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on this page:-
Co-operative Memorial Plaques - Seay Samplers - Framed Postcards Clarke - RIEC Vase
Eston Cup - caps and things - G. Bryan 1936 - Robinson Johnson - Cardwell
Royal Irish Rangers Horn - Horses and Carriage - H. R. Lilley Drawings - O'Donnell WW1
Birds and Feathers - R. Scott N.R.A. 1928 - Oceanic Lifeboat No.22 - Box of Uniform Buttons
Allan - Lewers - Irish Grocery World 1951 -

1805 - 1806 - 1807 - 1808 - 1819 - 1843 - 1852 - 1861 - 1868 - 1877 - 1880 - 1890 - 1894
1901 - 1907 - 1908 - 1909 - 1910 - 1912 - 1918 - 1924 - 1932 - 1939 - 1943 - 1947 - 1951 - 1955 - 1960
1913 Tel. directory    1824 Pigots (Belfast)  &  (Bangor)   1894 Waterford Directory
1898 Newry Directory      Bangor Spectator Directory 1970

To Perpetuate the Memory of William James McGuffin, J.P.
Born 1859  Died 1937
President of Belfast Co-operative Society Ltd., 1912-1937
"To Live in Hearts we leave behind is not to die"

Dedicated to the Memory of John Emerson McKelvey J.P.
Secretary and Chief Executive Officer Belfast Co-operative Society Limited
1937-1951 Died 17th January 1951

Dedicated to the Memory of James McCombe J.P.
Member of Board of Management Belfast Co-operative Society Limited 1901 - 1937
President 1937 - 1951   Died 1st February 1951
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Seay Samplers - Isabella Seay Kilmore School 1829 (above)

Oh for a closer walk with God, A calm and heavenly frame
A light to shine upon the road, that leads me to the lamb.
Margaret (aged 9) and Isabella (aged 8) Seay work Redemon School 1830
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Sent to :- Miss F. H. Clarke, 12 Thomas Street, Armagh 1906
On the River Lagan, Belfast; Becalmed; Moonlight on the Sea
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R.I.E.C. Volunteer Race 1894 (Royal Indian Engineering College)

Eston Championship Cup 1924
Presented by Ernest Wilson, 90 Cromac Street, Belfast
For Open Competition by Young Birds fed on Eston Pigeon Foods during Season 1924
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LVI 1895  1897 not sure what these caps are for

Imperial Service Medal

a watch and an envelope which says Gerald, Denise, Michael & Adrienne from Granpa
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Belfast & District Motor Club Ltd.
Won by G. Bryan 1936
Sydney Hanna, Gold & Silversmith, 17 Royal Avenue, Belfast
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Robinson Johnson
Seek dear Jane all the graces, Which adorn the female mind,
They excel ten thousand faces, Be they of the fairest kind.
What is all external beauty, To a well informed mind,
To a heart that loves its duty, To a noble soul and kind.
Sparkling eyes and cheeks that glow, They alas must soon decay,
But their mental beauty flow, Through an everlasting day.
Wrought by Jane Johnson, In Brookfield School
Aged 13 Years
I assume the 69 means 1869
on the back - John Magee Ltd., 4 Donegall Square West, Belfast

Rules for Daily Life
Begin the day with God, Kneel down to him in prayer,
Lift up thy heart to his abode, And seek his love to share.
Open the book of God, And read a portion there,
That it may hallow all thy thoughts, And sweeten all thy care.
Go through the day with God, Whate'er thy work may be,
Where'er thou art at home abroad, He still is near to thee.
Converse in mind with God, Thy spirit heavenward raise,
Acknowledge every good bestowed, And offer grateful Praise.
Lie down at night with God, Who gives his servants sleep,
And when thou tread'st the vale of death, He will thee guard and keep.
Wrought by Margaret J. Robinson In Brookfield School
Aged 13 years

Enter the temple beautiful, The house not made with hands,
Rain washed and green windswept and clean, Beneath the blue it stands.
And no cathedral anywhere, Seemeth so holy or so fair,
And all the golden gloom of it, Holdeth no haunting fear.
For it is blessed and giveth rest, to those who enter here,
Here in the evening - who can know, But God himself walks to and fro.
on back - John Magee Ltd., 4 Donegall Square West, Belfast

June Robinsons Sister
Mary or Jane Robinson of Lyle?
Married Hordeson? Johnston
She was C. of I., her husband Quaker
Quakers would not accept her as
Marriage outside the meeting? was called "this evil thing"
All her life she wore the Quakers' bonnet in protest
and attended Quaker meetings
Lee? Geo. Chapman
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1                   2                      3                     4                       5                     6                  7
1) The Institute of Marketing and Sales Management - This is to Certify that F. N. A. Bullick has this day been elected a Member of the Institute Dates 15th April 1959
2) The Institute of Export Incorporated 1935 - This is to Certify that Frederick Noal Alexander Bullick was on the 8th August 1984 elected a Fellow of The Institute of Export
3) The Institute of Export Incorporated 1935 - This is to Certify that Frederick Noal Alexander Bullick was on the 1st November 1967 elected a Corporate Member of The Institute of Export
4) Incorporated Sales Managers' Association - This is to Certify that F.N.A. Bullick has this day been elected a Member of the Association Dated 16th April 1959
5) Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland - This is to Certify that Dorothea M. Cooke has been duly examined in accordance with the provisions of the Pharmacy and Poisons Act of Northern Ireland 1925, and that she is hereby qualified to act as a pharmaceutical Chemist. Charles Abernethy, President & D. L. Kirkpatrick, Secretary. Date 8th December 1944
6) Colony and Protectorate of Kenya. The Poisons Rules, 1943. Registration of Pharmacists
Certificate for the Retention of Name on Register. The name of Mrs D. M. Bullick is hereby retained on the Register of Pharmacists for the year 195? in accordance with the provisions of Part II of the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance, 1942. 19/1/54
7) Colony and Protectorate of Kenya. The Poisons Rules, 1943. Registration of Pharmacists
Certificate for the Retention of Name on Register. The name of Mrs D. M. Bullick is hereby retained on the Register of Pharmacists for the year 1955 in accordance with the provisions of Part II of the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance, 1942.
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a nice little wooden box for keeping your Receiving Licenses in

packing inside, so they owned an Ekco Wireless packing case made by Fiberit

Mrs. M. Cardwell, 42 Joseph Street, Belfast - Office, Peter's Hill, Belfast
Licences for 1942/ 43/ 44/ 45/ 46 & 47
ten shillings
Receiving Licence Wireless Telegraphy Acts, 1904-1926
Removals - Prompt notification must be given of any permanent change of address, This may be made in writing to the Head Postmaster of the District from which the apparatus is being removed, the old and new addresses and the serial number and date of expiration of the Licence being quoted; or a personal call may be made at any Post Office and the Licence handed in for amendment. Notice of a temporary change is not required.
Dangerous Use of Supply Mains
If power for the working of wireless receiving apparatus is taken from a public electricity supply, whether or not a battery eliminator is used, no direct connexion should be made between the supply mains and the aerial.
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Beautifully inscribed horn
Royal Irish Rangers
Presented to the 2nd Battalion The Royal Irish Rangers 1972
by The Corporals

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beautiful large framed photo of horses and a carriage
no idea where and who the carriage belongs to, somebody grand

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Mr. H. R. Lilley
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CLICK to enlarge, the detail is lovely, all hand made
J. O'Donnell 2nd Bn. R. R. France 1914 United We Stand
Good Luck Salon? 1917
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CLICK to enlarge, a dish of some sort of wood, Made in Japan, beautiful carving
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can't quite make out all the writing, Brachyrhamphus? antiques marmoratus feathers
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National Rifle Association Air Rifle Club, No. 170 This is to Certify that R. Scott has made the Highest Score of the year in the above club, viz.:70 points. On the 26th day of September 1928
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Oceanic Life Boat No. 22
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Ostocalcium Tablets Box full of Uniform Buttons
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Allan Bar? April 1914                                                Hugh Lewers, M.D. -
M.Ch., M.A.O., R.U.I.: Formerly Physician to Ulster Hospital for Diseases of Women and Children, Belfast.
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Irish Grocery World 1951

8th September 1951 - Grocers' Retail Margins - White's Wafer Oats - Grocers' Retail Margins continued - Value of Buying Permits - The Banana Racket - Inglis - Reduction in the Cheese Ration - Fewer Matches per Box - Canned Milk - Imported Canned Fish Prices - Horniman's Tea - The Cost of Distribution - Self-Service & Small Shops - Canned Pork from Portugal - Results of the 1951 Ryvita Twinsales

Copper in Foods - Banker's View on Price Maintenance - Danish Bacon Dearer - Wren's Show Polish - Manufacturers and Price Maintenance - Drummer Pine Disinfectant; Holbrooks Host Sauce; Marshall's of Glasgow; Phensic - New Plan for Vegetable Marketing - Prices of Soap Flakes and Soap Powders - Animal Feeding Stuffs - Royal Dessert - Primula Crispbread/Primula Cheese; Robertson's Silver Shred; Wren's Shoe Polish; Parozone Bleach - Ideal Homes Exhibition - Grocers' Council Meeting - Goldwell Sparkling Non-Alcoholic Wines - Sifta Salt; Cobra White Wax Polish; Carrs Water Biscuits; Scotts Jams - Decrease in the Butter ration - Marking of Imported Poultry - Goldwell Sparkling Wines - Increase in Egg Prices - Price of Animal Feeding Stuffs - Bachelors Foods
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