A lovely collection of photographs of mostly
Donaghadee and the surrounding areas
also includes some of Donegal, Portstewart, Bangor, Groomsport etc. 1931 to
and a couple of very old group photos on
page one

Copelands August 1947

all Donaghadee August 1947

all Donaghadee August 1948

all August 1948

Tommy & Jack Simpson 1948

Copelands August 1949
23rd August 1949
Skulmartin from light

Hunters Lane August 1949

17th August 1949

5th August 1949
23rd August 1949
Jack Simpson 16th August 1949


Derek 9th September 1950
Pixie 7th September 1950
Derek 9th September 1950

Quarry Hole 18th September 1950
30th August 1950

Naming of Life Boat 19th August 1950

Naming of Life Boat 19th August 1950

Skulmartin 24th August 1950
Skulmartin Crew

24th August 1950
Skulmartin Light Ship lies off Ballywalter
27th August 1950 J. McKenna

Copelands - Mew Island (Ram Harry) 19th August 1950

Mew Island 2nd September 1950

Tom & Jack 8th September 1950
1st September 1950 J. McKenna
choppy 7th September 1950

August 1950
McKenna Family Lighthouse Island August 1950

Seagulls (and Mr. McMillan's hat!) 8th September 1950
Lesser Tern Copeland Island

23rd September 1951
The Wharf 25th September 1951

Barbara 22nd September 1951 Mrs.
Simpson, Rhoda, Derek & Ian Copelands (Mew)
The Wharf 28th September 1951
27th September 1951

Shel-Brit B - On the Rigg 27th September 1951

Uncle Everett's 26th September 1951
26th September 1951
24th September 1951

Jack 28th September 1951 Miss Dorothy (Rhoda &
Derek on board
Jack Copelands (Mew)
28th September 1951
27th September 1951

Life-boat on test 28th September 1951

Auntie Mick, Uncle Gibbs or Gibbo, Uncle Everett & Pixie
Tom in background 30th September 1951

Jack 30th September 1951
Moira, Copeland Island, Old Lighthouse Island (north) October 1951

The Buntings loading Miss Josephine at the Wharf, 28th September 1951
"Carnalea" on the Rigg 28th September 1951

Copeland Island 30th September 1951

The Quarry 1st October 1951
The Wharf 1st October 1951

October 1951
towing Elizabeth Ann 1st October 1951

Quarry Hole April 1952

April 1952
"Big Alec" Nelson, Tommy,
a man from Nottingham & Victor
McKirgan 31st August 1952

Pillow fight on greasy pole, Regatta Day, 23rd August 1952

Regatta Day 23rd August 1952

Bob & Jim Bunting 4th April 1952
Bob Bunting, Jill & me 13th April 1952 Meta Bunting,
Jill & me

Miss Dorothy 31st August 1952

Lighthouse Island
Tom & Jack
Jack all 1st September 1952

Orange Parade 13th July 1952

Johnnie & Tommy 23rd August 1952
Jack & Johnnie
3rd September 1952

3rd September 1952
with much love, best wishes, and congratulations from Sheelagh
September 1952


Harbour from Schoolhouse Brae 14th July 1953
Mrs. Simpson & Derek 15th July 1953

Mew Island 18th July 1953

Mew Island 18th July 1953

Copeland Island 3rd September 1953

"Sez You!"
3rd September 1953
26th August 1953
Madge & ponies 30th December 1953

"Ocean Bride" coming in from fishing 31st December 1953

23rd July 1953
20th July 1953
26th August 1953

preparations for streaming 23rd July 1953

9th August 1953
2nd September 1953

1st January 1954

Masts of Ballyards 1st January 1954
The Quarry 7th January 1954

Lighthouse Island 28th July 1954
5th August 1954

18th August 1954
August 1954

Pixie & Roukie 23rd August 1954

The Warren 19th August 1954 (Aileen's photo) Joan &
Aileen Mew Island 20th August 1954 Joan & Aileen The
Warren 19th August 1954

as we went deep sea fishing 23 August 1954
from Rosemary's window 18th October 1954
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