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Anderson Millroy - McDaniel - Bailie - Hanna-Carson - Jamison Storey - Daniel & Alice Morgan 1863
- Morrison - Pratt - Ruddy-Quill - Carrey-Robinson - Stewart

other bibles on the site that are part of collections
Gracey - James McAleenan - Ralph Herron - James Gourley -

1805 - 1806 - 1807 - 1808 - 1819 - 1843 - 1852 - 1861 - 1868 - 1877 - 1880 - 1890 - 1894
1901 - 1907 - 1908 - 1909 - 1910 - 1912 - 1918 - 1924 - 1932 - 1939 - 1943 - 1947 - 1951 - 1955 - 1960
1913 Tel. directory    1824 Pigots (Belfast)  &  (Bangor)   1894 Waterford Directory
1898 Newry Directory      Bangor Spectator Directory 1970

 Anderson Millroy

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1) Family Register - Parents Names; Husband: Lewis Millroy born August 14th 1831; Wife: Johan Millroy born March 17th 1834; Married: June 6th 1856 by the Rev. Wm. Thomson at Co. Leith; Mathew Anderson born December 28th 1851; Nancy Anderson born September 29th 1852; Married: October 27th 1871 by the Rev. Mr. Orr at Newtowncromelin
2) Childrens Names - written and then scored out:-
Johan Millroy born March 27th 1837 Leith
Marion Thomson Millroy born May 19th 1861 Leith
1. Samuel Anderson born 29th May 1872 at Amerban
2. Robert Anderson born 10th February 1874 Amerban
3. Sally Anderson born 7th March 1876 Amerban
4. John Anderson born 18th January 1878 Amerban
5. Maryjane Anderson born 8th August 1880 Amerban
6. Mathew Anderson born 28th January 1882 Amerban
7. Annie Anderson born 21st April 1884 Amerban
8. Martha Anderson born 27th December 1886 Amerban
9. George M. Anderson born 14th April 1889 Amerban
10. Elizabeth Anderson born 8th May 1891 Amerban
11. Joseph Anderson born 25th July 1895 Amerban
Matthew Anderson born 29th March 1898 -  Samuel Anderson's son
3) Deaths - Marion Thomson Millroy died 24th October 1862;  Matthew Anderson died 1st June 1926 at Amerbane;  Nancy Anderson died 26th September 1929 at Amerbane

McDaniel Family Bible
and contents

                                                                                                           1                                            2
1)  Grattan & Co. Ltd., Belfast Apothecaries?
2)  In Remembrance of Harold Babington Hill who died 16th May 1962 aged 84 years Fortified by the Rites of Holy Church 'To those who believe in Thee, O Lord, Life is but changed, not taken away.' Edward R. Westbrook M423 Printed in England

                 1                                                     2                           3
  Family Register
William and Elizabeth McDaniel married March 20th 1867
Margaret-Jane Rankin born January 12th  1868
William James born August 20th 1869
William McDaniel (Senior) died June 17th 1908
Miss or Mrs. M. S. or J. R. Lynn (Sister) died April 16th 1942
2)  Coalisland Dungannon can't make out date but that's Churchill
3)  2 pieces of material tied together?? a bookmark?

Loving Memory
who died 17th June 1908
Aged 61 years
also his son,
who died 24th January 1955
aged 85 years
who died 14th March 1966
aged 91 years

died 18th March 1909
aged 13 years

1                                                                 2
Births Mrs. Frances McDaniel 10th January 1875
Wm. Jas. McDaniel 20th August 1869
Joan Irvine 3rd August 1930
Lesley Irvine 10th August 1932
James Irvine Morrow 10th March 1956
Aidan Ivor Keith Morrow 16th March 1959
James Irvine 4th November 1891
Eveline Irvine 16th March 1898

Deaths (Grandpa) William McDaniel (Senior) June 17th 1908
Edith Elizabeth Burrowes 23rd May 1933
(Father) William James McDaniel 24th January 1955
Margaret Scott 12th January 1960
(Mother) Frances McDaniel 14th March (year withheld)
James McDaniel (Jimmy) 23rd October (year withheld)
James Irvine 8th June (year withheld)
Cecil Burrowes 17th June (year withheld)
Jack Alexander

1                                                                     2
Family Register William James & Frances McDaniel married November 20th 1895
Edith Elizabeth born October 27th 1896
Eveline born March 16th 1898
James born May 7th 1899
(Fannie) Frances born June 21st 1901
Laura born August 1st 1902
Margaret born September 29th 1904
Florence born July 9th 1909
Rhona born February 15th 1914
William Hanson born January 15th 1922
(Margaret-Jane Rankin (Sister) died April 16th 1942)
underneath Rankin (Sister) in brackets it says (Mrs. Lynn)
Miss or Mrs. McDaniel Senior died June 17th 1908

William and Elizabeth (Elizabeth Hanson) McDaniel married 20th March 1867
Margaret Jane Rankin born 12th January 1868 Died April 16th 1942
William James born 20th August 1869 Died 24th January 1955

inside a very old bible

1                                                               2
Births John Bailie born 1833
Mary Jane born December 22nd 1836
Isabella Bailie born July 19th 1839
Robert Bailie born March 10th 1842
Hannah Bailie born February 15th 1844
William Bailie born May 12th 1846
James Bailie born June 22nd 1848
Hugh Bailie born 20th April (August) 1853
David Bailie born September 16th 1855
part of a baptismal certificate, possibly Hugh Bailie **
 (Presbyterian) rian Church in Ireland
 (Entry) ry in the Baptismal Register
name of mother -gan or gau
Place of Birth - Ballyfrench

** Date of Birth - 20th April 1853
Date of Baptism - June 6th, 1853
By whom Baptized - Rev. G. Jamieson
(Baptismal) al Register of the Congregation of Glastry
Minister - William Morrow, B.A.
~ ~ ~ ~
Some information on the Bailie family kindly sent to me by John Best who is the great great grandson of John Bailie.
The person named John Bailie in the list of births in the bible is my Great Great Grandfather and he was also the John Bailie killed in the boating accident in Ballyhalbert Bay in newspaper clipping found in the bible. This occurred in May of 1907. He and his wife Mary Bell lived in County Down and he was a sailor by trade.

It was actually John Bailie who drowned. The article was in error when it states Robert Bailie at the top of the article. The article later states John Bailie at the bottom of the article which is correct. Maybe they were confused with Robert Palmer? I have seen a similar article from the Newtownards Chronicle from May 8, 1907 with slightly different text that correctly states John Bailie, Robert Palmer and Hugh Murphy as those that drowned.

the Robert Palmer also killed in the boating accident was John Bailie's Brother-in-Law.  Robert Palmer had been married to Sophia Bell who was John Bailies wife's (Mary Bell) sister. The Bailie and Bell families were apparently close as John Bailie's father (James Bailie) and Mary Bell's father (William Bell) each had small farms near each other in the Ballyhalbert/Ballyfrench area.

Mazawattee Tea
clippings inside the bible

1                            2       
3 Fishermen Drowned, Co. Down Boating Disaster, Fruitless Attempt at Rescue
On Wednesday afternoon a melancholy boating accident took place at Ballyhalbert, whereby three Co. Down fishermen lost their lives.  It appears that Robert Palmer, Portavogie; Hugh Murphy, Ballycranmore; and
Robert Bailie, Ballyesborough, (Bailliesborough) came to Ballyhalbert for the purpose of taking charge of a new boat which had just been completed for Robert Palmer, one of the deceased men, by his nephew, Samuel Palmer, Ballyhalbert.  The men were all thoroughly capable and experienced hands. The weather was not of the most favourable character.  A strong breeze had been blowing during the day, whilst the frequent heavy squalls rendered the task of taking the new craft to Portagovie (Portavogie) both difficult and dangerous.  Shortly after four o'clock the men boarded the boat, and some little time having been spent in preliminary arrangements, they hoisted sail and stood across the bay.  Two or three trial spins having been made for the purpose of testing the sailing qualities of the boat, and these having been regarded as satisfactory, they stood out to sea, passed the piers, and were soon exposed to the full force of wind and wave.  The new craft was naturally an object of interest to a number of spectators on the shore.  Notwithstanding the boisterous nature of the elements the boat, which was being well handled, behaved admirably.  When about a mile off those on shore were horrified to see her capsize, and the three occupants struggling in the water.  Immediately the alarm was raised, when several boats were manned and set out to render what assistance they could.  Amongst those who observed the unfortunate occurrence and grave plight of the crew was Mr. Pearl, chief officer at Burr Point Coastguard Station, who at once launched a boat, and with a number of the coastguards proceeded to the scene of the disaster.  Mr. J. Holligan, skipper of the coasting vessel Stag, happening to be on the pier, with commendable promptitude he, along with two members of the crew of the Stag, proceeded to the rescue.  This was the first boat to reach the struggling men, and her crew were successful in getting hold of Hugh Murphy, but unfortunately he was so far exhausted when taken from the water that he succumbed.  They also laid hold of another man by the coat, but the garment came away and the poor fellow sank to rise no more.  The coastguards cruised about for some time, but beyond picking up a cap belonging to one of the deceased men, no trace of the ill-fated boat or occupants was to be seen.  The three men who have met with such an untimely fate were all beyond middle life.  Hugh Murphy and John Bailie each leaves a wife and family, while Robert Palmer, who was a widower, leaves a grown up family.  The sad occurrence has cast a gloom over the quiet little village.  The bodies of Bailie and Palmer have not yet been recovered.
2)  The Funeral ---Hill, C.B.E. --- took place today ---Silverstream House --- Ballycarry Parish --- The chief mourners --- Hill (widow), Mrs. Daniel --- (sister), Mrs. A. K. McGonigal and Miss Carmen Hill (daughters), Colonel David Hill, C.M.G., D.S.O.; Major F. G. Hill, O.B.E., and Mr. W. H. Hill (brothers); Capt. A. K. McGonigal, Indian Army (son-in-law), and Mr. J. W. Drinkwater (brother-in-law)
Others present were - Dr. W. Martin, O.B.E., J.P.; Dr. Robert Reid, J.P.; Capt. Nethery, J.P.; Mr. Thomas Erskine, Whitehouse; Mr. Wm. Robb, Silverstream; Mr. G. Madden, Mr. L. Ross, Mr. W. Leighton, and Miss Margaret Peden.
Major Arthur Dobbs, D.L., represented the officers of the old Antrim Artillery.  Major William Baird, J.P., another officer was unavoidable prevented from being present.  The officiating clergy were Rev. R. N. Ruttle, M.A., and Rev. J. Richardson, M.A.
Personal Ads :)
- Sorry, was not sure of you Monday night, please be at same place and time Saturday night - Aughalea
J - M. - Rejoiced seeing you again - Tim.
Pat - (Belfast-Portrush) - Re Midnight, 16th, please write - Box P808a
Widower (56) steady employment, wishes to meet Working class Girl; strictly genuine - Box 5-4a

Hanna - Carson

1                                                                  2
Tempus Omnia Revelat Family Register
Irene Elizabeth Hanna born 7th April 1932
Violet Elizabeth Hanna born 7th June 1911
Pamela J. Hanna born 20th February 1945
Royston William Hanna born 30th September 1941

2)  Marriages
Violet Elizabeth Rush married 14th September to William Herbert Hannah (Hanna)
Gwendoline Rush married to Victor Sparrow
Irene Elizabeth Hanna married 12th April to Samuel Alexander Gordon Orr
note: there are no years for the marriages

1                                                                      2
William Carson born August 1st 1885
Mary Jane Carson born September 9th 1887
Robert James Carson born October 17th 1889
Thomas Carson born September 24th 1916
Joseph Carson born February 28th 189?
Annie Carson born April 1st 1896
Pamela Jeanette Hanna born February 20th 1945
John Garfield Carson Rush born May 11th 1909
Violet Elizabeth Rush born June 7th 1911
Gwendoline Rush born October 16th 1912
Clive Sparrow born 14th May 1944
Irene Elizabeth Rush Hannah born 7th April 1932 March scored out
Royston William Hanna born September 30th 1941
Margrate Elizabeth Pearl McCallum born 26th February 1923
Norman McCallum born 14th July 1921
David Barber McCallum born 17th July 1896

John Garfield Carson 14th December 1927
Mary Jane Carson 16th March 1957
Victor C. Sparrow 10th November 1952
Gwen. Sparrow 17th June 2001

Jamison Storey

29th Company Boys' Brigade, Townsend Street Church,
Total Abstinence Pledge
"Kept by the Power of God"
'The undersigned has promised, by divine assistant, to abstain from all intoxicating liquors as beverages, and to encourage others to do the same.
Signed ...  Priv. J. J. Storey
15/1/1915  A. P. Kerns Lieut. Wm. Corkey "I am bound to say that for all honest, enduring, fruitful work, alcohol never helps a human soul."

1                                                                       2
Family Register  Marriages  year December 5th 1868  Joseph Jamison (Jameson)  Isobella Jamison (Jameson)
Family Register Marriages John Thomas Storey Isabella Jamison 30th March 1897

1                                                                 2
Family Register Births scored out 19th May year 1870 Joseph Jamison born 19th May Isabella Jamison Birth year 1871 Nove. 14th John Storey 22nd February 1898 Joseph Jamison Storey 10th May 1901 Alfred Herbert Storey 15th April 1905 Isabella May Storey 25th June 1908
Deaths Joseph Jamison Died 2nd August 1891
Joseph Jamison sen.? Died 3rd June 1894
Isabella Jamison Died 12th April 1916

Daniel & Alice Morgan 1863

Family Register
Married at Killowen Chapel by the Rev. R. Mooney, Daniel and Alice Morgan 20th January 1863
John Morgan Born and Baptized on the 15th September 1864
Mary Morgan Mother died Monday morning this 15th November 1865 grandmother
Mary Morgan Born the 30th and Baptized on the 31st January 1866
Daniel Morgan Born on the 16th August and Baptized on the 20th 1869
Alice and Ellen Morgan Born on the 9th June 1869 Baptized on the 10th in Carlingford 1869
Ellen Morgan Died on the 15th November 1870 at Carlingford Buried in Mothers Grave Kilbroney, Rostrevor
Ellen Morgan Born in Carlingford on the 21st November 1870 Baptized on the 23rd November 1870

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Family Register
Alice Morgan died the    December 1870 and buried in Mothers Grave
Ellen Morgan Died 25th March 1872 buried in Youghal, Co. Cork
Peter Morgan born 25th October 1872 in Youghal, Co. Cork
Alice Morgan born 21st January 1875 at Killard, Co. Down
Catherine Morgan born 22nd March 1877 Baptized 25th at Killard, Co. Down
Ema Morgan born at Port Ballintrae on the 27th January 1879 and Baptized 9th February (Emma)
Thomas Morgan born at Port Ballintrae, Co. Antrim on the 27th July 1880
Bernard Morgan born at Ballycastle, Co. Antrim on the 19th October 1882
???? Morgan born 12th December 1883 at Ballycastle, Co. Antrim
could be William or Ellen

 Family Register
Alice Morgan Died on night of 28th June 1885 at Ballycastle, Co. Antrim, buried in Chapel yard
Alice Morgan Mother died Monday evening 23rd of April 1917 and buried in Kilbroney
Daniel Morgan Father died Tuesday evening 11th March 1919 Buried in Kilbroney
John Morgan Brother died 27th of July 1921 buried in Kilbroney
Mary Morgan Sister died on the 1st of August 1936 buried in Kilbroney
Bernard Morgan Brother died on the 23rd of September 1937 buried in Kilbroney
Ellen Morgan Sister died 5th April 1941 buried in Kilbroney (see card above)
Thomas Morgan Brother died on the 22nd May 1943 buried in Kilbroney
(Aunt) Emma Morgan Died 27th June 1947 Buried in Kilbroney

Dromore Clerical Provident Society - Deceased Benefactor's Card - The name of Ellen Morgan has been entered on the List of Deceased Benefactors. - J. Magee P.P. Secretary - Derrymacash, Lurgan, 14th May 1941


photo in the bible but with no information
Family Register - J. Sidney Morrison promises to Obstain from all Intoxication Drink as whatsoever. (Abstain) I Promise, with Gods help to abstain from all Intoxicating drink as Beveriges, (Beverages) John Wade Morrison August 5th 1902

1                                                                      2
William Albert Morrison, Born April 23rd 1894
Ernest Wade Morrison, Born December, 29th 1895
Frederick Alex. Morrison, Born September 12th 1897
Henry Edwin Morrison, Born December 7th 1898
Sidney Alfred Morrison, Born January 2nd 1901
George Edwin Morrison, Born January 10th 1902
Clifford Morrison, Born July 9th 1903
Eleanor Louise Morrison, Born January 5th 1905
Leslie Raymond Morrison, Born June 28th 1906
Cecil Morrison, November 4th 1907
Herbert J. Morrison, Born July 16th 1910

Frederick Alex. Morrison and Henry Edwin Morrison died February 24th 1900, aged 2 years ½ and 1 year 3 months,
Our Lambs are in the fold, are Interred in St. Patrick's Churchyard, Newry
Also Clifford Morrison who fell asleep December 31st 1903 aged 5 months, Safe in the Arms of Jesus
also of Eleanor Louise Morrison who fell asleep 28th December 1901 and was interred in Lisnaskea Church,
The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away
George E. Morrison Died 1st March 1967
Sidney Morrison Died 29th November 1972
William Morrison Died 29th December 1969
Herbert John Morrison Died 12th November 1974

John Wade Morrison, and Margaret Hegan Married April 12th 1893 in Sandy's Street Presbyterian Church By Rev. James Thompson, B.A., B.D., Newry
Sidney Morrison and Franiar?? Johnston Married 17th December 1940 at Donards Church
Cecil Morrison and Madeline Noon Married December 26th 1935 in Bloomfield Church by Rev. C. M. Young

The Old Rugged cross
Belfast Telegraph Bessbrook Rangers, Winners of...
He knows, He loves, He cares
Nothing this truth can dim
He gives the very best to those
Who leave the rest to Him. ~ M. Morrison
ALEXANDER - May 8, 1919, at the Sanatorium, Whiteabbey, Margaret Donaldson (Maggie), eldest and dearly beloved daughter of James and Wilhelmina Alexander. Her remains will be removed on tomorrow (Sunday) at 2.30 p.m. from her parents residence, 31 Belmont Avenue West, for interment in the City Cemetery. Friends will please accept this intimation.

What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter.

Deeply regretted by her Father, Mother, Brothers and little Sister. James and Wilhelmina Alexander

ALEXANDER - August 4, 1919, ay the Sanatorium, Whiteabbey, James Barnabas (Jimmy), eldest and dearly beloved son of James and Wilhelmina Alexander. His remains will be removed from his parents' residence, 31 Belmont Avenue West, for interment in the City Cemetery, on tomorrow (Wednesday) at 2.30 p.m. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation.

God comfort the sad and lonely,
Teach them Thy ways are love,
Tho' the cross on earth be heavy,
There is a brighter world above.

Deeply regretted by his Father, Mother, Brothers and little Sister. - James and Wilhelmina Alexander, B.O.A.F.G. - The Ivy Lodge.

ALEXANDER - The Officers and Members of the Ivy Lodge regret to learn of the death of their esteemed Brother, James B. Alexander, son of their esteemed Brother James Alexander. The Members of the Lodge and Order are requested to attend his funeral from his residence, 31 Belmont Avenue West, Strandtown, for interment in City Cemetery, on tomorrow (Wednesday) at 2.30 p.m.

John D. Caskey, W.M.
George Hatch, Secretary
Jas. Parkhill, District Secretary
FERRIS - May 3, 1922. at New York, George Ferris, of 41 Union Square, New York (Representative of Ross & Boal Ltd., Linen Manufacturers, Belfast)
The late Mr. Ferris was a native of Newry, and went to New York when a young man, being then a prominent figure on the cycling track. About six years ago he started on his own account, and held the position of New York representative for Messrs. Ross & Boal, from then until his death. He had the reputation of being one of the most popular salesmen on the other side, and his death will be lamented by a wide circle of friends.


ALEXANDER - July 11, 1945, at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Wilhelmina, dearly beloved wife of James Alexander. Funeral on Friday, at 2.30 p.m., from her late residence, 48 Belmont Avenue to City Cemetery. House Private - Deeply regretted by her sorrowing Husband, Sons and Daughter, Son-in-Law, Daughters-in-Law and little Grandchildren


opposite side of newspaper clippings

...Northern Ireland. Mr. Moles - Very well. I submit to your ruling, but I confess to some disappointment that that ruling does not per-...

...the River Potomac yesterday, after... fell. Both men were drowned.

On March 17, Lieut. Evans led a party to Corner Camp, completing the depot arrangements for the coming season. The temperature on the barrier had already fallen to -40 degrees. Throughout the month ice continually formed over the sea, but strong winds quickly drove it north.
After March 25 the ice remained fast in the sheltered bays, but continued to drive out of the Sound. Huge land ice-falls on the south-western slopes of Mount Erebus prevented any possibility of returning to Cape Evans by land, but with the bays freezing I decided to make an attempt to reach the stations partl.....

We wonder, oh we wonder, where the little faces go,
That come and smile and stay a while and pass like flakes of snow,
The dear wee baby faces that the world has never known,
But mothers hide so tender-eyed deep in their hearts alone,

We love to think that somewhere in the country we call heaven.
The land most fair of everywhere will unto them be given,
A land of little faces, very little, very fair,
And everyone shall know their own, and cleave unto them there.


We had a little treasure once,
She was our hope and pride,
We loved her - ah! perhaps too well,
For soon she slept and died.

The home is sad and lonely,
Since our loved one went away,
When Jesus sent the message,
She could not longer stay.

And she has joined the heaven,
Of a perfect peace and love,
There we hope to meet our loved one,
In our Father's home above.

Deeply Regretted by her sorrowing Father...


Remembrance is a golden chain,
Death tries to break, but all in vain,
To have, to love, and then to part,
Is the greatest sorrow of my heart.

a Contribution Record Card which includes a National Insurance Number which I won't post on here, the name on it is Mr. Leslie R. Morrison, Dunraven Avenue, Belfast, the date is 1950 5th August


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Family Register
Husband - James Pratt Born April 6th 1809
Wife - Ann Bell Born December 1st 1822
Daughter of John and Mary Bell

Children's Names
James Pratt, Born October 12th 1846
Ann Pratt, Born December, 21st 1848
Emma Pratt, Born January 3rd 1852
George Pratt, Born November 15th 1854
Eliza Pratt, Born April 29th 1857
John Pratt, Born June 15th 1860
Matilda Elenor Pratt, Born May 15th 1863
William Pratt, Born October 2nd 1865
Arthur Pratt, Born September 17th 1868

Ann Pratt married November 7th 1878
James Pratt
Emma Pratt married August 6th 1882
George Pratt
Eliza Pratt married January 8th 1901
Matilda Pratt married

James Pratt, Died December 19th 1893 (aged 84)
Arthur Henry Pratt, Died November 21st 1882 (aged 14)
Ann Pratt, Died March 20th 1901 (aged 78)
Ann Wood, Died June 13th 1907 (aged 59)
George Pratt, Died September 20th 1909 (aged 54)
William Pratt, Died August 9th 1932 (aged 61)

Ruddy - Quill?
  1                                                                                    2
Can't quite make out the surname, could be Quill Quilt Yuilt Yuill
2)  Nov " Jean Quill? Born December 14th 1834
Thomas Quill? Born May 28th 1836 Died 5th March 1840
Ann Quill? Born March 5th 1838
Richard Quill? Born February 4th 1840
John & Eliza Ruddy Married 11th February 1859
Eliza Ruddy Died March 4th 1900
John Ruddy Died April 13th 1913
Mary Ruddy Born 31st December 1859 Died 1st September 1860
James Ruddy Born 10th June 1861 - June 10th 1861
Eliza Ruddy Born 27th May 1863
Jane Ruddy Born 6th March 1865
Rebecca Ann Ruddy Born 15th November 1866 Died 14th May? 1867
Sarah Ruddy Born 4th April 1868
Mary Scott Ruddy Born 7th February 1870 Died February 13th 1903
Edith Ruddy Born October 29th 1871
Margaret Ruddy Born September 3rd 1873 Died December 9th 1873
Margaret Ruddy Born February 11th or 16th 1875
Lucy Ruddy Born April 11th 1877 Died June 1st 1878
Eliza McLaughlin Born June 30th 1860 Died February 13th 1882

Carrey - Robinson

1                                                      2
Wm. Robinson Born 17th March 1832, Died 20th January 1908
Susan Hamilton Born 15th June 1843, Died 29th September 1922
Jane Robinson Born 23rd March 1848, Died 28th February 1926
Joseph Gault Born 4th July 1849 or 79, Died 11th March 193?

Susan Parker Died 13th August 1893 Aged 59 years
Thomas Parker Died 27th June 1932 Aged 80 years
Margaret Parker Died 6th April 1933 Aged 76 years

1                                                                 2
Jane Robinson born 15th January 1875
Susan Robinson born 15th December 1876
Thomas G. Robinson born 30th November 1878
Ann Robinson born 17th November 1881
Elissabeth G. Robinson born 26th April 1884 (Elizabeth)
William Robinson born 23rd May 1886
William Robinson son of Thomas G. Robinson born 12th September 1913
Margaret Owen Carrey daughter of T. & E. Carrey born 5th January 1915
Jane McKee Robinson daughter of Thomas G. Robinson born 4th July 1916
Ellen Owen Robinson daughter of William Robinson born 9th July 1917
Elizabeth Gault Carrey daughter of T. & E. Carrey born 10th November 1918
Gwendoline Jessie Robinson daughter of Wm. & Jessie Robinson born 7th June 1922
Michael John son of Raymond J. & Jane McKee Avis born 13th June 1944
Robert Ian MacCandless son of R. & Eliz. MacCandless born 24th June 1951
Eliz. Anne MacCandless daughter of R. & Eliz. MacCandless born 20th May 1955

Annie Robinson married to Joseph Gault 24th April 1907
Thomas G. Robinson married to Joanna Hart 4th June 1912
Elizabeth G. Robinson married to Thomas Carrey 21st January 1914
William Robinson married to Jessie Hamilton 30th August 1916
Margaret O. Carrey married to William H. Duncan 12th June 1942
Jane McKee Robinson married to Raymond J. Avis 9th June 1943

1                                                                        2
Children of Thomas & Letitia Carrey
1. Mary Carrey born 4th February 1840 Died 14 February 1845 Age 5
2. James Carrey born 26th June 1841 Died 9th November 1855 Age 14
3. Margaret Carrey born 31st May 1843 Died 26th February 1869 Age 25 at Torquay
4. William Thomas Carrey born 16th February 1845 Died at ? 9th July 1852 Age 7 Years
5. Mary Carrey born 25th August 1847 Died 22nd November 1856 Age 9 Years
6. Robert McKinlay Carrey born 5th March 1849 Died 29th May 1902 Age 53 years
7. John Douglas Carrey born 1st December 1851 Died 24th January 1929 Age 77 years
8. William Thomas Carrey born 11th May 1853 Died 29th July 1925 Age 72 years
9. Letitia Elizabeth Carrey born 10th February 1856 Died in infancy on 10th September 1856 Age 7 months
The above Thomas and Letitia Carrey, husband and wife respectively departed this life the former on the 1st May 1876 aged 61 years the latter died on 22nd September 1856 aged 41 years

Children of William T. Carrey & Sarah J. Carrey
1. Thomas Carrey born 23rd August 1884 Died 12th August 1954 age 69 Married on 21st January 1914
2. Margaret Carrey born 4th June 1886
3. William McKinlay Carrey born on the 17th March 1888 Died on 2nd November 1918 at Newtownstewart Co. Tyrone
4. Letitia Jane Carrey born on the 16th October 1891 Died 4th August 1968 Belfast
5. Douglas Carrey born on the 18th July 1894 Died 10th July 1915 age 11
Sarah Jane Carrey died 8th November 1919 age 59
William Thomas Carrey died 29th July 1925 age 72

Carrickfergus September 1814

1. Thomas Carrey born 25th September 1814 Fourteen Died 1st May 1876 62 years
2. William Carrey born 15th February 1817 died 23 (Died at Milford Haven) (from another sheet)
3. Margaret Carrey born 16th March 1818 died (Died November 1828)           ""        ""
4. Mary Carrey born 19th March 1820 died (Died May 28th 1833)                   ""       ""
5. Jane Carrey born 12th April 1822 died 27th June 1905
6. John Carrey born 24th February 1825 died (Died March 17th 1837)              ""      ""
7. James Carrey born 18th July 1827 died at Berbice Berbico Berlice Berlize Died at Birlize)   ""    ""
8. Margaret Carrey born 25th September 1829 died 26th November 1914 (elsewhere says 1830)
9. Robert Carrey born October 14th 1831 died
10. Mary Carrey born 12th January 1833 died May 1863
11. John Carrey born 28th June 1836 died
12. Walter Carrey born 14th July 1838 died 2nd February 1840 (Died February 2nd 1840)  ""   ""
13. Sarah Carrey born 1840 died 7th June 1882
on a different page it says Thomas Carrey September 5 1830

I can't really make this out, it says Margaret Carrey born 25th Sept. 1830
and married Hind? April 184?
Hugh ? born ? April 182?
Joseph H??t born 9th ? 1849
at ? ? 4 ? ?
Margaret Carrey H??t born 25th July 1851
? Jane Hind? ? March 1860
at 5 o'clock ? ?
Sarah Jane H??t born ? ? 18??

this sheet verifies some of the missing info in the sheet above
Hugh Small Hind Born 4th April 1826 was married to Margaret Carrey 4th April 1848 and Died 12th of March 1880 in Auckland New Zealand
Margaret Carrey Wife of Hugh Small Hind Born 25th September
Children of the above
Joseph Hind born December 9th 1849 Died 17th September 1880
Margaret Carrey Hind born July 25th 1857?
Sarah Jane Hind born 1st March 1860

Joseph Hind Born 7th February 1794 Died 11th March 1844
Hannah Thompson Born 5th January 1791 Died 9th December 1848
Married 14th April 1815 By the Rev. Ross Jebb
Children of the above
Margaret Hind Born 24th July 1816 Married by the Rev. W. John Stavely 1840
James Hind Born 6th October 1818
Joseph Gayles Hind Born 19th November 1820
Jane Hind Born 26th February 1823 Married  February 1845? by the Rev. Robt. Dalton
Hugh Small Hind Born 4th April 1826 Married 4th April 1848 by Rev. ??????????
Thomas Thompson Hind Born 24th June 1829 Died 23rd March 183?
John Hind Born 22nd November 18?1
John Adams Stavely Born 28th August 1841
Hugh Small Hind went to New Zealand 9th July 1862?

Bot Sept the 13 1802
By Thos. Thompson
Thos. Thompson was Born 16th May 1804 half after 12 in the morning.
Buried the 16 July 1805
Joseph Hind was born on the 7th February 1794 and was married to Hannah second daughter of Thomas Thompson on the 14th April 1815 by the Rev. Ross Jebb in the           year of her age
and died March 11 1844
Hugh Small was born in the month of April 1760 and was married to Mary Thompson upon the first day of October 1821 by the Rev. James? Alexander Pastor of the Reformed Church in Belfast and died September 3rd 1838

Thos. Thompson was born July the 27th 1765
Married July the 15th 1707?
Meary Thompson was born July the 14th 1700 and died December 8th 1844
Sera Thompson was born ? 25th 1790 was buried June the 23rd 1791
Hanna Thompson was born January the 5 1791
Jas. Thompson was born Agust the 27 1794 was buried Agust the 4th 1795 (August)
Marget Thompson was born Agust the 12th 1796 (Margaret)
Sera Thompson was born Sept. the 30 1790 was buried December the 10th 1800
Sera Thompson was born June 21st 1801

James Thompson my Father departed this life on the 20th March 1800 half after 5 of clock on Sunday morning
Mary Falkner my Mother in Law departed this life on the 2nd April 1809 at 7 of Clock in the evening
Hanna Thompson my Mother departed this life on the 16th July 1811 and was burried the 17th at 7 in the evening (buried)
Thomas Thompson my Father departed this life on the 31st January 1816 and was burried the (Buried)
Sarah Thompson my Sister departed this life 28th June 1817
Margaret Thompson, wife of Thos. Thompson departed this life April 1819
Margaret Thompson daughter of Thos. & May or Mary Thompson died 18th June 1820

1                                                                2                                                         3
Margaret Owen Carrey Born January 5th 1915
Elizabeth Gault Carrey Born November 10th 1918
Daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Gray Carrey
Robert Ian McCandless Born 26th June 1951
Son of Robert & Elizabeth MacCandless
Elizabeth Anne MacCandless born 20th May 1955
Daughter of Robert & Elizabeth MacCandless

Sarah Jane Carrey Mother of Thomas Carrey died November 8th 1919
William Thomas Carrey Father of Thomas Carrey died July 30th 1925
William McKinley Carrey Brother of Thomas Carrey died November 1st 1918
Douglas Carrey Brother of Thomas Carrey died March 1929
William Robinson Father of Elizabeth Gray Carrey died 20th January 1908
Jane Robinson Mother of Elizabeth Gray Carrey died 28th February 1926
Jane Robinson Daughter of Wm. & Jane Robinson died March 25th 1949
Susan Robinson Daughter of Wm. & Jane Robinson died April 6th 1949
Thomas Carrey Eldest son of Wm. & S. J. Carrey died 12th August 1954
Joanna Robinson (Hart) wife of Thomas Robinson died September 1957
Jessie Robinson (Hamilton) wife William Robinson died 14th February 1959
William Robinson Son of Wm. & Jane Robinson died 22nd May 1959
Thomas Gray Robinson Son of Wm. & Jane Robinson died 8th November 1966
Elizabeth Gray Carrey daughter of Wm. & Jane Robinson & wife of Thos. Carrey died 15th January 1970

£11,223 - Mr. William Robinson, of 7 Joymount, Carrickfergus, retired flesher, who died on May 22 last, intestate. 1959


1                                                  2                                                 3                    4                   5
1) William Stewart Roughfort Bleaching? ; The love that jesus had for me is more than tonge could tell ; Mr. Thomas Stewart ; Stew & Stewart
2) James Stewart Ages of Family
William Stewart   Born   26th July 1864          
                       Elizabeth Do.  Born  17th March 1866 (see image 3)
   Thomas Do.  Born  17th March 1868
                            George Do.  Born  1st April 1870 (69 see image 3)
Mary Anne Do.  Born  17th March 1872  
                                                       Edward Do.  Born  1st October 1874 - Nelson Stewart October 1878
                         Ellenar (Ellenor) Jane Do.  Born  30th March 1881      (82 & 31st see image 3)
                                         John Do.  Born  17th December 1884 3 (4 scored out)
                         Andrew Do.  Born  15th April 1887 (changed to 6)
James Do.  Born  15th June 1888 (written in ink, last digit scored out, 1888 written in pencil) (5th & Junior see mage 3)
various other names very faintly written, maybe Michael? John
Jane McKarr? Minnie Stewart, Belfast
3) (see changes re image 2) Minnie Stewart ; dispointed ; Minnie (various date calculations)
4) Mr. Andrew Stewart, 98 Disraeli Street, Belfast
5) William Stewart ; William Stewart ; Mrs. John ; Mrs. John ; Nelson Stewart Age 49 ore else 100