamee,
Ballybranigan, Parson Hall, and Ballynichol, in the Parish of Ballytrustin;
the Townlands of Ballyfinragh, Ballygalget, and Ballywhollart, in the Parish
of Witter; the Townland of Ballyadam, in the Parish of Castleboy. ARDKEEN -
The Townlands of Ardkeen, Lisbane, Cookstown, Ballygelagh, Ballycranbeg,
Kirkstown, Ratallagh, Dunevly, Ballyward, Long Island, Pherson's Island, and
Round Island, in the Parish of Ardkeen; the Townlands of Cloghy,
Tullytramon, Tullycross, Loughdoo, Broom Quarter, Castleboy, Drumardan, and
Drumardan Quarter, in the Parish of Castleboy. QUINTIN - The
Townlands of Ballyquintin, Tullycarnon, Ballyedock or Carr's Town,
Tieveshilly, Tara, Keentagh, Killydressy, and Ballymarter, in the Parish of
Witter; the Townlands of Ballytrustan, Ballyfounder, Ballyweird, and
Kearney, in the Parish of Ballytrustan; the Townlands of Granagh,
Craigaroddan, Ballyblack, Tullynacrew, Ballycam, Ardgeehan, Ballyrusley,
Ballygarvigan, and Knockinelder, in the Parish of Ballyphilip; the Townlands
of Dooey, Newcastle, Ardminnan, Ballyspurge, and Slanes, in the Parish of
Slanes. Committee of Management - General Andrew Nugent, D.L.,
Portaferry; George E. Bowen, J.P. (Chairman), Portaferry; R. McNabb, J.P.
(Vice-Chairman), Ballyblack; Henry Donnan, J.P., Portaferry; James Cleland,
J.P., Crossgar; Messrs. Benjamin Maxwell, P.L.G., Ballyherly, Portaferry;
William McGrath, P.L.G., Lisbane; James Shanks (Hon. Sec.), Ballyfounder;
Henry Emerson, Knockinelder; Thomas McMullen, Cloughey; Thomas McCreedy,
Ballywallen; John McDonnell, Ballyspurge; Francis Little, Ballygarvigan;
David Wilson, Tullinacrew; James Smyth, Ballytrustan; Henry McGrath,
Portaferry; and Hugh Kerr, Ballyfinragh. WARDENS - Rev. George Greer,
Portaferry; Rev. Richard Killen, P.P., Portaferry; Rev. Lawrence McKenna,
Ballycranbeg; Rev. P. Magorian, Ballygalget; Rev. Alexander Whitly,
Cloughey; Rev. William J. Kelly, Portaferry; Rev. John Boyd, Portaferry;
Rev. Hugh Stowell, Ardkeen; Hugh Stewart, Ballymarter; James Torney,
Lisbane; Samuel Bailie, Ratallagh; Archibald McMullan, Cloughey; Archibald
Wilson, Ballyquintin; Robert Donnan, Ballycranbeg; and Robert Park,
Newcastle. Relieving Officer Mr. Henry Baxter, Portaferry. James
Shanks, Hon. Sec. J. W. Montgomery, Clerk of Union
7) Agricultural Wages Board for Ireland 14th January 1918
8) Agricultural Wages Board for Ireland 19th December 1918 - Schedule of
Groups of Areas - Ulster; Leinster; Munster; Connaught
9) 8.5.07 86 Great George's Street, Belfast 27.4.1907 Mr. Shanks B. B. To
the Great George's Street Laundry

1, 2, 3, 4) The Convoy Woollen Co., Ltd., Co. Donegal may 1899 William P.
Breen, Agent at Portaferry
5, 6) Down Recorder - Downpatrick Saturday November 12, 1910

Belfast Municipal Art Gallery and Museum Curator: Arthur Deane March 1914

Random bits and pieces

10 The Adviser No. 1 January 1880
2) The Adviser No. 10 October 1896 William T. Shanks
3) The Adviser No. 12 December 1896 Thomas Shanks
4) The Adviser No. 1 January 1897 T. Shanks
5) The Adviser No. 2 February 1897 William Thomas Shanks
6) The Adviser No. 4 April 1897 W. T. Shank
7) The Adviser No. 11 November 1899 Sam Shank

Ireland's Own August 19th 1903
Dress, Gossip, Cookery and Household
1) Concerning Ourselves; Answers to Correspondents; Irish Music; Woman's
Best Friend; Mothers Should not be Partial
2) Gardening; What are You Weaving?' How the Maroon Girl Weds; Quite an Easy
Matter; Alligators Becoming Few; An Evil Bird
3) Fireside Stories; To Contributors; Talking to Deaf Men by Electricity; As
Old as Charlemagne
4) Cookery and Household; Answers to Correspondents; All About Tea;
Preserving Youth
The Matrimonial Times being a Bona Fida Medium for Introductions
April 1910

1) Oct. 3rd 1900, Portaferry - Memorandum of Agreement as to letting of
House and premises situate in High Street, Portaferry between Messrs. Jas.
Watson, Slaus? and James Curran, Ballywhollar? on the one part and James
Shanks, Ballyfounder on the other part. Wherein the said Jas. Watson and
Jas. Curran have agreed to take that house and premises for one year
commencing 9th Oct. 1900 at the rent of Ten pounds stg to be paid quarterly
- that is to say £2-10 upon 9th January 1901 & same on each succeeding
quarter. Moreover the said James Watson & James Curran agree with said Jas.
Shanks to leave the said house & premises substantially in same order as
they now get it. Also said Jas. Watson & Jas. Curran agree with said Jas.
Shanks to give or accept three months notice before surrendering possession
of said house & premises. Signed and Counter Signed
2) £11-10-0 Ballyfounder March 29th 1888 - On demand of promise to pay Mrs.
Margrett Shanks Eleven Pounds, Ten Shillings stg. value recved. in Cash with
Int. at five pounds per cent per annum. Witness Wm. Brown - Elizabeth
Crangle, Killadr??y
3) £1 Paid off Principal Interest settled? to March '95 J. S. £1 Paid
off Principal Dec. 9th '96. J. S. Interest paid up to March '96 J. S.
4) Board of Public Works, Land Loans, Ireland
5, 6 ) Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881 Section 31 Loan to Tenants
7, 8, 9, 10) Agricultural Wages Board For Ireland - Order Fixing Minimum
Rates of Wages for Agricultural work in Ireland 28th September 1917
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