Assorted letters & envelopes
not related - in alphabetical order
Armstrong - Barrass - Becker - Beckwith - Bingley -
Chalmers - Cocherane - Cook - Edwards - Essam - Fletcher
Heiffor - Kenny - Lewes - Loft - Lorimer - MacMillan - Rea - Rhoades - SAN?
- Shuttleworth - Stewart
Wallace - Watt - Wylie

1) 21st July 1937 Postmark Belfast to Miss F. Armstrong, c/o Mrs.? Cousin,
Sunnyside, 26 Peel? Road, Douglas, I.O.M.
2) To Thos. Barrass, M. C. Swift's Tailors, Billerdon, Leicestershire -
Barlertone? April 1st 1845 - Advice to Mr. Barrass about going into Baptist
ministry: Mr. Goadly; G. B. College, Leicester
3) 2nd September 1866? (see back) Postmarks Newark/Leeds to Mrs. Becker ?,
21 Rly.? Wells House, Wharfdale, Yorkshire
4) 26th November 1833 Canterbury to Revd. L. B. Beckwith, Tichurst?
Lamberthurst, Nelson & Bronte
5) 18th August 1881? The Revd. E. F. Bingley, Thornham Rectory, Eye?
Suffolk; 28th January 1920 Postmark Roydon to Mrs. Bingley, Thornham
Rectory, Eye, Suffolk; 13th ? 1921? Postmark Roydon to Mrs. Bingley,
Kensington House, Chine Crescent, Bournemouth W.; 23rd January 1922 Postmark
Tavisham, Norwich to Rev. E. ? Bingley, Thornham Rectory, Eye, Suffolk

1) 7th March 1919 Postmark Roydon to Mrs. Bingley, Cleveland, Chine Crescent
Road, Bournemouth W. - from Roydon Hall, Diss?, Norfolk, March 7th 1919 -
Dear Mummy, I am This is just a line to thank you so much
for the chocolate which I got last Tuesday. It was awfully nice. I got the
stamps from Craig yesterday afternoon. Thanks so much for sending on the
P.O. We are going to play a match today against Forncette if it is fine,
but. It has been raining all the morning, but has
stopped now. We should have played the match last Tuesday, only they
sis not come, because it was wet. Will you please send me some more ? for my
teeth, and also about 2 tie-pins, you can get them at the bazaar below
Boots. With much love to all, Robin
2) 18th October 1823 My dear Madam, I do very much regret, that I did
not receive your letter sooner. I am so unwell I won't be present to morrow/
I think that I suffer from a complication of bile and influenza but I think
that I am getting better though I feel it indispensable & be very cautious
that pofsible I may gather strength for my concluding duties. I am My dear
Madam yours with much regret & esteem. H??? or Thomas maybe? Chalmers.
Dr. Chalmers the greatest divine of the eye.
3) 1st August 1956? Postmarks Omagh/Londonderry to The Honorable Cpt.
Cocherane, Red Castle, Co. Donegal
4) 14th March 1891 Postmark London to Lieut. Col. A. B. Cook, 37 Great
Cumberland Place, W. Rt. Hon. E. Stanhope
5) 14th September 1961 Postmark Baile Atha Cliath to Mr. & Mrs. F. E. S.
Edwards, Finvola, 12 Finaghy Road South, Belfast, Nth. Ireland - Ivanhoe
Hotel, Dublin, Wed. Evg. Isn't this a lovely scene? We had lovely run
down today & have been sight seeing this afternoon. Saw Book of Kells &
Crypt. Ruth told us of St. Michans Church, St. Stephens Green. Tomorrow
going right across Ireland to Galway, a day trip, Phoenix Park & more
Friday. Hope it has been a quiet day for you both. Nice hotel here, comfy &
good food. This is a beautiful city & buildings really ancient. Trinity
College a grand building & bridges over Liffey very picturesque with flowers
& lighting. Love from M. & M.
6) Dated 10th Sept. 1879 William Essam to Mr. John A. Baker Indenture
of Apprenticeship
1) 6th March/10th April 1894 Postmarks Melbourne/Belfast to Miss Fletcher,
Bangor, Co. Down, Ireland; 27th March/5th May 1890 Postmarks Melbourn/Belfast/Mitcham
to Mr. Jas. Fletcher, Bangor, Co. Down, Ireland
2) 1845 Mr. John Heiffor, Cutter ?, 3 Paradise Square, Sheffield
3) 17th December 1928 Postmark New Orleans to Ireland, Belfast, 12 White
Star Street, Mr. James W. Kenny - Louis A Dodge
4) 5th October 1854 Postmark Birmingham to Thos. Dewes Esq., Solt., Coventry
5) 14th/15th May 1855/56 Postmarks Newcastle-on-Tyne/Louth to Mrs. Loft,
Louth, Lincolnshire

1) Mr. Lawrence Lorimer, 9 Hartington Street, Dublin Road, Belfast;
9th October 1935 Postmark Belfast to Mr. L. Lorimer, c/o Mrs. Calvert,
Sareen, Ardmore Avenue, Finaghy, Belfast; 21st July 1957 Postmark
Douglas, Isle of Man to Mr. L. Lorimer, c/o Miss Patterson, 9 Hartington
Street, Dublin Road, Belfast; 19th July 1937 Postmark Douglas, Isle of
Man to Mr. L. Lorimer, c/o Miss Patterson, 9 Hartington Street, Dublin Road,
2) 13th April 1965 Postmarks Axminster/London to H. MacMillan, Esq., 16
Bedford Street, Covent Gardens, London
3) 5th May/10th May Postmark Belfast to Mr. D. A. Rea, 338 Ormeau Road,
Belfast; 5th May 1938 Postmark Belfast to David A. Rea, Esq.,
Helensville, Saintfield, Co. Down; 29th November 1938 Postmark Belfast
to David A. Rea, Esqr., c/o Alexander Nursing Home, Botanic Avenue, Belfast

1) no many postmarks! 5th October 1901 Postmark Toronto to Mrs. W. Rhoades,
252 Spadina Avenue, Fort Rouge, Winnipeg, Man.
2) ? April Thirtieth 1811? John Lee?, ? ? London (?) Ludgate ? J. J.?
Blackburn Knutsford; London July third 1812? John Dee? Esq., Wakefield
? Parker, Yorkshire; Gateshead January twenty? eight 1823 John Lee
Esq., Wakefield, ? ?; ? August nineteenth 1815? John Lee Esqr.,
Wakefield, ? Bold; London, January four, Jno. Lee, Esq., ? Wakefield,
Ted? Pollock; ? May nine ? J. Lee, Esqr., ? Johns Place, Wakefield ?;
London April five 1830 Thos. Taylor, Esqr., Wakefield, ?; ? May four
1830 Robt. Carr, Esqr., Wistgate?, Wakefield, D. ?
3) Ralph Shuttleworth, Esqr., Rochdale, Lancashire
4) 22nd November 1935 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. E. R. Stewart, 25 Waterloo
Gardens, Belfast, Watson & Son, House and Estate Agents, Rent: 25 Woodstock
Road ~ 25 Waterloo Gardens, Reps. of J. H. Porter, Decd. 1st November 1935
1) 24th/23rd May 1842 Postmarks Newry/Belfast to Hugh Wallace, Esqr.,
Downpatrick from Francis? McLaughlin, 24th May 1842; 20th October
1862? Postmark Belfast to John Wallace, Esq., ? ? Street, London - The
sooner you go to ? the better & tell him plainly I was humbugging ? I have a
complete stock of medians? M. Eglinton Hotel, Belfast 20 Oct. 1862
Dear John, What "order" was I to send to Mr. Epp? that you say he is waiting
for? I know of none, I might right him which way to send I
want the the parcel sent" did I know who or what is the par=sell! since you
"have not made up your mind to be a gent" you'll keep
continue of course, to do all the bad you can. Except the wifes you have no
business turning your hand to (m)any other things" The Houses I meant
are very! very!! very!!! first class ones (very!) to ? Saml. Pelham? & Co. ?
Wallace Robinson & Co. Smyth O? & Co. ? Yorks Sewing Co. All tip top
house? ? arse? ass? who are you SOB? alone refuse to give Jim theirs
in consequence they say if you ? to be far too early in the warehouse in the
mornings & because you are far too original & clever in managing business I
rather think SOB is too complimentary! As for the daily paper you call the
'Garibaldi'? I think I originated it, & gave Jim all a daily touch of it. I
changed its name long since into 'the Wipe' for ? garibaldi was left in his
a-e that like a ? ? ! and having list? the title of "Hero" I ? it as Victor
Emmanuel by a Wipe for after using him as my tool to accomplish my objects I
of course wiped my a-e with him & shook him off! (d'? ?ake?) but even that
you dont care about! Your denial of the Bailiffs & Books is all I
want!!! "Strange, a friend who is this? strange ? with the large lime
stone article? Some one must have been Ho(a)xing you about Allens life
& death (as he was hoaxed about mine) if you saw him at the xhibition - for
on friday I saw him here leaving James Fergusons, with Mr. Coates the
attorney - & I saw James after Swallow a camel leopard so a "buck cat" would
be small ? to him in comparison to his stout swallow. There's a Times
published now in Ballymena by James O'Neill (at Sodam? Bridge) D'ye?
mo??? who I Hoxed now? J. Wallace? B, Call at James Cochrane's
in Glasgow & buy me the same list as you brought me from Epps? P.M.
Shaw? says you know all about the Bailiffs, Books etc. etc. & said the
latter sold in Hind Ma? J. W.
2) 10th December 1934 Postmark Glasgow? to Mr. C. Watt, c/o Henning ? Ltd.,
West Street, Carrickfergus, Ireland
3) Grandma Wylie Remembrance from Minnie to Mrs. Wyile
the end