Galoot September 1915 No. 1
Battalion Celebrities No. 1 The Transport Officer
I'm Jobmaster Julian, He naively said; I had thirty horses, But four are now
The twenty-six living, Would much prefer rather, To be dead with the four,
Than alive with your father.

Officers of the 5th Batt. Royal Dublin Fusiliers
left to right -
back row - 2nd Lieut. F. A. Rea - Lieut. J. L. Ashton - 2nd Lieuts.
R. T. Dade - E. P. Cloney - A. L. Hammond - Lieut. Montesole - 2nd Lieuts.
F. Maller - S. L. Amos - H. J. Ward - A. W. Julian - A. S. Delany - C. W.
Worswick - H. G. Le Peton - J. Harvey - C. Byron - R. E. Tighe - Capt. Poole
- 2nd Lieut. C. W. Kidson
front row - Capt. C. R. Macnamara - Major R. H. Robinson - Capt. A.
H. Wodehouse - Major L. Browne - Lieut.-Col. F. H. Macnamara - Capt. E. St.
G. Smith (adjutant) - Capt. F. F. O'Carroll - Major L. C. Swifte
Inset - Lieut.-Col. F. H. Macnamara

Foreword by the Colonel - Rapid Fire - Spectamur Agendo, A short history of
the Regiment
The Honours List of the Royal Dublin Fusiliers During the Present Campaign
Classified Advertisements - Battalion Mems. for the Month - Cricket
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Galoot October 1915 No. 2
Battalion Celebrities. No. 2 The Umpire "Out ! !"

The Sergeants of the 5th Batt. Royal Dublin
left to right -
back row - Sergt. W. Smith - Sergt.-Drummer A. W. P. Crook - Sergts.
L. E. Doyle - W. J. Winn - H. Hare - J. Carnell - T. Madden - J. Begley - J.
Nugent - T. Maslin - J. Harris - F. Lyons - F. Finlay - F. Gleeson - P.
Dunne - M. Flood - W. E. Smith - P. Byers - Mike O'Reilly
centre row - Colour-Sergt. J. Hughes - Sergts. W. E. Marshall - C.
Paisley - F. Baxter - P. Carroll - M. Walsh - J. Ennis - T. Coleman - W.
Loughran - H. Meehan - P. Burke - P. J. Barrington - G. McKenna - J. McKenna
- Colour-Sergts. L. Devereux and Neemuchwalla (attached)
sitting - Q.M.S. T. Carolan - Q.M.S. E. Alexander - Q.M.S. J. McQuirk
- C.S.M. J. Gavan - R.Q.M.S. F. Payne - R.S.M. P. J. Cullen - C.S.M. A.
Mills - C.S.M. M. Lee - C.S.I.M. S. Rothwell - Q.M.S. T. J. Slack - Staff
Sergt. (Gymn.) J. Jennings. THE Dog

Editorial - Our Departure from Sittingbourne - Rapid Fire - Our Favourite
Literature - Song of the New Armies in Training - The Dublins in the Present
War - The A.B.C. of the R.D.F. - Complaint from a Lady Reader
The Monstrous Merrie Tales of the Curragh - The Honours List of the Royal
Dublin Fusiliers during the present campaign - Battalion Mems. for the month
- Answers to Correspondents - Classified Advertisements - Cricket
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Galoot November 1915 No. 3
Battalion Celebrities No. 3 The Village Scout "Old

Gore Court Camp, Sittingbourne "The Happy Days of Old, that now are gone, a
Memory and a Dream"
includes - Rapid Fire - Not in Our Battalion

Editorial - Lieut. Armstrong - The Monstrous Merrie Tales of the Curragh -
Football - The Commercial Company of the 5th Royal Dublin Fusiliers -
Battalion Mems. for the Month - The Absentee Cat - Quotations Adapted - The
Dublins' Little Comedies - Christmas Eve 1915
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Galoot December/January 1915-16 No. 4
Christmas and New Year Pictorial Number
Brigadier-General D. T. Hammond, C.B.

"A" Company

Battalion Celebrities No. 4 The Colonel "Well, what have you got
to say for yourself?"
Battalion Celebrities No. 5 The Adjutant "Chunk"

The Officers' Mess. Keane Barracks, Curragh

The "Commercial Company" now the nucleus of the
10th Batt., R.D.F.

The "Commercial Company's" Club-Rooms in Grafton Street, Dublin
The Reading Room - The Billiard Room

Editorial - Yule-Tide - From the Trenches - The Monstrous Merrie Tales of
the Curragh - High Explosives
The Billiard Handicap - Heard on Musketry Parade - Christmas in the Butts -
Rapid Fire - Battalion Mems. for the Month - Sergeant's Dance - Football
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Galoot April and May 1916 No. 6
Battalion Celebrities No. 8 The Pensive One "Oh!...and,
Waiter!...A Packet of Golden Flake!"

"C" Company

The Machine Gun Section

Editorial - The Monstrous Merrie Tales of the Curragh - A Day in the Life of
the Ante-Room Cat - Our Serial Story - Battalion Orders - Our
Favourite Shows - To-Day's Gossip - St. Patrick's Day, 1916 - Football
Battalion Mems. for the Month
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