An assortment of things that came

Bonnie little doll, no idea of age

2 bibles
Miss Megaughey, 35 Adelaide Cottages, Rathcool Street, Belfast
Downshire Road Presbyterian Church Sabbath School, Prize for regular
attendance Awarded to Lizzie C. Stewart
Miss Ewing, Teacher, Alex. McClelland, Superintendent, Newry, 27th January

In Loving Memory
Gone, dear mother, yes, for ever, Here thon could'st no longer stay;
All thy toil and care is ended. Called from time and earth away.
In Loving Remembrance of Our Dear Mother
Marcella Meek
Who Died on Friday, 30th October, 1908
Aged 66 Years
Interred in Riddrie Park Cemetery
7 Annfield Street, Glasgow
Many years thou watched o'er us, With a mother's tender care,
In our joy thy heart rejoicing, In our grief thy mutual share.

1) Belfast Peace Day, 8 & 9 August 1??9
2) Charles Robertson, Wm.? Fredk? Robertson, John McA. Smiley
3) drawing with no name
Miss May Stuart, c/o Mr. Crozier Stuart, Ballydougherty, Poyntzpass -
Ballyreagh Friday, My. Dear May, I am sending you the pattern of lace as
promised, also a small pattern of insertion to match. The last row and row
of picots at top are done after lace is completed, but you will know
yourself when you look at it. Don't forget to let me know what day you will
be down to see us again. Come as early as you can. Hoping all are well, With
fond love From Maysie

1) Cheyne Brady
2) Dublin Road Citadel

1925 Remembrance British Legion, Remembrance day, 11th November 1925
Programme at 7.5 p.m. Community Singing With Military Band. (1st Battalion
King's Own Scottish Borderers)
Chairman - The Right Honourable The Lord Provost of Edinburgh, Sir William
L. Sleigh
Speakers - Earl Jellicoe, Earl Haig, The Hon. Lord Sands
Conductor of Choir - Mr. James Moodie
Organist - W. B. Ross, Mus. Doc. Oxon., F.R.C.O.
Military Band - 1st King's Own Scottish Borderers - Bandmaster - T. K.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,
We will remember them.
L. Binyon Newspaper

The Northern Whig, 10th November 1949
Premier urges industrial keenness, Attlee praises Belfast firm "Among
those worthy of commendation" Ross Brothers, Ltd., 18 Linenhall Street,
weaving factory at Bloomfield (click on image above for full story)
Belfast Triple Crash, One of two cars involved in an accident with an
ambulance on the York Road, Belfast, yesterday morning. The driver of this
car was unhurt except for a cut hand (click on image above for photo)
P.M.G. says - Low Power TV Station for Ulster, The fact that Northern
Ireland will have a low-power television station (under the B.B.C.'s United
Kingdom scheme, which, it was stated earlier, would take five years to
complete) was revealed by the Postmaster-General, Mr. W. Paling, in the
British Commons yesterday. (click on image above for full story)
Vice-Admiral Sir Harold Kinahan, Ulster officer new president of
R.N.C., Greenwich. Among the latest Admiralty appointments approved by the
King and made known last night is the name of Vice-Admiral Sir Harold R. G.
Kinahan, C.B.E., a grandson of the late Rev. John Kinahan, former rector of
Knockbreda Parish, Belfast, and a cousin of Mr. Harry Kinahan, managing of
Lyle & Kinahan, Ltd. (click on image above for photo and full
Horses bolt into crowd at Lord Mayor's Show (click on image above
for full story)
Fire at Forster Green Hospital (click on image above for photo and
full story)
"Snork" fitted British Subs can submerge for a month (click on
image above for full story)
Knock Wedding, Mr. James Creighton Sterling, son of Mr. and Mrs. John G.
Sterling, of Ardmore House, Saintfield Road, Belfast, and Miss Margaret
Elizabeth Comeskey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David A. Comesky, of Holywood
Road, Belfast, were married in Knock Presbyterian Church yesterday. (click
on image above for full details)
Busby - Greer - Bridal party after the wedding of Miss E. Greer, of
Rose Cottage, Lower Ballinderry, to Mr. John Busby, Ben Vista, Braniel, in
Castlereagh Presbyterian Church yesterday. The bridesmaids were the Misses
Sarah Greer and Marianne Busby, the best man Mr. Robert Busby, and the
groomsman Mr. James Farr (click on image above for photo)
Margarine - Dr. Summerskill eschewed "marg." as a mother. Asked by
Mr. J. A. Boyd-Carpenter (C., Kingston-on-Thames) at Westminster yesterday
what was the average period between the manufacture and the consumption of
margarine, Dr. Summerskill, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Food, said
that about three and a half weeks elapsed between manufacture and sale in
the shops. (click on image above for full story) also on same thread
Bacon from Eire
Lord Mayor's Coal Fund needs increased support, At a meeting in
Belfast at which it was decided to re-open the Coal Relief Fund (click on
image above for some of the story)
Hollywood Protest, Glamour girls annoyed with Lady Astor (click on
image above for some of the story)
Births, Marriages and Deaths
Birth - Boggs, October 21, 1949, at Downe Hospital,
Downpatrick, to Rev. R. J. and Mrs. Boggs, Clough - a daughter
Marriage - McKinney ~ Latimer, September 17th, 1949, at St.
Thomas's Church, Belfast, by Rev. A. Brown, Robert Clyde, only son of Mr.
Wm. McKinney, 8 Bristow Park, Belfast, to Sarah Elizabeth, elder daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Latimer, 127 Ulsterville Avenue, Belfast
Deaths - Caskey, November 7,
1949, at his residence, Camm, Macosquin, Joseph, beloved husband of
Catherine Caskey, Funeral to Killaig Burying-ground to-day (Thursday), at 11
a.m. Deeply regretted Gillen,
November 9, 1949, at her residence, Ballymacvea, Shankbridge, Jane, widow of
Samuel Gillen. Funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 2 p.m., to Connor New
Cemetery. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing Family.
Glenn, November 9, 1949, at the Royal Victoria
Hospital, Belfast, Anna Elizabeth, wife of the late Thomas Glenn, Nursery
Avenue, Coleraine. Funeral private. Henderson,
November 9, 1949, at his residence, 23 Martinez Avenue, Captain William
James, devoted husband of Jean Henderson and last surviving son of the late
Robert and Mary Henderson, Cloughfin, Islandmagee. House and funeral
private. Deeply regretted. Hill,
November 8, 1949, at her residence, 19 Colenso Parade, Elizabeth, widow of
George Hill. Funeral to-day (Thursday), at 11 a.m., to Dundonald Cemetery.
House private. No letters, please. At rest. Hunt,
November 9, 1949, at his residence, 21 Dunblane Avenue, Aubrey E. C., dearly
loved husband of Noah F. H. Hunt. Funeral private. No flowers by request.
Jacobs, November 9, 1949, at his
residence, Gortamney, 110 Groomsport Road, Bangor, Lewis, dearly beloved
husband of Mary Jacobs. Funeral to-day (Thursday), at 3 p.m., at Carnmoney
Cemetery. House private. No flowers by request. Mourned by his loving Wife
and Sons, Robert and Sydney. Kealey,
November 9, 1949, at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Ellen Simpson, 33
Bushmills Road, Coleraine, William Kealey. Funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 1
p.m., to Ballykelly Churchyard (via Myroe), arriving approximately 2.30 p.m.
House private. Deeply regretted. Kerr,
The W.M., Officers and Brethren of Star of Bethlehem Masonic Lodge No. 665
regret the death of their esteemed Worshipful Brother, Andrew Kerr, and
tender sincere sympathy. Brethren are requested to attend funeral. R. S.
Greer, W.M. Lawther,
November, 8, 1949, at her residence, 71 Brunswick Road, Bangor, Margaret C.,
widow of Robert D. Lawther. Funeral to-day (Thursday), at 2,30 p.m., to
Templepatrick Churchyard, arriving approximately 3.45 p.m. Very deeply
regretted. Lennon, November
9, 1949, at a Private Nursing Home, William, husband of the late Harriett
Lennon, 2 Glastonbury Avenue, Antrim Road, and son of the late Nathaniel
Lennon, Ballylaggan, Ballynure. Funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 11.30 a.m.,
from Messrs. James Brown and Sons' Funeral Parlour, 300 Newtownards Road, to
Carnmoney. To be with Christ, which is far better - Phil. 1, 23.
Martin, November 9, 1949, at his
residence, Norton, Malone, Henry Martin. Funeral strictly private. No
flowers please. Mitchell,
November 8, 1949, at the Lagan Valley Hospital, Lisburn, Samuel Mitchell.
Funeral from his late residence, Derry, Dromara, to-day (Thursday), at 2
p.m., to Second Presbyterian Churchyard, Dromara. Deeply regretted.
McAuley, November 9, 1949 (suddenly),
Hugh McAuley. Funeral from his late residence, 14 Enterprise Avenue,
Portstewart, tomorrow (Friday), at 3.30 p.m. to Agherton Cemetery. House
private. McDonald, November
9, 1949, at her residence, Wilnor, Millisle Road, Donaghadee, Grace L.,
widow of William Beattie McDonald (late of Deer Park, Aghalee). House and
funeral strictly private. McIlroy,
November 9, 1949 (result of an accident), Agnes Jane, only and dearly loved
daughter of Thomas and Essie McIlroy, Ballyfore, Raloo, Larne. Funeral from
her home tomorrow (Friday), at 2 p.m., to Ralco New Cemetery. Very deeply
regretted. Patterson,
November 8, 1949 (suddenly) at her residence, Clontinaglare, Saintfield,
Maggie, beloved sister of Andrew Patterson. Funeral to Rademon to-day
(Thursday), at 2 p.m. Deeply regretted and sadly missed by her sorrowing
Brother and Sister-in-law + Patterson,
November 8, 1949 (suddenly) at her residence, Clontinaglare, Saintfield,
Maggie, beloved sister of Hugh Patterson. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing
Brother, Sister-in-law and Family. + Patterson,
November 8, 1949 (suddenly) at her residence, Clontinaglare, Saintfield,
Maggie, beloved sister of Annie Jackson. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing
Sister, Brother-in-law, Nephew and Niece. Porter,
November 9, 1949, at her residence, Ballycairn, Coleraine, Margaret Porter.
House and funeral private. Risk,
November 9, 1949, at Royal Victoria Hospital, James, dearly loved husband of
the late Margaret W. Risk. Funeral from his late residence, 76 Nevis Avenue,
tomorrow (Friday), at 2.30 p.m., to Dundonald Cemetery. House private.
Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Son, William, also Grandson, Jim, and
Daughter-in-law, Nance.
Swann, November 9, 1949, at his
son-in-law's residence, 6 Glenariff Crescent, Ballymena, William (late of
Ballymacvea). Funeral on Saturday, November 12, at 2 p.m., arriving at
Ross's Factory at 2.30 p.m. No flowers by request. House private.
Roll of Honour (In Memoriam) - McCormick,
In loving memory of Sergeant Cecil McCormick, Wireless Operator, R.A.F.V.R.,
killed in action, November 10, 1942. Ever remembered. 52 Circular Road,
Belfast. Reay, In proud and
loving memory of my dear sons, Flight-Lieutenant Derek Edward Reay, reported
missing over Germany in November, 1943, and of Flying-Officer Geoffrey
Norman Reay, lost over Germany in November 1944.
Obituary, Captain William John Henderson,
Captain William John Henderson, who died at his home, 23 Martinez Avenue,
Belfast, yesterday, was senior captain of Palgrave & Murphy, Ltd., the
Dublin steamship owners. He had been ill for over a year. A native of
Islandmagee, Captain Henderson was torpedoed twice in the 1914-18 War; on
the second occasion he spent five days and nights in an open boat. His first
command was the Glen Head, to which he was appointed 16 years ago, He was
transferred to Palgrave & Murphy, and he later joined Irish Shipping, Ltd.,
being in command of their ships during World War II. Later he rejoined the
firm of Palgrave & Murphy. Captain Henderson, who was a member of Masonic
Lodge No. 260 and the Royal Arch Chapter is survived by his wife and one
son, Roy.
Mr. Henry Martin, The death occurred at
his home, 155 Malone Road, Belfast, yesterday, of Mr. Henry Martin,
well-known in the building trade in Ulster for more than 50 years. Mr.
Martin was managing director and chairman since 1912 of H. and J. Martin,
Ltd., Ormeau Road, and of the Martin Estates Co. Ltd., Belfast and Dublin.
The firm was founded over 80 years ago by Mr. Martin's father. Mr. Martin
was a member for many years of Belfast Chamber of Commerce. He worshipped at
Elmwood Presbyterian Church. He is survived by two sons, Mr. Howard Martin,
Belfast, and Mr. John Martin, Liverpool.
Coleraine Benevolent Society appointments - At the annual meeting of
the Coleraine Benevolent Society yesterday the following office-bearers were
elected:- Miss E. K. Christie, president; Mrs. Troy, secretary; Mrs. Dewar,
treasurer; committee - Mrs. S. J. Henry, Mrs. R. Pollock, Mrs. D. Acheson,
Mrs. A. Clarke, Mrs. J. White, Mrs. W. McGrath, Mrs. H. Mitchell, Mrs. J.
McGlade, Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. McEwan, Mrs. D. Todd, Mrs. R. Christie, Miss H.
Reid, Mrs. J. L. Baxter, Mrs. J. Batty, Mrs. W. A. Wilson, Miss Gribben, and
Nurse Cupples.
Called to the Ulster Bar - Mr. Ian William Workman, Newcastle (left),
and the Hon. John Clarke MacDermott, Belfast, who have been called to the
Northern Ireland Bar. Mr. MacDermott, a son of Lord MacDermott, former
Ulster High Court Judge, and now Lord of Appeal in Ordinary, took his degree
at Cambridge. (click on image 3 above for photo and full story)
Roed - Shummacher, The engagement is announced between Arne, only son
of Herr and Fru Alf Roed, Oslo, Norway, and Mildred, younger daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Shummacher, 143 Sandown Road, Belfast
Conductor fined for failing to pick up passengers. In an unusual case at
Belfast Summons Court yesterday Henry Francis Casey, bus conductor, Zetland
Street, was fined 2s. and ordered to pay 40s. costs for "neglecting to
comply with the requirements of intending passengers" Albert Potter, an
Agnes Street shopkeeper, told the court that when Casey's bus stopped near
his shop he failed to take on some school children who were obviously
waiting for it, although there were unoccupied seats in the vehicle. He
(Potter) ran across the footpath, jumped on the bus and told Casey that
"there is too much of this sort of thing going on" and he would put a stop
to it. In cross examination Potter explained that as none of the children
were his, he had no personal interest in the matter, now was he waiting for
the bus himself. Casey, who was granted bail for appeal, contended that he
had a full complement of passengers and his bus was followed by a relief
Boy (12) for trial on murder charge. George Edward Crick, a 12 and a
half year old schoolboy, of Pleasant Way, Alperton, was, at Ealing Juvenile
Court yesterday, committed for trial to the Old Bailey, charged with the
murder of Stanley Victor Graves (4½), Fraser Road, Perivale, at Perivale, on
October 24. The magistrates gave the Press permission to publish the
name of the accused boy. Mr. Maurice Crump, prosecuting, said that
Graves left his house to play on October 24. He and Crick were later
seen together on a bicycle, Graves riding on the cross-bar. When
Graves did not return home a search was started and Crick took part in it.
Crick started off by denying that he knew anything about it but as time went
on he said more and more about it in conversation with them during the
search. After giving various versions which were found to be incorrect
Crick eventually admitted that the missing boy was in the river. "He
Slipped Into The River" Mr. Crump said the body was discovered in the
River Brent and the cause of death was asphyxia due to drowning. In addition
there was a wound on the head caused by a blow and sufficient to have caused
Graves to become unconscious. The blow on the side of the head was
made before death. A police inspector said that Crick, after being
asked by his father to tell the truth and say whether the boy was in the
river, said:- "He slipped into the river, dad, and I pulled him out, but
after that I gave him a push and he went in. He went right under the water
and then came up. He said something as he floated away. I do not know what
it was. I was so scared I went straight home." Mr. Ferris submitted
that there was no case to answer and said the defence was being reserved.
Comply with P.H. Regulations or... Council warns kitchen house-shop
owners. A warning to the 75 kitchen house shops in Belfast that unless
structural alterations are made to their premises within three months, the
sale of food or goods for personal consumption in a living room will be
forbidden, has been issued by the Belfast Corporation Health Committee.
This rule applies under the Public Health (Prevention of Contamination of
Food) Regulations, 1948
Derryman for trial on breaking-entering charge. At a special court in
Londonderry yesterday Patrick Scanlon, 128 Hut, Springtown Camp, was
returned for trial to the Assizes charged with breaking and entering a store
in the grounds of St. Columb's College and stealing an iron bed and five
chairs, the property of the governing body of the College.
Detective-Sergeant Coulter read a statement by Scanlon in which he was
alleged to have admitted breaking into the store and taking the bed and
chairs. He said he sold them for £1. At the Petty Sessions earlier
charges against Edward Tierney, Nailor's Row, of receiving the bed and four
chairs, and Mrs. Margaret Pickett, Walker's Place, of receiving one chair,
were dismissed.
Bangor man challenges Authority's right to Group Hospitals. Mr.
Alexander Scott, Park House, Farnham Park, Bangor, a member of the governing
body and a trustee of Bangor Hospital, yesterday in the Ulster Chancery
Court, before Mr. Justice Curran, challenged the right of the Northern
Ireland Hospitals' Authority to group the Bangor Hospital and the Ards
District Hospital under the control of the North Down Hospital Management
Committee. (click on image 4 above for full story)
For Sale by Private Treaty (with Vacant Possession) Attractive
Detached Brick Bungalow, 101 Belfast Road, Bangor (click on image 4 above
for full details)
Platform Cottage, Newtownards. Excellent 68 acre Farm. For Sale by
Public Auction, at 2 Regent Street, Newtownards, on Saturday, 19th November,
1949. (click on image 4 above for full details)
Export cars saved in Liverpool dockside blaze. (click on image 5
above for full details)
Man who beat boy given three years. For causing grievous bodily harm
to a three year old boy, Alfred Hankinson (26), plumber, of Oxford Street,
Liverpool, was yesterday at Liverpool Assizes sentenced to three years
imprisonment. Mr. Melville Kennen, prosecuting, said that the boy,
David John Hall, was one of the three children of a woman with whom
Hankinson had been living. Hankinson disliked the boy, gave him frequent
beatings, put him in a cupboard, and nailed up the door. The boy's body was
a mass of bruises. Hankinson described the allegations as "inventions."
Cinemas official revisits Belfast. Mr. W. Cartlidge, who is well
known in local cinema circles and is now personal assistant to the managing
director of Associated British Cinemas, Ltd., arrived back in Belfast
yesterday for his first visit since he left Northern Ireland. Accompanying
him are Mr. Foster, the Company's architect, and Mr. A. Rifkin, the new
regional controller, whose area includes Northern Ireland. The party was
received yesterday by Mr. W. Browne, district manager.
"Day of Irish fat pig over" The day of the Irish heavy fat pig is
over, Mr. J. Dillon, Eire Minister for Agriculture said in the Dail
yesterday. Suitable bacon pigs could now be exported alive to Britain for
conversion into bacon. He was replying to criticism of Irish bacon curers
who are refusing to pay the top price of 190 shillings dead weight for pigs
in excess of 14 stones and he said that curers were well justified in this
Girl cyclist killed. Agnes Jane McIlroy (17), of Battyfore,
Ballynure, was killed instantly yesterday when the cycle on which she was
riding came into collision with a motor-car at Hall's Cross Roads, Toragh,
County Antrim. She was cycling to meet a bus. an inquest will be held
Antrim fishing fine - rod present from Will Fyfe. When A. E. P.
Stainer giving an address at an Antrim hotel, was fined 40s. at the local
petty sessions yesterday for having used a fishing rod for the purpose of
snatching salmon, it was stated that the rod had been given to him by the
late Will Fyffe, the Scottish comedian.
Belfast G.P.O. teams going to London first-aid competition. Two
teams, men's and women's, will represent the Northern Ireland Region in the
first G.P.O. National First-Aid competition in London next Tuesday. The
teams, both from Belfast Telegraph Department, Manager's Office, are as
follows :- Men's - W. H. Churchlow, P. A. Ward, J. F. Connell, J. P.
McDonnell, C. Murray (reserve) Women's - A. Roseman, A. N.
Dunlop, H. white, M. J. McLoughlin, J. A. D. Quigley (reserve)
Belfast plans for better swimming ponds. A scheme to improve existing
facilities at Belfast's swimming ponds is being prepared by the
architectural section of the Corporation Surveyor's Department, and
consultations are taking place with the Ministry. The Baths Committee are
shortly to consider the report made by the Ulster Branch of the Irish
Amateur Swimming Association.
Public Notices
Central Presbyterian Association World War 1939-1945 Unveiling and
Dedication of Memorial
In the Association Rooms, 47 Howard Street, On Friday, 11th November 1949 at
Act of Unveiling performed by Mrs. John McCaughey
Service Conducted by the Very Rev. James Haire, M.A., D.D., and the Rev. R.
R. Davey, M.B.E., B.A.
Chairman: Mr. S. T. Irwin, C.B.E., F.R.C.S., M.P. (President of the C.P.A.)
All Interested Members Welcome - Medals or Medal Ribbons may be worn
Forces Help Society and Lord Roberts Workshop
Assembly Hall, Monday, November 14, 7.30 p.m.
Top of the Form
Methody (Girls) v. Inst.
Quiz conducted by Lionel Gamlin and Robert MacDermot
Concert with Belfast's Young Artistes - Billy Neely, Michael Harrison,
Valerie Thompson, Drew Preece,
Kenneth Little, Muriel Hay, Mary McCausland, Samuel Barron, and Benita
Albert Hall Youth Orchestra
Mosside Presbyterian Church Graveyard
Notice is hereby given that plot holders are requested to attend the above
named Graveyard on the following dates:-
Saturday 17th December 1949, Saturday 14th January, 1950, Saturday 21st
January 1950
between the hours of 10 and 12 a.m. and 2 and 4 p.m. to Claim Plots as
Graveyard is being remapped. Holders living at a distance or overseas are to
apply by letter to the undersigned before 16th January 1950 Fee 2/6 per
Wm. J. Hemphill, The Manse, Mosside, Co. Antrim

The Northern Whig, Belfast, Tuesday, August 4th, 1914
Births, Marriages & Deaths
Births - Acton, July 30, at 89
Lower Baggot Street, Dublin, the wife of Commander Fitzmaurice Acton, Royal
Navy - a son. Tennent,
August 1, at Ravenswood, Gourock, the wife of Robert Tennent, LL.B. - a son
Marriages - Connor ~ Crawford, On
July 30, at Christ Church, West Didsbury, Manchester, by the Rev. J. G.
Hayes, John Connor Connor, son of the later Isaac Connor, of Belfast, to
Katherine Thompson (Katie), third daughter of Joseph Crawford, R.N.R., West
Didsbury, Manchester Dowdall ~ Stannard,
August 1, at St. Ann's Church, Dublin (by special licence), by the Rev.
Canon J. B. McCheane, B.A., Rector of Freshford, County Kilkenny, assisted
by the Rev. Canon J. Godfrey Day, M.A., Vicar of the Parish, Sir Laurence C.
E. Downing Dowdall, C.B., to Frances, widow of the late Lieutenant-Colonel
Henry Stannard, The Grange, Ballyraggett, County Kilkenny, and daughter of
the late Alexander Clotworthy Downing Lecky Edie, of Thornhill, Strabane,
County Tyrone, and Pembroke Road, Dublin. McDonnell ~
Jameson, July 30, at Julianstown Church, County
Meath, by the Rev. J. E. Preston, Rector, Major John McDonnell, Kilsharvan,
Drogheda, only son of the late Robert McDonnell, M.D., F.R.S., Dublin to
Senta, second daughter of Robert D. Jameson, Esq., Delvin Lodge, Balbriggan
Deaths - Alexander, Monday,
August 3, at Ballywalter, Eliza, relict of the late Thomas Alexander. The
remains of my beloved mother will be removed for interment in the family
burying ground, Whitechurch, tomorrow (Wednesday, August 5), at two o'clock.
Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation. Isaac Alexander,
Ballywalter, County Down. Burns,
August 3, at Church Street, Ballymena, Isabella, wife of Thomas Burns, J.P.
Funeral tomorrow (Wednesday), at three o'clock.
Cunningham, August 2, at Lime Hill, Raheny, John
Cunningham, formerly Resident Inspector Irish Land Commission.
Hogg, August 3, 1914, at Donaghadee,
Samuel Hogg, of 19, Wellington Park, Belfast, aged 69 years. Funeral
private. King,
August 2, at his residence, High Street, Antrim, Mathew King. Funeral this
day (Tuesday), at eleven o'clock, to First Presbyterian Church Burying
ground. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation.
Montgomery, August 1, 1914, at his
residence, 70 Eglantine Avenue, Belfast, William Montgomery, in his 90th
year. Funeral this day (Tuesday, 4th August), at 11 a.m., to the City
Cemetery. Service in University Road Methodist Church at 11.15 a.m. Please,
no flowers. McCallum, July
31, at the Gaelic Manse, 42 Margaret Street, Greenock, Mary Isabel, infant
daughter of the Rev. John S. and Mrs. McCallum.
McKeown, August 2, at her residence, Sheridan
Villas, Ballyholme, Mary, relict of the late John McKeown, Grosvenor Street,
Belfast. Funeral private. Small,
August 1, at Kingstown, Margaret Anne Small, 13, Hollybank Road, Dublin,
widow of James Small, J.P., Helenville, Bailieborough, County Cavan, aged
73. Smith, July 31, at 22,
Carlisle Road, Hove (suddenly), William D. Smith, late Manager Belfast Bank,
Castleblayney. Wilson,
August 1, at Ventnor, Isle of Wight, the Rev. William Lyall Wilson, M.A.,
one of the ministers of St. Cuthbert's Parish, Edinburgh, in his 49th year.
South Antrim Regiment, Sham Battle
at Stoneyford, 2,800 Volunteers Engaged - Yesterday the whole of the South
Antrim Regiment of the U.V.F., of which Captain Pakenham is the
commander-in-chief, was engaged in a mimic war, which was carried on over a
very extensive district stretching from Colin Mountain to the village of
Stoneyford. The general idea was briefly, A Red force of about a battalion,
forming the advance guard of two brigades at Ballymena, was at Antrim. A
Blue force of about two battalions, representing the advanced guard of two
brigades at Hillsborough, was at Lisburn. War had been declared between the
two countries on 1st August. Neither force had any cavalry or artillery, but
there were cyclists on both sides. The training and morale of both forces
were equal, both being composed of citizen soldiers, who had not at the
outbreak of war much training in the field. The capital of Redland was
Coleraine, and that of Blueland Newry, and they were respectively the
objective of the opposing armies. The frontier was represented by a line
drawn through Glenavy to Belfast, the main road from Antrim to Lisburn, via
Crumlin, Glenavy, and Ballinderry, being out of bounds. The officer
commanding the troops at Lisburn (Mr. A. P. Jenkins) received a message from
the officer commanding the Blue army on 2nd August to the following effect:-
"Information received from one of our spies that he observed a force of the
enemy - strength about one battalion - billeted in Antrim on 1st inst., the
outposts being thrown out from the main road from Antrim to Crumlin, to
Muckamore facing south. The force was to advance on the evening of the 2nd
on Lisburn by Killead, Dundrod, and Stoneyford. You will advance tomorrow as
soon as possible with the 1st and 2nd Battalions S.A.R., and endeavour to
drive back this force before they are reinforced, if possible turning their
right flank and cutting their communications with Antrim." Lord
Massereene was in command of the Red force, and Mr. Jenkins and Captain
Blair Oliphant, F.O., of the Blue force. The latter started from Lisburn
about 10.30, their march to the base of the mountain range being up hall all
the way. Unhappily, heavy rain fell during most of the journey, but
this did not appear to damp the enthusiasm of the citizen soldiers. The
battalions were at full strength with a complete equipment, and carried guns
with a number of rounds of blank cartridges. Arriving at the junction
of the Castlerobin and Stoneyford Roads the companies were distributed
largely over the face of the mountains. The first shots were fired at
Bryan's Hill, after which there was a good deal of desultory firing once the
enemy's positions were located. The advance up Aughrim Hill in extended
order to cut off a flanking movement was a pretty and at the same time
thrilling spectacle. For miles around the country seemed to be alive with
men moving quickly from field to field and cover to cover. It was near
four o'clock when the main bodies came into touch, and for half an hour
there was lively volley firing on either side, the final charge being most
exciting. Throughout the action the rain fell incessantly, putting the
men to the severest test, which they submitted to splendidly, and were
warmly complimented at the close of hostilities. The operations were closely
followed by a large assemblage of townspeople and country folk. The
battalions were entertained to tea and sandwiches on the roadside.
Volunteers Fired At In Tyrone - A report has reached Omagh that on
the last drill night of the U.V.F. at Fintona, as half a dozen Ulster
Volunteers were passing through that town on their way home, a revolver shot
was fired at them. The U.V.F. men passed on, deciding not to retaliate
unless further shots were fired. The miscreant did not discharge any further
Obituary - Mr. William Montgomery, A
Land reformer of the 60's - The venerable founder and head of the eminent
firm of William Montgomery & Son, auctioneers and estate agents, of 2
Wellington Place, Belfast, and 1 and 2 Foster Place, Dublin, died on Sunday
at his residence, 70 Eglantine Avenue. Owing to his great age, he was in his
90th year, and the fact that for the last twenty years he had lived chiefly
in retirement, Mr. Montgomery was almost unknown in the local political
world of today, although half a century back he occupied a prominent place
as a progressive Liberal, and especially as a land reformer. He was one of
the last survivors of a band of Ulster Liberals who, prior to 1870, carried
on a vigorous crusade on behalf of the farmer, a hand which included Samuel
Black, of Randalstown; Rev. Archibald Robinson, of Broughshane; and John
Shaw Brown, Thomas Sinclair, and W. D. Henderson, of Belfast. A vigorous and
fluent speaker and possessing a thorough knowledge of the grievances under
which farmers then suffered, he was a welcome figure upon many a land reform
and election platform, and certainly did his part in bringing about the
first great Land Bill of 1870. Mr. Montgomery was not only a politician but
a keen and successful business man. He began business for himself in
Portadown, his native town, in 1863, as auctioneer and estate agent, and, as
his connection had extended largely to Belfast, he finally settled in the
city in 1868, adding to his general business that of fire-loss assessor, in
which he became a specialist, and which extended to many parts of the
country. In 1880 he was joined by his eldest son, Harford H. Montgomery, and
the firm has since continued to transact a large business under the title of
William Montgomery & Son. The Dublin branch was opened in 1881, and since
1888 has been under the management of his son William. Keen, enterprising,
and industrious, deceased built up a very extensive connection in town and
country, which his reputation for probity and straightforwardness enabled
him to retain, and it was his boast that while most actively engaged in
political work on behalf of the agricultural community generally he never
neglected for a moment the interests of a client. Mr. Montgomery was a
Methodist , and one of the oldest members of the University Road Church. He
took deep and practical interest in the Methodist body, and at one time or
another held nearly all the offices open to laymen. For many years he was
president of the Belfast Local Preachers' Association, and frequently
occupied pulpits in the city. He was a member of the Masonic Order and
master of a Lurgan lodge sixty years ago. It is worth noting that he had as
colleagues in the founding of Lodge 243 in Belfast the late Right Rev. Dr.
Welland, Bishop of Down, and the present Primate, Right Rev. Dr. Crozier.
The deceased was born in 1825, his father, Mr. Harford Montgomery, being a
merchant in Portadown. He was sent to Bristol to be educated, and
subsequently went to America. On his return he was engaged in the linen
business until, as above stated, he founded the firm which he afterwards
developed so successfully. Mr. Montgomery used to recount that his
grandfather, John Montgomery, took part in the "Battle of the Diamond" in
1795, and was one of the founders of the Orange Institution. Deceased
was married in 1854 to Miss M. Higginbotham, of Cootehill, who predeceased
him in 1895. By all who knew him either privately or in business Mr.
Montgomery was deservedly respected, and while the news of his death will,
considering his patriarchal age, cause no surprise, it will be generally and
sincerely regretted.
What Martial Law Means - Martial law is not law at all, in the ordinary
sense of the term. The proclamation of martial law means the suspension of
all laws, of all ordinary authority, of all civil jurisdiction, all civil
rights, and all personal liberty. It means that everything must be
subordinated to military necessities - business, pleasure, even the private
life of the citizen, who may no longer come and go and work and play as he
would, but must obey any restrictions that may be placed on his movements or
actions. The rights of property, the right to exercise control over
one's belongings, the right of public meeting, and of free speech - all
rights enjoyed in peace time disappear under martial law. The military
authorities may take anything for their own use, from the horse or the motor
car of the private individual to a factory or railway system or a line of
steamships, and that without any payment. They may stop all commercial
or industrial operations, they may order the population to be in their homes
by a certain hour, they may seize all food or other supplies, they may fix
the price at which commodities may be sold, and they may suppress the
publication of all news and the sending of any letters and telegrams.
Freedom of circulation is always suspended under martial law, and those
persons who are abroad at this moment and desire to return home may find it
difficult to do so. The functions of civil courts and civil authorities,
such as the police, cease under martial law. All offences are tried before
military tribunals summarily, and any penalty up to the extreme penalty of
death may be awarded. There is no appeal from such judgments. All this
sounds very terrible, but it is necessary under the stress of war. General
existence under martial law has never been known in England in modern times,
but the experience may be at hand.
Killed by a Motor Car - At Dyke Road, Brighton, on Sunday a taxicab
narrowly escaped collision with a motor car. In avoiding the collision the
taxi swerved. Edith Jackeman, of Leamington, who was sitting on the front
seat, fell off, and was instantly killed by the motor car.
Belfast Police - Yesterday - Custody Court
(Before Mr. Garrett Nagle, R.M.)
A Serious Assault - John George Doak, a young man living at 7 Ambrose
Street, was charged by Constable Gallivan with assaulting Robert T. Fenton,
23 Well Street, on June 21st. Mr. A. A. Macauley defended. The prosecutrix
stated that on Sunday, June 21st, at 6.30 a.m., he was out for a walk with
his wife, and when passing down Nelson Street the prisoner, who was standing
with other men, rushed at him and struck him on the forehead, knocking him
down. While he was on the ground the prisoner jumped on him and broke his
leg. In consequence he was detained in hospital for a month. Cross-examined,
witness said he put his hands up to the prisoner, but only in self defence.
Accused, who pleaded not guilty, was returned for trial to the Recorder's
Court, bail being allowed.
Assault on Police - Patrick Gordon, 51, Great Patrick Street, was
charged with breaking a plate-glass window and damaging a screen, the
property of Mrs. Adgey, Lagan Street. He was also charged with assaulting
Constable McCarthy, and damaging his tunic. Mr. T. M. McLernon appeared for
accused, who was sentenced to four months' imprisonment.
Woman's 181st Appearance - Agnes McCann, of no fixed abode, was charged with
a street offence. It was stated that this was the prisoner's 181st
appearance, and she was fined 40s. As she left the dock she remarked to Mr.
Garrett Nagle, "Thank you, your Worship, and long may you reign with the
Crown above you." (Laughter)

part front page
The Northern Whig, Belfast Monday, May 1, 1916
Births, Marriages & Deaths
Births - Gribbon, April 28th, at
Cherryhurst, Cherryvalley, Knock, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Gribbon - a
Wright, April 27th, at 88 Queensborough Gardens, Glasgow, to Mr. and
Mrs. Wright - a daughter
Marriages - Armstrong ~ Alderdice, April
26th, 1916, at Cooke Centenary Church, Belfast, by the Rev. W. G. Strahan,
B.A., Minister First Newry Presbyterian Church, assisted by the Rev. H. B.
Swanzy, M.A., Vicar of Newry, Edward Bell, third son of Geo. R. Armstrong,
J.P., Downshire Place, Newry, to Emily Gertrude, youngest daughter of the
late Geo. F. Alderdice, Downshire Place, Newry
Mackay ~ Gray, April 27th, at the Parish Church, Post-Glasgow, by the
Rev. D. J. Moir-Porteous, B.D., C.F., assisted by the Rev. R. S. Armstrong,
B.D., of Dollar, Lieutenant A. Moray Mackay, to Gertrud Wyllie, youngest
daughter of David D. Gray, Glenpark, Port-Glasgow
Ward ~ Cawley, April 25th, at St. Comgall's R.C. Church, Bangor, by
the Rev. P. Scally, B.A., P.P., Patrick James, son of Phillip Ward, J.P.,
Commissioner of National Education, Belfast, to Barbara Wheeler, youngest
daughter of the late Thomas Cawley, Sesame, Cregagh, Belfast, and of Ivy
Lawn, Tennyson Avenue, Bangor
Deaths - Cooper, April 29th, Agnes,
beloved wife of Hugh D. Cooper, 32 Rugby Road, Belfast, accidentally drowned
at Ramore Head, Portrush (see
Dickson, April 30th, 1916, at his residence, The Hill, Dundonald, the
Rev. William Dickson, B.A., late Minister of the West Parish Church,
Galashiels, N.B. The remains of my dearly beloved husband will be removed
for interment in the First Saintfield Burying ground on Wednesday, 3rd
inst., at twelve o'clock, reaching Saintfield about two o'clock (see
Gribbon, April 28th, at Holm Lea, Coleraine, Henry Albert Gribbon,
J.P. Funeral to-day (Monday), May 1st, at two p.m.
Heron, April 30th, 1916, at his residence, Bridge Street, Portadown,
Dr. Samuel Heron. Funeral to Drumcree Burying ground tomorrow (Tuesday)
afternoon, at three o'clock. No flowers, by special request.
McKnight, April 29th, 1916, in a Nursing Home, Belfast, the Rev.
Henry McKnight, M.A., T.C.D., Rector of Kilkeel, County Down. His remains
will be laid to rest in Kilkeel Parish Churchyard tomorrow (Tuesday), 2nd
May, at twelve o'clock, where friends are requested to attend. (obituary)
Symington, April 28th, at Upper Clifton, Bangor, Martha, beloved wife of
Joseph Symington. Funeral private. No flowers, by request.
Public Notices
1,000 Men Urgently Needed for Service in Belfast Volunteer Defence
Apply at Headquarters, 14a High Street, Belfast

The Northern Whig, Monday, May 1, 1916
Week-end Casualties - 196 Officers - 994 Rank and File
The week-end casualty lists show the following losses:-
Officers - Dead, 90; wounded and missing, 106; total, 196.
Men - Dead, 355; wounded and missing, 639; total, 994.
Appended is an analysis of the lists :-
Officers - Killed, 42; missing now reported killed, 2; missing believed
killed, 2; died of wounds, 12; died, 9; wounded, 96; missing, 8; total, 170;
missing now reported wounded and prisoners, 2.
Rank and File - Killed, 95; died of wounds, 109; died, 25; wounded, 572;
missing, 17; total, 818. Official German List of Prisoners of War - Wounded,
6; prisoners, 34; total, 40.
Naval Casualties - Loss of H.M.S. Russell - Officers - Killed, 21; died of
wounds, 5; total, 26.
Naval Ratings - H.M. ships and Naval Division - Killed, 65; died of wounds,
2; drowned, 9; wounded, 25. Total, 101.
Loss of H.M.S. Arabis, February 10 - Killed, 50; prisoners of war in
Germany, 25; total, 75.
Birch, Major F. W. South Wales
Gourd, Captain P., South Lancashire Regiment
Nicholas, Lieut. O. R., Royal West Kent Regiment (Attached Connaught
Rutherford, Captain D. G. C., R.F.A.
Died of Wounds
Birkby, Second-Lieut. H. A., Royal
Berkshire Regt.
Chapman, Lieut. C. G., R.E.
Davies, Second-Lieut. A. H., R.F.A.
King, Second0Lieutenant R., South Lancashire Regiment
Vipond, Second-Lieut. S. J., Bedfordshire Regiment
Admans, Sec.-Lieut. H. G.,
Royal Warwickshire Regt.
Ainscow, Sec.-Lieut. J. A., Royal Warwickshire Regt.
Anderson, Captain A. L. B., Connaught Rangers
Atkins, Second-Lieut. B. E., North Staffordshire Regt.
Atkinson, Captain R. H., R.E.
Barry, Second0Lieut. E., Connaught Rangers
Beckett, Second-Lieut. E. A., Connaught Rangers
Berkeley, Second-Lieut. L. E., Connaught Rangers
Booth, Second-Lieut. W., Royal West Kent Regiment (attached
Connaught Rangers)
Bosanquet, Captain A. P., Duke of Cornwall's L.I. (attached
Wiltshire Regiment)
Bowles, Lieut. A. W., South Lancashire Regiment
Butcher, Second-Lieut. S. V., Somerset L.I.
Cargin, Second-Lieut. N., North Staffordshire
Cavenagh Second-Lieut. R. T., Worcestershire Regt.
Clarke, Second-Lieut. S. C. R. L., Wiltshire Regt.
Collingwood, Second-Lieut. F. W. N., Middlesex Regiment (attached
Loyal North Lancashire Regiment)
Cooper, Lieut. R. S. F., Cheshire regiment
Durrant, Lieut. E. M., Connaught Rangers
Ewen, Second-Lieut. A. C., Royal Warwickshire
Regt. Flecker,
Second-Lieut. H. L. O., Gloucestershire Regt.
Gething, Sec.-Lieut. P. G. J., Royal Warwick
Gordon, Second-Lieut. A. R., Northampton Regt.
Hodson, Lieut. F. L. C., Gloucestershire
Horsfall, Capt. H. F. C., Loyal North Lancashire Regt.
Ireland, Second-Lieut. J. B., Gloucestershire
Regt. Kimber,
Second-Lieut. R. E., Gloucestershire Regt.
Lightfoot, Second-Lieut. G. L. S., Border
Regiment (attached Wiltshire Regiment)
Lipp, Lieut. F., Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) (attached Royal Welsh
Lucey, Lieut. D. F., Connaught Rangers
McCurig, Major G. E., Canadian Infantry
MacDonell, Captain D. H., D.S.O., Highland L.I.
Macpherson, Second-Lieut. H. R., R.F.A.
Madgett, Second-Lieut. C. V., Royal West Kent Regiment (attached
Connaught Rangers)
Maynard, Second-Lieut. C. B., South Lancashire Regt.
Millichap, Lieut. F. H., Duke of Wellington's Regiment (attached
South Lancashire Regiment)
Mims, Lieut. and Adjutant C. C., R.F.A.
Molineux, Lieut. H. G. K., Royal Sussex Regiment
Mummery, Second-Lieut. H. N. G., Highland L.I.
Pearson, Second-Lieut. H. C., King's Ryl.
Rifle Corps.
Pickworth, Second-Lieut. C. H., Leicestershire Regt.
Rogers, Second-Lieut. C. W., Royal
Warwickshire Regt.
Ross, Second-Lieut. J. M., Highland L.I.
Rushmer, Second-Lieut. H. F., Norfolk Regiment
Shepherd, Second-Lieut. H. H., East Lancashire
Simpson, Captain D. J. H., Northumberland Fusiliers
Stephen, Lieut. J. H. F., Highland L.I.
Stewart, Second-Lieut. H. F., King's Liverpool Regt.
Sturt, Lieut. C. G., King's Liverpool Regiment (attached Durham
L.I.) Wood, Captain G.
E. C., Gloucestershire Regiment
Wounded and Missing
Knox, Captain R., Highland
Barrett, Second-Lieut. W. W.,
Royal Warwickshire Regt.
Brabazon, Lieut. J. H. F., Connaught Rangers
Davy, Second-Lieut. C. L., Royal Warwickshire
Regt. Hill, Lieut. C. E.
C., Highland L.I.
Hope, Major J. H., Highland L.I.
Shannon, Second-Lieut. J. A., Highland L.I.
Wright, Second-Lieut. W. R., Lincolnshire
Unofficially Reported Died of
Wounds as Prisoner
Palmer, Second-Lieut. C. W.,
Unofficially Reported Wounded and
Castle, Second-Lieut. J. S.,
Naval Officer - Died of Wounds
Rev. George A. Greig, B.A.,
acting chaplain R.N.
N.C.O.'s and Men
Royal Irish Regiment
Killed - Dumaresq, 3201, Pte.
Wounded - Doyle, 2563, Pte. J.; Fitzpartick (Fitzpatrick), 1963,
Pte. J.; Warr, 3368, L. Sergt. F.
Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
Killed - Anderson,
25138, Pte. W.; Boardman, 24078, Cpl. D. P.; Connors, 26640, Pte.
R.; Gallagher, 22992, Pte. D.; Gallocher, 22326, L.-Cpl. D.;
Gilliland, 24078, Pte. S. J.; Johnston, 23871, Pte. D.; Kelly,
23757, Pte. P.; Lyttle, 23668, Pte. P.; McConkey, 20431, Pte. J.;
Mulholland, 28621, Pte. J.; Murphy, 27546, Pte. A.; O'Rourke, 23075,
Pte. P.; Poller, 28848, Pte. J.; Sheffield, 24019, Pte. W. J.;
Taylor, 13410, C.S.M. W.; Thompson, 23352, Pte. A.; Tosh, 26954,
Pte. A. Died of
Wounds - McConochie, 20141, Pte. A.
Wounded - Allatt, 25671, Pte. J.;
Buchanan, 23520, Pte. W.; Clarke, 26988, Pte. T. P.; Clifford,
28571, Pte. J.; Coleman, 26?37, Pte. R.; Corrigan, 26686, Pte. P.,
Corrigan, 26233, Pte. W.; Doran, 26423, Pte. D.; Gallagher, 27018,
Pte. E.; Guy, 27000, Pte. F.; Hassard, 19287, Pte. P.;
Hollingsworth, 23327, Pte. F.; Hughes, 28620, Cpl. W.; Johnston,
25698, Pte. T.; Kerr, 27072, Pte. J.; Love, 28630, L.-Cpl. D.;
McCurdie, 23474, Pte. G.; McGuinness, 24702, Pte. J.; Mernor(?),
16177, C.S.M. E.; Morgan, 13324, Pte. J.; Mullin, 28616, Pte. J.;
Rainey, 13773, Cpl. J.; Ryder, 28865, Pte. P.; Scott, 26283, L.-Cpl.
J.; Thompson, 28618, Pte. G.; Tully, 24224, Pte. P.; Williams,
22031, Pte. E.; Woods, 26955, Pte. W.
Missing - Gibbons, 22784, Pte. G.;
Myers, 27070, Pte. G.; Noble, 26386, Pte. W. J.; Young, 26744, Pte.
J. Previously
Missing, now Reported Killed - Lilley, 12628, Pte. W.; Veitch,
12236, Pte. E. Previously
Missing, now Reported Died as Prisoner of War - Ashton, 16759,
Pte. J.
Royal Irish Fusiliers
Killed - McCartin,
20961, Pte. T.; McNally, 22160, Pte. J.
Died of Wounds - Houston, 20305, Pte. T.
Wounded - Curry, 20318, Pte. R.; Howden, 21068, Pte. P.;
Todd, 19794, Pte. A.
Royal Munster Fusiliers
Killed - Doherty, 3435,
Pte. C.
Previously Reported Missing, now Reported Killed - Lyons,
3978, Cpl. M.; O'Connell, 4825, Pte. C.
Died of Wounds - Ahearn, 4927, Pte. T.; Coleman, 3026, Pte.
P.; O'Neill, 4016, Cpl. T.; O'Sullivan, 5816, Pte. M.
Wounded - Amos, 814, Sergt. A.;
Beechinor, 1518, Pte. J.; Bourke, 1660, Sergt. J.; Bowdren, 722,
Pte. W.; Doherty, 3832, Pte. F.; Ferrion, 4284, Pte. J.; McDonald,
4929, Cpl. E.; Patterson, 1410, Pte. W.; Scarry, 4054, Cpl. C.;
Shaw, 1736, L.-Cpl. S.; Shorten, 7557, Sergt. J.; Sullivan, 3377,
Cpl. J.
Royal Dublin Fusiliers
Killed - Bone, 21693,
Pte. J.; Byrne, 8270, Pte. M.; Callaghan, 13578, Pte. E.; Casey,
14534, Pte. F.; Chapman, 15079, Pte. W.; Chester, 17815, Pte. J.;
Colgan, 23559, Pte. J.; Crumney, 16199, Pte. J.; Dalton, 19130, Pte.
E.; Delaney, 23692, Pte. M.; Dobbs, 16219, Sergt. T. G.; Donohoe,
23088, Pte. J.; Farrell, 14518, L.-Cpl. B.; Farrell, 15060, Pte. A.;
Farrell, 19343, Pte. P.; Fennessy, 22684, Pte. C.; Fitzgerald,
19848, Sergt. T.; Fox, 14665, Pte. J.; Gilligan, 16593, Pte. P.;
Grace, 25072, Pte. G.; Hamilton, 15422, L.-Cpl. P.; Hyndman, 9588,
Pte. J.; Keating, 16503, Pte. M.; Kent, 5264, Pte. F.; Lawless,
14491, Pte. P.; McGrail, 18260, Pte. D.; McGurk, 19036, Pte. J.;
Meade, 22671, Pte. P.; Mooney, 15813, Pte. P.; Murray, 19801, Pte.
M.; Nugent, 8299, Pte. M.; O'Connor, 16268, Pte. T.; Quaile, 16534,
Pte. J.; Ryan, 19796, Pte. T.; Smith, 19135, Pte. W.; Toole, 19131,
Pte. P.; Veale, 18253, Pte. J.; Warren, 21702, Pte. J.
Wounded - Appleton, 14736, L.-Cpl. J.;
Bride, 13258, Pte. P.; Byrne, 22943, L.-Cpl. J.; Byrne, 9612, Pte.
M.; Byrne, 15791, Pte. W.; Clifford, 14720, Pte. C.; Curtis, 22761,
Pte. J.; Daly, 22635, Pte. M.; Dobbs, 21258, L.-Cpl. F. R.; Donohoe,
21307, Pte. W.; Doolin, 15065, Pte. J.; Fleming, 24645, Pte. J.;
Harte, 21689, Pte. P.; Hemsworth, 15122, Pte. W.; Hackey, 14680,
Cpl. T.; Keogh, 19618, Pte. P.; Leaden, 15104, Pte. P.; McCahill,
16968, Pte. F.; McKernan, 21149, L.-Cpl. P.; McNamee, 21505, Pte.
C.; Maguire, 17670, Pte. J.; Martin, 16256, L.-Cpl. J.; O'Brien,
16098, Pte. J.; Reidy, 21269, Pte. W.; Reilly, 21504, Pte. T.;
Sullivan, 14523, Pte. J.; Treston, 23068, Pte. P.; Tyndall, 22860,
Pte. J.; Wakenell, 14075, Cpl. T.
Previously Missing, now Reported Killed
- McCann, 18093, Pte. P.
Royal Irish Rifles
Wounded, Shock-shell -
McCullough, 15384, Pte. H.; Rankin, 15833, Pte. J.
Previously Missing, now Reported Killed - McClurg, 5511, L.-Cpl. W.
N.C.O.'S and Men
The following were issued for publication on
Friday :-
Irish Guards
Killed - Murphy, 5666,
Pte. J.; O'Shea, 7656, Pte. D.
Previously Reported Missing, now Reported
Killed - Kirk, 108, Sergeant-Major J.
Wounded - Broderick, 7597, Pte. D.;
Byrne, 7700(?), Pte. M.; Cahill, 6457, Serg. T. L.; Collis, 7885,
Pte. J.; Fitzgerald, 7888, Pte. J.; Gibney, 6440, Pte. M.; Gillis,
8578, Pte. S.; Healy, 7833, Pte. J.; Kavanagh, 3193, Serg. T.;
Kavanagh, 7588, Lce.-Cpl. J.; McConnon, 7337, Pte. M.; McDonald,
6493, Pte. P.; McKeown, 7632, Pte. J.; Reilly, 7289, Lce-Cpl. A.;
Seery, 6172, Serg. E. M.
Missing - Byrne, 3564, Pte. W.;
McInerney, 4078, Pte. P.; Quinn, 2885, Pte. J.
Royal Irish Fusiliers
Killed - Cunningham,
3573, Lce-Cpl. M.; De Carteret, 21810, Pte. D.; Lynch, 21574, Pte.
J.; McKenna, 23057, Pte. J.; Martin, 21328, Pte. J.; Nixon, 19822,
Lce-Cpl. W.; Ruddy, 18625, Pte. R.
Died of Wounds - Vennard, 19750, Pte.
J. Wounded -
Dobbyn, 16547, Pte. P.; Fegan, 15257, Serg. J.; Hendry, 15165, Cpl.
W.; Kennedy, 22065, Cpl. D.; O'Brady, 20485, Pte. E.; Paul, 23244,
Lce.-Cpl. W.; Rachley, 22914, Pte. T.; Smith, 13291, Pte. J.; Coyle,
15152, Pte. M.; Hall, 21843, Pte. W.; Hyland, 18320, Pte. J.;
Langmead, 21852, Pte. A.; Le Lacheur, 23253, Pte. W.; Lindly, 21374,
Pte. D.; McConnell, 20017, Pte. H.; McWilliams, 15276, Pte. J.;
Mulgrave, 20006, Pte. J.; O'Neill, 18468, Pte. J.; Sergeant, 23103,
Pte. H.; Sharkey, 22569, Pte. J.; Toal, 15203, Pte. J.
Wounded - Shock-Shell - Corron, 21802,
Pte. P.
Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
Killed - Ross, 13373,
Pte. D.
Died of Wounds - Tipping, 28216, Pte. H.
Wounded - Brown, 25189, Lce-Cpl. J.;
Duffy, 16190, Serg. J.; Ellis, 26652, Pte. C.; Hasson, 26737, Pte.
P.; Irvine, 13662, Pte. H.; McAree, 26972, Pte. M.; McCamley, 25812,
Pte. C.; Moffatt, 28070, Lce-Cpl. C.; Saxon, 26977, Pte. E.;
Tierney, 25827, Pte. E.; Wilson, 26167, Pte. A.
Royal Irish Rifles
Wounded - Ellison,
4759, Pte. J.; Foy, 16424, Serg. G.; Hendy, 4685, Pte. F.; Sherlock,
4443, Pte. G.
Connaught Rangers
Killed - Foy, 1613,
Pte. H.; Kennedy, 2457, Pte. M.; McKenna, 3889, Pte. J.
Wounded - Bradley, 4666, Lce-Cpl. J.;
Brogan, 1507, Pte. J.; Hasson, 3941, Cpl. J.; Joyce, 3979, Cpl. P.;
Leyland, 1637, Pte. P.; McGreevy, 2530, Pte. H.; Rush, 2759, Pte.
J.; Walsh, 1597, Pte. P.
Royal Munster Fusiliers
Wounded - Condon, 3701,
Pte. J.; Driscoll, 942, Pte. C.; Duggan, 5727, Pte. W.; Timoney,
1453, Serg. J.
Leinster Regiment
Killed - Lavery, 3024,
Pte. J.
Wounded - Bennett, 5396, Serg. J.
Royal Irish Regiment
Wounded - Poutch, 3619,
Pte. J.
Royal Dublin Fusiliers
Wounded - Flanagan,
21466, Pte. T.; Nolan, 22248, Pte. P.
Wounded - Shock-Shell - Davis, 14687, Pte. J.;
McManus, 24452, Pte. H.
Obituary - Rev. H.
McKnight, M.A.
We regret to announce the death, which took place on Saturday at a
private nursing home in Belfast, of the Rev. Henry McKnight, M.A., T.C.D.,
rector of Kilkeel. Deceased, who was fifty-nine years of age and unmarried,
was the eldest son of the late Mr. Robert Warren McKnight, Arva, County
Cavan, and was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he had a brilliant
career. For some time he was secretary of the Church of Ireland Young Men's
Society in Belfast. About thirty years ago he was ordained by the Bishop of
Salisbury in Salisbury Cathedral for the curacy of Corscombe, Dorsetshire,
and some time later was appointed curate of Weymouth. After the passage of
another decade he was appointed rector of Stoneyford, County Antrim, in the
diocese of Down and Connor and Dromore, and five years later rector of
Kilkeel, where he ministered for eighteen years. (click
here to go to image 1 above for full details)
Rev. William Dickson
We regret to announce the death of the Rev. William Dickson, B.A., which
took place at his residence, The Hill, Dundonald, on Saturday, after a
prolonged illness. Deceased was brought up in connection with the
congregation of Killymurris. He attended classes in Queen's College,
Belfast, graduating in the Royal University in 1894. After a theological
course in the Assembly's College, in which he was a scholar and prizeman in
each year, he was licensed by the Presbytery of Ahoghill on 12th May, 1896.
(click here to go to image 1 above for
full details)
Dr. Samuel Heron, Portadown
The death occurred yesterday at his residence in Bridge Street of Dr.
Samuel Heron, an old and well-known resident of Portadown. Dr. Heron, who
was recognised as a very skilful medical man, had been attending to his
professional duties up to quite recently, so that his death comes as a
surprise to many of the towns-people. He was a member of the Armagh Road
Presbyterian Church, and in politics a Liberal. (click
here to go to image 1 above for full details)
Belfast Custody Court
Before Mr. Garrett Nagle, R.M., in the Belfast Custody Court on
Saturday, a youth named James Verner, of East Street, was charged with the
larceny of an overcoat, the property of William J. Wilson, of Bentinck
Street. The latter stated that he was at a dance in Ye Olde Castle
Restaurant on Easter Monday evening, and he left his overcoat in the
cloakroom. When he went to look for it the overcoat was missing. The
prisoner was also at the dance, and was the only man there in evening dress.
William J. Allen, pawnbroker, Cromac Street, gave evidence as to the
prisoner pawning the overcoat with him. Witness advanced 12s. Mr. J. Graham,
defending, said that was the prisoner's first offence. He was in respectable
employment, and was the only support of his mother, who was a widow. On the
occasion he seemed to have yielded to a sudden temptation, and was now very
sorry. His mother would repay the pawnbroker the money he had advanced. The
accused was dealt with under the Probation of Offenders Act.

The Northern Whig, Monday, May 1, 1916
Stories :-
The Tsar's Long Line, Keen Struggle at Lake Narotch, Germans Recapture
Old Ground
Russian Triumph on the Ikwa, Austrian Success Converted to a Rout
Austro-German Claims, Severe Reverse for the Russians
Italian Front, Austrian Attack Foiled
Vienna's Version
The Balkan's, Greece and the Serbian Troops, Threats by Central Powers
Air and Patrol Skirmishes, French Aviator's Third Victory
east Africa, Commissariat Captures, Spoils from the Enemy
Egyptian Fighting, A Missing Officer
Pirates Actually Apologise, For Sinking an Hospital Ship
Belfast Lady Drowned, Sad Incident at Portrush
- Mrs. Aggie Cooper, wife of Mr. Hugh Cooper, 32 Rugby Road, Belfast,
was drowned on Saturday afternoon off Ramore Point, Portrush. The lady
and her husband were fishing from the rocks. While the latter was baiting a
line a huge wave swept the lady off the rock, and the receding water carried
her beyond aid, the coast being rough and dangerous. Efforts by the husband
and the lady's mother to rescue her were unavailing, although she floated
ten minutes before disappearing. The body has not been recovered. The family
were visitors to Portrush. The deceased was the elder daughter of Mr. George
Corry, 11 Chlorine Gardens, Belfast
Death from Gas Poisoning - The circumstances attending the death of a
man named William Wallace, aged 50, 140 Upper Canning Street, who was
found dead in his house on Thursday night, formed the subject of an inquiry
held by the City Coroner (Dr. James Graham) at the Royal Victoria Hospital
on Saturday. Dr. Adamson said death was due to coal-gas poisoning, and the
jury returned a verdict of death from misadventure.
Prayer and The War Ulster
and the War - The Roll of Honour - Armagh and Cavan Officers Killed
Mr. Henry Bruce Armstrong, D.L., Dean's Hill, Armagh, received
intimation on Saturday that his son, Lieutenant Michael Armstrong,
Royal Engineers, has been killed in action. He has two brothers in the Army,
one of whom, Captain W. F. Armstrong, Royal Garrison Artillery, has been
awarded the Military Cross.
Second-Lieutenant P. T. Phillips, Manchester Regiment, attached East
Lancashire Regiment, who is officially reported killed in action, is a son
of the late Mr. John Phillips, J.P., Bawnboy, County Cavan, and of Mrs.
Phillips, Deanery Street, Belturbet.
Captain P. Cruickshank - News has been received that Captain P.
Cruickshank, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, was wounded last Saturday week.
Prior to the war he was the editor of the "Tyrone Constitution," and was one
of the best-known officers of the Tyrone Regiment U.V.F. On the outbreak of
war he was given a commission in the army, and served at Finner and
Randalstown before proceeding to the front. About two months ago he was
"gassed," and had not long returned to duty when he received his present
wound, which fortunately is not serious.
Second-Lieutenant J. C. Eaton - Royal Irish Rifles, who was wounded
on 25th inst., is a son of Mr. Joseph Charles Eaton, Altnagelvin,
Londonderry. He is an old pupil of Foyle College, and originally obtained
his commission in the 17th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles on 28th January,
1915, and transferred to the 19th Battalion on 9th November, 1915. He was
drafted to a battalion at the front a few weeks ago from Newcastle, and his
last letter home mentioned that he was in a front line trench within
hand-grenade distance of the Germans.
Second-Lieutenant J. S. M. Gage - Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, was
wounded in the head by shell on 25th April. While out alone on patrol duty,
he was surprised by a party of six Germans, three of whom he killed, while
the other three ran away. He is a son of the late Dr. Frances Gage, and a
grandson of the late General Ezekiel Gage, of Rathlin Island, County Antrim.
His mother was formerly Miss Stewart-Moore, daughter of Captain
Stewart-Moore, late of Moyargot, Ballycastle
Sub-Lieut. F. E. Cradock, R.N. - has been admitted to hospital in England
suffering from the effects of immersion following an explosion at sea. His
condition is not serious, and he is rapidly recovering. Sub-Lieutenant
Cradock holds a master's certificate in the mercantile marine, and was at
one time in the service of the Lord Line. For some years before the war he
was the proprietor of a motor garage at Larne, and he is one of the best
known motorists in the North of Ireland. He was also a prominent member of
the Ulster Volunteer Force on Larne.
Rank and File Casualties - The War Office
reports that Company Sergeant-Major William Taylor, Royal
Inniskilling Fusiliers, was killed in action on the 5th inst. Deceased, who
has three brothers-in-law serving with the colours, took part in the South
African campaign with the Rifle Brigade. Prior to rejoining the army at the
outbreak of war he was employed at the Irish Distillery. He leaves a wife
and family, who reside at 3 Bright Street, Belfast
Mrs. Ralph, of 141 McDonnell Street, Belfast, has been advised that
her brother, Private James P. Brady, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers,
has succumbed in Middlesex Hospital, Clacton-on-Sea, to wounds received in
action. Deceased enlisted almost twelve months ago, prior to which he was in
the employment of the Belfast Corporation.
Intimation has been received that Sapper Bernard McRandall,
Royal Engineers, has been wounded by machine-gun fire, and is now in
Tankerton Hospital, Kent. Sapper McRandall, who has two brothers, Hugh and
Joseph, serving with the colours, followed the occupation of a brick layer
in civil life, and enlisted when war broke out. His parents reside at 21
Ballycarry Street, Belfast
Private Thomas Murphy, Royal Irish Fusiliers, whose death is reported
from overseas, was a son of Mrs. Murphy, Clonosey, Belturbet, and a member
of the I.N.V. Promotions
and Appointments
Captain S. S. Dillon, Royal Irish Rifles, who won the D.S.O. for
his services with the 2nd Battalion early in the war, and has for some time
been holding a special appointment graded as a General Staff officer, has
been succeeded in that position by Second-Lieutenant G. Mables,
Manchester Regiment. Among the R.A.M.C. promotions just gazetted are
Lieutenants A. H. Corley, B. S. Browne, and W. W. Dickson, North of
Ireland officers, to be captains. The appointment of Dr. J. C. Houston,
M.B., of Carnmoney, to a commission in the R.A.M.C. is also gazetted.
Captain J. A. Edgeworth, Royal Engineers, has been appointed to the
command of the 36th (Ulster) Divisional Signal Company, R.E., in succession
to Major C. A. Prest(on), Indian Army. Lieutenant K. L.
Hardy and Second Lieutenant E. Daniel, 4th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles,
have been attached to the 11th (South Antrim) Battalion for duty.
Vessels Sunk
Lloyd's Penzance agent telegraphs - The schooner Esmerald, of
Gloucester, for Cardiff, sank on Saturday morning off Trevose Head, after a
collision. The captain and crew were saved and landed here.
The crew of nineteen of the General Steam Navigation Company's steamer Teal,
of London, were landed on Saturday. They were picked up from small boats by
the trawler Rugby, their ship, which was unarmed, having been sunk by a
German submarine.

Northern Whig, not sure of date, one of the above
worth a read and a giggle
To Reduce Weight, £100 in Case of Failure
Newry Council and Dublin Tragedy - At Newry Urban
Council yesterday, Mr. H. J. McConville, J.P. (chairman), presiding, Mr.
Ruddy proposed the following resolution:- "That we express our sincere
sympathy with the people of Dublin in the bereavement sustained by them in
the tragic death of their fellow-citizens, and we call upon the Government
to bring the guilty parties to justice." Mr. Fisher, in seconding,
said he would like to state his view on this matter. If the resolution had
been brought up there one week ago it would have been couched in extremely
stronger terms than it was that day. It showed that while they held
extremely strong views they were desirous of not hurting the feelings of
their opponents at the present time. Mr. Willis regretted that he did
not see his way to associate himself with the resolution. From his
(Mr. Willis's) reading of the matter, and from his observations, he could
see that the soldiers were quietly pursuing their way to the military
barrack when they were attacked by a violet mob, and he could not
distinguish between the man who fired a stone behind a man's back and the
man who fired a revolver. IT would be much wiser for them to leave this
matter alone, and let it be judged by a higher court than theirs. Mr.
O'Rorke said if he was not astray Mr. Willis himself proposed or seconded a
resolution of sympathy at the time of the late King's death. Mr.
Willis - That's a bit far-fetched - the Sovereign of the empire. Mr.
O'Rorke - Not a bit more far-fetched than yours. Proceeding, Mr. O'Rorke
said with regard to the military, so far as he knew they suffered nothing
worth talking about. The resolution was passed, Mr. Willis dissenting.
Football, Horse Racing, etc. & Boat Arrivals
Suicide in Belfast - A man named Samuel Sefton, residing at 62
Belgrave Street, and aged forty-five years, was discovered last night
hanging by the neck to a handkerchief which was fastened to a large nail in
the kitchen ceiling. The alarm was raised, and a policeman from Craven
Street Barrack was brought on the scene and cut down the body. Life was then
extinct. The body was removed to the Royal Victoria Hospital pending an
inquest. It is stated that the deceased had only been a short time out of
hospital and that he was suffering from bad health.
Six Officers Killed, 26 Wounded
The War Office announces that
the following casualties are reported from Dublin:-
Officers - Killed - Calvert, Second-Lieut. J. H., Royal Irish
Dietrichsen, Captain F. C., Sherwood Foresters
Hawkes, Lieut. W. V., Sherwood Foresters
Perry, Lieut. P. C., Sherwood Foresters
Pinfield, Second-Lieutenant G. V., 8th Hussars
Ramsay, Lieut. A. L., Royal Irish Regiment
Addis, Second-Lieutenant T. H.
L., Royal Dublin Fusiliers
Battersby, Second-Lieut. J. A., Royal Irish Rifles
Bayliss, Captain P. S., South Staffordshire Regiment
1) Lindsay, Alan Smith - April 1, 1985 (Suddenly),
at Hospital, beloved husband of Anne, 4 Moygashel Park, Moygashel
2) Bickerstaff - In Loving Memory of My
Dear Wife Essie, who died 12th? April 1942, also her dear Mother died 9th
May 1936? also her dear Niece died 31st? July 1941? also Thomas Bickerstaff,
Husband of above named who died 4th August 1942?