Cowan Brothers
bunch of invoices, most in the above name

Invoices stored inside this ledger
National Record of Achievement

2nd December 1907 Messrs. Cowan Bros., Lisburn Bought of McLaurin Brothers,
Oxford Street, Belfast - 1 cs 300 Lemons £9 - 0

28th July 1919 Messrs Cowan Bros., Lisburn Credited by J. & J. Haslett,
Ltd., 18 & 20 North Street - Honey £18 0

1) 14th May 1924 Messrs. Cowan Bros., Lisburn - Bought of Belfast Curing
Company - 6 Irish hams £9 14 3
2) 22nd July 1924 Messrs. Cowan bros., Lisburn - Invoice from James
McCaughey & Co. Ltd., 29/33 Henry Street, Belfast - Linseed Cake Meal £11 13
3) April 1924 Messrs. Cowan Bros., Lisburn In Account with Hughes, Dickson &
Co., Ltd., Divis Street, Belfast - Goods £13 - 0 - 0
4) 22nd August 1924 Messrs. Cowan Bros., Lisburn Bot. of McLaurin Bros.,
Oxford Street, Belfast - Goods £26 - 16 - £10 on account
5) 12th November 1924 Messrs. Cowan Bros., Lisburn In A/C. with E. T. Green,
4 Marlborough Street, Belfast - £54
6) Messrs. Cowan Bros., Lisburn. In Acct. with H. & E. Musgrave Limited -
Tea £329 - 4
7) 7th August 1924 Messrs. Cowan Bros., Lisburn Harold Walker, 6 Potato
Market & 17 Holywood Road, Belfast - C. Suet & Sardines £2 - 6 - 4 (per
Wilson Carrier)

1) 13th February 1926 Messrs. Cowan Bros., Lisburn Bought of Thomas McMullan
& Company, 42 Victoria Street, Belfast - a bag Baking Soda, 2 cwt. £1 - 7 -
2) 27th July 1926 Messrs. Cowan Bros., Lisburn In Acct. with James McCaughey
& Co. Ltd., Henry Street, Belfast - Goods £24 61

8th February 1928 Messrs. Cowan Bros., Lisburn Bought of James Cooke & Son,
St. George's Market, Belfast - ? Spitz £1 - 5 - 0

14th October 1936 Messrs. Pember & Boyle, 6 Princes Street Bank, London -
Dear Sirs, We are in receipt of your letter of 13th inst., enclosing the
undernoted Certificates:- No. 2336 for 4,500 G. Beaton & Son, Ltd., shares.
No. 14552 for £600 The General Electric Co. Ltd., Ordinary Stock. for which
we thank you, and we return form of receipt duly signed. Yours truly for
James Mackie & Sons, Ltd. Secretary

1) 17th July 1946 F/L L. G. Hawkins, Dr. to Senior C. S. Mess, Habbaniya -
In respect of Messing Services, F. H. Woods, F/L.
2) 19th February 1949 McFadden & Wylie, General Repairers In Account with
the Late Henrietta Kent. House repairs to 15/21 Wesley Street; House repairs
to 11 Wesley Street; House repairs to 19 Wesley Street; House repairs to 19
Wesley Street; House repairs to 21 Wesley Street; House repairs to 1/17
Wesley Street; House repairs to 11 Wesley Street; House repairs to 1 Wesley
Street; House repairs to 1 Wesley Street. Settled per Contra. £26 13 6
H.M. Inspector of Taxes (Belfast 4) 18 March 1955, Fountain House, Donegall
Place, Belfast

1) Owner Trustees Late James Kent Rental of Property in Belfast for Six
months ended 1st February 1952 - John Adams, 123 Oldpark Road; David
McIntyre, 125 Oldpark Road; Frank Hamilton, 127 Oldpark Road; John?
McNeilly, 129 Oldpark Road
Ground Rents - R. Kelly, Beechpark; Reps. H. McLaughlin, Beechpark; R.
Cupples, 200/6 Manor Street; M. Laird, Beechpark; F. Curley, Beechpark -
Bill-posting site, Oldpark Road, David Allen & Sons.
2) 8th November 1955 Miss M. Kent, 387 Antrim Road, Belfast Dr. to City and
County Borough of Belfast, gas Department, Account - £2 - 5 - 9 (1957)

1) 1963/64 Northern Bank Ltd., Lisburn George Hawkins Esq., Beresford Street
2) 1969 - 15th May 1969 Summons Petty Sessions District of Belfast to
Alexander Wilson Kinnaird, 38 Upper Arthur Street, the owner of premises
situated at 62 Beresford Street. :- this house being in a damp state, caused
by a defective water supply pipe to the cistern of the external water
closet, so as to be a nuisance.
3) 23rd December 1965 Belfast County Borough Health Committee, Health
Department, 16 College Street, Belfast - Dwelling House in respect of which
this report is issued:- 64 Beresford Street, M. Matilda Ellwood. To
Alexander Kinnaird, Esq., 11 May Street, Belfast 1

1) 17th August 1979 Fl. Lt. Hawkins, Dundrod Alcrete, Pre Cast Concrete
Specialists, 136 Pond Park Road, Lisburn - Tiles £100 - D. R. Gordon
2) 22nd December 1970 L. Jackson Holmes, Solicitors, Belfast Bank Chambers,
Antrim - L. G. Hawkins, Esq., Budore, Crumlin, Co. Antrim - Leslie George
Hawkins & Thomas Gordon - Dear Sir, I have this morning received a letter
from Messrs. George McIldowie & Son, Solicitors, 26 Cornmarket, Belfast,
advising me that you wish to proceed against Mr. Thomas Gordon, labourer, of
64 Beresford Street, Belfast, on foot of a Mortgage dated 31st December 1969
and made between Thomas Gordon and yourself. I would be obliged if you could
call at my office and discuss this matter with Mr. Seymour on Tuesday 29th
December at 10.30 a.m. Yours faithfully L. Jackson Holmes
3) 15th January 1971 L. Jackson Holmes, Solicitor, Belfast Bank Chambers,
Antrim. George Hawkins, Esq., Budore, Dundrod, Crumlin, Co. Antrim - George
Hawkins & Thomas Gordon - Dear Sir, I enclose herewith a Photostat copy of a
letter which I received recently from the defendant's wife. I see no reason
for allowing this to alter the plans which Mr. Seymour outlined to you the
last time you were in the office but nevertheless I would be obliged to have
your further instructions. Yours faithfully L. Jackson Holmes

the end