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1901 - 1907 - 1908 - 1909 - 1910 - 1912 - 1918 - 1924 - 1932 - 1939 - 1943 - 1947 - 1951 - 1955 - 1960
1913 Tel. directory    1824 Pigots (Belfast)  &  (Bangor)   1894 Waterford Directory
1898 Newry Directory      Bangor Spectator Directory 1970

all different names
came together, may or may not be connected
in alphabetical order
some of these postcards are on this page already POSTCARDS

PAGE ONE A - O        PAGE TWO P - Z and random items

Adams Postcards in chronological order

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1) Adams - 27th December 1907 Postmark Belfast to W. S. Adams, Esq., Newtownards ~ Glenby, St. Stephen's Bay?  Thank you so much for yr. kind thought, both gifts were much appreciated & just the thing. Please thank ? for pretty card, best wishes for 1908 & love from ? ?
2) Adams - 19th June 1910 Postmark Gironde to W. S. Adams, Esqr., Victoria Avenue, Newtownards, Co. Down, Irlande ~ 19:5:1910  This is a very pretty little Church, we were there on Sunday. There is to be a Memorial Service tomorrow afternoon & we hope all to be there. You have one at home too & of course everywhere. We were so sorry to hear your Mother is not so well, perhaps it is partly the weather, so hot & thundery. Have you or Winnie seen la Comete? It is visible at 3.30 a.m. I believe!! But have not seen it. Many thanks for parcel from Grattans? ? yesterday. Please thank Winnie for kind letter. Best love to both from all. H. W. M.?
3) Adams - 23rd June 1910 Postmark Folkestone to W. S. Adams, Esqr., Victoria Avenue, Newtownards, Co. Down, Irlande ~ 23:6:1910  Many thanks for letters & papers which were more than welcome. Adelaide is writing Winnie. Our boarding house is up on the Leas here - very pretty situation but too crowded for comfort. Folkestone is a very pretty place, & so picturesque. We are looking forward to seeing you & Winnie before long. ? don't know how much we miss you all although w have had a lovely time. Best love & ? all to both. Yours affectionately H. W. ?
4) Adams - 17th August 1910 Postmark Rothesay to W. P. Adams, Esq., Newtownards, Co. Down, Ireland, Co. Down - Yacht "Ilaire?" Rothesay 17 August 1910 ~ I hope that you & Winnie? are A1 & that you have been enjoying the good weather. We are having a rare good holiday. We have had some delightful sailing & this new boat is very comfortable. I paid my first visit to the Frossailes? on Saturday. The day was lovely. Will probably be leaving here tomorrow. Love to Winnie H. J. M.??
5) Adams - 18th March 1912 Postmark Lausanne to Mrs. W. P. Adams, 10 Victoria Avenue, Newtownards, Co. Down, Irlande ~ Thank you tremendously for the nice shamrock, which arrived safely on Sun. morning, of which we both wore a bit that day & were delighted to have it. Thank Teresa for her pretty card which came the same morning - the verse on it was very appropriate & nice. Weather cold last 2 days but may change again by tomorrow. Going tea with Mrs. Wield, married daughter (a widow) of Mrs. Milroy's, tomorrow. She called on Thurs, She was great friends with the Sam McCowans in Melbourne when she lived there. Wed. the Milroys are coming here. Miss Hewetson coming Thurs. Aren't we society people? Ever yrs. Adelaide
6) Adams - 19th June 1912 Postmark Lausanne to Mrs. Adams, 10 Victoria Avenue, Newtownards, Co. Down, Irlande - Dear Wee Thing, I'm so sorry you didn't have a letter or a letter on the 18th - do forgive us - we must get you some little gift in London later on - (what Jim!) something "pratique" like a stock or collar, eh? Having Margaret Husband to tea - weather exquisite  since Sat. evg. yours G.? in haste
7) Adams - 28th October 1912 Postmark Dorridge, Birmingham to W. S. Adams, Esqr., Victoria Avenue, Newtownards, Co. Down, Ireland ~ 29:10:12  Many thanks for lovely P.C. & for paper. Miss McMordie's wedding was a very grand affair, but I was surprised to see that "W. & O" was not 'best men' Weather has been very stormy & wet the last few days, but not bad to-day. With love to both H. W. M.?
8) Adams - 11th August 1913 Postmark Brussel to W. S. Adams, Esq., Newtownards, Co. Down, Irlande ~ We went to see Darragh? Month?y? on Friday, not much of interest in the town but we saw the Scientific way they have of Steeping flax in the river Ly????? Coming back we missed a train connection at ? did not arrive here till 2 a.m.!! Suffering nothing the worse however. D. had occasion to come to P......lson Sunday & unexpected ? ? ? to afternoon tea. ? ? Friday & Saturday but fine since. .........? Hope you are both well as this leaves us, with love from all, yours affectionate James Symington?
9) Adams - 1st February 1918 Postmark Lockerbie? to Mrs. Adams, at Ardcha? House, Newtownards, Ireland ~ I stayed at ? & left 8.40 a.m. now at this Station waiting for Edin. train. (10.42) ? am very ? am thinking of coming back to Dumfries tomorrow aft. for Sunday & ? there Monday am 4.35 for train. Love from W. ??

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1) Adams - 18th April 1919 Postmark Belfast to Mr. & Mrs. Adams, Maryland, New Road, Donaghadee ~ Hoping you are well, with love from all at Weldon?  Easter 1919
2) Adams - 20th October 1922 Postmark London to ? Adams, Maryland? New Road, Donaghadee, Co. Down, Ireland ~ 20-19-22  I am in the City today & Tom? is on his own. How the Prince going to the Guildhall this forenoon. Today is wet & flooding? but mustn't complain much. We saw Ha?????? last night & enjoyed it. I think we are going to ? ? tonight. Love W.? ? A?
3) Adams - 13th September 1924 Postmark Versailles to W. S. Adams, Esq., Maryland, Donaghadee, Co. Down, Irelande ~ 12.9.24  I think that Bill and I should stay here. We are getting on so well with our French friends. The weather has been lovely. We are going for a day's trip to Versailles & Malmaison tomorrow. We have been "doing" Paris pretty well. Kindest regards & best wishes from T. C. G. M.
4) Adams - 28th July 1938 Postmark Shanklin, Isle of Wight to Mrs. Adams, c/o Holland, 8 Cyprus Avenue, Bloomfield, Belfast, Northern Ireland ~ Isle of Wight  20/7/38  I am enjoying my holiday with Mrs. Younger, we have come across from Southampton for the day, we are going to have our lunch on the beach now & we will have our bathe after. This is a glorious day. Hope all are well. I will be crossing home on Friday night will be with you about eight oclock Sat. morning. Thanks for letter, kind regards to all. M. A. Smyth
5) Adams - 21st August 1953? Postmark Skelmorie to Mrs. Adams, "Ardchatten" Newtownards, Co. Down, N. Ireland ~ Had a wonderful trip to this Castle today. Its on a cliff edge overlooking the sea about 13 miles beyond Ayr, so we did some travelling, but we all returned feeling wonderfully fit and full of enthusiasm for the lovely outing. This is a beautiful Hotel, so comfortable and with a magnificent view. We didn't get back until 8.15 but we were provided with a very welcome meal and now we or I am in bed and going to do some reading before going to sleep. A has gone for a bath. Very much love Nora
6) Adams - 1st September 1954 Postmark Edinburgh to Mrs. Adams, Ardchatten, Newtownards, Co. Down, N. Ireland ~ Wednesday ? only ? at 10 Sat Bfast so will get bus leaving there about 10.30. Love A.
7) Adams no year - 12th November Postmark Brooklyn to Wm. J. Adams, Esq., Victoria Avenue, Newtownards, Co. Down, Ireland ~ With kindest regards and very best wishes to Mrs. Adams & yourself. Yours sincerely Spencer G. Henry?
8) Adams year unclear - 22nd August 19?8 Postmark Ant? N. H. to Mrs. Adams, Maryland, New Road, Donaghadee, Co. Down, Ireland ~ Fair? Hope, Francestown? N.H., U.S.A.  Aug. 17  Having a nice time with D. & L. & 2 nephews in D's sweet house, but heat & mosquitoes are awful! Love to all, Elsa
9) Adams no year - 25th September Postmark Bath to Mrs. Adams, 15 Belfast Road, Newtownards, Co. Down, N. Ire. ~ Wed. Had such a happy time in Bristol? ? ? walked over this really wonderful bridge - so high up, cars & things below looked like toys, & round about beautiful downs & woods. I do like Bristol, shops very attractive & was in a lovely picture gallery but hadn't long enough there. St. Mary? Redcliffe (really an old castle ?) & Bristol Cathedral are two wonderful old churches, & the old University Building is beautiful. I told ? ? ? ? ? Mrs. Newton today so am up in the ? but hoping to hear from you. Glad Mrs. G????? husband has work nearer. Love A.

Anderson postcards

1                   2
1) Anderson - August 1906 Postmark London to Miss M. Anderson, Church Street, Kingscourt, Co. Cavan, Ireland ~ Dear M. Many thanks for card. Hope you are all well there, I had a card from Martha this morning and I was looking for a letter, hope you will like this card, with love to Sarah & all off you, ever yours S. A.
2) Anderson - 27th November Postmark London to Mrs. Anderson, Kingscourt, Co. Cavan, Ireland ~ Dear Mother, I thought you might have written before this, hope you are all well. I suppose yous are glad to have Martha home, yours D. L. A.?


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1) Bacon - 4th November 1913 Postmark Devonport to Mrs. E. Bacon, 62 Tates Avenue, Lisburn Road, Belfast, Ireland ~ Dear Auntie, The views you sent me are very good, I wish I could bring Dorothy to see some of them. What do you think of this one of St. John's. Ask Auntie Jennie what she thinks of it. Hope all are quite well. Gerald
2) Barr - 24th July 195? Postmark London to Mrs. C. H. Barr, Roselea, Andersonstown, Belfast, N. Ireland ~ My dear Mrs. Barr, I am still 'wandering', I am flying to Dublin tonight & will be in Belfast some time tomorrow. Will ring when I arrive. ? is off to France tomorrow. au revoir Bella
3) Baxter no date - Miss Nan Baxter, Castle Street, Comber, Co. Down, Ireland ~ Dear Nan, I wish you a Happy new year and many kind regards, from someone you know
4) Booth no date - Miss S. Booth, Ballymagarry, Portrush, Co. Antrim, Ireland ~ Many thanks for P.C.'s. Hope you will like these two. D. M. or Jim?
5) Brookhurst - 14th September ? Postmark Louth Inniskeen to Mrs. Brookhurst, 112 Castlereagh Street, Belfast ~ Louth  I will be going on Sat morning but I don't know yet what time I will land at. Hoping you are all well, best love B...y?
6) Brice - 22nd July 1952 Postmark Ardvasar, Kyle to Mrs. Brice, Glenview, Spa, Ballynahinch, Co. Down, Northern Ireland ~ We visited Portree last Thursday but much prefer the place we are in. We are very comfortable & happy in this place & I think the Highland part of me? is topmost. M.G. McC.
7) Brice - 29th June 1955 Postmark Largs, Ayrshire to Mrs. G. Brice, Glenview, Spa, Ballynahinch, Co. Down ~ Enjoying the rest but not the weather. Hope it will change soon. Kind regards to yourself & Ma??er Mc. D.?
8) Brice - 19th October 1966 Postmark Vancouver B.C. to Mrs. G. Brice, Glenview, Spa, Ballynahinch, Co. Down, N. Ireland ~ 101 Washington Court, 998 Thurlow Street, Vancouver 5.  Dear Auntie, I am sure you were surprised to hear where I was off to next. This is a beautiful city and am enjoying the change of the way of life. I am here for at least two years so am making the most of it. Hope you & your mother are well. Love Primrose
9) Brown no date - Spain to Miss K. Brown, Coneen Rectory, Fivemiletown, Irelandia


      1                   2                 3                  4                  5                 6
1) Cole - 19th ? 1911 Postmark Houlgate, Calvados to Miss W. R. Cole, Bridge Street, Rostrevor, Co. Down, Ireland ~ Dear old girl, Have just received Paper delighted with same, am writing to Arthur also Ted.? Weather simply beautiful here. How is everybody. Love to all, in trust Samuel?
2) Coombs - 1914 Postmark Winnipeg, Man. to Miss Coombs, Creevy, Ashgrove Park, Cliftonville, Belfast, Ireland ~ 164 Rosebery Street, St. James ??? Manitoba Canada  8th December 1914  All and everything you could wish yourself and then a wee dishful is but a poor expression of my wish for you, Lovingly Florrie M. Carothers
3) Coombes - 12th August 1916 Postmark Belfast to Mifs Coombes, Hillside Cottage, Ballycarry, Islandmagee ~ "Afton" Ashgrove Park  Dear Fi, Thanks for P.C. Trust your Mother & yourself will benefit by the change at the Seaside. I hope the weather will keep fine during the remainder of your Holiday. L. ?
4) Coombs no date - to Mrs. Coombs, c/o Mistress Florrie, 2 Havana Street, Belfast ~ Dear Mother & my beloved mistress I am writing this myself. ????? Coombs
5) Coombs no date - to Mrs. Coombs, 43 Chichester Street, Belfast ~ Dear Coomie, We got the books alright today. It was very kind of you and Florrie to think of us, they are lovely, baby has a little cough, hoping you are very well. Wishing you a happy Christmas. From Eva
6) Coombs no date - Dear Mrs. Coombs, I thought you might be ? in the district in which Mother & ? are going to but this spot is only 300 ft off our house & although I could have got a ? if I had the money yet I consider we are fairly well placed. Sincerely A???????????


1                  2                   3                    4                   5
1) Davison - 27th June 1938 Postmark Trossachs? to R. S. C. (Cecil) Davison, Esq., 67 North Parade, Ormeau Road, Belfast, N. Ireland ~ Sunday  Just had lunch here. Beautiful place. Yest we spent in Edinboro & friday afternoon & evg. we did the triple ?  We are having a great time. Tomorrow we intend to do the exhibition. Return home on Tuesday D.V. Love to all, love Jim & Mollie?
2) Davison - 1st November 1912 Postmark Belfast to Mifs S. Davison, 196 Spamount Street, Belfast ~ 10 Vernon Street 31.10.1912  Dear Sadie, I hope you will excuse me for making a fool of you & Lizzie but it was not my fault as I got a job unexpected on Wednesday and it was not home until 7.30 pm. I will see you on Saturday at 6 pm this space is limited Nora was disappointed too, yours ? Jack You owe me a pc Hope your well. I will send the other ?????
3) Davison - 9th August 1982 Postmark Kerkyra to Mr. Andrew Davison, 8 Mill Street, Comber, Co. Down, Northern Ireland ~ Hi Andrew, Hope you are not awaiting a reply if you have written. As you can see we decided to come to Corfu. Up to now the weather has been good but there is a change today, I'm just hoping for sunshine!!! otherwise all is quite. I hope to be back around the 23rd August. For the present Cheers Gerard
4) Davison - 2nd August 1982 Postmark Quiberon, Morbihan to Mr. Andrew Davison, 104 Barnetts Road, Dundonald, Belfast, Co. Down, Irelande du Nord ~ I'm in Brittany at the moment on a camping holiday. Doing a lot of swimming and walking and getting brown. Be home next week. Maybe hear from you soon? love Maria
5) Doonan - 7th July 1926 Postmark Roslea? to Miss L. Doonan, c/o Mr. McCrea, Draper, Fintona, Co. Tyrone ~ My Dear Lillie, Just a P.C. ? ? to ?  I sent a note to G. Sunday week be better. I will write later. Hope you are O.K. Best love from all yr. loving S. ? ?

1                    2                     3                    4                      5                    6                    7
1) Post Cards Printed for the Public Record Office and sold in its Museum
2) Domesday Book and the Domesday Chest
3) St. Mary's Abbey, Dublin c.1450 Once a powerful institution in Ireland, its remains lie buried under Capel Street and Abbey Street. The Chapter House may be visited.
4) Rotunda Hospital, Dublin 1776 At Parnell Square (then Rutland Square), this was the world's first purpose-built maternity hospital. The pleasure gardens helped to fund the hospital.
5) Medieval Dublin c. 1275 Shows the completely walled-in town with The Castle and Christchurch Cathedral. St. Patrick's Cathedral is outside the walls.
6) Parliament House, Dublin 1760 The building in its first form, before the curved walls and portico for the House of Lords were added. In 1802 it became the Bank of Ireland.
7) O'Connell Street, Dublin 1945 Formerly Sackville Street, it is Dublin's main thoroughfare. Until 1966 the centrepiece was Nelson's Pillar, opposite the General Post Office.


1                    2
1) Elliott - 11th July 1910 Postmark Rothesay to Mrs. Samuel Elliott, Bank Buildings, Ballyclare, Co. Antrim ~ Dear Mother, I would as soon as a bit of your pudding as this, having a lovely time at Rothesay. From as you know J.
2) Elliott no date - to Miss C.? Elliott, North End, Ballyclare, Co. Antrim ~ From who! M.


1                  2                 3
1) Flynn - 1st September 1947 Postmark Motherwell, Lanarkshire to Frank Flynn, South Shore, Portaferry, Co. Down, Ireland ~ Dear Frank, Bella and I spending a great Sunday here. Love Agnes
2) Flynn - 20th May 1948 Postmark Lytham St. Annes, Lancs. to Mr. Frank Flynn, South Shore, Portaferry, Co. Down, Ireland ~ Dear Frank, Spending a holiday here, its a rest home through the factory where we work, its a grand place and we are here for a fortnight. Bella & I will probably be over in Ireland about July if all goes well. Hope you are keeping well as it leaves me in the pink. Cheerio for now, Love Agnes
3) Flynn - 21st May 1948 Postmark Rothesay to Mr. Frank Flynn, South Shore, Portaferry, Co. Down, Ireland ~ Spending a day at Rothesay, its lovely, hope to see you in July, Bella


         1                             2                  3                  4
1) Gilbert no date - Postmark Ballyclare? to Miss Jane Gilbert, Thorn Hall, Kilwaughter, Via Larne ~ I keep in my memory the love of the past, with me tis as bright as of old. For deep in my heart it was planted to last in absence it never grows cold. Oft I think of you dear to you think of me, send a line forget-me-not but remember me. M. Saw A. on Sunday & yon? fellow, wish you had been there. Why didn't you write. From you know who = I know you are fond of : If you'd like me To Spoon with you Return at once The Bow of Blue. If you prefer Some other fellow, Return to me The Bow of Yellow. I return to you the bow of yellow.
2) Gilliland - 9th July 1949 Postmark London to Miss A. & D. Gilliland, 7 Alliance Avenue, Belfast N.I. ~ Were up here last night & all round the Mall it. Are having a good time. Wish you were all here. Writing this is "Rotten Row" Love Florrie
3) Gilliland - 11th July 1949 Postmark South Kensington to Mrs. M. Gilliland, 7 Alliance Avenue, Belfast N.I. ~ Crossing over Wed. night. Hope all are well. Were here yesterday. Its a lovely place. The heat is still terrific. Rose wants to stay. Love Florrie x
4) Greer - 27th March 1908 Postmark New York to Miss Olive Greer, 2 Wentworth Place, Portadown, Co. Armagh ~ Dear Olive, How are all the P.down people getting along, wish you would send me Flo B. London address as I want to send her a card, give my love to Mr. Mc across the road. Kind regards N. B.


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1) Henderson - 18th October 1910 Postmark West Kensington to Mr. G. Henderson, Abstainers' & Gen. Insurance Co. Ltd., 124 Donegall Street, Belfast ~ Here I am working hard, up to 11 o'c ? each night. Have done very well up to now. Booked several orders yesterday. Kindest regards Cecil?  McIlroy/McEvoy?
2) Henderson no date - Mr. Geo. Henderson, 7 Glenrosa Street, Belfast, Ireland ~ To wish you a Happy Christmas, M. Doggart
3) To Hilda from Harry - 27.4.16 'Greetings from the front' ~ To assure Hilda that her trouble and care were well appreciated and that her gift evoked heartier greetings than that contained over side. Harry
4) Houston - 1st July 1954 Postmark Hawick Roxburghshire to Mr. J. K. Houston, The Manse, Kells, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland ~ Jackson has asked me to drop you a card in order to tell you that we cannot leave the Corps at Larne but must continue with them to Belfast, so there would be no point in your mailing the ?  Ken, you seem to have had the best of the bargain this year. I think they'll have to make me a General to stay in after this! Regards to all at the Manse. Sincerely Derek
5) Houston & Meban - 22nd July 1954 Postmark Lancaster & Morecambe to Messrs. Houston & Meban, (Plumbers & Undertakers), 122 Eglantine Avenue, Malone Road, Belfast ~ Having a wonderful time here. Plenty of swimming, dancing, trips to the lakes? walks etc. etc. The weather is not too bad some days. Hope you are having plenty of time for golf, & I hope you both shall have a very nice time when you go on holiday next month. Gerard
6) Hull - 12th August 1952 Postmark IPOH? stamp Malaya to Mr. & Mrs. H. Hull, 94 Orby Drive, Castlereach, (Castlereagh) Belfast, Northern Ireland ~ 11/8/52  Received your P.C. sent from Spain. It was very thoughtful of you to remember us while on your holidays there. We wish we had been there with you - helping to look for "Damen & Haren" We sent you under surface mail a package of Malayan newspapers which will give you an idea of the trend of events here. With kindest regards and Best Wishes. Jim Sea Oei?


1                   2                  3                  4
1) Jackson - 26th July 1951 Postmark London to Miss M. Jackson, C. R. D., Ministry of Agriculture, Elmwood Avenue, Belfast ~ I think this would be an excellent place for you to take your first driving lesson - I have just taken mine, driving the wrong way round the roundabout at Buckingham Palace. Motoring to Windsor this morning - I hope! Best wishes W. O. B.
2) Jackson/Black - 16th August 1953 Postmark Paris to Miss Jackson, Miss Black & others, Ministry of Agriculture Chemical Research Division, Elmwood Avenue, Belfast, Irlande-du-Nord ~ Paris 16/8/53 Greetings from Paris. It has been a grand trip. J. Gordan?
3) Johnston - 5th November 1919 Postmark Belfast to Miss Rebecca Johnston, Drumaron, Charlemont, Moy ~ Dear R. I received your letter alright also Picture But it is just as you Say (No Body called)  No Florrie is in Hospital this past 8 weeks, are you in Anotion of coming down. I am sure you will think I forgot to Answer But I hate writing, yours Emily
4) Jones - 30th May 1965 Postmark Peebles to Wm. H. Jones, 32 Waverley Drive, Ballyholm, Bangor, Co. Down, N. Ireland ~ This is a lovely day, enjoyed it very much, feeling much better, will let you know next week. Love to all Rid Red Rich???


1) Kinlock - 14th July 1958 Postmark Douglas, Isle of Man to Mrs. B. Kinlock, Glenview Terrace, Omagh, Co. Tyrone, N. I. ~ Very nice here for a holiday. Had a calm crossing although crowded! Hope you're feeling better. Kindest Regards Jean


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1) Lavelle - 11th October 1923 Postmark Cric? Car? to Miss Lavelle, Roslyn, Portadown, Ireland ~ Crossing tomorrow (Friday). Weather very showery. I'm sure we will get a rocking, hope to arrive 9 o'clock Saturday morning. E. Green
2) Law - 22nd April 1968 Postmark Lowestoft, Suffolk to Simon H. Law, 346 Merville Garden Village, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland ~ Si, This place is very wet because it's raining and it smells of fish because it's fishy! Papa?
3) Law - 8th June 1969 Postmark Broadford to Mr. & Mrs. R. H. Law and Master Simon Law, 846 Merille (Merville) Garden Village, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland ~ Broadford Mon. 9/6/69  Dear Everybody, Hope all well. We made it to the West coast after all. Left Aberdeen at 5 o'clock this morning, were in Inverness at 7.15 - unbelievable, and at the Kyle of Lochalsh about half eleven. Hot, weary, feet sore, and now facing rigours of hostelling. Peace reigneth at present with a genteel guitar sound in background. See you soon. Maureen & Helen  Note the stamp! if not correct, check parents!
4) Law - 25th August 1970 Postmark Devizes, Wilts to Mr. & Mrs. R. H. Law, 346 Merville Garden Village, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland ~ Not quite a view of the genuine thing but thought a bit of "up-periscoping" would amuse you. Enjoying this part of the world enormously, we went through Bradford on Avon in a Thunders tram? so return tomorrow to have a closer look. House charming and the garden a children's paradise, Simon? in the pool most days (bit chilly). Delightful to go to Bath again, ? thrilled with the Roman Bath and for us shades of Jane Austen in 'The Pump Room' & 'Assembly? Rooms'  Sheila & Michael  Your maps & refs most useful - many thanks S.
5) Law - 10th October 1970 Postmark Edmonton, Alberto to Mr. Simon Law, 346 Merville Garden Village, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland ~ Edmonton 10/10/70  Dear Simon, The Christmas issue are now available; so I will try and send a selection. This is Thanksgiving week-end in Canada and Monday is a Public holiday; so I am enjoying a long week-end. We get another day off on Mon 11th and then it straight through to the Christmas holidays. Cheerio for now, Maureen
6) Law - 18th October 1970  49a Parkfield Grove, Wolverhampton W.V.2 - 2 D.G. ~ Dear Simon, I was delighted to have your letter & to know you had all had such a good holiday & enjoyed it so much, it is a change from a seaside one. I have never had a canal holiday, we were a large family, 5 children, so you can imagine my parents, would be glad to turn us all on the beach, if only to keep us out of mischief, which we were all very capable of being. There was my sister, then me, then my brother, another sister & then last of all my young brother, he was 11 years younger than my youngest sister so you can guess my parents had their hands full - still I don't think we were so bad as we grew older we all seemed to enjoy together. Father used to travel on the continent for business & at times he took mother, or my sister & I, or my older brother, you see what you have to look forward to. The enclosed stamp is quite a new one & one I have not seen before so I wondered whether you had, so - I thought I know what I will do with it - of course I am hoping it is also new to you.  Miss Jones sends her regards to you, at the present she is busy doing a bit of painting - eh? dear? the things we have to do these days. I hope you are enjoying school. Did you enjoy your holiday in the country, it must have been good, with best wishes H. Spallord? Stafford?  letters being written to your Mother & Father.
7) Law no postmark - 13th July 1971 to Simon Law, Esq., 346 Merville Garden Village, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland ~ 13/7/71  Just to let you know that we were thinking about you. Have many things to relate to you when we meet - hope you are keeping fit with your early morning training runs. Uncle Bill
8) Law - 3rd ? 1971 Postmark Edmonton, Alberta to Mr. Simon Law, 346 Merville Garden Village, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland ~ Edmonton 2nd November 1971  Dear Simon, How are you? Are you kept very busy with school these days? How long did you have for half-term? I have been toddling along much as usual and the weeks slip in. Mr. Kosygin was here a week ago, but I missed him. Just saw the hordes of police. Cheerio for now. Maureen
9) Law - 5th March 1972 Postmark Calgary, Alberta to Mr. & Mrs. R. H. Law, 346 Merville Garden Village, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland ~ Calgary 4/3/72  Dear Ruth, Bob, How are you? I am down in Calgary for a week-end to attend a conference - N. Canadian Studies. As I write this am listening to paper - "The Voice of Moderation: the defeat of Prohibition in Manitoba" Conference is at the University of Calgary, and I am staying with the Cusacks, some friends. I am well, though as usual, rather disorganized. The Skating Championships are being held in Calgary next week. Perhaps you will see them on T.V. Take care of yourselves. Cheerio for now, Maureen

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1) Law - 23rd February 1973 Postmark Pontresina? to Simon Law, 346 Merville Garden Village, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland ~ Dear Simon, We're not up to this sort of skiing! but we are going to ski school anyway. The snow & weather are good. Love to you all. Jean? & E. ?
2) Law - 21st June 1974? Postmark St. Goar to Mr. S. Law, 346 Merville Garden Village, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland ~ St. Goar, Friday, 19/6/74  Dear Simon, This shows where I was this morning. I climbed up the steep road from St. Goar, on the river side below the castle! The castle is a great warren of a place, a village in itself. St. Goar is small, but there is much to watch on the river. The volume and variety of traffic on the Rhine is fascinating. Yesterday we went to Wiesbaden and Maine and I had enough of big cities. Tomorrow most are going to Frankfurt to see Scotland play Yugoslavia; I hope to take a trip on the river. Hope all is well with you and that you are enjoying the end of term. Best wishes M.
3) Law - 1st July 1975 Postmark John O'Groats, ? Caithness to Mr. S. Law, 346 Merville Garden Village, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland ~ John O'Groats  30/6/75  Greetings and salutations. Hope you enjoy your holidays. Arrived here today, my first time in Caithness. Should come some time just to realise how remote some parts of Britain are from a large city. Nearest M& S to here is Aberdeen. Hope to see you sometime. Maureen
4) Law - 18th October 1978 Postmark Amsterdam to Mr. Simon Law, 346 Merville Garden Village, Newtownabbey, N. Ireland ~ Dear Simon, I changed my mind, so this is it?
5) Law - July 1975 Postmark ?ay???ilt to S. Law, Esq., 346 Merville Garden Village, Newtownabbey, N. Ireland ~ 19/7/75  Visited here today - you would be very interested. Weather has been very good this past few days - had a glorious sail on Loch Etive? yesterday with glimpses of eagles & seals - Maureen has found us. Hope all are well. B.
6) Law - 4th October 1978  32 Eversleigh Road, Takapuna, Auckland 9, New Zealand ~ Dear Simon, Hope this plaque is what you thought I might produce when you asked for a scouting badge. You may be interested to know that it was made out of a piece of Kauri weatherboard which was part of our house when it was built about 1906. I am also sending you a book on the NZ Kauri as I understand you were interested in forestry at the time. All the best for Christmas from us all. Don
7) Law - 13th July ?? to Simon Law, 346 Merville Garden Village, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland ~ Edmonton, 13th July  Best Wishes to All, Mary Ellis
8) Law no postmark or date - to Mr. & Mrs. R. H. Law, 346 Merville Garden Village, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland ~ All a great success, House super, views marvellous, weather stupendous!! We have introduced the kids to golf and they are better than us! Christopher practising his rowing on a wee pond. We found a wonderful single line railway track with 'Heath Robinson' engine & carriage which takes deerstalkers? into the mountains. Love, Sheila, Michael
9) Law? - Thursday 10th  Hope all went well yesterday, thank you for being there. Am having fun here. Not a place I shall stay for any length of time, and certainly not to take up residence in (is?) to small. Apart from the weather which is superb, every one seems to know everyone else. Will give you a ring when I get back to Edinburgh, and we must get together on your costs and things over the past weeks. Lots of love Richard


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1) MacCormac - 16th August ? Postmark ? stamp Canada to Mrs. J. MacCormac, Ballysallagh, Newtownards, Co. Down, Ireland ~ 15th August 1908  Off to the West, I'm having a fine trip, expect to get to Regina about Monday 17th. Best Love Fred
2) Mackintosh - 9th September 1937 Postmark Worcestershire to T. C. G. Mackintosh, Esq., Newtownards, Co. Down, N.I. ~ 9/9/37  Having delightful weather, able to get same place every afternoon. Quite a number like myself taking the cure, so far I am very fit. Fruit very plentiful Plums can be had for picking. Kind regards to all. M. A.
3) Mackintosh - 13th March 1907 Postmark St. Andrews to Mrs. Mackintosh, Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down ~ The doctor thins our wee girl is getting along well. S. M.
4) Mackintosh - 20th March 1907 Postmark St. Andrews to Mrs. Mackintosh, Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down ~ Adelaide very pleased with your very kind letter, and glad you are feeling better. S. M.
5) Mackintosh - 26th March 1907 Postmark St. Andrews to A. F. R. Mackintosh, Esq., Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down, Ireland ~ Aren't these ruins simply beautiful. If they don't look so here, they are in reality. How are you? Are you & U. ? very busy? I am writing to him & will give all the news there in - in the letter. Must hurry for the post with this now. Much love from Adelaide March 26th
6) Mackintosh - Postmark ...ridge? to T. C. G. Mackintosh, Esq., L.L.B., "Ardchattan" Newtownards, Co. Down, Ireland ~ 27:?:1912 We spent a delightful day at Stratford - visited the poets birth-place - been Hathaway's Cottage - Holy Trinity Church - the Museum, & Marie Corelles House - All so interesting and weather perfect. We drove in open carriage. The ? ? whom we spent day & so kind. Are having a very good time. Love to all, ?
7) Mackintosh - 2nd March 1912 Postmark Lausanne Gare to Miss Mackintosh, Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down, Irlande ~ I have just recd Ediths letter and am glad to hear you are feeling better and hope you will soon be out every day. We have been in the country at ? and had a long walk this afternoon and got plants of lovely primroses. The weather is more like midsummer than anything else and the trees are all budded & everything so far on, but we are sure to have it cold later on everyone says. With best love from both to all. Sara  I had letter from Winnie, wrote to her & hope she got it all right.
8) Mackintosh - 30th May 1912 Postmark Lausanne to Miss Mackintosh, Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down, Irlande ~ This is not a pretty p.c. but it is the only one I have. I hope you are keeping well and able to be out every day. Love from both. Writing soon. Sara
9) Mackintosh - 19th June 1912 Postmark Lausanne to Miss Mackintosh, Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down, Irlande ~ We are now in perfect weather now - today very hot but with lovely little breeze. The mountains are a glorious sight, clear & distinct against the blue sky - the distant high ones away down the Rhone Valley absolutely pure white, covered with snow. I hope you are getting quickly stronger. Thank you & Freda for last letters - hers was the last. Mother not very well, has had a headache & is very ?agged, had arranged tea-party for today but luckily only ? accepted. M. Husband. G. A. M.?

   1                   2                  3                  4                   5                   6                   7                    8                  9
1) Mackintosh - 1st July 1912 Postmark Chalet-a-Gobet to Monsieur Mackintosh, Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down, Irlande ~ Sunday  Dear Old Boy, We hope to see you all on Saturday, we leave here tomorrow & get to Paris at 10 p.m. about - then we shall be in London from Tues. night till Friday. Thanks so much for letter etc. & newspapers, ever yours G.?
2) Mackintosh - 24th August 1933 Postmark Barrow, Lanos to T. C. G. Mackintosh, Esq., Loredale? Cottage, Iona, Scotland ~ Thurs.  Isn't this a lovely old house? I do think the houses in the lake district attractive & then their surroundings are entrancing - One can just imagine how these poets loved it all & revelled in the old world-ness. We spent quite a time at Dove? Cottage y'day, it must have been a fascinating little house, the garden is perfectly sweet with glorious view of ? ? the top. We loved the Ruskin ? at ? too. So glad you are having a jolly time & Iona of course is delightful. Love for both. A.
3) Mackintosh - 20th November 1937 Postmark Earl's Court to T. C. G. Mackintosh, Esq., Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down, N. Ireland ~ Friday  Hope to see you on Tuesday morn. Very cold here but dry. Was at Victoria Regina a Thurs. evg. & enjoyed it, especially Albert?, who was most attractive & handsome. Saw wonderful mannequin? parade at America Women's Club ? day Love to all A.?
4) Mackintosh - 13th August 1941 Postmark ? to T. C. G. Mackintosh, Esq., Causeway Hotel, Giant's Causeway, Bushmills, Co. Antrim ~ I hope you are having an enjoyable holiday. I am sorry you are getting such showery weather. I enjoyed my holiday very much and am quite glad to be back at work again. Best wishes to all, Gertie
5) Mackintosh no date - to T. C. G. Mackintosh, Esq., L.L.B., Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down, N. Ireland ~ We have had a nice holiday, A. will tell you about it. I saw Paul Mum? in the Dreyfus case yesterday, it is a great picture. I am going to Pinner tomorrow afternoon to stay till Monday. I hope you are all in the pink. Love to all, Winnie
6) Martin - 18th October 1906 Postmark St. Andrews to Mrs. Martin, Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down, Ireland ~ Many thanks for your nice letter of this morning. These are two of the houses & you can see the school in the background. All the school post cards are hideous and don't do the place justice by any means. The grounds & buildings are all that could be desired & the colouring of the trees & flowers & playgrounds is the great charm. much love G. A. M.
7) Martin - 18th November 1906 Postmark St. Andrews to Mrs. Martin, Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down, Ireland ~ I am writing to Grannie. Very, very best love & much, much of it for you & all. your loving Adelaide  Sunday  5 South Street
8) Martin - November 1906 Postmark St. Andrews to Mrs. Martin, Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down, Ireland ~ Sun. mrny. Just going off to church, have written to Groshen. Very much love and kisses, my dearest Mother from her own Adelaide.
9) Martin - 1906 Postmark Auldgirth to Mrs. J. W. Martin, Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down, Ireland ~ Many many thanks for so kindly remembering my birthday card & the sweet toffee? ??????????????? Very glad to hear good news ??????????

1                   2                     3                     4                    5                    6                   7                   8                  9
1) Martin - 1913 Postmark ? stamp french to Mrs. Martin, Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down, Irlande ~ Friday  Many thanks for letter recd. last night (written on Wed. 4th). I suppose it would be best for me to cross to Belfast via Liverpool, as I know that way & the boat train doesn't get into Liverpool too late. ? by time table train leaves London at 4.30 & arrives Liverpool 9.30. The boat arrives at 6.0 next day. Will you make berth for me from your side or what? Thanks for letter received a few days ago too. I got other that you speak of all right too - sorry I forgot to ? ? it. Have just said Goodbye to Monsieur Gratia? Heaps of love dearest. ? G.?  Keep this card for me.
2) Martin - 25th July 1932 Postmark Dumfries to Mrs. Martin, Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down, N. Ireland ~ Arrived back from grand tour on Sat. night about 10.30, having had a stre??ing day - left Dunkeld in mrng. & cycled to Dunblane by Crieff - then got lift in a lorry 5 miles to Stirling, took motor bus there to G'Gow (1¼ hrs.) & just caught one leaving G'gow for Dfs. (3 hrs.) got off at Auldgirth & came 6 miles from there to D'darrock? on bike (raining!) & was glad of some supper, hot bath & empty bed, but I didn't feel very tired. It has been quite hard work cycling with a head wind against us all the time 1st north then west, but all the better to make one fit. Loch Ma??? is grand but we had to shoot a ? ? let this lovely places to get full benefit. Pretty country & ? ? isn't it? Thanks so much ????????  ? loving A.  Going to Ca???loch tomorrow. A.
3) Martin - 27th August 1937 Postmark Auldgirth to Mrs. Martin, Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down, N. Ire. ~ Friday  Such a lovely mng! Many thanks for gloves & labels & card recd. this mng. I am feeling rested after quite a comfortable journey y'day - not too hot tho' a beautiful sunny day. It was quite cold last night & earlier this mng. - a little frost. Shall write soon. Mrs. Hewetson leaving on Monday. We are going to see someone at Rockcliffe that day. The car is very nice & comfortable. I think an Austin 12, & roomy. Much love A.
4) Martin - 11th August 1938 Postmark Oban to Miss Adelaide Martin, Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down, N. Ireland ~ Oban  Wed.  Having a nice time touring Scotland. We were at the Exhibition one day. Weather glorious, Susie
5) Martin - 7th August 1938 Postmark Nice, Alpes to Miss E. R. Martin, Ardchattan, Belfast Road, Newtownards, N. Ireland ~ Nice  Spending the weekend here. It is a lovely town, and the scenery is quite different from that at Grenoble?  Grace? B.
6) Martin - 18th May 1954 Postmark Lancaster & Morecambe to Miss A. G. Martin, Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down, N. Ireland ~ Had an interesting time in London, came to Mrs. Ellicote? last night. I saw The Royal Family come up the river also in balconey. Love to you and Curt? E. W. S.
7) Martin - 5th June 1959 Postmark Harrogate, Yorkshire to Miss Martin, Ardchattan, Belfast Road, Newtownards, Co. Down ~ We are enjoying every minute of our holiday. To-morrow a friend of Elizabeth's is taking us for a motor run. We visited Harewood House on Wednesday morning, the coach picked us up at the hotel & left us back which was very pleasant. We hope to visit York one morning too if time permits. On Sat. we've planned to go to the Valley Gardens. Hope all goes well with you & Aunt Freda. Love from J. F. C.
8) Martin - 29th August 1959 Postmark Perthshire to Miss Martin, 15 Belfast Road, Newtownards, Co. Down ~ Have just arrived from Aberfeldy. Having a most enjoyable holiday. Hope you and Aunt Freda are enjoying the lovely weather. Much love Molly
9) Martin no date - to Mrs. Martin, Ardchattan, Newtownards, Co. Down, N. Ireland, Angleterre ~ Sat.  Very strong passage!! & windy & showery here today but sunshine between. Writing soon. Seems V. pretty here but haven't seen much yet. Expecting the Davidsons any time, it is now 5 o'c. Have been looking at sea & shops & enjoying it. Ever yrs. A. (awful pen)

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1) McClintock no date - to Mr. W. McClintock, Templepatrick P.E.S. No. 2, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland ~ This is one of the lovely seaside places along the coast. It is very beautiful, also gives you some idea of the houses & how they are built, not a bit like ours. The weather is still perfect, lots of sun & blue skies & the sea! - its the bluest blue I've ever seen. Get my address from mum & write to me. That would be fun. Best love to all. P.S. Am collecting Wimm's funnies for you, I'll send them soon. O. A. S.
2) McCormac - 8th September 1915 Postmark? to Mrs. McCormac, Ballysallagh, Newtownards, Co. Down, Ireland ~ Hope you are A1. All well. Sam
3) McGuffin - 6th September 1985 Postmark Port Erin to Mr. & Mrs. H. McGuffin, 7 Woodford Green, Belfast 8 ~ 6.9.85  We are enjoying ourselves although the weather is changeable, it is bright and sunshine with a very cold wind today, the hotel is very comfortable, plenty of good food, entertainment. Hope you both are well. Kitty & Grant
4) McKibbin no date - (another of these creepy cards with the fake eyes LOL) to Miss Babs McKibbin, Shore Street, Millisle, Co. Down ~ Portrush, Wednesday  Dear Babs, I hope you are quite better again. It was dreadfully cold here yesterday & the waves were very big , it is calmer to-day.  Aunt Fanny
5) Morrow - 21st July 1930 Postmark Blackpool, Lancs to Miss Ruth Morrow, Drumreagh, Ballygowan, Belfast, Ireland ~ Egerton Road, Blackpool We are having a ? holiday here, M. B.
6) Morrow - 3rd ? 1960 Postmark Calgary to Miss Ruth Morrow, The Stum, Drumreagh, Ballygowan, Co. Down, Ireland ~ Calgary Alberta January 2nd  Just a card to say we are spending a week here with my daughter & her husband, mighty cold here, a foot of snow & expecting more & 10 below zero, we were here at the stampede in July & it was very warm then, it never rains all winter & the ground never thaws out till May, I want to get back to Vancouver again, Love to all, Henry T.?


1                                                                     2                     
1) The Nostalgia Postcard - Office Workers 1925
2) The Nostalgia Postcard - The sinking of the Titanic, April, 1912

1                                                                                              2          
1) The Nostalgia Postcard - London 1926
2) The Nostalgia Postcard - Autumn 1938

1                                                  2                                                         3             
1) a) Bitter Sweet 1929  b) 1920s  c) A Sopwith Camel taking off at sea  d) Paris Fashion c. 1925
2) a) August 1924  b) Royal Wedding 1893  c) Ascot Week, June 1913  d) Listening to Churchill, August 1941
3) a) Thatching 1940  b) Traditional crafts 1940s  c) Shanklin July 1956


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1) Ochiltree? - 13th February 1918 Postmark Rathfriland to Miss Annie Ochiltree, Ballyroney, Banbridge, Co. Down ~ Dear Annie, hers to the rose, the red red rose, the diamond & the ring, hers to the boy that courts his girl and never buys the ring.  You look nice on the other side with your boy. From A. M. Blair? Aus.  How is H.?  A. B.
2) O'Donnell -
5th May 1954 Postmark ? to Mr. Brian O'Donnell, 2 Auburn Street, Donegal Pass, Belfast, Via Ireland ~ Hello Brian, got here safe Sunday, going home Thursday, hope your keeping well. Regards to you all, Sean
b) 25th June 1951 Postmark Blackpool Lancs. to Mr. & Mrs. O'Donnell, 16 Auburn Street, Donegall Pass, Belfast, N.I. ~ Having a nice holiday though can't say its a rest, everything is interesting and plenty to see & do. Hope you are all fine. Mr. & Mrs. Robb
c) no date Mr. Brian O'Donnell, 3 Auburn Street, Donegal Pass, Belfast, Nth. Ireland ~ Spending a few days with Jim in Morecambe before leaving tomorrow for home the box sent wonderfull at the Feis in Newcastle-on-Tyne. see you Brian on Thursday. Regards to all at No. 3 Sean
d) 19th August 1956 Postmark West Bromwich to Mr. Brian O'Donnell, 3 Auburn Street, Donegal Pass, Belfast, N. Ireland ~ 46 Cathcart Road, Kensington, London S.W.10  Our recording session at Decca in Thursday quite successful and out results are to be issued all on 1 record of the new extended play (E.P.) type (the small microgroove long playing kind giving about 7 mins. per side - total about 14 mins. The B.B.C. also had us in for an audition for an appearance on T.V. later on in season in "In Town Tonight" should we be able to return here. We are also contacting 'Philips' records in case they are interested. all the best John & Bill - Mr. Rowe, Decca promised me he would re-make Seans records next year, letting him play in his own true free style. - John
3) O'Donnell -
15th August 1956 Postmark Chelsea to Mr. Brian O'Donnell, 3 Auburn Street, Donegal Pass, Belfast, N. Ireland ~ 46 Cathcart Road, Kensington, London, S.W. 10  15th August 1956  Dear Brian, Bill and I arrived here safely on Sunday evening by the car, and are enjoying our stay. Bill is due to record tomorrow morning for Decca and is just having a practice unaccompanied as we haven't a piano here, and don't know anyone near here whom we could ask to let us have the use of one. I shall be accompanying him on the records of course, we contacted Peter Kennedy (of B.B.C. & English Folk Dance & Song Soc.) and had a session over at his house on Monday. He was delighted with our music and means to have back!  Kindest regards to all from John and Bill
b) 25th June 1962 Postmark Torquay, Devon to Mr. & Mrs. O'Donnell, 3 Auburn Street, Donegall Pass, Belfast  ~ Dear Mrs. O'D. At last I'm dropping you a line, Muriel had a little Boy and came home on Sunday, weather has been very nice and we are making the most of it. Love to all at No. 3  Lil Robb
c) 16th August 1959 Postmark Kirkwall, Orkney to Mr. Brian O'Donnell, 3 Auburn Street, Donegall Pass, Belfast, N. Ireland ~ c/o Post Office, Holm, Orkney 14-8-59  Having a great time here and meeting many traditional musicians. Have been playing the piano, fiddle and tin whistle with them and have had some great musical sessions! Weather has been excellent apart from this morning which was wet but has now cleared to fine again. Tonight there is a concert of the Orkney Strathebly & Reel Society in Kirkwall which I am to attend. I go on to Shetland for next week. Kindest regards John
d) 13th January 1965 Postmark Basingstoke, Hants to Mr. B. O'Donnell, 3 Auburn Street, Belfast 7, N. Ireland ~ Eluetham? Hall  12/1/65  Dear Brian, Just to inform you entries for Ballymena Festival close 18/1/65 - I will not be home till 22nd. Will you please do the needful. Thanks Doris?
4) Ogle - 8th January 1914 Postmark Detroit, Mich. to Mrs. Ogle, 13 Athens Street, Woodstock Road, Belfast, Ireland ~ Just a P.C. hoping you are all well as this leaves me, tell Andy and Tom I was asking for them, also George and Ma???gle what about wee Lizzie and the Baby.  ? ? Bill
5) Orson - 11th July 1928 Postmark Douglas I.O.M. to Mifs Dorothy Orson, 3 Mount Charles, University Road, Belfast ~ Had a d-e of a journey coming across but arrived safely, a big crowd of people here. Eddy?

next - PAGE TWO P - Z  and random items