Poskitt, Fred and Dorette
a lifetime of memories in 27 Scrapbooks and a small Margarine box
the scrapbooks cover a period from 1955 to 1991
Page One
Page Two
Page Three
Page Four Page Five
Page Six
Page Seven
on this page - 5 Scrapbooks from July 1977
to May 1981

Mr. & Mrs. Poskitt (Fred and Dorette)
First scrapbook on this page
July to September 1977
photos in this scrapbook
Salzburg F. F. Poskitt, Esq., BSC(Hons), F.I.C.E., F.I.Struct.E.,
F.I.W.E., 7 Bristow Park, Belfast BT9 6TF, N. Ireland, U.K. - Drucksache
Second Scrapbook
January to June 1978
photos in this scrapbook

1) this is Michael Poskitt age 17
2) Frank Cuneen,
I.C.I. fibres (1st left) and Bertie Ferris, Macnaughton Blair Ltd. (1st
right), chat with some of their guests at the recent I.C.I. Terram
presentation to Consulting Engineers, Contractors and the D.O.E. in the
Culloden Hotel. Included in the group are F. Poskitt (Ferguson & McIlveen),
D. McCollum (Gramac Ltd.), Ian Saunderson (Kirk, McClure & Morton) and E. T.
Stewart of the D.O.E. Roads Dept. Macnaughton Blair are distributors for
3) In Broadway in
the Cotswolds
4) Outside our
Room at "the Apollo Motel" in Birmingham
5) -

1) Congratulations, you passed. (Driving test)
2) With lots of
love and didn't do any dining until you're back home again, Mama & Dada
3) To Mama, Happy
Birthday, With lots a love from your (kind, considerate & thoughtful) Poggle
18th May 1978
1) Welcome to Milton Court Hotel, 68-74
Cromwell Road, London Name: Poskitt, 124, 5 nights, £15.56 Bed and Breakfast
2) Jack & Renee
Newland at home Friday 10th February 1978 Drinks 6.30 - 8.30 R.S.V.P.
(refusals only)
3) The Treasurer
and benches of the Honorable Society of the Inn of Court of Northern Ireland
request the pleasure of the company of F. F. Poskitt, Esq., at a Grand Night
on Friday, 10th March, 1978. Hillsborough Castle 7.30 p.m. for 8 p.m. An
answer is requested to the Under Treasurer Royal Courts of Justice Belfast
before 15th February 1978 T.B.E. Hatton
4) with 3 above -
Inn of Court of Northern Ireland, Grand Night, Hilary Term 10th March 1978,
Treasurer: J. F. B. Russell, Esq., Q.C. Guests: Rt. Hon. Sir John
Andrews, K.B.E., D.L.; Lieutenant General Sir Timothy Creasey, K.C.B.,
O.B.E.; Archibald Gordon-Pugh, Esq. (High Sheriff, Co. Down); Professor
Colin M. Campbell; His Honour Judge Chambers, Q.C.; Alan Ditty, Esq.; Wm. H.
Webb, Esq.; Wm. A. McNeill, Esq., C.B.E.; John R. Fetherston, Esq.; D. J.
MacRandal, Esq., F.R.I.B.A.; Matthew R. Neely, Esq., F.R.C.S., Ed.,
F.R.C.O.G.; Graham Harley, Esq., M.D., F.R.C.O.G.; Professor D. S. Greer,
Dr. Maurice Russell, Commander C. H. Mullan, R.M., D.L.; W. C. Beckett,
Esq.; E. F. McElroy, Esq., M.C.; George E. Cameron, Esq.; F. E. Poskitt,
Esq., F.B.Sc., M.I.C.E.; B. Murphy, Esq.; C. Nash, Esq.; J. A. L. McLean,
Esq., Q.C. (Under Treasurer); J. W. Wilson, Esq., M.A.
Newspaper Clippings
1) Obituaries - Mrs. Marjorie Sinclair, O.B.E.
- Mrs. Marjorie Sinclair has died at her home in Bristow Park, Belfast. She
was in her 81st year and was the widow of Major J. Maynard Sinclair,
Northern Ireland Minister of Finance from 1943 to 1953. Mrs. Sinclair's
death comes shortly after the 25th Anniversary of her husband's death by
drowning in the Princess Victoria disaster on January 31, 1953. Mrs.
Sinclair, who was formerly Miss Marjorie Claridge, came from London, but had
close family connections in the Province. She met Major Sinclair on one of
her regular visits to relations in Northern Ireland and they were married in
1922. Before her marriage Mrs. Sinclair studied at the Guildhall School of
Music and sang professionally with several companies, including the Carl
Rosa Operatic Company. Mrs. Sinclair was active in community work and served
on the boards of several organisations, including the Templemore Avenue
Hospital. She was a member of the Belfast Hospital After Care Committee and
a former Governor of Victoria College. Mrs. Sinclair supported her husband
in his public and political life and was deeply involved in the affairs of
the Ulster Unionist Council and the Ulster Women's Unionist Council, of
which she was vice-chairman for some years. On the death of her husband in
1953 she was invited to contest the by-election for the Cromac Division of
the Northern Ireland Parliament in succession to her husband. She, however,
declined this invitation from the local Unionist Association but in 1957 was
elected Councillor for the Cromac Ward of Belfast City Council and served on
the Police, Education and Library committees. She was deputy chairman of the
Library and Museum committee from 1959 to 1962. She was awarded the OBE for
her public service in 1963 and retired from the Belfast City Council in
1966. She is survived by her two brothers, Capt. R. Claridge R.N. (retired)
and Mr. Philip Claridge. - Sinclair - February 23,
1978 (peacefully), at home, Marjorie (nee Claridge), aged 80, widow of
Maynard Sinclair, one-time Minister of Finance for Northern Ireland. Funeral
to-day (Saturday), following service at 11 a.m., in St. John's Parish
Church, Malone Road, to Drumbeg Parish Church Burying-ground. No flowers
2) Photos ~ Field
Marshal Montgomery & Field Marshal Alexander - Great soldiers to be
honoured. London plaque plans. A National memorial to the greatest soldiers
of World War II, half of them "sons of Ulster", is to be established in
London. It will be in the crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral and consist mainly
of a series of plaques in honour of 10 of Britain's leading field marshals.
Ulster's roll of honour among these 10 will be impressive: Welding - Field
Marshal Lord Alexander, considered by many the finest soldier of the war,
who was born in Tyrone, son of the fourth Earl of Caledon. Field
Marshal Montgomery, who although born in London, spent his youth at the
family home at Moville, Co. Donegal and whose family came from Londonderry.
Field Marshal Lord Alanbrooke, formerly Sir Alan Brooke from Fermanagh.
Field Marshal Sir John Dill, born in Lurgan, the son of a bank manager, who
was mainly responsible for welding together the American and British forces
in the war which, according to U.S. General Marshall, "more than any other
single factor gave us victory in Europe". Field Marshal Sir
Claude Achinleck, the only one of the 10 still alive, who came, like
Alexander, from Tyrone. The memorial is expected to cost about £35,000
and will be paid for by voluntary contributions from members of the Army and
the public. Lord De L'Isle, chairman of the appeal committee, said at a
Press conference yesterday: "It does more than commemorate 10 distinguished
officers, it also commemorated all the men and women from Britain, the
Empire as it then was, and allied countries who served with them during the
six years it took to achieve final victory. "It will testify to future
generations our country's pride in service, endurance and achievement." The
other five field marshals being commemorated are Gort, Ironside, Slim,
Wavell and Wilson.
3) They're Music
Makers - Music-makers Nicola Greeves (18), left, of Belfast, and Katie
Finigan (17), of Helen's Bay. They were the soloists at the Ulster College
of Music's annual recital at Aquinas Hall, Malone Road, Belfast
4) A magic touch
for new clinic - The world's most capped international rugby player
yesterday turned his talents to churning up the sod, not in a scrum, but
with a spade. For Mike Gibson, who will play for Ireland for the 66th time
on London next Saturday, yesterday cut the first turf in the construction of
the new Ulster Independent Clinic. Building of the clinic at the
corner of Old Stranmillis and Malone Roads is expected to begin in May once
the foundations are laid and comes at an important time for Northern
Ireland's construction industry, following the cut-backs in public
expenditure. The one and a half million pound project which is being
financed by subscription from the general public, medical profession, trade
and industry - so far £600,000 has been subscribed - will provide up to 40
hospital beds and two operating theatres. Yesterday Mr. Gavin Boyd,
chairman of the Ulster Independent Clinic said that the turf cutting
ceremony marked the beginning of a new era for the medical profession in
Ulster. "For too long we have fallen behind the rest of the United
Kingdom and Eire in providing independent facilities to give the vital
freedom of choice for patients and their doctors," he said. We are convinced
that nothing but good can come of the provision of this new amenity for
everyone in Northern Ireland, and we are particularly pleased to see the
building start at a difficult time for the local construction industry."
Rugby star Mike Gibson cutting the first sod to start the building of the
Ulster Independent Clinic at Old Stranmillis Road, Belfast, yesterday.
Included are Mr. Gavin Boyd, chairman of the clinic, Mr. J. B. Newland,
managing director of the Northern Bank, Mr. George Washington, Regional
Manager of BUPA and Mr. Eric Martin, managing director of H. & J. Martin,
5) 8 Bristow Park,
Malone - Occupying a pleasant level Site in this highly desirable
residential part of the City, this McDowell built detached residence is the
epitome of an era when quality was of prime consideration. Constructed to an
extremely high standard, the Property is further enhanced by mature well
stocked gardens facing south to the rear. The excellent situation is close
to many leading Schools, and even the most discerning of purchasers will not
fail to be impressed by its individual characteristics. The accom.
comprises: Ent. Porch, Panelled Entrance Hall with oak strip flooring.
Cloakroom with W.H.B. and L.F.W.C. Drawing Room (19' 8" x 16' 10") into
semi0circular bay. Dining Room with similar bay Living Room with french
doors to Sun Lounge. Kitchen. Large Pantry with storage cupboards. Rear
Porch with fuel store and separate L.F.W.C. 5 Bedrooms (3 with wash-hand
basins and 2 with built-in wardrobes). Bathroom. Sep. L.F.W.C. Hot Press
with Immersion Heater. Slingsby type ladder to partly floored roofspace,
sarked and felted. Attached matching Garage with electric Light. Beautifully
laid out gardens.
6) Court and
Personal. Mr. C. H. McKibbin and Miss H. L. MacDermott. The engagement is
announced between Christopher Henry, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. R.
McKibbin, Myrtlefield Park, Belfast, and Helen Louise, eldest daughter of
Mr. Justice Macdermott and Mrs. Macdermott, Tarawood, Cultra, Co. Down
7) Driving trio
play it safe. Above, William Beggs, winner of the men's section and first
overall in the Belfast Festival Driving Competition, with 18-year-old Gary
Boe from Finaghy, who were in the 'R' driver class. Below, Mabel
Foster (21) from Upper Malone Road, who topped the ladies section of the
safe driving awards
8) Charter
Anniversary - Royal visit crowns celebrations. Her Majesty the Queen and His
Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh visited Great George Street during the
conversazione last Thursday, the high point of a three-day celebration of
the 150th anniversary of the Institution's Royal Charter. (click image 8
to read more)
Third Scrapbook
September 1979 to January 1980
photos in this scrapbook

all the rest
1) October 6th 1979 at Apollo Motor Hotel
2) Jacoby Place,
January 1980

1a) Dada. 6/9/79 @ 10.10 pm. First of all, Good
Morning (Hope you like the Breakfast!)
1b) Instructions
for use (Ready Make Breakfast©) see diagram lol funny lady
2) Mr. & Mrs. J.
Douglas Boyd request the pleasure of the company of Mr. & Mrs. F. F. Poskitt
at the marriage of their daughter Kathleen Ellen, with Mr. Geoffrey Michael
Senior, at Stormont Presbyterian Church, Belfast, on Saturday, October 20th,
1979, at 4-0 p.m., and afterwards at Delamont House, Killyleagh. R.S.V.P. 22
Castlehill Park, Belfast 4
Newspaper Clippings

1) Francis - Higgins Two people who met
at a friend's wedding two years ago have been married at St. Paul's Church,
Heaton Moor, Lancashire. They are Dr. Thomas Trevor Francis, the younger son
of Mr. and Mrs. B. Francis, of The Green, Dunmurry and Dr. Gillian Gwynneth
Higgins, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Higgins, of Buckingham Road,
Heaton Moor. Dr. Francis, whose doctorate is in chemistry, works for Lever
Brothers and his wife is a trainee general practitioner at Neston, Wirral.
The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a long white, full-skirted
gown decorated with small blue rosebuds and with long, ruffled sleeves and a
train. Her veil was surmounted by a head-dress of orange blossom and she
carried a bouquet of friesias and lily of the valley. The bridesmaids were
her sister, Miss Pamela Higgins and her cousin, Miss Christine Clarkson.
Best man was the bridegroom's brother, Mr. Deryck Francis and groomsmen were
Mr. Nicholas Parton, Mr. Trevor Mawhinney and Mr. Richard Clarkson.
2) Births
McClure - January 10, 1980, at Fulton Maternity Hospital, York, to Brian and
Margaret (nee Ralston) - a daughter (Kathryn Joanne) Thompson -
January 9, 1980, at Malone Place Hospital, Belfast, to Eveline (nee Grey)
and Roy - God's gift of a son (Stephen Robert), a brother for Valerie,
Elizabeth and William. White - November 27, 1979, at Royal
Maternity Hospital, to Patricia (Nee Wakeford) and Denis - a daughter
(Catherine Helen)
3) The Methodist
College, Belfast (B team), which won the British Institute of Management,
Northern Ireland, sixth formers' competition final in the Culloden Hotel
yesterday. From left are Alastair Clarke (18), Stranmillis, Jenny McCurry
(17), Malone, and Richard Victor (18), Stranmillis. The competition was
sponsored by Short Brothers
1) This is what happened to them because:- a)
They weren't wearing their indoor shoes (writing is hard to make
out) To Mama & Dada Christmas 1979 with lots of love from
2) Season's
Greetings - To:- Mr. Poskitt, Mr. Ferguson & all in the Firm - My wife and I
spent about two weeks in London in June. We had dinner with Prof.(?) Corts
and with the Campbells. The suspension of the DC10s rather upset our
programme but we managed to have a few days at Geneva. Prof. E. Long has
asked me to give an address next time, I hope to be in the UK again in 1981.
With kindest regards, Fung Kee
fourth scrapbook
September to November 1980
photos in this scrapbook

6th August 1980 17 Waringstown Road (on back) (see letters (2) below)

I assume these are the Rome photos

Newspaper Clippings

1) Belfast Telegraph, Wednesday September 10th,
1980 - Hunt for killer of Belfast Girl - The young woman who was raped and
strangled and whose body was dumped in a ditch in Kildare, was named today
as 19-year-old Deborah Robinson, of Fairway Gardens, Upper Malone Road,
Belfast. She was identified by her father Edward, a civil engineer, who
travelled to the County Hospital, Naas, last night. Her mother, a doctor, is
on holiday in Majorca. She was told of the tragedy today and is on her way
home. A post mortem by State Pathologist Dr. John Harbison indicated that
Deborah, an ex-student of Methodist College, Richmond Lodge and the College
of Business Studies, had been murdered within 24 hours of leaving home last
Saturday morning for a day trip to Dublin. Her killer had hidden her body in
an eight-foot deep ditch in the townland of Millicent South, near the town
of Clane, and had covered it over with briars and ferns. It was discovered
at 4pm last Monday by a local farmer, Mr. Christy Walsh, who was searching
for lost sheep. The body was dressed in blue jeans, yellow T-shirt and
knee-length stockings. The only marks on the body were slight bruises on the
neck. Search The murder squad from Dublin was called in by
Chief Superintendent James Murphy, in charge of the Kildare Division, and
who is leading the search, for the murderer. He said today they had little
information about Deborah's movements after she arrived in Dublin, where it
is believed she met her killer. He appealed to any of her friends, who may
have known when her plans were on reaching Dublin, to contact the R.U.C. or
Gardai. Over 100 Gardai are taking part in the hunt for the killer. The area
where the body was found has been sealed off and an intensive search for
vital clues launched. Extensive house-to-house inquiries are also underway.
The dead girl's shoes and handbag are missing. Gardai suspect they may have
been removed by the killer to delay identification of his victim. As Gardai
tried to piece together the last movements of Deborah, Chief Superintendent
Murphy and other senior officers were comparing certain similarities between
her murder and that of Miss Phyllis Murphy (23), in the same area last
January. Lift Miss Murphy hitched a life in a car seven miles
from Clane and her naked body was later found dumped in the Wicklow
Mountains. She too had been sexually assaulted. Her killer was never found.
Said Chief Superintendent Murphy: "We are examining the file of the killing
of Miss Murphy very closely. There are a number of similarities between the
two deaths, but we have not established and definite link." Gardai thing the
killer of Miss Robinson may have been disturbed before he had the
opportunity to destroy all of her clothing. They have appealed to anyone who
may have seen a car parked in the area in suspicious circumstances at the
weekend to come forward.
2) Death Notices
Belfast Telegraph 10th September 1980 - Hinds, Richard (Dick) ~ September 8,
1980 (suddenly), dearly-loved husband of Kay, 2? Blenheim Park, Carryduff.
Funeral from his home to-morrow (Thursday), at 11 a.m. (Service 10.45 a.m.)
to Roselawn Cemetery, Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Wife, In Heaven love
abiding + Sister Evelyn, Brother-in-law Elroy and Nephew Christopher, 4?
Wynchurch Park. Safe in God's keeping + Sister Rita and Brother-in-law
Billy, 190 Upper Knockbreda Road. Jesus understands + Niece Margaret,
Husband John, also Elaine, Barbara and Jonathan. Thy will be done + Nephew
Richard and Wife Daphne. The Lord in my Shepherd + Niece Adrienne, Husband
Ian and Children Warren and Ainsleigh, Dawn and Gibson? Peace, perfect peace
+ Brother-in-law and Sister-in-law, Denis, Eric, Molly, Peggy? and Niece
Gail. The Lord in my Shepherd + Mother-in-law and Sister-in-law Lena Millar
and June Patterson, 21 Blenheim Park, Carryduff. The Lord is my Shepherd
Hodgen, Herbert ~ September 9, 1980, at Hospital, dearly-loved husband of
Sarah, 123 Ainsworth Avenue, and devoted father of Phyllis, Clark and Jim.
House private. Funeral service at Wilton's Funeral Home, Woodstock Road,
tomorrow (Thursday), at 1.45 p.m. Interment afterwards at Roselawn, Deeply
regretted by his loving Wife, Daughter, Son, Son-in-law, Daughters-in-law,
Grandchildren, also his Sister-in-law Agnes + Sister May & Family + Brother
Sidney, Sister-in-law Florence and Family + Officers and Members of 22 B.B.
Old Boys' Association regret the death of their Member Herbert and tender to
his Wife and Family their deepest sympathy + Officers and Members of
Woodvale Senior Citizens' Indoor Bowling Club deeply regret the passing of
their esteemed member, and tender their sympathy to Mrs. Hodgen and Family.
All members expected to attend funeral. Tommy Weir, President, Be? Storey,
Secretary. 2 x Hodgen, Phyllis ~ huh???
Holden, Henry (Harry) September 10, 1980, at his residence, 1456 Avenue
Road, Lurgan, beloved husband of Madge and dear father of Joy or Joyce?
Funeral on Friday at 2 p.m. Lurgan Cemetery. Evangelism Fellowship, c/o
David McQuilken, 29 ? Gardens, Belfast, Deeply regretted by his sorrowing ?
also Daughter and Son-in-law and Robert Proctor
3) Mother flies
home after daughter found murdered. Killer in s** attack. The
Belfast girl whose sexually assaulted and strangled body was found in a
ditch in Co. Kildare was yesterday named as 19 year old Deborah Robinson of
Fairway Gardens, Upper Malone, Belfast. Miss Robinson who went to Dublin for
a day trip on Saturday was described as a "steady and charming" girl by a
relative. She had recently completed a bilingual secretarial course at the
Belfast College of Business Studies and was a former member of Richmond
Lodge School. Her body was discovered in a deep ditch covered with briars on
Monday by a farmer looking for missing sheep in the townland of South
Millicent near Clane in Co. Kildare but it was not until late on Tuesday
that police were able to establish identification. The body was found
clothed in blue jeans, yellow T-shirt and knee length stockings. Her handbag
and shoes were missing. She was identified by her father, Edward, a civil
engineer, who travelled to the County Hospital at Naas. Miss Robinson's
mother, a doctor, was yesterday returning from a holiday abroad after being
told of the tragedy. A post mortem examination by State Pathologist Dr. John
Harbison indicated that Miss Robinson had been killed within 24 hours of
leaving home on Saturday. The examination also revealed that she had been
sexually assaulted and strangled. While the search for clues to find the
killer continues, other police are examining the file in the case of another
girl who disappeared in the same area last Christmas and whose naked,
strangled body was found a month later.
4) Andonis rescues
Foot in sea drama. Click image 4 to read full story
5) Mr. and Mrs.
Robinson at the funeral of their murdered daughter, Deborah, at Dundonald
Cemetery near Belfast yesterday. Gardai quiz Englishman in hunt for killer.
A 25-year-old Englishman being quizzed by detectives in connection with the
murder of Belfast secretary "Bobbie" Robinson was still in Eire police
custody last night. As 19-year-old Deborah, from the Upper Malone area, was
buried, Eire detectives said the man was believed to have met her off a bus
at Swords, last Saturday. The latest move followed a swift change of focus
to Swords, eight miles north of Dublin, where Deborah asked the driver of
the Ulsterbus to make an unscheduled stop "to meet a friend." Police
launched an extensive investigation between Dundalk and Dublin in an attempt
to piece together what happened between the time she alighted from the bus
and last Sunday when her body was found in a Co. Kildare ditch. Detectives
were said to be working on the theory that Deborah knew her killer since
initial reports indicated she had not struggled very much. Appealed
Before her body was hidden in the ditch near Clane, 30 miles from Dublin,
Deborah had been raped and strangled. It was also established that Deborah
was alone on the bus last Saturday, and that she had no relations in Eire.
Her father Mr. George Robinson and police on both sides of the border have
appealed for anyone with any information to come forward. Deborah was buried
at a quiet ceremony in Dundonald Cemetery yesterday. The funeral
arrangements at the Robinson's Fairway gardens home were private. The 150
people who lined the graveyard included Deborah's friends from her
secretarial course at Belfast's College of Business Studies, and colleagues
of her parents.
6) Double slayer
theory in police murder probe - Eire police are concentrating on the theory
that the murder of Belfast secretary Deborah Robinson is linked with a
previous killing. Kildare girl Phyllis Murphy disappeared last Christmas and
her naked, strangled body was found, near where Deborah was discovered, a
month later. A Gardai spokesman said every possibility was being explored.
"The fact there was a similar murder in the same area means we have to look
at the theory that a killer has struck twice," he said. He said the
25-year-old Englishman who had been helping with inquiries had done so
voluntarily. It is known Deborah spent less than five hours with the man at
Swords, outside Dublin, but what happened afterwards is still baffling
detectives. Speculation. There is speculation that Deborah had
arranged to meet the man through a computer dating agency after she saw a
personal advertisement in a "lonely hearts" column but this theory remains
unconfirmed. What is known is that Deborah told her father she was going
shipping (shopping) in Dublin when she left home on Saturday morning. But
shortly after noon she asked the driver of the Ulsterbus coach to let her
off at Swords. The driver of the return excursion bus told her he could not
collect her in Swords on the way back and she would have to travel to
Dublin. Deborah was with her friend throughout the afternoon but he left
Deborah at a bus stop at around 4-30 p.m. to let her catch a bus into
Dublin. But she never turned up in the city and her movements are a complete
mystery to the investigating detectives. Traced. A man and a
woman who travelled on the excursion trip to Dublin and who spoke to Deborah
have been traced by Dunmurry detectives and their information has been
passed to the Gardai. Meanwhile, questionnaires have been posted through
every door in Swords, asking the public for help. "We are appealing for
anyone who might remember anything to come forward," said a Gardai
7) ...deeply
regret the passing of their esteemed Commodore, R. M. O'Neill, and tender
their deepest sympathy to the Family Circle, R. A. Platt, Captin: P. J.
Erwin, Hon. Secretary. Ross ~ September 12, 1980, at his home,
Samuel, dearly loved husband of Martha, and dear father of David and Samuel
John. Funeral from his late residence, 8 Derneveagh Road, Ballymena, to the
family burial ground, Kirkinriola, tomorrow (Sunday), ay 2.30 p.m. Deeply
regretted by all the Family Circle. Sayers ~ September 11, 1980,
at Hospital, Annie, dearly loved wife of the late Samuel Sayers (formerly of
2 Fairfield, Dungannon). Funeral from Dungannon Presbyterian Church, to-day
(Saturday), at 12.30 p.m., to Cootehill Cemetery. Very deeply regretted by
her sorrowing Nieces, Nephews, and Family Circle at home and abroad.
Spencer (nee Dysart) ~ September 12, 1980, at Hospital, Alma, dearly loved
wife of the late Robert Spencer, 8 Ballymore Park, Tandragee.
8) Deaths -
Williams ~ On November 1, at 47a Conisboro Avenue, Caversham, Reading,
Heather Virginia, beloved wife of John Dudley and mother of Hazel, Stella
and John and daughter of Mrs. Gladys Thomson and the late Mr. Alexander R.
Murray. Funeral service at Caversham Heights Methodist Church, on Friday,
November 7, at 11 a.m., followed by private cremation. Family flowers only,
please, but donations, if desired, to the Cancer Research Fund.
McKee ~ November 2, 1980, (as the result of car accident in U.S.A.), Hugh
Paul, beloved son of Hugh and Judith McKee, 140 Hillside Avenue, Englewood,
New Jersey, U.S.A. Very deeply regretted by his sorrowing Uncle Frank, Aunt
Patricia, and Cousin, Baby Phillippa McKee, 10 Glennor Crescent West,
Carryduff. Agnew ~ November 3, 1890, at Quintin Castle,
Portaferry, Theodora Esther (in her 93rd year) dearly loved wife of the late
C. S. Agnes, M.B.E., B.E., late of Donaghadee. Service in Roselawn
Crematorium to-day (Wednesday), at 2 p.m. No flowers or letters, please.
Deeply regretted. Obituary, Mr. R. H. Livingston ~ Senior Ulster
surgeon, Mr. Reginald Hamilton Livingston, M.D., F.R.C.S., B.A.O., has died.
He was 57. Mr. Livingston was senior consultant surgeon at the Royal
Victoria Hospital, where he worked for more than 20 years. He specialised in
vascular surgery and assisted many victims of the present troubles. Educated
at Lurgan College and Queen's University, he received his MD in 1955 with
high commendation. In 1978 he was given an honorary degree by the Royal
College of Surgeons, for whom he was an examiner for six years. Mr.
Livingston was a fellow of both the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain
and Ireland and the Ulster Medical School. He also served as a divisional
surgeon for the St. John Ambulance Brigade. He served for three years on the
Eastern Health Board. was chairman of the RVH Planning Committee and was a
past president of the BMA in Northern Ireland. Outside medicine, he was
involved with the Bible College, the YMCA and the Society of Friends. He is
survived by his wife Sybil, and three children, Jennifer, Nicholas and John.
A special service of thanksgiving for his life and work is being held in
Lowe Memorial Presbyterian Church, Finaghy, tomorrow at 11 a.m.
9) Eastwood ~ On
November 23, 1980, peacefully, at Broadlands, Romsey, Hampshire, Reginald
Wray, beloved husband of Marian, much-loved father of Penelope and Peter.
Funeral Friday, November 28, at Romsey Abbey. Family flowers only: donations
to Imperial Cancer Research Fund appreciated.

Uppingham School Calendar Term III 1980
September 1980 to Mr. & Mrs. Fred Poskitt, 7 Bristow Park, Upper Malone,
Belfast, N. Ireland - 3 Rutherford Terrace, Helmsdale, Sutherland. 4th
Sept. My Dear Fred & Dorette, I am sure you are wondering why I have never
written long before this. I went into hospital 1st of November to have my r
hand eye operation & was there over Christmas & New Year as I took a
bleeding behind the eye just the same as that left hand at the first
operation & now I have great difficulty in seeing. The last time I saw the
eye specialist was in June & he said he could not give me stronger lens at
that time & to come back in Oct. I nearly had a fit & thought the time would
never pass but it won't be so long now & I hope I shall get stronger lens to
left one. I am able to go to the shops here and everyone knows me & is
helpful, I did ?????????????????????? for an hour each day. Sandy(?) is now
with Norma(?) by the time I came home from the Infirmary the ??????? What
changes Fred! Kay is now away from Lovet(?) Road, she had to sell the house
as the back was fussing ??????????????, she is now in 3 rooms in & large
home but is hoping to get a council flat, what a change for poor Reg or Ray
& she's going to sell quite a lot of the furniture etc. & that will be
?????????? o.k. How things have changed ? over to the wrong page. I ? to ? &
my ? to see anything & even that is now dimming. Do hope you are all well,
Mr. Ferguson. Thank you for your Xmas card also ? ? was waiting for me when
I got home. My balance is very bad & I can't go without a walking stick,
have had one or two tumbles but didn't hurt myself ? from a fright! This is
the first letter I have written & I must get one or two more. Please excuse
the awful writing & spelling etc. but you will understand. With love to you
all. I wear my nice broach a lot & everyone admires it. Norma took the
"dowdy(?) lady" to ? with her. I will try & write soon again. Poor Auntie
Chris, we all miss her so much. It has been a very poor ? here, everything
is so expensive. Excuse mistakes, Love Auntie Eve
2) 17 Waringstown Road,
Lurgan, 28th September 1980, My dear Dorette, I thought you might like a
copy of the enclosed snaps of your Dad and Auntie Maud for your record, I
know you keep, sorry my face is in the middle of one. Had to go to the Docs
for some pills, I had the most awful Lumbago, but the pills seem to be
easing it a bit. I don't know when you are going off on your trip, hope
Fred's card arrived in time anyway. Will post Auntie Maud's card c/o you,
and I know you will be a "kind goodie" & deliver it for me. We are looking
forward so much to the 7th, leave behind the rain for a while I hope! I am
sure you will like Rome, it is a very interesting city, Ness & I had only
one day there but being on a conducted tour we saw quite a lot. Fondest love
to you both & look after yourselves. Panty?
Fifth scrapbook
December 1980 to May 1981
photos in this scrapbook

Michael's 21st Birthday party at Crawfordsburn Inn

1) Fork Supper on Saturday 3rd January with
Derek and Carol at 8.30p.m.
2) Vanderbilt
Hotel, 76-86 Cromwell Road, London SW7 - Poskitt, 24.3.81
3) Dear Mrs.
Poskitt, I still cannot believe we have a beautiful baby boy. All is well.
Hope you and your family are keeping well. Regards Valerie ????? (formerly
of Villa Height) Date: 9th March 1981 Name: Alexander David
Weight: 8lb 12oz
4) Wine and Cheese
(Friday 27th Mar?) to meet Jo. After 8.30 p.m. George and Pat; (click
on image to read the names, writing is too fidgety for me)
Newspaper Clippings

6 7
1) Clements ~ December 7? 1980, S. Craig,
dearly-loved husband of Andrée, and dear father of Barbara, 2 Tweskard Park.
Funeral arrangements later
2) Engagements -
Hunter ~ Revill - The engagement is announced between Marcus, younger son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hunter, of 4 Cranmore Avenue, Belfast, and Lynn, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Revill, of 44 Marlborough Park South, Belfast
3) Fraser ~
Hickman - The engagement is announced between Mark, only son of Sir Ian and
Lady Fraser, 19 Upper Malone Road, Belfast, and Veronica, widow of Dr. John
Hickman, 87 Deodar Road, London, SW15, and younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Higginson, Little Portobello, Brenchley, Kent
4) Dr. I. M. M.
Fraser and Mrs. J. A. Hickman ~ The engagement is announced between Mark,
only son of Sir Ian and Lady Fraser, of 19 Upper Malone Road, Belfast, and
Veronica, widow of Dr. John Hickman, of 87, Deodar Road, London, SW15, and
younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Higginson, of Little Portobello,
Brenchley, Kent
5) Engagements -
Poskitt ~ Philipps - The engagement is announced between Michael Robert
John, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Poskitt, of Bristow Park, Belfast, and
Josephine Kate, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Philipps, of Cobley
House, Blackwell, Worcestershire. Woolsey ~ McAlister - The
engagement is announced between John, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Woolsey, of
20 Torwood, Moira, and Miranda, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. T.
McAlister, of Mountsandel Cottage, Coleraine. Wright ~ Logan -
The engagement is announced between John, son of Mrs. Kathleen Wright, of 48
Upper Lisburn Road, Belfast, and the late Mr. Arthur Wright, and Kathleen,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John Logan, of 27 Myrtlefield Park, Belfast
6) The Daily
Telegraph, Thursday, January 8, 1981 - Social Events - The memorial service
for Gen. Sir Roderick McLeod will be held on Feb. 26, in the Royal Memorial
Chapel, R.M.A., Sandhurst, at noon. A memorial service for Canon Norman
Motley will be held on Jan. 20, at St. Michael's, Cornhill, at noon.
Today's Birthdays - The Hon. Mabel Strickland is 82 today; Col Sir John
Forbes is 80; Mr. Georgi Malenkov 79; and Viscount Allenby 78.
Forthcoming marriages - Lieut. P. J. F. Eberle, R.N. and Miss M. L. Hughes ~
The engagement is announced between Peter, son of Admiral Sir James and Lady
Eberle, of Holne, Devon, and Mary Hughes, Q.A.R.N.N.S., younger daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. N. Hughes, of Old Portsmouth. Flt.-Lt. G. B.
Gray and Miss S. Mann ~ The engagement is announced between Flight
Lieutenant Graham B. Gray, only son of the late Mr. M. G. Gray and Mrs. B.
N. Gray, of Hove, and Susan, elder daughter of Lt.-Cdr. and Mrs. W. J. Mann,
of Lymington. Mr. N. M. A. Peyton and Miss J. D. Bashford ~ The
engagement is announced between Neil Martin Anthony, younger son of Mr. and
Mrs. Anthony Peyton, of Sunbury-on-Thames, and Joanna Donovan, younger
daughter of Fl.-Col. and Mrs. Rodney Bashford, of Walton-on-Thames.
Mr. S. D. Richards and Miss V. E. S. Andrew ~ The engagement is announced
between Mr. Simon David Richards, younger son of Lt.-Col. and Mrs. D. A.
Richards, of Chailey, Sussex, and Miss Vanessa Elisabeth Spencer Andrew,
younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spencer Andrew, of The Commons
House, Sandbach, Cheshire. Mr. J. C. C. Headlam and Miss J.
Fellowes-Gordon ~ The engagement is announced between John Cuthbert Charles,
only son of Capt. and Mrs. John Headlam, of Bath, and Jennifer, younger
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fellowes-Gordon, of London. Mr.
J. M. Gibbon and Miss C. A. Sillavan ~ The engagement is announced between
Jeremy Milne, son of the late Rev. D. V. and Mrs. Gibbon, and Charlotte
Augusta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Sillavan, of Whaley Bridge,
Derbyshire. Mr. S. P. G. Bird and Miss F. J. Murray ~ The
engagement is announced between Stephen Peter Glover, second son of Dr. and
Mrs. Richard Bird, of Inkpen, Berkshire, and Fiona Jayne, elder daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, of Kintbury, Berkshire. Mr. P. M. Nye
and Miss F. E. Bazlinton ~ The engagement is announced between Philip,
youngest son of the late Dr. C. W. Nye and of Mrs. A. Nye, of Beverley,
Yorkshire, and Frances, youngest daughter of Mr. E. S. Bazlinton, of
Sindlesham, Berkshire, and of the late Mrs. Joan Bazlinton. Mr.
C. J. Parkinson and Miss E. R. Fletcher ~ The engagement is announced
between Christopher John, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Parkinson, of Hoo Hall,
Hoo, near Woodbridge, Suffolk, and Evelyn Rosemary, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
A. T. N. Fletcher, of 26 Hatton Park Road, Wellingborough, Northants.
Mr. A. K. Evans-Gordon and Miss J. A. O'Hagan ~ The engagement is announced
between Alistair Kenmure, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Evans-Gordon, of Orton
Waterville, Peterborough, and Jane Anne, daughter of the late Dr. J. G.
O'Hagan and the late Mrs. O'Hagan, of Dublin. Mr. K. C. Krarup
and Miss N. G. Alford ~ The engagement is announced between Kim Charles,
elder son of Mr. Michael Krarup, of Ulverscroft, Leicestershire, and Mrs.
Derek Thornton, of Bigrigg, Cumbria, and Nicola Gene, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Brian Alford, of Whitestone, Exeter. Mr. M. R. J. Poskitt
and Miss J. K. Philipps ~ The engagement is announced between Michael Robert
John, only son of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Poskitt, of Bristow Park, Belfast, and
Josephine Kate, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Philipps, of Cobley
House, Blackwell. Mr. C. B. Hawley and Miss H. Lynch ~ The
engagement is announced between Christopher, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. L.
Hawley, of Barnes, and Helen, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Lynch, of
Aberdeen. Lieut. P. M. Fyfe, R.N., and Miss C. J. Lee-White ~
The engagement is announced between Peter Matthew, youngest son of the late
Dr. Matthew Fyfe, C.B.E., and Mrs. Fyfe, of St. Andrews, Fife, and Caroline,
daughter of Captain K. Lee-White, C.B.E., R.N., and Mrs. Lee-White, of
Wisborough Green, Sussex, and of the Sultanate of Oman. Mr. H.
R. N. Gillespie and Miss J. M. Andrew ~ The engagement is announced between
Neil, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. A. Gillespie, of Longfield, Repton,
Derbyshire, and Janet, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Andrew, of
Giffords Ford, Fairy Cross, Devon. Mr. A. J. Cussins and Miss J.
H. Whitley ~ The engagement is announced between Andrew, son of Mrs. Manny
Cussins, of Kingston-upon-Thames, and Mr. Manny Cussins, of Leeds, and
Julia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Whitley, of Hamsey Lodge, Lewes,
Sussex. Mr. S. R. Bryan and Miss J. M. Pepper ~ The engagement
is announced between Stephen Robert, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Bryan, of Beeston, Nottingham, and Jill Mary, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
G. F. Pepper, of Normanton on the Wolds, Notts. Mr. J. C. R.
Priestley and Miss C. M. Wrigley ~ The engagement is announced between
Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Priestley, of Church Oakley, Hampshire,
and Christine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wrigley, of West Kirby,
Wirral. Mr. A. C. Stinchcombe and Miss N. J. L. Munn ~ The
engagement is announced between Andrew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Stinchcombe, of Stoke Bishop, Bristol, and Nicola, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Crawford Munn, of Bishopsteignton, Devon. Mr. K. D. Lindsay
and Miss J. A. M. Meek ~ The engagement is announced between Keith, younger
son of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Lindsay, of Cherry Burton, Beverley, North
Humberside, and Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Meek, of Tranent, East
Lothian. Mr. S. Terry and Miss A. Liddle ~ The engagement is
announced between Simon, second son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Terry, of
Shedfield, Hampshire, and Alexandra, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
Liddle, of Winchester, Hampshire. Mr. R. H. Rosa and Miss S. C.
Grimes ~ The engagement is announced between Ricardo, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.
Rosa, of Brasilia, Brazil, and Sally, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. B.
Grimes, of Grimsthorpe, Lincolnshire. Mr. A. D. Mussett and Miss
G. Cann ~ The engagement is announced between Andrew Duncan, son of Mr. and
Mrs. N. D. Mussett, of Rye, Sussex, and Griselda, daughter of Mr. M. Cann,
of London, and Mrs. D. Cann, of Sydenham, Oxfordshire. Mr. J. J.
Watt and Miss J. Norris ~ The engagement is announced between Jeremy, son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Watt, of Portishead, Bristol, and Joanne, elder daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Norris, of Prayton, Selby, North Yorkshire.
Mr. G. A. Croxford and Miss C. J. Dancy ~ The engagement is announced
between George, second son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Croxford, of Liverpool, and
Caroline, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dancy, of Farnham, Surrey.
Mr. T. S. Goldsmith and Miss D. J. Kinnings ~ The engagement is announced
between Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Goldsmith, of Southport, and Diana,
second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Kinnings, of Southport.
Mr. J. H. Heelis and Miss A. Miah ~ The engagement is announced between
Julian, eldest son of Mr. David Heelis and the late Mrs. Patricia Heelis, of
Ipswich, and Angela, daughter of Mrs. Iris Miah, of London.
7) Ulster Wedding
- Lowden ~ Thomas - The wedding of local film producer, Mr. Richard Lowden
and Miss Anne Deborah Thomas has taken place at McCracken Memorial Church,
Malone Road, Belfast. The groom is the son of Mrs. Shelagh Adams, of
Harberton Avenue, Belfast and the late Mr. Lowden. The bride is the daughter
of Mr. P. M. Thomas, chairman and managing director of Harris Marrian and
Co., and Mrs. Thomas, of Beaumont Lodge, Stranmillis Road, Belfast. The Rev.
K. D. Harvey officiated at the ceremony. Given away by her father, the bride
wore a dress of white spotted net and chantilly lace. Her sister, Miss Jill
Thomas was bridesmaid, while Mr. Tod Davis, brother-in-law of the groom,
acted as bestman. The child attendants were Wenda Thomas, cousin of the
bride, and Tania Davis, niece of the groom. After a reception at the bride's
home, the couple left for the honeymoon in Barbados.
8) Currently
enjoying the sun on a Barbados honeymoon are Richard and Anne Deborah Lowden
who were married in chilly Belfast the other day. Richard is a local film
producer and his new bride will be starring in the honeymoon film he is
shooting on the exotic Caribbean location. His bride is the daughter of Mr.
P. M. Thomas, head of Harris, Marrian & Co., and Mrs. Thomas
9) Forthcoming
Marriages - Mr. J. King and Miss S. L. Walker-Gray ~ The engagement is
announced between James, only son of Mr. Osborne and the Hon. Mrs. King, of
Rademon, Crossgar, Co. Down, and Sally, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan
Walker-Gray, of Nicholas Way Cottage, Northwood, Middlesex.

1) The Royal Yeomanry - Michael - Yours ever
2) Muggins,
Christmas Felicitations! Your wrong or worry child. Piggle

these postcards are all from Michael, their son, awful writing, I guess he's
a doctor :)

1) Dorette, Fred & Michael With love Fred &
Elaine - Ella now 38 years & not married! She has a wonderful job with
B.B.C., organiser of sport, she flies here, there, everywhere. She always
enjoys your C.C. & special message to her. She comes on 23rd & stays until
Jan 4th 1981. E. S.
2) Dear Fred &
Dorette, We are all well, but Auntie Evelyn died suddenly last Tues in her
sleep, she was 80 years old. She had not been ill at all, so it was a nice
way to go, but a shock to us all. Hope you are all well. Love from Aunty
3) Dear Dorette,
Thank you for your best wishes. I was so very pleased by getting your card.
How nice of you to remember me. We had nice and joyful days, had not we, in
London. Barbara, our eldest daughter, was very pleased with the books. You
know, they are twice the price here in Holland. I have not finished my film,
so I still don't know anything about the dia's I take at the "White House"
but you still will get a photograph of that happening. Did you hear lately
some news from the other ladies? Where you too in Rome? We wish you and your
husband a nice and quiet Christmas and a very happy New Year. My kind
regards to you and your husband. Yours Uan Spacl?
4) Dear Desmond,
I'm glad I met you on the Glorious 12th though I must admit I was a bit
scared and embarrassed that you'd say the wrong thing or something. I had a
grand weekend, very moving in some ways. For the first time I was to feel
proud of being a protestant, I was always ashamed of it, at Uppingham eh,
but I think it was when, after the walk, a saw a fella I was staying with
pick up his sleeping son off the bus, I suddenly realized, that, that man I
was good. My grandfather was the pillarstone of his orange lodge & also
Kilrea Royal Black Perceptry (Preceptory), I suddenly saw the British
Soldiers as friends not enemies. Things have changed. I hope you have a very
happy Christmas. Remember me to your folks, I may see you up north some
time. Best wishes, Richard. P.S. No. Surrender!!!
5) Charles & Irene
- Thank you for your card & news. We all have problems with our children!
our's still give us some headaches! Margaret had to resit some exams for her
degree, meantime she had been doing a crash secretarial course, in Jan she
goes to Paris for three months to study at the Institut Britannique. Ian
started working for the Police National Computers as an electrical
technician in Sept. He likes it & now shares a house with two others
at Edgware. We had a wonderful holiday in Canada & the States. Really hope
we can meet one day! Irene
6) 20 Hawkesley
Drive, Northfield, Birmingham, B31 4EZ 5 January 1981 - Dear Mum & Dad,
Thank you very much for my Christmas Present, I think it is beautiful and
look forward to being able to put it into use so that I can show it to
everyone! Thank you also for being so kind to us on our engagement; we very
much appreciate your gifts and will put them to the best possible use. I am
very much looking forward to seeing you both again in February, my parents
are also looking forward to meeting you very much. I am also looking forward
to coming over to Northern Ireland to meet Mike's other relatives & friends
over there & to see where Mum used to live. I know she is very fond of the
country from the way she speaks about it. I feel very honoured to have been
so readily accepted into your family, Mike has also been readily accepted
into my family, and has been trying very hard to work out who's who as there
are so many of us' We returned our engagement ring to the jewellers to-day
so that it can be adjusted to my finger size, they have been extremely king
& have marked it urgent so that I can have it back by the weekend. I hope
you are both well & wish you all the best for 1981. With love from Jo.

1) 7 Bristow Park, Upper Malone, Belfast 9.
9/2/81 Dear Mr. Philipps, I am enclosing accounts from a Birmingham paper
which Michael sent on to me, and as I am sure you would wish to participate
in the announcement of their engagement perhaps you would like to settle
these. I have incidentally paid the full account from the Daily Telegraph as
well as from our local paper, and hope that you got the copy of the latter
which I sent you. We look forward to meeting you both at about 7.30 p.m. on
28th of this month. Yours sincerely, Fred Poskitt
2) Cobley House,
Station Road, Blackwell, near Bromsgrove, Lancs. 17.2.81 - Dear Mr. Poskitt,
Thank you for your letter of 9th, you will be pleased to learn that I have
paid these accounts. Celia & I are looking forward to meeting you both on
the 28th, & I know we will have a great deal to talk about. You ought to
know that I am by no means a wealthy man & in fact at present find the ? of
5 children definitely affects our standard of living. I am continually being
? by bills, which are out of my control, namely gas, electricity, telephone
& car expenses & so on. I mention this only to let you know that we have to
be careful in our expenditure. Whilst I am therefore very happy to pay for
the engagement announcement, I was not consulted over which paper carried
what advertisement, & feel that perhaps the money could have been used
better in another direction. I just make the point so that you & I are clear
about my feelings. Thank you for writing to me about this matter. Sincerely
Louie? Philipps. P.S. Please call me Louie? - I should like to think of you
as Fred.
3) 59 Jacoby
Place, Priory Road, Edgebaston, Birmingham. 6th April 1981 - Dear Mum & Dad,
Thank you very much for having me to stay last weekend, I did enjoy myself
very much & felt very welcome over there. Thank you also for arranging the
two parties for us, we both enjoyed them very much & I loved meeting
everybody, especially Auntie Maud & Grandpa, about whom I had heard so much.
It must have taken you ages to organise everything. Another thank you for
our food processor which is super, we used it for the first time tonight as
we managed to remember to get a 2 Amp fuse! We made a pizza & mixed the
dough & grated the cheese with the processor, it was amazingly quick & I
couldn't even grate the ends of my fingers off! We both enjoyed this weekend
very much, it was so nice to get away from work & have a couple of early
nights, although Mike found the church clock a bit annoying every hour, it
is just across the road, however I slept like a log! Mike & Granny got on
very well together & we had a lovely time. I shall see Mike off from
Heathrow on Saturday & then I shall be living at home for 7 weeks, the first
two weeks will be holiday & after that I shall be working at Droitwich,
which is south of Bromsgrove. Every Wednesday after our holiday I shall have
to go to the Woodlands for a lecture so I shall check that the flat is O.K.
after the lecture. Thank you very much again, Lots of Love Jo xx
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