Collection of assorted names, came together
2 or more cards per name -
Wade - Hilton -
Manderson - Faulkner -
Robinson - Laughlin -
Cuthbert - McIlveen
the following are mostly single postcards
- Short - Ball - Raby - Folley - Gladwell -
Neale - Kirkpatrick - Dickson - McNeill - Kidd - Bonar - Risk - Newell -
George - Hutchinson - Reid - Kinder - Bell - Hurley - Dennis - Kelly -
Millar - Ferris
everything else

1) 21st September 1963 Postmark ? to Miss M. ?, 121 Comber Road, Dundonald,
Belfast, N. Ireland - Never thought I could see this place but under the
circumstances don't enjoy it, I am still shaking at the knees. Will write
when I land, if ever now? E?
2) 10th May 1964 Postmark London to Miss M. Wade, 21d Melfort Drive, King's
Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - Hope your well, just up here for the day,
weather very poor. Regards B. Howard
3) 26th July 1967 Postmark Baile An Bhu? to Miss Marian Wade, Flat No. 4,
Melfort Drive, Tullycarnett, Knock, Belfast, N. Ireland - Tues. Enjoying
myself down here although the weather is poor at the moment. The Hotel is
good & food good. Doing a little touring. Will see you soon (DV) Mary (L)
4) 13th August 1964 Postmark San Francisco, Calif. to Miss M. Wade, 21D
Melfort Drive, Tullycarnet, Knock, Belfast, N. Ireland - Have been looking
for nice view of S. Rosa, can find more. Hope the mail situation has
straightened itself out now. Heat here terrific. Be seeing you. ? Eileen
5) 2nd August 1967 Postmark Montreal, Canada to Miss Marian Wade, 21D
Melfort Drive, Tullycarnet, Knock, Belfast, N. Ireland - Dear Marian, Hope
you had a good holiday in Italy. We are at EXPO to-day and at the moment we
are resting. Everything is very impressive but the crowds are terrific. You
would need to spend weeks here to see everything. Will be seeing you soon.
Love Amy. Bill sends his regards.
6) 29th July 1964 Postmark Bayonne to Miss M. Wade, Land Improvement Sect.
?/Agriculture, Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, N.I. -
Bayonne 27th July 1964 Spent a lovely day yesterday along N. Jersey coast &
thought it very nice. I'm really enjoying myself here, Marian & John is very
good to me. We hope to go to the World's Fair soon as I have only been in
New York one evening to see a show. The weather to-day is about 86° so we
are, at present at Bayonne Swimming Pool. Thank you so much for your
greetings. Pat
7) 23rd October 1962 Postmark Las Vegas to Miss M. Wade, 32 Hopefield
Avenue, Belfast, North Ireland - 10-23-62 Enjoying a few days here, very
hot, too. Shows are fabulous. Hope all is well with you. Love Helen

1) 31st October 1962 Postmark Williamsburg to Miss M. Wade, c/o Mrs.
McNeill, 259 Cavehill Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - 31.10.62 Hope your well,
weather poor, coldest in history for this part of the world, raining today.
Cheerio, regards Sincerely Bob Howard
2) 5th July 1962 Postmark Rochester to Miss Marian Ward, 259 Cavehill Road,
Belfast 15, Northern Ireland - 71 Bayberry Lane, Rochester, N.Y. Here I am
at last in U.S.A., lovely & hot, temp 80% (°) having a good time. Love
3) 3rd June 1964 Postmark ? San Francisco to Miss M. Ward, Ministry of
Agriculture, Dundonald House, Belfast, N. Ireland - Came down this street
5.30 a.m. with a crazy cha???? trying to pr? ? ? with S. ? - we made it, ? ?
? Enjoying life here at Belvedere? Mrs. E.
4) 17th June 1968 Postmark Truro, Cornwall to Miss M. Wade, 21D Melfort
Drive, Tullycarnet, Knock, Belfast - Truro, ? ? We spent Wed. night at
? We all were ? ? here ? ? we have been touring? from here since Friday, we
visited Penzance, Lands End and St. Ives? Sat we went to Love Polperro? &
Plymouth, today we spent it Newquay, lovely weather but a ? ? Love Ann? ?
5) 2nd May 1964 Postmark San Francisco to Miss M. Wade, Ministry of
Agriculture, Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, N. Ireland -
Lost your address, hope this finds you. ? ? ? ? soon. ? place. weather good,
enjoying it, ? Love E?
6) 23rd September 1963 Postmark Norfolk, V.A. to Miss Marian Wade, 121
Comber Road, Dundonald, Belfast, N. Ireland - 25/9/63 Thanks for your card.
Very nice trip out. I suppose you have seen the papers about our adventure.
Kindest regards B. Howard. P.S. I am sorry I hadn't the Scott's address
1970s & 1980s

1) 22nd August 1975 Postmark ? Canada to Miss Marian Wade, c/o Mr. & Mrs. W.
H. Bricknell, 47 Locke Avenue, St. Thomas, Ontaria (Ontario) Canada - Thurs.
Many thanks for phone call. It's a bit awkward talking in living room of
apartment. Arrived lunch time Monday, out visiting for dinner in eveg.,
spent Tuesday in City, had dinner & out for drinks at night. Went to Capital
City yesterday & not long home when you phoned. Have been out around ?
Shopping Centre today & just back 3.30 for lunch. Going out for drinks
tonight. Will try & phone when I get peace & quiet. Denis & I sleeping in
living room. Fred
2) 9th May 1988 Postmark Fuengirola to Mrs. E. H. Wade & Staff, Ravara
House, Ravara Gardens, Bangor, N. Ireland - 9/5/88 Arrived safe, had a two
hour delay at Aldergrove. Weather good, no rain, but quite a breeze blowing
which keeps you cool. We went into Fuengirola yesterday, had lunch, back to
pool. Regards to all. Keep well love Marian
3) 25th May 1989 Postmark Jersey to Miss M. Wade, 21D Melfort Drive,
Tullycarnet, Belfast, N. Ireland - We are having a great time. Good hotel,
and fantastic weather so far. We have a hired car & have been round the
Island. I like it very much here. Kindest regards Love Jo
4) 18th August 1988 Postmark ??sters Lake to Miss Marian Wade, 21 d Melfort
Drive, Dundonald, Belfast - 18/8/88 Well we're here! It's terrific, hope to
go to Prince Edward Island next week, had a great reception at the airport
on Fri. where it was 107° heat. See you, Jean
5) 6th February 1988 Postmark ? to Miss Marian wade, 21d Melfort Drive,
Tullycarnet, Belfast, North Ireland - Windsor Hotel, Portstewart. Hello
Marian, I hope that you had a great vacation. I've been in York for two
weeks, Belfast for one, so here I am. I will be returning to Belfast
possibly nest Tues or Wednesday, but will give you a call before then. It's
just great seeing all my old friends again, I'm enjoying it all Fondly,
Helen McA.
6) 3rd June 1988 Postmark Jersey to Miss M. Wade, 24d Melford Drive, off
Kings Road, Knock, Belfast, N.I. - Having a lovely holiday. Hotel super.
Weather glorious. Hired a car and have been sightseeing, all over the
Island. After 40 years the young fellow was talked into taking me for a
holiday. See you soon, S. & Jessie

1) 6th June 1983 Postmark Chailly to Miss Marian Wade, 21s Melfort Drive,
Tullycarnet, Belfast, Northern Ireland - Had a week with Gillian in Lausanne
& came here for a week to Italy, superb place, hotel on the beach & in the
Med., all day so hot. Food & wine etc. great. Jimmy never felt better for
years & bypass operation a big success. Love Olga & Jimmy? & Gillian
2) 29th May 1986 Postmark Lausanne to Miss M. Wade, 21d Melfort Drive,
Tullycarnet, Belfast, Northern Ireland - This is near Lausanne & where Nancy
Regan came when over in Geneva, it's a very pretty village on the lake side.
J. & I here staying with Gillian. She has a lovely apartment near the
Hospital where she nurses. It's a beautiful country & no wonder the wealthy
have houses here. Gillian is off on holiday this week so taking us around to
all the new interesting places. Very hot last week but pleasant for
sightseeing now. Hope to hear from you soon again, Love Olga & Jimmy
3) 13th May 1988 Postmark Fuengirola to Mrs. E. H. Wade & Staff, "Ravara
House", Ravara Gardens, Bangor, Co. Down, N. Ireland - Dear Mum, Enjoying
myself so far. Weather is good. Had a swim in the pool to-day. Walked on the
beach this morning, but the sea is very cold. To-morrow we are going to the
market. Marian is enjoying herself. Best love to you from Amy xxx
4) 29th November 1988 Postmark Gold Coast Mail Centre to Miss Marian Wade,
21D Melfort Drive, Tullycarnet, Belfast, N. Ireland - G'day! Just thought
you might like a postcard from Australia. We've been here for 5 days now and
so far things have been going? We're in Surfers' Paradise at the moment and
we're staying right along the beach. Gorgeous! It's going to be hard coming
home after being spoilt with this warm weather. Hope you have a good Xmas
and I#m sure you'll hear some stories about this trip from my Mom. Love
5) 27th January 1989 Postmark Tenerife to Miss M. Wade, 21d Melfort Drive,
Tullycarnet, Knock, Belfast, N. Ireland - 25/1 Hi there! Decided to send you
a card after all couldn't help myself!! We are enjoying ourselves as per
usual. Weather here a bit changeable last 10 days but ? right now. Hope al
is well with you both. Love ?
6) 14th September 1988 Postmark San Francisco to Miss M. Wade, 21D Melfort
Drive, Tullycarnet, Belfast, North Ireland - Boo-Ah Boo-Ah! Sept. 13th '88
Hello Marian, It was just great seeing you after all these years, if only
for a short visit. I had a very enjoyable holiday, good weather. I hope all
is well with you, you don't look a day older! Would you please send me
Eileen's Address, I'd like to sent them a Xmas card. Thank you, Love Helen
7) (Just an envelope) 23rd June 1988 Postmark Belfast to Miss M. Wade, 21D
Melfort Drive, Tullycarnet, Belfast
no dates

1) to Miss M. Wade, 21D Melford Drive, Tullycarnet, Knock, Belfast, N.
Ireland - There are some lovely beaches on Menorca but none are so fine as
those in N. Ireland. The weather has been rather disappointing too, much
like Scotland but we have enjoyed getting about in the little car and seeing
the island. It is a very beautiful island and everything is so clean & the
people very friendly. All good wishes Love Kathleen
2) to Miss Marian Wade, 21D Melfort Drive, Tullycarnet, Belfast, N. Ireland
- Oct. 31. Dear Marian, To-day we have been in St. Thomas and we took a trip
to St. John. It was a beautiful day, hot & sunny. At present we are sailing
to St. Marteen then we have a day at sea on our way to Barbados, then
Martinique. I just came back to the cabin but the halloween Party is still
going on. I left Michele up there talking to another girl from Canada. We
are both enjoying ourselves so far. Hope you are well. Love from Amy &
Michele. This is the cruise ship we are on.
3) to Miss Marian Wade, 21D Melfort Drive, Tullycarnet, Belfast, N. Ireland
- Hope you are well. Dear Marian, We are having a good time. On Tuesday we
went on a tour of Havana and in the evening went to a Night Club. The show
was lively and very colourful. At the moment I am on the beach. Sun is hot,
but sometimes it is very cloudy. The sea is a lovely colour and is quite
warm. This Northern coast of Cuba is the Atlantic. Regards to Fred. Best
love to you from Amy & Bill
4) to Miss M. Wade, 21D Melfort Drive, Tullycarnet, Belfast, N. Ireland -
Having a lovely holiday & good weather. We were at Mijas today Chris, Brian,
Michael & John going to Morocco Friday. Miss Fred & you here. Hope to see
you both in Dungiven soon. Love John, Chris & Co.
5) Postmark Garvagh to Miss M. Wade, Flat 21D Melfort Drive, Tullycarnet,
Knock, Belfast - Having a good time visiting all my friends. Plenty chat &
cups of tea. Going to Hughie's on Monday. Weather changeable. Love Lily

1) 28th August 1920? Postmark Londonderry to Mr. Jack McNeill, Britannia
Cottage, Watersloo, Larne - Arrived here o.k. & don't feel terribly bad
altho' I could howl if I wanted. I hope you got home alright. My love to
all, Paddy
1) 3rd November 1943 Postmark Leiston Suffolk to D. Hilton, Esq., Brittania
Cottage, Drains Bay, Larne, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland - 225 PC 13
40 ACG 3 Nov. 43 Dear Davie, My heartiest congratulations to you on
getting your eighth bar! Also, I trust you will convey my respects and
similar felicitations to Margaret for running you so close. Maybe you will
also, if the opportunity occurs, congratulate the clubbers for me, by virtue
of their various lesser successes. I hope you are enjoying life and keeping
alive a hen or two for peace celebrations! I wonder how J.P.P. and the rest
are? I have no news. Some say there's a war on. This may be more than mere
rumour, who knows! I wish I were coming to that "do" which the L.S.C.
members will be having! However - "other suns will surely follow." Cheerio!
Good luck! Andy McDowall. Ps: It's nearly twenty years since I first joined
the Club. Remember J. K. Greenlees, Marshall Whiteside, Sam McMeekin, Jim
Conlan, Norman Rae, Mr. Boyd! Happy days! I can scarcely manage a bath
2) 4th December 1943 to Mrs. Hilton, Britania Cottage, Drains Bay, Larne, N.
Ireland ~ written on envelope: Ans. Decr. 10th, wrote again Decr.
20th, again Feby. 16th ~ From H.M. Ship, Passed by Censor from Phil Aylward,
D/J.X.211457 H.M.S. Searcher, c/o S.P.O. London, Eng. - Dear Marg, Received
your most welcome letter and was so glad to hear from you, and to know you
are all well at home. Well Marg, them photos came out pretty good, I thought
you were after forgetting about sending them, And I'm still waiting for a
few more of the Cows. Marg you say its weeks since you had any word from me,
Marg there must be a few letters astray because I've answered all yours
letters. Marg did you have any letters from Mother, becaus according to her
last letter she said she wrote, you should have received them by this. Oh
yes I had a Christmas card from Ruby also. Received yours in which I thank
you all, Marg. Jim glad your brother had a safe journey, hoping he will be
home for Christmas and Jim, sure he will enjoy himself as much as I did
while I was in Ireland. Well Marg time is getting on so I will have to bring
this scribble to a close, hoping to hear from you again soon. Wishing you,
Davey, Mother and your brother A Very happy Christmas, Love and Kisses to
you all. From Phil
1) 19th January 1944 Postmark Brooklyn, N.Y. to Mrs. Hilton, Britannia
Cottage, Drain's Bay, Larne, N. Ireland from Phil Aylward c/o Mrs. Ed
Fleming, 391 2nd St., Brooklyn, New York - Dear Marg, Just a few lines to
let you know I am well and having a swell time, hoping to find you, Davey &
Mother the same. Marg I guess you were expecting a christmas card from me,
be we sailed? on a surprise to everybody. So I am hoping to be excused. Marg
I am expecting this letter will take quite a while to go, but I will send it
by Air and it shouldn't take so long, I hope. I guess you were wondering who
this letter came from but as you know we get around. I was trying for Leave
home, but could not get transport, so as far as Leave goes it's all off.
Well how is things in Ireland, have you met any of my friends since I left,
or is it to cold on the shore road now? Oh yes did you have any letters from
my mother since I left, because I know she wrote you. She is always talking
of how she would like to go to Ireland, but she should have thought of that
20 years ago. Guess if you had any news from mother, she was telling you
about my sister joining up, well I hope she will like this life. Marg I have
seen quite a few of my people since I came to U.S.A. and they are all fine
and are giving me a swell time. Marg I guess you are wondering why I have
not put my address on the top of this letter, but I am going to put it in
c/o of my Aunt, it will probly reach me quicker. Time is getting on so I
will bring this letter to a close, hoping to hear from you soon. Cheerio
Love & Kisses to you Davey & Mother, from Phil
2) 29th February 1944 to Mrs. Hilton, Britannia Cottage, Drains bay, Larne,
N. Ireland ~ written on envelope: Ans. March 9 1944, wrote again
April 4th ~ 29/2/44 Phil Aylward A.B. D/J.X.211457, H.M.S. Searcher, c/o
G.P.O. London, Eng. - Dear Marg, Just a few lines to let you know I am well
and having a swell time, hoping to find you, Davey & Mother are having the
same. Well Marg, did you get my last letter, hope you did becaus I am
waiting for an answer. I should get it any time now. Well, if I don't get
Leave soon I'll go nuts so help me, becaus I don't know how my chicken are
getting on since I left. - Ha Ha. Marg, its some change when you leave the
states and come back to this Country, if you go ashore for big eats, they
give you a cup of tea and a slice of toast, but I guess its the best the can
do, if you go into a Restaurant in the states they will give you anything
you ask for, you couldn't cl?, that there's a war on there, plenty of Beer
and Wisky but as you know I don't drink Ha Ha. Well Marg, this letter is
going to be a short one, becaus its just about time for dinner & I got the
afternoon watch. So I will close this letter, hoping to hear from you soon.
remember me to Davey & Mother, Cheerio Love & Kisses to you Davey, Mother &
friends from Phil
1) 17th April 1944 to Mrs. Hilton, Brittania Cottage, Drains Bay, Larne, N.
Ireland ~ written on envelope: Ans Apr. 24th ~ Philip A. Aylward, A.B.
D/J.X. 211457 H.M.S. Searcher, c/o G.P.O. London, Eng. 16/4/44
Dear Marg, Many thanks for your most welcome letter, I was so glad to hear
from you. I'm not long in from Sea, and we enjoyed our trips very much. Marg
I guess you have read all about the tropitz?, we were there and every thing
came off quite, only its was terrible cold. Much colder than the Shores of
Drain's Bay. Marg we were expecting Leave, but I think its all off now,
better luck next time, how is Davey getting on with his work, I guess he is
quite busy now trying to get all the Crops in, wish I could get some leave
to help him, remember me to Mother, and tell her not to work to hard. I went
ashore a few nights ago, and went to a dance there was also a friend with
me, we always go together, both us enjoyed our selves very much. I was after
telling him about the time I use to have on leave, and about the time I use
to have when I would go to a dance and he is all for it, and wants to come
on Leave with me, but its all up to you Marg, if you think you can make room
for two of us. I would be really thankful, and will bring him along with me.
Marg how is Jinger remember me to him when you see him. There is not much to
talk about so I will bring this letter to a close, hoping to hear from you
again soon. Cheerio Love & Kisses to you All. from Phil
2) 30th April 1944 to Mrs. D. Hilton, Drains Bay, Larne, N. Ireland ~
written on envelope: Ans. May 31st '44, wrote again Sept. 12th, + again
Decr. 11th ~ Phil Aylward, A.B. D/J.K.211457 H.M.S. Searcher c/o G.P.O.
London, Eng. 30/4/44 Dear Davey, Just a few lines to let you know I am well
and enjoying life and having a good time, hoping to find you all the same.
Davey I guess your going to have company, because I'm going to bring my pal
along with me when I get leave, and believe me he is all for it, he always
did like working on a farm so I reckon we will have to find plenty for him
to do, I was asking him if he knew how to make a hay stack, so he said yes,
and if we can get leave during hay making time, us three I think can manage
the lot so stand by with plenty hay forks. Davey I had a letter from Marg,
she was telling me you had the spuds in, well I'm glad of that becaus if I
get leave now, I will have the time of my life, probly will be able to ride
around on the bike all day. Ha Ha. Davey we had a few good photos taking the
last time we were at Sea. I will send them the next chance I get. Davey I'm
trying to write this letter sitting on the bunk, and a few of the boys, one
here, pulling my boots off throwing tobacco cans around and God knows what,
I'm just getting fed up. I got a good boot, by my side now, the first one
who comes handy is getting it. Davey I will bring this letter to a close,
hoping to hear from you soon. Cheerio Love & Kisses to you, Marg & Mother
from your old friend Phil
3) (I think this is 1944) 8th September to Mrs. Hilton, Britannia Cottage,
Drains Bay, Larne, N. Ireland ~ written on envelope: Ans. Oct. 22, wrote
again Nov 29th ~ Phil Aylward, A.B. D/J.X. 211457 H.M.S. Searcher, c/o
G.P.O. London, Eng. - Dear Marg, Just a few lines to thank you for your most
welcome letter, I was so glad to hear from you and to know your Davey & Mrs.
McNeil are well as it me the same. Well Marg you seem to be having trouble
with the hay, well its a good thing I didn't get them 7 days Leave becaus
you would probly blame me for not getting hay in, but I do hope you got the
hay in by now. Marg I had a swell time last night, I went up skating and you
might say I had a swell time, its the first time I've been on skates sence I
left home, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Well Marg its just about bed
time so I will close hoping to hear from you soon. So Cheerio Love to you,
Davey & Mrs. McNeil from Phil
20th March 1945 Postmark Plymouth, Devon to Mrs. Hilton, Bratannia Cottage,
Drains Bay, Larne, N. Ireland ~ written on envelope: Ans. March 24th ~
19/3/45 Phil Aylward, D/J.X. 212457 Mess E.1. R.N.B. Devonport, Eng. -
Dear Marg, Just a few lines to let you know I am well, hoping to find you
Davey & Miss? Mc? the same. Marg as you will see by my address, I am not on
the Searcher now. I left her a few weeks ago. I'm in the R.N.B. waiting to
go home on leave. Well how is things going in Drains Bay sence I've last
heard from you, I am hoping to see you all when I get back, and if there is
anything you or Davey or your Mother would like, let me know when you write.
Marg did you have any news from home lately, let me know when you write. I
had a letter from May a few days ago, also one from my Sister in Canada,
they are all fine and wish to be remembered. Marg I guess you though I had
forgotten all about you and all in Drains Bay but NO, I can never forget the
good times I had while I was in Drains Bay, and all you done for me, the
only way I can pay you back is for you & Davey to come to N.7.7. or F.F.?
after the War and I'll make sure I'll give you a good time. Well whats the
weather like in D.B., still plenty of rain I guess, the weather is good down
this way, just like Summer only the wather is little to cold for swimming.
That's about all the news up to now so I will bring this letter to a close,
hoping to hear from you soon. Cheerio & God Bless you all from Phil
1) 21st July 1945 Postmark Plymouth, Devon to D. Hilton, Britannia Cottage,
Drains Bay, Larne, N. Ireland - 21/7/45 Phil Aylward, A.B. D/J.X. 211457
Mess G.4. R.A.B. Devonport, Eng. Dear friends, Just a few lines to let
you know I am well and having a swell time, hoping to find you & Davey &
Mother the same, well I guess you are both busy on the farm, wish I could
give you a hand at present time, I'm in Barracks, and hoping to get out
soon, if I could get some kind of a ship, I would be better off. Marg I went
to London on 14 days Tropical test, and believe me I will never do it again,
they put us in a hot Chamber, the heat was up to a 125 degrees, my
temperature was up to 103.4 I thought my time was come, but instead of
passing out, I'm feeling better than ever, and ready for a good hard days
works on the farm. Marg did you have any news from home lately, let me know
when you write, I had a letter from Mom? a few days ago, but its a letter
that's been written before I went home. Well time is getting on so I will
bring this letter to a close, hoping to hear from you & Davey soon. So
untill then I will say Cheerio and all my love & kisses to you, Davey &
Mother from Phil
2) 4th August 1945 Postmark Plymouth, Devon to Mrs. Hilton, Britannia
Cottage, Drain's Bay, Larne, N. Ireland - Royal Naval Barracks, Devonport
4/8/45 Phil Aylward, A.B. D/J.X. 211457 Mess G.4. R.N.B. Devonport,
Eng. - My Dear friends, I guess you will be surprised to hear from me, but I
have wrote since I came back but had no answer, guess you are all to busy at
the Crops. I had a letter from home a few days ago and everybody seem to be
doing fine but Mom?, and she is not to well, she work to hard I think. Marg
whats the weather like now? down hear its not? so bad this last week and all
the boys are down on the football field getting what they can off it. Well
Marg I'm hoping for a draft soon, I'm fed up with this place. I sure miss
home since I came back, guess its the place I'm in. Oh yes did you get your
bathing cap you are after. Sorry I had no luck when I was home, but I tried
and I also got Mom? & my sister to see if they could so any better but the
answer we got was no rubber in town. Well there is not much news up to yet.
So untill I hear from you I will say Cheerio and all my love to you Davey &
Mother from Phil
no date
to Mrs. D. Hilton, "Britannia Cottage" Drain's Bay, Larne, North Ireland
back of envelope: K or R 16845 L/Cpl. Thompson D.? Tweedsuneer? House,
Khaki? C. of C. Cdn. Army Overseas (Cows Finished) - Wednesday 10th October,
Command Pay Detachment R.C.A.P.C. Cdn. Army O'seas. On Active Service
Dear Margaret, Your very welcome letter came yesterday, I was just about to
write and warn you that I'm coming, I should get to Larne on Saturday the
20th, one week from this coming Sat. Frankly, this transport to Canada is
really messed up, however it goes on slowly, though right now most of the
ships have been sent to the East to pick up P.O.W.'s there. We'll get them
back maybe in December, and so I think I'll get home in March, that won't be
too bad. In the meantime my former unit, the Base Workshop, has disbanded
and I am now attached to the Pay Corps, it's a pretty good go, this new
post. There are only 30 of us in the unit, and we have really no army
routine at all. The work is fairly interesting, its auditing payrolls, and
at least keeps us busy all day. We are quartered in a requisitioned house, a
huge place, and mostly we sleep two to a bedroom. Our meals are served to
us, no more queueing up and waiting, all in all it's a nice way to spend the
next few months. Uncle Alf's accident was really a blow, but all the
news from Dorothy about his condition is good, he seems to be making a
remarkable recovery. He's a really fine man, made a point of finding me when
our train passed through Montreal to say Hello, I surely hope he recovers
soon. How is the soap situation? I'll bring along a couple of bars of Lux
that I've picked up, and I have just one packet of cheese, no parcels
lately. But I'll be over soon. My regards to your mother and Dave. Sincerely
1) envelope, no letter ~ 19th January 1950 Postmark London to Mrs. D.
Hilton, Britannia Cottage, Drains Bay, Larne, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland ~
written on envelope: Cost of John's Layette
9th July 1957 Postmark Montreal, Canada to Mrs. David Hilton, Britannia
Cottage, Drains Bay, Larne, Co. Antrim, North Ireland from ? Wylie, 6201
Sherbrooke Street West, Apt. No. 509, Montreal 28, P.Q. Canada - Decr. 9/57
Dear Margaret, You will be wondering why you have not heard from me lately,
especially after I mailed food parcel of Novr. 20th. The chief reason is an
attack of flu and the after effects. So I am about two weeks behind in all
my overseas mailing of letters & cards. I managed to get a few cards off by
regular mail so yours should reach you before Christmas. Cards for the
children are in a separate envelope but mailed same time as yours. Don't
tell children what, I'm going to wink now, as I want them to get surprise
when their parcels arrive. I had Christmas gifts for the children but flu
delayed these too, so am afraid they won't reach them until New Year
although mailed Decr. 6th. In the large flat parcel there is a Table Mat Set
for John to paint. He seems to like using crayons & colours, so can try his
hand with paints & brush. If he thinks the job is "too sissy" for him you
can use the mats without being painted. In same box there is a "Look & Learn
Lotto game" for Ann. Its an "Aid-to-reading game," with pictures, letters &
words, for children ages 5 to 9 & as two to six children can play at one
time I thought Ann might get some fun with it & maybe help her in spelling
(if she needs any help). Although Matt is not quite five yet, he too van
join in the game as he will recognise a lot of the pictures & know them by
name & maybe teach him spelling. When Ann gets the game, I would suggest
that you or Davy read the instructions and when you cut up or break off the
small pieces at the perforations there should be 48 small pieces with one
picture on each, and 6 large pieces with 8 pictures on each. You & Davy
start the three children by playing a few games, with them & they will soon
catch on to it. In the same box there is a Roll Wave Hair Brush & Comb (one
Auntie Lilian had) which I thought you or Ann might be able to use as you
both have natural wavy hair. I hope the brush doesn't get damaged in
transit. The Every Woman's Magazine will give you an idea of the crazy life
some people live in the States. Now for Master Matt!! I thought at his age
he might like a toy, so the other parcel contains an All-Metal, "Greyhound"
Bus, Modelled something like the Express busses one sees on this Continent
for long trips. There is some sort of mechanism inside the rear end of the
bus that drives the bus by friction. So you or Davy can show Matt how to
make it run by taking hold of the bus with one hand & giving it a quick
forward jerk or two with all wheels on the floor (especially the two rear
wheels) & then releasing it quickly it will travel straight along the floor.
The distance it travels depends on how much of a start you give it. I think
if it runs 10 or 12 feet on a linoleum covered floor or bare wood floor that
may be the limit. Davy, no doubt, knows how to explain Friction Drive. No
instructions came with bus so had to get information from sales clerk. As I
couldn't get a suitable box for packing bus I had to join two small ones, so
you will have to be very careful in opening this package as the brown
coloured carton lifts off the other carton. There were no dents in the bus
and I hope it arrives in good condition. Montreal Stores are loaded with
merchandise from many parts of the globe, so don't think anything of it
because bus was made in Japan. I'm all for Canadian & British goods when I
can get what I want. I'm sorry to have dwelt so long on details about game &
bus but hope that what I've said will be helpful. Both parcels were put in
the Post Office at same time so trust they will be delivered to you in same
post. Do wish they could have them while on their holidays. I was so glad to
know that drapes fitted John's window & that you liked them. It's a pleasure
to me to know they are giving you & John some enjoyment instead of lying in
my cupboard. I enclose the mate of the first towel in parcel of Nov. 20th. I
couldn't get another packet of Del-Monte Apricots so had to send Golden Glow
brand which you have had on some other occasions. That was a good idea of
yours using the packet of Del M Apricots with the apple juice. Hoping this
will find you all well. Love Uncle, I have scarves, socks, hankys & all the
other things to wear, so please don't send me anything, except usual
(some of these have quite late dates on them but being
postcards the information is not private anyway, were they letters I would
not include them on the site)

1) 9th July 1957 Postmark Pamplona to Miss E. Manderson, 9 Nassau Street,
Shankill Road, Belfast, Irlanda del Norte - This cards rather more genteel!
Trip still wonderful. There's a lot of lightning among the mountains at
night but blue skies all day. You could fry an egg on the sand of the
bullring, and during Fiesta nobody would think you the slightest bit queer
if you did. All the best L.
2) 2nd September 1957 Postmark Paris to Miss E. Manderson, 9 Nassau Street,
Belfast, Irlande du Nord - Weather good, food & wine good, everything good.
September is as nice a time as any in Paris, except perhaps May. I've been
looking up the old haunts, many have gone, sad! Best wishes L.

6th September 1963 Postmark St. Ives, Cornwall to Miss Manderson, 9 Nassau
Street, Shankill Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - Enjoying our stay here. Went to
Looe & Polperro, all these places are very quaint & arty. I'm sure you would
like them. Weather sunny but not warm enough for me to bathe. Hope you
enjoyed Rathmullan. Winifred

1) 22nd June 1981 Postmark Douglas, I.O.M. to Miss E. Manderson, 7 Prestwick
Drive, Oldpark Road, Belfast, N.I. - Dear Evelyn, Have not forgotten you, my
sister & sister-in-law are on this holiday with me. Good weather at last.
Staying in the Empress Hotel. Hope you are still enjoying your retirement.
Nice meeting you on our last holiday, Lena? Baird
2) 6th July 1981 Postmark Banbury to Miss E. Manderson, 7 Prestwick Drive,
Ballysillan, Belfast, N. Ireland - On way back from Paris, sitting in coach
because Ferry is late. Such a runaround in Paris, we could not find stamps.
Had a bus tour round the Nite spots, they nearly left me there! Kind regards
from us 3. Olive, Jean & Hugh
3) 30/9/89 Postmark ? Spain to Miss Evelyn Manderson, 7 Prestwick Drive,
Belfast, N. Ireland, United Kingdom - Enjoying holiday. Have now arrived in
Cordola after visiting Granada for 2 nights, also did a tour of the Siena
Nevada? Mts. with wonderful views. Francis

1) 21st February 1925 Postmark Eaglesfield, Lockerbie to Miss Irene
Faulkner, 3 Kitchener Terrace, Donaghadee, Co. Down, Ireland - Just a P.C.
to say I sent you a small box snowdrops, hope they arrive in good condition.
This is a view of the house. I still like being here, not much difference &
in Ireland, lots of men & people working around, so is quite lively, hope to
hear from you soon, T.? Watson
2) 24th December 1926 Postmark London to Miss Irene Faulkner, 3 Kitchener
Terrace, Millisle Road, Donaghadee, Co. Down, Ireland - 53 Punes? Road,
Kendal Rise, London Dear Irene, Just a P.C. to wish you all a very
happy xmas & a bright New Year, tell Daddy I will write to him after x Love
to all, Uncle George
3) 30th July 1928 Postmark Liverpool to Miss Irene Faulkner, 3 Kitchener
Terrace, Millisle Road, Donaghadee - 41 Prospect Vale, Fairfield, Liverpool.
I am here today & enjoying myself greatly. Lots of Love from Edna. Write

1) 3rd August 1931 Postmark Harrogate, Yorks to Miss Faulkner, Kitchener
Terrace, Millisle Road, Donaghadee, Co. Down, Northern Ireland - I am
enjoying lovely weather & hope you are having it as fine for your holiday.
Remember me to Father & Mother, ?ylla ?
2) 10th August 1937 Postmark Douglas, Isle of Man to Mr. A. Faulkner, 64
Fitzwilliam Street, Lisburn Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - Had a fairly good
crossing, got here about 9.40, we had the company of Mr. & Mrs. ? McClure of
D'Dee. all the way, weather good so far. May & Irene
3) 6th July 1939 Postmark Wood Green to Miss I. Faulkner, 52 Fitzwilliam
Street, Lisburn Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - Having a lovely time
sight-seeing London, Love from Eva

1) 27th February 1904 Postmark Pretoria to Miss M. Robinson, Shankhill Road,
Fire Station, Belfast, Ireland - Meg, Have started work again, Willie
2) 27th February 1904 Postmark Pretoria to Miss M. Robinson, Shankhill Road,
Fire Station, Belfast, Ireland - Meg, Will write you next week, hoping that
all are well at home, Willie

1) 10th October 1905? Postmark Glasgow to Miss Robinson, c/o Miss Boyd, High
Street, Belfast - ?????????????
2) 27th June 1906 Postmark Belfast to Miss Robinson, 168 Castlereagh Street,
Belfast - Dear Maggie, Many thanks, shall be pleased to go Sunday, shall see
you after school time: say if 5 o'c at Albert Memorial would suit you. With
love T. ? Samuel?
3) 3rd September 1906 Postmark Kensington t9o Miss Robinson, c/o Miss Boyd,
57? High Street, Belfast, Ireland - Dear May, You will be surprised to hear
I am here, having a nice time, hoping all are well, M. C.
4) 30th? November 1906 Postmark St. John? to Miss Annie Robinson, 128
Castlereagh Road, Belfast, Ireland - Dear Annie, I am very sorry I did not
have time to drop a line before leaving Liverpool. I was at Belfast since I
seen you, will give you full account next mail. A. Maginnes
5) 17th January 1908 Postmark Belfast to Miss Reggie Robinson, 62 Redcar
Street, City - Thought you would have been up before this, could you come up
an evening this week, any evening you like will suit me. Am going to
Newtownards on Sunday. How are you both getting along. E. R? is coming up on
Tuesday I think, if I don't see Annie tell her to come up for her tea. Don't
forget to drop me a P.C. With love to Annie & yourself Sallie
6) 16th March 1908 Postmark Norfolk, VA to Miss A. Robinson, c/o Messrs.
Dobbins & Co., 55 & 57 North Street, Belfast, Ireland - S/S Chenison?
Norfolk U.S.A. 13.3.08 How's things Annie, I hope you have wrote to
France & told me all the news, its taking Meg a long time to write that
letter you told me about, if I'm anywhere near England this summer I'd drop
around to see you, Rsptly yours H. Magennis
7) 9th March 1909 Postmark Belfast to Miss Robinson, 29? Donegall Pass,
Belfast - ? as usual, I hope you will be there, bring another copy of
'Meeting of the Waters' if possible, I can take one. E. Wilson
8) to Miss Robinson, Donegall Pass, Belfast - Hello! how are you? Why it
seems ages since I left home, in many respects I am a boy no longer, life is
great out here for developing me. Jack G.

1) 17th May 1984 Postmark Penrith, Cumbria to Mrs. ? Laughlin, Lyn Grove,
Maghera Road, Kilrea, Co. Derry, Ulster - 15.5.84 Having our usual "spring"
holiday here in Patterdale. We have had a few super hot days & walked miles
over the fells (- in shorts!). Now it has changed to rain - so we are able
to rest & nurse our blisters! Do hope you are well & that the wedding went
well for Rosemary. I hope you will be able to get a holiday yourself. Give
my love to Marian? With love Joyce
2) 2nd October 1986 Postmark Reading? to Mrs. Anne Loughlin, Maghera Road,
Kilrea, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland - Dear Aunty Nan, I'm at the end of my second
full day at Reading & beginning to really enjoy myself. My room is very
comfortable & everyone is very friendly. We were at a formal dinner last
night which was followed by a disco and I'm going to a 1st year's ball
tonight which should be fun. My timetable is a pretty full one & Reading
starts on Friday but I'm looking forward to it. see you at Christmas Love
3) 27th A? 198? Postmark ? to Mrs. A. Laughlin, No. 9 Maghera Road, Kilrea,
Co. Londonderry, N. Ireland - We are having a very good time. The weather
nice & warm so we have had nice runs in the car. Martha, David join in
Sending best wishes, love Anne & Hilda
4) to Mrs. A. Laughlin, Lyngrove, Kilrea, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry, N.I. -
We had a slight at Aldergrove otherwise a very good flight. Weather
beautiful, very hot up in the 80s. Went to Market on Tuesday, going out this
evening for dinner and show. Hope you are well, Love Marian
5) 29th May 1990 Postmark N.S.W. to Auntie Nan Loughlin, "Lyngrove" Kilrea,
Co. Antrim, N. Ireland, U.K. - Dear Auntie Nan, Sorry I haven't written for
so long but the last couple of months have been really hectic. I've had a
wonderful time doing lots of really exciting things that I'll tell you all
about when I see you. Unfortunately it is winter here in Sydney now so it's
quite cold and wet, Australia's not always sunny! I fly home via Singapore
and Moscow & get in on the 8th of June to London & I'll be home a few days
later. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again. I hope you're all well
and enjoying the summer. Will see you soon. Love Evelyn xx
6) 1974 Postmark Port Erin to Mrs. A. Laughlin, Lyngrove, Maghera Road,
Kilrea, Coleraine, Co. Derry, N.I. - Thurs. Arrived safely on Tuesday.
Crossing a bit rough for last half hour but everyone o.k., yesterday was
lovely day, to-day dull to showery. We went to Douglas to-day. Having good
time & hotel good. Love P??lls

1) 13th August 1923 Postmark Stranraer to Mr. Ed. Cuthbert, 10 Mill Street,
Larne - Hello ? having a good time, weather grand and enjoying ourselves
a.1. Will be home on Thursday night perhaps, Thompson
2) 23rd February 191? Postmark Ferry? to Miss Lily Cuthbert, Mill Street,
Larne, Ireland - Dear Lily, Just to let you know I got home alright. Tell
Mother I am enjoying myself fine. Tell all the boys I am asking for them
especially Mason if he is in. Jock?
3) 5th December 1917 Postmark Athlone to Mrs. Cuthbert, 10 Mill Street,
Larne, Ireland - Dearest Aunt and Uncle, I am writing these few lines
letting you know I am well, hoping yous are the same. Dear Aunt I got your
nice letter and the 10/- and I must say you are good to me. I am glad Lillie
for her Broochs. Best love from Jack Athlone xx's
4) 21st September 1922 Postmark Stranraer to Mrs. ? Bonar, 10 Mill Street,
Larne - PC As T.? has never answered did he get my letter of a fortnight
ago? Perhaps his address was wrong, you can see Lily & send back word as you
could come over yourself as I want a run over for a day for a change, you
could stay a week. I. or J. B.?

1) 30th May 1972 Postmark Edinburgh to Mr. & Mrs. J. McIlveen, 107 Benmore
Drive, Finaghy, Belfast, N. Ireland - Having a grand time here, although the
weather is very poor. Visited 3 castles, and 2 churches yesterday. Going to
Dundee to see Nettie to-day. Love to all Madge & Richard
2) 14th July 1974 Postmark Grimsby & Cleethorpes to Mr. & Mrs. R. J.
McIlveen, 107 Benmore Drive, Finaghy, Belfast, N. Ireland - Enjoying our
holiday and getting good weather. We have been staying in Scotland and now
in this part of England. Kind regards Clar? & Elsie
Postcards, assorted names
mostly single postcards in chronological order
(some of these have quite late dates on them but being postcards the
information is not private anyway, were they letters I would not include
them on the site)

1) 20th May 1906 Postmark Shoreham, Sussex to Miss Neale, "Brown's Lodge"
Reigate, Surrey - Southdown School, Shoreham. Thank you so very much for the
letter. I am so glad you liked the flowers. Much love from Doris
2) 26th August 1910 Postmark Ramsgate to Miss N. Folley, 8 Avenue Road, Sth.
Tottenham, London - Dear Nellie, Hope you have had a nice holiday & are
feeling better for it. Fancy having three weeks. We are just enjoying ours
very much. Love from Lily
3) 31st July 1911 Postmark Llandudno to Mrs. Kirkpatrick, 29 New Bridge
Street, Strangeways, Manchester, England - Wales. 8 Bodafon Row. We are
having splendid weather here & all keeping well. Hoping you are all in best
of health. Clara

1) 7th March 1920 Postmark Leamington Spa to Miss Short?, 94 Grassmar? Road,
London - The Clarendon Hotel, Leamington Spa. March 7th - Thank you
for sending P.C. I had a comfortable journey & a lovely day, also this
morning not any colder than London. I leave on Thursday. This is a bright
clean town, I thought this P.C. would interest you, hope all are well & was
very kind of you & Miss A ? ? ? ? yours M. ? Henley
2) 4th ? 1925 Postmark Bellaghy to Miss Emma Kidd, Toomebridge, Co. Antrim -
Dear Emma, Just a line to say I can't get down on Sunday evening owing to my
Aunt Rachel being dead, she died Saturday 11-15 a.m., hoping you are well. (L.R.)
3) 8th June 1929 Postmark Kilwinning, Ayrshire to Miss Sophie Millar, Glen
Lodge, Suffolk, Dunmurry, Co. Antrim, Ireland - Dear Sophia, Arrived safe,
Having a good time motoring round the Country. Aster?

1) an envelope, no letter - 19th July 1940 Postmark ???ster and
Chat???? to Mrs. W. J. Hutchinson, Greenholme, Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim,
Northern Ireland
2) 27th June 1947 Postmark Glasgow to Mr. & Mrs. ?. W. George, 64
Fitzwilliam Street, University Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - Many thanks for
your card. I suppose you are back to porridge by this time - we go back to
it on Tues. morning. We were a bus tour this way yesterday. It was great,
the scenery is magnificent. You will have to make a point of having a
holiday this was before long, it's well worth while. Love from M???? & Self
3) 31st August 1947 Postmark Ashbourne, Derbyshire to Mrs. Raby, 69 Calderon
Road, Leytonstone, London - Ha? Hall, Saturday 30th. Dear Mother, What a
beautiful place this is!!! The river runs through the grounds through very
steep banks, hundreds of feet high and covered with beautiful trees. Don't
think I have been extravagant in buying postcards as this one cost me
exactly 1d. We had a very comfortable journey and the weather this afternoon
was very beautiful. Mary loves this place. Ward?? however won't put us up
next Saturday. Love Vera
4) 23rd October 1948? Postmark Riverside? to Mrs. Dickson, 58 Sandhurst
Gardens, Stranmillis, Belfast, Northern Ireland - Dear Mrs. Dickson, nearing
the end of my lovely holiday here. Wish you could see the beautiful places
around here, nearly as nice as Ballymena? Hope Mr. Dickson, yourself & Eva
keep well. Love from Eileen, Blink?. Terry & myself, yours Jean Moffat

1) 18th July 1950 Postmark Broadstairs, Kent to Mrs. Gladwell, 12 Queens
Avenue, Winchmore Hill, London - Tuesday 18/7/50 Here we are all safe &
sound. Weather very doubtful, but food good, mustn't expect too much. Alan
very excited, and thrilled with his cricket set & proudly displaying it to
everyone. Hope you are feeling better, Love to all, From Alan, Lilian
2) 10th July 1953 Postmark Thurso? to Mr. & Mrs. R. Dougan, Downpatrick
Street, Rathfriland, Co. Down, N. Ireland - Having a wonderful tour, came
along this valley yesterday. The scenery is marvellous. Hope the garden is
still in production. Love R. & G. Marshall
3) 26th June 1959 Postmark Torquay, Devon to Mrs. Newell & Aileen, 130
Ardenlee Avenue, Cregagh, Belfast, N. Ireland - Hello there, We arrived here
safely, after a very tiresome journey. The CE Dome is really lovely & so is
Torquay. The food & fellowship is grand. The sun is just glorious. I do hope
you are both well. I will come to visit you when I come home. Love Ann xxx

26th June 1961 Postmark Carmel, California to Mrs. W. T. Ferris, 6 Folly
Road, Armagh, N. Ireland - Greetings from Carmel. Walter

1) 30th May 1973 Postmark Scarborough, Yorkshire to Mrs. Ball, 3 Hurst Road,
Walthamstow, London - Dear Mary, We are haveing a wonderful time here and
the weather is being very kind to us so far, see you soon. Cheerio Mrs.
2) 3rd July 1975 Postmark ? Norfolk to Secretaries, Dept. of Medical Social
Work, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, West Smithfield, London - Sunday 2nd July.
We are staying at an old country house in a small village called Stady?
which is about 6 miles from Cramer. The weather is not very good on the
Costa de Norfolk, but we live in hope, See you soon, Love Jane

1st June 1983 Postmark Stowmarket, Suffolk to Mrs. M. K. Ball (Bell?), 3
Hurst Road, Walthamstow, London - Wed. Dear Mary, Just to tell you that we
are having a lovely rest at Dorothy's. The weather is patchie but mus'ent
grumble. We are going to the Edwardian Fair at the Museum on Sat so hope the
weather is good as it's all in the open. Take care of yourself. Love Betty &
no date

1) Postmark? Oppenau to Mr. & Mrs. W. Risk, 76 Nevis Avenue, Belfast, Nord
Irland - We are staying about two miles outside Oppenau. It is in the middle
of the Black Forest & the scenery is beautiful. The weather is quite good
but there isn't enough sun to get a sun-tan! No-one speaks English so I'm
having to learn some German. Hope to see you soon. Love from Mary
2) Postmark Manchester to Miss N. M. Ferris, Drumglass House, Marlborough
Park, Malone Road, Belfast - Sunday. We are having a great time here. Went
to see Auntie Norah yesterday & are going to see Auntie Kitty today. Weather
lovely. Hope to go in to Manchester tomorrow. Grannie was delighted with
your letter. We cross back tomorrow night. Love from Mummie & Daddie
3) George Noble, Photographer, Banff, Canada - My Dear Alice, I received
your letter some time ago, and will answer it when I get back. I have had
quite a busy time lately, and I had planned not to go away this year, but
felt I needed a holiday. You couldn't wish for a nicer place to spend a
holiday. I just wish you could spend your holidays here this year, perhaps I
may see you next year, but I am not building on it very much. There is some
talk of cheaper fares next year, but that may be a hoax. Where are you going
this year. Remember me to all my friends, will write you a long letter
later. Love Isa
4) Hello Tom, How would you like a swim here. This is the cold pool, but I
like the sulphur pool best. We usually spend about 2 to 3 hrs. up here every
day. This is a very pretty place. It is such a change after the prairie.
Mrs. Bell and Eileen are gone to Vancouver for two months but that was too
expensive a trip for me this year. I may manage that next year. It costs an
awful lot to take a holiday in this country, my trip to Banff will cost me
from $100 to $150 so you will see if I continue to spend any holidays here
it is going to be a very long time before I can take a trip to the Old
Country, Banff is only about third way to the Coast. Yours as ever Isa. I
will soon be a professional swimmer.
5) Dear Annie, How is the nurse, and how do you like it. I just wish you
could spend your vacation here. I believe I would be content to come here
every year. My Girl-friends' people have a summer home here and they have
come here for the last fifteen years. I am staying with them and it is just
like home. We have been one minute in the house except for meals and bed
time. The weather is always lovely here, just a few light showers. Had some
soap? taken will send some to Alice. Intend writing you one of these days,
love from Isa
everything else

1) Les Bessemer, 3834 Indiandale Circle, S.E. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Radio GI3AV
- E. Beat, 4 Eton Street, Belfast, Northern Ireland
2) A. R. Irwin, Ballygowan, Belfast GI5TK
3) 1942 Margaret D. Reid. Ministry of Education for N.I. Secondary School
Certificate Examinations, 1942
4) 5th May 1944 Duncairn Nomads Harrier Club Dance in West Belfast Orange
5) Rathmore Young farmers' Club Annual Social and Dance in Rathmore Memorial
Hall 27th December ? M. Moore
6) St. Colman's Parish, Dunmurry Social Evening for Parishioners on Friday
14th January 1949 in Parochial Hall
7) T. Holland Wilson, Newsagent, Stationer, Tobacconist and Confectioner,
94/6 York Street, Belfast

1) O.D. cars Ltd., Dunmore, Belfast
2) John Dossor School of Ballroom Dancing Pupils' End-of-Season Dance,
Friday 30th June 1944 at Conga Club Ballroom, Agnes Street, Shankill Road,
George Begley, Christine Kane
3) Ulster Ice Skating Club Dance on Wednesday 26th April in Windsor School
of Dancing
4) 14th King's Hussars
5) In Memoriam
6) Kindest Thoughts and Greetings at Christmas from 4 Candahar Street, Xmas
7) Christmas Greetings from Tom

1) Christmas Greetings to Miss Kinder from Moya Martin, Biggin Hill R.A.F.
2) -
3) Mrs. Lily Bell from Bessie & Pat Hurley & Family - J. Moloney C.C.
4) from Jas. & Y. to Mr. & Mrs. McNeill
5) Calendar Christmas 1939 New Year 1940 from Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dennis, 234
Highfield Street, Mansfield, Notts.

1) 1001 facts about Vancouver Canada - Jay Cooper
2) Motor Fuel Ration Book PZ2564 14th March 1957 - Motor Fuel Ration Book
YS9566 26th March 1957
3) British Transport Commission 25th October 195? - A. L. Pepper
4) Standard Petrol Ration
5) Shell Spraying Calendar
6) The Royal Law Coronation Souvenir 1937
7) B. Kelly - Gaelic League Series 1920
1) Belfast Central Library, Royal Avenue 1888
2) as above Reference Library 1890's
3) -
4) Government of Northern Ireland Ministry of Agriculture Ordnance Survey,
Ireland, Dungiven, Sheet 18 - Surveyed 1830/33, Revised 1900, Published
1902, Printed 1904
1) J. D. J. (age 25) Italy, March 1944
2) Portora Royal School, Enniskillen
3) -
1) Dobbin's Castle Hotel, Carrickfergus
2) Grey Abbey
International Song Book for Community Singing - Index - Riding down from
Bangor (Maine)

Presented to Elizabeth Neile? by her affectionate Brother George

14 Botanic Avenue, Belfast, Mrs. Williams, March 11th
1899 - some shorthand - Rev. A. Ashworth, Staveleigh, 41 Ashley Avenue,
Lisburn Road, Belfast - Prof. Hodges, J.F. ? ? Malone Road - James Orr? 27
Selborne ? Princes Road, Liverpool - Rev. W. Whitecliffe?, Balloo? ? House,
the end