Madill - Blacker etc.
small collection may or may not belong altogether

1) Richard Madill - Receptory No. 174 Holywood, County Down 9th March 1931
2) no info.
3) blank
4) on back Miss Madill, Shore? ? Craigavad? ?
5) ?
6) Jean Bonnar - Belfast photographer
7) Tom

Back Row - J. Clarke, E. Bond, M. Lee, D. Harris, E. Comstock, I. Fardell,
J. Alderson, N. Perriam, A. Reese, E. Walrond.
Middle Row - P. Delling, V. Wreford, M. Butler, R. Blackwell, D. Forster, G.
McCaskill, M. P. Crichton, E. Jenner-Clarke, C. Down, K. Buckler, V. Harman,
M. Galsworthy.
Front Row - L. Lock, L/S.L.; L. Hamson, S.L.; E. Wright, Sen. S.L.; D.
Trump, Asst/Comdt.; B. Landon, M.B.E., Comdt.; M. Vansittart, Q.M.; E.
Houghton, C.D.O.; F. Jeffs, S.L.; M. Smerdon, L/S.L.

1) Shelock? 1959 Carrickfergus photographer
2) A Merry Christmas Postmark Downpatrick to Miss Lily Herron, 14 Shore
Street, Holywood - Wishing you a Happy Christmas. From Lissy?
3) Birth Certificate Issued for the purpose of National ? Castlereagh ?
Belfast Co. Down - 1895 Fourth October High Street, Holywood, Margaret
McWhinney? - Robert Herron, greengrocer, High Street, Holywood; Sarah Herron
nee Savage - John ? Woodside, Present at birth? Shore Street, Holywood -
Eleventh November 1895
4) Herron?

Regular Army Certificate of Service - Army No. 5662192 Blacker, Ambrose,
Taunton, 27th January 1913, Somerset Light Infantry - Military Conduct
Exemplary, Honest, sober & trustworthy, with a good knowledge of accounts.
Always willing to assist in any capacity, is best suited for employment as a
checker, store keeper or cashier? Would do well in any of those employments.
13.1.34 - Service Record - Certificate of Discharge, 26th January 1934, Cr.
Sgt. (C.Q.M.S.), On termination of engagement Para 370 (XXI) King's
Regulations 1928 Somerset Light Infantry, Twenty-One Years. D.O.B. 1895
Height 5' 5". Complexion Fresh, Eyes hazel, Hair Brown 18.1.34 - Army
Education - Medals, 1914 Star with clasp, British War & Victory, L.S. & G.C.

these photos in with Army Record - Photo 3 Belfast photographer

Letters of Recommendation also with Army Record -
1) 22nd December 1933 P.R.I. Depot, Somerset L.I., The Barracks, Taunton - I
have known C.Q.M.S. Blacker, the Somerset Light Infantry for the last
seventeen years. I have always found him thoroughly honest, reliable,
hardworking, sober and loyal. He has a very pleasant, and cheerful
disposition, and has good manners. As a Company Quarter Master Sergeant he
has had considerable experience in the keeping of accounts, and stores. I
have known Blacker in many capacities as a soldier, and he has always proved
himself most loyal and honest. I have great pleasure in recommending him for
any position of trust or similar appointment, and I shall be pleased to
answer any questions as to his moral character, and abilities. L. W. Harper,
Captain, The Somerset Light Infantry 12:12:33 Taunton
2) The Barracks, Taunton - I have known C.Q.M.S. A. Blacker for the past 20
years and know him to be absolutely honest, clean and sober. He is most
willing, hardworking, and reliable, is of cheerful disposition and possesses
good manners. I have every reason to believe his moral character to be of
the highest and have no hesitation in recommending his for any employment
requiring a clear minded hard working man. I am prepared to answer any
questions which may be addressed to me concerning this mans character etc.
Taunton 22/12/33 ?????

1 - 5 Belfast photographers
6 Plainfield, N.I.

Belfast photographer
Ramsey, I.O.M. photographer

all Belfast photographers

all Belfast photographers

1) Belfast photographer
2) London photographer
3) HERE at 18.30 Hours on 4th May 1945 A delegation from the German High
Command surrendered unconditionally to Field Marshal Montgomery, all land,
sea & air forces in Northern West Germany, Denmark & Holland & Signed a
Declaration to that effect.

the end