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The Regimental
Gazette of
The Royal Irish

Autumn 1958
No. 194
Sergeants' Mess Album

The 1st Battalion disembarking at Harwich
photo: Belfast Telegraph


Editorial - Battle Honours - Births, Casey, O'Morchoe - Engagements,
O'Donovan-Templer, Barstow-Fenwick, Beggs-Bedford, Houston-Burn,
Lowry-Woods, Townsend-Johnson - Marriages, Gun Cuninghame-Perceval Maxwell,
Doyle-Hennessy, Greer-Hare, Law-Chick, McCarthy-Piper - Retirements, A. J.
Morris, J. J. Roux-Lough, I. S. Alexander, M. A. B. Burke-Gaffney, E. B. W.
Johnson - Obituaries, F. A. Greer, V. H. Kavanagh, G. H. McCutcheon, John
Esmonde, J. Beary, F. T. Williamson, R. McCann, Robert Willis, David A.
Donaldson, John Mercer, Norman Burke, J. P. Kelly, R. Steenson, James
Copeland, Kathleen Trousdell Shaw - 1st Battalion Notes

1st Batt. Notes continued - J. Keenan, M.B.E. - H.Q. Company - Signal
Platoon - Orderly Room - Regimental Band

The Officers, 1st Battalion, July, 1958
Standing: Back: Mr. W. B. Davies (R.A.M.C.), Mr. A. K. Marnan, Mr. G.
N. Freeley, Mr. E. Mallagh, Mr. K. V. Bates, Mr. R. Hodgson, Mr. J. Donovan
Centre: Mr. J. N. Leonard, Mr. A. J. French, Mr. R. N. Lowry, Capt.
R. Lucas-Clements, Capt. J. Law, Capt. R. H. R. Gun Cuninghame, Mr. R.
Rothery, Mr. T. J. R. Illingworth, Mr. B. N. Mullin
Seated: Capt. M. B. D. Beggs, Major T. R. N. Eustace, Major M. Cotter, Major
G. M. J. Chambers, The Commanding Officer, Major D. Ormerod,
M.B.E., Major C. J. Major, Capt. A. Brady, Capt. D. Houston

1st Battalion - The Nijmegen Marches
1 and 2 - The Nijmegen Marches; 3, 4 and 5 - Arrival at Harwich
photo: The Belfast Telegraph

Drums and Pipes - M.T. - Q.M.'s Department - "B" Company - "D" Company -
M.M.G. Platoon - 3-in. Mortar Platoon - Anti-Tank Platoon - Farewell Dance -
Sergeants' Mess - Jalopy Club - Full-Bore Shooting, 1958

Capt. R. H. R. Gun Cuninghame, winner of the Henry Whitehead Cup, Army Rifle
Association Central Meeting, Bisley, 1958
photo: Allison Studio, Armagh

B.A.O.R. Rifle Meeting - Army Rifle Assoc. Meeting, Bisley - Annual M.T.
Driving Rally - Cross-Country Running - Cricket - Equitation and Pentathlon
- "Its a Long Way to Tipperary" - We Still Have Them - The Rocket - The
Regimental Depot

The band, Drums and Pipes of the 1st Battalion playing in the Town Centre of
Rathfriland during the Recruiting Tour of Northern Ireland, August 15, 1958

Shooting - Corporals' Mess - Sergeants' Mess

A group of Sergeants' Mess members and honorary members on the outing on
August 16

Depot 100-stone Tug-of-War team. Winners N.I.D. Championships,
1958 - L. to R. Sitting: Cpl. McGinty, Fus. Wadding, Major H. J. P. Baxter,
R.S.M. W. South, Fus. Dunne and Casey
Standing: Fus. Griffiths, Finnegan, Moloney, Moore and McKee
Depot 88-stone Tug-of-War Team. Winners N.I.D. Championships, 1958
(2nd year in succession) - L. to R. Sitting: Fus. McColgan, S. S. I.
Gilchrist, Major H. J. P. Baxter, R.S.M. W. South, Cpl. Forde, Fus.
Standing: Cpl. McGinty, Fus. Murphy, Cpl. Seymour, Fus. McMullen, Halpin,
Rimmer, Murtagh, Cpl. Bolgar
Depot Shooting Team 1958 - L. to R. Back Row: Fus. Ivory, Thompson,
Darby, Keane, Washington, Kavanagh, Jennings, Keogh and Fagan
Front Row: Fus. Burke, Cpl. McGinty, Sgt. Brown, S/Sgt. Nash, Major H. J. P.
Baxter, s/Lt. W. R. Kilroy, Cpl. Fann, Fus. Meade. Absent: Fus.

Sergeants' Mess continued - "What People are Saying" - Advertisements -
Births, Glavin - Marriages, Brown-Carlyon - Recruiting - Sports - Tailpeace

Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother arriving at the Ulster Hall, Belfast, on
May 10, for the Territorial Army's Jubilee reception
On the occasion of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother's visit to Northern
Ireland in May
(Left to right) Lady Templer, Lt.-General Sir Brian Kimmins, G.O.C. Northern
Ireland District, Field-Marshal Sir Gerald Templer, and Lady Kimmins

5th Battalion, The Royal Irish Fusiliers (T.A.) - Editorial - Nijmegen
Marches, 1958

The 5th Battalion Team in one of the Marches Photo:
Public Relations, H.Q. Northern Army Group

Major Johnston leading the 5th Battalion Team, who combined with the 6th
Battalion The Welch Regiment in the final march - hence the goat
Photo: Public Relations, H.Q. Northern Army Group

Sergeants' Mess

Officers of the 5th Battalion, 1958 Photo: Allison
Studio, Armagh
Warrant Officers and Sergeants of the 5th Battalion, 1958
Photo: Allison Studio, Armagh
The Nijmegen March team Photo: Belfast
News-Letter, Ltd.

"A" & "H.Q." Companies - "B" Company - "C" Company, Births and Marriages -
"D" Company - "S" Company - Anti-Tank Platoon - M.M.G. Platoon - 3-in.
Mortar Platoon - North Irish Brigade - Deeds of Trust of Property and Funds
of the Regiment

Regimental Association, Old Comrades' Reunion - Branch Notes

The London Branch Dinner, 1958 Photo: Craine, Roche
& Co., Baker Street, W.1

Old Comrades' Reunion 1958
1. Brigadier W. Carden Roe inspecting the Dublin Branch 2. Exhibition
of modern equipment 3. Tea in the Dining Hall 4. Drums and Pipes
of the 5th Battalion beating Retreat 5. Drill Display by the Centuripe
Squad 6. P.T. Display by the Centuripe Squad
Photo: Allison Studio, Armagh

Regimental Museum and Library

Captain Costley's sword and the shako plate of the 8th French Regiment
Photo: Allison Studio, Armagh

Capt. Helden, 89th - Drums - Wuppertal Week-End in Retrospect - Polo with
the Second Battalion

Polo with the Second Battalion continued - Tunc Et Nunc or Then and Now by
an old "Faugh"

Young Faughs at the Infantry Junior Leaders' Battalion, Plymouth
L. to R. Standing: J/Fus. Duffy, Coalter, Evans, McCool, Smith
Sitting: J/Fus. Stafford, Lockhart, J. J. Flood, J. C. Flood, Truman,
Absent: J/Fus. Skillen

Correspondence - Editor's Notices |