Poskitt, Fred and Dorette
a lifetime of memories in 27 Scrapbooks and a small Margarine box
the scrapbooks cover a period from 1955 to 1991
Page One
Page Two
Page Three
Page Four
Page Five
Page Six
Page Seven
on this page - 6 Scrapbooks from March 1961 to

Mr. & Mrs. Poskitt (Fred and Dorette)
First Scrapbook
March to June 1961
photos in this scrapbook

Dorette and Freds son Michael Poskitt

all August 1961 Cards
1) 1 Year Old - Wishing you a very Happy
birthday & Lots of Love from Grandpa & Grannie Ferguson
2) 1 Year Old - To
Michael with love & all good wishes. From Vera or Dela Kelly
3) Happy
Anniversary to Son and his Wife 10/6/61 Best Wishes to Dorette & Fred, With
love from Bill & Ness

Colonel & Mrs. R. D. Martin-Bird request the pleasure of your company at the
marriage of their daughter Joanna to Mr. Samuel Walter Dermot McIlveen at
St. Cross Church, Knutsford, on Thursday, April 6th, at 12 o'clock and
afterwards at Rockford Lodge. R.S.V.P. Rockford Lodge, Knutsford, Cheshire

1) 14th April 1961 Ashleigh House School,
Windsor Avenue, Belfast 9 14.4.61 Dear Dorette, Just a line to thank you
very much indeed for the promised article and those few kind words! I can
hardly wait to see my name in print!! I did laugh when I read the Electrolux
episode - I often wondered why we had so much trouble with it! I met your
aunt by marriage in Rostrevor when I stayed there last weekend, and she sent
you her love! She is very nice, and very capable, I imagine. She said
probably I would see you before she would! Again many thanks for all your
labour! Yours sincerely Constance Finlay
2) 20th April 1961
Postmark Enniskillen to Mrs. F. F. Poskitt, 26 Dorchester Park, Malone,
Belfast - Central Hotel, Donegal, 20/4/61. No room in Enniskillen so
came on through to Donegal. They were all very glad to see us & were
enquiring about Michael. We were over at Garrison to-day. Weather
disgusting. However we are keeping our fingers crossed. Hope you are all
O.K. Love Mum & Dad
3) 21st April 1961
Postmark Dun Na Ngall to Mr. & Mrs. F. F. Poskitt, 26 Dorchester Park,
Malone, Belfast - Central Hotel, Donegal, 12/4/61 Such a change!
Weather beautiful today. We are going over to Rosnowlagh now to do some deep
breathing. To-morrow we thought of going to Sligo & will call at our old
favourite shop. Hope you are all feeling in good form. Love all, not
forgetting wee Michael
4) 29th May 1961
Postmark Lancaster & Morcambe to F. F. Poskitt, Esq., B.Sc., M.I.C.E., 15
College Gardens, Belfast, N. Ireland - Sunday First relaxation today,
having an incredibly energetic ?. Weather fine but extremely cold with snow
forecast & frost at night! Hope all goes well. Will be back on Monday
morning, possibly a little later. Regards to Hugh & Mr. Ferguson. Tony
5) Bayview Hotel,
Portballintrae 9th June 1961 Postmark Ballycastle to Mrs. F. F. Poskitt, 26
Dorchester Park, Upper Malone Road, Belfast 9 - Thursday Sorry I was in the
midst of ? when you phoned yesterday week and I did mean to say how very
much we enjoyed Crawfordsburn. Weather here very mixed but Celia loves the
beach when we do get there. Love Diane
6) 29th June 1961
Postmark Eire? to Mr. & Mrs. F. Poskett, 26 Dorchester Park, Malone Road,
Belfast 9 - Monday Having a lovely holiday despite indifferent
weather. Touring Connemara and lazing on the beach - weather permitting.
Regards Nessa & Lenny
7) Mr. & Mrs. F.
F. Poskitt, 26 Dorchester Park, Malone, Belfast, N.I. - Fermoy, Co. Mayo,
Thursday. We are here to-day, came on from Cork. There was no room in
Kenware(?) so we came back this way & may come back by Shamrock Lodge.
However we are working our way back. Hope you are all well. How's the Baby?
Love Mum and Dad
1) The Institution of Civil Engineers (Northern
Ireland Association) The Chairman and Committee request the pleasure of the
company of Mr. & Mrs. F. F. Poskitt to meet Sir Herbert (John Baptista)
Manzoni, C.B.E., President of the Institution at the Annual Dinner and Dance
to be held in the Woodbourne House Hotel, Suffolk, Dunmurry, on Friday, 28th
April, 1961, at 7.30 p.m. for 8 p.m. R.S.V.P. C. G. H. Filor, 26 Shancoole
Park, Belfast 14 & photo
2) Portadown &
Banbridge Regional Waterworks Joint Board, Fishing Permit Spelga Dam, 1961
Season Mr. F. Poskitt, Messrs. Ferguson & McIlveen, 15 College
Gardens, Belfast is permitted to fish in Spelga Reservoir. Subject to
compliance with conditions set out on schedule accompanying this Permit
during 1961 Season. ? Spencer, Date 17/5/61 Clerk to Board
Portadown and Banbridge Regional Waterworks Joint Board, Fishing at Spelga
Dam, Conditions. 1. Fees are payable in advance. 2. All persons must enter
the works through the main gates and sign book which will be provided close
to the entrance. 3. Permits are not transferable and must be produced on
request to any authorised officer or servant of the Board. 4. The Board
reserve the right to alter or revoke these conditions or withdraw a licence
at any time. 5. The Board will not be responsible for any accident, injury,
damage or loss to persons or property howsoever caused and Licence Holders
using the Reservoir, lands or approach road do so at their own risk. 6.
Wading in the reservoir strictly prohibited. 7. No lighting of fires allowed
and all litter to be removed. No damage to be done to fences or any property
of the Board. 8. That no pollution of the catchment area in any form be
allowed and that only the lavatories provided for the use of anglers may be
used for sanitary purposes. 9. No fishing is allowed from the Dam. 10.
Immature fish of less than nine inches in length to be returned alive to the
water. 11. Fly fishing only is permitted. Spinning and the use of live or
dead bait prohibited. 12. Licence Holders not permitted to fish on Sundays.
13. This permit is issued and is deemed to be accepted subject to the
foregoing rules and conditions and any infringement will render the permit
liable to cancellation. W. J. Spencer, Clerk to Board. 48 High Street,
Portadown, 18th April 1961
3) The Directors
of The Electrical Equipment Company (N.I.) Limited request the pleasure of
the company of Wednesday, May 31, 1961 F. F. Poskitt, Esq., B.Sc.,
A.M.I.C.E. Cocktails 12 noon. at the inauguration of their New Premises
(Kelvin House) by Sir Charles Westlake, Chairman of Metal Industries Limited
R.S.V.P. to the Secretary, 38 Fountain Street, Belfast 1. The Ulster Room,
Grand Central Hotel, Belfast Guests:- D. S. Abbott, M.I.H.V.E.;
J. A. Anderson, A.M.I.Mech.E.; J. Bacon, F.C.A.; E. W. Barton, B.Sc.,
A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E.; Capt. J. L. Bennett, C.B.E., LL.B.; E. A.
Benwell; K. C. Brangwin, R. Geoffrey Brennan, W. Millar Cameron, M.B.E.; J.
T. Cather, T. G. Christie, O.B.E., B.Sc., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E.; J. A.
Clarke, R. E. Craig, G. E. Crisp, B.Sc.; G. M. Davidson, J. P. Dennis,
A.C.A., Assoc.I.E.E.; J. W. Donovan, B.Sc., M.I.E.E., J. S. Fiddes, The Rev.
James Frazer, B.Sc., B.D.; J. Basil C. Glass, LL.B.; A. H. Glendinning,
O.B.E., T.D., B.Sc.; Sir Clarence Graham, B.Sc., M.I.C.E.; James P. Graham,
O.B.E.; W. G. Grudgings, B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E.; F. B. Hamilton, H. F. Harris,
M.I.Mech.E.; T. Hay, A.M.I.E.E.; J. S. Henderson, A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E.;
A. W. Gordon Holt, J.P., Assoc.I.E.E.; R. J. F. Howard, S. A. Howard,
A.M.I.E.E.; H. E. Jones, C.B.E.; G. G. Kelso, B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E.; S. C.
Meharg, G. H. Moir, J.P., M.I.E.E.; The Rt. Hon. W. J. Morgan, J.P., M.P.;
J. R. W. Murland, B.Sc., M.I.E.E., M.I.C.E., M.I.Mech.E.; D. E. Mutch, A. K.
McAuslan, A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.N.E.; J. McDowell, B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E.; D. S.
McIlhagger, Ph.D., M.Sc., M.I.E.E.; T. McMahon, B.Com.S., F.R.Econ.S.; Colum
P. McNally, B.Sc., A.M.I.C.E.; A. W. Page, M.B.E.; G. H. E. Parr, C.B.,
C.B.E.; W. Patton, A. R. Pike, B.Sc.(Eng.).M.I.E.E.; F. F. Poskitt, B.Sc.,
A.M.I.C.E.; R. S. Redmond, T.D.; F. E. Ritchie, J. M. Rodgers, F.C.I.S., S.
A. Spence, C. M. Stoupe, B.Sc., M.I.E.E.; L. C. W. Turner, James Walker,
C.B.E., C.A.; H. C. Walters, J. G. R. Warburton, R. P. Watson, B.A., B.A.I.,
M.I.E.E.; Horace White, C.B.E.; P. G. Williams.

1) 17th April 1961. Mr. F. F. Poskitt thanks
the Directors of the Electrical Equipment Company for their kind invitation
to attend the inauguration of their new premises on May 31st, and is pleased
to accept. The Secretary, Messrs. Electrical Equipment Company (N.I.) Ltd.,
38 Fountain Street, Belfast 1
2) Sir James R. H.
Hutchison, Bt. D.S.O., T.D., J.P., Chairman and the Directors of Glenfield &
Kennedy Holdings Limited request the pleasure of the company of Mr. F. F.
Poskitt at Kilmarnock on Thursday, 8th June, 1961, at 10.15 a.m. on the
occasion of the Official Commissioning of the new Hydraulics Laboratory and
afterwards to luncheon in the Grand Hall, Kilmarnock, when The Rt. Hon. Lord
Strathclyde will be the Principal Guest R.S.V.P. The Secretary, Glenfield &
Kennedy Limited, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire
3) 18th April 1961
Dear Mr. MacLellan, I am replying on Mr. Ferguson's behalf to thank you for
your kind invitation to attend the commissioning of your new Hydraulics
Laboratory on the 8th June. Mr. Ferguson will unfortunately be unable to
attend and has asked me to go in his place. I should be glad if you would
allocate one of the seats reserved on Flights B.E.9328 and B.E.9407 to me
and will forward a cheque for the amount due to you when you furnish me with
details of cost. I look forward to joining you on the 8th June. Yours truly,
F. F. Poskitt. D. A. S. MacLellan, Esq., Messrs. Glenfield & Kennedy Ltd.,
Kilmarnock, Ayrshire
4) Sir James R. H.
Hutchison, Bt., D.S.O., T.D., J.P., Chairman and the Directors of Glenfield
& Kennedy Holdings Limited request the pleasure of the company of Mr. R.
Ferguson at Kilmarnock on Thursday, 8th June, 1961, at 10.15 a.m. on the
occasion of the official Commissioning of the New Hydraulics Laboratory and
afterwards to luncheon in the Grand Hall, Kilmarnock, when The Rt. Hon. Lord
Strathclyde will be the Principal Guest R.S.V.P. The Secretary, Glenfield &
Kennedy Limited, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire. Not Later than 24th April 1961

1) Glenfield & Kennedy Holdings Limited
Luncheon on the occasion of the Official Commissioning of the Group
Hydraulics Laboratory. Chairman: Sir James R. H. Hutchison, Bt., D.S.O.,
T.D., J.P. The Grand Hall, Kilmarnock 8th June 1961
2) Directors:
Glenfield & Kennedy Holdings Limited - Sir James R. H. Hutchison, Bt.,
D.S.O., T.D., J.P., Chairman; J. S. Abbott, J.P., Vice-Chairman; W. R.
Blakeborough, J. D. Latta, M.C., A. Denham, H. R. Neilson, H. Gardner, J.P.;
A. Robertson, M.B.E.; R. Gillespie, C.B.E.; J. C. Robertson
Glenfield & Kennedy Limited - J. D. Latta, M.C., Chairman; A. Robertson,
M.B.E., (Managing); J. S. Abbott, J.P.; J. H. Lawrence, D. A. S. MacLellan,
H. R. Neilson, J. C. Robertson, W. B. Trenholme, J. G. Workman.
J. Blakeborough & Sons Ltd. - A. Denham, Chairman; W. R. Blakeborough
(Managing); W. E. Ashley, F. T. Bintcliffe, H. Gardner, J.P.; F. A. Klouman.
Alley & MacLellan Ltd. - H. R. Neilson, Chairman; T. B. Pattison (Managing);
R. Gillespie, C.B.E.; A. Robertson, M.B.E. Blackett, Hutton &
Co. Ltd. - J. Currie (Managing); W. R. Blakeborough, H. hart, J. H.
Lawrence. The British Pitometer Co. Ltd. - H. Gardner, J.P.,
Chairman; W. J. Robinson (Managing); Dr. P. L. Boucher, A. Robertson, M.B.E.
3) Seating
Arrangement - Abbot to Coffee
4) Seating
Arrangement - Colebrook to Henderson
5) Seating
Arrangement - Hendry to Murray
6) Seating
Arrangement - McCall to Scott
7) Seating
Arrangement - Scott to Yarrow
Newspaper Clippings

The Sunday Times, April 30, 1961 Armed gendarmes search the foyer of the
Hotel Aletti in Algiers in a night round-up of rebels, but only two
employees - and one resident trying to telephone - remain.
Dunmurry Presbyterian Church 19th May 1961 - Dear Mr. Poskitt, When I agreed
to baptise the baby it was without any thought of reward, as I appreciate
the fact that you wished me to officiate. I had no idea that the envelope
you gave me contained such a generous gift. We greatly appreciate it, both
for its intrinsic value, and even more the appreciation which it expresses.
Mrs. Donaldson joins me in sending our good wishes. We hope that Mrs.
Poskitt and you will find increasing happiness in Michael, and that all the
hopes which you entertain for him will be fully realised. Please accept our
sincere thanks, With kindest regards, yours sincerely, J. Albert Donaldson
Second Scrapbook
December 1963 to May 1964

1) The Queen's University of Belfast Film
Society Membership Card, Season 1963-64 Name: Mrs. F. F. Poskitt, Address: 7
Bristow Park, Belfast 9 Signature: Mary D. E. Poskitt
2) Mondello
Restaurant, North Street, Belfast New Year's Eve 1964 Table d'hote Menu
3) Wilson Memorial
Loyal Orange Lodge No. 1881 1864-1964 Centenary Dinner, Orpheus Restaurant,
York Street, Wednesday, 8th January, 1964 W.Bro. Robert Ferguson, B.A.,
B.E., M.I.C.E., W.M. - Grace: The Lord Bishop of Connor - Bro. the Rt. Rev.
R. C. H. Elliott, D.D. - Menu - Toasts: Wor. Bro. Dr. N. Agnew, M.A., M.Sc.,
F.R.I.C.S., F.A.I., M.I.Struct.E., F.R.San.I.; Prime Minister of Northern
Ireland (Bro. Captain the Rt. Hon. Terence M. O'Neill, D.L., M.P.); Wor.
Bro. J. A. McWhirk; Imperial Grand Master (M.W. Bro. Senator Captain Sir G.
A. Clark, Bart., D.L., E.R.D.) - Bro. W. J. Strain; The Rt. Hon. The Lord
Mayor of Belfast (Bro. Councillor William Jenkins, J.P.) - Wor. Bro. A.
McLean, B.Sc., M.R.C.V.S., D.V.H., F.R.San.I., J.P. - Wor. Bro. Senator Dr.
Sam Rodgers - Wor. Bro. Dr. G. Scarlett, J.P. - Wor. Bro. Joseph Ritchie;
The Lord Bishop of Connor (Bro. the Rt. Rev. R. C. H. Elliott, D.D.); Bro.
Lord Robert Grosvenor, T.D., M.P.; Rt. Wor. Bro. R. J. Magowan, O.B.E.,
J.P.; Bro. Sir S. Knox Cunningham, Bart., Q.C., M.P.; Bro. Rafton J.
Pounder, M.P. Officers for Year 1964 - Wor. Master ~ Wor. Bro.
R. Ferguson, B.A., B.E., M.I.C.E.; Deputy Master ~ Bro. Alderman Major
W. D. Geddis, J.P.; Chaplain ~ Bro. Rev. G. Temple Lundie, M.A., B.D.,
LL.B.; Lay Chaplain ~ Wor. Bro. J. A. Thompson; Hon. Treasurer ~
Wor. Bro. N. S. Kidd; Hon. Secretary ~ Wor. Bro. F. M. Murray;
Committee ~ Bro. J. A. Young, Bro. W. J. Shaw, Bro. J. F. Porter, B.Com.Sc.;
Bro. The Rt. Hon. Major Ivan Neill, M.P.; Bro. H. A. McIlveen, M.A.,
H.DIP.ED.; Inside Tyler ~ Bro. O. McMullen; Immediate Past
Master ~ Wor. Bro. Senator Dr. Sam Rodgers; Hon. Organist ~ Bro. J. A.
Young; Assistant Hon. Organist ~ Bro. J. Crozier; Hon. Auditors
~ Wor. Bro. G. Scarlett, J.P.; Wor. Bro. E. N. C. Kidd; Musical
Programme arranged by: Bro. S. M. Harper
4) Horizon
Holidays Ltd. 9th January 1964 - Mr. & Mrs. F. F. Poskitt, Master M. R. J.
Poskitt, Mr. F. F. Poskitt, 7 Bristow Park, Upper Malone, Belfast 9. N.
5) Supplies for
Cocktail Party on 7/2/64: 1. All glasses set out on kitchen yellow shelf,
glass cloths for polishing. 2. About 3 small trays in kitchen for
serving. 3. 6 Scotch + 6 Gin + 6 bottles mixed Sherry. 12 tins tom.
juice. 4. 2 Trolleys in lounge with 4 jugs water, 2 syphons soda, 2
orange, 2 lime, 12 tonics, 20 P????/Piercer, dishes of nuts, crisps,
chipples, rinds, cocktail biscuits. 5. 2 Tubs of cocktail sticks in
kitchen. 6. Sunbeam cooker with plates of sausages in kitchen.
7. Spread cork mats, ashtrays in both rooms. 8. Empty Cloakroom of
coats. New T.Roll & Plenty towels. 9. Box of cigarettes in each room.
10. Put toy chest, magazines & table cover, runner on table. 11.
Flowers in front hall & lounge round table. 12. Put red roof out in
hall. 13. Central heating & fires in lounge & livingroom. 14.
Lock:- D. Room, M. Pantry, Kitchen Pantry, Sp. Bedroom, Ms. Bedroom, Own
Bedroom, Dr. Room, Hotpress

_small.jpg) _small.jpg) _small.jpg)
1) Annual Dinner for the Northern Ireland
Branch The Institution of Structural Engineers at the Midland Hotel, Belfast
Tuesday, 10th March 1964. Chairman: S. O. Morton, B.Sc., M.I.Struct.E.,
M.I.C.E. Menu Toasts: W. J. Thistlethwaite, Esq., M.I.Struct.E.;
The Rt. Hon. W. J. Morgan, J.P., M.P., Minister of Health and Local
Government; C. P. Milway, Esq., M.C., E.R.D., M.I.C.E., M.I.W.E.,
A.M.I.Mun.E.; F. M. Bowen, Esq., M.I.Struct.E., M.I.C.E., Assoc.I.Mech.E.;
B. Taylor, Esq., B.Sc., A.M.I.Struct.E., A.M.I.C.E.I.; R. F. Green, Esq.,
C.B. Instruction of Structural Engineers (Northern Ireland
Branch) The Chairman and Members of the Northern Ireland Branch of the
Institution of Structural Engineers request the pleasure of the company of
Mr. F. F. Poskitt at the Annual Dinner of the Branch on Tuesday the 10th
March, 1964, to be held in the Midland Hotel, Belfast. I. G. Doran, M.Sc.,
Ph.D., A.M.I.Struct?? 20 Derryvolgie Avenue, Belfast
2) Rag Day
Immunity 12th March 1964
3) Standard
Triumph Sales Limited, Coventry England 3rd April 1964. Mr. Poskett, 7
Bristow Park, Belfast 9. Dear Mr. Poskett, We are writing to apologise to
you for the most unfortunate difficulty which developed at the last minute
concerning the handing over of your new Triumph 2000 Saloon at our Coventry
Factory, on Thursday last, and we feel that a detailed explanation is due to
you - to say the least. What had happened was that Messrs. Clarence
Engineering Co. Ltd., of Belfast had correctly ordered your car on the
Factory, with instructions that in this particular instance, exceptional
arrangements were to be made so that the customer might arrange collection
of the car in Coventry. Whilst this arrangement is not one which we can make
as normal routine because in a volume production plant each days production
of some 600 units has to be marshalled and moved rapidly away to avoid
congestion, we are naturally pleased to take special steps when specially
requested. The car to the required specification was correctly built a few
days before your arrival, and it was perhaps fortunate in one sense that on
the morning of April 2nd, one of our Quality Examiners - carrying out a
random check on the car park - noted that your car had suffered paint
contamination whilst waiting there for collection. This is a danger
which we have to face because when a car comes straight off the final finish
line and has to wait for a few days on the car park, at a time when the
paint is not in a completely 'hard' condition, there is a risk of
contamination from cyanide or other effluence of nearly factory chimneys.
When you arrived, the car was half way down the paint line, and in fact the
first operation of repainting was completed by 3.30 on that day, but that
car is still not completely to our required standard of quality. We greatly
appreciate your patience and understanding in what was a difficult
situation, and we trust that you have now had time to appreciate your new
Triumph 2000, and this is giving you the satisfaction you expected. Yours
faithfully, Standard-Triumph Sales Ltd., B. J. Roberts, Distribution Manager
4) Prize List:
Names - R. J. Mayhew, C, C. Harvey, P. M. Palley, I. T. C. Lambert, R. L'E.
Brett, J. P. H. S. Lowry, P. J. Moffett, D. G. Sholdis, S. E. Snedden, G. H.
McCaw, T. H. McD. Pollock, E. Refsum, D. J. Pennick, S. R. A. McKinstry, S.
P. Robinson, T. A. Crook, D. J. McKee, S. A. J. Love, W. D. R. Lee, D. J.
Babington, P. M. Palley, D. N. S. Gleadhill, T. H. McD. Pollock, J. A. V.
Coates, E. D. J. Robinson, C. T. C. Caldwell, M. C. Strathdee, R. J. R.
Gleadhill, D. W. Mayhew, R. G. W. Lambert, D. W. R. Martin, P. L. Sheridan,
J. W. Anderson, R. P. Rolston, T. R. F. Kerr, W. P. Adams, P. A. Harvey, A.
L. Curran, B. G. Johnston, P. A. C. Bamford, M. R. A. Womersley, M. R. J.
Poskitt, J. R. K. Wilson, J. W. F. Morison, J. D. Fowler, J. L. Lewis, W. R.
Denton, P. M. Blyth, G. G. Fetherston, J. H. R. Thompson, A. T. Morrice, M.
G. N. Clancy, A. A. Clarke

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1) Messrs. R. Ferguson and S. McIlveen Annual
Dinner and Dance, Glenmachan Towers Hotel, Friday, 20th December, 1963
1 of 2 cork cards, Jim & Doris Metropolitan Police Emblem inside
2) from John &
Elizabeth, Poynings, 5 Wincroft Road, Caversham, Reading - Many thanks for
your change of address card. So glad you spent an enjoyable holiday in Palma
again. We didn't go very far this Summer, only had 10 days in the Channel
Islands, Jersey and Alderney, the former is John's old home and we have
friends in the latter, so it was a different sort of holiday from usual. We
are, however, off to Innisbruck for Christmas, going on the 21st and
returning on the 28th. Hope the weather will be suitable for flying!! Yes,
we will certainly let you know if we ever come to Belfast, many thanks.
Also, do let us know if you come anywhere near here - we are about 40 miles
west of London.
3) from Mummy &
Daddy, Mulroy, The Green, Dunmurry - With love & best wishes for your
happiness for 1964.
4) Party
Invitation Dear Michael It is on Sat. 4th Jan '64, at 14 Norwood Crescent
from Richard PS please bring Mummy too
5) Michaels 4th
Birthday Party, Tuesday 24th March ~ Carole & Brian; Fiona; Lynn Crevill;
Douglas; Grandma Grigor; Robin Bailey
6) Party
Invitation from Helen McCausland, 25 Cambourne Park, Saturday 9th May to
7) 1963/1964
Christmas, Mike is wonderful, attached a 'Po?????' girl for entertaining
him. God bless you, too kind, we don't deserve so many courtesies, thanks a
lot, love Miss Cork thanks a million, God Bless You, Miss Cork (this belongs
with cork xmas cards @ 1)
1) (these go with 1 above, the cork cards) 1964
March 24. M. Cork
2) So now! be a
good boy until Father Xmas comes, Love from Granpa Fergy. Mike, Thanks
a lot regards Miss Cork
Venice, The Square of St. Marks, Antonio Canaletto
1697-1768 - Well, Christmas is with us once again. Do hope you had a good
holiday this Summer? Where did you go this year? We broke new ground -
Yugoslavia, and thoroughly enjoyed it. We spent a week in the North at
Opatija and a week in the South at Dubrovnik and travelled from one to the
other on a boat cruising through the Dalmatian Islands - it was lovely.
Whilst staying in the North we did a day trip to Venice, which is fab.
Should like to spend a whole week there, I was pottering round the canals,
various streets and islands - it is a photographers paradise. Bertha(?) and
Eric Cocks came to see us last Sunday, when they saw our collection of
transparencies. They are wondering where to go next year. We haven't decided
on anywhere yet, although we may pop over to Normandy for Easter, Shall look
forward to hearing your news. E.
Newspaper Clippings

Dream cheques for winners. Belfast and Bangor shared the £100 prize in the
News Letter's first Dream Competition. Mrs. M. Revill, 44 Marlborough Park
South, and Mrs. S. Logan, 11 Fairview Gardens, Bangor, Co. Down, received
£50 each. Mrs. Logan, however, is under doctor's orders and was unable to
travel. In the picture - Mrs. Revill and her daughter, Lynn, on left, and
Mr. Simon Logan - who helped his wife with her winning entry - are seen with
(right) Captain O. W. J. Henderson, managing director of the News Letter,
who handed over cheques.

31st March 1964 Postmark Durban to Mrs. Poskitt, 7 Bristow Park, Upper
Malone, Belfast 9, Northern Ireland - Durban, March 29th Here I am
having a trip round Africa. We came down the east coast & from here go
overland to Cape Town where we embark on the Transragh Castle to come home.
I saw people like these the day before yesterday when we visited the Valley
of a thousand Hills, which is a Zulu Reserve. While our ship was at Mambasa
we did a wonderful 3 day tour to Mount Kilimanjaro, ? Park & ? Love
Third Scrapbook
May to August 1964
photos in this scrapbook


1) Crosby Farindons Ltd., property development
consultants, 50/52 High Street, Epsom, Surrey 26.4.64 from Hotel
Salento, Maglie, Italy - Dear Mr. Poskitt, Further to my letter of 25th
April, I have now received information from our agent in the Algarve
concerning some very interesting land at ?eia Praia(?) (information on land
and houses for sale)
2) The Chairman,
Mr. John H. Lindsay, M.B.E., J.P., and members of the Mid-Antrim Waterworks
Joint Board request the pleasure of the company of Mr. and Mrs. F. Poskitt
at the Official Opening of Killylane Reservoir and Treatment Works by
Captain The Rt. Hon. Terence O'Neill, D.L., M.P. The Prime Minister of
Northern Ireland, On Wednesday, 3rd June, 1964 at 3 p.m. and afterwards at
the Reception at the King's Arms Hotel, Larne. R.S.V.P. Before May 19 to
Engineer/Manager, Belfast Bank Chambers, Main Street, Larne
3rd June 1964 Antrim Waterworks Opening Day, King's Arms Hotel, Larne
Killylane Reservoir and Treatment Works
Newspaper Clippings

1) Dramatic Advance in Water Supplies. Over the
next ten years the construction industry in Ulster is likely to be called
upon to bear unparalleled burdens, the Prime Minister, Captain Terence
O'Neill, said to-day. Upon its ability to bear them will depend in no small
degree the scope and pace of our advance, he said. The Prime Minister was
speaking at the opening of a £1 million reservoir and treatment works at
Killylane, between Larne and Ballymena, for the Mid-Antrim water works joint
board. He unveiled a plaque to mark the official opening. He said the
project by any standards was a development of real significance. It would
afford a water supply to 60,000 people over an area of 280 square miles and
the reservoir would contain almost 300 million gallons. These were
impressive statistics. £33 million. The Prime Minister said:
"The improvement of water and sewerage since the end of World War II had
been dramatic and has involved extremely large capital expenditure. "From
the passing of the 1945 Act up to March 1963 the expenditure on grant aided
schemes exceeded £33 million. This huge sum of public money has been well
and necessarily spent. "When the programme started, facilities in far too
many areas lagged grievously behind the standards of the mid-20th century.
It was necessary to give a high priority to an urgent programme of expansion
and improvement." The Prime Minister added: "If our programme for growth
needs the fullest co-operation between central and local government, it also
demands the highest productivity and technical competence from the local
construction industry and the professional organisations which sent it. Let
us not under-estimate the tasks which face us." Bouquet
Presiding at the opening was Mr. J. H. Lindsay, chairman of the board, which
is composed of representatives of Ballyclare Urban District Council, Antrim
Rural District Council, Ballymena Rural District Council, Larne Rural
District Council and Larne Borough Council. Mrs. O'Neill was presented with
a bouquet by Elizabeth Lindsay, grand-daughter of the chairman. The Prime
Minister received a gift from Mrs. F. Poskitt, wife of a partner in Ferguson
and McIlveen, the consulting engineers, and Mr. Lindsay was handed a gift by
Mr. S. Taggart on behalf of Farrans Ltd., the contractors. A reception
afterwards was held in the King's Arms Hotel, Larne.
2) Premier will
open £1m. reservoir. A Reservoir first planned almost 20 years ago will
supply more than three million gallons of water a day when it is opened by
the Prime Minster, Capt. Terence O'Neill, next week. The reservoir and
treatment works at Killylane, Shane's Hill, half-way between Larne and
Ballymena, has cost the mid-Antrim Waterworks Joint Board almost £1 million
to build. It will supply areas round Antrim, Ballymena, Ballyclare and
Larne. The capacity of the reservoir is 292 million gallons, supplied by
four tributary streams of the Glenwherry River. The scheme was originally
initiated in 1945 by Ballyclare Urban and Antrim Rural District Councils.
These two bodies were later joined by Ballymena and Larne R.D.C.'s Finally,
in 1945, Larne Borough Council entered the scheme. Almost 15 miles of trunk
mains radiate from the works to three main points. A clarifier to provide
additional settling capacity before filtration has just been constructed at
the site. The catchment area has been leased to the Ministry of ....
Eire may curb cigarette advertising. Control of cigarette advertising is
under consideration by the Government in Dublin. Mr. Blaney, Minister for
Local Government, when questioned by Dr. Noel Browne (Lab.) in the Dail
yesterday, said control of cigarette advertising was under consideration and
his department was in communication with some of the interest involved in
cigarette advertisement with a view to considering the operation of a code
of standard. It was hoped to arrange a discussion on the subject with those
interested in the near future. Dr. Browne in his question asked the Minister
whether he intended to take any steps to limit or control in any way the
continued advertisements of cigarettes in the public Press and on television
in the light of the recent incontrovertible and authorative evidence that
they could cause lung cancer.
Fourth Scrapbook
November 1964 to March 1965
photos in this scrapbook

Newspaper Clippings
Two children had a look behind the scenes yesterday
when they visited "Cinderella" at the Grand Opera House, Belfast. In the
picture Jane and Mark Rogers enjoy a joke with Buttons (Clifford Henry)
2) News Letter, Thursday,
February 17, 1965. Mr. Jack Kelly, Ravenhill Park, and his bride, Miss
Rosemary O'Neill, Sicily Park, after their wedding in Lowe Memorial
Presbyterian Church, Finaghy - Kelly - O'Neill ~ In Lowe Memorial
Presbyterian Church, Finaghy, the Rev. Alfred Martin yesterday married Mr.
Jack W. Kelly and Miss Rosemary O'Neill. The bridegroom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Kelly, of 59 Ravenhill Park, Belfast, and the bride the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Neill, of 83 Sicily Park, Finaghy. Miss
O'Neill wore a wedding gown of satin and lace and her train was trimmed with
a lace motif. She carried a bouquet of pink orchids. Miss Eileen O'Neill,
the brides sister, was bridesmaid and Mr. Frank Kelly, the grooms brother,
best man. The reception was held in the Woodbourne House Hotel. For
travelling the bride chose a cerise coloured coat trimmed with fur and
accessories in brown. The honeymoon is to be spent in Majorca.
75 Onslow Parade, Belfast 6. Sunday. Dear Mrs. Poskitt, I just wanted to
thank you for your kindness to Robin on Saturday. I believe it was a great
party. It was very good of your husband to be so generous to Robin. Needless
to say he was delighted, and I got a present of a box of peppermint creams
out of his earnings, Daddy, Linda & June got a Mars bar each. I was sorry I
was not here when your husband called. Many thanks again, yours sincerely,
Elizabeth McCully

1) Grand Opera House, A Top Rank Luxury
Theatre, Pantomime Season 1964-65 Cinderella
2) Midland Hotel, Belfast
15. F. F. Poskitt, Esq., 7 Bristow Park, Upper Malone, Belfast, 9. 26th
November 1964 - Dear Sir/Madam, I thank you for your kind enquiry of 21st
instant and have much pleasure in confirming that the following reservation
has been made on your behalf at this Hotel, in the Restaurant - Table for
Four Persons (away from draughts) at Informal Dinner and Dance on Thursday,
31st December, 1964. Looking forward to placing the services of the Midland
Hotel at our disposal and assuring you of my very best attention at all
times, I remain, Yours faithfully R. H. Brown, Manager
3) "Latharna" Masonic
Lodge, No. 375 (W.M. Elect - Bro. D. A. MacNiven) The W.M., Wardens and
Brethren request the pleasure of the company of Bro. F. F. Poskitt at the
Sixty Second Installation of Officers in the Masonic Hall Larne, on Tuesday,
5th January, 1965, at 7 o'clock p.m. and at Dinner in the King's Arms Hotel,
at 8.15 p.m. R.S.V.P. to H. C. Fletcher, 34 Bay Park, Larne Harbour. Bro. J.
Gault. Officers for 1965 W.M. Bro. D. A. Macniven;
S.W. Bro. R. Lyttle; J. W. Bro. A. T. Beckett; Treasurer W. Bro. A. A. Bell;
Asst. Treasurer Bro. E. McMurtry; Secretary W. Bro. H. C. Fletcher; Asst.
Secretary W. Bro. W. A. Whiteside; S.D. Bro. H. V. McIlwaine; J.D. Bro. R.
H. Bolton; I.G. Bro. J. Wilson; I.P.M. W. Bro. H. M. Giffen; Chaplain W.
Bro. Rev. R. Kirkpatrick; Asst. Chaplain W. Bro. T. V. McCombe; D.C. W. Bro.
J. A. Craig, Prov. Inst.; S.S. Bro. J. Norman Craig; J.S. Bro. E. McMurtry;
M.S. Bro. W. J. McIlveen; Auditors W. Bro. A. B. English, W. Bro. J. A.
Craig; Organist W. Bro. E. E. J. Phillipson. Lodge Representatives
Provincial Grand Lodge, Board of General Purposes, W. Bro. E. E. J.
Phillipson; Provincial Grand Lodge, Committee of Inspection, W. Bro. W. A.
Whiteside; Belfast Masonic Widows' Fund, W. Bro. W. A. Whiteside; Masonic
Schools Fund, Bro. E. McMurtry; Lodge Board of General Purposes, W. Bro. G.A.
Scott, W. Bro. J. A. Craig, Bro. J. Norman Craig
4) The Belfast Society of
Chartered Accountants Dinner Dance, Woodbourne House Hotel, 5th February
Seating Plan Image 3 of 4
5) Dear Poskitt, Will you
please come to a party on Saturday, 27th February at 48a Balmoral Avenue
from 3.30 till 6 o'clock. From Nicholas Drennan, Old clothes please N.P.P.

1) Royal Ulster Constabulary. Belfast the
registration number 2727GZ of this car has been noted for:- in Clear-Way,
Botanic Avenue. If the driver wishes to offer an explanation, he/she should
call at Donegall Pass R.U.C. Station, producing this notice, as soon as
convenient and, if possible, not later than within two days. Houston,
Constable, 26/3/1965
Fifth Scrapbook
April 1967 to July 1967
Photos in this scrapbook

Dorette and Michael


1) 16th July 1967 Postmark Chester to Master
Michael Poskitt, 7 Bristow Park, Upper Malone Road, Belfast 9, N. Ireland -
Malone, Demarge Lane, Upton, Chester - Dear Michael, Arrived here after a
very smooth 2½ hour crossing from Larne to Stranraer & a drive through
beautiful Scottish scenery and the Lake District. Jane & Tom have grown a
great deal since I saw them and are both at school full time and liking it.
Their Mother and I have lovely times together from 9 a.m. to 3.30p.m. Tom
put out his tongue yesterday at his Mamma & his Daddy sent him to his room
in disgrace, He must have seen a naughty boy at school do it. His parents
have some surprises in store for them when he learns some more tricks. Love
to all, Nana
2) 8th May 1967
Postmark Edinburgh to Mr. & Mrs. F. F. Poskitt, 7 Bristow Park, Belfast 9,
N. Ireland. Sunday, I am finding it a mite cool in ma kilt, but otherwise
its a bonny place & we're enjoying it fine, with all good wishes. Pay &
3) May Postmark
Palma de ? to Mr. & Mrs. F. Poskitt, 7 Bristow Park, Malone Road, Belfast,
Northern Ireland - Weather so far perfect, we are enjoying the flat even
more than last year, if that is possible. Have at last come to terms with
the grill. Window boxes are now in full bloom, paint job to be carried out
tomorrow. Sincerely Marjorie & Fred
4) May 1967
Postmark Aberdeenshire to Master Michael Poskitt, 7 Bristow Park, Malone,
Belfast 9. N. Ireland - We will have arrived home when you receive this
card. How would you like your hedge to be this height. I have a feeling your
Dad would!!! with love Valerie & Rafton(?)
1) Madame Tussaud's Exhibition came to England
in 1802; to Baker Street in 1835. George Brown, Roy Jenkins, Fred Willey,
Michael Stewart, Harold Wilson, Herbert Bowden, James Callaghan, Ray Gunter,
Hon. Angus Ogilvy, Princess Alexandra, The Duke of Kent, The Duchess of
Kent, Earl Snowdon, Princess Margaret, Prince Philip, The Queen, The Queen
Mother, The King of Norway, The Queen of Denmark, The King of Denmark, The
Queen of Holland, Earl Mountbatten, Joseph Chamberlain, Asquith, The Younger
Pitt, Gladstone, Ramsay MacDonald, Neville Chamberlain, Hugh Gaitskell,
Lloyd George, Earl Attlee, Harold Macmillan, Lord Avon, Salisbury, Benjamin
Disraeli, Reginald Maudling, Sir Alec Douglas-Home, Edward Heath, Ernest
Marples, Quintin Hogg, Enoch Powell, Jo Grimond, George Woodcock,
Montgomery, Wellington, Drake, Nelson, Napoleon, John Knox, William of
Wykeham, John Wesley, John Calvin, Martin Luther, Cardinal Wolsey, Cardinal
Newman, Cardinal Heenan, Archbishop Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Pope
Paul VI, Pope John XXIII, Cardinal Godfrey, General Booth, John Wycliffe,
Lord Baden-Powell, Sir William Smith, Prebendary Carlile, Abraham Lincoln,
Herbert C. Hoover, William Penn, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy,
Lyndon B. Johnson, Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington, Franklin
Roosevelt, T. Woodrow Wilson, W. H. Taft, Col. John Glenn, Major Yuri
Gagarin, General de Gaulle, Dr. Ludwig Erhard, Col. Nasser, Mao tse-Tung, Ho
Chi Minh, Leonid Brezhnev, Marshal Tito, Nikita Khrushchev, Dr. Fidel
Castro, Chou En-lai, The Shah of Persia, King Hussein of Jordan, President
of Tunisia, President of Liberia, Archbishop Makarios, Pandit Nehru, Ayub
Khan, Mr. Lal Bahadur Shastri, Mrs. Bandaranaike, Keith Holyoake, Lester
Pearson, Sir Robert Menzies, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Abubaker Balewa, Madame
Tussaud, The Sleeping Beauty, Voltaire, Madame Sappe, Louis XVI, The
Dauphin, Marie Antoinette, Madame Royale, Madame Tussaud (age 18), Joan of
Arc, William Wilberforce, Mahatma Gandhi, Sir Walter Scott, Lord Macaulay,
Sir James Barrie, H. G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Robert Burns, Rudyard
Kipling, Thomas Hardy, Victor Hugo, Lord Byron, Francis Bacon, Geoffrey
Chaucer, John Milton, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Somerset
Maugham, William Caxton, Jimmy Edwards, Tony Hancock, Eamonn Andrews,
Richard Dimbleby, Cliff Michelmore, Charles Chaplin, Bob Hope, Elizabeth
Taylor, Peter Ustinov, Rex Harrison, Sophia Loren, 'Maigret', 'Millie',
Charlton Heston, Harry Secombe, Peter Sellers, Kenneth More, Diana Dors,
Charlie Drake, Frankie Vaughan, Tommy Steele, Joe Davis, Cassius Clay, Sonny
Liston, Linda Ludgrove, Wilma Rudolph, Don Thompson, Dorothy Hyman, Stirling
Moss, Donald Campbell, Jack Brabham, Jim Clark, John Surtees, Mike Smith,
Sir Frank Worrell, Sir Donald Bradman, Maria Bueno, Jimmy Greaves, Rod
Laver, Christine Truman, Johnny Haynes, Margaret Smith, Pele, Pat Smythe,
Lester Pigott, Sir Stanley Matthews
2) The Cui Bono
Club would be delighted if you will dine with them in the Midland Hotel, on
Tuesday, 11 April 1967. F. F. Poskitt, Esq., B.Sc., M.I.C.E., M.I.W.E.,
3) The Chairman
and Member of the Portadown & Banbridge Regional Waterworks Joint Board
request the pleasure of the company of Mr. & Mrs. F. F. Poskitt, at the
Opening Ceremony of the Offices, Stores and Garages, Downshire Road,
Banbridge by R. J. Williamson, Esq., J.P. (Mayor of Portadown and
Vice-Chairman of the Board) on Thursday, 27th April, 1967, at 3 p.m., and
afterwards at afternoon tea. Mr. N. T. Dickson, Chairman of the Board
The Board of Governors and the Headmaster of
Brackenber House request the pleasure of your Company on Prize Day,
Wednesday, 5th July 1967 at 3 p.m. Prizes will be distributed by Mrs. John
Hobson R.S.V.P. Cleaver Avenue, Belfast. Chairman: Professor F. H. Newark.
Prize List of Names 3 & 4 of 1)
Newspaper Clippings

1) A brown Shetland pony called Henry should be
the proudest member of his species in County Down. For the fair-haired
little girl who rides him frequently is the youngest member of the Royal
Ulster Agricultural Society. She is two-year-old Sarah McIlveen of
Woodlands, Ballynahinch, and when she was elected to the Society in
November, 1965, she was only seven months old. Henry, the pony has, in fact,
a double reason for being proud. Another of his riders is Sarah's
four-year-old brother Samuel, a former holder of the youngest-member title.
Their mother, Mrs. Anna McIlveen, explains, "The children's grandfather,
Lieut. Col. James G. Cunningham, has been connected with Balmoral for many
years and was last year's president. "My husband's firm were the architects
for the new Members' rooms. Since we have been closely connected with
Balmoral we thought it would be nice to maintain the link through the
children." The children's riding is not too ambitious. The pony is kept on a
lead-rein - just in case of accidents, 'But he is very good with children,"
says Mrs. McIlveen. This year the children will not be far from the jumping
enclosure. Already they have a deep interest in horses - and their father
will again be a judge in the Balmoral jumping competitions.
2) Mrs. J. Wilson,
of the Ormeau Bakery, with champion heifer Jersey cow Ormeau Lynne,
receiving the "Levers" Cup from Lord Masserene at Antrim Show

1) Brackenber House School 26th April
1967 Dear Parent, The Annual Athletic Sports will be held at North of
Ireland Cricket Grounds, Shaftesbury Avenue, on Wednesday, May 10th, at 3
p.m. Tea will be served in the Long Room from 3.30p.m. at 2/6d. per head.
The Junior School races will be held on that day. On Tuesday, 9th May, the
eliminations will be held + the finals of cricket ball throwing and senior
half-mile. If parents wish to come and watch these eliminations and finals
on Tuesday at 2.45 p.m. they are very welcome. Yours sincerely John L. ? C.
Craig, Headmaster
2) 9th May, Dear
Mrs. Poskitt, I am sorry for what I did on Wednesday. I will make sure that
Michael will not be left behind again. from James Wilson
Sixth Scrapbook
September 1967 to February 1968
photos in this scrapbook


1) Festival Society 1967-68, Name: F. F.
Poskitt, Esq., Address: 7 Bristow Park, Belfast 9 - Artists appearing
include, Beaux Arts Trio; Cleo Laine,
Dave Brubeck, Itzhak Perlman, John Dankworth, John Ogdon, Julius Katchen,
Richard Murphy, Roy Budd, Ruggiero Ricci, Siobhan McKenna, Victoria De Los
Angeles, Woody Herman, Yehudi Menuhin
2) Innisfail Miniature and Toy Poodles, Miss A. Taylor, Pebble Lodge,
Holywood, Belfast - Breakfast: Milk heated slightly poured over brown bread
crumbs; Mid-day (Main meal): Meat minced finely mixed with puppy meal; 6 o'c:
Puppy food or baby food (lactol farex or ostermilk); Supper: bread crumbs
with warm milk or puppy food
3) Royal Ulster Constabulary Part 1 - Notice of Opportunity to Pay Fixed
Penalty, 5700CZ was seen in University Street from 5.25 to 5.50 on the 29th
day of October 1967.
4) Royal Ulster
Constabulary, Traffic Wardens' Office, Musgrave Street, Townhall Street,
Belfast 14th February 1968 - Dear Madam, Re Motor Vehicle Regd. No. 5700CZ I
refer to the use of the above mentioned vehicle in University Street,
Belfast, between 5.25 p.m. and 5.50 p.m. on 29th December 1967, when the
Fixed Penalty Ticket No. 025260 was issued. It has been ascertained that you
are the registered owner of the vehicle concerned. If you were not the
driver on the date mentioned please furnish the name and address of the
person driving the vehicle on the date in question. It appears that the
fixed penalty of £2 has not been paid in this case and unless this is done
before 26th February 1968, it is proposed to take Court proceedings against
the person responsible. The penalty can still be discharged by forwarding
the sum of £2, quoting the number of the ticket and the registration number
of the vehicle, to the Clerk of Petty Sessions, Chichester Street, Belfast,
1, before the date given above. Yours faithfully ?? Superintendent of
Traffic Wardens. Miss Mary Poskitt, 7 Bristow Park, Belfast, BT9 6TF

Dear friends, Many, many thanks for your lovely Card and for your Season
wishes, it was very nice to remember us. We filed that card in place of
honour in our scrapbooks but your feelings are treasured in our hearts.
Herewith a picture of our ?alama?? Country House near ?in?? in ? ?????. It
is at your disposal when in Lisbon some day in future. Cordially Yours Miss
Cork Christmas 67-68
Newspaper Clippings

1) 23rd January 1968 - Son for Ulster M.P. -
To-day's picture at the Samaritan Hospital of Mr. Rafton Pounder, M.P., and
Mrs. Valerie (née Stewart) Pounder, 6 Bristow Park, Belfast 9, with her son
born in the hospital last week, The baby, their first, weighed 8 lbs 12 ozs.
Mr. Pounder, Unionist M.P. for South Belfast at Westminster, said: "We are
going to name him Aidan John Rafton. The Aidan is from the Northumbrian
saint who was said to keep the Irish Easter. The other names are family
2) 4th February
1968 The Sunday Express - Lambert - Wilson ~ Fisherwick Presbyterian Church,
Belfast, was the setting for the wedding of Mr. Christopher Leslie Lambert,
Frome Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, and Miss Anne Deirdre Valerie Wilson. The
bridegroom is the son of the late Capt. and Mrs. Eric Lambert of
Southampton, and the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson,
Cherryhill, Malone Road, Belfast. The Rev. Dr. J. H. Withers officiated. The
bride, who was given away by her father, wore an Empire-line gown in white
Seckers satin heavily embroidered.......
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