names include Reilly, Ritchie, Hodgen, McMaster &
I can't guarantee these all belong together
they may arrive with me in one box but could be separate lots

CLICK to enlarge
Bangor Collegiate School June 1939
on the tube this panorama was in -
To Miss H. R. Reilly, Killeen House, Massey Avenue, Stormont, Belfast
Postmark: 22nd August 1939 Belfast


1) Service of Thanksgiving for Miss Molly Ritchie, Fitzroy Avenue
Presbyterian Church, Belfast
Wednesday, 4th December 1957 - Order of Service
2) 1919 Borough of Belfast, Commission of the Peace for Albert Hodgen,
Esquire, 277 Springfield Road, Belfast
Gerald Horan - not that clear but can be made out (Our Justices to
enquire by the Oaths of good and lawful men of Our Borough aforesaid, and by
all other ways and means by which the truth of the matter may be best known
of all and all manner of, Treasons, Murders, Manslaughters, Burnings,
Unlawful Assemblies, Felonies, Robberies, Witchcraft, Enchantments,
Sorceries, Magic Arts, Trespasses, Forestallings, Regratings, Engrossings,
and Extortions, whatsoever, any of all and singular other misdeeds and
offences of ...... )
3) Poems. by the late William McMaster, Ballynasher 1916 - While rests
the body 'midst the gloom, Of darkness and decay, His spirit far beyond the
tomb, Enjoys unclouded day. A message sped from Sion mount, To summon him
above; And now he rests beside the Fount, Of everlasting love. - In Loving
Memory of my dear husband William McMaster (aged 73 years) who departed this
life, Monday 29th June, 1914, Interred on Rocavan Burying-ground, on 1st
July. Margaret McMaster, Ballynashee, December 1916
4) Miss Emily Press, Ballylesson Church Sunday School, Christmas 1899. G. P.
Mitchell Rector of Drumbo (George Patton)
Red Letter Days To Mary Ann with her brother's fond
love H. W. A. (Allen?)
A Register of Anniversaries and Birthdays
Dec. 7 - 1891 - Mrs. McIn(tosh)
Printed by Marcus Ward and Co., Royal Ulster Works, Belfast
1) January 4, 1907 - F.L.B. = 5th January 1905 Wm. Atkinson 77 died
2) 11th January 1926 R.P.K. died
3) 15th January 1851 M.A.B. born - Dromara Co. Down
4) 16th January - Aunt M. A. 15th 1921 = Hugh W. Allen 1922
5) 8th February Ba???? 1877 = Mrs. Camlin 1911 died = Baby James 1912 born
6) 10th February Dear Father 1914 in his 86th year
7) 19th February 1856 Dear Mother Coleraine aged 29 years
8) 25th February 1925 Bagdad Knight - V. McIntosh married
9) 5th March Tuesday 1929 Douglas McIntosh
1) 8th March 1933 M. E. Bushele or ile? went to Shiels' Inst?
2) 12th March 1921 Lady Aspinale
3) 13th Marsh 1933 Katie
4) 16th March 1883 Glencormac
5) 19th March 1895 Glencot - Angus Cameron McIntosh entered into rest aged
75 = 20th March - John Allen born
6) 26th March 1917 - George Duncan
7) 30th March 1922 - Uncle George
8) 31st March 1930 - Monday D. or Dr. Bergin fell asleep
9) 5th April 1872 M. E. B. born
1) 15th April 1919 - Mrs. Beckett
2) 16th April 1918 - John Francis Turnley, killed in action = 18th April
1850 - Father & Mother, Derriaghy married
3) 19th April 1902 - Eliza Bushele = 20th April 1854 - Charlotte
4) 22nd April 1936 - A. & F. left Bathgate Drive = 23rd April 1917 - Hugh
Charles Allen died
5) 27th April 1884 - Uncle Wm. aged 52
6) 28th April 1934 - F. J. Turnley
7) 4th May 1916 - Thursday S. Dinnan? = 6th May 1930 Tuesday - F. E. C. Fred
8) 14th May 1893 Sunday - Rev. J. W. Murray entered into rest 29 years B.
9) 19th May 1936 Tuesday - Jennie McI. (ntosh?) died
1) 24th May 1879 - J. C. A.
2) 27th May 1858 - to Dunm???
3) 29th May 1908 - Sam B. born
4) 1st June 1823 - Uncle John = 3rd June 1885 - Susan Allen born
5) 7th June - A. C. McIntosh birthday = 9th June 1857 - Coleraine F. married
to A. Clements = Alfred Beckets birthday
6) 10th June - Charlie Allen born = 11th June 1828 J. C. born Baptized next
S. B-derry (Templecormac)
7) 23rd June 1915 - B. M. ? fell asleep 47th year
8) 26th June 1909 Saturday - married at Pretoria John Allen to Isabella
Christina von? Ahlefildt?
9) 28th June - George Camlin born = 29th June 1844 - Grandfather C.? fell
asleep in Jesus
1) 4th July 1923 - 234 Duncairn Annie Camlin = 5th July 187? - married
2) 9th July 49 - Father returned from ?
3) 14th July 1875 - S. J. B. died
4) 19th July 1847 - S. J. B. born
5) 22nd July - 87 Mrs. Lucy Jameson died = 24th July 1878 - Hugh and
Charlotte married
6) 2nd August 1915 Monday - Aunt Martha 80th year = 3rd August 1906 - Uncle
John aged 83 ought to be 30th = B or M. Thompson
7) 10th August 1854 1891 - Charlotte Allen aged 37 years
8) 15th August 1906 - F. & A. B. married at St. Peter's Belfast
9) 20th August 1922 - Robert Swirles Smirles died
1) 30th August 1906 - Uncle John fell asleep aged 83
2) 3rd September 1864 - M. L? Grandmother fell asleep
3) 6th September 1915 - John Upton Beckett born
4) 7th September 1903 - M. E. B. Went to Glasgow for training
5) 14th September 1928 - Oliver Niele?
6) 25th September 1918 - Maria W.
7) 3rd October 1852 - F. E. C. born
8) 5th October 1874 - F. L. B. born
9) 7th October 1903 - Robt. Ludgate to M. E. Camlin, St. Peter's Ch., Dublin
= 8th October 1920 - Aunt Eliza Jane died

1) 18th October 1903 - Margaret McIntosh fell asleep Braemar?
2) 1st November 1870 - left B. = 2nd November 1870 - Came to D. = 3rd
November 1887 - Robt. W. Bushele died
3) 10th November - M. - M. - cG. married
4) 21st November 1933 - J. McG. - ? Tuesday
5) 2nd December 1916 - Alic H or Alec H or K.
6) 19th December 1915 Sunday - Rev. J. N. Shearman = 20th December 1927
Tuesday - T. McCurry
7) McGalliard - June 16, 1938, at Burnside, Carnlough, Jane, widow of John
McGalliard. Funeral at 2 p.m., to-day (Saturday), to New Cemetery, Glenarm.
Deeply regretted.

Bangor Fire Brigade at the station on Castle Street, Bangor (now Boots
"The Gallery" W. A. McFadden, Picture Framer and Restorer, 10 Bangor Road,

Alex. Kerr (shop)
not sure what this is

Masonic Hall, Arthur Square, Belfast
Site of the Hall before clearing
Isaac Slaters Directory of Ireland 1880 - Bangor, Co. Down
Conlig, Crawfordsburn, and Groomsport
Bangor, a post town,
seaport, and a parish, the latter partly in the barony of Lower
Castlereagh, but chiefly in that of Ardes, county of Down, is 114 miles
N. by E. from Dublin, 12½ E.N.E. from Belfast, and about 6 W.N.W. from
Donaghadee, seated advantageously on the south side of Belfast Lough or
Carrickfergus Bay, and on the direct sea-coast from Belfast to
Donaghadee. This is a very ancient town, and its early history is
involved in some obscurity. Saint Comgall founded an abbey about the
middle of the sixth century, which was burnt in 674, and rebuilt in
1125, by Malachy O'Morgair, then abbot; he also added an oratory or
chapel of "white stone," from which the place derived the name of
Beanchoir, now Bangor, signifying the "White Church," or "Fair Choir."
Part of the abbey ruins still exist, and the traces of the foundations
show it to have been of great extent. The town has little to boast in
regularity of streets, or magnificence of its public buildings; the
principal thoroughfares are kept clean; near the beach are some neat
lodging houses and villas, and the vicinity is enriched with several
elegant seats. R. E. Ward, Esq. is proprietor of the town, and resides
at Bangor Castle, a splendid building in the Elizabethan style of
architecture. The old castle, built in the year 1600, is now entirely
demolished. Crawfordsburn, the charming residence of Major John Sharman
Crawford, and the magnificent seat of Lord Dufferin, are both within two
miles of the town. The harbour is good and commodious; there is a neat
and useful pier, and a fine beach, well adapted for bathing. There is a
neat and commodious wharf, and a steamer plies during the summer months
for the conveyance of passengers to and from Belfast seven times a day.
These conveniences and attractions, together with the hot and cold
baths, render this one of the most agreeable localities for summer
resort in the north of Ireland. The Belfast Banking Company have a
branch here; and there are also gas works. Bangor was incorporated by
charter of James I. and previous to the Union the corporation returned
two members to the Irish Parliament, since which period the borough has
ceased to be represented. A court of petty sessions is held by the
magistrates of the county on the first and third Wednesday of each
month. The Protestant Episcopal church is a beautiful edifice, with a
lofty spire. The interior contains a handsome monument to one of the
Hamilton family, formerly proprietor of Bangor. The other places of
worship are for Wesleyan Methodists, Roman Catholics, and Presbyterians.
The established charities are National schools and a dispensary; there
is also a cottage hospital in course of erection. Fairs: January 12th,
May 1st, and November 22nd. The parish of Bangor has an area of 18,015
acres, and contained in 1861, 8,022 inhabitants, and the town of Bangor
(which is wholly in the barony of Ardes), 2,531 of that number; and in
1871, 7,175. of which the town numbered 2,560.
Conlig is a small village, in the parish of Bangor,
barony of Ardes, 3 miles s. from Bangor, on the main road to
Newtownards. On Conlighill is a stone monument erected by Lord
Clandeboye, in memory of his mother, the late Countess of Gifford.
Population in 1861, 432; and in 1871, 324.
Crawfordsburn is a village, in the parish of Bangor,
barony of Lower Castlereagh, 2 miles w. of Bangor. This place is
situated in a glen, about half a mile from the sea shore. The seat of
Major John Sharman Crawford, J.P. and D.L. is a short distance from
here. There is no business of any importance. Population in 1861, 145;
and in 1871, 106.
Groomsport is a small fishing village, in the parish of
Bangor, barony of Ardes, situated on the sea shore, on the road from
Bangor to Donaghadee, two miles E.N.E. of Bangor, and is much resorted
to in the summer months for sea bathing. There is no particular branch
of business carried on. Population in 1861, 428; and in 1871, 324.
Post Office, Main Street, Bangor, John Matthews,
Post Master.
" " ,
Clandeboye, Isabella Green, Post Mistress.
" " , Conlig,
Dorcas Campbell, Post Mistress.
" " ,
Crawfordsburn, Eliza Waugh, Post Mistress.
" " ,
Groomsport, Jane Bowden, Post Mistress.
Nobility, Gentry &
Clergy |
Barcroft, Mr.
William G. Stafford House, Crawfordsburn
Bell, Miss Hannan, Ballwoolly
Bingham, Mr. Jerald, Ellensville
Blochman, Mrs. ?, 7 Sandy Row
Boyd, Mr. Hugh Alex., Sandy Row
Boyd, Mr. John, St. Helens
Boyle, Mr. David, Conlig
Cameron, Mr. Alexander, Craigavad
Carswell, Mr. Aaron, The Villa
Charters, Mr. George W., Craigavad House
Chittenden, Mr. Thomas G., Lower Clifton
Clarke, Rev. William, West View
Cleland, Richard R., Esq., Rathgael
Coates, Mr. Arthur H., Seacliff
Cochran, Mr. James, West View
Connor, Mrs. D., The Tower
Connor, Foster, Esq., J.P., Seacourt
Cowan, Andrew, Esq., J.P., Ward Villa
Cramsie, Mr. John, Carrigorm, Greypoint
Crawford, Major John Sharman, J.P. & D.L., Crawfordsburn House
Crawford, Mr. William, Craigavad
Cuthbert, Mr. Albert G., Parade
Davis, Mr. William, Tachnamard, Crawfordsburn
Dufferin, the Right Honourable Lord, Clandeboye
Duke, Rev. John, D.D., Craigavad
Gilmore, Mr. Robert, Glen Cottage, Crawfordsburn
Gordon, Mr. ?, Greypoint
Gordon, Rev. David, Conlig
Graham, Mr. Hugh, Ballyholme
Graham, Mr. James, Ardbraccan Terrace
Guthrie, Mr. William, Clifton Villa
Harries, Rev. John, Conlig
Henderson, Captain Alexander M., Ballykilair House
Heron, Mr. Francis A., Craigavad
Heyn, Mr. James, Lower Clifton
Higginson, John McConnell, Esq., J.P., Carnalea House
Kinghan, Mr. Samuel, Glenghana
Kinsley, Miss Eliza, Ardbraccan Terrace |
Latimer, Rev. James, Groomsport
McCabe, Rev. Peter, Ashloanen
McCormick, Mr. H. McNeill, Craigavad
McCracken, Mr. James, Ballyholme House
McCullough, Miss ?, Rathgael
McCutcheon, Mr. David, Craigavad
McDornan, Mr. John, Prince Town Villa
McMurray, Mrs. Susan, Ballymagee
McNeill, Mr. Henry, Ballykilair
M'Tear, Mr. George, Craigavad
Maguire, Rev. Edward, A.M., The Rectory
Maxwell, Mrs. J. P., The Lodge, Groomsport
Maxwell, Major Robert P., J.P. & D.L., Groomsport House
Miller, William, Esq., Conlig
Mitchell, Mr. Alexander, Craigavad
Mitchell, Mr. William S. Olinda, Craigavad
Moore, Mr. James, Dalchoolin, Craigavad
Mulbreney, Mrs. ?, Craigavad
Neill, Mr. H. J., Craigavad
Neill, Mr. John, Kensington Villa
Neill, Mr. Robert, Sandy Row
Nicholson, James, Esq., Balloo
Patteson, Rev. William, The Manse, Ashloanen
Pattison, Jacob Luard, Esq., J.P., Clandeboye House
Patton, Rev. Alexander, M.A., Main Street
Quartz, Rev. John, Ballymullan
Richey, Mr. William M., West View
Robinson, Mr. John, Prince Town Lodge
Ross, Mr. William, Craigavad
Speckman, Mr. A. W. C., Craigavad
String, Mr. Alexander, Ardbraccan Terrace
Taggart, Mr. John, Craigavad
Thompson, Mr. Henry, Rockville
Thompson, Mrs. Maria, Main Street
Trimble, Mr. Samuel, Craigavad
Ward, Robert Edward, Esq., J.P. & D.L., Bangor Castle
Watson, Rev. Charles, A.B., Brunswick Terrace
Woods, Mr. James, Ellensville |
Schools |
Educational School, Craigavad - Thomas Coombs, master
Endowed School, Main Street - James H. Rainey, master
Infants' School, Hamilton Street - Marianne McKerrall, mistress
National Schools :-
Ashloanen - Joseph W. McKee, master; E. Pace, mistress |
Ballymullan - Samuel Bailie, master; Mary Ann Beattie, mistress
Church Quarter (No. 2, girls') - Ann McDonagh, mistress
Conlig - James McDonald, master
Groomsport - Isaac Harvey, master
Main Street - William J. Sloan, master; Margaret Green, mistress
Market House (No. 2, male) - Wm. McDonagh, master |
Edgar, Robert, Main Street
McMeekan, John, Main Street
Matthews, John, Main Street
Belfast Banking Company
(Branch), Parade - draws on the Union Bank, London - Albert G.
Cuthbert, manager
Cargo, John, Conlig
Cargo, Henry, Ballymagee Street
Smiley, William, The Quay
Taylor, Samuel, Ballymullan
Boot and Shoe Makers
Cameron, Andrew, Abbey
Campbell, Robert, Main Street
Chatfield, James, Ballymagee Street
Diamond, Andrew, Ballymagee Street
Dunn, James, Conlig
Hanna, William, Main Street
McBride, William, Main Street
McBride, William, Abbey Street
Montgomery, William, Crawfordsburn
Montgomery, William, Conlig
Neil, Robert (& leather cutter), Main Street
Pollock, Henry, Ballymagee Street
Brick Manufacturers
Bowman, James, Main Street
Hermon, James, Strickland Place
Pollock, James, Ballymagee Street
Bowman, Robert, Main
Coulter, Henry, Main Street
Gibson, Alexander, Castle Street
Jelly, Samuel, Main Street
Fletcher, James,
Ballymagee Street
Kennedy, Henry, Crawfordsburn
Kennedy, John, Crawfordsburn
McFerran, Alexander, Ballymagee Street
McMeekan, Alexander, Quay Street
Morgan, Daniel, Groomsport
Sibison, Magnus, Somerset Terrace
Coal Merchants
Bowman, James, Main Street
McCartney, Joseph, Ballymagee Street
Montgomery, James, Limebrook Cottage
Neill, Robert & Sons, 6 & 7 Sandy Row
Corn Merchants
Lowry, Thomas (and flax),
McGilton, John (& miller), Ballyholme
McMurray, James H., Ballymagee Street
Matthews, John, Main Street
~ in Balloo
Curran, ?
Gaw, John
Jordan, John
McCormick, Nath.
~ in Ballycormick
Clarke, James
Moore, John
Patterson, John
Perry, John
Reid, Robert
~ in Ballygilbert
McWha, Alexander
Moorhead, John
Musgrave, John
~ in Ballygrot
Moffet, John
Moffet, Patrick
~ in Ballymullan
Campbell, Agnes
Finlay, Andrew
McKee, William
Nelson, Hugh
~ in Ballysallagh
Finlay, Elizabeth
Finlay, Robert
Kennedy, John
Kennedy, Wm.
Wright, James
~ in Ballyvernon
Brown, Ellen
Gray, William J.
Kennedy, John
~ in Drumkirk
Boyd, Alexander
Boyd, Hugh
Cannock, William
Crawford, Jane
Crickard, William
Hawthorn, John
Kelly, James
Maxwell, Ephraim
Patterson, Alex.
Rankin, James
Shaw, William
Fire, &c. Office Agents
Caledonian - J. Matthews,
Main Street
Life Association of Scotland - Wm. Hanna, Main Street
Sun - James Bowman, Main Street
(see also shopkeepers)
Brice, James, Main Street
Brown, Elizabeth Jane, Main Street
Edgar, Robert, Main Street
Fletcher, James, Ballymagee Street
Furey, Hugh, Main Street
Hanna, William, Main Street
McKee, Henry, Main Street
McMeekan, John, Main Street
Matthews, John, Main Street
Pim, E. & W., Main Street
Fletcher, James,
Ballymagee Street
Hanna, Joseph, Main Street
Hanna, William, Main Street
Neill, Maria, Main Street
Belfast, Abram Jordan,
Imperial, Jane Mathews, Main Street
Royal, William Parkes, Parade
Victoria Charles, Blacke, Quay Street
Linen & Woollen Drapers
Campbell, Frederick, Main
Furey, Hugh (woollen), Main Street
Green, Lizzie, Main Street
Hanna, William, Main Street
Heyburn, James, Groomsport
Hull, Mary, Ballymagee Street
Montgomery, Samuel, Main Street
Nesbit, William, Sandy Row
Milliners & Dressmakers
Erskine, Ellen, Main
Green, Lizzie, Main Street
Gunning, Isabella & Sophia, Main Street
Killits, Usula, Gray's Hill (Ursula?)
Ledgerwood, Ann Jane, Main Street
Bryce, Thomas, West Street
Gorman, Robert A., Quay Street
Gray, James, Station Street
Hanna, David, 19 Quay Street
Ship Owners
Neill, Robert & Sons, 6 &
7 Sandy Row
Shopkeepers & Dealers in
(see also Grocers)
Agnew, Eliza, Groomsport
Brown, Elizabeth Jane, Main Street
Campbell, Dorcas, Conlig
Carroll, John, Main Street
Christie, James, Ballymagee Street
Clancy, James, Groomsport
Cloney, Eliza, Castle Street
Curragh, James, Groomsport
Fletcher, James, Ballymagee Street
Gemmell, Martha, Conlig
Hasson, Alexander, Grey's Hill (Gray's)
Heyburn, James, Groomsport
Kelly, Ann, Ballymagee Street
Lamant, Mary, Main Street
Loughery, James, Quay Street
Loughery, Rose, Ballymagee Street
McCartney, John, Quay Street
McConnell, Isabella, Ballymagee Street
McCormick, Samuel, 20 & 22 Main Street
McCune, William, Church Street
McGowan, Adam, Crawfordsburn
McMurray, Isabella, Ballymagee Street
Martin, James, Quay Street
Moore, David, Conlig
Neill, Charles, Quay Street
Nelson, Elizabeth, Gray's Hill
O'Shea, Thomas, Main Street
Patton, Isabella, Ballymagee Street
Rippett, James, Ballymagee Street
Wallace, Robert, Crawfordsburn
Wilson, Martha, Conlig
Woods, Eliza, Craigavad
Spirit Dealers
Andrews, Robert, Groomsport
Brown, Elizabeth Jane, Main Street
Campbell, James, Crawfordsburn
Cargo, William, Castle Street
Christie, James, Ballymagee Street
Conway, William John, Conlig
Finlay, Charles, Main Street
Furey, Hugh, Main Street
Gill, Samuel, Conlig
Johnston, Eliza, Ballymagee Street
Kerr, Margaret, Main Street
McConnell, John, 20 Ballymagee Street
Morrow, David, 28 Ballymagee Street
Neill, Charles, Quay Street
Pim, E. & W., Main Street
Thompson, Jane, Quay Street
Torbitt, James, 19 & 21 Ballymagee Street
Bell, Henry, L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S., Main
Bolton, Rouben, Main Street (Reuben)
Higginson, Henry, M.D., Bridge House
Kirkpatrick, Thomas, Grey's Hill (Gray's)
McGowan, Adam, Crawfordsburn
McIlveen, Wm., Ballymagee Street
Montgomery, Samuel, Main Street
Gorman, Robert A., chemist & druggist,
Quay Street
Hanna, Wm., glass & china dealer, Main Street
Irvine, David, watch & clock maker, Main Street
Lilley, Wm., nail maker, Ballymagee Street
McKenzie, David, designer and embroiderer, Main Street
McMeckan, Alexander, cabinet maker, 19 Quay Street
Martin, William, car owner, Main Street
Montgomery, Jas., lime burner, Limebrook Cottage
Moore, Agnes, stationer & Newsagent, Main Street
Moorhead, Hugh, cooper, West Street
Morgan, Thomas, tinsmith, Main Street
Neill, Robt. & Sons, lime burner, Sandy Row
Oliver, Samuel, saddler, Main Street
Rea, Samuel, plumber, &c., Main Street
Syme, James, upholsterer & furniture dealer, Main Street |
Public Buildings,
Offices, &c.
Places of Worship and their Ministers
Protestant Episcopal Churches:-
~ Church Street - Rev. Edward Maguire, A.M., rector; Rev.
Charles Watson, A.B., curate
~ Craigavad - Rev. John Duke, D.D.
~ Groomsport - Vacant
Roman Catholic Church :-
~ Ashloanen - Rev. Peter McCabe, C.C.
Presbyterian Churches :-
~ Main Street (First) - Rev. Alexander Patton, M.A.
~ Ashloanen (Second) - Rev. William Clarke
~ Ballymullan - Rev. John Quartz
~ Conlig - Rev. David Gordon
~ Groomsport - Rev. James Latimer
Baptist Chapel :-
~ Conlig - Rev. John Harries
Methodist (New Connexion) Chapel :-
~ Sandy Row |
Coast Guard Station, Quay - William Page, chief
Coast Guard Station, Groomsport - Peter Kenny, chief boatman in
Constabulary Station, Main Street - Thos. Walsh,
Dispensary, Catherine Place - Reuben Bolton, M.D., surgeon
Gas Works, Ballymagee Street - Robert Russell, sec.; Hugh Barr,
Harbour Office, Parade - Wm. Roberts, harbour master
Market House & Petty Sessions Court, Main Street - held on the
first and third Wednesday of each month - Major John Sharman
Crawford, J.P. & D.L. presiding magistrate; John C. McGowan,
jun., clerk of petty sessions.
Victoria Baths, Sandy Row - Robert McMurray, proprietor |
To Newtownards Railway Station (about
four miles from Bangor), a Car from Keenan's, Main Street every
morning at nine, and afternoon at one.
Conveyance by Railway on the Holywood and
Bangor LineStation, Main Street,
Bangor - Samuel Boyd, station master
Station, Carnalea - Henry Carson, station master
Station, Clandeboye - Andrew Moreland, station master
Station, Craigavad - Richard Hutchinson, station master
Conveyance by Water
To Belfast, Steam Packets, from the New
Wharf, seven times a day during the summer season
1880 Slaters (part of
~ end of Banbridge) |
Miscellaneous -
Thomson, David, toy and fancy goods
dealer, Bridge Street
Weir, Isabella H., servants' registry office, Bridge Street
Willis, George, marine store dealer, Scarva Street
Wyly, Edward, clerk to Board of Guardians, Mountain View Terrace
Public Buildings,
Offices, &c.
Places of Worship and their Ministers
Protestant Episcopal Churches :-
~ Church Square, Banbridge and Seapatrick - The Venerable Henry
Stewart, D.D., rector; Rev, Alex. Ryder, B.A., and Rev. Ernest
A. Cooper, B.A., curates.
~ Loughbrickland - Rev. Jeffrey Leffroy, rector; Rev. Robert
White, curate
~ Magherally - Ministers various
Presbyterian Churches :-
~ Scarva Street - Rev. John S. Hamilton, M.A.
~ Ballydown - Rev. James Wilson
~ Castlewellan Road - Rev. George Wilson
~ Magherally - John C. Clarke
~ Loughbrickland - Rev. Alexander Buchanan
~ Loughbrickland (Covenanters) - Rev. Joseph Frazer Hurst
Baptist Chapel :-
~ Newry Street - Rev. Samuel James Banks
Methodist Chapel :-
~ Banbridge - Rev. John Donald, D.D.
Roman Catholic Church :-
~ Dromore Road - Very Rev. John O'Brien, P.P.; Rev. John Quail,
~ Loughbrickland - Rev. William Bradley, P.P.; Rev. Abraham
McNamara, curate
Unitarian Meeting House :-
~ Banbridge - Rev. Francis McCammon
Unitarian Chapel :-
~ Church Square - Rev. ? Basford
Poor Law Union - Workhouse, Banbridge
Governor - James Craig
Matron - Sarah Ann Craig
Protestant Chaplain - The Venerable Henry Stewart, D.D.
Presbyterian Chaplain - Rev. George Wilson
Roman Catholic Chaplain - Rev. John Quail
Medical Officer - John Hawthorne, M.D.
Schoolmaster - James Campbell
Schoolmistress - Margaret Kennedy
Clerk to the Board of Guardians - Edward Wyly
Relieving Officers - John Bambrick and Samuel Beck
Registrars of Births, Deaths and
Superintendent Registrar - Edward Wyly
Deputy - James Craig; office at the workhouse
~ for Ballyward - James Rowan
~ for Banbridge - Wm. Dobbin, M.D.
~ for Crossgar - Samuel Davison, M.D.
~ for Dromore - Marshall Weir
~ for Loughbrickland - John McKain
~ for Tanderagee - James Taylor |
Marriage Registry Office, Newry Road :-
~ Registrar - William McCormac
~ Deputy - J. L. Davidson
Banbridge Gas Light Co., Reilly Street
~ Samuel Hill, jun., secretary; James Mearns, manager
Banbridge Literary and Mutual Improvement Society, established
1853. Rooms, Bridge Street
~ The Right Hon. Lord Edwin A. E. Hill Trevor, honorary
president and representative in the Society of Arts Union of
Institutes; J. Temple Reilly, Esq., D.L., J.P., vice -president;
G. Gerald Tyrrell, chairman; Richard Linn, secretary
Catholic Institute and News Room and Young Men's Society,
Dromore Road - The Very Rev. John O'Brien, president; Daniel
McConville, secretary.
Constabulary Station, Church Square
~ Thomas J. N. Robertson, sub-inspector; William Davies,
Constabulary Station, Loughbrickland
~ Owen Maguire, sergeant
Corn Market, Scarva Street
Dispensary, Scarva Street
~ Wm. Dobbin, M.D., medical officer
Dispensary, Loughbrickland
~ John McKain, medical officer
Grass Seed Market and Public Crane, Scarva Street
~ James Harvey, weigh master
Hibernian Bible Society's Depot, Bridge Street
~ James Lyle, agent
Library and News Room, Bridge Street
~ Joseph Walker, librarian; Richard Linn, secretary
Marquis of Downshire's Rent Office, Church Square
~ Jno. Temple Reilly, Esq. D.L., J.P., agent; Thos. Crozier and
Son, Church Square, and 19 Lower Dominick Street, Dublin, law
Petty Sessions Court, Victoria Street - sits every alternate
~ William MacCormac, clerk
Stamp Office, Bridge Street
~ Elizabeth Ardery, sub-distributor
Temperance Hall, Dromore Street
Town Commissioners' Office, Newry Road
~ Robert McClelland, chairman; Wm. MacCormac, clerk
Town Hall, Scarva Street and Bridge Street
To Lurgan, a car from Hugh Hills,
Bridge Street daily, at ten morning and half-past five evening.
To Rathfriland, a car from the Railway station at half-past nine
morning and half-past five evening.
Conveyance by Railway on the Great
Northern Line
~ Station, Banbridge (on the Banbridge, Lisburn and Belfast
~ Geo. Scarlett, station master
Cars from different hotels meet. |
the end