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The Regimental
Gazette of
The Royal Irish

87th 89th
Vol. XXXIX November 1951 No.
Sergeants' Mess Album
.jpg) 1st Battalion Colour Party passing the famous Goose Girl statue
at Gottingen, King's Birthday Parade, 1951
_small.jpg) Contents -
Editorial - Births - Bradish & Major - Christening - Jefferies -
Obituary - J. A. McBrien - Battalion Notes
.jpg) Guard of Honour for Gen. Guillaume at Bad Oeynhausen, June 27,
_small.jpg) Obituary 19036023 Cpl. J. R. Hall & 22189919 Fus. P. M. Perkins
& 22528483 Fus. M. Smyth
.jpg) "C" Company Officers. The rigours of B.A.O.R. training,
.jpg) Field Marshal Lord Montgomery talking to Fus. Treend of the
Guard Platoon, furnished by the 1st Battalion at Fontainbleau
.jpg) Officers' Mess Pipers, 1951 Left to right : Cpl. King, Pipers Maginess and Price and
Pipe-Major Dougan
Athletics .jpg) .jpg) Old Soldiers' Race - The finish of a hard race shows Sgt.
Monteith, M.M., winning from Major W. Shephard, M.B.E. Also in
the picture from left to right are the C.O., Major B. FitzG.
Donlea, M.C., R.Q.M.S., R. Learmonth and R.S.M. F. Kelly, D.C.M. Individual Championships - Capt. G. L. Thompson getting home in
the 1,500 metres final from Fus. Learning ("H.Q." Company), who
is partly hidden. Cpl. Crowley ("B" Company) is on the left
.jpg) Individual Championships - The finish of the 100 metres sprint.
Lt. B. Tagert holding off Fus. Page ("B" Company) to win by
inches. Also competing are Lt. H. Howard and 2/Lt. D. F.
_small.jpg) 5th Battalion, The Royal Irish Fusiliers (T.A.)
North Irish Brigade Training Centre
65th L.A.A. Regiment (Irish Fusiliers) R.C.A. - 1st Cadet Battalion The
R.I.F. - 2nd Cadet etc. - Regimental Association
Faugh-a-Ballagh Dinner Club - Regimental Museum and Library - Fifty Years
Ago - A Leopard for Breakfast
Extracts from an Officers' Mess Meeting Book of the 87th - Letters from Lt.
J. A. Barstow
Late News Obituary Mrs. Mary McNee
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