Steele - Aiken -
Collection of Various Names came altogether from auction

The Brambles

The Brambles

The Brambles

The Brambles

Ardglass August 1951



The Brambles
I didn't do it mummy

E. L. H.
H. J. H.
Joss by the caravan

Mrs. Gilmore, Helen's Bay

Bangor Boat Terminus 1895
1) 31st March 1925 Building Committee per Mr. Finlay to Macarthur & Co.
Ltd., Paper Makers & Wholesale Stationers, 16 College Street, Belfast
2) Many happy returns, Love & Best wishes. Gift sent by same mail. Mrs.
McIlroy, 180 Donegall Road, Belfast - Mr. and Mrs. McIlroy, Merrythought
Cafe, Belfast. Heartiest Congratulations, Mrs. Dunbar - Mr. and Mrs.
McIlroy, c/o Merrythought, Wellington Place, Congratulations Best Wishes,
3) Miss Aiken, 2 Royal Villas, Knock - Love & best wishes from Maud

1) April 1920? Mrs. H. Gilmer, Helen's Bay Bot. of Thomas Robinson, Flesher,
78 Main Street, Bangor
2) April 1920 Mrs. Gilmore, Vancouver, Helen's Bay McCullagh & Co., Castle
Buildings, Belfast (Sir Crawford McCullagh, Proprietor)
3) The Prescription Mrs. Gilmer dispensed by J. S. Balmer, Ltd.,
Pharmaceutical Chemists, 95 Main Street, Bangor
4) J. S. Balmer, Bangor, Co. Down Mrs. Gilmer
5) 28th September 1926 Mrs. Gillmour, Ulster Bank House, Connswater Bought
of Joseph Orr & Son, Limited, 12 & 14 Ann Street, Belfast Seedsmen,
Nurserymen & Bulb Merchants
6) 2nd December 1926 Mr. H. Gilmer, Ulster Bank House, Connswater, Belfast
Bought of J. C. Mayrs & Co., Limited, Royal Avenue, Belfast. Cabinet
Furniture Manufacturers and General House Furnishers, Bedding Manufacturers,
etc. etc. etc. Carpets, Curtains, Linoleums, Mattings, Brass and Iron
7) 13.9.20 Mrs. Gilmour Bought of Smyth & McClure, 70 Main Street, Bangor
High Class Grocers & Provision Merchants
8) 9th August 1920 Mrs. Gilmer, Helens Bay Bought of Davidson & Hardy,
Pharmaceutical Chemists, 20 castle Place, Belfast

1) Certificate of Right of Burial in the Boroondara General Cemetery No. of
Order 97. Date of Order August 30th 1899. Size of Land 8ft x 4ft
£3.3.0 Name Thomas Moorehead. Occupation Gentleman Address 13
Violet Grove, Hawthorn Presbyterian Portion Compartment B. No.
2) Certificate of Right of Burial in the Boroondara General Cemetery - On
the application of Thomas Moorehead and upon payment of the sum of three
Pounds three Shillings, which is hereby acknowledged to have been received,
the Trustees of the Boroondara General Cemetery, in terms of, and as
authorised by, the Act of the Parliament of Victoria, 54 Victoria, No. 1072,
have agreed to grant, and do hereby grant, unto the said Thomas Moorehead
permission to dig or make a grave or vault on that piece of ground eight
feet long by four feet broad, lying within the portion of the said Cemetery
appropriated for Presbyterian burials, and marked No. 620 Compartment B. on
the map or plan of the said Cemetery kept by the said Trustees; with
permission to erect or place on the said piece of ground a monument or
tombstone, on payment of such charges as may from time to time be
established. And it is hereby declared that the said Thomas Moorehead shall
be entitles to have, maintain, and keep such a vault, monument, or tombstone
according to the terms of this permission, to and for the sole and separate
use of the said Thomas Moorehead and his representatives for ever; provided
always, and it is hereby declared, that this grant is made subject to the
terms and conditions following, viz. - First, That the said piece of ground
shall be kept and used by the said Thomas Moorehead and his representatives
solely as a burying place, and that no other use shall be made thereof.
Second, That no enclosing wall, fence, building, monument, or tombstone
shall be erected or placed on the said piece of ground, until a plan thereof
shall have been exhibited to the said Trustees, and their authority given
for the erection thereof. Third, That the said grave or vault, and the said
wall, fence, building, monument, or tombstone, shall be maintained and kept
up by or at the expense of the said Thomas Moorehead and his representatives
in proper repair, to the satisfaction of the said Trustees. Fourth, That the
said Thomas Moorehead and his representatives shall, in the use of the said
piece of ground, and access thereto, be subject in every respect to such
Rules, Regulations, and Bye-Laws as the Trustees of the said Cemetery may
from time to time make; and shall not be entitled to exercise the right to
bury or inter therein, except on payment of such charges as shall from time
to time be established by the said Trustees. Given under our hands and
seals, at Boroondara, in the Colony of Victoria, this twelfth day of
September A.D. 1899. Thos. Johnson; T. Jamieson; J. W. B????;
????; ???; Thos. Whitelaw, Sec.
3) Telegraphic Address, Estate, Belfast, Telephone No. 1670 1 Custom House
Square, Belfast. 15th December 1909. Clandeboye Estate - Mr. Thomas
Moorehead, of Helen's Bay, Co. Down, hereby has permission to lift and cart
away, for his own use at building of Villa or Bungalow on his new building
site at Helen's Bay, from off the Foreshore at Helen's Bay, ONE HUNDRED
(100) loads of Sea Sand or Gravel, the same not to be taken from any spot
nearer than 25 feet to the line of the old Sea Wall, and this Permit to be
produced for inspection of Mr. Thomas Green when sand is being taken. Signed
4) 16/10/11 C. Lindsay, Painter, Clifton Road, Bangor - Estimate for work to
be done at Mrs. Moorehead's House, Helen's Bay Colouring Stair case and
porch (stopping up cracks) with Hall's Distemper) Panels in Drawing room and
back of door to receive two coats of white and Enameled. Skirting to receive
same, wall to colour, Halls Distemper. Dining room panels to paint with two
coats of paint and finished with Enamel and skirting from door two window.
Room of Drawing room Panels to be painted same walls coloured halls. Back of
panel door at pantry to be painted same, window in bath room to fix moulding
on door to fix. Halls distemper supplied by owner. For the sum of £2-18-0
5) November 1910 Mr. Thomas Moorehead, Helens Bay Robert Neill & Sons, Ltd.,
Neill's Pier & 7 Queen's Parade, Bangor
6) October 1909 Mr. Moorhead Bought of James Dunn, The Dufferin Boot & show
House, 12 Ballymagee Street, Bangor

1) Mary Steele
2) click and read, its hard to make out
3) Mrs. James Steele
4) To-day's Dinner Menu - Clear Beetroot Soup, Fish Mould with Curry Sauce,
Savoury Tomatoes, Fresh Fruit - Savoury Tomatoes, Ingredients - 1 large
tomato for each person, 1 egg for each person, grated cheese, pepper, salt,
breadcrumbs. Instructions - Choose firm, not too ripe tomatoes, slice
a piece off the stalk end, and scoop out the inside with a teaspoon. Break
the eggs, one at a time, into a cup and put an egg into each tomato. Sieve
the tomato pulp, mix it with the breadcrumbs, cheese, pepper and salt to a
thick paste. Sprinkle the tomatoes with salt and pepper, give each one a
cover of the paste, and bake in the oven for about four minutes. C.I.
5) Knock area (means) Hill of my Heart. Annas Birthday 4 April.
Hilda 12 February 1884. Vera born 1st or 11th February 1885
the end |