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McGeagh Jackson Photo Albums
selection of postcards and photos etc. over 2 pages

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Albums  ONE  -  TWO  -  THREE  -  FOUR  -  FIVE  -  SIX  -  SEVEN  -  EIGHT  -  NINE  -  TEN

only 3 photos with information

Crimea Street S. S. Pic-nic  Teachers 1926

Crimea Street S. School Pic-nic 1926  Teachers

Lily Smith - Mercer Brook? Studio, Belfast

I would love to know what's going on with this car, there are 4 cardboard cut out birds on the roof and a tree with long cones? and a bird on top, the whole car is covered in flowers, is that a bear on the bonnet or a really fluffy dog? and a teddy bear beside him, very peculiar :o)
according to the 'Irish Motor Directory' on this site the car belonged to
"Miss Mary Black, Glenebor, Strandtown, Belfast" in 1914-1915 - she may not have owned it when this photo was taken but then maybe she did, anyway further entries for the 'Blacks':-
1877 Samuel Black, Glen Ebor, Strandtown - on a book inscription, A. D. Black, Glenebor
1913 Phone Book: James Black, Glen Ebor, Strandtown
1924 Chas. W. Black, Glen Ebor, Glenmachan Road/Quarry Road

1955 Glenmachan Road, The Misses G. and D. Black, Glen Ebor


To Martie With best love from Harrie 3rd October 1923
only 2 photos with any information but only place and date, no names

            Bo??al Castle, April 1924                  The Club House, Morpelt? '24

no information

        1                                                            2
1) photographer Herbert Cooper, Strabane
2) The Manor House Hotel, Killadeas, Enniskillen, Northern Ireland

no information

no information

some information

1                 2                  3                  4              5              6                 7                8                 9   
1) August 1929 Gibraltar
2) Lucia? Maru - Kalore? Maru at Naples - Purser Kalore Maru?
3) -
4) Entrance to Canal - Canal Marseilles - War Memorial Marseilles - Miss Beattie at Marseilles
5) ? Naples
6) Naples
7) Nogera-Umbra
8) At Capri?
9) Robbie in a Courtyard in Naples - at Posillpe? - Du Kahore Maru - Naples - On Kahore? Maru - On ? Maru - ? Maru

1                       2                        3                         4                         5
1) Cape St. Vincent - ditto - ditto - a bit of the Portuguese Coast
2) "? Maru" at Gibraltar - Gibraltar - Landing? at Marseilles - On board Luna? Maru
3) On board "Luna Maru" - Nearing Gibraltar "Kahore? Maru"
4) Marseilles Harbour
5) Bathing at Marseilles

no information


the end