everything else

The Fair of Castlefin
A fact I now do want prove, It's known to you all,
A new fair has been started, In County Donegal.
The Town is now important, Since the Fair, It did begin,
The Town that I do speak of, Is the Town of Castlefin. Some
farmers did not see the need, In a town so very small,
Others thought it folly, To hold a fait at all.
At length they got it settled, And thought it no great sin,
To give the Fair a trial, In the Town of Castlefin. On the
second Monday of the Month, This Fair, it does fall due,
But if you do forget the date, A tip I'll give to you,
Just look up Old Moore's Almanack, It will save you many a grin,
You'll find the date typewritten there, Of the Fair of Castlefin.
The night before this Fair was held, Of all facts I'm not aware,
Some farmers slept the sleep of peace, While others had nightmare,
They dreamt that they were being chased, By bullocks fat and thin,
How they did swear about the fair, To be held in Castlefin.
The morning of the Fair arrived, On the date they did decide,
Great Herds of Cattle did come in, From the local country side,
There were Cows and Sheep and Pigs and Goats, All coming to be sold,
And not a few young Horses, Thought some were very old. The
dealers did arrive that day, From almost everywhere,
All trying for to get a catch, In the newly started Fair,
But disappointed men were they, And greatly taken in,
For the farmers were not green-horns, In the Fair of Castlefin.
"Come now, my man" a dealer said, "You're asking far too wide,
The difference between us, I am willing to divide"
"Now do you think I stole the Cow" The seller loudly said,
"Be off in half a minute, You blooming loggerhead. The like
of this cow you never bought, I'm not talking through my hat,
A Creamery Cheque I have with me, So please just look at that,
Four pounds ten for one short month, Her milk, it did bring in,
There's not another like her, In the Fair of Castlefin" Now
that our Fair is over, I think we will go home,
And we will sing along the road, No further will we roam,
With horses, sheep or cows or pigs, I'm sure you will give in,
That we can sell them better, In the Fair of Castlefin.
Other towns have started fairs, But where are they today?
They're like the mist or morning dew, Which the Sun does melt away,
But this one is a sure success, If the farmers do stick in,
Neither Sun nor Moon nor Stars will shift, The Fair of Castlefin.

Elizabeth Alexander, General Draper, The Diamond, Castlefin
stock taking 1937

1) British Red Cross Society Voluntary Aid Detachment - List if
Articles required to furnish the Temporary Hospital should an invasion
2) The St. John Ambulance Association Extract
from Report of Examination, Castlefinn Branch, 17th April 1914, Examiner -
Dr. J. Russell Magee, Lecturer - Nurse McCoubrey, Secretary - Miss E.
Alexander, Grahamsland, Castlefinn, Co. Donegal; 13 Passes in Home Nursing
:- Isabella Hegarty, Elizabeth Alexander, Mary L. Baillie, Elizabeth M.
Harpur, Elsie Wilson, Maggie A. Taylor, Mollie Taylor, Eunice Lewis, Eileen
McKinley, Annie M. Wagentreiber, Emily Wilson, Mary J. Alexander, Elizabeth
3) Eire - Emergency Powers (Rationing of Yarn,
Cloth and Clothing) Order, 1942 - Notice to the Public; Purchases and
Coupons; Number of Coupons required; Size of Ration and appropriate coupons;
How to use coupons; Exempt Goods; Expectant Mothers; Joining the Defence
Forces; Local Institutions; L.D.F., L.S.F., and A.R.P. Services; Uniforms;
Hire or Hire-purchase; Goods sent on Approval; Auctions; Repairs,
Renovations, etc.; Sales of Work, Jumble Sales, etc.; Fur, Leather and Lace
Apparel - John Leydon, Secretary
Articles for which coupons must be given up; Articles which may be purchased
without coupons.

Irish Land Commission, Estates Commissioners, Agreement between Vendor and
Tenant for Sale of a Holding
County Donegal, Estate of James B. Delap, Tenant James Alexander, Wilson &
Simms, Solicitors
Estate of James B. Delap an agreement made the 2 day of May 1908 between
James B. Delap, of Monellan?, Co. Donegal and James Alexander of
Grahamsland, Co. Donegal for the sum of Two hundred and eighty three pounds,
the tenant has been residing on and in occupation of same since 1894 at the
annual rent of £12 payable under In??? order dated 13 May 1897. Witnessed by
W. J. Stewart, Castlefin, J.P., Co. Donegal. James Alexander made his Mark X
he couldn't write, Occupation Farmer

Irish Land Commissioners for Sarah Hegarty for Lands at Corcullion

Make new friends but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold.
New-made friendships, like new wine, Age will mellow and refine,
Friendships that have stood the test- Time and change- are surely best;
Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray, Friendship never knows decay.
Jane These are just my sentiments toward My dear old Cass
and will last as long as you and I do Jen
To Cassie dear from Skinny Jen, Lest you forget her In Nineteen Ten

In Loving Memory of Mary Ann Davis who died at Castlefin, Ireland, on 30th
December 1910 aged 74 years and was interred in Donaghmore Churchyard

To meet The Rt. Hon. Wm. C. Bridgeman, M.P. and Dame Caroline Bridgeman,
Miss Alexander at Luncheon in the Ulster Hall, Bedford Street, Belfast on
Friday 21st January 1927
R.S.V.P. A. W. Hungerford, Unionist Headquarters, 3 Glengall Street, Belfast
Alex. Weir & Co. Ltd., Auctioneers,
Valuers, and Cattle Salesmen, Strabane
Monday, 5th Letting at Magir, for Messrs. William Harper & Sons;
at Four o'clock, Sale of Oats, at Magheranappin, for Mr. Thomas
Wednesday, 7th, Sale of Seed, Oats and Straw, at Dann Field,
Kiltoal, for Mr. Samuel Ashe
Thursday, 8th, Letting of Turf Banks and Rough Heads, at Raws,
for Mr. Robert Brooks
Friday, 9th, Sale of Straw, at Drummina, Clonleigh, for Mr.
James ClarkeTwo Snug Farms of Land for Sale near Liscooley
Mr. John Torrens to sell by public auction on Monday 5th
February 1917
Lot 1 Snug Farm of Land, situate in the townland of
Carricknashane, Parish of Donoughmore, and Barony of South
Raphoe, containing 21 acres. held under Trustees of E. Bustard,
Esq., at the Yearly Judicial Rent of £13 5s. 4d.
Lot 2 Farm of Land, situate in the townland of Carricknashane,
Parish of Donoughmore, and Barony of South Raphoe, held under A.
V. Bustard, Esq., at the Yearly Judicial Rent of £7
Wanted - a well educated Young Man, as an Apprentice to
Grocery, Timber, Hardware, and Seeds - David Maxwell, High
Street, Fintona
For Sale - Ford Motor Car (1914) in good order. To be seen at
Garage of Messrs. White Bros., Omagh |
Death of Rev. F. H. Verner
It is with sincere regret that the public learned of the death
of the Rev. Fenwich Hamilton Verner, rector of Donaghmore and
Monellan, which took place at the residence of his father,
Lisnacloon House, Castlederg, on Friday. Deceased was
ordained in 1897, admitted to the United Diocese in 1900, and
instituted in 1906. He was a remarkably clever young
minister, and greatly esteemed not only by his own people but by
all that knew him, and his death will cause a wide-spread
feeling of regret both at Donaghmore and in the district of
The funeral took place on Monday, the remains being interred at
Donaghmore burying ground. The cortege was large and
representative. The brethren of Masonic Lodge, No. 798,
and members of other lodges, attended to pay a tribute of
respect to a brother who evinced a lively interest in the
welfare of the craft. Deceased was also an enthusiastic
member of the Orange order, and there was a large procession of
the members of this organisation at the funeral. The
deceased took a lively interest in the welfare of the U.V.F.
movement, and he has a brother serving as an officer in the
Ulster Division. Tokens of mourning were visible in the
towns of Castlederg and Castlefin when the cortege was passing
through, many windows being blinded. At Donaghmore Church
a service was conducted, at which the Rev. Mr. Smyth officiated,
assisted by the Archdeacon of Derry, after which the "Dead March
in "Saul" was played on the organ. The church was draped
for the occasion. Floral tributes were sent in memory of
deceased by his father and mother, his wife and nieces,
Castlederg Masonic Lodge (of which he was a member), the Choir
Donaghmore Church, Mrs. Delap (Monellan), Mr. and Miss Craig
(Killygordon), and officers and members of L.O.L., Lislaird,
Castlederg. Deceased was ten years rector of Donaghmore
and Monellan Church, and during that period witnessed through
his efforts the expenditure of upwards of £1,000 in the
renovation of both churches, which included the erection of a
new organ for Donaghmore Church. The chief mourners were
Rev. William Verner (father), Rev. S. E. Fout (brother-in-law),
and Mr. Hamilton, solicitor (brother-in-law). The members
of Masonic Lodge No. 799, Castlederg, of which deceased was a
member, walked in procession in front of the remains, the
members attending being Br. M. M. Andrews, W.M., Br. Porter,
P.M. (secretary), Br. McDowell, S.D., Br. Scott, J.W., Br.
Speer, J.D., Br. Dr. Mowbray, P.M., Br. W. J. Davidson, P.M.,
Br. Hamilton, Br. Whitcroft, and Br. Robb. Members of
Newtownstewart Masonic Lodge No. 547 were represented by Br. S.
Taylor, P.K.; Masonic Lodge, Stranorlar, No. 341 were
represented by Br. Rev. R. W. Wright, P.M., Br. J. J. Harpur,
Br. Livesey, P.M., Br. Forbes, and Br. T. Kee, P.M.; Masonic
Lodge, Lifford, No. 102 was represented by Br. J. Taylor and Br.
A. G. Gloster, P.M.; and Strabane Masonic Lodge No. 251 was
represented by the Rev. James Black, chaplain. The
following clergymen attended - Rev. T. B. Morrin, Castlederg;
Rev. R. L. Matchett, Drumclamph; Rev. F. M. Hamilton,
Baronscourt; Rev. R. W. Wright, Stranorlar; Rev. Mr. Smyth, Rev.
Canon Olphert, Urney; Archdeacon Goold-Adams, Rev. C. J. Homan,
Rev. Canon Garstin, Rev. Mr. Devine, Rev. N. Duggan, C.C., Rev.
Mr. Devlin, Rev. James Black, Donaghmore; Rev. W. F. Henderson,
Castlederg; Rev. J. B. Templeton, Castlederg; Rev. W. Duncan,
Killeter; Rev. James McCay, Castlederg; Dr. Mowbray, Dr.
Warnock, Dr. Johnston, Messrs. R. J. B. Harpur, J.P., John
Craig, J.P., W. R. Lawson, George Craig, etc. |

Stepping Stones for Teachers to Industrial Drawing and Design by A. W.
Bevis, Wh. Sch., ??? Mec. E.
M. B. Hegarty

Stewart & Cooper, Select Family Grocers and General Merchants, Castlefin,
Co. Donegal
16th December 1933 Misses Hegarty, Rose Cottage £23 3s. 1d.

Taylor Bates & Co., 100 Broadway N.Y.C. March 17, 1920 - Mrs. Anna B.
Hegarty, 515 West 170th Street, New York, N.Y. Mt dear Mrs. Hegarty:
It is my duty to forward to you herewith, copy of Special Orders no. 86,
Headquarters 27th Division, U.S.A., Camp Upton, N.Y., March 27, 1919,
wherein your son is officially cited for gallantry and devotion to duty,
while serving the 102nd Field Signal Battalion in Belgium and France.
An engrossed copy of the citation will be presented to you at a later date.
May I not take this opportunity of once more expressing to you my admiration
for the splendid example which your son set his associates, his high ideas
of devotion to duty and his gallantry. While his comrades join me in
tendering you our deepest sympathy, we cherish the memory of his unselfish
devotion and kindly service in the great struggle for the success of which
he gave his life. Very respectfully yours, Wm. L. Hallahan
Headquarters 27th Division Camp Upton, New York March 27th 1919 - Special
Orders No. 86 Extract
2. The following named soldier is commended for the meritorious service
hereinafter mentioned. Sergeant Thos. A. Hegarty, Co "C" 102nd Field
Signal Battalion for exceptionally meritorious services as Signal Sergeant
in the Dickebush Sector, Belgium, August 31st, 1918, and devotion to duty in
battle, October 17, 1918, at which time he was gassed, resulting in his
death a few days later. This soldier's entire service was an
inspiration at all times to his associates. By command of Major Gen.
O'Ryan, W. H. Raymond, Colonel G. S. Chief of Staff

Postmark Cleburne, Texas
Gainesville, Texas, U.S.A. April 22, 1935 - Margarate, Cass and Sarah
Hagherty, Castlefin, Ireland
My dear friends, I was terrible shocked today when I received a letter from
my sister Elizabeth May, bearing the sad news of the death of your dear
sister Mary Bell, and my dear cousin and childhood chum. I do not know
of anything that effected me more, and I cannot realize that Mary Bell is
gone. I know this letter will find you filled with grief, and that
mere words fail to mend the broken hearts, yet I cannot but hope that the
heartfelt sympathy of a sincere friend will not be deemed intrusion on your
grief. I would ease your sorrow yet know not how. I can only
acknowledge that the affliction was God's will. Over in the beautiful
land we may not doubt our dear one is free from the pain that she might have
endured here, and with an assurance of our faith, that to her has been
extended the divine greeting: "Well done, good and faithful servant. . . . .
" Truly the great central sun of your household has gone down,
and I most truly sympathize with you in the affliction. Let us hope,
however, that in the golden summer of the other life, we will gather at the
river, where sorrow and partings are unknown. I know the days seem
dark and gloomy to you now, but I hope sunshine will come to you, through
your many friends, and the future I hope has much in store for you. As
I turn back the pages of life's history and think of the many kind deeds and
words of understanding sympathy and encouragement that she often said to me,
words fail to express my feelings. It seems but yesterday since I
clasped her hand and heard her voice, altho many years have passed since
then. A wonderful specimen of true womanhood. To know her was to
love her. Commending you to him who doeth all things well, I remain in
the tenderest friendship. Your sincere friend Tom Crawford

Dedication Ceremonies of Memorial Erected by the Richard J. McNally Post No.
263 American Legion
In honour of the men who gave their lives in the World War, and who at the
time of their enlistment resided in the territory covered by the Post -
Decoration Day May 30 1921, McNally Plaza, 181st Street and Amsterdam
Avenue, New York
I cannot say, and I will not say, That he is dead. He is just
With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand, He has wandered into an unknown
And left us dreaming how very fair, It needs must be, since he lingers
And you - oh you, who the wildest yearn, For the old-time step and the glad
Think of his faring on, as dear, In the love of There, as the love of Here,
Think of him still as the same, I say; He is not dead - he is just away.
James Whitcomb Riley
Mount Union College, Ohio
Beta Iota Bulletin June 1916
An Annual Published for the Alumni of Beta Iota Chapter of Sigma Nu
owned by Thomas A. Hegarty

First Row - Scott, Moyer, Green. Second
Row - Braun, Trump, Stambaugh, Kester, Slates, Sharp
Third Row - Gibbons, Jeffreys, P. Jackson, Wilson, Starn, Brown
Fourth Row - Esterly, Reed, Weaver, Russell, Eynon, Hughes
Fifth Row - Johns, Conser, Denbrock, Lovell, Harris, Jones
Sixth Row - Ritchie, J. Jackson, Springer, Marlowe, Stoner, Sprankle
Seventh Row - Vick, Hunter, Hegarty

"The Old Brick on the Corner"
We believe that a
most desirable thing for any school is an active interest in its affairs on
the part of its alumni. It is just so with the alumni of a college
fraternity, and it is toward this end that we write these following facts,
which, we hope will give some idea of the part Beta Iota of Sigma Nu is
playing on the campus at Mount Union College. And in no vain spirit do
we bring these things to your minds for we hope that they will be of some
interest to every Sigma Nu and renew his interest in is fraternity and at
the "old brick" on the corner.

1) Athletics
2) Athletics continued - In the Literary Field - Christian Association Work
- Musical
3) Musical continued - Social

The New Lamborn Science Hall

1) Scholarship - Pulling Together
2) Pulling Together continued - Progress at Mount Union

Founders' Gateway

Top - The Debaters; Left Side - Freshmen Football Men;
Right Side - The "M" Men; Middle Initiation;
Left Side - The Bunch; Right Side - Sleighing Party
Science Hall and Dormitory

Back Row - Wilson, Reed, Lovell Front Row - Weaver,
A. C. Lovell
is a Kent production. House Manager last year. Alf played
football for five years at the Mount and was captain in his Senior year,
also basketball and baseball, being captain in '15. Member of Glee
Club, Y.M.C.A., and is now teaching at Kent.
H. L. Weaver
came to us from Alliance. Was Football Manager in 1914 and Business
Manager of the Unonian in 1916, and member of Chemistry Club; assisted
in Biology, '16. "Tuffy" is our commander this semester and a good
one. Will take up medicine.
H. E. Wilson
took up his High School work in Canton and then came to Mount Union.
Treasurer. "Peg" played football, baseball and basketball each year
while here and was captain basketball in 1914 and again in 1916; also member
of Glee Club. He will teach.
C. C. Reed was
reared somewhere around Louisville and came to M.U.C. Prep. School one year
and stayed over for a college course. Is a member of Shakespeare and
Chemistry Clubs, and the Interfraternity Council and was on the Unonian
staff in '15. "Reedie" will probably enter Johns Hopkins Medical next
P. W. Jackson
is from Canton. House Manager. "Jack" played football,
basketball and baseball while at the Mount; was president of the Athletic
Association. Is a member of the Shakespeare Club. "Jack" will
enter business of some kind.

Back Row - Stambaugh, Easterly, Marlowe, Russell. Front Row -
Johns, Springer, Sprankle
Merle L. Stambaugh,
Canton. Football, Baseball, captain, '16, basketball and member of
Junior Prom Committee. "Stummie" is a diligent captain and some coach.
Very recently he has found time to center some of his attention on various
fraternity jewelry catalogues-?
Allen M. Springer,
Alliance. Scrub Football, Basketball, Y.M.C.A., Recorder and Assistant
Mgr. of "Unonion." (Unonian) "Al" has been successful in lining up
several fellows to sell aluminum cooking utensils to needful housewives for
the summer. (aluminium)
Roland B. Jones,
Alliance. Orchestra, Band and composer of a college song, "Jonsey"
unlike the average person has a particular fondness for lemons. He is
the Frat's typical all-around musician. He aspires to medicine.
Edmund Francis
Marlowe, Greentown. Football, Baseball and Glee Club.
"Eddie" is specializing in Missions and Religions. Dr. Headland has
found him a worthy substitute as a professor. "Ed" has extended his
mission study to Flushing, Ohio.
Leroy Sprankle,
Canton. Scrub football, manager of Basketball '16, Baseball. "Sprank"
is an authority on baseball? He has often taken his glove to bed with
him and is now looking for a job as sport editor of some county paper.
Eldon Leo Russell,
Alliance. Member of College Bank, Chemistry Club, President of the
Athletic Association. "Russie" is a busy man and expects to take up
medical work as a pastime.
Clifford P.
Easterly, Columbiana. Chaplain, Glee Club, Chemistry Club.
"Cliff" finds time amid his various activities to visit the Dorm and study
between times.
Donald E. Pike,
Canton. "Don" is a member of the college orchestra and was our
delegate to the Grand Convention at Denver. His ambition is along
Engineering lines and he will probably enter Lehigh next year to finish his
Edward J. Johns,
Massillon. Auditor, Chemistry Club, Glee Club, and man of affairs.
"Eddie" is a student and is doing his course in three years in order to take
up the profession of medicine young.

Back Row - Stoner, Vick, Gibbons, Scott Front Row -
Harris, Hegarty, Trump, Starn
Craig R. Starn,
Canton. Varsity Basketball, Class Football. Marshall first
semester. Dramatic Club. Craig is a good sleeper and a real
entertainer. He is responsible for most of the vaudeville around the
Percy L. Harris,
Canton. Class Football, Class Basketball. Manager of Glee Club.
Dramatic Club. Recorder first semester. Dynamo Staff.
"Percy" is a real student and a busy man. By his musical
accomplishments he furnishes much excellent entertainment.
R. Warren Scott,
New Alexandria. Football, Baseball. Marshall. "Scottie"
has won a name for himself by his athletic abilities. As yet his
future is not altogether made.
Walter B. Vick,
Alliance. In addition to studying "Ben" is doing several other things.
At present he is raising celery to pay his gasoline bill.
Floyd L. Trump,
Alliance. Dynamo Staff. "Doc" is a hard worker and a student?
He is a vice president of the Sophomore Class and has a peculiar fondness
for the officers.
Thomas A. Hegarty,
New York City, baseball. Dramatic Club. Dynamo Staff.
"Tommie" is noted for his Irish talk and was Mt. Union's representative on
the All Irish team this year.
Harold C. Gibbons,
Knoxville, Tenn. Lieut. Commander. "Gibbie" can always find time
for tennis. He aspires to engineering though his studies never
Marion L. Slates,
Delroy. Recorder. "Mike" was on the Debate Team this year and
has taken several trips to the country. His specialities are Latin and
going home Sundays.
G. Ner Stoner,
Louisville. "Nur" is somewhat of a violinist. He is noted for
his "line" and his ambition for "A wife, a small house, and three children."

Back Row - J. Jackson, Sharp, Gwinner, Kester, Green, Smith.
Middle Row - Hunter, Brown, Eynon, Braun.
Front Row - Richie, Conser, Hughes, Jeffries, Moyer
Wilbur Hunter,
Delroy. Baseball. "Shark" does not let outside activities
interfere with his studies, yet he finds time to visit Delroy regularly and
see the Frat house between times.
John Jackson,
Canton. Freshman Football and Basketball. "Hans" is always seen
with a grin. His only failure is the girls.
Harry C. Richie,
Akron. Glee Club, "Willie" is a little fellow with a man's voice and
makes himself heard as a basso soloist. His ambition is to replace
Victor Hughes,
Canton. Glee Club and Dramatic. "Vic" impersonates a Jew so
perfect that he is beginning to resemble one.
Russell E. Green,
Kent. Freshman. Football. "Russ" delights in studying
college catalogues and advertisements for ice boats.
W. McKinley Sharp,
Mechanicstown, Football. "Mac" is a man worth knowing. A square
meal is his best friend.
Walter M. Braun,
Norwalk. "The Kaiser" never allows books to interfere with his
education. He says the call of the "Shepherd" sounds good to him.
Walter Kester,
Massillon. Freshman Football, Basketball and Baseball. "Jake" is
an exceptionally husky fullback who is expected to win fame on the gridiron
this fall.
Forest Conser,
Alliance. Debate, Class Treasurer. "Daddy" is a good student and
still finds time to be a "good fellow."
Bruce H. Moyer,
Canton. Freshman Football, Track. "Cockey" says that next to the
Fraternity house the "Dorm" seems more like home to him.
Chester Eynon,
Canton. Freshman Football, Basketball. "Chet" doesn't believe in
studying much because it hurts his eyes? He delights in arguing with
Raymond J.
Jeffreys, Columbiana. Dramatic Club, Debate. "Jeff" will
take the opposite side whether he is right or wrong. He is quite an
artist and furnishes the boys much pleasure with his sketches.
H. Laurence Brown,
Columbiana. Freshman Football, Track. He is everybody's friend.
"Larry" seems to have some attraction at Kent. He is making a strong
bid for a berth on the varsity football squad for next fall.
Russel H. Gwinner,
Salem. Freshman Football. He is a student and athlete.
"Fat" is expected to tear things up on the gridiron next season.
Howard Smith,
Cleveland. Noted for his good natured laugh and the love for sleep.
"Snipe" does not believe in allowing his studies to interfere with his
college education.


(An asterisk after the name indicates that correct address in unknown.
Mail sent to the address given was returned unclaimed)
1. Edmund Lee Nicholson, Minister, Alden, Kansas.
2. William Logan Crubaugh, J.P., Alliance, Ohio.
3. Horatio Snyder Dumbauld, Attorney, 47 E. Main
Street, Uniontown, Pa.
4. Joseph E. Antram, Teacher, High School, 72 E.
Talmadge St., Akron, O.
5. Percy G. Maple, 4556 Paulina St., Chicago, Ill.
6. Herman Hudson McQuilkin, Minister
7. George Louis Guichard, Minister, Decatur, Mich. (*)
8. Ross Sheridan Taylor, Born Steel Range Co.,
Cleveland, Ohio.
9. Hugh Ernest Marsh, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 760
Chalker Ave., Akron, Ohio.
10. Earl W. Hamblin, Principal Grand River Institute, Austinburg, Ohio.
11. William Lawrence Keller, Physician, Akron, Ohio.
12. Norval Speelman, Attorney, Oakland, Md.
13. Mathias William Hahn, Horticulturist, Greenwood, Del.
14. Wilbur Mead Holtz, Physician, Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, Pa.
15. Carl Watson Hempstead, Minister, Ricevilla, Iowa.
16. William Grafton Baldwin, Attorney, Warren, Ohio.
17. Marshall Ney Duval, Attorney, Steubenville, Ohio.
18. Jesse M. Griffith, South Lyndeboro, N. H.
19. Frank Taylor Weaver, Principal Ohio Valley Business College, East
Liverpool, Ohio.
20. John Lynn McFarland, Teacher, 563 Blaine Avenue, Akron, Ohio.
21. James Vincent Orin, Pastor M. E. Church, Dennison, Ohio.
22. Pearle Wilbur Dowler, Engineer, Silver King, Idaho. (*)
23. Howard Ellis Weaver, Teacher, Niles, Ohio.
24. Curtis Jay Bowman, Principal South High School, 68 E. York St.,
Akron, Ohio.
25. Joseph Lake Floyd, Attorney, Geo. D. Harter Bank Bldg., Canton, O.
26. James Franklin Craven, Sec'y. and Treas. Craven Tool Co., 1019 House
Bld., Pittsburgh, Pa.
27. Daniel Grant Orin, The May Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
28. Samuel Grant Miller, Pittsburgh Steel Foundries, 2833 Pioneer Ave.,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
29. Walter George Barron, Minister, 1317 E. 18th St., Los Angeles, Calif.
30. William Paris Baxter, Minister, Rogers, Ohio.
31. Lewis Ellsworth Allerton, Mail Clerk, 2091 E. 93rd St., Cleveland,
32. Charles William Biddle, Teacher, West Salem, Ohio.
33. Fred Buffington Linton, Tacoma Park, Washington, D.C.
34. Rainey Dey Saigeon, Deceased, Feb. 19, 1907.
35. Stacy Shreve Naylor, Garfield, O. (*)
36. Russell Vincent Keeler, Mail Clerk, 153 Brown Avenue, Barberton, O.
37. Clark Raymond Oesch, Teacher, Mantua, Ohio.
38. Albert Hughes Wilson, Clergyman, Past Regent, 155 Pelham Road,
New Rochelle, N.Y.
39. Norman Bruce Fierston, Minister, Conemaugh, Pa.
40. William Maxwell Jones, Wayland, Ohio.
41. William Fleming Atterholt, Attorney, Northport, Long Island. (*)
42. William Forest Sickman, Court House, Cleveland, Ohio.
43. Homer Lester Armstrong, Teacher, 21 E. Talmadge St., Akron, Ohio.
44. Walter Edward Myers, Attorney, 719 Society for Savings Bldg.,
Cleveland, Ohio.
45. Clyde Harry Garwood, School Principal, 6830 Kelly St., Pittsburgh,
46. James Reynolds Herbertson, Mgr. Machine Shop, Brownsville, Pa.
47. Geo. Washington Yanney, Draftsman, 756 S. Seneca Ave., Alliance,
48. William Elmer Wilkins, Editor Athens Free Press, Athens, Illinois.
49. Ira Lucius Smith, Attorney, 114 Wheeling St., Fairmount, W. Va.
50. Melvin Layton Battles, Physician, Olena, Ohio.
51. Chalmers Lorentz Bowland, Deceased, Nov. 7th, 1903.
52. Arthur A. Brogan, Teacher City High School, 316 Arabella St.,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
53. Ira Metier Downs, 608 3rd St., SW. Canton, Ohio.
54. Ralph Morris Brown, Music Teacher, 42 Tacoma Ave., Youngstown, Ohio.
55. Thomas Brooks Fletcher, Editor and Lecturer, Marion, Ohio.
56. David Madison Armstrong, Real Estate and Insurance, 264 W. Main St.,
Alliance, Ohio.
57. Orville Dilworth Shook, 932 Fulton Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.
58. John Norton Moore, Pastor M. E. Church, Newport, O.
59. August Henry Denbrock, Supt. of Schools, Barnesville, Ohio.
60. Fred Russell Ormsby, Attorney, Akron, Ohio.
61. William Channing Heacock, Canton Repository, Canton, Ohio.
62. George Hoyt Smith, Salesman. (*)
63. Earl William Butler, 429 First National Bank Bldg., Chicago, Ill. (*)
64. Charles Wesley Reninger, Detroit, Mich.
65. Harvey Elmer Oesch, R. F. D., Beloit, Ohio.
66. William Edward Slasor, Union Station, Pittsburg, Pa.
67. Perry DeFord Caldwell, 1938 E. 116th St., Cleveland, Ohio.
68. William Byron Ensign, Ensign's Transfer, 419 S. Freedom, Alliance, O.
69. John Milton Wilson, Esa Place, Edwin Ave., E. Kirkwood, St. Louis,
70. William Orestes Weaver, Teacher, St. John's Military Academy,
Delafield, Wisconsin.
71. Davis Buston Magee, Minister, Formosa, Kansas.
72. Charles Rider Henthorne, Wabash R. R., 2959 Chartier Ave.,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
73. Forrest Henry Hill, Minister, Mingo Junction, Ohio.
74. Thomas Edison Oglevee, Deceased.
75. William Herbert Rice, Teacher of Music, 88 Madison Ave.,
Flushing, L.I.
76. Yarnel Franklin Stewart, 27 Groveland Club, Collinwood, Ohio.
77. Paul Joseph Quinn, Deceased June 5, 1911.
78. Thomas Dixon Prosser, Business, Wooster, Ohio.
79. Harry Hamlet Emmons, Attorney, 305 E. Cambridge St., Alliance, Ohio.
no number 80
81. Fred Marsh Gordon, Minister, 400 Rugby Rd., Brooklyn, N.Y.
82. Jesse Elmore Martin, Lawyer, 825 Law Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind.
83. Charles Frederick Wilson, Mining Engineer, South Fork, Colo.
84. Charles Ross Riker, 419 Montview Place, Edgewood, Pa.
85. Carl Armstrong, Attorney, Steubernville, O.
86. William Clarence Mumaw, Central Union Telephone Co., Aberdeen, Wash.
87. John George Kirk, Teacher, William Penn High School, 15th and Wallace
St., Philadelphia, Pa.
88. Edward Frederick Lorentz, Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
89. Stanley Jay Swindler, Business, Irondale, Ohio.
90. Ross Wesley Adair, M. E. Minister, Hibbing, Minn.
91. Walter D. Sample, Columbiana, O. (*)
92. David Elwood Scott, Minister, Finley M. E. Church, Steubenville,
93. Walter Scott, Lawyer, 826 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass.
94. Dale Faye Koontz, New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind.
95. Frank William Tyler, Minister, Tuscarawas St., Canton, Ohio. (*)
96. Charles Caberdine Crawford, Physician, 10012 St. Clair Ave.,
97. James Blaine Holm, Youngstown Vindicator, 144 Dewey Ave., Youngstown,
98. Herman Plesenton Jeffers, Midland Mutual Insurance Co., 8 Broad St.,
Columbus, Ohio.
99. Homer Haven Moore, Minister, Grafton, N. Dak.
100. Clyde Thompson Kirkbride, Attorney, 1111 Williamson Bldg., Cleveland,
101. Wilson Clark Morris, Professor State Normal School, Warrensburg, Mo.
102. Harvey Warren Anderson, Cashier Pass. Depot N.P.R.R., 1247 E. 103rd
St., Cleveland, Ohio.
103. Howard Henry Bowman, Physician, 1107 Tuscarawas W., Canton, Ohio.
104. Frank Derward Slutz, Supt. of Schools, Pueblo, Colo.
105. Harry Fouts Hazlett, Canton High School, Clarendon Ave., Canton, O.
106. John Henry Chaney, Teacher, Barnesville, Ohio.
107. A. L. G. Eaton, 1005 Main St., Coraopolis, Pa.
108. Louis Matthew McKnight, Treas. Wolsilcot Mills Co., 135 Farmer St.,
Detroit, Mich.
109. Robert Ray McKaig, Minister, Fort Rice, North Dakota.
110. Benjamin Johnson Wilson, Packet Agent Pittsburgh, Pa.
111. Earl Wayne Allerton, Farmer, R.F.D. No. 2, Alliance, Ohio.
112. Amer Craig Floyd, Business, Rochester, Pa.
113. Harry Edward Bright, Pastor M. E. Church, Willoughby, Ohio.
114. Lewis Runyan Bowman, Farmer, North Industry, Ohio.
115. William Delbert Shilts, Sales Manager, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 74
Casterton Ave., Akron, Ohio.
116. Frank Lee Johnson, care Y.M.C.A., Newark, Ohio.
117. John Fred Phillips, Minister, Natick, Mass.
118. Charles Thomas Dill, Salesman, Canton, Ohio. (*)
119. Sumner Oesch, Hardware Merchant, Sebring, Ohio.
120. Samuel Clark Riker, Pastor Trinity M. E. Church, 1916 Bigelow St., Mt.
Auburn, Cincinnati.
121. Earl David Roebuck, 1306 Alaska Bldg., Seattle, Washington.
122. Henry Clay Church, Liverpool, Medina Co., Ohio. (*)
123. Joseph Paregoy Adair, Minister, Elk River, Minnesota.
124. Lorin Curtis Rockhill, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio.
125. Alexander W. Walter?
126. Frank Walter Reinoehl, Supt. of Schools, Larimore, N. Dak.
127. Robert Elihu Stauffer, Professor of English, Willamette Univ., Salem,
128. Samuel Franklin Hawkins, Lieutenant U.S. Army, Fort Preble, Portland,
129. Harry Homer Myers, Physician, Shelby, Ohio.
130. John Vernon Kaho, 319½ Hamilton Ave., Detroit, Mich.
131. Carl Davidson, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 1972 Broadway, New York.
132. Harry Clayton Albright, Railway Mail Clerk, Salem, Ohio.
133. Orlin Thomas Battles, Dentist, Orwell, Ohio.
134. Chauncy Copp Devore, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
135. William Alfred Walls, Supt. of Schools, Martin's Ferry, Ohio.
136. George Wesley Elgin, Kent, O.
137. Carl Miller Keplinger, Deceased, January 27, 1906
138. Russell Shinn Hartzell, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Cleveland, O.
139. John W. Weybrecht, Lumber Merchant, Alliance, O.
140. Samuel Clifford Kerr, Attorney, Steubenville, Ohio.
141. Parke Garnette Myers, Hardware Merchant, Greentown, Ohio.
142. Wade Hampton Miller, District Credit Manager Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Co., St. Louis, Mo.
143. Robert Blaine Shirk, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Toronto, Canada.
144. Arthur Taylor Carr, Teacher, South High School, Cleveland, Ohio.
145. George Harvey Mumaw, Farmer, R.F.D., Hiram, Ohio.
146. Lester Anderson Wilkin, Draftsman, Reeves Bros., Alliance, Ohio.
147. Henry Clinton Lower, Sales Manager Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Lake
View Apartments, Queen St., W., Toronto, Canada.
148. Charles Elliott Chalfant, Salesman, Pittsburgh, Pa.
149. Lucius Graham Ellett, Ranchman, Carlsbad, N. Mex.
150. John Alexander Jackson, Supt. of Schools, Bellaire, Ohio.
151. Harold Haines Woods, Engineer, K.W. Ignition Co., 10017 Euclid Ave.,
Cleveland, Ohio.
152. Coridon Edwin Stephens, Attorney, 9 Grant St., Warren, Ohio.
153. Edward Mahlon Jenkins, Farmer, Winona, Ohio.
154. Roy Phillips Crawford, Minister, Burton, Ohio.
155. Wilbur Stanley Smith, Minister, Box 451, Holbrook, Mass.
156. Lawrence Clifford Slutter, Teller Alliance Bank Co., Alliance, Ohio.
157. William Chester Smith, 723 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N.Y.
158. Herman Percy McBroom, Deceased April 10, 1915.
159. Walter Ivan Lyon, Saranac Lake, N.Y.
160. Charles Edward Cannon, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio.
161. Wade Wesley Shidler, City Engineer, Alliance, Ohio.
162. Ralph Waldo Koontz, Deceased July 25, 1914.
163. Walter Augustus Hazlett, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 234 Hancock W.,
Detroit, Mich.
164. Charles Edgar Weybrecht, Lumber Merchant, Alliance, Ohio.
165. Leonard Benson Adair, Retail Grocer, Pleasant City, Ohio.
166. Elgie Leroy Bandy, Membership Sec. Y.M.C.A., Toledo, Ohio.
167. Lloyd S. Mumaw, Farmer, Hiram, Ohio, R.F.D.
168. Ralph Harrison Weir, Ogle Bay Norton Co., 76 Wade Bldg., Cleveland.
169. Perry Arnold Harrington, Teacher, Bethany College, Bethany, O.
170. John Henry Lyon, Lawyer, Youngstown, Ohio.
171. Guy Stewart Hoover, Minister, North Jackson, Ohio.
172. Homer Merwin Johns, Real Estate and Insurance, Massillon, Ohio.
173. Curtis Lionel Ailes, Goodrich Rubber Co., 343 East Market St., Akron,
174. Ambert John Hartzell, Merchant, North Benton, Ohio.
175. William Ashley Copthorne, Lieutenant U.S. Army, Atlanta, Ga.
176. Leland Swarts Devore, Lieutenant U.S. Army, 17th Inf., Atlanta, Ga.
177. George Shoemaker Earseman, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Chicago, Ill.
178. Joseph Meholin Scott, Teacher, 211 S. Ingalls St., Ann Arbor, Mich.
179. George Krauss Weimer, Farmer, R.F.D. 1, Mansfield, Ohio.
180. George Elmer Thomas, Geiger Jones Co., 908 10th St., N.W., Canton,
181. Edson Kirk Smith, Student Harvard Law School, 1746 Cambridge St.,
Cambridge, Mass.
182. Lorin Lee Frick, Student, 825 Dennison Ave., Columbus, Ohio.
183. Charles Milton Davis, Student, Elmwood, Ohio.
184. Harry Elmer Blythe, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio.
185. Lloyd A. Bletzer, Teacher, 616 Greenfield Ave., Canton, O.
186. William Osborne Hoover, Farmer, R.F.D., Hiram, Ohio.
187. Leon Clyde Buxton, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 358 Harvard St.,
Cambridge, Mass.
188. Byron Hawkins Conkle, Prin. High School, Silverton, Oregon.
189. Harvey Jay Shoemaker, United Steel Works, 1130-12 St., N.E., Canton,
190. William Bowen Bruere, Teacher High School, 107 Knight Ave.,
Collingswood, N.J.
191. Ralph Earl Slabaugh, Undertaker, Marlboro, Ohio.
192. Harry Wallace Gauchat, Medical Student, W.R.U., 1533 Cordova Ave.,
Lakewood, Ohio.
193. Howard Miller Oberlin, Engineer, Pittsburgh, Pa.
194. Charles Joseph Stout, Instructor Y.M.C.A., Atlanta, Ga.
195. Weltram Fletcher Simpson, Teacher, 125 S. Prospect St., Kent, Ohio.
196. Ray Edison McGregor, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 725 Casily St.,
Canton, Ohio.
187. (197) Albanus Blaine Kitzmiller, Teacher in M.E. Mission, Weltverdeen,
Java, 19 Kramat.
198. Clarence Herbert Cox, 9513 Silk Ave., N.W., Cleveland, Ohio.
199. Carl H. Koch, Teacher, New Waterford, Ohio.
no number 200
201. Ira Earl Stevens, Alliance Machine Co., Alliance, Ohio.
202. Ralph Martin Tripcony, 212 Lake St., Kent, Ohio.
203. Merwin Richard Crawford, Street Car Advertising Co., 5131 Kenwood Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
no number 204
205. Carl H. Robins, Assistant Pastor, First M. E. Church, Canton, Ohio.
206. Frank W. Hoover, Circulation Department, Times Recorder, 240 Maxahala
Ave., Zanesville, Ohio.
no number 207
no number 208
209. Norman R. Stoll, Teacher, Massillon, Ohio.
210. Almar Hunt Detchon, Agriculture Student O. S. U., 58 Chittenden Ave.,
Columbus, Ohio.
211. Painter Howenstine, Farmer, East Sparta, Ohio.
no number 212
213. Charles C. Amendt, Student, Boston University, Boston, Mass.
no number 214
215. Samuel Leslie Hudd, Student U. of Mich., 332 E. Jefferson St., Ann
Arbor, Mich.
no number 216
217. Harry William Carter, Student Case School, 737 S. Seneca, Alliance,
218 to 224 missing
225. Curtis Monroe Shetler, Law Student, Ohio University, Ada, Ohio.

"Where our Memories love to Linger"
Mount Union College - Office of the President, Alliance, Ohio.
It singeth low in every heart, We hear it each and all, - -
A song of those who answer not, However we may call.
They throng the silence of the breast; We see them as of yore, - -
The kind, the true, the brave, the sweet, Who walk with us no more.
'Tis hard to take the burden up, When these have laid it down;
They brightened all the joy of life, They softened every frown.
But, oh! 'tis good to think of them, When we are troubled sore;
Thanks be to God that such have been, Although they are no more.
More home-like seems the vast unknown, Since they have entered there;
To follow them were not so hard, Wherever they may fare.
They cannot be where God is not, On any sea or shore;
Whate'er betides, Thy love abides, Our God for evermore!
The End |