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The Regimental
Gazette of
The Royal Irish

87th 89th
Vol. XLII March 1957
No. 190
Sergeants' Mess Album

Field-Marshal Sir Gerald Templer, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., K.B.E., D.S.O., Chief of
the Imperial General Staff, taking the Sovereign's Parade at the Royal
Military Academy, Sandhurst, on December 20, 1956

Contents - Editorial - Retirements, Maginess -
Births, Brady, Ellis, Thompson - Marriage, Eustace & Percy
Obituaries, Jeudwine, Yates, Dargan, Hanley - Doyle Dinner

1st Battalion Notes

Preparation for the Administrative Inspection

Part of a Guard of Honour mounted by a detachment from 1st Battalion The
Royal Irish Fusiliers at Moenchen Gladbach for the visit of Admiral Denny
who is inspecting them

Luxembourg - "H.Q." Company

The Guard of Honour marches past H.R.H. The Grand Duchess Charlotte of

The memorial at Wiltz, erected in memory of those killed during the
Luxembourg General Strike in 1942

The Guard of Honour during the unveiling ceremony of the memorial at Wiltz



C/Sgt. McCutcheon


1. Sixty miles behind us 2. Cpl. Gordon half-way 3.
One pair of feet for exchange 4. Lunchtime during second day
5. "C" Company after the 75-mile hog

Warrant Officers' and Sergeants' Mess, 1st Battalion Wuppertal, Germany,
September 1956
Fourth Row: Sgts. Ward, Kerr, Ruck, McCullough (13), Milligan, Evans
(A.C.C.), Malham (R.A.E.C.), Wimbles (R.A.E.C.), Dietrich (R.E.M.E.), Lount
(R.E.M.E.), Mongan (R.A.P.C.), Allen, Brown, Vignoles Taylor, Horton and
Third Row: Sgts. Cromie, Forde, Carlyle, Porter, McClory, King,
Veale, Dolan, McCullough (21), Craig, Buckley, B.E.M.
and McGowan
Second Row: Sgts. Wilkins, Irvine, Ellis, Cash, Mullen, S/Sgt.
Chambers (R.A.P.C.), C/Sgts. Collins, McIlroy, Smith, Grigor,
M.M., Sgts. McHugh (15), McHugh, Cooke, and C/Sgt. McCutcheon
Front Row: C.S.M.s Bell, Worthington, Cheetham, O.R.Q.M.S. Thompson, B/M. L.
Marks, Major D. L. Ormerod, M.B.E., Lt.-Col. H.
Rogers, R.S.M. S. McIvor, Major J. P. F. Beamish, M.C.,
Lt. J. Keenan, R.Q.M.S. Robinson, D.C.M., C.S.M.s
Turkington, McMillen and Redpath

Sergeants' Mess Christmas Draw

Another happy group at the Christmas Draw

Sports - Film - Church Notes - Italian
Incident - 5th Battalion, The R.I.F. (T.A.) -
Sergeants' Mess
A nice win at the Christmas Draw

The Regimental Depot

A general view of the dinner held in the T.A. Centre at Armagh, on January
25, 1957

#1 The Colonel of the Regiment inspecting Termoli Squad on the Passing-out
Parade at Armagh, January 25, 1957
#2 Field-Marshal Sir Gerald Templer awarding the Champion Recruit's medal to
L/Cpl. McGinty, Armagh, January 25, 1957

Sport - Births, Doherty, Bailie, Ellis - Trousdell
Xmas Card - North Irish Brigade

The North Irish Brigade Team
Left to right: Col. M. L. Cummins, Capt. G. D. Archer, Capt. R. H. Lucas,

Regimental Association, Armagh, Banbridge, London, Portadown -
Regimental Museum and Library
An Echo of Leros

St. Eloi - Correspondence |