Previous Editions were dated 1913,
1927 and 1938
Henry James Campbell
Entrance Hall
Central Hall
The third edition of the Campbell College Register was published in 1938.
Apart from recording the names and particulars of boys who have joined the
school since that time and revising the older edition, the new register has to
deal with the inevitable upheavals of war-time evacuation when the boarders
moved to Portrush and Cabin Hill became a senior school for day boys. It
must record, in fact, a generation of boys at Cabin Hill and at Portrush who
were Campbellians but knew not Campbell. It must also cover the service of
the school during the war and its re-settlement after the war, culminating in
the Royal Visit of June 1st, 1951 and the granting of a Royal Charter.
Details of the period of exile are contained in the War Record and in the Royal
Visit Supplement, both of which are published separately and are available at
the College.
In order to keep the register to a reasonable size, those
Cambellians who were recorded as dead, or were untraced in the 1938 edition,
have been omitted from this register, and they appear only in the index.
Complications inevitable arose in numbering when Cabin Hill and Campbell
College, Portrush, were both functioning as senior schools, but duplication is
limited to only two numbers; these have been explained in the index.
The period covered has obviously been one of change, the
size of the school has doubled; and the task therefore of compiling this
register has been immensely greater. That it has been done at all reflects
the interest and help of members of the staff, and particularly the
determination of the secretaries of the Old Campbellian College
1894 School opened 3rd September. 213 boys on
the register, of whom 57 were boarders. Mr. McNeill and Dr. Parker joint
1895 Sports Pavilion completed.
Parade Ground completed
1896 Upper and Lower New Wing opened.
Five Courts and Ball Alleys opened. Workshop and Laundry opened.
Dr. Parker retired
1898 Governing Body constituted and appointed.
September: 77 boarders, 61 day boys
1900 Three term year substituted for four
tern year. New Sanatorium opened
1901 First Speech Day
1902 New House started
1903 New wing for domestic staff opened
1907 Mr. McNeill died. Mr. MacFarland
appointed Headmaster. 124 boarders, 53 day boys
1909 New boiler house erected. First
Empire Day ceremony. Campbell College elected to Headmasters'
1922 Mr. MacFarland died. Mr. Gibbon
appointed Headmaster. War Memorial unveiled. 142
boarders, 106 day boys
1924 Allison Memorial Clock unveiled.
Cabin Hill opened
1926 Tweskard opened
1927 Ormiston opened
1929 Swimming Bath opened. Summer
Term: 244 boarders, 96 day boys. Christmas Term:
Tweskard closed, Netherleigh opened. Cabin Hill became separate
Preparatory School for all Junior Boys
1932 Browne Memorial Pavilion presented
1934 Fund started for building School Chapel
1940 No. 24 General Hospital in School building
at Belmont. Senior School moved to Portrush
1943 Mr. Gibbon retired. Mr. Groves
appointed Headmaster
1946 School returned to Belmont (less
1950 1939-1945 War Memorial unveiled
1951 Royal Charter presented to the Governing
Body by Her Majesty the Queen
1954 Mr. Groves resigned as Headmaster.
Mr. Cook was appointed. March: 241 boarders, 175 day boys
Henry James Campbell was born in 1813m being the second son of
Henry Campbell of Newtownards, and of Elizabeth Campbell, daughter of
Michael Campbell of Ballyalton, Co. Down. When he was only a year old
his father died. After being apprenticed to Messrs. James Doomer &
Co., Flax Spinners in Belfast, he carried on a commission business at first
in Belfast and then in Liverpool. Later he became a partner in the
firms of Messrs. Gunning & Campbell, and of Messrs. Henry Campbell & Co.,
Mossley. After retiring from business he built the mansion at Lorne,
Craigavad, in which he died on the 23rd January, 1889. He was
unmarried. Though at the time of his death he was the oldest member of
the Union Club, he never took an active part in political or public affairs.
By his will he left the whole of his estate of nearly £200,000, subject to
certain annuities and legacies, for the founding of either a college for the
purpose of giving a superior liberal Protestant education, or a hospital, or
both, leaving discretionary choice to his trustees. They decided in
favour of a school for boys, and in 1890 purchased the Belmont Estate on
which the present Main Buildings stand. They were sufficiently near
completion by the summer of 1894 to permit of the College being opened on
the 3rd of September, 1894.

Henry Richard Parker Robert Arthur MacFarland
Ronald Groves William Duff Gibbon
The grant of the Royal Charter in 1951 made trustees no
longer necessary
1889 -
Howard Campbell; resigned 1890
1889 - Garrett Campbell;
resigned 1890
1889 - William Carson;
resigned 1897
1890 - A. D. Lemon;
died 1922
1890 - R. W. Corry;
died 1919
1898 - Rev. W. Todd
Martin; died 1915
1915 - Rt. Hon. Robert
Thompson; died 1918
1918 - Very Rev. David A.
Taylor, D.D.; died 1934
1920 - Sir Robert
Kennedy; died 1936
1920 - C. W. Black;
died 1932
1932 - R. Watts
1934 - J. C. MacDermott
1937 - J. Archer
Henry Richard Parker, B.A., LL.D. Born 26th
January, 1843. Trinity College, Dublin. Scholar, 1864.
Senior Moderator in Classics, 1865. Principal of Wesley College,
Dublin. Principal of Methodist College, Belfast, 1879-90.
Joint Headmaster of Campbell College, 1890-96. Died, 15th October,
James Adams McNeill, B.A. (R.U.I.). Born 6th March, 1853.
Queen's College, Belfast, 1873. First Arts Scholarship Science
Division, 1873-4-5-6. First Year Law Scholarship, 1876-7.
Mathematical Master, Royal Belfast Academy, 1875-78. Senior
Mathematical Master Methodist College, 1878-90. Joint Headmaster
of Campbell College in 1890, and sole Headmaster, 1896-1907. Died,
18th August, 1907
Robert Arthur H. MacFarland, M.A. (Cantab.). Born 1860.
Educated at Royal Belfast Academical Institution. Queen's College,
Belfast: First Arts Scholarship, Science Division, 1876-7-8-9.
Senior Scholar in Mathematics, 1880-81. B.A., 1880. M.A.,
1882. St. John's College, Cambridge. Wrangler, Mathematical
Tripos. Assistant Master, Repton School, 1899-1907.
Headmaster of Campbell College, 1907-22. Died 11th April, 1922
William Duff Gibbon, M.A. (Oxon), C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., T.D., LL.D.
(Hon. Causa). Born, 5th February, 1880. Educated at
Dulwich College and Trinity College, Oxford. Honours in Final
School of Modern History. B.A., 1904. M.A., 1917.
Assistant Master, Dulwich College, 1904-22. Headmaster of Campbell
College, 1922-43. 1914-18 War: Lt.-Col. Worcestershire Regt.
1939-45 War: Col. commanding A.C.F. in Northern Ireland. Address:
Dunmow House, Dunmow Hill, Fleet, Hants
Ronald Groves, M.A. (Oxon.), B.Sc., F.R.I.C. Born 19th August,
1908. Educated at Bradford Grammar School and Christ Church,
Oxford. 1st Class, Honours School of Natural Science (Chemistry).
B.A., 1931. B.Sc. by research, 1931. M.A., 1934.
Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chemistry. Assistant Master,
Bradfield College, 1931-32. Worksop College, 1932-35. King's
School, Canterbury, 1935-43. Senior Science Master and
Housemaster; Bursar, 1937-43. Headmaster of Campbell
College, 1943-54. Master of Dulwich College, 1954
Francis John Granville Cook, M.A. (Cantab.). Born 28th
January, 1913. Educated at Wyggeston School and Downing College,
Cambridge. Squire Scholar; College Prizeman;
Historical and Law Triposes; Tancred Studentship, Lincoln's Inn.
Assistant Master, Rossall School, 1937. War Service with Royal
Navy, 1940-46. Headmaster of the Junior School, Rossall school,
1949-54. Headmaster of Campbell College, 1954
James Goodwillie. 1894-96 M.A.
(Cantab.). Senior Wrangler, 1891. Fellow of Corpus Christi
College, Cambridge. Died
Henry J. Spencer. 1894-96 M.A., LL.D. Scholar of
St. John's College, Cambridge. Headmaster, University College
School, 1903-16. Examiner for Board of Education, 1916-20.
Headmaster, High Pavement School, Nottingham, 1920-28. Died 1st
September, 1937
Andrew Boyd. 1894-96. M.A. First of First Class
Honours R.U.I. Rector of Larne. Died November, 1925
Walter Harris. 1894-98. B.A. First Class Natural
Science Tripos, St. John's College, Cambridge. Ph.D., Heidelburg
University. Headmaster, Longton High School, Stoke-on-Trent.
Address: 3 Delgany Villas, Crownhill, Plymouth
Hermann Walter. 1894-96. M.A. (Edin.) Ph.D.
(Munich). Dean of Faculty of Modern Languages, McGill University,
Montreal, 1901-36. Address: 3435 Mountain Street, Montreal
Richard C. Heron. 1894-95. M.A. (R.U.I.), B.A.
(Cantab.). St. John's College, Cambridge. Wrangler,
Mathematical Tripos
Alaster Colla McDonnell. 1894-96. M.A. (Dublin
University). Senior Moderator on English Literature and Modern
Languages. Headmaster, Armagh Royal School. Headmaster,
Portora Royal School, 1904-15. Assistant Master, Eton College.
Died, October, 1950 at the age of 83
Godfrey H. Evans. 1894-1915. Art Master
John Wilson Dobbin. 1894-99. Commercial Master.
Became a Clergyman, and died at Vancouver, October, 1924
John William Bearder. 1895-96. B.A. (London), Ph.D. (Giessen
and Bonn). Headmaster, Northallerton Grammar School, 1909-21.
Headmaster, Broadgate School, Nottingham, 1924-36. Address: 33
Herbert Road, Sherwood Rise, Nottingham
William Pyper. 1895-1917. Master of Elocution and
English. Died 8th January, 1920
John Samuels. 1895-1905. M.A. (Cantab.).
Exhibitioner of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Assistant Master,
Foyle College, Londonderry. Died February, 1938
W. S. Morgan. 1895-96. B.A. Scholar of Queen's
College, Oxford
John Stanley. 1896-98. M.A., LL.B., B.L. Trinity
College, Dublin. First Classical Scholar. Senior Moderator
and Gold Medallist
Robert Knox McElderry. 1896-1902. First Class Honours in
Ancient Classics, R.U.I., 1891. M.A. and Studentship, 1893.
Junior Fellow, 1896. Senior Fellow, 1903. St. John's
College, Cambridge; First Class in Classical Tripos, Parts I and
II. Fellow of St. John's College, 1897. Professor of Greek,
Queen's College, Galway, 1902-16, and of Ancient Classics. 1916-24.
Professor of Greek, Queen's University, Belfast, 1924-34;
Emeritus, 1934. Father of 1983 and 2209. Died, 1949
William Mitchell Baird Allison. 1896-1923.
B.A. (R.U.I.). First Class Honours. Senior Mathematical
Master. First Housemaster of Allison's. The Clock in the
tower was placed there in his memory. Died 2nd March, 1923
George Fetherston Price. 1896-1927. M.A. Dublin
University. Scholar and Gold Medallist, T.C.D. First
Housemaster of Price's/ Retired, 1927. Died 3rd April, 1940
Arthur Meredith Wilson-Green. 1896-98. M.A. New
College, Oxford. Honours in Final School of Modern History.
Senior French and Housemaster, Radley College. Died at Abingdon,
13th June, 1950
J. Watson. 1897-98. B.A. Exhibitioner of St.
John's College, Cambridge. Classical Tripos, Honours
Henry Hirsch. 1896-1904. M.A. Christ's College,
Cambridge. Honours Mediaeval and Modern Languages Tripos. B.
es L. Headmaster, Armagh Royal school, 1904-28. Died
Stephen A. Bennett. 1898-1927. B.A. M.A. (Hon.
Causa). Queen's College, Cambridge, open and foundation scholar.
Honours Natural Science Tripos. B.Sc. London University.
Senior Science Master. Retired, 1927. Died, 8th February,
Lewis Alden. 1898-1930. M.A. Exhibitioner, Wadham
College, Oxford. Honours in Classical Mods. and Lit. Hum.
senior English Master. Librarian. First Housemaster of
Alden's. Retired, 1930. Died 22nd October.1941
John W. Yates. 1898-1925. M.A. Exhibitioner,
Merton College, Oxford. First Housemaster of Yates's. Author
and Composer of School Song. Retired 1925. Died 1st January,
William Frederick Burgoyne Baird. 1899-1911. Bursar and
Commercial Master. Father of 1615 and 2189. Died 20th May,
George Ritchie Thompson. 1900-09. O.C. vide 197.
Died January, 1945
Samuel Tindall. 1901-04. M.A. Hertford College,
Oxford. Modern Languages Master, Bradford Grammar School
Robert Furley Davis. 1902-1931. M.A. Scholar of
St. John's College, Cambridge. First Class Honours Classical
Tripos. Senior Classical Master. First Housemaster of
Davis's, 1908-31. Retired, 1931. Died 14th February, 1937
C. H. Clarke. 1905-11. Ph.D. Assistant Master,
King's Hospital, Dublin
Charles Vernon Dicken. 1905-06.
M.A. Exhibitioner, Pembroke College, Cambridge. Egyptian
Civil Service, 1906-24. C.B.E. Died,
1937. (see notes)
Corrie Denew Chase. 1905- M.A. Scholar, Sidney
Sussex College, Cambridge. Classical Tripos, Part 1, Honours.
Senior Modern Languages Master, 1911. Housemaster of Allison's,
1924-30 and 1939-45. O.C., O.T.C., 1909-14. Great War:
Capt., Royal Irish Rifles; M.C.
Coningsby Raywood Beaven. 1906-39 and 1941-46. M.A.
Scholar, Magdalen College, Oxford. Mathematical Moderations, First
Class Honours, Final Schools, Second Class Honours. Senior
Mathematical Master, 1923. Housemaster of Allison's, 1923-24;
of Cabin Hill, 1924-29; of Netherleigh, 1929-37. Retired,
1939. Returned, January, 1941. Housemaster of Price's,
1942-45. Retired, April, 1946. Address: 29 St. Edyth's Road,
Sea Mills, Bristol 9
Henry Samble Staley. 1910-14. M.A. Scholar,
Emmanuel College, Cambridge. 19th Wrangler, Mathematical Tripos,
1910. Honours Natural Science Tripos, 1910. Indian
Educational Service. Father of 2783. Address: c/o. Nerbudda
Club, Jubbulpore, C.P., India
Thomas Ringland Dobbin. 1911-31. F.C.A. Bursar and
Commercial Master. First Housemaster of Dobbin's. Retired,
1931. Address: Culbann, Central Avenue, Portstewart, Co.
Roland Henry Cheatle. 1911-12. B.A. Wadham
College, Oxford. L. es L. Strasburg. Chief Modern Languages
Master, County School, Bromley, Kent
William Henry M. Madden. 1912-18. B.A., T.C.D.
Moderator in Modern History. Great War: Capt., Royal Irish Rifles;
killed in action, 22nd March, 1918
H. Ranger Parton. 1915-17. Assistant Master, Emmanuel
School, Wandsworth Common
H. P. Hughes. 1915-24. B. es L. Hurstpierpoint
Miss Margaret Boal. 1915-43. Art Mistress. Now
Mrs. Thorstensen, 22 Mayfield, Wallasey, Cheshire
Victor Magill Harper. 1915-22. B.A. (R.U.I.) O.C.,
O.T.C., 1919-22. Headmaster, Lurgan College, 1922-52.
Address: c/o. Northern Bank Ltd., Lurgan, Co. Armagh
Charles Alexander O'Clery. 1917-51. B.A. Trinity
College, Dublin. Housemaster of Price's, 1924-34; of
Netherleigh, 1937-40. O.C., O.T.C., 1922-27. Died 22nd
November, 1951
Charles Henry Deacon. 1920- B.Sc. Durham
University. Father of 2792
George Alfred Brown. 1923-24. Assistant Master, Alleyn's
School, Dulwich. Retired
Wilfred Hutchings. 1923-29. M.A. Foundation
Scholar and Exhibitioner, Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Wrangler,
Mathematical Tripos. Headmaster, Armagh Royal School.
1914-18 War: Lieut., R. Warwick
Peter Grenville Temple. 1923-29. Organ Scholar, Exeter
College, Oxford. Winnipeg Orchestra. Eastbourne College.
1939-45 War: Lieut., R.N.V.R.
Hugh Monro Keeble. 1923-27. M.A. Science
Exhibitioner, St. John's College, Oxford. 2nd Class Honours in
Chemistry, Part I and Part II. Great War: Lieut., R.E.
Assistant Master, Broomsgrove School
Geoffrey H. Turner, 1924-26. B.A. First Class
Honours in French, London University. Senior Modern Language
Master, Loretto School. Retired, 1953
Alexander George McLellan Pearce Higgins. 1924-25. M.A.
Christ's College, Cambridge. Headmaster, Athol House School,
Raynor's Lane, Pinner
Cyril Brian Lace. 1925-36. M.A. Trinity College,
Oxford. Modern History Finals, Honours. Housemaster of
Tweskard, 1927-29. Headmaster, C.C.P.S., 1929-36.
Headmaster, The Grange, Crowborough, 1936-39. Assistant Master,
Malvern College, 1940-. Address: 4 The Lees, Malvern, Worcs.
Arthur Francis Mansfield. 1925-32. M.A.
Exhibitioner, Pembroke College, Cambridge. Modern Languages Tripos,
Honours. Assistant Master, Perse School, Cambridge
Edward James Merrell. 1925-28. M.A. Exhibitioner
and Scholar, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. 1st Class, Natural
Science Tripos, Part I. Assistant Master, Beaumont College
Richard Hilary Mosse. 1925-26. M.A. Scholar,
Worcester College, Oxford. Classical Mods. and Lit. Hum. Honours.
Housemaster, Bromsgrove School
Ivor Felix-Jones. 1925-. M.A. Trinity Hall,
Cambridge. English Tripos, Part I, Honours. Great War: 2md
Lieut., R. Welch Fus. 1939-45 War: Capt., R. Welch Fus.
Senior English Master
Charles Stuart Haslam. 1926-46. M.A. Emmanuel
College, Cambridge. Modern Languages Tripos, Honours. D. es
L. University of Rennes. Great War: 2nd Lieut., Somerset Light
Infantry. Housemaster of Davis's, 1931-40. O.C., O.T.C.,
1933-39. 1939-45 War: Major, Somerset Light Infantry. T.D.
Address: Foys, Chetnole, Sherborne, Dorset
Edwin Charles Cumming. 1926-45. M.A. Exhibitioner,
Hertford College, Oxford. Modern History Finals Honours.
Housemaster of Alden's 1930-36. O.C., J.T.C., 1942-43.
1939-45 War: Capt., General List. Died 1st May, 1953
Harold Livesey. 1926-39. M.A. Downing College,
Cambridge. 1st Class Honours, Natural Science Tripos.
Housemaster of Yates's, 1928-39. Assistant Master, Wallassey
Grammar School
John Kenneth Cameron Armour. 1927-. O.C. vide
1014. Housemaster of Allison's, 1930-35; of Juniors,
1940-44; of Alden's, 1944-45
Philip Arthur Tyrer Chrimes. 1927-29. B.A. Keble
College, Oxford. 2nd Class Honours. Engineering School
Miles Villiers Delap. 1927-28. O.C. vide 1396
William Henry Porritt. 1927-29. B.A. Exhibitioner,
Magdalen College, Oxford. Science Final School Honours.
Assistant Master, Downside School
John Henry Lewis. 1927-47. M.A. Scholar, Emmanuel
College, Cambridge. 1st Class, Classical Tripos, Parts I and II.
Senior Classical Master. Great War: Lieut., Middlesex Regt., Croix
de Guerre. Housemaster of Yates's, 1939-46
Ronald Morrice Inge. 1928-. M.A. Jesus College,
Cambridge. Honours in Modern Languages Tripos and English Tripos.
Great War: R.N.V.R., R.N.A.S., and R.A.F. Housemaster of Price's,
1934-40; of Alden's, 1946-. 1939-45 War: Flight Lieut.,
Arthur Geoffrey Parnell Spencer. 1928-31. B.Sc.
Honours, London University. A.R.C.S. Assistant Master,
Sibford School, Banbury
Stanley William Vernon Sutton. 1928-36. M.A.
Scholar of Clare College, Cambridge. Honours in Classical Tripos,
Part I, and Geography Tripos, Part I. Librarian, 1930-36.
Headmaster, C.C.P.S., 1936-
George Robert Noakes. 1929-30. M.A. F.Inst.P.
Hertford College, Oxford. Honours in Mathematical Moderations and
Science Final Schools. Senior Science Master, Giggleswick school;
Uppingham School
John Joseph Timmis. 1929-30. M.A. Exhibitioner,
Balliol College, Oxford. Honours, Mathematical Final Schools.
Assistant Master, Canford School. University School, Victoria,
Richard Dowswell. 1929-32. B.A. Queen's
College, Oxford. 1st Class Honours, Mathematical Moderations and
Final Schools. Assistant Master, St. Paul's School
Alan Edgar Frederick Dickinson. 1929-36. M.A.
B.Mus. Balliol College, Oxford. Honours Lit. Hum. Hon.
A.R.C.M. Director of Music, Oundle School, 1936-37. Lecturer
in Music, Durham University
Frederick Charles Eric Knight. 1930-31. B.A. Clare
College, Cambridge. Honours Natural Science Tripos
William Gordon Ridley Loughery. 1930-34. O.C.
vide 1831
Philip John Polehampton Sumner. 1930-39. M.A.
Oriel College, Oxford. Honours in Classical Moderations and Lit.
Hum. Housemaster of Allison's. 1936-39. Home Office.
British Council
Harry Maurice Asher. 1931-40. B.A. Sidney Sussex
College, Cambridge. Natural Science Tripos, Part O, Honours, 1931.
Bradfield College. 1939-45 War: Air Ministry. Lecturer,
Birmingham University
Oswald James Key. 1931-34. B.A. Peterhouse,
Cambridge. Assistant Master, Harrow School, 1934-38.
Manchester Grammar School, 1939-. 1939-45 War: R.A.F.
Theodore Frederick Arthur Ragg. 1931-. M.A.
Rustat Scholar of Jesus College, Cambridge. Bell Exhibitioner.
1st Class Honours Classical Tripos, Part I and English Tripos, Part I.
Librarian, 1936-. O.C., A.T.C., 1941-47. Housemaster of
Allison's, 1946-. Senior Classical Master
Oliver Charles Berthoud. 1932-34. B.A. Open
Exhibitioner and Casberd Scholar, St. John's College, Oxford. 1st
Class Honours Modern Languages Final School. To Repton School
Colin Ernest Passey. 1932-44. B.A. St. Edmund
Hall, Oxford. Honours in Mathematical Moderations and Physics
Finals. Housemaster of Alden's, 1936-44. O.C., O.T.C.,
1940-42, 43-44. Senior Science Master, Sherborne, 1944
Frank Marshall Smith. 1934-36. O.C. vide 1914
James Andrew Walmsley. 1934-36. O.C. vide 2084
James Stewart Dodd. 1934-38. O.C. vide 2046
William John Ricketts. 1936-47. M.A. Scholar of
Jesus College, Cambridge. 1st Class Honours, Mathematical Tripos,
Part I and Wrangler, Part II. 1939-45 War: Lt.-Col. R. Signals.
O.C., J.T.C., 1946-47. Headmaster, Bangor Grammar School, 1947-54;
of Boston Grammar School, Lincs., 1954-
Robert Hamilton McKee Martin. 1936-37. O.C.
vide 2142
Kenneth Hansley Beales. 1936-. M.A. Scholar,
Christ Church, Oxford. Mathematical Moderations First Class
Honours. Final School Second Class Honours. Resident Music
Master. 1939-45 War: Major, Royal Fusiliers. T.D.
Senior Mathematical Master, 1947-. Housemaster of Davis's, 1948-
Arthur Fingland Harris. (Ringland?) 1936-.
M.A. Emmanuel College, Cambridge. History Tripos, Part I,
Honours. Geography Tripos, Part I, Honours. 1939-45 War:
Squadron-Leader, R.A.F.V.R. Eousemaster (Housemaster) of Dobbin's,
1946-53. Senior Geography Master
Alan W. Plowman. 1939-46. B.A. The Queen's
College, oxford. 1939-45 War: Capt., R. Signals
John Anthony Scott. 1939-42. B.A., B.Sc. Fox
Exhibitioner, Queen's College, Oxford. Final School Natural
Science Honours. Senior Chemistry Master, 1939. Capt.,
R.A.O.C. Died on active service, 30th July, 1942
William Stanley Raoul Larmour. 1939-. B.A.
Scholar, Q.U.B. Honours French and Spanish. Senior Modern
Language Master
Charles D. Allen. 1940-41. B.Sc. T.C.D.
To I.C.I. Now in India
Thomas Herbert Storey. 1940-46. M.A. Q.U.B.
First Class Honours, French and German. To Rainey Endowed School,
Magherafelt. Now Capt., R.A.E.C.
Edward Watson. 1940-46. M.A. Q.U.B.
1939-45 War: 2nd Lt., J.T.C. Lecturer, University College,
Herbert Samuel McCauley. 1940-42. B.Sc. Q.U.B.
Hons. Pharmaceutics, 1939
Rev. D. B. Kittermaster, M.C. 1941-43. M.A.
Clare College, Cambridge. Housemaster of Price's. 1941-43
George Theobald Taylor. 1941-48. O.C. vide
1998. O.C., J.T.C., 1944-46, 47-48. Housemaster of Davis's,
V. E. Clarke. 1941-42. B.A. B.Sc. T.C.D.
Miss Ethel Margaret McDowell. 1942-46. B.Sc.
M.Sc., 1944. Channing School, Highgate
Miss E. E. C. Nevill. 1942. B.A. T.C.D.
Now Mrs. Dobbs
John Kerrigan. 1942-46. B.Sc. Q.U.B.
Ballycastle High School
Samuel Hillis Dunlop. 1944-. B.Sc. Q.U.B.
M.Sc., 1948. 1939-45 War: Admiralty Research. Housemaster of
Junior House, 1944-46; of Price's, 1946-
James MacDonald. 1945-46. B.A. Q.U.B.
1938-45 War: Lt.-Col. R.A. O.B.E. Headmaster, Regent House
School, Newtownards
David H. Edwards. 1946-47. B.Sc. University
College, London
Alan Michell. 1946-47. M.A. Jesus College,
Oxford. Foreign Office; British Embassy in Paris
Peter Hugh Evans. 1946-. M.A. Honorary Scholar,
Jesus College, Oxford. Final School of Mathematics Honours.
1939-45 War: Lieut., R.A.; mentioned in despatches
Frank Kay Hoyle. 1946-48. B.A. Downing College,
Cambridge. Honours, Modern Languages Tripos. Second Master,
Isis School, Bolton
George Humphreys. 1946-. M.Sc., Ph.D. Q.U.B.
Honours Physics Final. Housemaster of Ormiston, 1947-
S. W. Jones. 1946-47. British Council
Robert James Wells. 1946-. B.Sc. King's
College, Durham. Honours, Zoology Final. 1939-45 War:
Capt., R.E.M.E.
Mary Helen Anderson. 1946-. D.A. College of
Arts, Belfast. Art Mistress
Frederick Gilbert Foster. 1947-48. B.A. T.C.D.
Honours History Final. Lecturer in History, University, Hull
John William Jamieson Herivel. 1947-48. B.A.
Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Mathematical Tripos, Parts I, II
and III, Wrangler. Lecturer, Q.U.B.
Alan Farquhar Bottomley. 1947-50. B.A. (London).
University College, Exeter. To London University
Joseph Hannay Lytle. 1947-. O.C. vide 2426.
O.C., C.C.F., 1948
Jacob Marshall Mark. 1947-. M.A. Q.U.B.
First Class Honours French and Romance Philology. French
Government Medal. Former Lecturer, Q.U.B.
Robert Louis Forest Mitchell. 1947-. B.A.
Queen's College, Oxford. History Final School. 1939-45 War:
Lieut., R.N.V.R.
John Sutton Owen. 1947-52. M.A. New College,
Oxford. F.R.C.O. B.Mus., Durham University, 1950.
Director of Music
George Randall Mansfield Clarke. 1948-. M.A.
Q.U.B. Honours Mediaeval and Modern History Final. Senior
History Master. Housemaster of Dobbin's, 1953-
Donald Harold Wauchope Dickson. 1948-50. B.Sc.
Q.U.B. Ph.D., 1949. Chemist, Glaxo Ltd.
Edward John Garrett. 1948-. O.C. vide 2050
Nigel Trevellick Roberts. 1948-52. B.A. Wadham
College, Oxford. Honours Natural Science Final Schools.
Assistant Master, St. Edward's School, Oxford
David Berwick Young. 1948-. B.A. Jesus College,
Cambridge. Honours English Tripos, Part I. 1939-45 War:
Flight-Lieut., R.A.F.V.R.
Norman Kenneth Robinson. 1948-52. B.A. Q.U.B.
M.A. Honours Modern Languages
Alastair Forbes Clark. 1949-. B.Sc. Edinburgh
University. Honours Chemistry. Senior Chemistry Master
Peter John Hill. 1949-52. B.A. Trinity College,
Cambridge. 1939-45 War: Major, Suffolk Regt. Assistant
Master, Ipswich School
Robert William Sloan. 1949-53. B.Sc. Q.U.B.
1939-45 War: Flight-Lieut., R.A.F.V.R. Now Flight-Lieut., R.A.F.
Education Service, Cranwell College, Lincs.
Sydney Alexander Moore. 1950-. B.A. T.C.D.
First Class Honours Classics. 1939-45 War: Capt. R.A.
John Kenneth Tizard. 1950-. B.Sc. Q.U.B.
Honours Chemistry Final. A.R.I.C. 1939-45 War: Capt.,
John Norman Hind. 1952-. B.Mus. Fitzwilliam
House, Cambridge. F.R.C.O. L.R.A.M. Director of Music
Patrick Richard Turk. 1952-. M.A. St. Edmund
Hall, Oxford. Honours Final School Geography. 1939-45 War:
Sub.-Lieut., R.N.V.R.
Charles Anthony Fox Warner. 1953-. M.A. Queen's
College, Cambridge. Honours Parts I and II Modern Languages Tripos
Ronald Edward Caves. 1953-. B.Sc. Q.U.B.
First Class Honours Chemistry Final
Edward French Agnew. 1954-. B.Sc. H.Dip.Ed.
Birmingham University. Honours in Mathematics.
Assistant to
Modern Languages Staff:-
J. J. Vaysadde, L. es L., Montpellier,
Ronald Jeangros., B.A., 1950-52.
Jean Jacques Aubert B es I., 1952-53.
1898 Robert Kyle Knox, LL.D. - Chairman,
Northern Banking Company Ltd., 1905-10. President, Belfast Chamber
of Commerce, 1897. Member of Senate, Queen's University of
Belfast. Died 8th January, 1919
1898 John Mitchell, J.P. - Director, York
Street Flax Spinning Company Ltd. High Sheriff of Co. Down.
Died April, 1911
1898 Rev. William Todd Martin, D.Litt., D.D.
- Professor of Christian Ethics, Assembly's College, Belfast.
Moderator of General Assembly, 1893-4. Father of 732 and 1044.
Died 20th October, 1915
1898 Lieut.-Col. Frederick Hugh Crawford,
C.B.E., J.P. - Royal Artillery and Royal Army Service Corps.
Father of 1128 and 1699. Died 5th November, 1952
1898 Archibald Dunlap Lemon, J.P.
- Director, James Lemon & Sons, and of Ulster Steamship Company Ltd.
Died 1922
1898 Rt. Hon. Robert Thompson, D.L., M.P.
- Chairman, Belfast Harbour Commissioners, 1907-18. President,
Belfast Chamber of Commerce, 1901. M.P. North Belfast, 1910-18.
Deputy Lieutenant, Belfast. Died 3rd August, 1918
1898 Robert William Corry, J.P.
- Chairman, James P. Corry & Company Ltd. Belfast City
Councillor and Harbour Commissioner. Died 3rd January, 1919
1898 Rev. Alexander Roderick Ryder, M.A.,
D.D. - Prebendary of Dunsport, Down Cathedral. Donnellan
Lecturer, Trinity College, Dublin, 1907-08. Died 25th November,
1898 Peter Redfern, M.D., F.R.C.S.
- Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, Queen's College, Belfast, 1860-93.
Died 22nd December, 1912
1898 Rt. Hon. Robert Graham Glendinning,
D.L., M.P. - Chairman, Glendinning, McLeish & Company Ltd.
M.P. North Antrim, 1906-10. Deputy Lieutenant, Belfast.
Father of 609 and 874. Died 8th June, 1928
1898 Very Rev. Walter Riddall, D.D. -
Incumbent, Parish of St. Mary Magdalene, Belfast, 1880-1908. Dean
of Connor, 1907-08. Died 1908
1898 Sir John Byers, M.A., M.D., M.A.O.
- Professor of Midwifery and Diseases of Women, Queen's University,
Belfast. Father of 1414, 1415 and 1416. Died 20th November,
1898 Rev. Matthew Leitch, D.Litt., D.D. -
Professor of Biblical Criticism and President, Assembly's College,
Belfast. Moderator of General Assembly, 1897. Died 30th
April, 1922
1898 David G. Barkley, LL.D. - Member of
Legislative Council, India. Judge of Supreme Court, Punjab.
Commissioner of Intermediate Education, Ireland. Died October,
1898 Rev. Archibald Robinson, D.D. -
Professor of Sacred Rhetoric and Catechetics, Assembly's College,
Belfast, 1886-1902. Died 25th February, 1902
1902 Very Rev. John MacDermott, M.A., D.D.
- Minister, Belmont Presbyterian Church, 1880-1927. Moderator of
the General Assembly, 1903. Father of 615, 616 and 976. Died
19th March, 1927
1903 Sir Samuel Dill, M.A., Litt.D., LL.D.
- Sometime Fellow and Tutor, Corpus Christi College, Oxford.
Honorary Fellow, Corpus Christi College. Professor of Greek,
Queen's University of Belfast, 1890-1923. Pro-Chancellor, Queen's
University of Belfast. Died 26th May, 1924
1908 Very Rev. Henry Robert Brett, M.A. -
Dean of Belfast, 1926-32. Chaplain to the Parliament of Northern
Ireland. Died 2nd November, 1932
1909 Rev. Charles William Frizell, M.A. -
Registrar and Surrogate, Diocese of Down and Connor and Dromore.
Canon of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. Died 13th January, 1920
1909 William Augustus Ferrar, J.P. - Died
24th February, 1929
1909 Frederick William Ewart, D.L.
- Deputy Lieutenant, Belfast. Director, William Ewart & Son Ltd.,
Belfast. Died 7th March, 1934
1914 Rt. Rev. Arthur William Barton, D.D.
- Rector, St. Mark's, Dundela, 1914-25. Rector, Bangor, 1927-30.
Archdeacon of Down, 1927-30. Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh,
1930. Resigned, 1926. Archbishop of Dublin
1915 Sir Robert Kennedy, K.C.M.G.
- Diplomatic Service, 1874-1912. H.M. Envoy Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary to Republic of Uruguay.
Director-in-Chief, Ulster British Red Cross and Order of St. John.
Deputy Lieutenant, County of Down. Died 11th November, 1936
1915 Thomas Galway Houston, O.B.E., M.A.,
F.R.S.A.I. - Sometime Headmaster, Coleraine Academical Institution.
Member of Senate, Queen's University of Belfast. Resigned, 1916
1916 Sir Walker Craig, K.C. - Recorder of
Belfast and County Court Judge of Antrim, 1911-19. Commissioner of
Intermediate Education, Ireland. Died 21st July, 1926
1917 James King Kerr, M.D. - Member of
Belfast Corporation and Chairman of Public Health Committee. Died
10th August, 1920
1918 Charles William Black - Solicitor.
Died 1st February, 1932
1918 Rev. Canon Louis Warden Crooks, M.A. -
Rector of Knockbreda. Prebendary of St. Andrew's. Chaplain,
Parliament of Northern Ireland. Domestic Chaplain to Bishop of
Down. Father of 1956
1918 Very rev. James Ernest Davey, M.A., D.D.
- O.C. vide 729. Resigned, 1941
1918 Very Rev. David A. Taylor, M.A., D.D.
- Moderator of the General Assembly, 1899. Chairman, John Arnott &
Company Ltd. Father of 709. Resigned, 1934
1918 Gregg Wilson, O.B.E., M.A., Ph.D.,
D.Sc., M.R.I.A. - Professor of Natural History, Queen's College,
Belfast, 1902-09. Professor of Zoology, Queen's University of
Belfast, 1909-31. Father of 1578. Resigned, 1938.
Died, 28th March, 1951
1920 Charles Louis Matheson, K.C. - H.M.
First Sergeant-at-Law, Ireland, 1913-19. Recorder of Belfast and
County Court Judge of Antrim, 1919-21. Died, 20th May, 1921
1920 Lt.-Col. Samuel Herbert Hall-Thompson,
J.P. - M.P. Clifton Division of Belfast. Sometime
Minister of Education, Northern Ireland. Father of 1872 and 2553.
Resigned, 1944
1920 Major Ronald Douglas Williams, M.C.,
B.A. - O.C. vice 443. Father of 2394 and 2886
1920 William Blair Morton, M.A. -
Emeritus Professor of Physics, Queen's University of Belfast.
Died, 1949
1920 Alfred E. Brett. - Solicitor.
Father of 1386. Resigned, 1942
1926 Rev. Edward Carlile Hayes, M.A. -
Rector of St. Mark's Dundela, 1928-35. Canon of St. Patrick's
Cathedral, Dublin. Resigned, 1938
1927 Rev. Robert Hyndman, B.A., D.D. -
Minister, Belmont Presbyterian Church, 1927-1951
1928 William Herbert Niall Nelson - O.C.
vide 156. Died, 21st May, 1953
1929 Lt.-Col. Sir Wilfred Spender, K.C.B.,
C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C. - Resigned, 1937
1929 Robert Watts, M.C. - O.C. vide
506. Father of 2774 and 3144
1934 The Rt. Hon. Lord MacDermott, M.C.,
LL.B., P.C., LL.D. (Hon. Causa). - O.C. vide 976. Father
of 3036 and 3218
1937 John Archer, B.A. - O.C. vide
14. Resigned, 1952
1938 Rt. Hon. Richard (Lord Justice) Best
- Died 24th February, 1939
1938 Ven. Cuthbert I. Peacocke, T.D., M.A.
- Rector of St. Mark's Dundela. Archdeacon of Down
1938 Horace Reginald Haslett, C.B.E., D.L.
- O.C. vide 416
1939 Malcolm Speir, M.C. - Resigned, 1941
1941 Very Rev. John Knox Leslie, D.D. -
O.C. vide 575
1941 Walter A. Edmenson, C.B.E. - Father
of 2468. Resigned, 1951. Director, Head Line
1943 Arthur Cochran Herdman, O.B.E. - O.C.
vide 860. Resigned, 1943. Died, 26th November, 1946
1944 Sir William Willis Dalziel Thompson,
M.D., F.R.C.P. - O.C. vide 565. Father of 2343.
Died, 26th November, 1950
1947 H. R. Pitt, Ph.D. - Professor of
Mathematics, Queen's University of Belfast; University of
Nottingham. Resigned, 1950
1950 John Ronald Howard Greeves, T.D., B.Sc.
- O.C. vide 1183. Father of 3027 and 3284
1951 James Boyd, C.B.E., M.D. - O.C.
vide 536
1951 John Young Calwell, C.B.E., M.V.O. -
O.C. vide 959
1952 R. C. Pink, D.Sc. - Reader in
Chemistry, Queen's University of Belfast
1952 Denis Rebbeck, C.B.E., Ph.D., J.P. -
O.C. vide 1843. Father of 4001 and 4098
1953 John A. Clarke, M.Inst. T. - Father
of 3586, 3777 and 3944
1953 J. L. O. Andrews, M.P. - Father of
1894-1899 - John Wilson Dobbin.
1899-1911 - William Frederick Burgoyne Baird. (Died 20th
May, 1951)
1911-1931 - Thomas Ringland Dobbin.
1949. -
Major Charles Alfred Bowen, T.D., M.A.
1950- -
Samuel Brown Caughey. Secretary to the Governors:
1894-1931 - Edward Bailey.
Administrative Secretary: 1925-1930 -
Lt.-Col. E. Wood, D.S.O., O.B.E. Clerk to the
(Combining the posts of Bursar, Secretary and Administrative
Secretary): 1931-1949 - Lt.-Col. C. F. Potter,
C.M.G., D.S.O. Headmaster's Secretary:
1925-1934 - J. McKee, D.S.O., (O.C. vide 622)
1934-1938 - H. N. Gordon (O.C. vide 1055)
1938-1940 - Miss Elizabeth Adams
1946-. - Miss Mary
Elizabeth Long. Medical Officers:
1894-1931 - R. W. Leslie, M.D., M.Ch., LL.D. (Died
Sept., 1931)
1931-1946 - C. R. Jenkins, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
1939-45 War: Wing-Commander (M) Air Efficiency Award; mentioned in
despatches. Address: Fair Hill, Roman Road, Shrewsbury.
1946-. - Kirk Forsythe
(O.C. vide 1485). HEADS
- Lawrwnce (Lawrence) Walker, B.A., Mus. Bac. (Cantab).
1901-1922 - Carl Leckie, Mus. Bac.
1922-1923 - E. Norman Hay, Mus. Doc. (Oxon).
1923-1929 - Peter Grenville Temple.
1929-1936 - Alan Edgar Frederick Dickinson, M.A., Mus. Bac.,
Hon. A.R.C.M.
1936-1940 - Kenneth Hansley Beales, T.D., M.A., A.R.C.M.
1940-1947 - George H. Fitzsimons, Mus. Doc., (T.C.D.)
1947-1952 - John Sutton Owen, M.A., F.R.C.O.
1952-. - John Norman
Hind, B.Mus., F.R.C.O., L.R.A.M.
MATRONS: College:
1898 Miss Cross
1903 Miss Harvey
1905 Miss Cowell
1911 Miss Newman
1919 Miss Bellis
1921 Miss Carse
1922 Miss Cleland
1923 Miss Bellis
1932 Miss Clarke
1940 Miss Gallaher
1947 Miss J. Clarke
1950 Mrs. Simms Ormiston:
1927-40 Miss A. M. Ashe
1929 Miss Clarke
1932 Miss Carse
1934 Miss Gurney Cabin
1924 Miss Clarke Tweskard:
1926 Miss K. M. Ashe
Sanatorium Sister:
1932-34 Miss Keane
1935-39 Miss Nevitte
1925-. - Miss Sinclair
(Died 4th April, 1935)
1935-1944 - Miss Scott
1944-1946 - Miss Watters (Died 1946)
1947-1949 - Miss MacDonald
1950-1951 - Miss Hart
1951-1954 - Miss Willis
1954-. - Mrs. Nice
1894-1899 - Sergeant E. King. Late Gymnastic
Instructor, 2nd Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment.
1900-1902 - N. Purchase. Late Gymnastic
Instructor, Duke of Wellington's Regiment.
1902-1910 - Sergeant E. H. Starr. Late Fencing
and Gymnastic Instructor, 12th Royal Lancers.
1911-1932 - Sergeant H. Fallon. Late Instructor,
Army Gymnastic Staff.
1932-. -
Regimental Sergeant-Major A. G. Miller, M.S.M. Late Physical
Training Staff, Royal Marines
1908-30 L. Alden
1930-36 E. C. Cumming
1936-44 C. E. Passey
1944-45 J. K. C. Armour
1946- R. M. Inge
1908-23 W. M. B. Allison
1923-24 C. R. Beaven
1924-30 C. D. Chase
1930-36 J. K. C. Armour
1937-39 P. J. P. Sumner
1939-45 C. D. Chase
1946- T. F. A. Ragg
1908-24 G. F. Price
1924-34 C. A. O'Clery
1934-40 R. M. Inge
1941-43 D. B. Kittermaster
1943-45 C. R. Beaven
1946- S. H. Dunlop
1924-29 C. R. Beaven
1929-37 C. R. Beaven
1937-40 C. A. O'Clery YATES'S (D)
1908-25 J. W. Yates
1925-28 C. A. Bowen
1928 C. S. Haslam
1928-39 H. Livesey
1939-46 J. T. Lewis
1946 C. A. Bowen
1908-31 R. F. Davis
1931-40 C. S. Haslam
1946-48 G. T. Taylor
1948- K. H. Beales
1921-31 T. R. Dobbin
1931-32 A. F. Mansfield
1932-40 C. H. Deacon
1946-53 A. F. Harris
1953- G. R. M. Clarke
1926-27 W. Hutchings
1927-29 C. B. Lace
1927-28 W. Hutchings
1928-40 C. A. Bowen
1947- G. Humphreys
1929-36 C. B. Lace.
1936- S. W. V. Sutton
F. H. Philpott, M.A., Pembroke College, Oxford.
1929-30 - H. J. H. Borley, B.A., Gonville and Caius
College, Cambridge.
1929-45 - R. Orton, L.R.A.M., L.T.C.L., Senior Music
Master. (Died Feb. 11th 1952)
1929-33 - Miss L. P. McIlroy, Art Mistress.
1930-34 - C. B. Mitchell )O.C. vide 1684).
1930-36 - E. G. Ashford, B.A.
1930-36 - W. E. Rashleigh, B.A., Brasenose College,
1931- - F. F. R. Reilly, M.A.,
Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
1931 - C. E. Hunt, B.A.,
Christ's College, Cambridge.
1931-46 - C. A. Rocke, B.A., Selwyn College,
Cambridge. 1939-45 War: Major, R.A.; M.B.E.; Mentioned in
1933- - Miss Clements, N.F.U.,
Art Mistress.
1934-37 - G. L. M. Smith, B.A., Wadham College,
1936-37 - D. C. Huggett, B.A., T.C.D.
1936-46 - K. J. Heslop, B.A., Merton College, Oxford.
1939-45 War: Captain, Devon, R.
1937-38 - F. C. A. Cammaerts, St. Catherine's College,
1937- - K. J. Lovatt, M.A., Wadham
College, Oxford. 1939-45 War: Captain, Inniskilling Fus.
Mentioned in Despatches.
1938-46 - W. A. Thornton, B.A., Emmanuel College,
Cambridge. 1939-45 War: Lieutenant, The King's R.
1939- - C. H. Deacon (O.C.
vide 821) Second Master, 1950.
1940- - F. M. Robson (now
Marshall) (O.C. vide 2399)
1940-41 - Miss J. B. G. Adair, B.A., Q.U.B. and
1940-42 - Mrs. Russell, P.T.
1941 and 1943-44 - G. T. Taylor (O.C. vide 1998)
1942-54 - W. M. Russell (O.C. vide 2643)
1943-47 - F. J. McSherry, B.A., Q.U.B.
1943-51 - F. G. Shellard, B.A., T.C.D.
1943- - Mrs. Hansard, L.T.C.L.
1943- - Miss Larmour, L.R.A.M.,
1943-45 - Miss H. Webb, P.T.
1944- - Miss Anderson, D.A.
1944-46 - Miss P. M. Moore, B.A., Q.U.B.
1944- - J. Jones, M.A., T.C.D.
1944-46 - S. G. Hill, B.Sc., Q.U.B.
1944-48 - S. McW. Knox, B.A., T.C.D.
1945- - T. McMurray, P.T.
1945-51 - S. W. W. Lynch, L.T.C.L., Senior Music Master.
1946- - R. F. K. Lucas, M.A.,
1947- - C. M. Ashe (O.C. vide
1948- - B. N. B. Baker (O.C.
vide 2538)
1948-49 - J. M. Lyle (O.C. vide 2974)
1949- - V. Brennan, B.A., T.C.D.
1949- - E. J. Crean, Larkfield
Training College.
1951- - R. T. S. Darling, M.Sc.,
1951- - G. F. Guyll, Senior Music
1954- - T. J. Hall (O.C.
vide 3204) HEAD PREFECTS
1938 (3) K. H. Marshall
1939 (1 & 2) H. McC. Giles
1939 (3) to Feb. 1940 D. H. Houston
1940 (Feb. to July) G. B. S. Jackson
1940 (3) T. G. Davis
1941 (1 & 2) I. Wilson
1941 (3) &
1942 (1) F. R. Wilson
1942 (2) H. W. H. Shepperd
1942 (2) &
1943 (1) M. F. G. Scott
1943 (2) J. R. Williams
1943 &
1944 (1) C. J. Erskine
1944 (2) to
1945 (2) C. T. M. Wilson
1945-46 R. F. Warnock
1945-47 J. B. Hanna
1947-48 J. D. McCaughey
1948-49 H. T. McMillen
1949-50 W. I. McKibbin
1950-51 S. S. Johnston
1951-52 C. O. Eaton
1952-53 R. K. Carruthers
1953-54 D. W. M. Irons SECRETARIES OF THE
(Formerly the Literary and Debating Society, and again for the period
1904-05 L. F. Huston
1938-39 J. T. M. Erskine
1939-40 H. K. Stephens
1941-42 P. T. Monard
1942-43 M. W. McCorkell
1943-44 W. McC. Taylor
1944-45 C. R. Whitfield
1945-46 I. W. Donaldson |
1947-48 I. R. Wallace (Lit. & Deb.)
1948-49 G. T. Whiteway
1949 (3) J. R. M. Hill
1950 (1&2) T. P. McCaughey
1950-51 J. W. McC. Miller
1951-52 J. R. Agnew
1952-53 H. W. Hamilton
1953-54 P. A. R. Calvert |
1938-39 T. H. Lyle
1939-40 T. C. B. Talbot
1940 (3) D. W. Kennedy
1941 (1&2) R. T. Goodwin
1941-42 G. F. Magee
1942 (3) M. F. G. Scott
1943 (1&2) R. G. Stevenson |
1943-44 C. T. M. Wilson
1944-45 R. D. Montgomery
1949-50 R. M. Wright
1950 J. S. A. Simmons
1950-52 R. W. J. MacDermott
1952-53 C. H. Murphy
1953-54 P. A. R. Calvert |
McNeill Medal
1908 R. J. L. O'Donoghue
1938 J. E. B. Greeves
1939 -
1940 T. G. Davis
1941 J. Angus
1942 M. F. G. Scott
1943 S. F. D. Orr
1944 C. T. M. Wilson
1945 -
1946 J. A. deM. Greeves
1947 J. K. Pringle
1948 J. D. McCaughey
1949 J. A. Patterson
1950 M. G. B. Browne
1951 -
1952 S. J. P. Lyttle
1953 J. C. Kernohan |
McMordie Medal
1938 T. T. Fulton
1939 J. D. B. McKibbin
1940 -
1941 -
1942 -
1944 R. P. Smiles
1945 F. D. M. Long
1946 W. M. Magee |
1947 P. G. Newman
1948 -
1949 T. J. Hall
1950 -
1951 J. K. Scott
1952 H. S. Stevenson and M. J. R. Allan
1953 - |
Dufferin Medal
1938 T. H. Lyle
1939 J. C. Driscoll
1940 J. N. H. Hay
1941 G. F. Magee
1942 -
1943 M. W. McDowell
1944 J. M. Lyle
1945 -
1946 - |
1947 -
1948 -
1949 -
1950 -
1951 H. S. Stevenson
1952 F. P. de'E Pyle and J. McB. Stevenson
1953 C. St. G. Sides and R. St. G. Sides |
S. A. Bennett Memorial Prize
1938 C. P. Williamson
1939 W. H. Rutherford and S. A. W. Waters
1940 F. R. Wilson
1941 -
1942 C. T. M. Wilson
1943 V. N. McElderry
1944 J. A. deM. Greeves
1945 - |
1946 R. J. Simms
1947 H. A. K. Charlesworth
1948 N. D. Kilpatrick
1949 I. S. McDowell
1950 L. B. Archibald
1951 S. J. P. Lyttle
1952 J. R. G. Woods
1953 R. C. Kennedy
Niall Nelson Prize
1938 H. McC. Giles
1939-42 -
1943 S. F. D. Orr
1944 S. F. D. Orr
1945 R. D. Montgomery
1946 J. D. McCaughey
1947 R. Scott and A. R. Whelan |
1948 R. Scott
1949 A. R. McFarland
1950 I. S. McDowell
1951 S. S. Johnston
1952 J. N. Gardner
1953 J. C. Kernohan
John Bartley Verse Prize
1934 J. H. Lyle
1935-36 and 37 G. H. Connor
1938-39 T. H. Lyle
1940 J. N. H. Hay
1940-41 S. N. H. Henry
1944-45 R. D. Montgomery
1946 J. D. McCaughey |
1947 R. W. Bentham
1948 J. D. McCaughey
1949 T. P. McCaughey
1950 R. M. Wright
1951-52 J. H. Lyde
1953-54 P. A. R. Calvert
1939 D. H. Houston
1940 B. V. H. Tweedie
1941 C. D. Rennison
1942 J. P. Ellison
1943 C. D. Levis
1944 C. D. Levis
1945 R. H. A. Boyd
1946 R. C. Bloomfield |
1947 P. W. F. Gribbon
1948 T. A. McGrath
1949 D. M. Barrie
1950 M. McGrath
1951 P. T. Linton
1952 H. T. B. Burrowes
1953 R. W. Barry
1954 |
The Annual Swimming Match against the Belfast Battalion of the
Boys' Brigade for a Shield, presented in 1930 by the B.B. has been
won by each side eleven times. |
1939 W. H. Rutherford
1940 C. D. Nodder
1941 H. B. Bradshaw
1942 W. D. K. Wilson
1943 G. B. Hanna
1944 S. F. D. Orr
1945 H. D. McF. Carson
1946 P. C. Rutherford |
1947 W. S. Crawford
1948 P. R. B. Pedlow
1949 H. T. McMillen
1950 B. K. Gray
1951 A. Bruce-Cross
1952 A. Bruce-Cross
1953 R. W. Barry
1946-47 W. S. Crawford
1947-48 M. McCutcheon
1948-49 A. G. Taylor
1949-50 F. Campbell |
1950-51 J. L. Bamford
1951-52 J. C. Leathem
1952-53 J. B. A. Stafford
1953-54 A. G. Goligher |
1939-40 |
M. H. M. Leggett (capt.)
J. C. Lawson
Q. Y. Lawson
R. M. T. Osborne
J. S. J. Swales
B. V. H. Tweedie
J. D. Young
Q. Y. Lawson (capt.)
T. G. Davis
J. G. Lawson
H. W. H. Shepperd
H. Stone
D. B. Stuart
B. V, H. Tweedie
I. Wilson |
1940-41 J. G. Lawson
1941-42 H. W. H. Shepperd
1946-47-48 T. A. McGrath
The Boxing Matches against Portora R. S. were continued until 1942
when the match had to be cancelled owing to illness. They have not
been resumed since.
First Match, 1923 Fought 1
Won 6 Lost 3
Drawn 3 |
While the School was at Portrush there was a Prefect in charge of
1941-42 W. E. Flewett
1944-45 J. A. Carr
1942-43 R. G. Stevenson
1945 W. M. Magee
1043-44 A. V. Henderson |
CADET FORCE The records of
the Officers' Training Corps up to 1938 are included in the 1938 edition of
this Register.
The War brought many changes. In May,
1940, a Platoon of the L.D.V. was formed, which in June, 1941, became a
Platoon of the Ulster Home Guard. Until his joining the Army in 1943,
this Platoon was Commanded by Lieut. E. C. Cumming. It was disbanded
in September, 1944.
In September, 1941, a Flight of the A.T.C. was
formed under Flying Officer T. F. A. Ragg. The Flight was disbanded in
September, 1947. While the School was at Portrush a Platoon of the
Contingent was maintained at Cabin Hill, which in wartime kept some boys for
the whole of their school careers.
In September, 1940, the Contingent ceased to be
an Officers' Training Corps. and became a Junior Training Corps. Its
status was again changed in August, 1948, when it became a Combined Cadet
Force: as such it maintains R. N., Army and R.A.F. Sections.
Its strength has steadily increased, and is, in
1954, 9 Officers and 320 Cadets.
In 1951 the Contingent furnished a Guard of Honour on the occasion of the
Presentation by Her Majesty The Queen of a Royal Charter to the School.
1933 - September, 1939
September, 1939 - November, 1940
November, 1940 - April, 1942
April, 1942 - January, 1943
January, 1943 - September, 1944
September, 1944 - September, 1946
September, 1946 - July, 1947
July, 1947 - September, 1948
September, 1948 |
Major C. S. Haslam
Major C. A. Bowen
Captain C. E. Passey
Lieutenant E. C. Cumming
Captain C. E. Passey
Captain G. T. Taylor
Major W. J. Ricketts
Captain G. T. Taylor
Major J. H. Lytle |
Staff Instructors: |
1946- |
Sergeant-Major P. R. Drake
Sergeant-Major A. G. Miller
Regimental Sergeant-Major P. R. Drake |
Company Sergeant-Majors:
September, 1938
September, 1939
September, 1940
January, 1941
September, 1941
March, 1942
September, 1942
May, 1943
September, 1943
September, 1944
November, 1944
July, 1945
September, 1945
September, 1946
September, 1947
September, 1949
September, 1950
September, 1951
September, 1952
September, 1953 |
K. H. Marshall, M. H. M. Leggett
C. D. Nodder, G. B. S. Jackson
J. D. B. McKibbin
W. H. Graham, A. H. Campion
F. R. Wilson
P. T. Monard
M. F. G. Scott
R. G. Stevenson
S. M. Johnston
C. T. M. Wilson
R. H. A. Boyd
J. C. MacDermott
J. S. Harpur
W. A. McCaughan
H. T. McMillen (2 years)
B. K. Gray
S. T. Mallon
C. O. Eaton
R. K. Carruthers
D. W. M. Irons, C. R. N. Hannigan |
Company Quartermaster-Sergeants: |
September, 1938
March, 1939
January, 1940
January, 1941
September, 1941
September, 1942
September, 1943
January, 1945
September, 1945
September, 1946
September, 1947
September, 1948
May, 1949
September, 1949
September, 1950
September, 1951
September, 1952
May, 1953
September, 1953 |
J. G. A. Small
B. T. Crymble
T. G. Davis
C. W. Jenkins
H. W. H. Shepperd
R. G. Stevenson
W. McC. Taylor
J. E. Cowdy
R. F. Warnock
J. B. Hanna
V. H. A. Black
C. J. N. McNeill
H. A. K. Charlesworth
W. I. McKibbin
J. A. Hawke
H. S. Stevenson
G. M. Hill
G. B. Clarke
R. N. Gordon |
Pipe-Majors: |
September, 1938
September, 1939
January, 1940
September, 1940
January, 1941
September, 1941
March, 1942
September, 1942
September, 1943
September, 1944
September, 1945
September, 1946
January, 1947
September, 1947
September, 1948
September, 1949
September, 1950
September, 1951
September, 1952
September, 1953 |
J. E. Pyper
D. H. Houston
B. V. H. Tweedie
W. H. Graham
A. A. W. Hill
P. T. Monard
W. J. Caithness
J. R. Williams
A. V. Henderson
G. I. McMurray
P. C. Rutherford
R. H. Hanna
M. S. S. Collier
J. D. McCaughey
C. J. H. Logan
J. K. Patterson
H. M. Duff
B. W. A. Tyrrell
T. B. A. Gorman
W. A. Campbell |
Positions occupied by the Ashburton VIII Cadet Pair and Veterans
"A" Team:- |
Ashburton |
Cadets |
Veterans |
1953 |
63 |
21 |
- |
1939 |
R. K. Hay (capt.)
R. G. Patton
H. McC. Giles
G. Dougan
K. H. Marshall
R. M. T. Osborne
J. G. A. Small
D. K. McCaldin |
H. McC. Giles (capt.)
D. K. McCaldin
R. M. T. Osborne
Q. Y. Lawson
R. G. Curtis
J. E. Pyper
M. B. McIlroy
D. F. A. Hollywood |
War Period and following, when colours
were not awarded:
Captains |
1940 Q. Y. Lawson
1941 I. Wilson
1942 H. W. H. Shepperd
1943 J. R. Williams
1944 S. M. Johnston |
1945 G. I. McMurray
1946 J. S. Harpur
1947 J. K. Pringle
1948 and 1949 H. T. McMillen |
1950 |
1951 |
G. D. J. Howard (capt.)
J. A. Hawke
A. F. Wood
J. M. A. C. Brown
A. R. Waters
A. E. S. McMillen
G. B. Clarke
P. W. Jackson |
J. A. Hawke (capt.)
A. F. Wood
R. K. Carruthers
G. B. Clarke
T. B. S. Gorman
A. E. S. McMillen
S. T. Mallon
G. C. Martin |
1952 |
1953 |
R. K. Carruthers (capt.)
G. B. Clarke
T. B. S. Gorman
G. B. McSpadden
J. E. Galway
G. M. Hill
M. F. Hill
M. F. Ashby
A. Banham |
R. K. Carruthers (capt.)
G. B. Clarke
T. B. S. Gorman
J. E. Galway
M. F. Ashby
G. A. H. Heaney
S. A. Marshall
J. C. F. S. McNeill
Cadet Pair
1950 |
R. G. Curtis
H. B. Blackwell-Smyth
J. E. Galway
G. M. Hill
F. B. Goodson
F. R. Maynard |
R. K. Carruthers
G. D. McSpadden
J. Anderson
F. D. L. Kane |
The first inter-school football
match was played on November, 3rd, 1894, against the Royal Belfast
Academical Institution, who won by two tries to nil. The School
played in the Ulster Schools' Cup Competition from 1897 to 1901, from
1908 to 1933, and from 1944 to the present. In the forty seasons
in which the school has entered, the Cup has been won twelve times,
shared twice and won but not claimed once.
Inter-school matches up to and including 1953-54
Played |
Won |
Lost |
Drawn |
Aband |
Pts For |
Pts Agnst |
Dungannon R.S.
Armagh R.S.
Foyle College
Portora R.S.
Coleraine A.I.
Ballymena Academy
Blackrock College
Rainey E.S.
Lurgan College
Grosvenor H.S.
Portadown College
Belfast H.S.
Omagh C.B.
Bangor G.S.
Banbridge Academy
Down H.S.
St. Columba's College
Bedford School
Bromsgrove School
St. Edward's School, Oxford
Ellesmere College |
1 |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
11 |
3 |
Football Teams |
1938-39 |
1941-42 |
1944-45 |
J. W. Huet (capt.)
A. H. W. Ball
S. H. C. C. Fraser
W. N. Hanson
D. H. Houston
G. B. S. Jackson
D. K. McCaldin
K. H. Marshall
A. C. Nevill
H. D. D. O'Neill
R. M. T. Osborne
W. H. Rutherford
B. V. H. Tweedie
J. D. Young
J. G. A. Small |
C. D. Rennison (capt.)
P. W. D. Bion
W. J. Caithness
F. S. Collier
V. J. S. Collier
A. Duff
J. P. Ellison
W. P. McCaughey
P. T. Monard
D. H. Oswald
R. H. T. Rea
S. J. Rhodes
I. C. L. Tweedie
W. D. K. Wilson
R. F. Warnock (capt.)
R. H. A. Boyd
S. A. Boyd
H. D. McF. Carson
G. C. Dickson
W. A. Hanna
J. S. Harpur
J. C. MacDermott
G. I. McMurray
M. D. Magill
H. B. Mercer
W. W. Stevenson
D. A. Townley
C. R. Whitfield
C. T. M. Wilson |
1939-40 |
1942-43 |
1945-46 |
G. B. S. Jackson (capt.)
A. H. Campion
T. G. Davis
W. N. Hanson
L. J. M. Hewson
D. H. Houston
D. K. McCaldin
S. W. McDowell
J. M. Maitland
G. A. Marshall
W. L. Megaw
A. C. Nevill
C. D. Nodder
B. V. H. Tweedie
J. P. Young |
W. D. K. Wilson (capt.)
V. J. S. Collier
W. H. O'D. Deeves
J. P. Ellison
G. B. Hanna
T. M. J. Hay
S. M. Johnston
J. S. Knowles
C. D. Levis
E. J. G. McKean
M. D. Magill
J. F. Morrison
R. G. Stevenson
I. C. L. Tweedie
C. T. M. Wilson |
R. F. Warnock (capt.)
G. C. Dickson
J. B. L. Donaldson
D. M. Ellis
G. M. Greeves
J. A. deM. Greeves
P. W. F. Gribbon
J. B. Hanna
R. H. Hanna
B. A. Harkness
J. S. Harpur
T. R. M. McKee
C. R. Megaw
J. B. Metcalfe
P. C. Rutherford |
1940-41 |
1943-44 |
1946-47 |
T. G. Davis (capt.)
P. W. D. Bion
W. J. Caithness
A. H. Campion
W. H. Graham
I. H. Heaney
J. Irwin
J. F. McClinton
J. D. B. McKibbin
T. J. P. F. Magill
W. L. Megaw
D. H. Oswald
C. D. Rennison
P. N. Ronaldson
I. Wilson |
F. S. Collier (capt.)
J. M. Caithness
V. J. S. Collier
G. L. Erskine
E. H. A. J. Goldsmith
J. S. Harpur
S. M. Johnston
W. H. Jordan
C. D. Levis
G. I. McMurray
A. J. Monk
W. McC. Taylor
D. A. Townley
R. F. Warnock
C. T. M. Wilson |
J. B. Hanna (capt.)
A. E. H. Anderson
M. S. S. Collier
E. G. Crombie
D. M. Ellis
P. W. F. Gribbon
B. A. Harkness
A. N. G. Johnston
C. F. G. Jones
W. A. McCaughan
M. McCutcheon
T. A. McGrath
T. R. M. McKee
R. J. Simms
W. A. S. Tanner |
1947-48 |
1949-50 |
1952-53 |
T. R. M. McKee (capt.)
A. E. H. Anderson
D. M. Barry
J. G. Carson
E. G. Cromie
D. M. T. Grant
R. H. R. Gun-Cuninghame
J. A. Hunter
A. N. G. Johnston
M. McCutcheon
T. A. McGrath
P. R. B. Pedlow
G. M. Thorpe
I. R. Wallace
J. Wilson
A. H. Lee (capt.)
J. M. Bloomfield
W. Boyle
J. M. A. C. Brown
F. Campbell
G. R. Clarke
J. G. Cloke
H. M. Duff
R. W. Kennedy
M. McGrath
J. M. McKelvey
A. C. Pedlow
B. W. Pinder
J. A. N. Turner
J. D. O. Wells
A. H. Armstrong
A. I. Frew |
D. W. M. Irons (capt.)
G. B. L. Brown
R. K. Carruthers
R. J. Doherty
J. J. B. Dowling
J. E. Galway
T. B. S. Gorman
T. J. Kennedy
R. J. C. Lyons
A. E. S. McMillen
J. W. Moffett
T. W. Pike
D. I. H. Simpson
T. P. Smyth
T. J. Whiteside
1948-49 |
1950-51 |
1953-54 |
C. J. H. Logan (capt.)
A. H. Armstrong
J. M. Bloomfield
W. Boyle
F. Campbell
G. A. Duncan
A. I. Frew
S. S. Johnston
A. H. Lee
W. I. McKibbin
J. W. Morrow
B. W. Pinder
J. A. N. Turner
I. T. D. Williams
J. Wilson |
R. W. Kennedy (capt.)
P. E. C. Archdale
J. M. Bloomfield
J. M. A. C. Brown
G. R. Clarke
H. M. Duff
A. I. Frew
D. W. M. Irons
S. S. Johnston
P. T. Linton
J. M. McKelvey
D. J. B. Michael
W. D. Murphy
A. C. Pedlow
J. A. N. Turner |
D. W. M. Irons (capt.)
J. T. Bamber
R. J. Doherty
J. E. Galway
W. M. B. Johnston
T. J. Kennedy
T. J. N. Laverty
H. D. McC. Lyttle
R. J. McGladery
A. E. S. McMillen
J. M. Miller
J. W. Moffett
T. K. Pedlow
W. P. Tedford
T. J. Whiteside |
1951-52 |
G. R. Clarke (capt.)
M. J. R. Allan
P. E. C. Archdale
P. J. F. Baskett
A. Bruce-Cross
H. T. B. Burrowes
R. K. Carruthers
C. O. Eaton
T. C. Foster
T. B. S. Gorman
D. W. M. Irons
J. C. Leathem
J. R. P. McCleery
J. W. Moffett
T. P. Smyth |
The first inter-school cricket
match was played on June 1st, 1895, against the Royal Belfast Academical
Institution, who won by 133 runs, scoring 169 for 2, to 36. The
first match played in England was against Dulwich College, in 1924, the
result being a draw. The Eleven has toured in England and
Scotland, the latter since the recent war, but because of expense and
the difficulty of fitting in with Corps camp, the tour has ceased
to be an annual event.
Inter-school Cricket Matches up to and including
Played |
Won |
Lost |
Drawn |
Tied |
Dungannon R.S.
St. Columba's College
Armagh R.S.
Portora R.S.
Belfast R.A.
Coleraine A.I.
Foyle College
Regent's House School
Bromsgrove School
St. Edward's School, Oxford
Wrekin School
Merchiston Castle
Fettes College
Glenalmond |
1 |
- |
- |
1 |
- |
1938 |
1942 |
1946 |
T. T. Fulton (capt.)
A. H. W. Ball
R. G. Erskine
S. H. C. C. Fraser
G. W. Houston
J. W. Huet
G. B. S. Jackson
I. E. C. McKee
T. M. Roulston
J. S. J. Swales
B. V. H. Tweedie |
H. W. H. Shepperd (capt.)
S. A. Boyd
A. V. Henderson
D. Hervey-MacLeay
C. T. N. Hill
M. W. McCorkell
D. D. Mack
P. T. Monard
A. J. Monk
R. H. T. Rea
I. C. L. Tweedie |
J. S. Harpur (capt.)
J. B. L. Donaldson
J. A. deM. Greeves
R. McG. S. Greeves
A. N. G. Johnston
T. A. McGrath
H. T. McMillen
W. M. Magee
W. E. E. Sirett
E. K. C. Tweedie
R. F. Warnock |
1939 |
1943 |
1947 |
J. W. Huet (capt.)
J. C. Driscoll
S. H. C. C. Fraser
H. W. Good
W. N. Hanson
G. B. S. Jackson
T. H. Lyle
G. A. Marshall
J. P. Quin
J. S. J. Swales
B. V. H. Tweedie |
R. H. T. Rea (capt.)
S. A. Boyd
W. O'D. H. Deeves
N. G. D. Ferguson
J. S. Harpur
T. M. J. Hay
A. V. Henderson
D. B. J. Lindsay
J. C. MacDermott
D. D. Mack
A. J. Monk |
A. N. G. Johnston (capt.)
R. W. Bentham
J. C. Dickson
R. McG. S. Greeves
R. H. R. Gun-Cuninghame
B. A. Harkness
G. A. C. Keenan
T. A. McGrath
J. F. Shaw
W. E. E. Sirett
V. H. Whyte |
1940 |
1944 |
1948 |
B. V. H. Tweedie (capt.)
T. W. T. Baillie
J. C. Driscoll
W. H. Graham
G. B. S. Jackson
F. K. McKee
G. A. Marshall
J. P. Quin
R. H. T. Rea
H. W. H. Shepperd
R. A. S. Sweet |
A. J. Monk (capt.)
S. A. Boyd
J. A. Carr
N. G. D. Ferguson
J. A. deM. Greeves
J. S. Harpur
T. M. J. Hay
A. V. Henderson
D. B. J. Lindsay
J. C. MacDermott
R. F. Warnock |
A. N. G. Johnston (capt.)
R. W. Bentham
F. Campbell
J. C. Dickson
R. McG. S. Greeves
R. H. R. Gun-Cuninghame
S. S. Johnston
J. M. McKelvey
B. W. Pinder
J. F. Shaw
G. M. Thorpe |
1941 |
1945 |
1949 |
T. W. T. Baillie (capt.)
D. Hervey-MacLeay
M. W. McCorkell
P. T. Monard
W. M. Patterson
R. H. T. Rea
P. N. Ronaldson
H. W. H. Shepperd
R. A. S. Sweet
I. C. L. Tweedie
F. R. Wilson |
S. A. Boyd (capt.)
J. A. Carr
J. A. deM. Greeves
J. S. Harpur
D. B. J. Lindsay
P. E. McCorkell
J. C. MacDermott
H. B. Mercer
H. F. D. Stevenson
R. F. Warnock
C. R. Whitfield |
J. C. Dickson (capt.)
R. A. Bailey
F. Campbell
J. B. Davis
R. McG. S. Greeves
S. S. Johnston
J. M. McKelvey
W. S. Mills
A. C. Pedlow
B. W. Pinder
J. F. Shaw |
1950 |
1951 |
1952 |
F. Campbell (capt.)
R. A. Bailie
J. D. Campbell
G. R. Clarke
J. B. Davis
C. O. Eaton
S. S. Johnston
J. M. McKelvey
T. Patterson
A. C. Pedlow
J. A. N. Turner |
S. S. Johnston (capt.)
G. R. Clarke
H. W. Hamilton
R. C. Lowry
J. M. McKelvey
A. C. Pedlow
P. H. Rainsford
J. M. Smyth
T. P. Smyth
J. A. N. Turner
J. Vint |
G. R. Clarke (capt.)
C. O. Eaton
H. W. Hamilton
J. H. Harkness
W. T. Morrow
J. R. Nesbitt
P. H. Rainsford
J. M. Smyth
P. J. Smyth
T. P. Smyth
J. Vint |
1953 |
T. P. Smyth (capt.)
I. S. W. Frost
H. W. Hamilton
J. H. Harkness
D. W. M. Irons
W. M. B. Johnston
J. W. Moffett
J. R. Nesbitt
P. J. Smyth
J. B. A. Stafford
J. Vint |
Hockey Sevens were played from
1901 to 1909. An Eleven played matches in 1902 and 1908.
Hockey was revived as a school game in 1934.
1939 |
1941 |
1943 |
J. E. Pyper (capt.)
B. T. Crymble
W. C. Duff
S. H. C. C. Fraser
J. W. Huet
G. B. S. Jackson
W. N. Maitland
H. D. D. O'Neill
W. H. Rutherford
K. B. C. Williams
J. D. Young |
A. H. Campion (capt.)
T. W. T. Baillie
A. B. Bradshaw
D. Hervey-MacLeay
J. J. McL. Hill
C. W. Jenkins
J. S. Knowles
H. B. Mercer
R. G. Stevenson
R. A. S. Sweet
F. R. Wilson |
R. G. Stevenson (capt.)
H. D. McF. Carson
E. R. A. J. Goldsmith
J. S. Harpur
A. V. Henderson
H. T. McCaughan
M. W. McCorkell
R. N. Moller
R. H. T. Rea
C. T. M. Wilson
W. D. K. Wilson |
1940 |
1942 |
1944 |
G. B. S. Jackson (capt.)
A. H. Campion
J. C. Driscoll
W. H. Graham
L. J. M. Hewson
D. F. A. Hollywood
C. T. Hurst
J. M. Maitland
M. J. F. Mathews
W. L. Megaw
H. K. Stephens
D. E. Stuart |
D. Hervey-MacLeay (capt.)
R. D. McF. Carson
J. J. McL. Hill
M. W. McCorkell
H. B. Mercer
R. N. Moller
R. H. T. Rea
H. W. H. Shepperd
R. G. Stevenson
R. A. S. Sweet
W. D. K. Wilson
H. B. Mercer (capt.)
R. C. Bloomfield
J. A. Carr
H. D. McF. Carson
H. I. S. Catherwood
E. J. H. A. Goldsmith
J. S. Harpur
A. V. Henderson
C. D. Levis
H. T. McCaughan
C. T. M. Wilson
1945 |
1949 |
1952 |
H. B. Mercer (capt.)
J. A. Carr
R. C. Bloomfield
J. A. Carr (two?)
H. E. McF. Carson
J. S. Harpur
P. E. McCorkell
J. C. MacDermott
G. I. McMurray
P. C. Rutherford
R. F. Warnock
C. T. M. Wilson |
J. F. Shaw (capt.)
C. H. Adams
R. A. bailey
J. B. Davis
C. O. Eaton
D. H. Fair
A. C. Johnston
A. R. McFarland
C. J. N. McNeill
J. A. Patterson
W. E. E. Sirett
B. W. A. Tyrrell (capt.)
W. Corry
N. A. S. Davidson
C. O. Eaton
J. K. McCall
W. McVicker
P. H. Rainsford
D. I. H. Simpson
J. M. Smyth
R. J. Whitla
J. B. Wills
1946 |
1950 |
1953 |
R. C. Bloomfield (capt.)
G. C. Dickson
J. S. Harpur
C. F. G. Jones
F. D. M. Long
W. A. McCaughan
T. A. McGrath
W. M. Magee
J. B. Metcalfe
P. C. Rutherford
R. F. Warnock
C. H. Adams (capt.)
R. A. Bailey
J. L. Bamford
W. Corry
J. B. Davis
C. O. Eaton
A. C. Johnston
I. A. D. Roulston
T. M. Scott
J. N. Tolerton
D. R. Wilson
R. M. Wright |
N. A. S. Davidson (capt.)
M. W. G. Archdale
R. W. Barry
R. A. Blackburn
J. B. Campbell
W. G. Jamison
R. T. R. McDowell
J. K. Moore
R. J. B. Singleton
P. M. Smyth
R. J. Whitla
1947 no hockey
1948 |
1951 |
1954 |
J. S. C. McKee (capt.)
C. H. Adams
R. W. Bentham
A. A. Craigie
C. O. Eaton
R. McG. S. Greeves
A. R. McFarland
M. G. C. MacKeown
J. A. Patterson
J. F. Shaw
E. D. P. Whelan |
C. O. Eaton (capt.)
J. L. Bamford
W. A. Brown
W. Corry
J. M. M. Dowie
J. K. McCall
W. McVicker
J. M. Smyth
J. N. Tolerton
B. W. A. Tyrrell
J. B. Wills |
R. A. Blackburn (capt.)
J. B. Campbell
J. L. Deane
R. P. S. Tarr
D. C. Irwin
H. Gray
J. C. Reid
K. W. Acheson
T. M. Davis
N. A. Spiller
E. J. Thompson |
Dicken was my
grandfather he died in 1954 in Tangiers, Morocco. His
own father Charles Gauntlett Dicken died in 1937 - Margaret