Poskitt, Fred and Dorette
a lifetime of memories in 27 Scrapbooks and a small Margarine box
the scrapbooks cover a period from 1955 to 1991
Page One
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Page Seven
on this page - 3 Scrapbooks from February 1990 to
August 1991 (including a letter from 1993)

Mr. & Mrs. Poskitt (Fred and Dorette)
First scrapbook on this page
February to October 1990
photos in this scrapbook

top left - In "Calabach" in Coral Reef
top right - With Bill & Sandie at Coral Reef, 21 Feb' to 6 Mar 90
bottom left - With Sandie Waddell on terrace Coral Reef
bottom right - With Brian & Wendy Coles in bar lounge of Carol Reef

top right - at Belle Epoque Knutsford with John & Goldie Sweetmore, 28th
April 1990
bottom left - Dennis & Hazel Call in Lymington, 25th April 1990

1) Rhodes 29 Aug to 5 Sep - Astir Palace,
Tzaki's Taverna
2) 18/8/90

1) 3rd April 1990, Arts Theatre, Run For Your
Wife! Directed by: Roy Heayberd. Written by: Ray Cooney. Sponsored by:
Belfast City Council
2) Birtsmorton
Church - The Parish Church of St. Thomas of Canterbury with St. Peter and
St. Paul, Birtsmorton. The Church is situated beside Birtsmorton Court, with
which it has had a long connection. The early dedication to St. Thomas was
probably changed in 1538. It was restored in October 1964. The style is
early English and it is built of local stone. The earliest building was
about 1180, but no trace of it remains. Re0building took place in the 14th,
15th and 19th centuries. Bells - There are four, 1450, 1630 and two
cast in 1665. Because of weakness in the bell tower...
3) Mr. & Mrs. J.
S. Hamilton request the pleasure of your company at an Evening Reception to
be held at Royal Ulster Yacht Club on Tuesday, 3rd July, 1990 at 8.00 p.m.
to celebrate the marriage of their daughter Julie Louise with Mr. Aidan John
Rafton Pounder R.S.V.P. Tavistock, 9 Baylands First Avenue, Bangor,
Co. Down
4) Professor and
Mrs. Fred Poskitt - Mr. & Mrs. Ian Robinson request the pleasure of your
company at the marriage of their daughter Jacqueline Elspeth, with Mr. Colin
Preston Taylor, at Comber First Presbyterian Church, on Saturday, 1st
September 1990 at 11 a.m. and afterwards at "Ingleside," Comber
R.S.V.P. "Ingleside" 54 High Street, Comber
5) Dear Mr. and
Mrs. Poskitt, Thank you very much indeed for your most generous cheque that
you gave to me and Colin as a wedding present. I am sorry that it has taken
me so long to write to you but it has been quite complicated moving into our
flat in Oxbridge after the wedding in Co? and we have had to ? ? to bring
all our belongings over here ? to settle down as quickly as possible. Thank
you very much again. Love Elspeth and Colin
6) Mr. & Mrs. D.
L. Dunlop request the pleasure of the company of Mr. & Mrs. F. F. Poskitt on
the occasion of the marriage of their daughter Judith Rose to Mr. Stephen
Barry Mason at Christ Church, Chichester, on Saturday, 22nd September, 1990,
at 2.30 p.m. and afterwards at The Spread Eagle Hotel, Midhurst, West
Sussex. R.S.V.P. Redbridge Lodge, Ballyrobert Road, Crawfordsburn, Co.
7) Mr. & Mrs. B.
B. Mason, 7 Portal Avenue, Antrim
1) Coral Reef Club, St. James, Barbados, West
Indies - Fred & Dorette, We were so happy to meet you both. You made our
time here doubly enjoyable. Someday I hope we will meet again. We wish you
safe travelling. Fondly Bill & Sandie. P.S. What a coincidence, they
served duck soup for dinner!
2) 38 Houndean
Rise, Lewes, E. Sussex 26th February 1990 - Dear Fred and Dorette,
Thank you, Fred, for your very welcome letter recently, and its news. I hope
you are both keeping well and able to enjoy your retirement. This is really
to let you know that Margaret is to be married here on 31st March
(12.30p.m.), of course, if there is any chance you might be over at that
time I would be delighted for you to come. I would very sincerely welcome
any representation from her native Province and so would she, apart from the
pleasure of meeting you again. I'm in the midst of actually sending out the
invitations, amongst many other things for of course, I have to be (so far
as is practical and tactful!) both Mother & Father. If you don't want to be
noticed too much Fred, come in your kilt, Angus & most of his family seem to
be coming in their regalia. I hope we shall have finished with these
fearfully windy days by then! One thing, I seem to be very fit once more &
doing a bit of badminton & swimming in the bal??? I hasten to say. Just as
well, for there seems to be 101 things - Wrote with apology & £25
3) Hugh H. Dixon,
Woodbury House, Jouldings Lane, Farley Hill, Reading 22/3/90 - Dear
Fred & Dorette, Mickie & I have left Spain and returned to England for good.
She has been treated in London by a number of specialists with good results
& for the time being is in a Brighton Hotel. I am in an old people's home
and well looked after. Well above the ? but have to use a frame for walking,
4) 18 Greenhouse
Road, Eltham 18.8.90 - Dear Dorette and Fred, Thank you so very much
for the beautiful little suit for Matthew. He is already big enough to wear
it - and looks lovely! It has been lovely seeing Mum and Dad again, I do
hope they continue to come and see us frequently. Hope you are both well,
Thank you again, Libby
5) 8th October
1990 Postmark London to Mr. & Mrs. F. F. Poskitt, 7 Bristow Park, Belfast -
96a Hermitage Road, Manor House, London 6th October 1990 - Dear Fred &
Dorette, Thank you for having me to stay, I'm sorry it taken me so long to
write. I thought it would be better if I waited until I found somewhere to
live. We moved in 1 week ago, it is a nice ground floor flat with 3
bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen & living room all in a line, so it is very long &
thin! I am sharing with the 2 boys who lived in the house last year - the 2
girls have got places in a hall of residence. I am on placement at the
Institute of Urology so I am seeing all sorts of problems such as prostate &
bladder problems & even some female to male sex changes! We are kept quite
busy during the day but don't have any nights when we have to stay in. In 5
weeks I change to Oncology & Radiotherapy then we have 5 weeks lectures in
Pathology so I've got my work cut out! I am going home on October 28th
as Sally is at last having the Children baptised! She has asked me to be
Godmother to Matthew. I have sold my Fiesta to Dad for Judith to have
instead of her Mini which is getting very old & worn out now so I am back on
my trusty old bike! I hope you had a good holiday. Love from Jo
Newspaper Clippings

1) The Daily Telegraph, Saturday, June 16, 1990
- Life peerages for Dr. and Barbara Castle - and Kingsley Amis - The
Birthday Honours List
2) S. Express, 09
Sept. - Taste of Success: San Wong rolls up his sleeves to help in the
kitchen and, inset, Siljit Rana outside his hotel - Two budding businessmen
came to Belfast with little but hope. Terrorist bombs dented it but could
not flatten it. Colin Brady and John Ley describe their struggle. Click
image 2 to read full story
second scrapbook
November 1990 to April 1991
photos in this scrapbook

1) In Spread Eagle, Midhurst with John &
Elizabeth 15 April
Tony & Shirley Albert at Friston 16 April
3) Cozen's House, Taunton
11 April
4) Ter Reie 19/4/91
5) Market Square, Bruges
6) Clayton Lodge Hotel
with John & Goldie Sweetmore 23 April 91
7) Clayton Lodge Hotel
with Goldie Sweetmore 23 April 91
8) Pheasant Inn,
Bassenthwaite 24 April 91
9) Pheasant Inn 24 April

1) 8 Mount Pleasant, Stranmillis Road, Belfast
- Marjorie McClure and family would like to thank you most sincerely for the
very kind thoughts and expressions of sympathy you extended following the
death of Jack who is greatly missed P.T.O.
Ulster Cancer Foundation, 14th January 1991, Mr. &
Mrs. F. Poskett, 7 Bristow Park, Belfast - Dear Mr. & Mrs. Poskett, Your
kind donation of £50.00, made in lieu of funeral flowers upon the recent
death of Mr. Jack McClure, was received by us and receipted. The
thoughtfulness of friends and of the family circle in taking this step to
further the Foundation's work of cancer research, education and patient care
cannot be too highly valued, and we should like you to know how greatly we
appreciate it. Yours sincerely, Michael A. Wood, Director

1) 6th January 1991 Postmark Southampton
Airmail to Mr. & Mrs. F. Poskitt, 7 Bristow Park, Belfast, N. Ireland
2) Laneswood, 17
Fairfield Close, Lymington 5.1.91 - Dear Fred & Dorette, Thank you for
your card & message. The messages that kind people write in these cards are
of great comfort. I am sorry I had to give you the news about Denis in such
an abrupt manner on the phone. I was fortunate, in one respect, that we were
spending a long weekend with our son David, & family in Scotland when it
happened. Denis went for a walk & half an hour later the police came & told
me what had happened. I spent the rest of the week with David, Diana, our
daughter flew up from London & was with us. They have all just spent
Christmas & New Year here in Lymington with me. I am learning to lead a new
life & have many happy memories to think of. Thank you for your thoughts,
Love, Hazel Cail
3) Lintas: Kuala Lumpur,
7 Jln. Tun Ismais, Kenny Hill, 50480 Kuala Lumpur 18 Feb 1991 (Evelyn
Evans, Technical Adviser, Creative - Dear Fred & Dorette, It's Chinese New
Year so things are a little slow here in the office. That means its not a
bad time to catch up on some of my correspondence too. We've had a fairly
traumatic time since coming back as Richard had a detached retina which he
had repaired by laser and which didn't hold. He was told to get to Perth in
2 days or lose the sight in his right eye. So we climbed onto a plane & flew
south. Thankfully its only 5 hours away & the medical is first class. He saw
the Professor at the Eye Hospital at 9.30 am and was in hospital an hour
later. He was operated on that evening and out by lunch the next day with a
steel and silicone brace around the eye. We stayed on for 2 days till the
Proff gave the all clear last Monday & we were home on Tuesday night. So,
all a bit of a whirlwind but a successful one, never the less. Richard can
see some, but it will be 2 months before he has his glasses altered to the
new shape of the eye. He had headaches & tiredness but all-in-all he is in
good shape. On Wednesday our staff disappeared for the Annual holiday & with
3 dogs, an Amazon parrot and Richard, I've been busy. They don't return till
Thursday when they will be greeted with open arms and full laundry baskets.
We are not allowed to travel because of the Gulf War but are hoping it will
be over by the end of March so we can go to HK for the Rugby Sevens. It's a
wonderful weekend with reunions with friends from all over and even Robert
(Pony(?) generally makes it. We usually have a drink together and catch up.
I think I told you that we've put our Bath house on the market. We have made
an offer on a house in Norton-sub-Hamdon and are keeping all x'd that we can
come up with the money before someone else does. I had a letter in response
to a note from the lady of the house who said she hopes we get it. We liked
each other & she knows I love the house and garden. They had a landscape
gardener turn it into an easy-care garden at vast expense. I'm afraid I will
undo much of it & plant my favourite things as soon as I can! Heathers and
shrubs are not for me! I'm more a roses, paenia & wisteria person & Richard
wants a section of formal rose beds. The great thing (one of them) about
this house is the pub is across the road & 50 yds on. Very convenient to
have close by to quench a gardening thirst. Richard says. Richard's
Uncle Charles Evans has asked me to pass on his contact at Birtsmorton so
you can get in touch & perhaps drop in & see him when you are next there.
His tel. no. is (068481) 436. The address is Pope Hayes, Birtsmorton, nr.
Malvern, Worcs. WR136AR. We saw him, and his son Simion who lives with him,
a couple of times at Christmas. He had aged a lot since we saw him last 18
months ago. I guess he's in his late 70's now. Auntie Mary died last year,
she suffered from Parkinsons. If you drive down past Birtsmorton Court you
reach a sort of T-junction. I think right takes you to the Wildfowl Place
and left is to Pope Hayes which is a black & white on the L.H.S. with access
through a gate. You would be more than welcome if you made contact. Charles
makes wonderful wines, champagne and delicious truffles too! He's
delightful. Simon is 40's & unmarried. He works for the BBC in Birmingham &
commutes. I believe the house belongs to the Court but I've not liked to ask
how it came about. I am in the process of trying to get a new Work
Permit which is proving to be a pain. I doubt I'll get more than another
year so that has pushed us to conclude that we will return to UK as soon as
is financially viable thereafter. Saddam has out future in his grasp
too & hopefully the market will jump back quickly when war ceases. We have
set our sights on a sum which should mean we don't have to work although we
intend to in our own good time. I have to confess that I'm tired of working
and can see many other things I'd rather do & experience. I'm being
summoned to a meeting so will 'off.' I hope you are both well & not too
badly affected by the snow. Perhaps you are already in the Caribbean??
much love Evelyn ?
Newspaper Clippings

1) McClure, John - December 30, 1990
(peacefully), at his home, 8 Mount Pleasant, dearly-loved husband of
Marjorie and dear father of Brian, Shaun, Richard and Michael. House
private. Family flowers only please. Donations in lieu if desired to Ulster
Cancer Foundation. Funeral service in St. Bartholomew's Parish Church on
Thursday 3rd inst. at 10.30 a.m. and afterwards to Roselawn Crematorium for
12 noon. - Very deeply regretted by his sorrowing Wide and Family Circle +
Son Richard, Daughter-in0law Elizabeth and Grandchildren Anna, Sarah-Jane
and Robert + Son Shaun, Daughter-in-law Maria, and Grandchildren Michael,
Mark and Fiona + Son Brian, Daughter-in-law Margaret and Grandchildren
Kathryn and Neil + The Staff of Strancon, deeply regret the death of John,
Father of their Esteemed Employer Michael and wish to tender their deepest
sympathy to him and the Family Circle. - McCrory, Thomas Herbert
(Tommy) - January 1, 1991, (peacefully) at Hospital, dearly-loved husband of
Rosetta and loving father of Barbara, Lila, Millar and Rosamund. Funeral
from his home, 20 Glendun Drive, Ballymena, tomorrow (Thursday) at 2 p.m.
(service 1.30 p.m.) to 2nd Broughshane New Cemetery - Will be lovingly
remembered by his sorrowing Wife, Family and Family Circle. Gone to be with
Christ which is far better + Loving Sister Agnes and Family, Brother
Nathaniel and Family. Peace is yours, memories ours.
third scrapbook
April to August 1991
photos in this scrapbook

1 to 4) Roca Marina 16 May to 9 July
5) Lobster Pot, L'Etacq,
24 July 91

1) 08 May 91 - Dear Fred & Dorette, I don't
remember when I last wrote so forgive me if I repeat our news. Richard has
just had the all-clear on his eye after our dash to Western Australia in
early Feb to have his detached retina sorted out. He is much relieved having
been told that he had to be operated on within 2 days or lose the sight.
Only problem now is explaining that it's his eye that makes the airport
machine 'ping' due to the steelband keeping his eyeball in place. Anyway,
with a less than 1% chance it will ever go wrong again, all's well. We
have a buyer for the Bath house which is a great relief. Of course there's
the dreaded chain but as our buyer is selling an Eight hundred thousand
pound house and has a cash buyer (he says) we should be okay. All in
all we are very lucky to have sold when you look at the marketplace.
Certainly with the latest poll results I feel there is a danger than Labour
will get in, or perhaps the SDP next time round and that will affect
property badly. On the downside, the house we want has been withdrawn
from the market - reason unknown - and so our stuff will have to go into
storage until we find another. Frankly we are not too fussed as we'll just
put everything on deposit off-shore and grow the capital for 6 months or so.
I have always maintained that I prefer to buy houses in the winter months
when you can see them at their worst, so I suspect we will holiday in
Australia or the US this year and go looking in Jan/Feb 92. Just as
soon as our contracts are exchanged and the money's in place I will fly back
with one of my maids to pack up and move out. I'll be in England for 2 weeks
and send Ah Shute back after 8-10 days as I need to consult my specialist
for a 6-month check-up after my Christmas Breast Cancer scare. I need to put
a flea in the ear of Jack Barclays too as Richard returned his Silver Spirit
to them as we left UK to have some seemingly minor things done and the car
is still there and not in store as it should be. They have faffed
around for 3 months and have created new work such as new leather top for
the front passenger seat as someone spilt mineral oil on it. Now there's a
tiny, slow leak in the rear window seat and they admit to scratches and
chips in the paintwork. So .. in spite of Victor Barclay's assurance that
all is well under control, I intend to sort them out. It was a hope
that I'd get back in time for the Chelsea Flower Show but unless money
changes hands very quickly that's not likely. I am very busy in the office
and cannot afford to be away for too long. I am very thankful that this is
my last year working for others. Any other job I do will be either voluntary
or for us. We seem to be 90% sure that we will be in a position to 'retire'
by the end of '92. What we plan to do tho' is wait until March and catch
Canberra out of Singapore (or another ship) and get back in time for the tax
year while recuperating as the end is likely to be a busy time. There
is the Asian Direct Marketing Symposium being held in Singapore mid June and
I have been invited to speak on Creativity. It's a great honour as
I'll be the only Asian based speaker there. I look back on my time at
Princess Gardens and have to chuckle, when you think I was thrown out of
there at 16 without a qualification to my name and where I am today I laugh.
There's a lot to be said for perseverence and hard work. Sad though too.
I'm sorry about so many things but mostly that Daddy didn't have the
strength of character to recognise my potential and give me the support I
needed. I'm sorry too that Lucy isn't alive so I can say "See! I did it in
spite of you!" At some stage we will have to engineer a meeting with
you and Richard. I know you will like him. He is everything that is good in
a man. It was his birthday recently and I commissioned an Ancestry research
through Debretts which arrived in time. It was fascinating and went back to
the 1300's. No skeletons but no big surprises. Of course he's of Welsh stock
and they were a pretty pious lot" I was thinking of getting my own
done and wondered if you could give me details of what you know.
Things like date and place of birth and marriage and deaths are what's
needed. I'm sorry to say I don't ever know the date Mummy died
although I think it was March '59, when you have a moment, would you jot
down details for me, so I can get started? When I get back to move
house, I will give you a buzz. After the physical moving out I will spend a
few days with my chums the O'Rorke's (ex Newcastle, Co. Down) who live in
Norton-sub-Hamdon. The village we were hoping to move to. As I've explained,
I don't know when it will be. I now suspect it will have to be after my
mid-June session in Singapore. Meanwhile, I hope you are both well.
With the winding down of the Middle East conflict I imagine you are planning
to get away but I hope I'll manage to catch you. Much love, Evelyn
P.S. Forgot to tell you we went to HK for the Rugby Sevens with some friends
- great fun! Saw Robert who seems well but looked thin. He's wearing glasses
now too. I won £1000 on the Premium Bonds in Feb so blew some of that on a
Mink jacket there. Now I need the weather to wear it.
2) Gunpoint, 29
Coastguard Lane, Orlock, Groomsport - 10th May 1991 - Dear Fred, It was very
kind of you to write to me following the very sudden death of my dear
husband Rafton. I have been greatly comforted by the expressions of sympathy
received from his many friends in all walks of life and I would just like
you to know that your kind letter was very much appreciated by myself and my
family. Yours sincerely, Valerie. Please excuse typed letter, my
mailbag is somewhat crowded. I look forward to seeing you & Dorette in the
near future.
3) 96 Hermitage Road,
Manor House, London - 11th May 1991 - Dear Fred & Dorette, Thank you very
much for the money you sent for my birthday - it was very generous of you &
is very much appreciated. I would like you to know that I have a
boyfriend. His name is Adrian Cudmore and he is one of the two boys I have
been living with for the last 2 years. Obviously we have become very good
friends & have now realised that we mean more to each other than just
friends. At first it was quite a shock to me to realise that I had
fallen in love again, I didn't think it was possible. But now I have got
used to the idea I am enjoying life very much. Despite having a new man in
my life my time with Michael is still a part of me & you will always be my
Parents-in-law. As I only have 3 weeks holiday this summer I won't be
able to come & see you. Adrian & I will be going to France for 2 weeks in
July to visit his sister Joanne & her fiancée & in August Justin & his
girlfriend will be coming sailing with us for a week in the College Yacht. I
hope you have a good time in Palma, Love from Jo.
4) December 1993 - Hope
you have had a good year - we haven't done much at all. John has been very
busy at work. We did manager two holidays in Menorca in June & September but
that is all - hoping to get away more this next year. We did enjoy meeting
you again & thank you for a lovely evening - we were pleased to see you both
looking so well - long may it continue. Hope to see you again in '94. All
the best for Xmas & the New Year, Goldie (John & Goldie, Wheel Green Farm,
Bridgemere, Nr. Nantwich, Cheshire)
1) Muy Feliz Aniversario Y uds. Saben Lo Que
Eso Significa
2) Mr. & Mrs. N.
G. Hunter request the pleasure of the company of Mr. & Mrs. F. Poskitt at
the marriage of their daughter Heather Ann with Mr. Geoffrey Howard Spencer
Brunton at St. Peter and St. Paul Parish Church, Seal on Saturday, 27th July
1991 at 2.00 p.m. and afterwards at St. Julians Club, Sevenoaks
R.S.V.P. 10 Morningside, Bangor, County Down, Northern Ireland
3) Change of
Address - Stella & Aubrey Sacks moving to 48 Spencer Close, Regents Park
Road, London on 5th August
Newspaper Clippings

1) Belfast Telegraph 25/4/91 5 Bristow Park,
Upper Malone, Belfast (John & Elizabeth Pizer in Bayeux 30/4/91
2) (Incomplete) Names &
Faces - Stone becomes third woman Fellow - Senior director of WS Atkins
Structural Engineering has become only the third woman ever to achieve
Fellowship if the Institution of Civil Engineers. Helen Stone (F) is
responsible for the structural appraisals group within WS Atkins. She
graduated from Birmingham University and joined WS Atkins in 1972, becoming
chartered through working on highways and bridges projects. She then moved
into project management of multi disciplinary projects, following this by
joining her present division, where she has project managed designs for part
of Euro Disneyland. Strongly interested in the training of civil engineers,
she is a member of the ICE Training & Professional Review Panel, and the
Association of Consulting Engineers' education, training and recruitment
panel. She directs graduate training for WS Atkins Structural Engineering
- Professor Sir Norman Rowntree (F), elected 111th President of the
ICE in 1975, died on 22 July aged 79. He became director of the Water
Resources Board for England and Wales when it was created in 1964. When this
was disbanded with formation of the water authorities, he returned to
Consultancy as a partner with Rowntree-Boddington Associated. He
accepted a chair in civil engineering at the University of Manchester
Institute of Science & Technology in 1975. After retiring he became a
consultant to Allott & Lomax. He was a member of the ICE Council from
1963 to 1968, again from 1969 to 1972, and was vice president from 1972 to
1975, serving on all the main committees. He also served on the Council as
past president ... Selection has been made by Welsh Water of Tim Wade (M) as
managing director for its engineering and environment consultancy, Wallace
Evans. - David Pickering (M) becomes Haiste Group's northern
regional director. - Dr. Ian May (M), senior lecturer in civil
engineering at the University of Bradford, takes up the chair of civil
engineering at the University of Bradford, takes up the chair of civil
engineering at Heriot0Watt University. The department of civil engineering's
selection for the post of lecturer is Malcolm Chrisp (M). Assigned a
directorship with WS Atkins is David James (M), who takes over
responsibility for the infrastructure planning and manage ...
the end
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