newspaper clipping inside the book, Northern Whig, 3rd September 1918
7th September 1914 - My Lord, I have the honour to report the proceedings of
the Field Force under my command up to the time of rendering this despatch.
1. The transport of the troops from England both by sea and by rail
was effected in the best order and without a check. Each unit arrived
at its destination in this country well within the scheduled time. The
concentration was practically complete on the evening of Friday, the 21st
ultimo, and I was able to make dispositions to move the force during
Saturday, the 22nd, to positions I considered most favourable from which to
commence operations which the French Commander-in-Chief, General Joffre,
requested me to undertake in pursuance of his plans in prosecution of the
campaign. The line taken up extended along the line of the canal from
Condé on the west, through Mons and Binche on the east. This line was
taken up as follows: From Condé to Mons inclusive was assigned to the
Second Corps, and to the right of the Second Corps from Mons the First Corps
was posted. The 5th Cavalry Brigade was places at Binche. In the
absence of my Third Army Corps I desired to keep the Cavalry Division as
much as possible as a reserve to act on my other flank, or move in support
of any threatened part of the line. The forward reconnaissance was
entrusted to Brigadier-General Sir Philip Chetwode with the 5th Cavalry
Brigade, but I directed General Allenby to send forward a few squadrons to
assist in this work. During the 22nd and 23rd these advanced squadrons
did some excellent work, some of them penetrating as far as Soignies, and
several encounters took place in which our troops showed to great advantage.
2. At 6 a.m. on August 23rd, I assembled the Commanders of the First
and Second Corps and Cavalry Division at a point close to the position and
explained the general situation of the Allies, and what I understood to be
General Joffre's plan. I discussed with them at some length the
immediate situation in front of us. From information I received from
French Headquarters I understood that little more than one, or at most two,
of the enemy's Army Corps, with perhaps one Cavalry Division, were in front
of my position; and I was aware of no attempted outflanking movement by the
enemy. I was confirmed in .............CLICK images below to
continue reading the despatches
Map 1. Showing the early stages of the retreat from Mons: August 22 to
September 1
Map 2 The Retreat continued. From Compiégne, Sept. 1, to the new
position south of Meaux, Sept. 3 and 4
Map 3. Commencement of the Battle of the Marne. Sept. 6 (Sunday) morning
Concentration of the Germans on a central point, and the position of the
British Force when it resumed the offensive
17th September 1914 2nd Despatch
Map 4. Sept. 6 (Sunday) evening. First advance towards the line of the
Grand Morin
Map 5. Sept. 8. Battle of the Marne, where important captures were made by
the British
Map 6. Sept. 9. Forcing the passage of the Marne
This day the German retreat degenerated into a rout, and many captures were
Map 7. Sept. 10 (evening). End of Battle of the Marne.
The Germans were driven over the Ourcq and retreated to the Aisne
8th October 1914 Third Despatch
Map 8. Sept. 10 to 12. Showing the Germans' headlong retreat to their
entrenched positions beyond the Aisne
Map 9. Sept. 13 and 14. Passage of the Aisne, when bridges were constructed
under great difficulties
Map 10. Sept. 15 to 28.
This map shows the entrenched positions of the Germans, many of which the
Allies took with great loss to the Germans
List of Officers & Men Mentioned in Sir John French's Despatches
General Headquarters Staff, etc. - Non-Commissioned Officers and men
Officers & Regiments