Collection - Faulkner - Gore - McHenry
another collection that arrived with me altogether
I have no idea whether the items are associated with each other or not
Page One Letters
Page Three Wrestling
C.A.V.-Bosch Masonic
Photos and other items

Newry Mineral Water Co. Ltd.

With the Compliments of the Chairman and Managing
Directors of the P. & O. L.N. Co.

P. & O. S.S. "Moldavia" 17,000 Tons

1) Ceuta 1933 0 Ceuta from Sea - Riffien Barracks - Bazaar on Quayside
- Shy Native Boy
2) Casablanca scored out Teneriffe
3) Teneriffe
4) Teneriffe 1933 - Views from the Boat
5) Corunna 1933 - The Police and Doctor arrive
6) Betanzos 1933 - El Burro - Una Calle T?pica
7) Gibraltar 1933 - Catalan Bay - La Ligna - One of Crew of Musselm -
Le Burro
8) Santiago De La Compostela - Un camino

2 3
1) Gibraltar
2) " "
3) Naples - Vesuvius & a Field of Maize

Toshon? camouflage Capetown

a famous ship (Manica?)
Sierra Leone

Upper Deck Wantilla??
Dar en Salaam

Dar en Salaam
Sierra Leone

Cuts on face
Dar en Salaam


used to put behind brass buttons
on a uniform in order to polish them and not stain the material
A.M. B. 147101/40/C.I. (B)

1) Supreme Court, City and County of New York. The People of the State of
New York against The Erie Railway Company, and others, The Farmers' Loan &
Trust Company, Trustee, against The Erie Railway Company, and others, J. C.
Bancroft Davis, Trustee, against The Erie Railway Company, and others.
Petition of James McHenry. Gray & Davenport, Attorneys for Petitioner, 9
Nassau St., and 11 Pine Street, New York. ?enj. H. Tyrrel, Law and Job
Printer, 74 Maiden Lane, 1878
2) The Belfast Gazette, Published by Authority Friday 29th May 1942 -
Statutory Notice to Creditors: In the Goods of Robert McDowell, late
of "Dachai Moige," Warren Road, Donaghadee, Co. Down, Retired Harbour
Master, deceased 4th November 1941; Statutory Notice to Creditors: In
the Goods of Thomas Sinclair Kirk, late of 56 Rugby Road, Belfast,
Surgeon, deceased 10th November 1940; Statutory Notice to Creditors:
In the Goods of Thomas Topping, late of 61 Balmoral Avenue, Belfast,
Retired Stockbroker, deceased 4th January 1942; Statutory Notice to
Creditors: In the Goods of Richard Curran, late of Ballysugagh,
Downpatrick, in the County of Down, Farmer, deceased 28th July 1941;
Statutory Notice to Creditors: In the Estate of Thomas Killips Greenfield,
late of "Woodleigh," Marino, Co. Down, Medical Doctor, deceased 17th
November 1939; Statutory Notice to Creditors: In the Goods of
Benjamin Moss Oakes, late of 11 St. Bride's Street, Carrickfergus, in
the County of Antrim, Retired Engineer, deceased 22nd November 1941;
Statutory Notice to Creditors: In the Goods of Joshua Wilson, late of
Frederick Street, Bessbrook, County Armagh, Shopkeeper, deceased 10th August
1941; Statutory Notice to Creditors: In the Goods of William Nelson,
late of Tamnymullan, Maghera, County Londonderry, Farmer, deceased 3rd
September 1941; Statutory Notice to Creditors: In the Goods of
James Duffin, late of Knockanully, in the County of Antrim, Farmer,
deceased 15th September 1941. - Notice of Charitable Bequest in the Goods of
Solomon Glenn Caskie, late of Liscall, Garvagh, in the County of
Londonderry, Farmer, deceased 18th January 1942 (James Caskie of
Drummond, C. Londonderry, Farmer, Executor); Notice of Charitable
Bequest in the Goods of Thomas Collins, late of Claggan, Sandholes,
Cookstown, in the County of Tyrone, Farmer, Bachelor, deceased 6th July 1941
(Robert John Fleming, of Claggan, Sandholes, Cookstown, Farmer,
Executor) - Change of Name: Take notice that I, Barry Frank Boucher Jones,
of "Stepswood," Highsted, near Sittingbourne, in the County of Kent,
Architect and Surveyor, a natural-born British subject, resident in the
United Kingdom on the date of the coming into force of regulation 20 of the
Defence (General) Regulations, 1939, intend, after the expiration of
twenty-one days from the publication of this notice, to assume the surname
of "Boucher." 22nd May 1942; Notice of Change of Name: I,
Maurice Daly, heretofor called and known by the name of Morris?
Dalinsky, of 18 Mount Charles, Belfast, and 8 North Street, in the
County of the City of Belfast, hereby give public notice, that on the 14th
day of May, 1942, I formally and absolutely renounced, relinquished and
abandoned the use of my said surname of Dalinsky and then assumed and
adopted and determined thenceforth on all occasions whatsoever to use and
subscribe the name of Maurice? Daly instead of the said name of
Maurice Dalinsky
3) Re Coupons due September 1, 1873; January 1, 1874
4) Blown or Damaged Cans. "Irish Grocery World"
5) Collegians Football Club, 178 My Lady's Road, Belfast. R. W. Bailey,
Captain and Secretary W. Litster, Hon. Team Secretary
6) Collegians Football Club, Garavogue, Knockbreda Road, Belfast. B.
Mulligan, Captain and Secretary. 39 Maryville Park, Belfast. K. McClelland,

1) British Airports Authority. Terminal 1 Heathrow Airport, London. November
6th, 1968. Peter G. Masefield, Chairman British Airports Authority
2) Bloomfield Bakery, Ltd., Connswater, Belfast (headed paper)
3) Great Northern Railway Co. (Ireland) Boyne Regatta Tuesday 7th July
4) Mr. George Goggins, 15 Fitzwilliam Street, Belfast
5) Mr. R. McCallum, 18 Gawn Street, Belfast
6) The Members' Committee of the Dunmurry Branch of the Girls' Friendly
Society invite you to a Social Evening, with a Display of Physical Training
and Dramatic Work in the Parochial Hall, on Friday, 17th May, at 8 o'clock
7) M. Mongan, Estate Agent, Auctioneer and Valuer, Accommodation Agent, 5
Albertbridge Road, Short Strand
8) Mr. Wm. Roberts, "Auburn" Dunmurry
9) L. Sterne & Co. Ltd., Refrigerating Engineers, Glasgow - 39h Sydenham
Road, Belfast

1) William Campbell, Outfitter, 222 Albertbridge Road, Belfast
2) W. G. Hamilton, Seed potato grower and merchant, 82 May Street, Belfast
3) Change of Address 1st September 1952 Mr. Ross M. Rogers, Belfast Banking
Co. Ltd., Markets Branch, Belfast to 125 Marlborough Park Central, Belfast
4) North of Ireland Produce Co., 26 Donegall Road, Belfast
5) "Nanette" Ladies Outerwear, 11 Queen's Arcade, Belfast
6) Hugh Wilson, Civil, Naval and Military Tailors, Gentlemen's Outfitter, 16
Donegall Square North, Belfast
7) J. Johnson, 24/30 William Street South, Belfast, Wholesale Stationer,
Bookseller, Post Card, Xmas Card, Tobacco and Fancy Goods Merchant
8) Messrs. Watson & Philip Ltd., 57 Little Donegall Street, Belfast
9) Collegians Football Club, 20 Landseer Street, Belfast W. J. Bell, Capt. &

1) Collegians Football Club, 77 Victoria Gardens, Belfast W. Litster, Hon.
Team Secretary
2) Collegians Football Club, 23 Ardmore Drive, Finaghy. A. Sloan, Capt. &
3) Church Reading Society, W. R. S. Clarendon, Hon. Sec., 4 Ebrington
Gardens, Knock, Belfast
4) Collegians Football Club, 178 My Lady's Road, Belfast. R. W. Bailey,
Captain and Secretary
5) Finaghy & District Ratepayers' Association, The Annual General Meeting of
the Association will be held in the British Legion Hall, Lisburn Road, on
Thursday 5th April 1945
6) Parkview Brickworks Ltd., Ballygomartin Road, Belfast 3rd September 1945.
Common Bricks Without a Permit. Dear Sirs, Since out letter of 22nd August
1945 was written the Ministry of Finance, Supplies Control, have increased
the number of bricks that can be obtained free of permit from 500 to 1,000
for each job or for stock. Yours faithfully, R. D. Wilson, Director
7) Blaikie, 30 Chichester Street, Belfast
8) James Morrow & Son, Wholesale Leather and Grindery Merchants, 28
Chichester Street, Belfast
9) -

1) Royal Arch Chapter No. 303. Comp. M. E. Kerr, E.K., Garthowen, Dundonald,
Co. Down. February 1952. E. Doherty, P.K., Registrar
2) Sir George Clark Memorial Masonic Lodge No. 669. Bro. Cecil Vance, W.M.
Freemasons' Hall, Arthur Square, Belfast, February 1952. Thos. Shields,
P.M., Secretary, 91 Ainsworth Drive, Belfast
3) Dundonald Masonic Lodge No. 303 Masonic Hall, Dundonald, Belfast,
February 1952. Worshipful Master, Bro. David Kane. Joseph G. Woods, P.M.,
Secretary, 33 Clarendon Avenue, Bloomfield, Belfast
4) Rockburren Masonic Lodge No. 699. W.M. Bro. R. J. Pollock, Freemasons'
Hall, Newtownards Road, Belfast, February 1952. Henry E. Wilkinson,
Secretary, 15 Summerhill Parade, Knock, Belfast - Officers for Year 1952
5) Craigavon Masonic Lodge No. 550. W.B. John Sinclair, Freemasons' Hall, 16
May Street, Belfast, February 1952. H. E. Perrott, P.M., Secretary, 14
Clanroy Parade, Belfast - Officers for the Year 1952
6) Sons of Ulster R.B.P. No. 375 Belfast December 1951 B. White, Registrar,
12 Hughenden Avenue, Belfast
7) Great Northern Railway Co. (Ireland) June Time Table May 1885 J. P.
Culverwell, Sec.

1) 25th January 1947 A Concert by the Ormiston Choir, Proceeds in aid of
Ulster Hospital for Children and Women in The Assembly Hall, Belfast -
Conductor William Boyd
2) 2nd December 1947 The Ormiston Choir Handel's Sacred Oratorio "Messiah"
at The Ulster Hall
3) 4th March 1950 Concert in Assembly Hall, Belfast for King George's Fund
for Sailors
CEMA, Northern Ireland 24th October 1952 The City of Belfast Orchestra
Leader: William McInulty Conductor: Denis Mulgan, Soloist: Kendall Taylor
Wellington Hall
CEMA, Northern Ireland 28th November 1952 The City of Belfast Orchestra
Leader: William McInulty Conductor: Denis Mulgan, Soloist: Henry Holst
Wellington Hall
CEMA, Northern Ireland 27th September 1956 Leader: Henry Tye
Conductor: Maurice Miles Soloist: Colin Horsley Ulster Hall
1) The Student Prince, The Ulster Operatic Company, Grand Opera House,
2) 6th February 1954 Ormiston Choir, Annual Concert at the Assembly Hall,
1) Retail Food Trades Joint Industrial Council (Northern Ireland) Decisions
relating to Rates of Remuneration and Conditions of Employment 1945
2) Exchange and Mart 13th May 1868
The Grand Opera Society of Northern Ireland, Grand Opera Season May 2 - 11

The Illustrated London News 23rd October 1937
2) General Franco's Junkers Bombers Photographed from a British Warship
after Bombing Gijon
3) The Queen, Honorary Colonel of the Regiment, Inspecting the London
Scottish, The Gordon Highlanders, at Buckingham Palace: Her Majesty Walking
Along the Ranks with Colonel L. D. Henderson
4) Glimpses of War-Stricken China
5 & 6) The Japanese Invasion of China: Dramatic Action Photographs During
the War in the Far East

1) Why France is Nervous about the Balearics: Islands that Dominate Her
Communications with Africa
2) Streams of Bullets and Shells: The Navy v. The Flying Enemy
3) The Trams' "Underground" Diverted: The New Victoria Embankment Subway of
the New Waterloo Bridge, which, Although Unfinished, is Now in Regular Use.
4) The Aerial Bomb as Destroyer: Death and Destruction in Nanking
5) Personalities of the Week: People in the Public Eye - Dr. Stoy-Adinovitch;
Mr. Gerald G. Peel; Mrs. Thomas Hardy; Dr. L. Haden Guest; Sir John W.
Moore; Brig.-Gen. W. Braithwaite; Canon J. B. Haldane; Mr. Justice Swift;
Mr. Bruce Ismay; Capt. Arthur Hopse, M.C., M.P.; Capt. Charles Waterhouse,
M.C., M.P.; Signor A. Dossena; Duke of Windsor; Lord Swinton, General Milch,
General-Major Ernst Udet

1) Killeen Temperance Masonic Lodge No. 705, W. Bro. D. McCullough, W.M.,
Masonic Hall, Crumlin Road, February 1952
2) 1949 Belfast Masonic Widows' Fund
3) Queen's University: Women Unionist Candidates (Mrs. Eileen Bertha
Wallace, B.A., LL.B.)
4) Order of the Temple, Ireland By Laws of the Chichester Preceptory,
5) The Traveller's Companion
Prosser's Sports Goods, Summer Season 1938, 38 Wellington Place, Belfast
"Tekaloid" Colour Book, Thornley & Knight, Ltd., Varnish & Japan
Manufacturers, Birmingham

Page One
- Letters -
Page Three
Wrestling C.A.V.-Bosch Masonic