Weddings Scrapbook 1930s/40s/50
a bunch of weddings from newspapers
whoever owned this book loved weddings
(possibly Chambers, see cards below)
page one -
page two
but before we get into all the weddings - this was
tucked inside the front cover of the scrapbook and written on the back of
'Macdermotts Coleraine Furniture Sale within on Friday 21st February at 2
o'clock p.m.'
Catch-My-Pal Protestant Total Abstinence Union, Est. Armagh 1909

the first 2 cards H. Weir 1872 Marcus Ward & Co., Chromo, Lith.
Carle Vernet?

and the story of Jack and the Beanstalk

a few of the empty pages from the back of the scrapbook, I thought these
were nice, maybe wallpaper?

1) 21st June 1946 Postmark Belfast to Mr. & Mrs. T. J. Chambers, 46
Florenceville Avenue, Ormeau Road, Belfast - To Mrs. & Mr. T. J. Chambers &
Betty & Herbert with every good wish for Xmas 1946 and the New Year 1947
from E. T. Cadogan
2) To Elizabeth & Herbert, Mother & Father from E. T. Cadogan
3) Silver Wedding from all at 25 Deramore Avenue
now the weddings
names:- Ravey - Anderson;
Tipping - Little; Nesbitt -
Affolter; McLachlan - Nicholson;
Boggs - Kyle; Whiston -
Condy - Blue; McGladery
Browne; Don - Crooks;
Smyth - Rea; Steel - Spilsbury;
McCully - Graf; Foster -Drury
Gailey - Don; Eakins - Garvin;
Swan - Wherry; Mark - Fisher/Mayston;
MacDonald - McCrea; Gould -
Rebbeck - Wilson; Marshall
- Moles; Mr. Royden Brown;
Allen - Anderson; Butler -
Stewart; Beattie - Kyle
Devlin - Armstrong; McMaster
- Adams; McMillan - Glendinning;
Crawley - Maxwell; Sturdy -
Cameron - Davison; Pope -
Gallagher; Macartney - McConnell;
Nesbitt.; Cameron - Linton:
Dingwall - Spender
Moffett - Davison: Burrows -
Madden: Greenwood - Gallagher;
McConnell - Musgrave;
Musgrave - McFadzean
Metrusty - McReynolds;
Carson - Bradshaw; Brotherston - Dunne;
Huntley - Crooks; Thompson
- Owen
Carson - Miller; Thompson
- Bond; Faulkner - Forsythe;
West - Hume; Williamson -
Muir; Gracey - Gwynne
Strathdee - Hunter; Reid -
Sloan; Wylie - Sloan;
Stalker - Hill; Marshall -
Orage; Dickie - Dunn;
Duff - Miskelly
Newel - McMillen;
Montgomery - Connell; MacDermott - Dales;
Cunningham - MacDermott;
Kerr - Burgess
McMillan - Smyth;
Forsythe - Duff; Alderdice - Shields;
Jennings - Rowe; Boyd -
Crawford; Wilson - Sheridan
Agar - McClurg; Scott - Larmour;
Taylor - Scott; Scott -
Lymburn; Harris - Kennedy

1) Ravey - Anderson 1st December 1948 - Mr. John Ravey,
son of Rev. John and Mrs. Ravey, The Manse, Westway Drive, and his bride,
Miss Anne Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson, Ainsworth Avenue,
with Miss M. Cooby, train-bearer, at Shankill Baptist Church, Belfast ~ The
bridegroom's father officiated at Shankill Baptist Church, Belfast, to-day
when Mr. John Ravey, son of Rev. John and Mrs. Ravey, The Manse, Westway
Drive, was married to Miss Anne Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Anderson, Ainsworth Avenue. Miss Q. Bradshaw was organist. Miss Anderson
wore a gown of white figured satin with yoke of lace and pearls, and coronet
of orange blossom. Her bouquet was of pink carnations. Her
sister-bridesmaids, the Misses Maisie and Ella Anderson, were in frocks of
ice blue crepe with feather headdresses, and carried apricot carnations.
Miss M. Cooby was train-bearer, Mr. D. Ravey best man, and Mr. J. Hawthorne
groomsman. Guests were entertained at The Carlton. The Wolsey wedding cars
were supplied by James Brown and Sons (Belfast) Ltd.
2) Tipping - Little no date Enniskillen Wedding
- Mr. Henry John Tipping, Ulster Bank, Kingstown, County Dublin, and his
bride, Miss Iris Little, daughter of Mr. S. C. Little, General Manager of
the Sligo, Leitrim and N.C. Railway, photographed after their marriage in
Enniskillen Methodist Church. The bridesmaids were Miss Olive Little and
Miss Dorothy Saville, the best man, Mr. Charles Tipping, and the ushers, Mr.
D. Little and Mr. Crawford Little.
3) Nesbitt - Affolter 3rd May 1945 - Chindit's Bridal
in Belfast, Sergeant John P. Nesbitt, Deramore Avenue, Belfast, and his
bride, Miss Lily Brescie Affolter, Oakland Avenue, at Knock Methodist
Church. Sergeant Nesbitt served with Wingate's "Chindits" in Burma. ~ The
bridegroom at Knock Methodist Church to-day, Sgt. John P. Nesbitt, has
recently returned after four years in India and Burma, where he served as
one of Wingate's "Chindits." He is son of Mrs. Nesbitt, Deramore Avenue,
Belfast, and the late Mr. James Nesbitt. The bride, Miss Lilt Brescie
Affolter, was in a gown of ivory satin. She is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.
Affolter, Oakland Avenue. Her sister, Miss Ada Affolter, A.T.S., in a frock
of rose colour, was bridesmaid, and Cpl. Fred Cassidy, R.A.P.C., was best
man. Rev. Albert Holland officiated and Mr. D. Armstrong was at the organ.
Friends were entertained at the Grosvenor Rooms after the ceremony. The
complete bridal trousseau and bridesmaid's ensemble by Morgan, Wellington
Place, Belfast.
4) McLachlan - Nicholson (no date) - Bride from over
Border, Mr. Alan Percival McLachlan, son of the late Mr. C. A. McLachlan,
and of Mrs. McLachlan, Wellington, New Zealand, and his bride, Miss Isa
Nicholson, Grosvenor Gardens, London, only child of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Alexander Nicholson, Castleblayney, leaving Newtownbreda Presbyterian
Church, with the bridesmaids, Misses Kathleen Stoops, and Susan Smyth, and
the best man, Mr. C. K. Webster.
5) Boggs - Kyle 16th June 1938 - Bridal Party at Wedding
of Rev. R. J. Boggs, B.A. (Clough, Co. Down), and Miss Margery C. Kyle,
B.Com.Sc. (Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kyle, "Morna," College Avenue,
Bangor), in Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church, Bangor. Also included are
Miss Pat Kyle, Miss Joan Kyle, and Miss Ina Lynch (Bridesmaids), and Rev. J.
C. Boggs, B.A. (Best Man). ~ The minister of Clough and Seaforde
Presbyterian Church was married this afternoon in Hamilton Road Church,
Bangor. Rev. R. J. Boggs, B.A., is son of the late Mr. John Boggs,
Londonderry, and of Mrs. Boggs, The Manse, Killyleagh. His brother, Rev. J.
C. Boggs, B.A. minister at Killyleagh, was best man. The bride, Miss Margery
C. Kyle, B.Comm.Sc., is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kyle, "Morna," College
Avenue, Bangor. The Moderator, Right Rev. W. J. Currie, D.D., and Rev. J.
Millar Craig, B.A., officiated. Mr. R. Morrow was at the organ, and a solo,
"Oh, Promise Me," was sung by Miss G. McCausland. The colour scheme of the
church decorations was white and red. The bride's sheath gown of chalk-white
lace had the entire design outlined in tiny diamante clips in the shape of a
"true lover's knot." The veil of net was edged with silver, and held in
place with a halo of waxed orange blossom, and she carried a bouquet of
Harrisii lilies and lily of the valley. Miss Pat and Miss Joan Kyle, sisters
of the bride, and Miss Joan Kyle Lynch were bridesmaids. They wore gowns of
midnight blue lisse lacquered in white, and cut on tailored lines. The
transparent yokes of net had collars of cire and the fullness of the skirts
was emphasised by wide hems of white. Each wore a tailored headdress of
white cire trimmed with blue, and carried a bouquet of red carnations. Mr.
and Mrs. Kyle entertained 150 guests at the Grand Central Hotel, Belfast,
during the afternoon. Mrs. Kyle was very smart in a two-piece suit of the
new material "lenatol." The hip length coat was fastened edge-to-edge with
bows and embroidered in natural colour, the hat was to (two) tone and she
wore silver fox furs. Mrs. Boggs, the bridegroom's mother, was wearing a
suit of black silk self-check cloque smartly trimmed with a scalloping of
white. Her hat of Baku straw was trimmed with chenille veil and cire ribbon.
The honeymoon will be spent in Madeira and London. For going away Mrs. R. J.
Boggs chose a frock of ice blue angora with a full-length coat of black
angora edged with wide gathered panels of blue, emphasising the new front
fullness, and a smart hat. The bridal gown, going away costume, and entire
trousseau, the bridesmaids' gowns, and the bride's mother's ensemble were
supplied by Renee, 5 Donegall Square West, Belfast.
6) Whiston - Somerville (no date) - Merchant navy
Wedding - Mr. Arthur J. Whiston, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Whiston,
Donaghadee, and his bride, Miss Jean Somerville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Somerville, Donaghadee, who were married in First Donaghadee
Presbyterian Church yesterday, and the bridal party. The bridesmaids are
Miss Meta Somerville and Miss Norah Lowry; the best man is Leonard Whiston,
and the groomsman Mr. Thomas Whiston. "Northern Whig"
7) Condy - Blue November 1939 - Minister's Daughter Wed
- Sergeant Thomas D. Condy, R.A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Condy, Ainsworth
Avenue, Belfast, and his bride, Miss Dora Blue, B.A., daughter of Rev. A.
Wylie Blue, D.D., and of Mrs. Blue, Annadale Avenue, after their wedding in
May Street Presbyterian Church. With the bride and groom are Miss Betty
Condy (bridesmaid), Doreen and Betty Rea (attendants), and Mr. Edgar Condy
(best man).
8) McGladery - Browne - (no date) Belfast Wedding,
Osborne Park Ceremony. A youthful bride and bridegroom were married at
Osborne Park Methodist Church, Belfast, this afternoon. Miss Mary Frances
Dorothy Browne is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Frazer Browne, Lisadell,
Balmoral Avenue. She was married to Mr. John Laurence McGladery, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John McGladery, Northdene, Adelaide Park. Rev. Wesley G. Lee
officiated and Mr. John Moffett was best man. The bride's handsome gown of
old ivory velvet had a tight fitting Victorian bodice with square neck and
long sleeves fitting tightly from the elbows. The full skirt gathered at the
waist formed a wide graceful train. The ivory net veil was of the new
three-quarter length with face veil, and was held in place by a pearl
head-dress. Miss Browne carried white camellias and wore pearl ornaments.
Her sister, Maude Browne, as sole bridesmaid, wore a dainty frock of ..
(page torn)

1) Don - Crooks (no date) - All Eyes on the Happy Pair -
Mr. Andrew N. D. Don, only son of Rev. C. and Mrs. Don, Wallasey, Cheshire,
and his bride, Miss Mary Kathleen Crooks, elder daughter of Canon Louis W.
and Mrs. Crooks, The Rectory, Knockbreda, leaving Knockbreda Parish Church,
Belfast, after their wedding. - Rector's Daughter Wed. The Bishop of Down,
Right Rev. J. F. MacNeice, D.D., assisted by the bride's brother, Rev. J. R.
M. Brooks, B.A., officiated to-day when Miss Mary Kathleen Crooks was
married at Knockbreda Parish Church. She is daughter of the rector, Rev. L.
W. Crooks, M.A., and of Mrs. Crooks, The Rectory, Knockbreda. The
bridegroom, Mr. Andrew Nichol Durran Don, is son of Rev. and Mrs. A. Don,
Wallasey, Cheshire, who owing to travelling regulations were unable to
attend the wedding. Rev. St. J. Pike, B.A., was best man, and Miss Clara
Gunning, L.R.A.M., was at the organ. The bridal veil of old Carrickmacross
lace, worn by the bride's mother at her own wedding, and lent by the bride's
godmother, Mrs. A. Megaw, was draped over a lovely mediaeval gown of palest
gold slipper satin finely encrusted with matching pearl-tinted embroidery,
the skirt, which terminated in a long oval-shaped train, was closely shirred
at the waist. The Misses Marjorie and Violet Crooks, Patricia Heyn, and
Virginia Lawson were bridesmaids. Their frocks of "Cupid" blue chiffon were
made with daintily ruched corsages and flaring skirts billowing into short
trains. Halo headdresses of goffered net were to match. Guests were
entertained at the Rectory after the ceremony. Leaving home for Donegal, the
bride wore a two-piece suit of Alpine green novelty velour and brown hat
trimmed with green. The bridal gown, bridesmaids' gowns and headdresses,
travelling suit and hat, supplied by McAlisters, Ltd., Donegall Place,
2) Smyth - Rea (no date) (page ripped) .. Malone - Mr.
William Granville Smyth, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smyth, Fawnmore,
Holywood ...... Elizabeth Rea, youngest daughter of the late Rev. George Rea
and of Mrs. Rea, Grangeville ..... their wedding in McCracken Memorial
Church, Belfast. With the bride and bridegroom are:- .....Ann McKenney, and
Miss Judy Whysall (bridesmaids); Mr. Colin Bellam (best man), Mr. C. W. ....
(groomsman), and Mr. K. T. Rea (who gave the bride away).
3) Steel - Spilsbury (no date) - Miss Evelyn Spilsbury,
the 24-year-old only daughter of Sir Bernard Spilsbury, the famous Home
Office pathologist, was married at Savoy Chapel, London, yesterday. She is
seen on the left arriving with her father, and right, with her bridegroom,
Mr. John Allisdair Steel, of Black Park, Perthshire. Daily Sketch.
4) McCully - Graf 17th December 1945 - Mr. Ronald
Ferguson McCully, organist and choirmaster of Ballynafeigh Methodist Church,
Belfast, and his bride Miss Elizabeth Barnett Graf, North Parade, after
their wedding.
5) Foster - Drury (no date) - County Dublin Wedding -
Lieutenant N. L. Foster, R.H.A., only son of Colonel A. L. Foster, A.D.M.S.,
Northern Ireland District and his bride, Miss Joan Drury, younger daughter
of Canon T. W. Drury, formerly of Belfast Cathedral, and Mrs. Drury, Raheny,
County Dublin. The marriage took place in the Parish Church, Raheny, on
6) Gailey - Don 5th September 1953 - Belfast
News-Letter Ulster Weddings - Dr. Drew Gailey and Mrs. Mary Kathleen Don,
who were married on Saturday. The Misses Katherine Don, Jane Wilde and
Patricia Alp attended the bride, and Mr. James Wilde was best man. ~
To-day's Wedding at Knockbreda. When Mrs. Mary Kathleen Don was married to
Dr. Drew Gailey this afternoon, her little daughter Katherine was her chief
bridesmaid. The ceremony was in Knockbreda Parish Church. Mrs. Don is
daughter of the rector of the parish, Canon L. W. Crooks, M.A., and Mrs.
Crooks, Knockbreda Rectory. Dr. Gailey is son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Gailey, Letterkenny. Rev. J. R. M. Crooks, B.A., rector of Killylea, Co.
Armagh, and brother of the bride, performed the ceremony. The bride wore a
gown of coffee-coloured Chantilly lace over tulle and poult of the same
shade. The skirt was very full, and the fitted corsage had a slanting
neckline and a deep cummerbund of coral grosgrain. Her hat was of coffee
lace finished with matching flower and veil, and she wore a coral pendant.
The three bridesmaids were Katherine, Miss Jane Wilde, niece of the bride,
and Miss Patricia Alt. Their frocks were in two shades of net to tome with
the bride's frock, and their coronets and bouquets of fresh flowers were
designed by Mrs. Heyn. Mr. James Wilde, brother-in-law of the bride, was
best man. A reception was held at Knockbreda Rectory. Mrs. Drew Gailey left
home wearing a tailored costume of olive green.
7) Babington - ? - Ulster Attorney-General's Daughter Wed. Miss Ruth
Babington arriving at St. Peter's Church, Antrim Road, Belfast (page cut
off) ~ "Through the Snowstorm" Carrying little Miss Lucinda Wilson,
the train-bearer at the wedding of Miss Babington and Captain ... the snow
to a waiting car.

1) (all ripped out, maybe the marriage didn't work?) Eakins
- Garvin (no date) Coalisland, Violet Garvin, is daughter of Mr. Stephen
Garvin. Bridegroom is Mr. William Herbert .... of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Eakins,
... Cootehill, County Cavan. ... Rev. J. A. Pollard, M.A., rector of
Coalisland, officiated, assisted by Rev. ... Walker, M.A., rector of Kesh.
2) nice photos but nothing, no names
3) Swan - Wherry (no date) Dungannon Wedding, Mr. William
Harold Swan, son of the late Mr. William Harvey Swan and of Mrs. Swan, The
Bungalow, Monaghan, and his bride, Miss Doreen Frances Wherry, daughter of
the late Mr. Joseph Wherry and of Mrs. Wherry, Northland Arms Hotel,
Dungannon, photographed with the bridesmaids, best man, and trainbearers at
St. Anne's Church, Dungannon, where the wedding took place.
4) Mark - Fisher/Mayston - Fisher (no date) Double
wedding at Newry. Members of noted County Down family, Misses Freida and
Netta Fisher, daughters of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher, of Newry, were
married in Sandy's Street Presbyterian Church. The wedding party, at
Frazerville, Newry, where the reception was held. (Left to right) Mr.
Marshall Mark (best man), Miss Phyllis Whitten (bridesmaid), Mr. John
Marshall Mark and his bride, Miss Freida Fisher; Rev. R. John Forrester
Mayston, C.F., and his bride, Miss Netta Fisher; Miss Margaret Lowry Orr,
LL.B. (bridesmaid), and Mr. J. Smellie (best man).
5) Forde - Ward (no date) Noted Down Families United. Captain Desmond
Forde, Coldstream Guards, son of the late Major and Mrs. Forde, Seaforde,
Clough, was married yesterday to Hon. Margaret Ward, youngest daughter of
Viscount and Viscountess Bangor, in Ballyculter Parish Church, Strangford.
The happy couple leaving Ballyculter Parish Church after the ceremony. ~
Bridal Party at Castle Ward, the residence of the bride's father.
(from left) Lady Frances Cole (bridesmaid) Bride and Groom, Hon. Helen Ward
(bridesmaid) and Captain Thomas Forde (bestman). In front are the little
trainbearers and pages.
6) MacDonald - McCrea (no date) Cathedral Wedding in
Belfast - Bridal group photographed after the marriage in St. Anne's
Cathedral of Miss Kathleen Mercier McCrea, younger daughter of Mr. Geoffrey
G. McCrea, Eagle Hall, Hampton Park, Belfast, and the late Mrs. McCrea, and
Mr. Arthur Elwyn MacDonald, son of Mr. A. MacDonald, Birkenhead, and the
late Mrs. MacDonald. The bridesmaids were the Misses Sheila McCrea, Maureen
Jackson, Constance Irwin, and Daphne Sanderson.
7) Gould - McQuiston (no date) - Doctor's Wedding at
Ballynafeigh - Mr. Cecil Gould, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., son of Mr. and Mrs. C.
H. Gould, Trillick, Co. Tyrone, and his bride, Miss Kathleen Greeba
McQuiston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McQuiston, Fitzwilliam Avenue,
Belfast, were married in St. Jude's Church. (left to right) Miss Jean
Patterson (bridesmaid), Bridegroom, Bride, and Dr. Andrew McQuiston (best

1) Foxell - Rebbeck 20th September 1948 - Dr. A. W. H.
Foxell, West Horsley, Surrey, and Miss Maureen Daphne Rebbeck, youngest
daughter of Sir Frederick and Lady Rebbeck, Sandown House, Knock, after
their marriage at Columba's Church, Belfast. Mrs. D. Hoskins was matron of
honour, and Mr. J. N. Woodbridge, best man.
2) Rebbeck - Wilson March 1943 - Mr. Maurice Rebbeck,
Sandown House, Knock, and his bride, Miss Patricia Wilson, Hampton House,
Derryvolgie Avenue, who were married is St. John's Church, Malone, Belfast,
on Saturday. Miss Dorothy Wilson was bridesmaid, and Mr. W. B. McQuitty,
best man. ~ To-day's Belfast Wedding. St. John's Church, Malone, Belfast,
was decorated with spring flowers to-day when Mr. Maurice Rebbeck was
married there to Miss Patricia Wilson. She is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F.
Wilson, Hampton House, Derryvolgie Avenue. The bridegroom is son of Sir
Frederick Rebbeck, D.L., chairman and managing director of Messrs. Harland &
Wolff, Ltd., and Lady Rebbeck, Sandown House, Knock. He is also a member of
the great shipping firm and is serving in the Home Guard. Mr. William B.
McQuitty accompanied him as best man and Rev. John Redmond, M.A.,
officiated. Miss Wilson wore a handsome wedding gown of white watered silk
taffeta, very simply make, with fitting shirred bodice, full skirt, and long
tight sleeves. Her tulle veil was surmounted by a becoming floral headdress
and she carried a beautiful bouquet of white tulips and white heather. Miss
Dorothy Wilson was the only bridesmaid. Her attractive frock of powder blue
crepe had a fitting bodice with heart0shaped neckline, long tight sleeves,
and full skirt. She carried a Victorian posy and her floral coronet was of
the same material as her frock. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Wilson held
a reception at Hampton House.
3) Marshall - Moles (no date) - The Bridal Group
photographed after the wedding in St. Jude's Parish Church, Belfast, of Miss
Margaret E. Moles, younger daughter of the Right Hon. T. Moles, M.P., and
Mrs. Moles, Claremont House, Belfast, and Lieut. J. A. Marshall, R.A.O.C.,
youngest son of Mr. James Marshall, Dundela, Belfast. The bridesmaids were
Dr. Vera Adams, Miss Phyllis Murphy, Miss Ann Taylor, the best man Mr.
Marshall Gardner, and the trainbearer Master Rea McIlroy. ~ Pretty Ulster
Wedding, Lieut. J. A. Marshall, R.A.O.C., and his bride, Miss Margaret E.
Moles, cutting the brides cake at the reception held in the Grand Central
Hotel, Belfast.
4) Mr. Royden Brown and his bride leaving St. Jude's
Church after their wedding.
5) The bridal party at Castleward (the seat of Viscount Bangor), where the
reception was held. Included are:- The bride and bridegroom, Hon. Helen
Ward, Hon. Margaret Ward, Miss Diana Ward, and Miss Anne Arkwright
(bridesmaids). Mr. Charles Fenwick was best man.
6) Allen - Anderson 1959 - Belfast bride wears lace and
chiffon. The bride at St. Paul's Parish Church, Belfast, to-day, Miss Ann
Julia Anderson, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Anderson, 628
Antrim Road. The bridegroom, Mr. Alex Burton Allen, is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
David B. Allen, 191 Cavehill Road. Rev. R. W. Williams officiated. Miss
Anderson's period gown of chalk-white rose lace and chiffon was embroidered
in seed pearls and rhinestones, and she wore full-length white French suede
gloves. A headdress of rosebuds and pearls held in place her veil of
Brussels net, and her bouquet was of white roses and lily of the valley. Her
attendants were the Misses Miriam Wardlaw, Jacqueline Grainger, Maeve
Brownlee, Audrey Allen, and Felicity Empsall. The bridegroom was accompanied
by Mr. William N. Caters. Guests were entertained at Conway House, Dunmurry.
After the reception Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Allen left for a honeymoon in London
and the Channel Islands. ~ Devlin Armstrong 1959 - Mrs.
Mary Patricia Armstrong and Mr. Ronald Thomas Devlin were married in St.
Thomas' Parish Church, Belfast. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Armstrong, 107 Ulsterville Avenue, Belfast. The bridegroom is son of
Mrs. Mabel Devlin, Molesworth Street, Cookstown, and the late Mr. W. Devlin.
Rev. Kenneth E. Ruddock officiated. Carrying a bouquet of lily of the
valley, gladioli tips and salmon roses, the bride wore a gown of white
rosepoint lace, with full skirt and mitred neckline. Her circular veil of
tulle was mounted on a headdress of diamante and mother-of-pearl. The
bridesmaids were the Misses Molly Weir and Florence Bennett. Attending the
bridegroom were his ....
7) (this clipping had been partially torn out of the book so some writing is
missing) Butler - Stewart (I think) 9th June - Captain
Beauchamp He .............Mr. Charles Richard Butler, Mount ............
Major Wm. Stewart, M.C., and .............. Rosemary Stewart and R. Moutray,
.... at the residence of the ...?
8) Beattie - Kyle (no date) - Mr. J. Norman Beattie,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Beattie, Finaghy, Belfast, and his bride, Miss
Helen Hill Kyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kyle, North Parade,
Belfast, with the bridesmaids and best man leaving Victoria Memorial Hall,
May Street, Belfast, after the ceremony.


1) McMaster - Adams (no date) - Doctors' Wedding in
Belfast, Dr. James McMaster, Junior, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. McMaster,
Broughshane, and his bride, Dr. Vera Adams, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Adams,
Ravenhill Road, Belfast, leaving Fisherwick Presbyterian Church after their
marriage. ~ Dr. Vera Adams
2) McMillan - Glendinning (no date) Charming Wedding
Setting at Drumbeg Parish Church. St. Patrick's Parish Church,
Drumbeg, with its lychgate and tapering spire, set upon an apex of lovely
surroundings, was the scene of a charming and fashionable bridal this
afternoon. Two families very well known in Ulster were united, and the happy
couple are both in their early twenties. The bride, Miss Francesca Margot
Glendinning, is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Glendinning, Lennoxvale,
Belfast. After completing her education in Belfast Miss Glendinning took out
a course of training at the Froebel Institute in London. She shares her
mother's interest in children - the latter, in conjunction with her sister,
Mrs. Kenneth Moore, opened and equipped one of the wards in the Children's
Hospital. The bridegroom is Mr. William Hay McMillan, son of the late Mr. W.
J. McMillan, and of Mrs. McMillan, Dunloe, Bangor. A solicitor by
profession, Mr. McMillan plays a practical part in the public affairs of his
native town, of which his late father was mayor. He is a member of the
Borough Council, and is said to be the youngest man in Ireland to be elected
to a borough council. Rev. S. R. McGarvey, B.A., officiated, and Mr. J.
Douglas, the Abbey Church, Bangor, presided at the organ. The hymns were,
"Lead us, Heavenly Father" and "O Perfect Love." Conducted by her father,
the bride was followed by two bridesmaids only, her sisters, Miss Ethne
Glendinning and Miss Priscilla Glendinning. Mr. W. H. Barnett was best man.
It was a wedding of lovely colouring and picturesque design. The bride's
graceful sheath gown of ivory brocade was made with close-fitting sleeves,
the neck finished with pleatings and the skirt terminating in one of the new
square-cut trains. The veil of the same shade was beautifully embroidered
and was that worn by her mother on a similar occasion; it was supported by a
becoming headdress. Miss Glendnning carried a bouquet of dark red
carnations, which toned with the gowns of her attendants. The bridesmaids'
toilettes were of Watteau design. The frocks of shot peach taffeta were worn
with full length coats of garnet-coloured velvet, which matched their ruched
muffs. Each wore a Watteau hat composed of garnet-coloured leaves. The
Reception. Mr. and Mrs. Glendinning entertained more than 200 guests at
Lennoxvale after the ceremony. Prior to leaving for her honeymoon in the
South of France, Mrs. W. H. McMillan changed into a very smart suit of black
face cloth, the frock fitting high at the neck, the sleeves finished with
silver fox, and a becoming hat to correspond. Mrs. Glendinning chose a
becoming suit of soft-toned brick-coloured crepe romaine. The coat of
braided lace was relieved with opossum, and the hat of soleil panne velvet
was trimmed with ostrich plumes shaded to match the gown. She carried a
bouquet of mauve and dark red carnations. Mrs. Millan, mother of the
bridegroom, had a very smart gown of black marocain, the hat finished with
ospreys, and her wrap was of silver fox. She carried a bouquet of peach and
flame-coloured carnations. The Ulster Menu Co. Ltd., were responsible for
the catering arrangements at the reception and the guests, numbering over
200, were seated at tables in a commodious marquee. An awning led from the
residence to this marquee, which was floored and carpeted to add to the
comfort of the guests, and in addition to these tent arrangements, the
Ulster Menu Co. Ltd., were responsible for the carpeting at Drumbeg Parish
Church. The bride's mother's gown and the bridesmaids' ensembles were
supplied by Renee, 5 Donegall Square W.
3) Ralston - Leyburn (no date) - Belfast Wedding. Bridal party at wedding of
Mr. John Ralston and Miss Nan Leyburn, in Ulster Temple, Ravenhill Road.
Also included are Miss Dorothy Wilkinson (bridesmaid), and Mr. L. N. Knipe
(best man). The pages were Misses Peggy, Martha, Betty, Emily Leyburn, Joan
Clark, and Martha Leyburn (Belfast).
4) Crawley - Maxwell (no date) Marriage of Irish
Peer's Daughter - Picturesque Bridal Procession at wedding of Lord Farnham's
younger daughter, Hon. Verena Maxwell, Farnham House, Cavan, and Mr. Charles
Lambert Crawley, County Durham, in Kilmore Cathedral, Cavan. ~ Arrival of
trainbearers, Lord Holmpatrick carrying Miss Neelie (Nellie?) Plunket and
his daughter (Hon. Caroline Hamilton) into Kilmore Cathedral. ~ The bride
and bridegroom photographed at Farnham House, where reception was held.
5) Sturdy - Stewart (no date) - Bridal Group taken
after wedding of Miss Jean Stewart, eldest daughter of Mrs. Margaret Stewart
and the late Mr. Charles Stewart, Three Mile Hill, Saintfield Road, Belfast,
and Sergeant Alexander Sturdy, R.U.C., at Castlereagh Presbyterian Church.

1) Cameron - Davison 16th July 1946 - Mr. Harold
Cameron, B.A., Oranmore, Saintfield Road, Belfast, leaving Bloomfield
Baptist Church with his bride, Miss Doreen Davison, Dundela Avenue. The
bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Davison, Dundela Avenue, and the
bridegroom is son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cameron, Oranmore, Saintfield Road,
Belfast. Rev. W. Wilson officiated, assisted by Rev. W. Kirk, B.A., B.D.
Miss Davison wore a frock of turquoise crepe with headdress of feathers and
carried cream roses. Her bridesmaid, Miss Gwen Davison, B.A., M.B., was in
cerise-coloured crepe and the apricot carnations in her hair matched her
bouquet. Mr. J. D. Cameron, B.Sc., was best man. The wedding party was
entertained at the Carlton.
2) Pope - Gallagher July 1940 Wedding at Knock -
Mr. Joseph A. Pope, B.Sc. (a member of the teaching staff of the Belfast
Municipal College of Technology), and his bride, Miss Evelyn A. Gallagher
)daughter of Rev. R. H. Gallagher, B.A., and Mrs. Gallagher, Green Road,
Knock), leaving Knock Methodist Church after their marriage. Misses Mabel
and Helen Gallagher were bridesmaids, and Mr. W. Jennions, best man.
3) Macartney - McConnell 28th February 1941 Ulster
Bride takes cake to Rangoon - Bridal party at the wedding of Captain J.
Macartney, of the Irrawaddy Flotilla Co. Ltd., eldest son of Capt. and Mrs.
James Macartney, Bangor, and Miss V. D. McConnell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
S. McConnell, also of Bangor. In photograph are Ven. W. H. S. Higginbotham,
Archdeacon of Rangoon, best man; Mrs. C. H. Hampton (sister of bride),
matron of honour; Mr. C. H. Hampton, and the Misses Maureen and Yoma
Hampton, train-bearers. The wedding cake, which was decorated with the
Merchant Navy Crest, and other Nautical symbols, was made by the Ormeau
bakery, Ltd., Belfast.
4) Nesbitt. September 1948 - Mr. and Mrs. Hubert
Nesbitt leaving Great Victoria Street Baptist Church, Belfast, after their
marriage. The guard of honour was composed of eighty nurses from the City
Hospital where Mrs. Nesbitt is Matron. ~ A section of the large crowd
outside the church unable to gain admission to an already full building.
5) Cameron - Linton August 1951 Baptist Church Wedding - A pretty wedding
was solemnised in the Baptist Church, Ballymena, last week, when the
contracting parties were Mr. James Desmond Cameron, B.Sc., H.Dip.Ed.,
younger son of
Mrs. J. H. Cameron, "Oranmore," Saintfield Road, Carryduff, Belfast, and
Miss Grace Linton, A.T.C.L., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Linton,
Circular Road, Ballymena. The bridegroom is a lecturer in the Education
Department of Stranmillis Training College, and the bride has been for some
years Principal of Slaght Primary School. Mr. H. H. Cameron, B.A., H.Dip.Ed.
(brother of the bridegroom), who was best man, is Principal of Comber P.S.,
Co. Down. The bride, who was given away by her father, was a radiant figure
in a full-length gown of turquoise blue cloque, cut on classical lines, with
heart-shaped neckline, and skirt ending in short train. She wore a matching
hat of crinoline straw, and carried a bouquet of Picture roses. Miss Judy
Mackerell, her bridesmaid, was attractively attired in a floor-length gown
of primrose yellow cloque cut on similar lines to the bride's, with matching
hat of crinoline straw. Her bouquet was composed of McGredy's Yellow roses.
As the bride entered the church, the congregation, with Mrs. J. Guthrie at
the organ, sang the hymn, "Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah," to the tune Cwm
Rhondda. During the service, Miss Joan Boyd, L.L.C.M., gave a beautiful
rendering of the solo, "In heavenly love abiding," and the bridal party left
the church to the strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March. The marriage
ceremony was performed by Pastor J. Johnston, Ballymena, and Pastor W.
Wilson, president of the Baptist Union of Ireland. There were many
well-wishers at the church, where, for a number of years, the bride had been
honorary organist. Both are well known in the Baptist denomination for their
services in youth work and the bridegroom is a member of the Council of the
Baptist Union of Ireland. Messrs. Norman Linton (brother of the bride),
Raymond Doherty (cousin of the groom) and John J. Cairns (uncle of the
bride) were ushers, and the reception was held in the Adair Arms Hotel,
following which the happy couple left for their honeymoon in the South of
Ireland. For travelling, Mrs. Cameron wore a black suit of wool georgette
with finely pleated skirt and pink accessories.
6) Dingwall - Spender (no date, page ripped) - Mr.
Reginald George Dingwall, son of Rev. W. M. Dingwall, ... Hill, Sussex, and
the late Mrs. Dingwall, and his bride, Miss ... Daffodil Cleather Spender,
daughter of Sir Wilfrid and ... Spender, Clethers, Strandtown, Belfast,
leaving St. Mark's ... Dundela, with the bridesmaids, Miss Gillian (right),
and ... Penelope Monk Gibbon, Lord Forrester, best man, and ... Christopher
Peacocke, page.
7) Moffett - Davison Belfast Telegraph, Wednesday,
June 29, 1949 - Doctors Married in Belfast, Mr. William James Moffett, M.B.,
D.C.H., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moffett, Bridge Street, Portadown, and his
bride, Miss Gwendoline Edwina Davison, M.B., D.C.H., daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. Davison, Dundela Avenue, Belfast, leaving Antrim Road Baptist
Church. ~ Two members of the medical profession, Mr. William James Moffett,
M.B., D.Ch., and Miss Gwendoline Edwina Davison, M.B., D.Ch., were married
in the Baptist Church, Antrim Road, Belfast, to-day. The bride's parents are
Mr. and Mrs. E. Davison, Dundela Avenue, Belfast, and the bridegroom is son
of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moffett, Bridge Street, Portadown. Pastor William
Wilson officiated. Also taking part in the service were Rev. W. M. Craig,
B.A.; Rev. Gordon Young, B.A.; and Rev. J. Heney, B.A., B.D. Music at the
church included a solo by Mr. Samuel Carser, Mr. H. A. Summers was organist.
Dr. Davison wore a gown of silver brocade in period design, with coronet of
stephanotis in her hair, and veil of tulle. Her bouquet was of dark red
roses. Miss Kathleen McKeever, B.A., and Mrs. Walton Davison, B.A., were in
attendance. Their picture frocks were of pale blue organdie and their
bouquets of sweet pea. Dr. Robin McIlrath was best man and Mr. Sydney
Davison groomsman. Mr. and Mrs. Davison entertained their guests in their
own home. Dr. Gwendoline Moffett left for her honeymoon in Eire wearing a
suit of .... shade with accessories in ...
8) Burrows - Madden September 1958 (Belfast
News-Letter, Thursday September) - Ulster Wedding, Dr. Desmond Burrows,
Hampton Park, and Miss Marie Louise Madden, M.S.R., Balmoral Avenue, who
were married at McCracken Memorial Presbyterian Church, Belfast, yesterday.
Mrs. R. Gilbert was matron of honour, Miss Edythe Madden and Miss Ruth
Hutchinson were bridesmaids and Dr. Maurice McC. Burrows, best man. ~ The
wedding took place yesterday in McCracken Memorial Church, Belfast, of Dr.
Desmond Burrows, Registrar in Dermatology, Royal Victoria Hospital, younger
son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Burrows, Hampton Park, and Miss Marie Louise
Madden, M.S.R., second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Madden, Culmore,
Balmoral Avenue. The Rev. W. M. Boland, B.A., B.D. (Malone Presbyterian
Church) officiated, assisted by the Rev. C. Hampton, vicar of St. Saviour's
Parish Church, Forest Gate, London (uncle of the bridegroom). Mr. W. Young,
Mus.B., was the organist, and a solo was sung by Mr. George Emerson, B.D.S.
The bride, who was given away by her father, wore an Empire gown of white
Chantilly lace over dawn pink tulle. The very full skirt had an apron
petalled front, sweeping into a long train at the back. Her headdress of
pale pink orange bloom tips and pearl, held in place her waist-length veil
of tulle. She carried a bouquet of lily-of-the-valley, butterfly roses and
other white flowers. Mrs. R. Gilbert (sister of the bride) was matron of
honour and the bridesmaids were Miss Edythe Madden, B.A. (sister of the
bride) and Miss Ruth Hutchinson (cousin of the bridegroom). They wore
picture frocks of cornflower blue organza over poult and tulle crinolines.
The wide swathed neckline merged into fitted corsage, The very bouffant
skirts had a deep flounced hem slotted with ribbon to match the satin
cummerbund. Their bouquets were composed of Sylvia roses, gladioli tips and
blue flowers to tone. Their headdresses, garlands of flowers matched their
bouquets. Dr. Maurice McC. Burrows, F.F.A.R.C.S. (brother of the bridegroom)
was the best man. The bride's parents held a reception in the Slieve Donald
Hotel, Newcastle. The honeymoon will be spent in the South of France. For
travelling the bride wore a suit of hydrangea blue tweed with short box
jacket, and hat and accessories in stone. Bridal ensemble and entire
trousseau by Meneely, Ltd., 15 Donegall Square North. Flowers by Halliday,
Bedford Street.
9) Greenwood - Gallagher (no date) Wedding at Moy
Methodist Church - The Rev. Richard Greenwood, M.A., B.D., tutor at Edgehill
Theological College, Belfast, and Miss Elizabeth Maud Gallagher, of Grange
House, Moy, Co. Tyrone, after their wedding on Wednesday.

1) McConnell - Musgrave 30th July 1960 Ulster
Wedding - The bridal party after the wedding of Dr. Fleming McConnell,
Montreal, and Dr. Aileen P. Musgrave, Saintfield Road, Belfast, in
Newtownbreda Presbyterian Church on Saturday. Miss Anne Musgrave and Dr.
Helen Brown were bridesmaids, and the best man was Mr. Brian Musgrave. ~ The
Presbyterian Church at Newtownbreda was beautifully decorated with flowers
on Saturday when the wedding took place of Dr. Fleming McConnell, 3625
Ridgeway Avenue, Montreal, younger son of Mr. Fraser B. McConnell, Regina,
Sask., and Dr. Aileen P. Musgrave, elder daughter of Dr. C. W. Musgrave,
Saintfield Road, Belfast. The Rev. R. Pedlow, B.A. officiated assisted by
the Rev. R. H. Gallagher, B.A. (Seymour Hill Methodist). Mr. Woods was the
organist. The bride who was given away in marriage by her father, wore a
gown of parchment slipper satin - high neckline with draped corsellette
bodice. The skirt softly gathered on the hip line ended in a full train. Her
headdress of French pearl held in place her French new veil and she carried
a bouquet of golden roses, lily of the valley and white heather. Miss Anne
Musgrave (sister of the bride) and Dr. Helen Brown were bridesmaids. Mr.
Brian Musgrave (brother of the bride) was best man. After a reception the
newly married couple left for the honeymoon which will be spent touring
Ireland. For travelling the bride wore a Copenhagen blue silk sheath dress
and coat with matching shoes and white accessories. Wedding flowers and
church decorations by James Hamilton, Belfast Nurseries, Malone Road.
2) Musgrave - McFadzean 31st March 1960 - Miss Anne
Glendinning McFadzean, a popular playing member of Bangor Ladies' Hockey
Club, was married on 31st March to Mr. Brian Wilfred Musgrave in First
Bangor Presbyterian Church. The bride is the elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
R. J. McFadzean, 5 Sandringham Drive, Bangor, and the bridegroom is the
eldest son of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Musgrave, Saintfield Road, Belfast. Given
away by her father, the bride wore a full-length gown of white figured
brocade in rose design. A waist-length veil of French tulle was held in
place by a headdress of rosebuds and pearls, and she carried an all-white
bouquet of freesia, carnations and hyacinth tips. Miss Rosemary McFadzean
attended her sister as bridesmaid. She wore a full-length frock of powder
blue nylon, with shirred bodice, and petal headdress of blue net. She
carried a spray of mixed freesia. The best man was Mr. Clarence W. Musgrave,
brother of the bridegroom. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. J.
McKinstry Wallace, B.A. Mr. R. Simpson, A.R.C.O., was at the organ, and the
soloist was Mrs. R. Naylor. Guests were entertained at a reception in
Crawfordsburn Inn. When leaving for the honeymoon, being spent in Scotland,
Mrs. B. W. Musgrave wore a cinnamon suit under an off-white coat and hat,
with accessories to tone.
3) Metrusty - McReynolds (no date) Belfast Doctor's
Co. Derry Bride, Limavady ceremony. In Largy Presbyterian Church, Limavady,
to-day, Miss Margaret Maude McReynolds was married to Dr. Norman Gray
Metrusty, son of Mr. F. Metrusty, Newington Street, Belfast, and the late
Mrs. Metrusty. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McReynolds, Largy.
Rev. J. S. P. Black, B.A., officiated. The bride wore a ballet length gown
of laced broderie anglaise in cascade blue, with an Ascot hat trimmed with
roses and lily of the valley. Her bouquet was of salmon and cream coloured
roses. Miss Betty McReynolds, her sister's bridesmaid, was in a frock of
mimosa pink in broderie anglaise and her hat was trimmed with roses and
anemones. Her bouquet was of sweet pea. Mr. Brian Gray was best man. The
honeymoon will be spent in Denmark. The complete bridal trousseau and
bridesmaid's ensemble was supplied by Morgan, Wellington Place, Belfast.
4) Carson - Bradshaw 9th September 1949 Belfast
Ceremony - The pianist at the "Rendezvous" evangelical meetings in Belfast
Y.M.C.A., Miss Queenie Bradshaw, was married in Great Victoria Street
Baptist Church to-day to Mr. Ernest Carson, son of Mrs. Carson, Bloomfield
Road, and the late Mr. T. Carson. Miss Bradshaw, who has done evangelistic
work also in England, is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bradshaw, Osborne Park.
Rev. D. Henderson, D.D., M.R.S.L., officiated. A colleague of the bride,
Miss Mollie Kerr, sang "The Lord Is My Shepherd" and Mr. Ernest Moore,
A.T.C.L., was organist. Miss Bradshaw wore an Edwardian gown of white satin
with long train. Her veil was of figured tulle and her headdress of
camellias. She carried a bouquet of pink carnations. Her sister, Mrs. M.
Price, and little niece, Jean Bell, were in attendance. Their picture frocks
were of white net over taffeta, and their posies of mixed autumn blooms.
5) Brotherston - Dunne 8th September 1949 To Italy
for Honeymoon - Bride and bridegroom married in St. Jude's Parish Church,
Belfast, to-day, will go to Italy for their honeymoon. They are Miss Mae
Dunne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Dunne, St. John's Park and Mr.
Robin Brotherston, son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Brotherston, Ravenhill Park
Gardens, Belfast. Rev. A. McKelvie, B.A., officiated. Miss Dunne wore a
period gown of oyster satin brocade, with veil of silk net to tone and
coronet of orange blossom. Her bouquet was of red roses and white heather.
Her cousin, Miss Margaret Crooks, bridesmaid, was in a period frock of china
blue figured cloque and lace, and carried a bouquet of pink roses. The
trainbearer, Miss Hilary Slinger, wore a picture frock of blue net over pink
satin, with rosebud trimming. Mr. Brian Brotherston was his brother's best
man. A reception was held later at the Wellington Park Hotel. For travelling
the bride wore a suit of barometer brown with matching accessories.
6) Huntley - Crooks (no date) - Two well known Belfast
teachers were married in Newtownbreda Presbyterian Church. The bridegroom,
Mr. Ernest Huntley, the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huntley of
Cregagh, is on the staff of Methodist College, Belfast, and is particularly
well known for his interest in amateur theatricals. His bride was Miss
Margarey C. Crooks, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Crooks of
Ailesbury Road, Belfast, who is on the staff of Everton Primary School. She
was given away by her father and she wore a gown of shell pink Brussels lace
mounted on ivory faille and embroidered in pearl and diamanté. Her tulle
veil was tinted to shell pink and was held in place by a headdress of
diamanté, pearl and orange blossom and her bouquet was in pale pink and
white, consisting of butterfly roses and hyacinth tips. Her only attendant
was Miss Margaret Thompson, L.A.R.M., who is fast making a reputation as one
of the best accompanists in the province. The Rev. L. Rex Pedlow officiated
at the wedding and Mr. .. (clipping cut here)
7) Thompson - Owen 23rd August 1950 - The marriage of
Mr. Frederick Alexander Thompson, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson,
Innisfallen, Annadale Avenue, Belfast, and Miss Shán Elinor Owen, only child
of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Owen, Troedyrhiw, Glamorganshire, was solemnised
on Saturday last at Libanus Chapel, Brynmawr, Breconshire. The Rev. H. J.
Phillips, B.A., was the officiating minister, assisted by the Rev. Ivor G.
Jones, B.A., B.D., and Mr. John Wood, A.R.C.O., was at the organ. The bride,
who was given away by her father, wore a gown of figured cream satin,
designed on classical lines and terminating in a long train. Her veil of
Limerick lace, which had been worn by the bridegroom's mother and
grandmother at their weddings, flowed gracefully from a small Juliet cap.
She carried a bouquet of flame-coloured Talisman roses. She was attended as
bridesmaid by Miss Margaret Thompson, sister of the bridegroom, who wore a
gown of pale blue taffeta and carried a bouquet of tea roses. The two
train-bearers, the Misses Jillian and Carol Thompson, nieces of the
bridegroom, were attired in long blue frocks of frilled net over satin,
finished with velvet ribbon sashes; they carried bouquets of Victoria
posies. Dr. John W. Wright attended his cousin as best man. Later an At Home
was held at the Angel Hotel, Abergavenny. For travelling Mrs. Thompson chose
a cherry coloured costume with navy blue accessories.
8) Carson. - Miller 29th August 1959 Belfast
Journalist weds BBC Secretary - Mr. Thomas S. Carson, a member of the
editorial staff of the "Belfast Telegraph" and Miss Patricia E. Miller, a
secretary in the features department of the B.B.C., were married to-day in
St. Bartholomew's Parish Church, Belfast. Mr. Carson is a graduate of
Queen's University in civil engineering. Both he and his bride are members
of Fisherwick Dramatic Society. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Rose A.
Miller, 20 Botanic Avenue, Belfast, and the late Mr. Robert J. Miller, and
Mr. Carson is the son of Mrs. Agnes N. Carson, 16 Deramore Gardens, Belfast,
and the late Mr. Thomas S. Carson. Miss Miller's gown of pale gold damask
brocade was cut on classical lines, the full skirt ending in a graceful
train. Her veil of French net was held in place by a Swedish crown of pearl
and filigree and she carried a bouquet of roses. The bridesmaid, Miss
Barbara Morgan, wore a dress of apricot organza and her bouquet of
carnations matched her floral headdress. Mr. Kenneth Waite was best man. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. Michael Roycroft, rector of St. Mary
Magdalene Parish Church, Belfast. A reception was held in Conway Hotel,
Dunmurry after which the couple left for a honeymoon in Eire. For her
going-away outfit Mrs. Carson chose a moss green jersey suit with
cream-beige accessories.

1) Thompson. - Bond 23rd December 1954 - Bridal
party at the wedding of Mr. Wilfred Thompson, Ballybought, Antrim Road,
Belfast, and Miss Margaret Bond, Haypark Avenue, Belfast, in St.
Bartholomew's Church yesterday. Included are - Miss June Atkinson and Miss
Catherine Lees, bridesmaids; Mr. W. Kinnaird, best man, and Mr. Denis Bond,
2) Faulkner - Forsythe February 1951 Ulster's
Youngest M.P. Weds - The wedding took place on Saturday at St. Comgall's
Parish Church, Bangor, of Mr. Brian Faulkner, M.P. for East Down, and Miss
Lucy Forsythe, B.A. The bridegroom is the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Faulkner, Tullynakill House, Lisbane, Co. Down, and the bride the only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Forsythe, Bloomfield Lodge, Bangor. The Rev.
Canon W. H. Good, M.A., rector of the parish, performed the ceremony,
assisted by the Rev. Walter Nelson, M.A., Groomsport Presbyterian Church Dr.
E. H. Emery was at the organ. The bride, who was given away by her father,
was in a classical gown of gold lame, with train, and carried a sheaf of
freesia, arum lillies and hyacinth bells. The matron of honour, Mrs. George
Johnston, and bridesmaid, Miss Betty Chapman, wore gowns of red velvet, in
Tudor style, slightly trained. Their bouquets were composed of cream tea
roses and tulips. Mr. Dennis Faulkner attended his brother as best man.
Subsequently a reception was held at Balloo House, Bangor, the residence of
the bride's brother. The honeymoon is being spent on the Continent. The
catering was in the hands of Rigby & Milner, 91 University Road, Belfast,
under the personal supervision of Miss A. M. Milner. Rigby & Milner also
supplied a handsome three-tier wedding cake. Mr. Louis Morrison attended
personally to the wedding portraits, Studios, 10 Donegall Place, Belfast.
Floral decorations in the church were by James Hamilton, Belfast Nurseries,
Malone. R. J. Hooke, Bangor, supplies the wedding cars. ~ Mrs. George
Johnston (left), who was matron of honour; Miss Betty Chapman, bridesmaid,
and Mr. Dennis Faulkner, best man.
3) West - Hume (no date) - A research physicist from
Newcastle-on-Tyne, Mr. John West, B.Sc., was married in Belfast to-day to
Miss Helen H. Hume, Dip.Dom.Sc., who is daughter of Inspector Wm. Hume,
Belfast Harbour Police, and Mrs. Hume, 8 Seamount, Shore Road, Belfast. The
bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. E. R. West, Newcastle-on-Tyne. The
ceremony was in Jennymount Methodist Church, and Rev. E. R. Eames
officiated. Miss Hume wore a gown of ... brocade of fitted classical de...
cap arranged to resemble ... white wings held a nylon veil in ,,, and her
shower bouquet was ... Her sister, Miss Storm Hume, (Cantab.) and Miss
June A... were bridesmaids. Their frocks were of lemon nylon net over
taffeta, Dutch caps were finished with flowers. Each carried a bouquet of
roses and carnations. Mr. Michael Lamb was best man and Dr. R. J. Johnston,
M.Sc., ... of Harwell Atomic ... Establishment, was groomsman. Inspector and
Mrs. Hume entertained their guests at Belfast ... Mr. and Mrs. John West w
... their honeymoon in Ulster ... England. Mrs. West travel ... tailored
suit of fine navy gaberdine, with accessories ... and white.
4) Williamson - Muir 5th April 1950 - Mr. Robert
Williamson, jun., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Williamson, 30 Ailesbury Road,
Belfast, with his bride, Miss Jessie R. Muir, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M.
Muir, 1 Saughtonhall Gardens, Edinburgh, after their wedding in Murrayfield
Parish Church, Edinburgh.
5a) Gracey - Gwynne 7th June 1950 - The marriage was
solemnised yesterday at St. Jude's Church, Belfast, of Dr. Thomas Lionel
Gracey and Miss Ethel Gwynne. The bridegroom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs.
T. Gracey, Ailesbury Road, Belfast, and the bride the eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. G. Gwynne, Ardmore Avenue, Belfast. Rev. Chancellor Quinn
performed the ceremony, assisted by Rev. W. J. T. Frazer. Mr. John Vine,
F.R.C.O., was at the organ, and a solo was sung by Miss Edna Mahaffey. The
bride, who was given away by her father, was in a gown of white sharkskin,
and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. The bridesmaids - the Misses
Louise Beattie, Anne Campbell (cousin of the bride) and Alison Frazer - wore
gowns of cyclamen taffeta. Mr. Campbell Ritchie acted as best man.
Subsequently a reception was held at Belfast Castle. For travelling the
bride was in a beige suit with pale blue accessories.
5b) GRACEY - Dr. Thomas Lionel - June 4, 1990 (suddenly), at Hospital,
dearly-loved husband of Geneva and dear father of Paul, Beryl, Patrick and
Simon, 41 Glebe Road, Carnmoney. Funeral Service in Carnmoney Parish Church,
on Thursday at 11.30 a.m. and afterwards to Carnmoney Cemetery. House
private. Family flowers only please. Donations in lieu, if desired for
Asthma Research, c/o Canon N. B. Jackson, 20 Glebe Road, Carnmoney - Deeply
regretted by his loving Wife and all the Family Circle. At rest.
6) Strathdee - Hunter 6th July 1950 Rugby
International Bridegroom and Languages Head - The Irish Rugby international,
Mr. Ernest Strathdee, B.A., was married to-day in St. Bartholomew's Parish
Church, Belfast. He is son of Mrs. Strathdee, Wolseley Street, Belfast, and
the late Mr. E. A. Strathdee. The bride, Miss Irene Patricia Hunter, B.A.,
is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Courtland Hunter, Kingsthorpe, The Drive,
Richmond Park. Canon H. O. Lindsay officiated and the bridegroom's niece,
Miss Anne Nimmons, was soloist. Mr. Patrick Newel was at the organ. Miss
Hunter wore a gown of embossed silver brocade, with horse shoe neckline,
fitted corsage, full skirt and fan-shaped train. Her chaplet was of pleated
brocade and orchids and her bouquet of pink rosebuds. Her sister, Miss Mylie
Hunter, B.Sc., and Miss Patricia Cole, B.Sc., bridesmaids, were in picture
frocks of white spotted net over taffeta. Their headdresses of natural pink
rosebuds, carnations and scabia matched their Victoria posies. Mr. Desmond
McCourt, M.A., Ph.D., was best man and Mr. Desmond McKibbin, M.Sc.,
groomsman. Guests were entertained at the home of the bride. Mrs. E.
Strathdee left for her honeymoon in France wearing a tailored suit in
cascade blue. The complete bridal trousseaux and travel wear and bride's
mother's ensemble by Morgan, Wellington Place, Belfast.
7) Reid - Sloan 2nd September 1949 Finaghy Wedding - Rev.
William Frederick Reid, (Mod.) B.A., of Locksley Park, Finaghy, curate of
St. Polycarp's, Finaghy, Belfast, was married there to-day, to Miss Sarah
Elizabeth (Sadie) Sloan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan, Killeen,
Carryduff, Belfast, the bridegroom is son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Reid, Adelaide
Road, Kingstown. Mr. Noel C. Mahony, B.A., accompanied him to-day as best
man. The rector, Rev. J. C. Butler, M.A., officiated. He was assisted by
Rev. J. T. B. Sullivan, B.A. and Rev. W. S. K. Crossley, B.A. Rev. H. S.
Mortimer, B.A., was organist. Miss Sloan's classical wedding gown was of
silver and white brocade, with long train. Her headdress was of pearl and
her bouquet of red roses. Her travelling ensemble was in navy and white.
Mrs. Alan Hamilton was matron of honour and the bridegroom's sisters, the
Misses Ivy and Elsie Reid, and Miss Sally Thomson were bridesmaids. Their
frocks were of delphinium blue nylon over skirts of taffeta. Floral coronets
of tulle were to match and they carried shell pink carnations. The honeymoon
will be spent touring Eire.

1) Wylie - Beattie 16th April 1953 - Rev. S. J. Wylie,
B.A., uncle of the bridegroom, officiated and Rev. David Esler, B.A., B.D.,
also took part in the service, when Mr. James Alexander (Ian) Wylie was
married to Miss Joan Rosemary Beattie in Malone Presbyterian Church,
Belfast, to-day. The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ernest Beattie, 48
Sicily Park, and the bridegroom son of Mr. and Mrs. William Wylie, 10
Haypark Gardens, Belfast. Mr. William Wylie was his brother's best man and
Mr. Robin Wylie was groomsman. Mr. Frank McDonald sang Handel's "Father in
Heaven," Mr. William H. S. Young, Mus.B., L.R.A.M., being at the organ. Miss
Beattie wore a gown of Nottingham lace over net and taffeta, the fitted
bodice having a scalloped neckline, the full skirt ending in a train. Her
bouquet was of white carnations and lily of the valley. Her sisters, Miss
Dorothea and Miss Mary Beattie, were in bridesmaids' frocks of white
broderie anglaise, with boleros to match and their crescent shaped bouquets
were of anemones. The trainbearer Miss Elizabeth Ann Connor, was in white
tulle over taffeta. Guests were entertained at Woodbourne House Hotel.
2) Stalker - Hill 6th February 1953 - Mr. Peter
Stalker, son of Mrs. E. Stalker, 42 Thornhill Park, Knock, Belfast, and the
late Mr. John Stalker, and his bride, Miss Elizabeth Hill, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. T. Hill, The Orchards, Randalstown, after their wedding in
McCracken Memorial Presbyterian Church, Belfast, to-day. Rev. S. R. Auld,
M.A., Ballina, a friend of the bride's family, officiated, Rev. W. Hanna,
M.A., also took part in the service. Miss Hill, who was given away by her
father, wore a classical gown of white French lace over taffeta, with Medici
collar and full skirt ending in a long train. Her lace veil was held in
place by a coronet of pearls, and she carried white carnations, freesia and
lily of the valley. Her bridesmaid, Miss Olive Clarke, was in a
picture frock of white spotted net over taffeta, worn with Juliet cap. Her
bouquet was of anemones and hyacinth tips. Mr. Thomas McMullan was best man.
The wedding party was entertained at Crawfordsburn Inn.
3) Marshall. - Orage (no date) A Bride in Cream and
Gold - Mr. Robert Marshall, B.Com.Sc., son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Marshall,
Harberton Park, Belfast, and his bride, Miss Gladys Norma Orage, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Orage, Llanadern, Dunmurry, after their wedding in
Newtownbreda Presbyterian Church, Belfast. The bride wore a cream and gold
4) Dickie - Dunn (no date) Ulster Surgeon weds in
Belfast - Mr. William Robert Dickie, F.R.C.S., son of the Rev. William
Dickie, and the late Mrs. Dickie, Loughside, Greenisland, and his bride,
Miss Annabel Dunn, daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Dunn, B.A., and Mrs.
Dunn, Galwally Park, Belfast, leaving Newtownbreda Presbyterian Church,
5) Duff - Miskelly 29th August 1951 Grandson of former
Lord Mayor - Pink and white gladioli decorated Drumbo Presbyterian Church
this afternoon when Mr. John Gillespie Duff was married to Miss Hazel
Eleanor Miskelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miskelly, Drumbo. The
bridegroom is grandson of Agnes Lady Turner and the late Sir William Turner.
His father was the late Rev. A. Duff, for many years minister of Hillhall
Presbyterian Church, and his mother now lives at Annadale House, Belfast.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. W. Rexter Crawford, M.A., Birkenhead,
brother-in-law of the bridegroom, who was assisted by Rev. J. B. Wallace,
M.A. The bride's cousin, Miss Edna Carmichael, was soloist, and Miss Maureen
Crothers was organist. Miss Miskelly's gown of satin brocade was of
classical design, and the shade of parchment was reflected in her net veil
and Juliet cap of pearl and orange blossom. Her bouquet was of white roses
and white heather. The bride's sister and cousin, Miss Myrtle Miskelly
and Miss Greta Harvey, were bridesmaids. Their crinoline frocks and coatees
were of needle run lace in chameleon blue, and their coronets were of petals
and lace. Each carried a bouquet of pink carnations. Mr. Harry Martin was
best man. Mr. and Mrs. Duff will spend their honeymoon in Scotland. Mrs.
Duff's travelling ensemble was in mustard and black, with accessories to
correspond. A reception was given by Mr. and Mrs. Miskelly at Wellington
Park Hotel, Belfast.
6) Newel - McMillen (no date) An attractive bride,
beautifully gowned and with smartly dressed attendants, was married in
Newtownbreda Presbyterian Church, Belfast, to-day. Miss Isobel Dorothy
McMillen is daughter of Mr. J. Nelson McMillen, chairman of the Northern
Ireland Tourist Board, and Mrs. McMillen, Fairways, Newtownbreda. The
bridegroom, Mr. Patrick H. S. Newel, is son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Newel,
7 St. Jude's Avenue. Rev. James E. Jones, B.A., performed the wedding
ceremony, and was assisted by Rev. L. Rex Pedlow, B.A. Mr. Douglas Armstrong
was soloist and at the organ was Mr. T. J. H. Kerr. Miss McMillen wore a
princess gown in white court satin. The deep V neckline was richly
embroidered in pearl and crystal beads, the graceful skirt ending in a long
train. Her veil of white tulle was held in place by a wreath of orange
blossom, and in her hand was a bouquet of harrissi lilies, white lilac and
white heather. Mrs. W. J. Todd was her sister's matron of honour, and Miss
Joan Gibson was bridesmaid. Their frocks of pale peach brocade were made on
princess lines, flaring into very full skirts. The rucked sleeves were
three-quarter length. Butterfly roses, white hyacinth tips and lily of the
valley formed their bouquets. Lieut. F. R. Beringer was best man and Mr. H.
P. Mercier groomsman. Following the ceremony, the bride's parents gave a
reception at Fairways. Mrs. McMillen was wearing a model gown in mushroom
pink with hat to tone and accessories in brown. The bridegroom's mother was
in ocean blue moss crepe embroidered with beads and sequins, and hay to
tone. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. S. Newel will spend their honeymoon in the Channel
Islands. For her going away suit Mrs. Newel chose a donkey brown birdseye
tailleur with accessories to match.
7) Montgomery - Connell 28th February 1953 - Mr.
David Montgomery, son of Field-Marshal Viscount Montgomery, and his bride,
Miss Mary Connell, after their wedding in St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral,
8) McMillan. - Smyth June 1951 Belfast wedding of
Queen's graduate and Australian girl - Mr. John McMillan, M.Sc., B.Agr., who
is the first student at Queen's University to qualify as Master of Science
in Agricultural Engineering, was married in Fortwilliam Gospel Hall on
Saturday to an Australian girl, Miss Margaret Smyth. The bridegroom is the
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan, "Maboy" Whitehouse, and his
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smyth, Melbourne. She wore a
gown of white French lace, made on demure lines with a fitted bodice and a
full skirt that spread into a short train. A coronet of orange blossom held
in place her tulle veil and she carried an all-white bouquet of carnations,
roses and lily-of-the-valley. Miss Elizabeth Smyth, sister of the bride, and
the bridegroom's sister, Miss Annie McMillan, attended her, both wearing
picture frocks of mid-sand moire taffeta with shoulder capes, mittens and
headdresses of matching lace. They carried bouquets of cream roses. Mr.
James Preston officiated at the ceremony and the best man was Mr. John
Feeley, of Newcastle-on-Tyne.

1) MacDermott - Dales 25th July 1953 Son of Lord
Chief Justice Weds - At Knock Presbyterian Church, Belfast, on Saturday, the
marriage was solemnised of the Hon. John Clarke MacDermott and Dr. Margaret
Helen Dales. The bridegroom is the eldest son of the Rt. Hon. Lord
MacDermott, Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland, and Lady MacDermott,
Glenburn, Cairnburn Road, and the bride the younger daughter of the late Mr.
Hugh Dales and of Mrs. Dales, Kempcairn, Kensington Road, Knock, Belfast.
The ceremony was performed by the Rev. John F. Park, assisted by the Rev. R.
J. Young. The bride, who was given away by her uncle, Dr. J. D. Allan Gray
(London), was in a trained gown of oyster satin with fitted corsage and
draped neckline. The veil of Limerick lace, lent by the bridegroom's mother,
was held in place by a headdress of pearls and orange blossom, which
belonged to the bride's grandmother. She carried a bouquet of white
gladioli, stephanotis and lilt of the valley. The matron of honour, Mrs. J.
H. Bruce, M.B. (sister of the bride), and the bridesmaids, the Hon. Edith
MacDermott (sister of the bridegroom) and Dr. Madge G. Watson, wore gowns of
coffee-toned lace and their bouquets were composed of apricot roses. The
Hon. R. W. J. MacDermott attended his brother as best man. The reception was
held later at the bride's home. For travelling the bride wore a dress of
honey-toned nylon, with coat of mushroom mélange repp, with hat to tone and
nigger accessories. The catering arrangements were entrusted to Isibeal's,
who also supplied the 4-tier wedding cake.
2) Cunningham - MacDermott 2nd May 1955 - The
Governor and Lady Wakehurst were guests on Saturday at the wedding in
Belmont Presbyterian Church of Mr. Samuel Barbour Cunningham and Miss Edith
Louise MacDermott. The bridegroom is the elder son of Colonel J. G.
Cunningham and Mrs. Cunningham of Glencairn (Glenburn), Glencairn Road,
Belfast, and the bride is the daughter of Lord MacDermott, Lord Chief
Justice of Northern Ireland, and Lady MacDermott, of Glenburn, Glencairn
Road, Strandtown. The bride, who is a recent graduate in medicine of Queen's
University, had the distinction when an undergraduate of being the first
woman to be elected president of the Student's Representative Council. She
was given away by her father and she wore a lovely classical gown of rich
cream brocade, patterned in a lily of the valley design, the slim-fitting
bodice having long, tight sleeves and the full skirt falling into a graceful
train. Over it was draped a beautiful veil of Limerick lace which is an
heirloom in her family. It was held in place by a coronet of orange blossom
and she carried a bouquet of cream roses and lily-of-the-valley. The bride
was attended by her sister, Miss Elizabeth MacDermott, the bridegroom's
sister Miss Anna Cunningham and her cousins Miss Edith Johnston and Miss
Maralyn Martin. They all wore filmy picture frocks of pale green organza
threaded lightly in gold, and they carried sprays of mixed spring flowers
and had similar sprays in their hair. The Rev. R. J. Young, of Belmont, and
the Very Rev, Dr. G. D. Erskine, formerly of Rosemary, officiated at the
ceremony. Mr. Roland Cunningham, brother of the bridegroom, was the best man
and Mr. J. C. MacDermott, Mr. R. W. J. MacDermott, Mr. Josias Cunningham,
junior, Mr. James Cunningham, junior, Mr. John Pringle and Mr. Christopher
Cowdy were the ushers at the church. After the ceremony a reception was held
at the bride's home, Glenburn. The honeymoon will be spent abroad and for
travelling the bride wore a suit of fine yellow and tan worsted with
matching hat and tan accessories.
3) Kerr - Burgess June 1951 Saintfield Ceremony - In
First Presbyterian Church, Saintfield, to-day, Mr. Harry Kerr, B.Sc., son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kerr, Deramore Avenue, Belfast, was married to Miss
Marguerite S. Burgess, B.A., A.T.C.L., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Burgess,
Shamrock House, Saintfield. The ceremony was performed by Rev. . R. Davey,
M.B.E., B.A., assisted by Rev. A. Clements, B.A., and Rev. J. R. Boyd, B.A.,
B.D. The bride's sister, Mrs. H. Knox, sang a solo and Miss K. McIlwaine was
organist. The bride wore a crinoline frock of white lace trimmed with
diamante. Her headdress was floral and she carried a bouquet of pink roses.
Miss Barbara Burgess, her sister's bridesmaid, was in primrose embroidered
georgette, with headdress of orchids, and her bouquet was of cream
variegated roses. Two child attendants, Misses Margaret McKendry and Vivien
Burgess, were in picture frocks of pink and blue satin, respectively. The
honeymoon will be spent in Eire. About 60 guests were entertained at Belfast
Castle after the ceremony.
4) Forsythe - Duff 12th August 1949 - The wedding
took place in Lisburn Road Methodist Church, Belfast, this afternoon, of
Rev. Wm. S. Forsythe, Methodist minister in Castlederg, Co. Tyrone, and son
of Mr. and Mrs. S. Forsythe, 60 Windsor Road, Belfast, and Miss Eileen
Elizabeth Duff, daughter of Councillor A. H. Duff, J.P., and Mrs. Duff, 38
Fitzroy Avenue, Belfast. Rev. R. R. Sayers, B.A., officiated, assisted by
Rev. W. J. Carson and Rev. W. J. W. Gray. Mr. R. Forsythe, brother of the
bridegroom, was the organist. The bride wore a gown of tea rose crepe with
short train. Her long veil was held in place by a headdress of tea roses and
she carried a bouquet to match. Miss Olive Duff was her sister's bridesmaid.
Her frock of shell pink crepe was worn with a headdress of roses to tone and
her flowers were pink roses. Mr. Wesley Forsythe was his brother's best man.
Guests were entertained at the Belgravia Hotel. Mrs. Forsythe was wearing a
black suit with pink accessories when she left with her husband for their
honeymoon in Scotland. Wedding cars and flowers were supplied by the firm of
Wilton, Rosewood Buildings, Crumlin Road, Belfast.
5) Alderdice - Shields 3rd April 1954 - Rev. David
Alderdice, B.A., B.D., who took up duty as minister of Donacloney
Presbyterian Church, Lurgan six weeks ago, was married in McCracken Memorial
Church, Belfast, at noon to-day. He served as assistant in Nelson Memorial
and Strand Churches, Belfast, and is son of Mr. and Mrs. David Alderdice,
Mullaglass, Bessbrook. The bride, Miss Anne Margaret Helena Shields, is
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Shields, 126 Haypark Avenue, Belfast. Clergy
who took part in the ceremony were Rev. W. Chestnutt, M.A., D.D., Rev. John
Craig, B.A., and Rev. H. C. Carser, B.A. Rev. Howard Cromie, B.A., was best
man. Miss Shields wore a gown of ivory brocade, her veil was held in place
by a coronet of orange blossom and pearls, and she carried a bouquet of pink
carnations. His sister, Miss Pauline Shields, and Miss Kathleen Moore were
bridesmaids. Their frocks were of wild rose shade nylon over taffeta, with
floral headdresses to match their posies. The wedding party was held at
Woodbourne House Hotel. The couple will spend their honeymoon in Eire. Mrs.
D. Alderdice's travelling ensemble was in grey
6) Boyd - Crawford August 1951 - Mr. J. Aubrey Boyd, son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Boyd, 77 Knutsford Drive, Cliftonville, was married in
Castlereagh Presbyterian Church to Miss Hazel E. Crawford, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. G. Crawford, Willowbank Drive, Cregagh. Rev. J. Hastings Little,
M.A., officiated, assisted by the bridegrooms brother, Rev. J. E. P. Boyd,
B.A. Miss Crawford's wedding gown in white was of fine Chantilly lace over
taffeta and net, the skirt ending in a train. She wore orange blossom in her
hair and carried deep pink roses. Her cousin, Miss Joan Crawford, and Miss
Esme England were in bridesmaids' frocks of mauve net over pink taffeta, and
their headdresses were of tiny rosebuds. Each carried a bouquet of pink
carnations. The child attendant, Miss Sandra Boyd, was in white net and
taffeta, with Victoria posy. Mr. Austin McNeill was best man. Guests were
entertained at the home of the bride's grandmother, Glenview House,
Castlereagh. The bride's travelling suit was in lime green and brown. The
honeymoon will be spent in Devon and Cornwall.
7) Wilson - Sheridan 8th August 1950 Flower-Decked
Church, Knockbreda Wedding - Knockbreda Parish Church was decorated with
carnations, gladioli, and scabious for the wedding to-day of Mr. Andrew
Tufts Wilson, B.Sc., A.M.I.C.E., son of Mr. James Wilson, J.P., and Mrs.
Wilson, Crossways, Newcastle, and Miss Zephera Sheridan, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. S. H. Sheridan, Rossmore Avenue, Belfast. Rev. R. J. N. Lockhart, B.A.,
officiated, assisted by Rev. R. Gilmore, B.A. Miss Sheridan wore a classical
gown of gold court satin, the neckline embroidered and beaded to tone, the
skirt ending in a train. The shoulder-length veil was held in place by a
spray of golden blossom and she carried a shower bouquet of golden roses.
Miss Audrey Sheridan, sister, and Miss Esme Logan, bridesmaids, wore picture
frocks of primrose net and coffee coloured Chantilly lace. Their headdresses
matched their posies of tawny coloured roses. The bridegroom was attended by
his brothers, Mr. Horace Wilson and Mr. Wilfred Wilson. The honeymoon will
be spent in France. Mrs. A. T. Wilson travelled in a frock of moon blue wool
with topper coat of check. Guests were entertained at Belfast Castle. Bridal
gown and bridesmaids' gowns by Meneely Ltd., 15 Donegall Square North,
Belfast. The Wolseley wedding cars were supplied by James Brown and Sons
(Belfast), Ltd., 300 Newtownards Road, Belfast.

1) Jennings - Rowe 21st July 1953 - The wedding was
solemnised in St. George's Parish Church, Belfast, to-day, of Mr. Robert
Leslie Jennings, B.Sc., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jennings,
Glenmore House, Glengormley, and Miss Olive Gertrude Brunskill Rowe. She is
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rowe, 19 South Parade, Belfast. Rev. T. W.
Gibson, B.A., officiated. Mr. Max Jennings was his brother's best man and
Mr. Hugo Simpson was groomsman. The bride wore a crinoline gown of gossamer
nylon, finished with Chantilly lace embroidered in crystal. Her tiara was of
diamante and her bouquet of pink roses and lily of the valley. Mrs. T. M.
Lennox, matron of honour, was in a nylon frock of mist blue, and the
bridesmaid, Miss Joyce Rowe, wore dawn pink nylon. Their bouquets were of
sweet pea. Guests were entertained at Belfast Castle. The honeymoon will be
spent in France. For travelling, Mrs. R. L. Jennings wore a suit of powder
blue with accessories in beige.
2) Sheldon - Ferguson 9th December 1950 - Miss
Elizabeth Mary Ferguson, daughter of Mr. Harry G. Ferguson (the Ulster
tractor magnate) and Mrs. Ferguson, Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloucestershire, was
married to Mr. Anthony John Sheldon, only son of Captain John Harding,
O.B.E., R.N. (retired), and Mrs. Harding, South Eaton Place, Westminster, at
St. Michael's Church, Chester Square, London yesterday. The bride, who is in
her twenties, went to Denmark and Italy earlier this year as a director of
two of her father's companies to sell tractors, and returned with a full
order book. The bridegroom is 31, was a Lieutenant in the Royal Naval
Volunteer Reserve during the War, (P.A. - Reuter.)
3) Agar - McClurg 30th August 1950 - Mr. Robert (Bob) D.
Agar, the Irish Rugby international, son of Mrs. Agar, Fenagh, County
Carlow, and the late Mr. Thomas Agar, and his bride, Miss Anna Elizabeth
McClurg, is daughter of Mrs. McClurg, Ardmore Avenue, Belfast, and the late
Mr. James McClurg, leaving St. Jude's Church, yesterday, after their
wedding. The bridegroom is on the detective staff of the R.U.C., and members
of the force formed a guard of honour at the church. A member of Malone
Rugby Club, he has been for four seasons on the International team and
helped to win the Triple Crown in 1949. His brother, Mr. Thomas Agar,
accompanied him to-day as best man. The brides' only cousin, Miss Lenora
Bownes, was her bridesmaid. Chancellor J. Quinn, B.A., officiated, and was
assisted by Rev. T. W. Gibson, B.A. Miss McClurg wore a classical gown of
myositis blue crepe with short fan shaped train. Her halo of forget-me-nots
held in place her pleated veil, and her shower bouquet was of Ashington
carnations. Miss Bownes was in a honey coloured frock of crepe made with
horse shoe neckline and full skirt. She also carried carnations which
matched her headdress. Mrs. Bob Agar travelled to Eire in a mushroom
coloured coat over a frock of orchid pink wool. Wedding guests were
entertained at The Carlton, Belfast. The flowers were designed and arranged
by Cooke & Kennedy, art florists, 108 Royal Avenue, Belfast.
4) Scott - Larmour 28th March 1956 Big Day
For the Little Ones, Too - In the Spring a young man's fancy turns to love.
Page Master Patton Taylor thinks so, anyway, as he embraces trainbearer
Helen Hamilton at the wedding of Dr. Ian Douglas Patton Scott, son of Mrs.
Jeanie P. Scott, 73 St. John's Park, Belfast, and the late Mr. James Scott,
Greenbank, Carr, Lisburn, and Miss Helen Larmour, S.R.N., daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. D. Larmour, Ivy House, Magheragall, Lisburn. The senior house
physician in Tyrone County Hospital, Omagh, Dr. Ian Douglas Patton Scott,
youngest of three brothers in the medical profession, was married to a
nurse, Miss Helen Larmour, in Magheragall Presbyterian Church. Guests
included many representatives of the medical profession. Rev. R. D. Larmour
performed the ceremony, assisted by Rev. W. S. K. Crossley. Miss Larmour was
wearing a crinoline gown of white Chantilly lace over tulle and satin, with
long train. Her Brussels lace veil was held by a coronet of bride's blossom,
and she carried pink carnations and white heather. She was followed by five
attendants, her sister, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Todd, and Mrs. Nancy
Patton-Taylor, concert pianist, who were in gowns of ivory brocade and
carried pink tulips; and three children, Miss Jeanne Scott and Miss Helen
Hamilton in white, and Master Patton-Taylor in kilts. Dr. S. Alan Scott was
his brother's best man, and Mr. Mathew D. Larmour was groomsman. Guests were
entertained at Woodbourne House Hotel. The honeymoon will be spent in Dublin
and England.
5) Taylor - Scott 31st March 1950 Belfast Wedding
of well-known Lisburn pianist - One of Northern Ireland's most brilliant
pianists, Miss Nancy Patton Scott, was married in McCracken Memorial Church,
Upper Malone, yesterday. Her bridegroom, Mr. George F. Y. Taylor, is the son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. George T. Taylor, of Colinton, Edinburgh, and she
herself has been teaching in Edinburgh and playing for the Scottish B.B.C.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, of "Greenbank," Carr,
Lisburn, and she was something of a musical prodigy. When very much a
schoolgirl and eligible for the junior competitions she won in two
successive years the senior repertoire class for piano playing at the
Belfast Musical Festival. Miss Scott was given away yesterday by her father,
and wore a classically styled gown of ivory slipper satin, made with a
pointed bodice inset with a yoke of Brussels lace that matched the veil that
fell gracefully from a coronet of white hyacinths almost the full length of
the train of her dress. Her ornaments were a pendant and bracelet of
amethyst and white sapphires, which were the gifts of the bridegroom. She
carried a bouquet of cream roses. The bridegroom's small niece, Miss Sandra
MacGilchrist, was her trainbearer, and she wore an ankle-length frock of
white organdie trimmed with lover's knots of turquoise blue moss crepe, and
carried a bouquet of pink carnations. The Rev. J. B. Wallace, of Drumbo
Presbyterian Church, the Rev. W. J. K. Crossley, of Carryduff Presbyterian
Church, and the Rev. John Watters, of Bailliesmills Reformed Presbyterian
Church officiated. Mr. Douglas Brown was the organist, and Mr. Ian Douglas
Patton Scott, brother of the bride, was the best man. The ushers at the
church were Dr. S. Alan Scott, Mr. J. W. Patton Scott, Mr. Walter Glass and
Mr. John H. Lowry.
6) Scott. - Lymburn 4th July 1950 - The wedding took
place in McCracken Memorial Church, Upper Malone, Belfast, yesterday, of Mr.
James Wright Patton Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott, of "Greenbank",
Carr, Lisburn, and Miss Helen F. Lymburn, elder daughter of Mrs. Lymburn, of
"White Thorn" 13 Shrewsbury Gardens, Balmoral. The bride was given away by
her cousin, Dr. Edwin W. T. Henry, and she wore a gown of ivory damask that
featured the new cupped neckline. The skirt was draped into a bustle bow and
finished in a long train. A side garland headdress of orange blossom sprigs
held in place her tulle veil and she carried a bouquet of pink roses. Her
sister, Miss Eileen Lymburn, was her only bridesmaid, and she wore a Juliet
gown of dawn pink poult, and a headdress of natural flowers. She carried a
bouquet of cream roses. The Very Rev. Dr. W. Corkey and the Rev. W. Hanna
officiated at the ceremony. Mr. Ian Scott, brother of the bridegroom, was
the best man, and Mr. David Henry, Mr. John McCartney, and Mr. Bertie Glass
the ushers. Bridal gown, veil and headdress, bridesmaid's gown and trousseau
by Meneely Ltd., 15 Donegall Square North, Belfast
7) Harris - Kennedy (March) Dr. Ronald V. Harris,
Ealing, London, leaving McCracken Memorial Church, Belfast, with his bride,
Miss Dorothy L. Kennedy, Bristow Park. ~ March Bride, The breeze gave a
boisterous greeting to Miss Dorothy Lilian Kennedy, of Bristow Park, as she
left McCracken Memorial Church yesterday after her marriage to Dr. Ronald
Vincent Harris, of Eastbourne. ~ The marriage was solemnised yesterday at
McCracken Memorial Church, Belfast, of Dr. Ronald Vincent Harris, Eastbourne
and London, second son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Centurier Harris, Ealing, London,
and Miss Dorothy Lilian Kennedy, youngest daughter of the late Mr. James A.
Kennedy and of Mrs. Kennedy, Bristow Park, Belfast. Rev. David Dowling,
M.A., performed the ceremony, assisted by Rev. James Dunlop, M.A. Mr. W. R.
A. Anderson, A.R.C.M., was at the organ, and the music was rendered by the
church choir, with Mr. Norman Thompson as soloist. The bride, who was given
away by her brother, Mr. Fenton A Kennedy, was in a trained gown of ivory
brocade, and carried a sheaf of Harissi lilies and lily of the valley. The
bridesmaids - the Misses Edith M. Kennedy (sister of the bride) and Pamella
A. Harris (sister of the bridegroom) - wore picture gowns of cyclamen French
silk moire, with Juliet caps of French rose petals. Their shower bouquets
were of Wedgwood irises. Mr. A. Centurier Harris attended his brother as
best man, and Rev. T. W. Gibson, B.A., was groomsman. The ushers were Mr.
William H. Durie and Dr. J. Sydney McCann. Subsequently a reception was held
at Belfast Castle. When leaving for the honeymoon the bride wore a tailleur
of blue and silver tweed with accessories to tone. The wedding cars were
supplied by Melville & Co., Townsend Street, Belfast.
Page Two -
more weddings etc.