Patton Collection
this page - Postcards
page two
- Photos - Newspapers

1) 28th December 1906 Postmark Swanlinbar, Belturbet to Miss E. S. Patton,
Fairfield House, Derrylin, Via Belturbet - We will be with you on Sunday
"weather permitting". Many thanks for parcel rec'd. all right. Trust you are
all in fine form & Wishing you a "Bright New Year" What delicious snow there
is. Your loving Madge
2) 29th December 1907 Postmark none to Miss Ily Patton, Fair Field, Derrylin
P.O. - Dear Miss ?, many thanks for your photograph, it is a splendid
picture, you & miss Patton comes out very good, my very best wish to you all
for a bright & Happy New Year

1) 1st April 1908 Postmark Boston, Mass. to Miss Emily S. Patton, Fairfield,
Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland - Dear Aunt Ily, Hope you are well. I am
improving slowly but surly. Love to all from all. Your Niece Elizabeth
2) 11th August 1908 Postmark Belfast to Miss E. Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh - Dear Ely, Mother had a P.C. from Alf to-day but he
did not give their Bundoran address. She wants you to send it to her by
return, as she intends going to Bundoran to see Aunt while there. ??
3) 14th September 1908 Postmark Belfast to Mr. W. H. Graham, c/o Mr. Patton,
Fairfield House, Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh - We are having glorious rains here
to day, hope you will like this view. L. M.? K.
4) 21st September 1908 Postmark Toronto, Ont. to Master A. Cecil Patton,
Fairfield House, Derrylin P.O., Via Belturbet, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland - How
would you like a stroll in the park. It is a beautiful place. I am going
there today. How is everybody. Best respects & love to all. Your old friend.
M. ? S.
5) 17th October 1908 Postmark Belfast to Miss E. Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh - Dear Ily, David arrived alright. We are just in
from the football & ready for our tea, you need not expect him home for a
month, all well. ??
6) 1908 Postmark ? to Mr. Alfred Patton, Fairfield House, Derrylin, Co.
Fermanagh - You are a dear good boy to think of us, all are well, hoping
David & Uncle are all enjoying good health. My visitors are up at 6oc every
morning. She is quite happy drinking tea. Aunt Jane down yesterday. We left
her half way at home. ?????

1) 5th August 1909 Postmark Toronto, Ontario to Miss E. S. Patton, Fairfield
House, Derrylin P.O., Belturbet, Ireland - Oh! Ily, I do wish you could only
see those falls in reality. They are simply beautiful. I have been to see
them on the 1st inst. We had a jolly old time there. How are you all doing.
I am writing A. in a few days. I will soon be having holidays. Thurs. is a
wedding here on the 25th inst. This will be the third since I came here,
lucky kid ain't I. Good bye love & best wishes to all. Yours very sincerely
M. ? Soales(?) (Seales)
2) 18th August 1909 Postmark Belfast to Miss E. Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh - Dear Ily, Just a card to let you know our new
address is 32 Carmel Street, not 38 as per Mothers Letter. I trust you are
going to pay us a visit this summer, trusting all are well, do try and come
up for two or three weeks, you know how pleased we shall all be to have you
up here. Yours in haste. Harry Graham
3) 14th September 1908 Postmark Newcastle to Mr. W. H. Graham, c/o Miss E.
Patton, Fairfield House, Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh - ? ? Got home from Wpoint
alright, had a good time, we are down here just for the day. Glad to hear
you are enjoying yourself. Remember M. myself & I to all. What do you think
of the Whites Beat yesterday. Blues won again, great game. Davie
4) October 1909 Postmark Enniskillen to Mr. David Patton, Fairfield,
Derrylin P.O. - Dearest David, Just line to say I arrived safe, getting on
splendid. I expect for you to call for me on Tuesday when coming into town.
P.S. I intend leaving home soon. I wouldn't stop home any more, your
affectionate friend. Martha Walsh

1) 21st March 1910 Postmark Chelsea, Mass. to Mrs. Mary A. Patton,
Fairfield, Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland - Hope this will find your
health improved. Mildred, Fred, Lizzie Patton
2) 26th March 1910 Postmark Enniskillen to Miss Ely Patton, Fairfield,
Derrylin - Wishing you a happy Easter M. Walsh
3) 26th March 1910 Postmark Enniskillen to Miss Ely Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin P.O. - Lisgool. Dear Ily, Wishing yourself & all your people a very
pleasant Easter. Hoping Mr. Patton is keeping quite strong. Yours Jack
4) 6th August 1910 Postmark Sugarhill, N.H. to Miss Emily S. Patton,
Derrylin, Fermanagh Co., Ireland - Dear Aunt Ily, This is a picture of the
post office where I am spending my summer vacation up among the mountains.
It is a nice quite country place with plenty of fresh air to breath. I only
wish that papas mamma & the children were here to but they are not. With
best love to all. I remain ever your friend, Lizzie Patton. my address is
Sugar Hill, New Hampshire. I leave for home Sept. 12.
5) 27th October 1910 Postmark Toronto, Ontario to Miss ? S. Patton,
Fairfield House, Derrylin P.O., Co. Fermanagh - How is everybody around
Fairfield. Many thanks for papers. We have lovely weather here just now. I
may take a run home one day in the near future to see you all. Good-bye love
& best wishes to all. Yours as ? M. A. ?alls(?)
6) 21st December 1910 Postmark Chelsea to Miss Emily S. Patton, Fairfield,
Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland - With best wishes for a Merry Christmas &
a Happy New Year E. M. P.

1) 5th April 1911 Postmark Bundoran to Mrs. Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin P.O., Belturbet - I wish you were here as I feel very lonely, no
one down that we know. Its just pouring now, but was fine up to this. Yours
truly M. ? B.
2) 11th May 1911 Postmark Belfast to Alfred Patton, Esq., Derrylin, Co.
Fermanagh - This is the church I belong to. Hope you will keep your promise
next time in Belfast. L. B.
3) 19th May 1911 Postmark Na??? to D. Patton, Esq., Fairfield, Derrylin, Co.
Fermanagh, Ireland - ? Naples 19.5.11 Dear David, I hope you are A1 again,
and enjoying the good weather. I have had a splendid time myself since I
left Erin. I am now a week on sea. On yesterday I passed by the "Photo"
Marseilles is a lovely town. Lisnaskea is not in it. We shall be in Naples
tomorrow morning. Remember me to all. Yours ? ?
4) 3rd August 1911 Postmark Galway to Miss Ily Patton, Fairfield, Derrylin,
Co. Fermanagh - Dear Miss Ily, I hope you are all well. I am having great
times with my cousins. How is Mrs. Patton, Miss Patton, Mr. David & Alby.
Bertha 9 Eyre Square, Galway
5) 9th August 1911 Postmark Bundoran to Miss Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin P.O., Belturbet, Co. Cavan - I wish you were here, we could have
come fine walks together, weather very good, very truly, M. J. B. or M. & B.
6) August 1911 Postmark Bundoran to Miss E. S. Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin P.O., Belturbet, Co. Cavan - do come down if only for a day. I'm
killed walking about & I know you would enjoy yourself. How are all, hope
well, yours guess who.
7) 2nd September 1911 Postmark Lisnaskea to Miss Ily Patton, c/o Miss M.
Kinley, 2 Summerhill House, Bundoran - Lisnaskea Hoping you are enjoying
yourself in this lovely weather. All well & in the best of form. Hoping you
got my letter. Stan Amarth(?) & D. P.
8) 2nd September 1911 Postmark Derrylin to Miss Patton, 2 Summerhill House,
Bundoran, Co. Donegal - Many thanks for your nice P.C. We are all glad to
know you are both well. We had grand times at the bazaar. They made
something like £110 at the bazaar. It wasn't closed until Thursday. Sorry I
can't get down. Hope you & mother will enjoy yourselves lovely. home today
putting in our hay, best love, M. ? B.
9) 21st December 1911 Postmark Culkey, Enniskillen to Mr. Alfred Patton,
Fairfield House, Derrylin - Wishing you many compliments of the Season.
Yours Affectionate friend J. nas??

1) 22nd December 1911 Postmark Chelsea, Mass. to Mrs. Mary Anne Patton,
Fairfield, Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland - Dear Grandma, May your
christmas be full of joys and gods blessings. With best wishes and love from
all. Lizzy Patton
2) 22nd December 1911 Postmark Chelsea, Mass. to Miss Emily S. Patton,
Fairfield, Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland - Dear Aunt Sly, We wish you all
a very merry christmas and a happy new year. With best wishes and love from
us all, your loving niece C. M. Patton
3) 23rd December 1911 Postmark Navan to Miss Ily Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh - With all good wishes for a right Happy Xmas from
Maud S, Greer
4) 23rd December 1911 Postmark Lisnaskea to Miss Ily Patton, Fairfield,
Derrylin - With best wishes for a very happy & prosperous new year to you &
years. K.B.
5) 23rd December 1911 Postmark H? to Miss Emily Patton, Mullanceny(?),
Derrylin, Belturbet, Co. Cavan - wishing you a happy xmas from Jim Annesley
6) 24th December 1911 Postmark Lisnaskea to Mr. C. Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin - With all good wishes for a pleasant Xmas. A Friend
7) 24th December 1911 Postmark Culkey, Enniskillen to Mr. David Patton,
Fairfield House, Derrylin - Dear D. Received your Xmas card, glad all are
well, Tom is not doing much, at the photos this last couple months, still
working at the rooms. Wishing you a merry xmas and bright new year. Yours
ever M. Walsh

1) 5th January 1912 Postmark Lisnaskea to Mr. B. Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin, Co. Fer. - Thursday. Wishing you a very Bright New Year. Kindest
Regards from S. T. K.(?)
2) 6th April 1912 Postmark Lisnaskea to Miss E. Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh - With love from Bertha
3) 22nd August 1912 Postmark ???gwood to Miss E. S. Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin P.O., Co. Fermanagh, Ireland How are you all. I often sit & think
of you. I have rambled quite a was since I saw you last. However I hope to
ramble back again one day. My baby is fine, just imagine we with a boy
walking around. We call his "Ernest Raymond" Love & best wishes to all. M.
E. Ma???? Formerly Miss Seales?
4) 17th October 1912 Postmark Lisnaskea to Mr. D. Patton, Derrylin,
Enniskillen - Hoping ye are dandy & fine. Wishing ye a happy
Hallowene. Yours as Ever
5) 21st December 1912 Postmark Brookeborough to Mr. David Patton, Fairfield,
Derrylin - Greenhill, Brookeboro, Co. Fermanagh. Dear Mr. Patton, I am
sending you a line hoping you will have a merry xmas. I hope you's are all
well as all is well at present here, do not be long to you are up, tell your
brother we were asking for him. My Mother sends her best wishes to you.
Wishing you a very merry christmas, with all regards from W. Johnson. The
lions are here yet and still hungry.
6) 24th December 1912 Postmark Lisnaskea to Miss Ily Patton, Fairfield ,
Derrylin - To wish you all a happy Christmas from Bertha

1) 1st January 1913 Postmark Lisnaskea to Mr. D. Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin - Wishing you every Happiness & Prosperity in the New Year. Kindest
Regards from "Somebody"
2) 22nd July 1913 Postmark Bundoran to Miss Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin P.O., Co. Fermanagh - Donegal House. I trust my dear Friend Miss P.
is getting better, I only wish Mother was here. It was very wet up till
today & its just fine now. Mrs. Balintine was asking for you all. Hope to
soon have good news about Sister. M. ? ?
3) 31st December 1913 Postmark Lisnaskea to Mr. A. C. Patton, Fairfield
House, Derrylin - 31st December 1913 With best wishes for a very bright &
prosperous new year, from A. well wisher
4) 14th October 1914 Postmark Culkey, Enniskillen to Master A. Patton,
Fairfield, Derrylin P.O., via. Enniskillen, Fermanagh Co. - Dear Alf, ? ?
will you be down this way soon, if not, please let me know and I'll send
some. Hoping you are all fine. ? ? Walsh

1 2
1) 5th July 1914 Postmark Sligo to Mr. A. Patton, Fairfield House, Derrylin
P.O., via Belturbet - Sligo, Sunday. Dear Alfred, I am having a fine day
here to-day, hoping you are quite well. Yours J. E. Walsh
2) August 1915 Postmark Rathmines to Mrs. Patton, Fairfield House, Derrylin
P.O., Co. Fermanagh - 16 Charleston Avenue, Rathmines. I trust you are quite
recovered by this & able to be out, also Miss P. I hope she won't work to
hard, great times here, weather not so very bad. I'll soon be down to see,
your old Friend. M. Browne
3) 19th December 1915 Postmark Enniskillen to Mr. A. Patton, Fairfield
House, Derrylin P.O. - Lisgoole, Culkey. Dear Alfy, Just a line to say I
received your beautiful present. Thanking you very much. Hopeing that you
are all quite well. Your Affect. Friend M. Walsh
4) 1st September 1916 Postmark Bundoran to Mr. David Patton, Fairfield,
Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh - Manchester Lodge, Friday. I won't be back until
Sunday. Will you please ask your brother to go to Lisnaskea to-morrow. We
are having fine sport. Was out sea fishing & caught over 3 doz. mackerel.
Hope to see you on Monday. Kind regards. R. Richardson
8th September 1916 Postmark Bray to Miss Ily Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh - Dear Ily, Was sorry I didn't see you the day I
came away - Was not able to walk down. We are having a nice time in Bray for
a month, the weather is changeable but warm. Wish you were here, you would
get a rest. Remembrances to all & love to yourself. W. Anna(?)
6) 12th September 1917 Postmark ? to Mr. Alfred Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh - Temperance Hotel, Bundoran 12.9.17 - Arrived here
lately, delighted to get your letter, Mother went home yesterday, got very
bad weather, hurry up and come down, good fine days when the weather is good
and a young lady from Clones with me. Speaking to ???? Boardsman, asking for
you, hoping to hear from you soon, Lewie

1) 13th August 1937 Postmark Cillairne to Mr. D. Patton, Fairfield,
Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh - Thursday. Arrived here 4 pm after covering 310
miles. Lakes very pretty but Lough Erne not far behind, weather very warm,
will return when cash done. R. Hope you are well.
2) 27th September 1937 Postmark Bangor to Mr. David Patton, Fairfield,
Derrylin P.O., Enniskillen - Having a grand time, the weather is lovely, you
missed it, didn't come on with me to Bangor we would have had a good time.
3) 4th August 1938 Postmark Glasgow to Miss Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh, N. Ireland - Am spending three days at the
Exhibition. It is very interesting & well worth visiting. Hope David is
keeping better. Daddy has not been so well recently. Love Sadie
4) 10th August 1938 Postmark Glasgow to D. Patton, Esq., Fairfield,
Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh, N. Ireland - Glasgow, Wednesday. Arrived here 9
last night. Weather splendid. Exhibition so large would take days to see all
properly. Kind regards. R. R.
5) 27th September 1938 Postmark Bangor to Mr. David Patton, Fairfield,
Derrylin, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh - Bangor. Having a very nice time here.
The weather has been beautiful. Hoping you get on alright on Sat. Will D.V.
see you some time soon. Cheerio Gilian?
6) 1938 Postmark Largs, Ayrshire to Miss Patton, Fairfield House, Derrylin,
Co. Fermanagh, Northern Ireland - We are staying in Largs Ayrshire for a
little holiday. I'm writing this on a Steamer sailing down the Clyde through
the Kyles of Bute & its beautiful. Scotland is lovely with all its hills &
lakes. We return on Saturday to the work again. Hope Mr. Patton is keeping
good. Yours M. & W. Crawford

1) 21st July 1939 Postmark Baile Atha Cliath to Miss Patton, Fairfield
House, Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh - Carrig Eden, Greystones, Co. Wicklow. We
are having a nice holiday here. The weather is lovely. We visited Vale of
Avocat Glendalough to-day. Hope this finds David & you well. Love Sadie
2) 8th August 1939 Postmark Bundoran to Miss Eileen Patton, Fairfield,
Derrylin P.O. - Well Miss Patton, Just a few lines as promised. I am having
a good time, we are staying Sea View House and we are very comfortable. How
is Mr. Patton, tell him I was asking for him. Bye Bye Bridie(?)
3) 25th June 1940 Postmark Garran An Ghabhlain to Miss Patton, Fairfield
House, Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh, N.I. - We are down here for a wee change and
are having beautiful weather & a great ? Hope all are well. W. & M. Crawford
4) 6th September 1940 Postmark Sago, Maine to Mr. David Patton, Fairfield,
Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh, Northern Ireland - The second cottage is where Ella
and the children are spending the summer. It is very beautiful especially
today after a strong northeast wind. Have had a fine long vacation, spent
two weeks at Cape Cod and several here. We hope all is well with you both.
Love from us all. Marion Patton
5) 7th September 1940 Postmark Bundoran to Miss Patton, Fairfield, Derrylin
- Dear Miss Patton, Just a card to let you know that I am well buy
buy Bye-bye Bridie

1) 23rd July 1946 ? to Miss Patton, Fairfield House, Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh
- We have had a very pleasant holiday here despite the weather and intend
going home next Tuesday. Bungalow marked x is where we are staying. Hoping
this finds David & you well. Love Sadie
2) 7th August 1954 Postmark Exeter, Devon to Miss M. J. Elliott, 49 Irwin
Drive, Strandtown, Belfast, N. Ireland - Having a grand tour with good
weather on the whole. We passed through Plymouth yesterday to Paignton, and
saw the illuminations at Torquay last night. Moving on to Bath via Exeter
to-day. Love Audrey
3) 10th August 1954 Postmark Rothesay to Miss M. L. Elliott, 41 Irwin Drive,
Strandtown, Belfast, N. Ireland - Rothesay, Monday. Having a very nice time
here. The scenery & weather is beautiful. I don't think I will be able to
see you as I will be rushing through Belfast going home. Love Tommy
4) 1st August 1957 Postmark Plymouth, Devon to Miss M. L. Elliott, 41 Irwin
Drive, Strandtown, Belfast, Northern Ireland - Thanks for the "Cat" a real
beauty, glad you enjoyed your holiday. Louie, Tom & Pat send you kind
regards. We are doing this trip on Friday. Yesterday we did Falmouth & the
Ligard?, it was beautiful, will write later, Love Freda
5) 3rd August 1957 Postmark Aberdeen to Miss M. Elliott, B.B.C. Ormeau
Avenue, Belfast, N. Ireland - Sat. How time flies! It doesn't seem almost a
week since we arrived. Went to Balmoral yesterday afternoon & had beautiful
view of Castle & Church. No rain since we came. Very misty this morning. M.

1) Postmark Sligo to Miss Patton, Fairfield House, Derrylin P.O., via(?)
Belturbet - Sligo, Sunday. Dear Ily, Having a lovely day here to day. Kind
regards to all. Yours E. W.
2) Miss Patton, Fairfield House, Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh, N. Ireland -
Inverness, Sat. Dear Ily, We have just arrived here after an 8 hour run from
Edinburgh. The scenery is beautiful especially the Pass of Killiecrankie.
Unfortunately it rained during the later half of the journey but we are
hoping it will clear up before long. Hope this finds you all well. Love
3) 1st September 190? Postmark Enniskillen to Miss Ily Patton, Fairfield
House, Derrylin P.O., Co. Fermanagh - Dear Ily, Just a line to say that
Mother wants yourself David & Alfred down on Sunday first. We shall best
assured that you will not disappoint, we are all quite well. Yours J. E.
4) 11th September 190? Postmark Bundoran to Miss Ily Patton, Fairfield
House, Derrylin - Thank you very much for the parcel you sent. I was very
pleased with it . I am enjoying myself on the sand, I only wish you were
here with me. Love from Bertha
5) Postmark Bundoran to Miss Patton, Fairfield, Derrylin - Hello Miss
Patton, how are you, we are all fine and we have great weather here, no
rain, tell ? and Alfie. I was asking for them. I suppose you have all the
hay home or will I be home for the shifting. Bye bye from Bridie
6) 11th December 190? Postmark ? to Mr. A. C. Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin P.O., Co. Fermanagh, Ireland - Wishing you all happiness in the
coming New Year. Love and best wishes to all. Yours as ever. Madge & S.
7) Mr. A. C. Patton, Fairfield, Derrylin, Via Belturbet - I will call at
Fairfield House next week. Hoping you are "O.K." From Guess Who
8) 11th May 19?2 Postmark ???mkeerin? to Mr. A. C. Patton, Fairfield House,
Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh - Hope you are doing well, any good times in
Enniskillen now. I am getting along splendid myself, I like this place well.
L. S??????
9) 29th ? to Mr. Alfred Patton, Fairfield House, Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh - I
believe I never answered your last card, I hope to be forgiven. I hope that
Minnie did not forget to tell you about Easter as we shall be expecting you
up for a few days as we are having a grand ball in Drum?????, don't forget.
Hoping all are quite well as we are at present. Lewis?

The Rest, Thursday. Dear Alfred, Just a P.C. hoping you are well, I have
been in Bangor for the last fortnight. I was just wishing you were here, we
should have had a jolly time. I am going home on Saturday & hope to hear
from you soon. I was watching for a letter every day, I had a card from M.
E? Vaughan but did not write as I came away without the address, we are
having lovely weather here now, I am quite sunburned. I must hurry now as I
am going out so will say good-bye. Yours sincerely J. Ross
2) Dear Babs, Just a card to let you know I got back O.K. Had a good
journey, and crossing. Hope this finds you well, will be writing a letter
later. Love G ? xxx

1) No. 1 Co. R.I.C., Depot, Dublin - Dear Alford, Just a card to say that I
have arrived here all right and I like this place first rate. I have met the
Creightons and young ?????? from Derrylin?, they are all in the best of
form. The drill is only childs play if one keeps his ears open and dose what
he is told. We have real summer weather here, since I came I haven't seen
one shower. I hope it is just as good in Fermanagh. There is a lot of
recruits here and they are turning them out as fast as they can to all parts
of Ireland. My time is up, I must close, hoping this finds you all in good
health? Please forgive scribble as I am in a hurry now. by by Best regards ?
C. A. ?
2) Mr. David Patton, Fairfield, Derrylin - With very best wishes for Xmas
and new year. Hoping you may feel thoroughly well and may enjoy tomorrow.
Kindest regards, R. Richardson
3) Mr. D. Patton, Derrylin, Enniskillen - How are ye
feeling this cold weather. It was no wonder that the B-Groom's love had got
cold. Yours as Ever
4) Mr. D. Patton, Fairfield, Ferrylin P.O., Enniskillen - Just down here for
today, & hope you are feeling well, also Miss Patton. This is a very nice
day & I am enjoying myself. F. E. Latimer
5) D. Patton, Esq., Fairfield House, Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh - Having a very
pleasant time here. Hope you are quite well. S.
6) With best wishes for a Merry Xmas & Happy New Year. From Baby Minnie &
Dav? to all
7) Postmark Roosendaal to Miss M. Elliott, 41 Irwin Drive, Belfast, N.
Ireland - In ?iddlbey(?) today, weather lovely
8) Bun An Phi? to Miss M. L. Elliott, c/o B.B.C., Ormeau Avenue, Belfast -
having a lovely holiday touring around. Met B. Andrews in Buncreed(?) Hope
you have a nice holiday. Come & see us soon in Ligoniel. Love Louie
9) Miss J. E. Holmes, 442a Newtownards Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - Hallo
there! Have just been on a bus trip, rather shaky in the buses. Plenty of
bananas & paw paws around here. We are going to market after lunch. Best
wishes to you. Louie
NEXT Patton -
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