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1901 - 1907 - 1908 - 1909 - 1910 - 1912 - 1918 - 1924 - 1932 - 1939 - 1943 - 1947 - 1951 - 1955 - 1960
1913 Tel. directory    1824 Pigots (Belfast)  &  (Bangor)   1894 Waterford Directory
1898 Newry Directory      Bangor Spectator Directory 1970

The Northern Ireland War Memorial Building Fund
12th April 1949
The Royal Hippodrome, Belfast
The Vic Oliver Show


Advertisements: J. H. Mackinson; City Bakery Co. Ltd. Bread; Lombard Cafe; J. M. Taggart & Co.; W. J. Wright & Sons; D. Malcolm; Hugh McAlevey; J. D. Nicholl & Co. Ltd.; Parsons & Parsons; Pattersons; Apperta Ltd.; Jamison & Green Ltd.; The Grosvenor Manufacturing Co. Ltd.; Laughlin Bros.; Henry Gowan & Co. Ltd.; White & Shannon; The Turn-Over Filter Co. Ltd.; J. C. Holland (Radio) Ltd.; D. Shane & Son

June Manton  ~  Donate  ~  Birch/Daly

Advertisements: J. E. Coulter Ltd.; C. E. Bourke Ltd.; William Young & Co.; Bell & McCandless; Wright & Hunter; Browns of North Street; Goorwitch Ltd.; United Co-operative Baking Society Ltd.; Ritchie, Hart & Co. Ltd.; Grand Central Hotel; Inglis

Programme: Rene Harrison; Fred Lovelle; Sydney Shaw; Vic Oliver; Lionel Smith; Ernie Brooks; Sandman and his Orchestra; Rene Harrison; Michael Bentine; Les Rayner and Betty; June Manton; Jeannette Hughes  ~  Vic Oliver's Films

Advertisements: Gallaher's; Scribbans-Kemp (N.I.) Ltd.; B. Isaacs, Esq. J.P.; James P. Corry & Co. Ltd.; R. & W. Lusty; New City Mineral Water Co.; Harris & Co.; Davison, Hawthorne & Bryans Ltd.; Tom Jones (Belfast) Ltd.; The Ulster Wine Co. Ltd.; Sheries; John Dowling The Book Store; Gillespie & Woodside Ltd.; Harry Ferguson (Motors) Ltd.; Wm. Noble & Co. Ltd.

Vic Oliver's Faithful Mahogany Violin; Vic Oliver at Football, Tennis & Snooker, Vic Oliver as Royal Command Performer; Vic Oliver on his Fan Mail, Vic Oliver as Composer, Vic Oliver at Home  ~  Guide to Advertisers

Advertisements: John M. Neill; R. H. Carson, Ltd.; Morton's Snackery; Chas. Hurst Ltd.; Sinclair's Antique Gallery Ltd.; Isaac Agnew Ltd.; Rainbow Corner/Room; Springs & Accessory Co.; Hugh McAlinden; John Wilkinson & Son; J. Lizars; H. Hutton & Co. Ltd.; White's Wafer Oats; The Queen's Hotel, The Imperial Hotel; J. & J. McKeown; J. F. Haig & Co. Ltd.; Smallman's (N.I.) Ltd.; Baltic Timber Co. Ltd.; Robert Dunn & Co. Ltd.; The Franklin Laundry; Belfast Savings Bank

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