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1907 Belfast / Ulster Street Directory

1805 - 1806 - 1807 - 1808 - 1819 - 1843 - 1852 - 1861 - 1868 - 1877 - 1880 - 1890
1901 - 1907 - 1908 - 1910 - 1912 - 1918 - 1924 - 1932 - 1943 - 1951 - 1960
1913 Tel. directory    1824 Pigots (Belfast)  &  (Bangor)   1894 Waterford Directory    1898 Newry Directory  Bangor Spectator Directory 1970


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Click here for the 1910 Belfast Street Directory TOWNS section

I have only listed the names of the occupants in each Town as the other information is pretty much similar to the 1910 above

Larne   Laurencetown   Letterkenny   Limavady   Lisbellaw   Lisburn   Lisnaskea



Adrain, Dr. James, Main Street
Anderson and Houston, ironmongers and grocers, Bridge Street
Atkins & Co., linen and woollen drapers, silk mercers, hatters, glovers and outfitters, etc., 2 Dunluce Street and Cross Street
Apsley, S. & L., high class stationers and newsagents; Music and Musical Instruments, Special Value; Fancy Goods, etc., Agents for the "Belfast News-Letter" and "Belfast Weekly News," Main Street
Atkinson, Mrs., 2 Irene Terrace, Glenarm Road
Atkinson, The Misses, 3 Clonlee
Austin, Wm., grocer, Pound Street

Bailie, Samuel, Kilwaughter Lime Works
Barklie, J. & A., linen merchants and bleachers
Barr, Saml., outfitter, etc., Agnew Street
Barton, George, Merchant Tailor, General Draper, Milliner, etc., The Arcade, Dunluce Street and Point Street
Baxter, William, hotel proprietor, Main Street
Bell, John, State Line Hotel, Main Street
Bingham, J. A., & Co., druggist and chemists, Main Street and Dunluce Street
Bird, H. S., Waterloo
Blair, Mrs., Temperance Hotel, Station Road
Bowman, John A., Dunard
Boyd, James, grocer and merchant, Curran Street
Boyd, John, boot and shoe maker, Mill Street
Boyd, Miss, 8 Bonavista Terrace
Boyd, Mrs. James, fancy draper, Main Street
Boyle, Mrs., Kinvara
Brown, W. N. & C. J., Larne Weaving Co.
Bruce, John, roper, Point Street
Buchanan, James, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Main Street
Buchanan, Rev. G. H. L., M.A., Kilwaughter
Buick, David, LL.D., Sandy Bay
Burton, Robert, Millbrook Bleaching Works
Bustard, A. V., Gardenmore House

Campbell, Mrs., Barnhill
Campbell, D., & Co., woollen drapers, Bridge Street
Canning, John A., cycle repairer, Point Street
Carleton, Goodwin H., Pharmaceutical Chemist and Photographic Requisites, Dunluce Street
Carmichael, John, Clonlee
Carson, N., Larne Markets
Carson, T., groceries, provision and coal merchant, Pound Street
Chaine, W., D.L., Cairncastle Lodge
Clarke, Stewart,  J.P., Cairndhu
Clarke, Henry W., (T.C.D.) Bay View
Clearkin, Thomas, Ardnagreen, Victoria Street.
Close, M., Dunluce Street, Newsagent, and Stationer; Agent for "Belfast News-Letter" and "Belfast Weekly News"
Coey, James, Ardeen
Coey, the Misses, Ardeen
Compton, James, Station Road
Conway, Rev. John, P.P., Parochial House
Cousins, J. F., Bay Road
Crawford, John, wine and spirit merchant
Crawford, Samuel, spirit grocer, Main Street
Crawford, William, spirit merchant, Main Street
Crooks, John, 1 Olderfleet Cottages
Crooks, W. J., Model Farm
Cruikshank, Jane, grocer, Curran Street
Cuthbert, J. B., draper, Pound Street

Dale, W. J., Stanley Villa
Dallat, C, carpenter, Main Street
Davison, Charles, tailor and. draper, Station Road
Delbridge, John H., Dundela
Devine, James, fish monger, Point Street
Diamond, Mary, grocer, Victoria Street
Donaghy, Rev. John Lyle, The Manse
Drummond, John, spirit dealer, Mill Street
Driscoll, W. J., Cathline Villa, Curran Street
Dummer, E. G., Royal Private and Commercial Hotel (late Lester's), Cross Street and Dunluce Street

Earls, Mary, milliner, Pound Street
Eccles, William, Main Street
English, Captain Thos., Bonavista Terrace
English, John, draper, Main Street
English, Thomas F., baker, Mill Street and Main Street
English and Scottish Law Life Offices, Agents, John Fullerton, Merchant, Main Street; William A. Jones, Rodden Villa; O'Rorke, McDonald & Tweed, Solicitors
Evans, David, spirit merchant, Point Street
Evans, Joseph, spirit merchant, Point Street

Falloon, Miss, Main Street
Feeney, Mrs., spirit merchant, Pound Street
Ferris Bros., Drapers, Milliners and High Class Dress makers, Dunluce
Street, Larne; and Shaftesbury Square, Belfast
Ferris, Jas., builder and contractor, Main Street
Fisher, Alfred, Ivy Bank
Fleming Bros., grocers and seedsmen, Main Street
Fleming, Malcolm, grocer, china, delf and earthenware merchant, Point Street
Fleming, Thos., The Nursery
Forbes, Miss, 3 Erection Villas
Forte, Alfonso, ice merchant
Foster, Edward, grocer and hardware merchant
Foster, Hugh, & Co., stone merchants, Bank Road
Fullerton, David, grocer and tobacconist, Cross Street and Main Street
Fullerton, John, Grocer, Watch Maker and Jeweller, Glass ,China and Fancy Goods, Main Street
Garvey, Agnes, spirit merchant, Mill Street
Gault Bros., timber, iron and slate merchants, Station Road
Gault & Co., timber and slate merchants, Cross Street
Gault, Mrs., Main Street
Gawn, Mrs., Ardmoyle
Geddis, William, hardware merchant, ironmonger and House Furnisher, Dunluce Street
Gettinby, M., draper, milliner and merchant tailor, Main Street
Giffen, Robt., 3 Olderfleet Terrace
Gilfillan, Rev. Ewing, Mounthill
Gilmore & Sons, cabinet makers and upholsterers, Main Street
Gingles, John, spirit merchant, Cross Street
Ginn, M., barber, Cross Street
Girvan, Hugh, carpenter and builder, Station Road
Gordon, Alex., draper and manufacturers' agent, Station Road
Gordon, James, Prince's Gardens
Gordon, J. A., manager Belfast Bank
Greenlees, Margaret, fancy draper, Main Street.
Gregg, George, road contractor, Glenarm Road

Hall, Captain, Larkhill
Halliday Bros., Family Grocers and Hardware Merchants, Cross Street
Hanson, Rev. David H., B.A., Gardenmore Manse
Harbinson, W. J. R., Chaine, Memorial Road
Haveron, Saml., fruiterer, Main Street
Heggarty, John, J.P., Clonlee Villa
Heggie, J. S., Marshallville, manager Burns Steamers
Henderson, Robert, Temperance Hotel, Curran Street
Higginson, E., boot and shoe manufacturer, Dunluce Street
Hill. Dr. Samuel, Pound Street
Hillis Bros., grocers, etc., Main Street
Howden Bros., ship owners and coal merchants, Cross Street
Hunter, Mrs. Jane, Thornlea, Larne
Hunter, William, wholesale and retail provision merchant, 19 Dunluce Street
Hutchinson, Robert, Temperance Hotel, Main Street
Hutton, G. R., woollen draper, Main Street

Inglis, Alexr. K., registered plumber, Point Street

Jackson, J. H., Larne Cloth Company, Barnhill Terrace
Jackson, W. J., victualler, Main Street
Jeffery, William, Clarence Villa
Jenkins, Alex., monuments, tombstones and headstones, Station Road
Jenkins, Robert, grocer, Dunluce Street
Jenks, Mrs., Chelmsford Place
Johnston, Captain, Glynn House
Johnston, Jas., wood turner, Station Road
Johnston, J. H., leather merchant, Mill Street
Jones, W. A., music teacher, Dunluce Street

Kane Bros., Larne Foundry
Kane, Wm., shoe maker, Pound Street
Keenan, Hugh, barber, Main Street
Kennedy, Rev. James, The Manse, Larne
Kennedy, Wm. J., B.A., Barnhill
Killen, A., grocer, Mill Street
Killen, John M., M.D., Main Street
King's Arms Hotel, Main Street (H. McNeill, Limited), proprietors
Kirkpatrick, David, Clonlee
Kirkpatrick, John, baker, Mill Street
Kirkwood, N., grocer and chemist, Mill Street

Laharna Hotel, Main Street
Lappin, Jas., 1 Marine Villas
Larne Electric Light Works Ltd., Point Street, M. G. Smyth, A.M.I.E.E., engineer and manager
"Larne Times Offices," 4 Dunluce Street. Published on Thursday Morning
Law, Louisa, tobacconist, Barnhill
Lawson, William, Glenarm Road
Legge, John, grocer and tobacconist, Dunluce Street and Main Street
Lennon, N., draper, Main Street
Lewis, Joseph, C.E., Chaine Memorial Road
Lilly, C. I., D.I.R.I.C., Barnhill Terrace
Longmore Bros., hardware merchants, The Open

Macaulay, Thos., Spirit Merchant, Ferris's Lane
Macaulay, W. J., newsagent and stationer, 10 Main Street; Agent for "Belfast News-Letter" and "Belfast Weekly News"
Macdonald, Donald, Larne Harbour
Mack, E. W., photographer, Main Street
Mackean, Charles L., Merchiston, Roddens Road
Macreedy, Rev. H. H., Second Islandmagee
Mackinlay, the Misses, intermediate school, Barnhill
Magee, Ellen, spirit merchant, Main Street
Magill & Nelson, general drapers, Cross Street
Mann, Wm., boot and shoe maker, Main Street
Mather, William, analyst, 9 Glenarm Road
Maxwell, John, sanitary inspector, 14 Clonlee
Moffet, Samuel, plumber, Old Glenarm Road
Moore, Robert, grocer, Barnhill
Morrow, James, J.P., Ulster Bank House
Morrow, Jas., saddler, The Open
Muir, G. A. J., F.R.C.V.S., Shamrock Lodge
Mulvenna, Felix, grocer, Main Street
Mulvenna, John, grocer, Station Road
Murray, John, Seaview Villa, Curran Street
Murray, Wm., Berea
Myres, James, painter, Barnhill
McCalmont, J., printer, Main Street
McAllister, J. & A., victuallers, Dunluce Street
McAuley, John, plumber, Barnhill
McCallister, J. B., St. John's Place
McCay, Charles, inn keeper, Main Street
McClaughry, A., general draper, millinery and mantle warehouse, Main Street
McClure, T., painter and glazier, Station Road
McConnell, Thomas, woollen draper, Dunluce Street; res., Dunboyne
McCormick, Mrs., 2 Clonlee
McCully, Robert, Larne Brickfields
McCurdy, John, coach builder, Point Street
McDowell, Alex., saddle and leather merchant, Cross Street
McErlean, C., flesher, Pound Street
McFerran, Geo., J.P., Drumnagreagh House
McGregor, Peter, Clonlee
McKeown, Mrs. John, Sunbeamville
McKillop, R., flesher, Point Street
McKinstry, N., fruiterer, Main Street
McLaughlin, M., inn keeper, Station Road
McMeekin, Wm., nail, iron and coal merchant
McMeekin, S., & Co., Merchant Tailors, General Drapers and Outfitters, The Open
McMullan, Mrs., Temperance Hotel, Station Road
McNeill, Colonel, J.P., The Corran
McNeill, Henry, Limited, proprietors of Main Street Hotel, King's Arms Hotel, Lancashire and Yorkshire Hotel, Eagle Hotel, Garron Tower Hotel and Posting Establishment
McNeill, Mrs. W. W., Sallagh
McNeill, Wm., builder and carpenter, Victoria Street
McNinch, James W., solicitor, Cross Street
McNinch, John, family grocer and provision merchant and implement dealer, Dunluce Street
McQuillan, David, Grocer, Meal and Flour Merchant, Mill Street; res., Dunluce House
McQuillan, James, M.A., head master Grammar School
McRoberts, Matthew, Glynn View Villa
McSeveney, Robt., 4 Bellevue Terrace
McWilliam, Mrs., Main Street

Nelson, David A., Roddens Road
Nelson, John, barber, Mill Street

Olderfleet Hotel Co. Ltd., Larne Harbour
Oulton, Rev. Richard C, A.M., Glynn
Owens, James, stoker, Point Street
Owens & Magee, Practical Boot Makers, Main Street
O'Boyle, Charles, Main Street
O'Boyle, Henry, M.R.C.V.S., Main Street
O'Brien, Hugh, Seymour Cottage
O'Rorke, McDonald & Tweed, solicitors, Main Street

Patton, W., Flesher, The Open
Phoenix Fire Office, Agents, John Fullerton, Main Street; Robert Robinson, 13 Clonlee
Phillips, M., Stationer and News Agent; Agent for "Belfast News-Letter" and "Belfast Weekly News," Dunluce Street
Picken, Paul, J.P., director Shipbuilding Company, Larne Harbour
Pinkerton, David, engineering and cycle works, Point Street
Pinkerton, Wm., town surveyor, Point Street
Pollock Bros., jewellers and watch makers, Cross Street and Main Street
Price, T. L., manager "Larne Times," Brynheulog

Rainey & Hall, coal merchants, Circular Road
Rankin, Mrs., 1 Royal Terrace
Rankin, Wm., The Cottage, Larne Harbour
Rea, Mrs., Temperance dining-rooms, Main Street
Richardson & Smith, coach builders, Circular Road
Robinson, Thomas, spirit merchant, Manchester Hotel
Ross, James, Sans Souci, Bay Road
Ross, John, Rosevilla, Clonlee
Ross, Mrs. A., draper, Curran Street
Ross, R. T., & Co., drapers, Pound Street
Rossboro, Robert, saddler, Point Street
Roy, Mrs. J., general draper and milliner, Cross Street
Rutherford, Henry E., M.D., Main Street

Scott, J. Gordon, solicitor, Main Street
Shamrock Shipping Company, Curran
Shannon, T., Select Family Grocer and Tea Merchant, Dunluce Street
Sharpe, Henry, 65 Main Street
Simms, James, 3 Olderfleet Cottages
Simms, Robt., painter and glazier, Main Street
Simpson, Miss, Main Street
Smiley, Hugh Holmes, solicitor, Main Street
Smiley, Sir H. H., Bart, D.L., Drumalis
Smith, Mrs. John Galt, Kilwaughter Castle
Smith, Thos., Erection Villas
Smyth, J. W., J.P., Duneira
Smyth, The Misses, Duneira
Smythe, M. J., electrical engineer, Roddens Road
Strange, Andrew, grocer, Main Street
Streight, Jas., watch maker, Main Street
Stuart, Thos., stationer and photographer
Sutherland, James, manager The British Aluminium Company Limited
"Sunbeam" Acetylene Gas Company Ltd., patentees and manufacturers; Sunbeam Plant and Carbide Works, Inver, Larne
Sun Fire and Life Offices, Agents, George Barry, care of Howden Bros.; J. A. Gordon, Belfast Bank

Taggart, Charles, draper,. Cross Street
Thomas, Rev. Frederick, Cairncastle
Trotter, George, plumber and gasfitter, Main Street
Tyler & Sons, boot makers, Main Street

Wallace, S. M., clerk of Union, Point Street
Weatherup, Lizzie, draper, etc., Cross Street
White, Hugh, draper and clothier, Dunluce Street
Whiteside, W. & R., grocers, Dunluce Street
Wiles, D. N., clerk of petty sessions, Crannie
Williams, Captain, Salisbury Terrace
Williams, Mrs. Alex.
Williams, W. W., Solicitor, Main Street
Wilson, Jas., provision merchant, Glenarm
Wilson, J. W., M.D., Main Street
Wilson & Strain Ltd., bakers, Main Street
Wilson, Thomas, merchant tailor and milliner, Curran Street
Wilson, W., Elsinore
Workman, Wm., saddler, Pound Street

Yates, Captain, The Mount, Tower Road
Younge, Hugh G., auctioneer, valuator and house agent, 6 Cross Street
Younge, W. G., town clerk, Prince's Gardens


Acheson, John, St. Cunning, Cairncastle
Aicken, Robert, Ballygally, Cairncastle
Alexander, Wm., Ballyrudder, Cairncastle
Allen, John, Ballytober, Cairncastle
Arnold, James P., Carnduff, Larne

Bailie, Saml. M., Rorysglen, Kilwaughter
Barbour, David. Ballyhacket, Cairncastle
Beggs, Hugh, Headwood, Kilwaughter
Blair, Hugh, Ballygally, Cairncastle
Blair, Robert, Newlands, Magheramorne
Boyd, Joseph, Sheriffsland, Kilwaughter
Boyd, R., Ballycraigy, Larne
Bradford, James, Craiganee, Magheramorne
Brady, Robert, Lisnahan, Cairncastle
Brown, James, Corkermain, Cairncastle
Brown, Samuel, Ballysnodd, Larne
Brown, Thos., Ballystrodder, Islandmagee

Calwell, H. B., Sallagh, Cairncastle
Campbell, Daniel, Killyglen, Cairncastle
Carmichael, Wm., Ballywillan, Cairncastle
Clark, Stewart, J.P., Cairndhu, Cairncastle
Coey, Edward, J.P., Droagh, Cairncastle
Craig, Ephraim, Newlands, Magheramorne
Craig, Jas., Ballyrickardmore, Raloo
Craig, Wm., Carneal, Raloo
Crawford, Hugh, Limeworks, Raloo
Crawford, John M., Limeworks, Raloo
Crawford, Matthew, Toreagh, Raloo
Crawford, Robert, Fourscoreacre, Cairncastle
Crawford, W. S., Killyglen, Cairncastle

Dale, John, Ballyrudder, Cairncastle
Dempsey, Daniel, Ballygilbert, Cairncastle
Donald, James, Ballyrickard, Raloo
Donald, W. J., Altilevelly, Raloo
Drummond, Andrew, Ballyvernstown, Larne
Drummond, Wm., Ballylig, Magheramorne
Dundee, Chas., Redhall, Ballycarry

English, John, Newlands, Magheramorne
English, Robert, Brownsbay, Islandmagee
Eslar, Robt., Drumadonaghy, Kilwaughter

Fullerton, William, Ballysnodd, Larne

Gibb, Arch. B., Ballyedward, Magheramorne
Gibson, Alexander, Blackcave, Larne
Gingles, James, Ballymullock, Cairncastle
Gingles, Thos., Hightown, Kilwaughter
Gray, David, Carneal, Raloo
Greenlees, Andrew, Kilwaughter, Larne
Graham, John, Reps., Ballypollard, Magheramorne

Hamilton, J., Mullaghmossan, Magheramorne
Hill, Hugh, Ballytober, Islandmagee
Hill, John, Ballytober, Islandmagee
Hill, Robert, Ballyprior, Islandmagee
Hill, Thomas, Craiganee, Magheramorne
Holden, Thos., Ballykeel, Larne
Holmes, Edward, Balloo, Islandmagee
Holmes, John, Ballytober, Islandmagee
Holmes, Nathaniel, Ballycronan, Islandmagee
Hunter, Alex., Ballylig, Magheramorne
Hunter, Samuel, Ballygawley, Cairncastle

Kerr, Wm., Ballytober, Cairncastle
Kirkpatrick, J., J.P., Ballymullock, Larne

Laird, Jas., Ballyharry, Islandmagee
Lowry, Jas., Craiganboy, Glynn
Lusk, R. P., Ballyboley, Larne
Lyle, Robert J., Toreagh, Raloo

Magill, Patrick, Skeagh, Kilwaughter
Meharg, James, Ballyhempton, Larne
Montgomery, S., Ballycronan, Islandmagee
Moore, Andrew R., Altilevelly, Raloo
Moore, Thomas, Ballyryland, Raloo
Morton, Francis, Ballygilbert, Cairncastle
Morton, Robert, Balygawn, Cairncastle
McAuley, James, Greenland, Larne
McAuley, Robert, Ballygally, Larne
McAuley, Wm., Ballygally, Cairncastle
McCafferty, Edwd. & Bernd., Blackcave, Larne
McCarey, James, Greenland, Larne
McClelland, James, Ballygally, Larne
McCluggage, James, Ballyboley, Larne
McCluggage, Joseph, Ballyvernstown, Larne
McCluggage, Wm. H., Carnduff, Larne
McClure, Patrick, Ballyboley, Larne
McCormick, Saml., Corkermain, Cairncastle
McDowell, Jas., jun., Ballywillan, Larne
McDowell, R. J., Ballyhone, Glynn
McDowell, Saml., Hightown, Kilwaughter
McFall, Archibald, Ballyloran, Larne
McFall, J. C, Ballyloran, Larne
McIlroy, Robert J., Ballyfore, Raloo
McIlwaine, John, Ballysnodd, Larne
McIlwaine, Robt., Ballyhempton, Larne
McKay, Hugh, Ballytober, Cairncastle
McKee, James, Ballygally, Cairncastle
McLoughlin, John, Corkermain, Cairncastle
McNeill, Andrew, Killyglen, Larne
McNeill, Archibald, Blackcave, Larne
McNinch, Robert, Hightown, Kilwaughter
McNinch, Thos. W., Ballyboley, Larne
McQuillan, Bernd., Fourscoreacre, Cairncastle
McRobert, Samuel, Ballygowan, Raloo

Nelson, Andrew, Ballyhempton, Larne
Nelson, Andrew, Rorysglen, Kilwaughter
Nelson, Wm., jun., Rorysglen, Kilwaughter
Nelson, Wm., Lealies, Kilwaughter
Nelson, James, Ballyboley, Larne

Peoples, James, Killyglen, Larne
Pennal, Robert, Ballyrickard, Raloo
Pennal, W. J. & John, Ballyrickard, Raloo
Phillips, Daniel, Ballyloran, Larne
Porritt, W. J., Redhall, Ballycarry

Rainey, Isaac, Drains, Larne
Rea, James, Mullaghmossan, Magheramorne
Robinson, Saml., Slievebane, Cairncastle
Robinson, Thomas, Sallagh, Cairncastle
Robinson, Wm., Carnduff, Larne
Rock, Mrs. John, Rorysglen, Kilwaughter
Rock, Saml., Rorysglen, Kilwaughter

Shaw, David L., Ballyvallough, Raloo
Shaw, James, Ballyvernstown, Larne
Shaw, Thomas,  Ballyhackett, Cairncastle
Smiley, Hugh, Dromain, Larne
Smith, George, Ballyprior, Islandmagee
Smith, Mrs. Galt, The Castle, Kilwaughter
Snoddy, James, Antiville, Larne
Snoddy, Robert, Browndodd, Larne
Stewart, Thos., Ballyhackett, Cairncastle
Streight, Wm., Carnduff, Larne

Tweed, C. W., J.P., Ballycoose, Cairncastle
Tweed, John, Ballygally, Cairncastle
Tweed, William, Fourscoreacre, Cairncastle

Wallace, Samuel, Boydstown, Kilwaughter
Wilson, Hugh, Drumnahoe, Kilwaughter
Wilson, William, Ballygawn, Cairncastle
Workman, John, Ballytober, Cairncastle
Workman, Robert, Ballycraigy, Larne
Wright, Samuel, Ballyedward, Magheramorne



Adamson, The Misses, Tullylish House
Armstrong, Francis, The Point

Bradshaw, H., Bannville House
Brown, W., foreman bleacher, Banford Works

Campbell, Rev. P. P.
Caughey, Joseph, Bannville Terrace
Coates, A., foreman bleacher
Cochrane, John

Davies, J.. Lenaderg House
Deering, Richard, New Lane
Dickson, Thomas, Bellfield

Edgar, Jno., manager, Springvale Works
English and Scottish Law Life Office, Agent, Francis Armstrong, school teacher

Farrell, Patrick, publican, Gilford Street
Freeburn, John, New Lane

Geoghegan, J., Banbridge Foundry
Gibson, John, merchant, The Point
Gregson, Mrs., postmistress, Gilford Street

Hewitt, Mrs., Gilford Street
Hughes. Edward

Kelso, W. A., Lenaderg
Kennedy, Joseph
Kerr, H., grocer

Law, James, Laurencetown House

Major, Richard, road contractor
Molloy, John, china merchant
Moore, Thomas
Morris, T., land steward
Morison, Rev. J., A.M., The Manse
McAleavy, Charles, butcher
McAvoy, Richard, shoe maker, The Point
McCartney, Isaac, road contractor
McClory, Rev. M.
McComish, J., grocer
McConville, J., butcher, Priesthill
McDowell, Robert, shoe maker, Hallsmill
McKey, Mrs., publican, Bannville Terrace
McLister, Wm., publican
McMullin, C., station master

Phillips, J., publican, The Point

Radcliffe, Edward, New Lane
Rice, Henry, New Lane
Rogers, G. M., J.P., Hazelbank

Sinton, F. B., Banford House
Smyth, John, Milltown
Smyth, J. B., Hazelbank factory
Stevenson, Miss, draper, Bannville Terrace

Teggart, James, The Point

Uprichard, W. F., Springvale

Walker, W. J. D., Glenbanna
Watson, John, New Lane
Whiteside, T. W., watch maker and jeweller


Alexander, Moses, Tullyraine
Bodel, Francis
Clugston, John, Lisnafiffey
Clugston, R., Lisnafiffey
Cowan, John, Rosehall
Farnon, James, Drumnascamph
Farnon, L.
Forsythe, Hugh
Foy, Joshua, Tullyraine
Kerr, J., Drumnascamph
Kerr, Moses, Ballylough
Kerr, W. H., Drumnascamph
Kidd, John, Drumnascamph
Law, Wm., Coose
Lindsay, James, Drumnascamph
Lockhart, Thos., Kernon
McAvoy, John, Tullyraine
Wilson, D., Drumnascamph



Agents for Lloyds, T. A. Ingram, Dunfanaghy, deputy, J. Johnston, Fannet
Auctioneers, John Robinson & Son, Ballyraine, Letterkenny; Wm. Speer and Patk. McFadden and George Kelso
Banks, Belfast, J. E. Butler, manager; Ulster, John Simpson, manager; Hibernian, F. J. MacSherry, manager
Bakers, M. Doherty, Mrs. J. Gallagher, A. Ward, James Donnell, Mrs. J. Davis
Boot and Shoe Makers, James Boner, Thos. Gallagher, W. G. McKinney, H. Callaghan, H. Sweeney, Robert Dobson, David Boal
Boot and Shoe Shops, W. G. McKinney, Mrs. Davis, Magee Bros., George Lucas, Mrs. Corry, Robert Dobson, George Craig, David Boal
Billposter, John Cullion
Builders, J. Heron, Robert Kennedy
Butchers, Charles Langan, J. Patterson, Henry Callaghan, J. Langan, J. Patterson, jun.; James McMonagle
Butter and Egg Dealers, Buchanan Bros., T. Hayes, R. McConnell, J. P. Speer, Mrs. Corry, W. McCay, R. McVicker & Co., Robert McClure, Robert McDowell & Co., Samuel Kennedy
Cartmakers and Carpenters, B. Tonar, C. Harkin, J. Scott, J. Heron, R. Burney, John McMahon
China and Glass Dealers, Miss Campbell, W. McCay, Daniel McDevitt, J. Burns
Toys, Stationery, etc., Miss M. Campbell, Miss K. McCarry, Mrs. McIntyre, McKenney & O'Callaghan
Coal Merchants, W. G. McKinney, William McCay, George Boal, Robert McConnell, Samuel Kennedy
Corn Merchants, A. Ward, Chas. Killey
Chemists and Druggists, W. T. Moore, Dr. T. Patterson, Miss Campbell, Dr. Walker
St. Eunan's College, Patron, Most Rev. Dr. O'Donnell; president, Rev. E. Maguire, D.D.; vice-president, Rev. P. A. Doherty, D.Ph.; professors, Rev. Michael Wood (senior dean), Rev. P. D. McCaul (junior dean), Mr. J. Magone, A.B.; Mr. J. P. Craig, Mr. Denis Murray, N.T.
Clerk of the Union, Robt. S. Watters
Coffee Houses, James Orr, Mrs. Mercer and Miss Barnett
Collector of County Cess, Mrs. M. Ward
Collectors of Poor Rate and Income Tax, David Malseed and M. Ward
Commissioner for taking Affidavits for Superior Courts, Edward McKinney; also Petty Sessions Clerk
Registrar of Marriages, Robt. S. Watters
Constabulary, Wm. McDavies, C.I.,  Augustus Le Clere Macdonald, D.I.
Dentist and Veterinary Surgeon, W. T. Moore
Dispensary and Fever Hospital, Dr. Fenwick Carre
Doctors, Fenwick Carre, T. Patterson and Wm. Walker
English and Scottish Law Life Office, Agents, W. Speer, Auctioneer, Castleshanaghan; R. S. Watters, clerk of Union; G. N. Robinson, Auctioneer, Main Street
Emigration Agents, John Storey, D. McAuley, E. Mahony
Excise Officer, William Frederick Walsh
Flax Merchants, John Fleming, R. Boal (Currahaleas), Robert McDaid
Fishery Office, Charles Flattery, clerk
Grocers, J. Donnell, P. Doherty, J. Gallagher, Robt. McConnell, A. Ward, T. Sweeney, Miss Collins, P. Doherty, Jas. McVeigh, William McCay, J. Doherty, Mrs. J. Davis, R. Baird, Miss H. Anderson, David Rankin, C. Philson, Samuel Kennedy, James Harris, A. McDaid, John Carey, Mrs. Corry, M. McMonagle, J. Colhoun, J. P. Speer, D. McAuley, D. McDevitt, Miss Campbell, Robert James Kelly, Robert McClure, Joseph Burns, John Gallagher, Samuel McBride and William McKinney
Game Dealer, D. McAuley
Grocers and Seed Shops, W. McCay, Mrs. J. Davis, Mrs. Corry, J. P. Speer, Robert McConnell, James Harris, Samuel Kennedy
Hardware Dealers, W. McCay, J. P. Speer, Jas. Harris, Robt. McConnell, Jos. Rankin, J. Burns
Hotelkeepers, Mrs. Robert McClure, James McVeigh, Mrs. McCarry, James Orr, E. McGinty
Horseshoers, John Boyce, J. Coyle, J. Bonar
Insurance Agents, R. S. Watters, Edward McFaddin, John Storey, W. G. McKinney
Leathersellers, W. G. McKinney, Miss Craig, Mrs. Corry
Magistrates, W. H. Boyd, General Stewart, Major Doyne, Lieutenant-Colonel Mansfield, D.L.; Charles McVeigh, George Beresford Butler, R.M.; J. M. C. Grove, M. McFaden, S. Marshall, Dr. Carre, William Colhoun, J. S. Dewhurst, Patk. McGinley, W. G. McKinney, R. McClure, Dr. E. E. Moore, Dr. James C. Martin, Thomas Mulherron, Dr. Thos. Patterson, Anthony Gallagher
Milliners and Dress Makers, Miss Henderson, Miss Duffy, Miss Watt, Mrs. Schoales, Miss Ferguson, Mrs. McLean, Misses McConnell, Mrs. McIntyre
Newsagents, Messrs, McKinney & O'Callaghan, stationers; Mrs. Davis, Miss Campbell, Messrs. H. Sweney, C. Coyle, J. P. Speer; Eason & Son Ltd., agents for "Belfast News-Letter" and "Belfast Weekly News"
Painters and Glaziers, E. Coyle, J. Gallagher, A. Harkin, J. McManus & Sons, Andrew Boal
Phoenix Fire Office, Agents, Robert S. Watters, Clerk of Union; Wilson & Speer, Castleshanaghan and Chas. Flattery
Petty Sessions Clerk, Edward McKinney, Sessions held every second Thursday
Posting Establishments, Mrs. R. McClure W. McMonagle, P. Doherty, H. Kelly, T. Sweeny, M. Wilkinson, J. Roden, M. Doherty, J. Colhoun, B. Sweeny
Printers and Stationers, McKinney & O'Callaghan and T. McConnell & Co.
Publicans, M. McKenna, P. Doherty, Hugh Kelly, M. Doherty, T. McMonagle, James McVeigh, M. Wilkinson, P. Doherty, James Rodden, Thomas Mulherrin, Thomas Sweeney, B. McElhare, J. Sweeney, Miss Callaghan, Annie McCarry, P. Carroll, M. McMonagle, D. McDevitt, Mrs. A. Gallagher, E. Brolly and Jeremiah McCool
Undertakers, W. G. McKinney, J.P.; Matt. Wilkinson, R. McConnell
Schools, First National, Presentation Brothers, teachers; Second National, James Quigg, with Mary Anne Quigg and Maria Fay, assistants. Female School, Nuns. R.C. Parochial Hall, teacher, T. McDowall; assistant, Miss C. Connell. Infant School, Mrs. Murphy; Miss Ward, assistant
Royal and Life Association of Scotland, John Storey, agent
Saddlers, D. Kelly, M. O'Connor & Co.
Servants' Registry Office, Miss Henderson
Shirt Factories, McIntyre, Hogg, & Co. (Miss Kane, manageress); Hogg & Mitchell (Mrs. McCarter, manageress)
Solicitors, William Kelly, Edward McFadden, John Quigg
Stamp Office at Post Office
Summons Server, John Moore, Letterkenny
Sun Fire and Life Offices, Agent, John Simpson, Ulster Bank
Supervisor, Alexander A. Allam
Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Robert S. Watters
Tailors, W. H. Knipe and Matthew Patterson
Tailors and Outfitters, E. Mahony, A. J. Gailey, W. H. Knipe and M. Patterson
Timber Dealers, W. McCay, Robt. McConnell, James Harris, J. P. Speer, Samuel Kennedy
Watch Makers, J. Newman, R. McCullagh and J. Rowan
Whitesmiths, D. Wallace, W. Colhoun, Samuel Fleming
Wine and Spirit Merchants, Thos. Mulherrin, W. McCay
Woollen Drapers, Miss Henderson, Andrew Gailey, Miss Ferguson, Miss Watt, Bartley Ramsay, E. Mahony, Magee Brothers


Armour, Andrew, Magherabuoy
Boal, David, Glencar
Boal, G. and R., Letterkenny and Curragh
Boyd, William H., D.L., Ballymacool
Colhoun, William, J.P., Ednacaran
Clyde, James, Grawkey
Ewing, William, Labbodish
Fleming, Henry, Windyhill
Gallagher, James, Sallaghagrane
Grove, J. M. C, J.P., Castlegrove
Hay, Robert, Trimra
Hunter, John, Barnhill
Kelso, George, Tullygay
Kincaird, Wm., Ballyholey
Lecky, J. Thompson, Labbodish
Marshall, Samuel, J.P., Sallybrook
Mansfield, Colonel, D.L., Castlewray
Montgomery, Alexander, Ray
McClean, James A., Rosbracken
McElhinney, James, Drumnahoagh
McFadden, Manus, J.P., Drumnahough
McKeown, M., Oakpark
Patterson, Robert, Drumoghill
Porterfield, John, Forsetmore
Ramsay, Mrs. M., Ballyraine
Reid, John, Colbuoy
Stevenson, John R., Dromore
Thompson, Thomas, Corkey
Torrence, Miss, Culbuoy



Alexander Arms Family and Commercial Hotel, Main Street
Allison, T. M., Catherine Street

Barber, Alexander, tailor, Main Street
Barrie, Hugh T., produce merchant, Main Street
Bloomfield, S., restaurant and general refreshments, Market Street
Boyd, Joseph, woollen draper, Market Street and Elmfield House
Boyd, J., spirit dealer, Catherine Street
Boyd, Joseph, brick and tile manufacturer, Tullyhoe
Boyle, E. M. F.G., solicitor, Main Street and Gorteen
Boyle, Major Alexander, Bridge Hill
Boyle, Miss, Killane House
Brewster, James, Excise Officer, Catherine Street
Brolly, D., grocer and spirit merchant, Catherine Street
Brown, Rev. N. McAuley, D.D., LL.D., Fairy Fort
Brown, Rev. William, Killane House
Bryson, Theobald, surgeon, Magilligan

Callaghan, Samuel, butcher, Irish Green Street
Cash Drapery Stores, Linenhall Street, Jas. Brown, manager
Cassidy, Samuel, general merchant, Market Street
Cather, Miss, The Hermitage
Christie, Daniel, hardware merchant, Main Street
Chambers, J. T. R., manager Northern Bank
Church, M. B., Oatlands
Cooper, Mrs., Railway Place
Commercial Temperance Hotel, Main Street
Connell, Henry, grocer, Main Street
Connell, John, drapery, dress making, millinery and gentlemen's outfitting, Main Street
Conoly, Wm., station master, Station House
Craig, Andrew, woollen draper, Market Street
Cummings & Co., bacon and ham curers, Linenhall Street
Cunningham, John, auctioneer, Main Street

Dale, William, shoemaker and bicycle agent, Main Street
Davis, John, grocer, Main Street
Devlin, Mrs., dress maker, Linenhall Street
Devlin, Robt., watch maker, Main Street
Doherty, James, fowl and game dealer, Kennaught Street
Donaghan, J., draper, Market Street
Donaghy, David, draper and relieving officer, Market Street
Donaghy, James, spirit dealer, Market Street
Douglas, Edward, leather cutter, Catherine Street
Douglas, Robert, guano and seed merchant, baker and grocer, Catherine Street
Drennan, John W., farmer, Carsehall
Drennan, William, rate collector, Main Street
Dunn, James, farmer, Ballyspallin

English and Scottish Law Life Office, Agent, J. T. R. Chambers, Northern Bank
Elder, Thos., shoe warehouse, Main Street

Ferguson, Joseph, poulterer, Isle of Man Street
Ferris, Thomas, poulterer, Catherine Street
Fleming, J., pharmaceutical chemist and druggist, Main Street
Fleming, Rev. S. R., Main Street
Fleming, Samuel, carpenter and timber merchant, Main Street
Fleming, Wm., farmer, Aughansillagh
Forde, Rev. Canon, Finlagin Rectory

Gage, W. C., Ballykelly
Gallaher, Joseph, grocer and spirit dealer, Ballyclose Street
Gallaher, Wm. Jas., butcher, Market Street
Gardiner, Mrs., confectioner, Market Street
Gault, Joseph, grocer, Catherine Street
Gault, Marshall, bicycle agent and repairer, Catherine Street
Getty, Miss, dress maker, Catherine Street
Goold, The Misses, dress makers, Main Street
Gogarty, Mrs., spirit merchant, Catherine Street
Graham, Matthew, spirit merchant, Irish Green Street
Gray, James, grocer and coal merchant, Catherine Street
Guthrie, Robert, dairy, Sheephill
Gwynn, John, publican, Main Street

Hamill, Charles, saddler, Linenhall Street
Hamilton, David, & Co., coal merchants, Main Street
Hamilton, Miss, stationer. Main Street
Hanlon, Miss, Catherine Street
Hanlon, Mrs., Shamrock House
Hargin, Thomas, barber, Linenhall Street
Heaney, Joseph, hairdresser, Market Street
Hegarty, Miss, spirit dealer, Market Street
Henry & Connell, solicitors, Main Street
Holmes, Robert, carpenter, Catherine Street
Horner, John, grocer and hardware merchant, Main Street
Horner, William, solicitor, Main Street
Houston, William, dairy, Tillydrum
Hubbard, Henry, spirit merchant, Main Street
Hull, R. S., builder and contractor, Main Street
Hunt, Wm.. carpenter, Irish Green Street
Hyndman, Henry, baker and grocer, Main Street

Irwin, Henry, woollen draper, Main Street
Irwin, Joseph, miller, Roe Mill and Glen Mill
Irwin, Miss, miller, Drummond
Irwin, The Misses, Drumrane Cottage

Jackson, Samuel, grocer, Main Street
Jackson, Wm., grocer, Catherine Street
Jackson, Mrs., woollen draper, Main Street
Jackson & Co., coal merchants, Main Street
Jamison, W., & Co., grocers, Catherine Street

Kane, James, butcher, Irish Green Street
Kane, John, butcher, Irish Green Street
Kane, Mrs., dress maker, Irish Green Street
Kane, Patrick, tobacconist and refreshment rooms, Catherine Street
King, Rev. R. G. S., Drumachose Rectory
Kyle, J. C, veterinary surgeon, Main Street

Lancey, Miss, The Lodge
Lane, Benjamin, physician, Coroner for Barony of Kennaught, Main Street
Lane, B. H., solicitor, Main Street and Rushhall
Lawson, G. W., grocer and druggist, Main Street
Lecky, Sir Thomas, Greystone Hall
Limavady Water Power Linen Company, weavers and spinners, Ballyclose Street
Logue, John, hairdresser, Market Street
Long, John A., P.L.G., Culmore
Loughery, Samuel, grocer, Market Street
Love, Miss, dress maker, Main Street
Lowry, Samuel, clerk of petty sessions and registrar of marriages, Catherine Street and Whitehill Cottage
Lynch, Miss, haberdasher, Main Street
Lynd, J. C. physician, Main Street
Lynn, John, whitesmith, Ballyclose

Macartney, Michael, spirit merchant, Catherine Street
Macartney, Saml., civil engineer, architect, town surveyor's offices, Market Street.
Macrory, S. M., grain merchant and miller, Limavady
Macrory, S, M., J.P., chairman Limavady and Dungiven Railway, Ardmore
Magee, Charles, tailor, Market Street
Magee, Miss, bonnet maker, Catherine Street
Magee, William C, china and glass merchant and cooper, Catherine Street
Martin, King, French, & Ingram, solicitors, Catherine Street
Martin, Wm., saddler, Catherine Street
Martin, R., coach builder, Main Street
Marshall, R., & Sons, agricultural implement makers, St. John's Foundry
May, William, sub sanitary officer, Catherine Street
Miller, Mrs. John, grain and seed merchant, Market Street
Miller & Campbell, grocers, Market Street
Moffatt & Donahy, woollen drapers, Main Street
Monaghan, W., butcher, Market Street
Moody, Wm., grocer, Main Street
Moore, Matthew, game dealer and fish merchant, Market Street
Moore, Robert, plasterer, Catherine Street
Moore, Samuel, tinsmith, Irish Green Street.
Moore, Thos., fruiterer, Linenhall Street
Moriarty, Rev. George, Carrick
Morrison, Rot., grocer and baker, Catherine Street
Morrow, Andrew, spirit dealer, Ballyclose Street
Mullan, Denis, publican, Market Street
Mullan, Hugh, spirit dealer, Linenhall Street
Mullan, John, spirit dealer, Market Street
Mullan, Michael, horse dealer, Irish Green Street
McCaughey, Richard, nailer, Irish Green Street
McCausland, M. M., D.L., J.P., Drenagh
McConnell, James, boot maker, Market Street
McClary, Henry, spirit dealer, Main Street
McCloskey, John, spirit dealer, Market Street
McCollough, Miss, dress maker, Irish Green Street
McCollough, Silas, baker, Irish Green Street
McCunn & Gillespie, builders, Irish Green Street
McCunn, Samuel, sawmills, Tamlaght
McCunn, Thomas, dairy, Tamlaght
McDermott, Hugh, spirit dealer, Irish Green Street
McIlwee, W. J., painter and decorator, wallpaper and artists' material warehouse, Catherine Street
McGill, Henry, saddler, Linenhall Street
McGowan, Miss, spirit dealer, Main Street
McGrotty, Edward, poultry and fruit merchant, Linenhall Street and Market Street
McGrotty, George, restaurant, Linenhall Street
McLaughlin, Bernard, spirit dealer, Catherine Street
McLaughlin, Daniel, solicitor, Main Street
McLaughlin, James, tailor, Catherine Street
McLaughlin, John, cattle dealer, Irish Green Street
McLoughlin, John and Samuel, tailors, Irish Green Street
McLaughlin, Mrs., milliner, Irish Green Street

Neely, James, tailor, Main Street

Oakey, Thomas, cattle dealer and provision merchant, Catherine Street
Oliver, A. & Sons, brick and tile manufacturers, Derrybeg
Oliver, Henry J., P.L.G., Lislane
Oliver, Miss, grocer, Ballyclose Street
Orr, Mrs. S., haberdasher, Market Street
Orr, Rev. John, LL.D., Derrymore Manse
Orr, Solomon, auctioneer, Market Street
O'Brien, Mrs. John, haberdasher, Main Street
O'Brien, Rev. Dr., P.P., Irish Green
O'Brien, Thomas, cattle dealer, Distillery Cottage
O'Brien Co., butchers, Catherine Street
O'Donohue, T. A., inland revenue officer, Main Street

Phoenix Fire Office, Agents, James Millar, 13 Irish Green Street; John Morrison, Claggan; Archibald Campbell, grocer
Predy, Thomas, photographer, printer and stationer, Main Street
Proctor, G. N., solicitor, Linenhall Street
Proctor, J. E., solicitor, Main Street
Purcell, Wm., Ballyclose Street

Quinn, Richard, distiller, Ballyclose Street

Rae, James, carpenter, Catherine Street
Rankin, Mrs., leather merchant, Ballyclose Street
Robinson, Miss, stationer and fancy warehouse, Main Street
Rogers, R., hardware merchant, plumber and builder, Catherine Street
Ross, J. R., M.D., Ballykelly

Scott, Robert, Ballyquin House
Scott, W. J., grocer and hardware merchant, Catherine Street
Shannon, W., dairy, Bessbrook
Shannon, W. J., poor-rate collector, Market Street
Sherrard & Sons, auctioneers, Catherine Street
Sherrard, Connolly, spirit dealer, Catherine Street
Sherrard, Joseph, auctioneer and spirit merchant, Catherine Street
Short, Miss, dress maker and milliner, Market Street
Simpson, John T., manager Belfast Bank, Main Street
Sloan, John G., Alexander Arms Hotel, Main Street
Smith, John, fruiterer and fish merchant, Market Street
Smith, John, spirit merchant, Market Street
Smith, Robert, watch maker, Main Street
Smith, Robt., farmer, Magheramore
Spinning and Weaving Company
Stevenson, Mrs., grocer and spirit dealer, Market Street
Stewart, Miss, haberdasher, Main Street
Stewart, L. M., draper and pawn broker, Catherine Street
Stirling, Samuel, auctioneer, Main Street
Stopford, N. G., mine owner, Aughaloo Hall
Sun Fire and Life Offices, Agents, Robert Rogers, Catherine Street; Henry Connell, Main Street

Thompson, A. S., spirit merchant, Catherine Street
Thompson & McCully, spirit merchants and grocers, Catherine Street
Thorpe, R. A., house agent, Keadyview House
Toland, Mrs., grocer, Main Street

Walker, M. E., bookseller, stationer, newsagent, fancy warehouse; Agent for "Belfast News-Letter" and "Belfast Weekly News" Linenhall Street
Walker, Robert, watch maker, Market Street
Watson, J., M.D., Main Street; registrar of births, marriages and deaths
Watt, Rev. John, The Manse, Irish Green Street
Whittaker & Co., drapers, Main Street
Wilson, A., watch maker, Main Street
Wilson, John W., civil engineer, Main Street
Wilson, Thos. H., town postman, Main Street
Wilson, Wm., grocer and baker, Catherine Street

Young, King, & Co., The Distillery, Limavady



Adamson, J. H., bookkeeper
Algey, Henry, timber merchant
Armstrong, James, mason

Beatty, Joseph
Brownlee, William, traveller

Carrothers, William, carpenter and coach-builder
Carolan, Hugh, R.I.C.
Carson, Sergeant, R.I.C.
Crawford, Thomas, mason

Daly, Robert, miller
Dawson, Joshua, carpenter
Dawson, R. E., photographer
Dunlop, John, farmer and victualler

Eadie, A. J., engineer
Eadie, James, woollen manufacturer
Eadie, James
Eadie, William
Elder, J., designer
Elliott, Forster, village postman
English and Scottish Law Life Office, Agent, Henry White, C.P.S.
Egerton, James, school teacher

Forde, Eva, Post Office assistant
Forster, William, smith

Gilroy, John, shoe maker

Harper, George, shop assistant
Hethercote, Alfred, house painter and decorator
Howell, Mrs., hotel

Irvine, William, telegraph messenger

Liddle, Thomas, boot maker; agent for "Belfast Weekly News"
Linton, James, head spinner

Moore, Joseph, Temperance Hotel
Moore, Joseph, jun., bookkeeper
Murray, James, station master
McCreery, James, publican
McCreery, Minnie, draper
McCreery, William, merchant
McGahey, Miss C, draper
McGahey, Peter, smith
McGuire, Francis, tailor

Noble, George, shop assistant
Noonan, Timothy, creamery manager

Phoenix Fire Office, Agent, Henry White, Petty Sessions Clerk

Richardson, R. J., wholesale merchant
Robinson, Robert, J.P., Liverpool House

Smith, Samuel, butter and egg merchant
Somerville, J., grocer and timber merchant

Thompson, Irvine, Diamond Hotel
Thompson, Mrs. E. S., newsagent
Thompson, Miss, creamery dairymaid
Thompson, Thomas, merchant

Walker, Wm., boot maker
Walsh, Henry, bailiff
West, Miss, post office clerk
West, Thomas, draper
White, Henry, Clerk of the Peace
White, R. L., bookkeeper
Whitley, Robert, carpenter
Wilkin, Doctor
Wilson, Robert, butter and egg merchant
Wilson, T. C, bookkeeper



Abbott, James, farmer, Magheraleave
Adair, Wm., painter and decorator, Bow Street
Adair, Wm., painter, 24 Market Street
Alexander, John, Tonagh Cottage
Allen, Edward, & Co., boot and shoe emporium, 18 Market Square
Allen, James, pharmaceutical chemist, Bow Street
Allen, Joseph, solicitor, Bow Street
Allen, J. A., general dealer, 70 & 80 Bridge Street
Alister, R., coal merchant, Quay Street
Anderson, John E., seedsman and florist; agent for "Belfast News-Letter" and "Belfast Weekly News" 46 Bow Street
Anderson, John S., Medical Hall, Market Square
Anderson, Wm., hardware, etc., Bridge Street
Andrews, D., grocer
Armstrong, Miss, Railway Hotel, Railway Street
Armstrong, Mrs., Temperance Hotel, high class confectioner; luncheons, dinners, teas, etc., Railway Street

Bailey, Robt., saddler, 31 Bridge Street
Bailey, Wm. John, auctioneer, furniture dealer and insurance agent
Banks, Rev. Benjamin, Lambeg
Bannister, Robert, merchant, Magheraleave Road=
Barbour, Wm., & Sons Limited, Hilden Flax Mills, flax spinners, thread manufacturers and bleachers, London, Manchester and New York
Barbour, H. M., Grove Green, Hilden
Beckett Bros., drapers, Bow Street
Beggs, John, solicitor, Bow Street
Bell, Rev. G. R., curate, Railway Street
Bestall, Audley, Belsize Road
Betty, the Misses, milliners, Bow Street
Blakeley Bros., boot and shoe makers, Bridge Street.
Boyd, A., & Co. Ltd., grocers and pharmaceutical chemists, Castle Buildings
Bradbury, S., farmer, Lurganure
Briggs, J., tailor, Railway Street
Briggs, Robert, grocer, 16 Longstone Street
Brown, James, tailor, 16 Castle Street
Brown, John, farmer, Killaney
Brown, R. C., Antrim Road
Brown, Rev. Wm., Legacurry
Bullick, Moses, & Sons, painter, Railway Street
Bunting, T., publican, Smithfield
Burns, Miss, general drapery establishment

Cairns, Thomas, boot maker, Bridge Street
Capron, F. W., J.P., agent to Sir J. Murray Scott, Bart.
Chapman, E., grocer, 66 Chapel Hill
Cherry, James, haberdasher and tailor, Bow Street and Violet Vale
Clarke, G. H., J.P., Roseville
Clarke, John, farmer and dairy keeper, Lisnastrain House
Clarke, Dr., Seymour Street
Clarke, Robt., farmer, Deneight
Connell, J., clog maker, Bridge Street
Connolly, W. & J., spirit dealers, Market Square
Convery, John, spirit merchant, Longstone Street
Corken, Miss, Ingram
Corken, John, wine and spirit merchant, Bow Street and Market Square
Corken, Philip, ladies' and gentlemen's outfitters and general clothier, Market Square
Coulson, James, & Co., damask manufacturers
Coulson, Wm., & Sons, damask manufacturers
Coulter, James, & Co., grocers and provision merchants, 52 Bow Street
Coulter, Stewart, tobacconist and confectioner, 3 Railway Street
Cowan Bros., grocers and provision merchants, Bridge Street
Crighton, A. M., veterinary surgeon, Bachelor's Walk
Croskery, Wm., grocer, Bow Street
Crossin, James, J.P., North Circular Road
Cruikshanks, Wm., grocer, Bridge Street
Culbert, James, relieving officer and insurance agent, Benson Street

Dawson, Miss, dress maker, Chapel Hill
Deveney, J., flesher, 51 Bow Street
Diamond, Robt., property agent, Graham Gardens
Dickson, Henry, grocer and draper, Antrim Street
Donaghy, E., boot and shoe manufacturer, Market Square and Bow Street
Donaghy, P., boot and shoe manufacturer, Bow Street
Dornan Bros., butchers, Bridge Street
Dornan, Thomas, whitesmith, Linenhall Street
Dougan, J. J., publican, 9 Bridge Street
Drake, William, butcher, Castle Street
Duncan, George, & Sons, drapers and merchant tailors, Market Square
Dunwoody, H., grocer, 4 Bridge Street

Ellison, M. G., Barrister-at-Law, Seymour Street.
Erskine, Wm., grocer, Bow Street
Evans, Edward, seedsman and hardware merchant, 81 Bow Street
Ewart, F. W., Derryvolgie
English and Scottish Law Life Office, Agents, W. G. Magenis, Solicitor, 28 Bow Street; A. B. Boyd & Co., Merchants; B. C. Hobson, Warren Cottage, Hillsborough Road; Wm. A. Mitchell, Largymore, National School; D. J. May, Castle Chambers, Castle Street

Ferguson, J., hairdresser, Railway Street
Ferguson, James, farmer, Ballyhomra (not clear)
Ferguson, John G., wholesale and retail wine and spirit merchant, 11 Bow Street
Ferguson & Harvey, auctioneers & valuers, 25 Bow Street
Ferris, A., confectioner, 62 Bow Street
Ffennell, Mrs., Tonagh Villa
Fitzsimmons, Robert, Temperance Hotel and confectioner, Cross Row
Fletcher, T., cycle agent, Railway Street
Frazer, Hugh, farmer, Deneight

Garrett, Robert, North Circular Road
George St. George, J.P., surgeon of County Antrim Infirmary, Seymour Street
Getgood, George, boot and shoe maker, Bridge Street
Gilbey, W. & A., wine and spirit merchants, Market Square
Gillespie, A. & S., Circulating Library & Stationer; Agent for the "Belfast News-Letter" and "Belfast Weekly News," Market Square
Gillespie, W. J., hardware merchant, Bow Street
Gilliland, Joseph, farmer, Legacurry
Gowen, John C., secretary to Lisburn Grocers' Association, Castle Chambers
Graham, Hugh, farmer, Drumbo
Graham, Mrs. O. B., Larchfield House
Graham, O. B., J.P., Avonmore, Lisburn
Green, Jacob, farmer, Chestnut Hill
Greene, Wm., grocer, 7 Bridge Street
Greenfield, David, boot and shoe manufacturer and boot warehouse, 66 Bow Street
Greenfield, Charles, hair dresser, Dublin Road
Gribben, William, grocer, 66 Chapel Hill

Hall, Richard, Lagan Stores
Hamilton, Mrs., Abercorn
Hancock, W. H., solicitor, Camp Lodge
Harvey, T. J., boot and shoe manufacturer, auctioneer, 57 Market Square
Harvey & Maxwell, family grocers and spirit merchants, importers and bonders, Market Square
Henderson, C., draper, Bow Street
Herron, W. J., painter, etc., Bridge Street
Higginson, Wm., J.P., farmer, Dundrod
Hinds Bros., grocers and provision merchants, Bow Street
Hobson, B. C., Chrome Hill, Lambeg

Island Flax Spinning Company, G. H. Clarke, J.P., managing director; Jas. B. Campbell, manager

Jackson, H., family grocer, Bow Street
Jefferson, J. G., M.D., Castle Street
Jefferson, Redmond, seed, leather, hardware and timber merchant, Bow Street
Jefferson, Thomas, grocer, 25 Chapel Hill
Johnstone, James, insurance agent, Beechside Terrace
Johnston, D., dress maker, Antrim Street
Johnston, Mrs. G. P., Ballymacash
Johnston, the Misses, dress makers, milliners and general drapers, Bow Street
Jordan, Philip, J.P., farmer, Aghandunvarran

Keery, Abraham, Old Castle Bar, Bridge Street
Keery, George, tinsmith, Chapel Hill
Kenmuir, Alex., & Son, watch and clock makers, Market Square
Keightly, Dr., Barrister-at-Law, Fort House
Kevin, Rev. H. N., Broomhedge Manse, Maze
Kilpatrick, David, wholesale and retail draper, boot and shoe establishment, 65 to 69 Bow Street
Kirkwood, Hugh, ironmonger, hardware merchant, etc., Market Square

Lagan Milling Company, Bridge Street
Lambeg Bleaching, Dyeing and Finishing Co.
Lannigan, John, photographer, Antrim Street
Larmor, John S., Parkmount, Director Ulster Weaving Company Limited
Lavery, J., hairdresser, Railway Street
Lavery, Mrs., spirit dealer, Chapel Hill
Lavery, Thomas, butcher, Bow Street
Lavery, W. H., grocer, Smithfield
Leathem, Henry, flesher, 43 Bow Street and 1 Bridge Street
Leckey, James & Co., drapers, Cross Row
Lindsay, Holt Waring, J.P., farmer and dairy keeper, Blaris Lodge
Lipton, Ltd., tea, spirit and provision merchant, Bow Street, manager, H. Cochrane
Lisburn Working People's Co-operative Society's Stores, Castle Street
Lisburn Mineral Water and Bottling Co. Ltd., Works, Millbrook Road
Lockhart, Joseph, solicitor, Bow Street
Lorimer, James, farmer, Glenavy
Lyons, Moses, rent and insurance agent, Thornville

MacHenry, D., builder, Bachelor's Walk
MacHenry, Paul, builder, Newport
Mack, Hugh, J.P., merchant, Dalboyne
Mackenzie, M. B., M.D., J.P., Seymour Street
Malcolmson, Thos., manager Ulster Bank, Bow Street
Magee, John, butcher, Market Square
Magill, Charles, M.D., Castle Street
Magill, John, The King's Arms, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Market Square
Maginess, W. G., solicitor, Bow Street
Magowan, A., insurance agent, Sloan Street
Major, Mrs., timber, iron, wine and spirit merchant, Market Square
Matthews, Patrick, shoe maker, 6 Chapel Hill
Martin, J. D., & Co., auctioneers and valuers, Market Square
Mayes, Wm., provision merchant, Bow Street
Maze, J., carrier, Antrim Street
Mearns, George, mill manager, Railway Street
Megarry, James, J.P., farmer, Ballyvorally, Glenavy
Megrath, James, family grocer and provision merchant, Chapel Hill
Menary Bros., drapers, Market Square
Miller & Stevenson Ltd., Lighter Owners, Coal Importers, Flour and Grain Merchants and Bakers, Market Square and Quay Street
Milligan, John, Glenmore
Montieth, Miss, milliner, etc., Bow Street
Mooney, D., Empire Hotel, Chapel Hill
Moore, Miss, dress maker, 41 Bridge Street
Moore, R., grocer, etc., Bow Street
Morgan, John, builder and contractor, Belfast Road
Morrow, A. J., Deneight House, Lisburn
Mulholland, Hugh, solicitor, Market Square
Murdoch, Alex., tailor, Castle Street
Murdock, Wm. John, farmer, Hillhall Road
Murdock, Wills John, Ballymullan House
Murphy, Dr., Castle Street
Murray, Hugh, Magheragall
Mussen, A., Railway Street
Mussen, Arthur, M.D., J.P., coroner, Glenavy
McBride, John, butcher, Bow Street
McBride, Samuel, farmer, Ballynacbrennan
McBride & Co., photographers, Market Square
McCaghy, James, tailor, Bridge Street
McCahey, Hugh, family grocer, Bridge Street
McCall, Misses, North Circular Road
McCarrison, James, editor "Lisburn Herald," 44 Batchelor's Walk
McCherry, the Misses, grocer, Bridge Street
McClean, Hugh, farmer, Irishtown
McCloy, J., Antrim Road
McClure, Jno., secretary Gas Company, Bridge Street
McConnell, John, farmer, Lisnastrain
McConnell, Joseph, boot and shoe manufacturer, Bridge Street
McConnell, Robert, grocer, Castle Street
McConnell, S. F., Solicitor, Castle Buildings
McCormick, W. J., hardware merchant, 12 Bow Street
McCoubrey, J., baker, Bridge Street
McCourt, P., coach builder, Chapel Hill
McCourtney, Joseph, baker, 23 Bridge Street
McCreight, Robert, collector of town rates, etc., North Circular Road
McIlroy, Manus, Low Road
McKee, The Misses, haberdashers, Market Square
McKenzie, Mrs., plumber, Castle Street
McKinstry, James, farmer, Woodlands, Derriaghy
McKinstry, Mrs., farmer, Moss-side, Dunmurry
McMullen, Robert, printer and proprietor of the "Lisburn Herald"
McMurray, W. J., stitching factory and laundry, Dublin Road
McNally, George, coach builder, Bridge Street
McNally, James, builder, Sloan Street

Nelson, James, dealer in watches and antique silver, 48 Market Square
Neill, Isaac, grocer, Bow Street

Oliver, Thomas, spirit dealer, Bow Street
O'Shea, Michael, confectioner and hardware glass and china merchant, Bow Street

Parkinson, A., draper, Bow Street
Paterson, D., grocer, Smithfield
Patterson, Alex., spirit merchant, Bow Street
Patterson, G. W., grocer, Bow Street
Patterson, Wm., provision merchant, Market Square
Pedlow, Robt., weaving factory, Old Hillsborough Road
Pelan, James, pawn broker, Market Square
Pelan, Mrs., publican, 3 Bridge Street
Pelan, Thomas, house furnisher, 29, 31 Market Square
Phoenix Fire Office, Agents, Alex. Boyd & Co.; David John May, care of Saml. F. McConnell, Solicitor, Hillsborough Road; Benjamin C. Hobson, Chrome Hill, Lambeg
Petticrew Bros., watch makers, Bow Street
Petticrew, Hans, grocery and hardware merchant, Bow Street
Pounden, Rev. Canon, Rectory, Castle Street
Preston, John, manager Northern Bank
Powell, J., Ladies' School, Railway Street

Ramsey, William, funeral undertaking and general posting establishment, 6 Castle Street
Reid, Alexander, coach builder, Antrim Street
Reid, the Misses, dress and mantle makers, Bow Street
Reilly, John E., printer, stationer and proprietor of "Lisburn Standard"
Rentoul, Dr., Railway Street
Rice, M., fish monger, 27 Railway Street
Rice, Moses, merchant tailor, Bow Street
Rice, Robert, Thornfield
Richardson, Alexander, Aberdelghy
Richardson, Edward V., Dunmurry
Richardson, Joseph, Springfield, Magheragall
Richardson, J. Theodore, J.P., Lissue
Richardson, Sons, & Owden Limited, linen manufacturers and bleachers, Millbrook and Glenmore; warehouse, Donegall Square North, Belfast
Ritchie, J. A., farmer, Magheragall
Ritchie, John, merchant tailor, woollen draper and stamp distributor, 54 and 56 Bow Street
Ritchie, Mrs., haberdashery, 56 Bow Street
Robb, R., painter, Batchelor's Walk
Robinson, W. J., grocer, Mercer Street
Rogers, Robert, farmer, Dromara
Ruddy, E., haberdasher, Bow Street
Ruddy, John, farmer, Bow Street and Blaris
Russell, F., veterinary surgeon, Railway Street

Savage, Mrs., spirit dealer, Smithfield
Savage, Rowland, grocer, hardware and leather merchant, Bow Street
Savage, S. R., Grain Broker, etc.
Savage, Wm., J.P., Maryville
Scott, Joseph, painter, glazier and decorator, 30 Castle Street
Scott, Sir J. Murray, Bart., The Castle
Scott, D. J., Laurel Bank, Dublin Road, watch maker
Sharpe, George, jun., fruiterer, Cross Row and Bridge Street
Silcock, J., grocer, Market Square
Simpson, James, Cremorne, Antrim Road, Lisburn
Sinclair, William, Rosslyn, clerk of the  union
Sinclair, Mrs., Rosslyn, Antrim Road
Sinton & Co., weaving factory, Ravarnett
Sloan, James, Bachelors' Walk
Sloan, Jas. E. & Co., bakers, Sloan Street
Smyth, Mrs. Johnson, Ingram
Stannus, Thos. R., J.P., Magheraleave House
Steen, Wm., Railway Street
Stevenson, John, Woodlands
Stewart, Rev. J. A., Killowen
Stewart, Robert, & Sons, flax spinners and thread manufacturers
Stewart, James, Bow Street

Thompson, Hugh, grocer, Antrim Street
Thompson, Hugh, mill owner, Ravarnett
Thompson, James, grocer, Bow Street
Thompson, Mrs., refreshment rooms, Bow Street
Thompson, Rev. George W., Castle Street
Thompson, Thos., farmer, Ballycarrickmaddy
Thompson, T., boot and shoe manufacturer, Bow Street
Todd, Bros., provision merchants and grocers, Market Square
Todd, W. J., farmer, Ballinderry
Tolerton, R., grocer, Bow Street
Trainor, O., superintendent of Prudential Society, Bachelors' Walk
Tuft, Ed., farmer, Aghacarnan, Ballinderry
Turner, Messrs., fruit merchants, Bow Street
Twinem, E., servants' registry office and draper, Railway Street

Vernon, James, & Son, builders, Bridge Street

Wallace, Miss, milliner, Bow Street
Walsh, Mrs., glass, china, hardware, stationery and fancy goods, Market Square
Waring, John, farmer, Bovolgan
Waring, Richard, hairdresser, Castle Street
Welch, Richard & Co., Medical Hall and drug store, Market Square
Welch, Thomas, shoe maker, Antrim Street
Wilkins, G. B., solicitor and commissioner for taking affidavits, Market Square
Wilson, Earnest T. S., solicitor, 53 Market Square
Wilson, George, Castle Street
Wilson, G., carrier and stabling yard, 11 Smithfield
Wilson, John, merchant tailor and gentlemen's outfitter, Market Square
Wilson, Thos. M., town clerk; res., Magheraleave Road
Wilson, William, assistant clerk of petty sessions, Railway Street
Wilson, William, spirit dealer, Bow Street

Young, head constable, R.I.C., Smithfield
Young, Mrs. Samuel, Mercer Street


Ballance, James, Ballinderry
Ballance, Henry, Glenavy
Beckitt, Joseph, Ballinderry
Blythe, Robert, Magheragall
Blythe, James, Ballinderry
Brown, William, Ballinderry
Clenaghan, Henry, Ballinderry
Clenaghan, Hugh, Magheragall
Clenaghan, Thomas, Magheragall
Close, John, Ballinderry
Collins, Samuel, Ballinderry
Davidson, James, Ballinderry
Evans, William, Ballinderry
Fleeton, William J., Ballinderry
Harrison, William John, Magheragall
Hawthorne, William, Ballinderry
Heaney, Simpson, Magheraleave
Heany, Francis, Magheragall
Hill, Robert George, Magheragall
Hull, Thomas, Magheragall
Johnstone, James, Ballinderry
Mockler, Edward, Ballinderry
Mairs, Hill, Magheragall
Marshall, William, Ballinderry
Maxwell, Thomas, Magheragall
Maze, John, Magheragall
McHarg, John, M.A., Magheragall
McKnight, John, Ballinderry
McMurtry, James, Ballinderry
McMurtry, Randel, Magheragall
Quinn, Wm. Henry, Magheragall
Rollins, Thomas, Magheragall
Rollins, Henry, Magheragall
Simpson, James, Magheragall
Smith, Richard, Ballinderry
Smith, James, Ballinderry
Thompson, Joseph, Magheragall
Walkington, Henry, Oatlands, Ballinderry



Adams, E., wine and spirit merchant
Adams, Thos., wine and spirit dealer
Annon, Charles, butcher
Armstrong, James, hardware merchant
Armstrong, John, coach builder
Armstrong, John, shoe maker
Armstrong, Robert, carpenter
Armstrong, Wm. J., Commercial Hotel and grocer
Arnold, George, J.P., draper

Beresford, Thomas, loan fund clerk
Birney, Noble, draper
Birney, Noble, wine and spirit merchant
Blair, John, blacksmith
Bredin, Mrs.
Brown, Mrs., grocer and delph warehouse
Bryson, John, grocer and provision merchant

Carey, Miss A. G.
Carney, Felix, fowl dealer
Cassidy, Philip, wine and spirit dealer
Connolly, J. E., wine and spirit merchant and undertaker
Conway, James, blacksmith
Costello, M., grocer
Courtney, F., tinsmith
Curran, William
Currie, James, Ulster Bank
Devers, William, butcher
Devers, Wm., clothier and butcher
Dickson, J. W., M.D., medical hall
Doonan, Mrs., wine and spirit dealer
Dowd, Tom, farmer
Dunne, Mrs., hardware and leather merchant and undertaker
Durnian, Thomas, carpenter & house painter

Elliott, Mrs., farmer
English and Scottish Law Life Office, Agent, N. W. Lewis, Erne Estate Office; B. Leslie Winslow, Solicitor, Kingston

Fairburn, Mrs., jeweller
Faussett, Mrs., fancy warehouse
Fenton, J., R.I.C.
Flanagan, E. M.
Foster, James
Foster, R.

Gallan, George, watch maker and jeweller
Gamble, James, station master
Gavin, Patrick, wine and spirit dealer
Gavin, Thomas, draper
Gibbons, John, horse dealer
Goldrick, Wm., army pensioner
Graham, Miss, grocer
Gunn, John, tailor

Haire, The Misses
Hall, Joseph
Harron, Patrick, tailor
Howell, Mrs., boot and shoe shop
Hogg, T., boot and shoe shop, etc.
Huggard, S. M., Roseville, clerk Petty Sessions
Hunter, Wm., R.I.C.

Irvine, Christopher, baker
Irvine, Miss

Kerrigan, Mrs., ladies' nurse
Knox, T., M.D., The Cottage

Large's, Mrs.
Lavelle, Miss, confectioner
Lee, Mrs.
Lewis, Norman W., land agent's clerk
Liddy, Thomas, postman and barber

MacMahon, Miss S.
Magee, John
Magee, Tom, fowl dealer
Magovern, Anthony, wine and spirit dealer
Maguire, Anne, confectioner and newsagent
Maguire, John, draper
Maguire, Owen, Hotel, Dublin House
Maguire, Owen, fowl dealer
Maguire, Thomas, tea dealer
Maguire, Tom, J.P., horse dealer
Moan, Charles, cattle dealer
Montgomery, P., veterinary surgeon
Montgomery, W., boot and shoe merchant
Moore, J., manager of the Lisnaskea Co-operative Dairy and Agricultural Society
Moreton, Miss, grocer
Murnane, D., District Inspector R.I.C.
Murphy, W., cooper
McCalden, David, draper
McCoy, David, cooper
McDonald, Mrs., lodging house
McDonagh, Mrs., grocer
McDonnell, Robt., mail car owner
McMahon, Mrs. M. J., publican and grocer
McManus, John, shoe maker
McNulty, Miss Mary, grocer

Neeson, John, fowl dealer
Noble, Archibald, Royal Arms Hotel and grocer
Noble, Archibald, poor rate collector

Phair, James, baker
Phoenix Fire Office, Agent, N. W. Lewis, Estate Office

Rafferty, P., R.I.C.
Richardson, Wm., auctioneer
Robinson, the Misses S. & K. C, delf and fancy shop and newsagent
Robinson, Wm., shoe maker
Ross, Miss

Stephens, R. H., cashier Ulster Bank
Surplus, W., draper

Thompson, Mrs.

Wilson, John H., Ulster Hotel, grocer, hardware merchant, newsagent, draper
Wilson, Samuel W., postmaster
Winslow, B. Leslie, solicitor


Abraham, J., Carahoney
Allen, A., Killypaddy
Allen, Mrs., Carnthrone
Archdale, Mrs. Col., Clifton Lodge
Armstrong, C., Drumguiff
Armstrong, W., Innisrash
Arnold, Mrs., Mullinascorthy
Birney, Mrs., Macnagh
Birney, N., Whitepark
Brady, B., Ennisroosk
Breslin, A., Drumcon
Bryans, R., Derryadd
Bryans, W., Moorlough
Bullock, F., Lisaderney
Campbell, A., Killypaddy
Caithness, Rev. F. St. Clair, Sallaghy Rectory
Clifford, T., Farnascolluge
Clifford, T., Corradiller
Collins, J., Derryany
Collins, P., Derryany
Collins, P., Curragh
Collins, W., Dooris
Connolly, J., Drumbroughas
Costello, James, Farncourkey, N.S. teacher and farmer
Crawford, R., Derryadd
Crudden, Peter, Drumbroughas
Dickson, Miss, Hollybrook
Ebbett, James, Farnascolluge
Fair, J., Tully
Forster, R., Croghan
Fyffe, J. W., Killynamph
Fyffe, T., Shanaghy
Gallen, R., Cornamoney
Gavin, P., Ohill
Gavin, F., Drumbrachas
Glass, John, Coolarn
Graham, Mrs., Lisaderney
Graham, R., Forfey
Graham, Noble, Drumack
Graham, J., Rossgad and Eaglemount House
Graydon, J., Kinmore
Hall, R., Killinamph
Hanna, George, Ballindarra
Hanna, W., Drumbrachas
Hogg, W., Attybarn
Huggard, S. M., Roseville
Irvine, A., Tattagar
Johnston, W., Killynamph
Kerr, J. W., Aughamore
Kettyle, R., Coolarn
Kirkpatrick, Hugh, auctioneer, Drumhack
Latimer, D., Derrymany
Leslie, S., Forfey House
Little, R., Cushnash
Lunny, S., Kilmore
Lynch, J., Carahoney
Maguire, F., Drumcaw
Maguire, J., Aughamore
Maguire, J. T., solicitor, Carrick House
Maguire, Miss K., Carrick House
Marshall, W., Drumcrew
Martin, H., Tranis
Martin, P., Ennisturk
Mitchell, James, Castlebalfour
Moore, John, Moorlough
Moore, M., Cunaghroe House
Morrison, A., Castlebalfour
Morrison, George, Cornashee
Morrison, H., Derryadd
Morrison, J. A., Manorwater House
Morrison, S., Derryadd
Murphy, H., Ennisroosk
Murphy, H., Aughnish
Murphy, T., Drumhose
Murtagh, Samuel, insurance agent, Attybarn
McBrien, J., Carahoney
McCaffrey, John, Slushill
McCaffrey, J., Derrychan
McCaffrey, J. J.P., Shishhill
McCaffrey, P., Crummey
McClelland, Samuel, Kingston House
McCormick, J., Mulnaburtlin
McCorry, P., Tranish
McElgun, J., Innishore
McMahon, J. J., Mulnaburtlin
McManus, E., Coradiller
McManus, J. Knox, grocer and farmer
McManus, J., Eshbane
McNulty, E., Farnacurkey
Nixon, J., Drumleagues
Nixon, R. G., Lisdough
Noble, A., Glassdrummond House
Noble, J., Munville
Noble, W., Drumcunny
Parker, R., Fairview House
Patterson, W. H., Castlebalfour
Plunkett, Mrs., Derryadd
Plunkett, T., Derryadd
Prunty, E., gardener, Whitepark
Reihill, F., Ennisroosk
Reihill, P., Edergole
Reihill, P., Derryasna
Rooney, J., Ennisturk
Ryans, Fred, Moughley
Shields, J., Deputy Inspector General R.N.
Steen, M., Clonmacfelmy
Tisdall, H. M., mill owner, Manorwater House
Wilson, Irvine, Kilmore
Wilson, Mrs., Glenross House
Woods, J., Tullynevin


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