Gracey Bible -
Photos and Letters
- Scott Letters
all arrived with me as one lot, not sure they originated together but
you never know
from auction in 2018
James and Rachel Gracey

James Gracey, Born on the 12th July,
Rachel Davidson, Born on the 3rd August 1866
William John Gracey, Born on the 16th January 1888
Samuel Davidson Gracey, Born on the 29th May 1889
James Gracey, Born on the 26th January 1891
Maggie McKaig Gracey, Born on the 11th December 1894
Elizabeth Davidson Gracey, Born on the 11th December 1894
Robert A. Matthews Gracey, Born on the 4th June 1899
James Gracey, Married on the 9th July 1886
Rachel Gracey, Married on the 9th July 1886
Robert A. Matthews Gracey & Harriet Gracey Married 4/6/1928

Church of Ireland Temperance Society Member's Card
Castlewellan Branch J. D. Kidd, Hon. Sec.
Address, Rectory Castlewellan
Name James Gracey In presence of J. D. Kidd
Date, May 5th 1909


Diocese of Dunmore, Parish of Castlewellan
Robert Andrew Matthews Gracey
Confirmed at St. John's Church, Newcastle
on June 2nd, 1913
Scott Letters
9th October 1902 from St. Nicholas Terrace, 30 Newport, Lincoln
My dearest Kathleen, We were so very sorry to hear your bad news, poor Mrs.
Scott must be very ill indeed. We do hope you will keep well whatever
happens. Please give our love to her & say how sorry we were to hear she was
ill. Auntie meant to write you herself this week, but this morning received
an invitation from Mrs. Appleby to go & stay with them for next week. There
is to be a missionary Exhibition at Newark next week & Mrs. Appleby is
having a lady who works in the Zenanas, to stay with her, Mabel & Lewis are
also helping at the Exhibition so altogether it will be very lively & I'm
sure Auntie will enjoy it. She will go on Saturday afternoon (D.V.) & is
anticipating a probably stay of a fortnight. Mrs. Appleby asked her to go
for the Exhibition week, but a week at Newark generally means a fortnight
you know, & it is two years since Auntie spent as much as a day at Mrs.
Appleby, Mary went back on Tuesday. She is looking very well now. She says
they may stay only a week at Bournemouth (Mrs. Bethell went there on
Tuesday) or they may Winter there. The day we all left poor old Gert, her
servant went home ill, & there's no prospect of having her back at present.
Since then they have all had bad colds & been quite poorly. I was to have
gone there on Saturday for the day but not unless all the colds were better,
however if they are all right Auntie says I may go & stay all the time she
is away if Gert would like. I expect a reply from the latter tomorrow so
will keep this letter & tell you what is to do. Gert had all their winter
things to make so will most likely be glad to have me. We do hope Oswald &
Katie are well. Please give our love to all friends & relations. Auntie sent
Mrs. Costello a packet to Wellington Park, thinking she would doubtless have
returned home. Fanny & Norah look so well now. They send their love to you.
So did Miss Hyett & Mrs. Hemsby/Hemsley when last I saw them. We had the
Harvest Festival last night with Mr. Carver to preach. Auntie bundled a
shawl over her & went (7-0 p.m.) & is no worse for it. She is hoping
sometimes to go to the Sunday evening service when it is a nice night, as
the gas does not smell like it used to do. She is really wonderfully well.
Mrs. Clarke (Mrs. A. Bishop's sister) says she looks younger than when last
she saw her, at least ten years ago. Last week we had Mrs. Appleby for the
day on Wed: & Mrs. A. Bishop, Mr. & Mrs. Clarke on Friday & a sea-fight
Misses Bellamy, Clark & Co. on Saturday so had quite a week. You will see by
the magazine there is plenty to do in the parish this Winter. I am to help
with the Girls' Club on Thursday evenings. Turner's Building is only down a
passage just across the road, so its not far away. It was quite pleasant
going over the district on our return, everyone seemed so pleased to have us
back, & Auntie was able to go over one half (her old one) herself & see all
her old friends. The church really looked very pretty last night. The
prevailing colours for the pulpit & chancel were mauve, green & white. I was
at church nearly all the day Friday. Auntie has had another letter from Mrs.
Appleby, & is to go there on Monday afternoon (D.V.) As Alice can manage
very well for Auntie, I am to go tomorrow afternoon as arranged, to Gert. We
had a letter from Will this morning saying the children were better & he &
Gert nearly so. Auntie sends much love to you & will try & write from
Newark, but if not, as soon as possible on her return. Mrs. Rice's C. M.S.
Sale is to be before Christmas so there's heaps to do yet. The long room was
in a dreadful mess. We have got the plaster & dust out of it, but it is not
really dry yet so is not to be occupied for the present. Much love dear,
trusting our heavenly Father will be with you in all this anxious time. Your
loving old Mil.
9th October 1902 - Burkwood? Avenue Bushwood? - My dear Oswald, I
received the telegram you forwarded to me conveying the sad news of the
death of your poor dear Mother and my beloved sister Louisa. It is a sad
blow to each and all of us. Your letter which I received on the 8th
commenting on her severe illness and no hope of her recovery has to soon
proved true. The poor thing bore up althrough the same hard will indeed.
Accept these hurried few lines, I expect to hear from you as to the Funeral
arrangements. Hoping you & Kathleen etc. are keeping well. Your ? Uncle
10th October - The Hayes House, Lye, Nr. Stourbridge - Dearest Kathleen, I
was indeed sorry to hear that dear Louisa was really gone, somehow I never
thought of her as being seriously ill, only very delicate. I am sure it was
a great comfort to you that she passed away without pain. Katie will miss
her very much indeed you all will for time to come - I have always had some
leaning toward elderly people - younger people cannot understand them until
they themselves are old. Thanks so much for writing to me - I should have
written at once but I had a boys birthday on hands. Oswald will feel lonely
now thinking of the days when he was a little fellow, so you will have to be
doubly good to him. I often think if your own dear Mother was alive how
proud she would be of you and her grandchild. I shall write to you some
other time, though indeed I have little to say. Your affectionate Cousin
10th October 1902 - 53 Heytesbury Street - My very dear Kathleen, We are
with you ? Oswald in your great sorrow and sympathize Lovingly with both
your letter this morning was a great shock and grief. I cannot realize it,
Surely it must have been sudden our dear letter soon Her Heavenly Father has
taken to join Mary loved ones and ? ? ? Saviour for ????? may the God of all
Comfort you both. Is there any thing we could do for you dear Kathleen. From
Arabella and Margaret in deep and loving sympathy, Margaret
10th October 1902 - St. Nicholas Terrace, 30 Newport or Park - Your letter
my dear has come as a great shock to me, although in your last you said dear
Grandma was ill in bed again. I could not realise she was so near going
home. I am sure it is a terrible shock to Oswald. I can't write lines so to
give my kind love and say how deeply I feel for ?, & I will write when I
feel more equal to it. I twill be a great blank for you after all these
months of nursing but we must be thankful that the end was painless &
peaceful. It would be wrong to wish the dear one back again. She is at rest
and we could not wish it otherwise knowing what she was passed through. I
can't write any more dear tonight but shall in a few days. Am sending you a
pair of gloves & hope they will fit, much love to you all and very much
sympathy from Your loving Auntie I. H. Hislop? P.S. I had a letter yesterday
from Mrs. Appleby asking me to go there on a visit, hope to go on Monday (D.V.)
10th October 1902 - Ollar Lodge, Ballyclare - My dear Mrs. Scott, I see from
today's paper that your Mother has entered into her rest. Accept my sympathy
in your bereavement, I trust she was not a great sufferer. It is so long
since I saw her. I hope you, Mr. Scott & Katie are well. I was sorry not to
get over to your sale of work, but I have been away from home so much this
year. I hope to call & see you one day when I am in Larne. With kindest
regards to Mr. Scott & yourself & loving sympathy, Believe me, Very
sincerely yours A. N. G. Beggs
10th October 1902 - 7 Windsor Gardens, Malone Road, Belfast - My Dear Mrs.
Scott, Mother asks me to write & thank you for your letter which arrived
last evg. & to tell you how sorry we all were to hear the sad news it
contained. I need hardly say you have all our sincere sympathy. We hope that
Mrs. Scott is bearing up under this great trial. Mother hopes to see you
personally very soon. With our united love. Yours affectionately Massie

10th October 1902 - Main Street - Dear Mr. & Mrs. Scott, We are thinking of
you, and simpathizing with you all the time. May the Great Comforter be with
you and speak Peace and Love to your hearts. Yours very Sincerely L. and M.

11th October - 20 Wilton? terrace, The Plains - With kindest sympathy to Mr.
& Mrs. Scott on the death of their dear Mother, from M. & J. Johnston.
11th October 1902 - 7 Avoca Terrace, St. Peter's Road, Cabra, Dublin -
Dearest Mrs. Oswald, I have only just heard this minute that dear Mrs. Scott
has passed away. It has given me such a shock that I can hardly write to
you. I was looking forward so much to seeing her again, & I can't realize
that I won't. I am sure you are in great trouble, so I am only writing you
a line to self & all & Mr. Scott that you have my deepest sympathy, you know
I loved her ?, & I feel that all of my greatest friends be gone. I am going
down to Omagh, perhaps when you have time you will write me a line, the
address will be c/o Mrs. I. Wilson, 13 Campsie Road, Omagh, Co. Tyrone. I am
slow? now. With much love & heartfelt sympathy. ? affectionately Chassie
11th October 1902 - Howth View, Dalkey, Co. Dublin - My dear Mrs. Scott, I
was so sorry to see in yesterday's paper the death of Mr. Scott's Mother. I
hope she did not suffer much at the last, you will require a good rest now,
as you have had a great deal of nursing. I was very sorry I did not see you
before we left Larne, but I thought you were away from home the week we
left, I have been here since a few days after we came home as there were
painters in University Square and Mr. Coates said I would be better away.
Will you give my kindest regards to Mr. Scott and tell him I sincerely
sympathise with him in his trial. With love to yourself and Katie. Believe
me, yours very truly E. Emily Coates
11th October 1902 - 2 Riverview Terrace, Banbridge - My dear Oswald, We read
just now in the paper with sorrow and sympathy for you & Kathleen of the
death of Cousin Louisa, your letter earlier in the week prepared us for the
end. For her one can only feel gladness, as for one of the saints of God,
fallen asleep in Jesus; one who has left the world better for her having
been in it. There are people here who even still remember her gratefully.
Tho' I saw so very little of her, I can never forget the feeling of
benediction & sweetness & purity her words & presence seemed to shed. You
especially & Kathleen & little Katie will miss her terribly & I need not
tell you how Ethel & I sympathize feel for you. Tho' in such a grief as this
each heart alone knoweth its own bitterness; no human sympathiser knows even
a little of anothers grief & that throws us back upon God who knows it all;
even the deepest grief that we only can half understand ourselves; but we
know that we can come without any reserve to Him, knowing that he knows
exactly our needs & will supply them. I had thought of wiring to you
now to know if I could relieve you tomorrow but I suppose you have made all
arrangements by this; If I had known in time enough I should have liked to
have been at the funeral which I suppose took place today. We shall remember
your two requests, only that one shall be answered now for you instead of
Cousin Louisa. May you have a very successful & fruitful time next week.
Ever yours most affectionately Jack
11th October 1902 - Riverview Terrace, Banbridge - My dear Kathleen, Having
heard so lately from Oswald that his Mother was failing fast we were
prepared for the sad news we saw in todays ? Times that she had passed away,
sad for those left to mourn & miss her but a glad & joyous entering into
Life for her and after her long illness & weakness one can only feel that
sorrow is selfish no matter how keenly we feel the black and I am sure you
will all miss her sorely, Oswald or Aswald of course especially, we feel
deeply for him but he knows where to look for comfort. How are you feeling?
I am sure you must be worn out, I wonder if you will be able to get away for
a day or two after a while as you must want a rest & you know how glad we
would be to have you here. I suppose all your time next week will be taken
up with the Mission which we hope will be greatly blessed. With much love &
deep sympathy for you all, Yours very affectionately Ethel G. Steele
11th October 1902 - 21 Keigley? Road - My dear Mrs. Scott, I see by
yesterdays' paper that your dear invalid is at rest, I know the blank her
death will make in your family circle, and we all sympathise with you and
Mr. Scott in your bereavement. Dear Mrs. Scott was so long in ill health,
for her it is a happy change, and in time you will be glad to think of her
free from all pain and suffering and "forever with the Lord" - I hope you
and Mr. Scott will not break down after such a heavy strain of anxiety and
nursing - we thought Mr. Scott looked very pale last Sunday. Mr. Atkinson
and ? ? returned from a ten day visit to London this morning, they join with
me in love and deep sympathy. Very sincerely yours Cherrie S. Atkinson
12th October 1902 - 7 Ovoca Terrace, St. Peters Road, Cabra - My dear Mrs.
Scott, It was only late last night that I heard of your terrible trouble.
Please accept my sincere sympathy to Mr. Scott and yourself. she suffered
such a lot that after all it was a happy release and to be with Him which is
far better. Mother has not heard of it yet. I must tell her to-day. She was
always so fond of her. In fact every one who came in contact with her. Take
care of yourself dear as I know you must have done a lot for her. With love
to Mr. Scott and yourself. Yours affectionately Edith Patterson
12th October 1902 - 4 Chelmsford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin - My dear Mrs.
Scott, I have only just heard that my dear, and always true, friend has gone
home, but you and Mr. Scott have much to console and comfort you in the
assurance that she is now happy and is done with all the suffering, and that
you were both dutiful, loving children to her. That was always her theme to
me, and we shared a good many little confidences, when we met. After all
it's but a little while, at most, till we all meet again (I hope) where
there will be no more ? with much love and sympathy, I am, dear Mrs. Scott
your loving friend Saul or Dave Paul? Patterson
13th October 1902 from 9 Bushfield Terrace, Donnybrook - My dearest Oswald,
I was very very sorry to see the notice in Irish Times of your dear mother's
death, what a loss to you, & how you must miss her, who was so genial & kind
& good & affectionate above all as a wife & mother, you & she were more like
brother & sister long ago than mother & son & I sympathize deeply with you
in your sorrow which is I am sure shared by Kathleen, whose comfort will be
treasured now, how different it is ? your poor Uncle William, whom I saw on
Sunday, he looked so desolate & lonely one could not help feeling sorry for
him, ? as he says the last of the family of brothers & sisters, it is very
sad for him to be so very much alone, but he seems disinclined to go to
visit any one, & your dear mothers' death will make him more bound? up in
himself than ever, he will miss her letters and he is so fond of you, he has
still some one to whom he can write. My oldest son who is in Provincial
Bank, Ballymena called to see you one of the ? holidays you ? I am sure who
T. Albert Morrow? could be, I was sorry he did not know of your mother being
with you, as she was probably in & would I am sure have been glad to see him
- she was a dear friend of my girlhood & I ? that she is gone but her work
was done & she is now enjoying her award, I was glad to hear she did not
suffer much at the end, with kindest regards for you & Kathleen, I remain
your fond Cousin Jane Morrow
13th October 1902 My dear Kathleen, There must have been some great
mistake, Jane never got Oswalds letter, none of us heard about Dear Aunt's
death till we read it in the Irish Times on Saturday the 11th, I went in to
town & told John I was with him when he sent the telegram. ? Mother is quite
upset about it as it was actually her greatest wish that John should be
there, she never forgets how good it was of Oswald to travel all night to
dear father's funeral, poor Oswald ? to think of so many things may have put
? group address, all well all the deal alls suffering ? ? I do wish I had
been ? that I could ? gave the time you asked me I was very fond of dear
Aunt & she was of me she was very true to those she loved she is with her
Saviour now and her dear husband who loved her so much you must be quite
worn out dear Kathleen I forgot to tell you that John was thinking of going
down on the Saturday to see Aunt herself she was so ill but was preweaked?
by something, from facing that day that was the 11th the day dear Aunt was
buried. I will write ? with love & sincere sympathy from ? ever yours L???
13th October 1902 - Tidworth House, Andover - Dear Mrs. Scott, I am
sincerely sorry to hear of the trouble which has come upon you & Mr. Scott.
I know that you have long been prepared for the ? which has been coming ?
for so many months, and that this hopelessness of ? ? disease makes death a
release ? poor suffered - but still when is does come it is always a shock &
a trial to those who are left behind, and I trust just with a few lines to
tell you that you are in my thoughts, and that I sympathise so much with you
both during this sad time. I have come through such deep waters myself
lately, that I think it makes we feel more for the sorrow of others - and
believe me that I will ???? trouble and ? my sympathy with you & with Mr.
Scott is jenuine (genuine) v. sincerely yrs. Helen? Barklie?
Kil? Ca? ? ? Oct 13th - My dear Mrs. Scott, ? ? ? ? Times of Saturday that
your dear Mothers life here is ended. I believe it was one of suffering &
patient endurance and a ? of much devotion and anxiety and care on you, well
I can understand it all as my Mother was dying for years of heart complain &
often I had to leave my husband & young children for months to go
attend her, but one has the comfort of knowing that every thing that could
be done was done for the comfort & ease of our dear ones & that the loss to
us is indeed happiness to them. When I thought how soon death comes to your
circle in the Rectory - as it came to me years ago. When after a few days
illness my oldest & only son died of c???? after much suffering. The whole ?
seems ? to me while I write and think of your sorrow - my son was nine years
old & such a strong boy but I am thankful that one of my children is indeed
safe with his saviour - I had two boys since then - but he was my only one
when he died. I hope Mr. Scott is bearing his grief ? for he has really no
time ? to mourn with all he must have to do. The ? ? a week - are ? one a
man might do ?, but we expect too much from our Clergymen. I also trust your
little girl is getting strong & well in Larne for the ? is & good. ? ?
Kindest Regards & ? ? ? my ???? very sincerely Bessie Mo??? do not trouble
yourself to reply
14th October 1902 - 46 Ulsterville Avenue, Lisburn Road? - My dear Mrs.
Scott, I saw today by the announcement in the paper that Mrs. Scott had
passed away. I am sure you will miss sadly for some time one who has been
for so long dependent on your care & love but yet in time you will feel
thankful that she is at rest for the last few years life must at many times
have been a great weariness to her. I was glad to hear from Mr. Scott on
Sunday that except for weakness Mrs. Scott did not suffer much, that is a
great maker for thankfulness, it is so hard to see suffering & not be able
to do anything to help. My Mother joins me in love & sympathy to Mr. Scott &
yourself. Yours affectionately I?sau Neill
16th October 1902 - Dunnottar House, Stonehaven, N.B. - My dear Mrs. Scott,
You have been much in my thoughts this last week, and I am writing just a
few lines to convey to you and Mr. Scott my most sincere and heartfelt
sympathy with you in your loss. I know how hard it is for us to part with
our loved ones, do take care of yourself, one is so apt to forget our health
at these sad times. I won't trouble you with a longer letter, again assuring
you of my true sympathy, with love, I am yours affectionately Fannie & Jack
20th October 1902 - 51 Barrowdale Road? Sefton Park, Liverpool - My dear
Kathleen, It is indeed with great sorrow I write in answer to yours
yesterday received, of course I knew the poor dear was ailing for a long
time, but it has come very sudden at the last to me, I did not like
constantly writing when she was not able to reply herself, but at the same
time I think I was about one of the last she did write to. I am so glad to
hear dear that she was quite prepared to go home, dear Louisa, she & I were
very close friends & altho. we are a long time separated our thoughts were
none the less for each other. I should very much like some little keep-sake
of hers no matter how trifling & would treasure it greatly for her sake.
Give Oswald both Richards & my kindest sympathy & joined in love to you,
ever yours sincerely Minnie Armstrong
8 Ireton Street, Botanic Avenue, Friday - Dear Kathleen, I could not tell
you how grieved I was when I got your letter this morning with the sad news
of poor Mrs. Scotts death & I feel very very sorry that I did not get down
to see her once more. After I wrote you that time in ? however? I went down
to Castlewellan & then up to Moira as I had promised Mr. Brownrigg, I fully
intended when I came back from Moira that I would go down & see Mrs. Scott
before Mr. Anderson came back from his holidays but when up at Moira I felt
my leg paining a little, the doctor said I would have to rest it & they made
me stay home until the end of the week, the doctor said I was better more if
I could stay. Mrs. Brownrigg was awfully kind, she made me stay in bed until
12 o'clock every day & the doctor put a bandage on my leg right & morning ?
& took me out driving with ? in the afternoons & said I would have to rest
it when I would go home, but when I came back I had to go about a little as
I had no one ? ? ? work & I was in bed three weeks as I suppose you heard
from Miss Castillo, ? ? ? ? ?a quiet thought of poor Mrs. Scott when in bed
& intended writing to her but put it off from day to day. I have been up
some time & out a little but my legs still feel very weak & I get such pains
in my knees & ankles & cannot walk very far yet. I got a bad cold a few
weeks ago & have been feeling so well since but I expect I am ? down after
all the sitting & lying, I am glad to hear Mrs. Scott did not suffer much, I
can hardly believe I will never see her again & I feel I have lost a very
great friend, she was always so kind to me, now what about yourself, I hope
dear Kathleen you will not be ? too much & getting laid up, I do wish you
would ? a change, you ought to come up to ? for a while, its been a long
time since you have been to see us, I was beginning to think lately that you
had forgotten us altogether. Freddy? was away yesterday & today but was very
sorry to hear when he came home of the sad news & joins me with deepest
sympathy to yourself & Oswald in this time of trouble. With love Believe me
your affectionate friend A. E.? Hull P.S. I went twice to hear Oswald preach
last Sunday, it was the first time I had been to church for some time, but I
think it was too much for me as I did not feel so well on Monday. I find I
cannot stand very long at a time yet. I wonder Oswald never calls to see us