Shanks Collection
Page 1 photos
this Page 2 documents, letters etc.
Page 3 more documents and things

1) Died, at Glastry, on Monday, 9th December, 1889, James Taylor, Aged 11
Years. The remains of my beloved Son will be removed for interment in the
Family Burying-Ground, Ballyeasboro, on Wednesday, 11th inst., at One
o'clock p.m.
John Taylor. Glastry, 9th Dec., 1889
2) William Taylor Glastry Died 4th November 1898
3) In Loving Remembrance of Isabella Taylor who died at Glastry, on Sunday,
11th and was interred in the Family Burying-Ground, Ballyeasborough
Churchyard, on Wednesday, 14th Nov., 1888, Aged 30 Years. "He giveth His
beloved sleep."
4) She is gone to the land where the careworn and weary, Enjoy the sweet
rapture of sacred repose; She has quitted for ever this wilderness dreary,
And bid a long farewell to time and its woes. While on earth she was
loved, and we deeply deplore her, But ah! shall a murmur escape from our
breast. Do you ask how she lived? - She set Heaven before her; Do you ask
how she died? - In the faith of the blest.
5) In Loving Memory of William, Dearly beloved Son of John Taylor, Who died
at Glastry, on Friday, 4th, and was interred in the Family Burying-Ground,
Ballyeasboro', on Monday, 7th November, 1898, Aged 18 years. "Not lost, but
gone before."
6) With patience he suffered, but now it is o'er; His sorrows are ended, he
suffers no more: He sleeps: we will leave him in quiet to rest, The parting
was painful, but God knoweth best.
7) In Loving Memory of William Reid, Who departed this life October 15th,
1908, Aged 28 Years, and was Interred at Portaferry Church Yard
8) It's hard to part with those we love, Though parting hours will come, But
let us hope to meet above, For this world is not our own.
9) Marriages and Deaths - MARRIAGES - Irvine and Dickson, In First
Presbyterian Church, Ballynahinch, by Rev. Noble Huston, Robert, second son
of the late Thomas Irvine, Ballymacaramery, Saintfield, to Sarah Agnes,
youngest daughter of William Dickson, Beechgrove, Ballymacarn, Ballynahinch.
Ogle and MacKay, November 4, in St. Laurence's Church, Middleton, St.
George, County Durham, by Rev. W. A. Blackwall, George, son of the late
Archibald Ogle, Clough, County Down, to Annie Craigie, daughter of the late
Alex. MacKay, Port-Baunatyne-Bute. Parkinson and Meeklem,
November 2, in St. Anne's Cathedral, Belfast, by Rev. C. W. Frizelle, M.A.,
Edward, only son of the late Samuel Kennedy Parkinson, Downpatrick, to Anna
Florence (Florrie), youngest daughter of William Meeklem, Ballee,
Downpatrick. DEATHS - Milligan, November 6, 1910, at Leggamaddy,
William Milligan, aged seventy-five years. Morrow, November 6,
1910, at her residence, Church Street, Downpatrick, Jane, widow of the late
John Morrow, formerly landsteward, Down Asylum. shanks, November
2, at his father's residence, Ballyfounder, Portaferry, William Thomas,
second son of James and Susan Shanks - We sincerely thank all acquaintances
and friends who in the hour of bereavement have conveyed hopeful words of
sympathy to us. James and Susan Shanks, Ballyfounder, Portaferry, 9th
November 1910

1) May C 15 N 1842 Arbroath My 15 1842 The Right Honourable, The Secretary
at War, War Office, London - 14 May 1842 Mr. J. S. Sands, Enquiry regarding
Captain Mathew by Mr. F. Clark Reply sent 24 June '42
2) Mr. J. Beattie, ?? "Certain propagandists in Britain have sought to make
the case that Labour in N. Ireland is in favour of the application of
Conscription to the Six Counties. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Labour in N. Ireland is dead against it because it is well aware of the
realities of the situation in Ireland, and knows the far reaching reactions
which such a step will bring about. "I wish to state solemnly that if
Mr. Churchill forces Conscription on N. Ireland his action will prove one of
the biggest blunders in the history of Ireland and England. It can only lead
to strife and tragedy and I warn Mr. Churchill not to be led into this trap
by an unrepresentative Junta like the Ulster Unionist Council which in the
whole course of its history has been consistently wrong and bears a heavy
responsibility for the bitterness which has marked Anglo-Irish relations in
the past thirty years. "The irresponsibility of Ulster Unionism led to
the tragedy of the Dublin Rising of 1916, and the even greater calamity of
1920-1. Britain should be aware by now of the danger of being influenced in
the dealings with Ireland by people who are utterly out of touch with the
real feelings and aspirations of Irishmen both North and South. I advise Mr.
Churchill not to be misled by the hypocritical speeches of Ulster M.P.'s who
are prisoners of their own past - in other words they have mouthed so much
of loyalty and it has paid such large dividends that they cannot now turn
back. "If democracy means anything let the Ulster Government test the
feeling of the people on the matter by going to the country and appealing to
the electorate. Everyone here knows what the answer would be. There has been
no outcry here for compulsory military service, the ordinary Unionist does
not want it, the Orange Order have passed no resolutions in its favour, the
Nationalists are bitterly opposed to it, and Labour is against it."
3) I, George Shanks of Tooshilly in Co. of Down, farmer, do hereby make this
my last Will and Testament, Revoking and and annulling all previous
dispositions of my property, I give and bequeath all my property of whatever
kind and wheresoever situated to my wife Mary Shanks, and I appoint James
Shanks of Ballyfounder, & Robert McDonnell of Killydressy? to be executors
of this my last Will Testament, I will under my hand this 27th day of
January 1896. George Shanks (his mark x) Signed, published & declared by the
said George Shanks as x for his last Will & Testament in presence of us, who
at his request in his presence & in presence of each other have herewith
subscribed our names as Witnesses John Boyd (Presbyterian Minister) Eliza
4) Camp H.?
5 & 6) In the High Court of Justice in Ireland - Queen's Bench Division
(Probate) The District Registry at Belfast - Be it known, that on the 14th
day of April 1899 the last Will a copy of which in hereunto annexed, of
George Shanks, late of Tooshilly, Portaferry in the County of Down, Farmer
deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of December 1897 at same place
and who at the time of his death had a fixed place of abode at same place
within the District of Belfast, was proved, and registered in the District
Registry of the said Division at Belfast and that the administration of the
personal estate of the said deceased was granted by the aforesaid Court to
James Shanks of Ballyfounder and Robert McDonnell of Portaferry both in the
County of Down, Farmers the executors named in the said Will, they having
been first sworn faithfully to administer the same. And it is hereby
certified that an Affidavit for Inland Revenues has been delivered wherein
it is shewn that the gross value of the personal estate of the said deceased
within the United Kingdom (exclusive of what the deceased may have been
possessed of or entitled to as a Trustee and not beneficially) amounts to
£42:10:0 Henry H. Corley District Registrar Court Fees 15 shillings.
Extracted by Inland Revenue Officer, Newtownards
7) Watermark

1) £30.0.0 Portaferry 22 Jany 1869 Three Months after demand I promise to
pay James Shanks or his wife Margaret Shanks of Ballyfounder Thirty pounds
stg. bearing interest of five per cent p. annum John Coulter, Witness James
2) Interest paid up to 22nd of January 1871. Interest paid up to 22nd
of January 1872. Interest paid up to 22nd January 1873. Interest
paid up to 22nd January 1874. Interest paid up to 22nd January 1875.
Interest paid up to 22nd January 1876. April 24th 1888 Received from
Miss E. J. Coulter £5 to ? of Interest. J. Shanks
3) 10th September 1912 Mrs. Shanks Ballyfounder Portaferry Three pounds stg.
on acc. of complete Denture. E. G. Cullen
4) 8th October 1912 Mrs. Shanks, Ballyfounder Portaferry Five Pounds stg. on
complete denture. E. G. Cullen
5) £75 Due 21st Jan 1913 Portaferry 18th Oct. 1912 £1.2.6 Three months after
date I promise to pay to the Belfast Banking Co. Ltd. or order at their
Branch Office Portaferry the sum of Seventy five pounds stg. value received.
James Shanks (x his mark) Ballyfounder Witness James Shanks jun. Paid 22
April 1913
6) Telegraphic Address: "Warnock," Portaferry. Commissioner for Taking
Affidavits. Insurance Agent for Life, Fire, and Accident. The Brae,
Kenilworth Road, Bridge of Allan, N. S.? 21 Jan 1913 James Shanks deceased.
Dear Sir, I see by last Saturdays Downpatrick Recorder that you are calling
on all Creditors of the above Estate to furnish their claims. I now beg to
hand you particulars of one the Executor of the late John Warnock have
ajoined the Estate - for the ? of a promissory note for £21.10.0 of which
the Sum of £11.14.10 has been paid off, with all Interest @ 5% up till the
31st Jany. 1912 - leaving now the balance of the note @ £9.15.2 with
interest @ 5% from 31st January 1912 up to date of settlement on being paid
off. Yours Very truly Thos. A. Warnock, Msrs. Hugh Wallace & Co.,
7) 22nd Jany. 1913 Thos. A. Warnock, Jas. Shanks, decd. claim

1, 2, 3, 4) 5 Corn market, Belfast, August 8, 1882 - Dear Sir, I am in
receipt of yours of the 7ty & in reply, it is both a duty & a pleasure to
give you any information I can about the Belfast Naturalist's Field Club. I
may say first that it is quite open to you to join of you consider it worth
your while, or wish to encourage our pursuits. The annual subscription is
5/- and there is no difficulty in being proposed. We have a fair number, say
30, of members residing in different parts of Ulster, in addition to our
members living in, or close to, Belfast. I enclose a card programme for the
present season. I also send you particulars of our annual reports & the
price of each, which varies as some of them have bulky appendices of the
botany & geology of the locality. Those previous to 1868 are out of print.
The available ones are as under - (see image 2) With regard to my paper
(only a short one) on the Castles etc., I have not had it printed, nor had
intended to in a complete form. I shall however before long be drawing out a
more complete abstract, containing anything of value, for printing in the
next report of our proceedings & when that is ready will let you know. If
you have any special reason for seeing it earlier, or for getting copies I
shall be glad to leave particulars & if possible to oblige you. I will
meanwhile look up in MSS - which other engagements have prevented my
referring to recently. If you can furnish me with any additional information
about the antiquities of that neighbourhood I shall value it. I hope some
care is taken of Ralivey? church near Strandford, the joints of which are
formed of clay instead of mortar - it is very ancient & when the club
visited it in June 1881 appeared in a rather neglected condition. I presume
you have seen it? I shall be glad to hear from you & to oblige you if in my
power & am very truly yours. F. W. Lockwood. ??? Secy. B.N.F.C. Mr.
Jas. Shanks
5, 6) 5 Corn Market, April 26th 1883 - Dear Sir, Your last was duly recd.
and now enclose your receipt for your subscription. In arranging the list of
excursions, which we shall probably do next Tuesday evening the claims of
your locality, which I think a very interesting one, shall have due
consideration, but my vote is only a single one on such occasions. I think
it very probably that an excursion will be projected to Dundrum Castle etc.
Could you send me before Tuesday a list of the various antiquities in the
vicinity of Portaferry & the other ? of the inlet also, you were good enough
to send me some particulars before but I am afraid I carried it about in my
pocket & mislaid it, as it is not in the usual ? ? The difficulty about
Portaferry is that it is rather too far (there being no railroad) for one
day & not quite far enough, or in the opinion of most of the members)
attractive enough for two days. We shall have an annual report for you in a
few days. Yours very truly F. W. Lockwood, ? Secy. Mr. J. Shanks
7, 8, 9, 10) 5 Corn Market, Belfast, May 16th 1883 - Dear Sir, Yours of
Saturday last, received, with the postal order enclosed. The books are in
Mr. Levanstons office, & I have been prevented as yet calling on him at a
time when he was likely to be in, I hope to be able to this evening however.
The report of proceedings for 1881-2 is already sent you I expect, that for
82-3 we hope to get printed in the course of the next two or three months,
waiting for the revision of papers or by the contributors sometimes delays
us. With regard to a Club excursion to Portaferry, etc. this year, I voted
for it, but was outvoted. We had I think over 20 excursions proposed, and
six long ones, & the latter were subsequently reduced to two, viz.
Portaferry & district, and the Slieve Gillion & Carlingford district, & the
latter got a majority of votes. The way we do is this - at the Annual
meeting any one who likes mentions places, & then when the new committee
meet, which they do a few days after, the above names are considered & also
any others which the Committee may think of, and all are first discussed,
then when the discussions pro. & con. is finished each member writes down
the six names on a slip of paper which is put in a hat & the majority forms
the places to be visited that summer, it then becomes the secretaries duty
to make the needful arrangements but in the voting they have no more
influence than the rest of the Committee. Carlingford is a most
interesting place I am told, there being an abbey & several castles, I have
never been there though as yet. On Slieve Gullion, beyond Newry is one of
the small old churches with the massive stone lintel over the door such as
they had prior to the introduction of the arch in the 10th century, there is
also one of the believed or bee hived? shaped Saints houses which are
considerably earlier, there are also other antiquities, so that the charms
of Portaferry has not been abandoned for an uninteresting place, the fact is
Ireland & Ulster, abound in attractions & the difficulty is to choose
between them. Rams Island on Lough Neagh, which we shall visit next month,
has a round tower, one of the six in Ulster. If you are in Belfast at any
time on business or pleasure I hope you will give me a call, I would be most
happy to see you, any other information I can supply at any time I shall be
glad to do so. I am very truly yours, F. W. Lockwood. Mr. J. Shanks

[J. C. Rutherford wrote "An Ards farmer" 1912-13? A book about Mr. Shanks]
1, 2) Portaferry Jany. 23rd 1893 Mr. Jas. Shanks - Dear Sir, William
Donnan? is on his death bed and would like to be interred in Inniscroy? he
neglected to go to the Market House to have his claim established, would you
kindly write to Dublin and try too to get him interred in the a?? ground, he
is not likely to live many days, so if you would kindly write at once. yours
most thankfully, John Rutherford
3, 4, 5, 6) Students' Chambers, Assembly's College, Belfast 22nd April 1911
- Dear Mr. Shanks, When at home on my Easter Holidays I received from you
the 'sketch' of the Portaferry Con??, which you kindly sent to me for the
Historical Society, Belfast. On the blank page at the back of the sketch I
had written the following note:- On the Title Page of this sketch the names
of three persons are given as joint authors. The main author, however, is he
whose name appears second in the list, James Shanks, Ballyfounder,
Portaferry. In a letter describing the meeting at which the sketch was read,
written by Mr. James McDonnell to Mr. Shanks and dated 3rd September 1891,
Mr. McDonnell says, "my only regret was that he (i.e. Rev. John Boyd)
announced it as the work of a certain trio ... and I take good care to
inform everyone that Mr. Shanks should get the credit of 98 per cent. of the
whole." Signed J. C. Rutherford, Assembly's Collage, Belfast 22nd April 1911
(turn over) I think that this note will award honour where honour is due and
remove his apprehension from the minds of those who are not acquainted with
the reputed authors. I got the pamphlet sewn with thread. No booklet should
be put together with wire, because when the wire rusts the ???? come
asunder. With all best wishes to Mrs. Shanks & the others. very sincerely
yours J. C. Rutherford (turn over) P.P. I may say, that no objection was
raised to my adding the note. The 'sketch' will be handed over to Mr.
Kernohan on Monday. J. C. R.

1) Important. The Proprietor of the "North Down Herald and Bangor Gazette"
respectfully invites the attention of Advertisers and Advertising Agents to
the following FACTS in connection with his journal :- It contains 72
columns, and is one of the largest weekly newspapers in Ulster published at
One Penny. Its success and popularity in the Counties of Down and
Antrim have been phenomenal. Its circulation is more than treble that of any
other paper published in County Down. Its illustrations, local original
tales, judiciously selected stories and reading matter, full reports of
local affairs, and general summary of news, have made it a welcome weekly
fireside visitor. It circulates very extensively in Belfast, Bangor,
Boardmills, Ballywalter, Ballyhalbert, Ballygowan, Ballynahinch, Carrowdore,
Castlewellan, Comber, Conlig, Crawfordsburn, Crossgar, Cunningburn,
Donaghadee, Drumhirk, Downpatrick, Greyabbey, Groomsport, Holywood,
Kirkcubbin, Killough, Killyleagh, Killinchy, Larne, Lisburn, Newtownards,
Newcastle, Portaferry, Portavogie, Rademon, Saintfield, etc., etc. It is
patronised by all the local nobility and gentry, and is the acknowledged
County Newspaper. It publishes a List of Seaside Visitors, and is read by
all who frequent the rising and popular watering-places and Summer resorts -
Bangor, Ballynahinch Spas, Donaghadee, Larne, Newcastle, and Portaferry. The
population of Bangor has doubled within the last few years, and every Summer
it is crowded by season residents. Published Every Friday Forenoon. Price
One Penny. Printing and Publishing Offices: Bangor, County Down. Branch
Office, Newtownards. Sole Proprietor, W. G. Lyttle
2) Bangor, 17th December 1892, Downpatrick Union, Midwife for Portaferry.
Dear Sir, Mu Newspaper is issued on Friday forenoon, and your esteemed
letter, with advt. did not reach me until this morning. Should you decide
upon postponing the appointment, please let me know, and I shall insert advt.
next week. Yours faithfully, W. G. Lyttle. James Shanks, Esq., Ballyfounder,
3, 4, 5) 23 St. James's Street, Accrington, Lancashire, 25th July 1882 -
Sir, I desire to become a candidate for the appointment of Medical Officer
to the Portaferry district of the Downpatrick Union, vacant by the death of
the late Dr. Wilson. I have been duly qualified for more than six years, and
have held professional appointments in England and Wales during the greater
portion of that rime. I was assistant Surgeon to the Tredegar Iron Works and
Collieries, South Wales, for a considerable period. There are 16000 persons
constantly employed in those works and I had special facilities for
acquiring a thoroughly practical knowledge of every variety of Accident, and
of the most complicated cases of Instrumental Midwifery. During the past
fifteen months I have been Assistant Surgeon to the Accrington Dispensary,
Lancashire. I beg to enclose a balance sheet of that Institution for the
first half of the present year in which you will see from the number of
Visits and the number of Consultations at the Dispensary and those from a
very large private practice that the practical experience therein acquired
must be very considerable. During my stay in Belfast I was Resident
Assistant at the Royal Hospital, attended the Ulster Eye Ear & Throat
Hospital for two sessions and also attended the Hospital for Skin Diseases.
I hope your guardians will see that in addition to a sound professional
training during my Collegiate Career, I have subsequently acquired such a
sound practical knowledge of all the branches of the profession, as will
enable me, if elected to perform the duties of Union Medical Officer with
credit to myself, with satisfaction to the patients under my care, and with
the confidence of those placed over me in authority. I am Sir Yours
faithfully, Edward Smyth
6, 7) Portrush, 28th July 1882 - Sir, having seen advertisement in Belfast
Newsletter of today, that a Medical Officer is wanted in the place of the
late Dr. Wilson, for Portaferry Dispensary District in the Downpatrick
Union. I beg to offer myself as a candidate, I have had considerable
experience in Dispensary practice. My qualifications are M.D., Ch.M., L.?.P.
& S.G. including Midwifery Diploma. I can give good references as to
professional capability, character, etc. I should just like to undergo the
???? unless I had a chance of election? I am well aware that generally, ? ?
?, consequently, will feel obliged by hearing from you ? your opinion as to
chance. I am Sir faithfully yours S. A. Campbell. James Shanks, Esq.,
8) (Copy) an Agreement made this twelfth day of June one thousand nine
hundred and eighteen and made between the Ards Farmers Association
(affiliated with the Ulster Farmers Union) hereinafter called the Employers,
of the one part and the Agricultural Labourers (affiliated with the National
Union of Dock Labourers and Riverside Workers in Great Britain and Ireland)
hereinafter called the Employees, of other part. Whereas a Conference
was held between the representatives of the Employers and the
representatives of the Employees in Ardkeen Schoolroom on Wednesday the 18th
day of June 1918 and it was thereupon mutually agreed as follows :-
1. The hours of employment shall be a ten hours day on the five days of the
week, Monday to Friday inclusive. On Saturday work shall stop at 3.30 p.m.,
which shall be paid for as a full day. Sundays - such hours as shall be
arranged between Employers and Employees.
2. Wages shall be at least those fixed by the Orders of the Agricultural
Wages Board for Ireland; overtime to be paid after the said hour of 3.30
p.m., on Saturday.
3. All Employees shall resume work at once on the terms of the contracts
entered into by them save as modified by clauses one, two and four hereof.
4. The Employers on their part shall so far as possible, reinstate all men,
but it shall not be compulsory on the part of the Employers to reinstate a
man who left his employment, nor shall it be compulsory on the part of an
Employee to return to an Employer he has left.
In witness whereof the Representatives of the respective parties have
hereunto set their hand the day and year first herein written. Signed on
behalf of the Ards Farmers Association in presence of Charles Thom,
Solicitor, Belfast. Andrew J. Morrow, Balmoral, Belfast. Signed
on behalf of the Agricultural Labourers in presence of Charles Thom,
Solicitor, Belfast. Andrew J. Morrow, Balmoral, Belfast. J. H.
H. Scott, Chairman; Alexander McMullan, Robert Colville, David S. Wilson,
Henry McGrattan, Wm. J. McNulty, John Alexander, Daniel Mason, Gerard
McCallum, John J. Mason, James Bailie

1, 2, 3) Cargabane? House, Newry, Co. Down. December 16th 1881 - Dear Sir,
My attention was drawn to your advertisement yesterday evening after the
post had gone out so that perhaps by the time this reaches you the
appointment will be made and if so no matter. However allow me to introduce
myself as a farmer holding 80 Irish acres of good land in perpetuity at a
low rent of about 10/- to 12/- per acre, having a fair amount of
intelligence and a great taste for my profession and have also been pretty
successful per? testimonials ? ? to my evidence as reported in the daily
papers of Monday Dec. 5th in the case of Graham ? Hall tried in Newry which
was pretty extensively reported. As you will see I am neither a land? nor ?
and therefore might be supposed to take a calm view of the land question and
the present revolution and give evidence without prejudice. My fees have
been two guineas a day for so far and you can take your choice of that or ?
an acre. My Father died in 1866. I am 31 years of age, unmarried, a
Presbyterian and have always been a Liberal in Politics & a staunch
supporter of the Tennant-Right Candidate of our County which is more than a
good many tennant farmers can say. Yours truly J. Gordon Young, James
Shanks, Esq., Portaferry
4) Portaferry, Co. Down, Ballyfounder June 1911 - Dear Mr. Denvir? Pardon a
line (from me.) Father Magorrian kindly granted the use of the School for a
meeting of the unpurchased tenant farmers on Wednesday evening 7th Inst. at
7.30 p.m. faithfully yours James Shanks
5, 6) Moyarget, Co. Antrim, October 29th 1884 - Dear Mr. Shank, I forget
whether I suggested to you that the curious information in Sir Thomas
Smith's Tract on the Colonisation of the Ards as printed in the Appendix to
my Account of the Macdonnells of Antrim, would come in nicely after the
notice of the Ards in Dr. Reeves's "Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Down &
Antrim." In that notice, Dr. Reeves has quoted many Entries relating to the
early history of the Ards from the Annals of Ireland, and some from the
Annals of Ulster, from a very early period down until after the coming of
the English under De Courcy. After these entries the interval is but short
until the period in the history of the Ards taken up by Sir Thomas Smith.
You will get some curious information about De Courcy in a note to my
Plantation, and a great deal about Sir Tho. Smith in my Montg. Mss. and my
account of the MacDonnells. Since writing last, it occurs to me that there
was a curate named Burdy, who lived there about the beginning of this
century, and who published an account of the castles at Ardglass and other
places, which castles were probably built by the first English Settlers. I
would feel very much obliged by your sending me the remainder - say the half
of it now, and the other half at the end of November. I have only the small
pension of £75 per ann. and I have some times a difficulty in making the two
ends meet, so you will excuse me for referring to the matter. I think you
would send it safer in a post office order to be drawn on Ballycastle post
office, than in a Registered letter. Yours truly, Geo. Hill
7) Portaferry 15 May 1869 Hynds to ? shanks to weigh-bridge Hay 24-1-0 +
8-0-0 = 16-1-0 James McCullen, Weighmaster
8) White Star Line Steerage Prepaid

1 & 2) 7th September 1912 Mr. J. C. Smith, The Manor House, Kensal Green
N.W., London - Co. Down, Ballyfounder, Portaferry Sept. 7, 1912 Dear Sir,
Have noticed in "Irish Book Advertiser No. 2 Vol. IV, your offers No.'s 9,
14, 18 & 29. If not disposed of Please hold for me until further notice,
faithfully yours, James Shanks
3) No. 50, 785: 1897, Downpatrick Union. Extract from Guardians' Minutes of
Proceedings of 24th December 1897 - Read letter from the Honorary Secretary
of the Portaferry Dispensary Committee, dated 20th December, 1897, stating
that at the meeting of the Committee a member had stated that the Medical
Officer had failed to attend at the Dispensary on one of the days when such
attendance is published to take place, and that the poor were put to much
inconvenience; that the Medical Officer on being asked for an explanation
stated he had on that day at a distance, a midwifery case that he could not
leave. The Guardians ruled that if such a thing should take place again, the
Medical Officer should acquaint the Relieving Officer, who would under such
circumstances provide a medical assistant, it being quite easy to do so in
4) Copy: No. 521: 1898 Downpatrick Union. Portaferry, 4th January, 1898 -
Sir, In reply to your letter of the 30th Ultimo, re attendance at above
Dispensary, I beg to say that on the 12th of October last I was sent for to
attend Mrs. Ritchie of Ballyridley in her confinement. I left home
immediately after I got this "call" which was about 9 o'clock a.m. I was
engaged with the case until 2 o'clock p.m. during which time I could not
possibly have left without some competent person being in my place. This
person not being forth-coming I was obliged to remain in charge of the case
much to the inconvenience of those requiring medicine and advice at the
Dispensary. Some time ago I asked the Dispensary Committee to appoint a
properly qualified nurse and midwife and they refused to do so. In an
isolated District like this I consider such to be absolutely necessary.
Several times I have been two hours late in my attendance at the Dispensary
through such cases as the above. In infectious cases too where it is so
difficult to have them transferred from here to Hospital (owing to the fact
of their having to cross the Ferry). I find that it would be very much more
advantageous to have a qualified nurse to assist me in the discharge of my
duties with regard to these and similar cases. My Dispensary hours are from
10 o'clock a.m. till 1 o'clock p.m. I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, D. S.
Browne, Medical Officer. The Secretary, Local Government Board, Dublin
5) Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to min'
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And days o'lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll tak a cup of kindness yet
For auld lang syne
We twa hae run about the braes
And pu'd the gowans fine
But we've wander'd mony a weary foot
Sin' auld land syne
We twa hae paidl't i' the burn
Frae morning sun till dine
But seas between us braid hae roared
Sin' auld lang syne
For auld lang syne my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll tak a cup of kindness yet
For auld lang syne
And surely ye'll be your pint stowp
And surely I'll be mine
And we'll tak a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne
And here's a hand, my trusty frien
And gie's a hand o' thine
And we'll tak a right gud willie waught
For auld lang syne
For auld lang syne my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll tak a cup of kindness yet
For auld lang syne
6) Copy. Kintagh 21st June 1900 - Memorandum of arbitration made this day to
making the farms in Kintagh of late George McNabb with ? House & buildings,
wherein we find therein that Henry McGrettan is allowed the farms aforesaid
containing 51 acres or thereabouts together with thrashing machine and
churning? machine. John McNabb & Miss McNabb
7) 18th August 1900 On Her Majesty's Service Mr. James Shanks, Ballyfounder,
Portaferry, Co. Down. Inland Revenue, Dublin
8) Legacy and Succession Duty Office, Custom House, Dublin. 17 Aug 1900
Emily Martin, deceased. - Sir Permit me to remind you of the letter of the
outstanding claims and to request payment of the duty within ten days from
this date to prevent the matter passing into the hands of the Solicitor of
Inland Revenue. I am, Sir Your obedient Servant, S. Freeth?
9) Estate Emily Martin Deceased - Sir, I am in receipt of yours of 17th
Inst. requesting payment of claims in connection with above estate. I wish
to refer you to make application for said claims to the agent of the estate.
Mr. W. B. Munce, 24 Rosemary Street, Belfast & to the Solicitors for said
estate Messrs. C. & J. Black, Solicitors, Belfast
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documents and things of interest from the Shanks Collection |