Milward 1
Milward 2
2 scrap books full of lovely stuff
also some loose contents, leaflets etc.
and some not so lovely stuff about flooding and the 'Troubles'
but it's all information :)
Austin A40 - Commer -
McCormick-Deering - Merchant Navy
- PCs Kilkeel - Larne Times 1954a
- Larne Times 1954b - Various
Newspaper Clippings from Scrapbook

Aileen Milward, Station House, Sutton, Co. Dublin
this scrapbook is mostly 70s

8 9
1) The First Armistice day - How the Capital of the Empire welcomed the glad
news on November 11th, 1918. The historic scene at Piccadilly Circus
2/3) Armstrong Cycles Ltd.
4-11) The Austin 'A70' Pick-Up and Countryman June 1951

1) A New War-Time Bedford
2) Maaidorser-Moissonneuse-Batteuse Combine-Mähdrescher
3) 5th November 1970 James Browne, Esq., Ballinalough, Templepatrick,
Belfast, N. Ireland - Portable Sludge Pumps
4) Ransomes Rotary Mower W. Harbinson
5) Canadian Pacific Rockies - As John has no intention of visiting our
country we'll send the country to him. with love, Nan
Commer Light Pick-up - Price List 16th September 1954
1) McCormick-Deering
2) The Farmers Journal, November 1971 - Harry Ferguson - Tractors

With The Merchant Navy - Raphael Tuck & Sons, Ltd., London

Greencastle, Near Kilkeel
Cranfield Beach, Kilkeel

The New Harbour, Kilkeel, Co. Down
Greencastle, near Kilkeel

Cranfield Beach, near Kilkeel
Newcastle Street, Kilkeel, Co. Down

Slieve Bignian and Mountains of Mourne,
Kilkeel Crozier
Memorial and Birthplace, Banbridge, Co. Down, N.I.

The Hospital, Banbridge, Co. Down, N.I.

Larne Times, Thursday, March 18, 1954 Page 7
First Column ~
Pedestrian crossings wanted in Antrim, Town
Commissioners request
A valued member,
Mr. Thomas Gillespie, J.P., Randalstown
Presumed Killed Serving on Korea, Pte. William Mills, formerly of Hillview
Street, Belfast, who was reported missing in November while serving with the
United States army in Korea, has now been presumed killed. About five years
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills and their family emigrated to Jersey City on the
invitation of Mrs. Mill's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. C. Decker, who
have been in the United States for 26 years. Pte. Mills's father served in
the British army in the first World War, his brothers Alex and John were in
the Forces. Another brother Andrew, is at present serving in the United
States army.
Second Column ~
Drink was his failing, Antrim larceny offence - James
Leo Cooley, Ballygrooby, Randalstown, was given an absolute discharge when
he pleaded guilty at Antrim Petty Sessions to stealing a chisel, value 7s
6d, belonging to Thos. McKnight from a shop at Templepatrick. In so dealing
with defendant the R.M. (Mr. V. Phelan) told him he was a "very lucky man"
as he had taken into account what the police had said in his favour.
It was stated that drink was defendant's failing and that he had never
stolen anything before. He had drink taken when he lifted the article in the
shop. Defendant apologised for his action which he attributed to drink. The
property was restored to the owner.
Police Pursuit - The fact that
police constables in a patrol car had pursued him along his own entrance to
his garage led to defendant contesting in part a prosecution for exceeding
the Antrim 20-miles-an-hour speed limit. Defendant was Robert Crawford Rea,
"Woodlawn," Dublin Road, Antrim, who was fined 20s for the offence. Police
evidence, as given by Constables Harper and Kyle, was that defendant drove
down the main street and along Crumlin Road, reaching a peak speed of 40
m.p.h. Cross-examined by Mr. S. Cumming, who defended, Constable
Harper said they followed defendant into his own driveway as they wanted to
speak to him before he got into his house. Defendant, in evidence, said on
this evening he took out his car to run a visitor back to Muckamore. He
admitted that he was exceeding the speed limit in Antrim but placed his
speed at 30-35 m.p.h. He had been driving for about 30 years and with the
exception of parking his car too far out in a Belfast street had never been
Argument Sequel - Samuel Hannan and James Clarke, of 94
and 58 Riverside, Antrim, respectively, were summoned for disorderly
behaviour in High Street, Antrim, on the night of January 30, and after
hearing the evidence the R.M. adjourned the cases for six months to see how
defendants behaved. Head Constable Irwin said defendants were fighting and a
crowd gathered. When he told them to move away they walked a short distance
down the street and stopped again and he had to speak to them a second time.
Eventually they went home. Clarke in evidence said they had been in licensed
premises and when they came out there was a bit of an argument between
Hannan and another man. He denied that he was fighting and said when the
Head Constable told them to go home they replied that they were going to a
dance. There was no record against either defendant.
Licence Suspended
- A fine of £5, with 12 months' suspension of his licence, was imposed on a
youth named John G. Rea, of 53 Unity Street, Belfast, for driving a
beach-waggon on Jan. 18 at Shane's Castle Park, Randalstown, without being
covered by insurance. He was also fined £1 for not having the rear
identification plate properly illuminated. Head-Constable Crawford said the
insurance policy on the vehicle only entitled the policy holder - the
defendant's father - to drive. Apparently there has been some mis-understanding
about the insurance on defendant's part. John G. Rea, owner of the vehicle,
who was summoned for permitting the vehicle to be used by an uninsured
driver, was dealt with under the Probation Act.
The offences were admitted.
Fines of 10s each were imposed on Larry O'Kane, Main Street, Draperstown,
for on February 17 at Islandbane, Antrim, using a motor-car without a rear
light and without a light to illuminate the identification plate. -
Stewart, 27 Charlotte Street, Belfast, was fined 20s for using a motor-lorry
at Maghereagh, Randalstown, on February 23 without proper front lights.
Arthur Evans, William Street, Bellaghy, was fined 10s for not having the
number plate of his motor vehicle properly illuminated at Islandbane on
January 8. -
The Probation Act was applied in a case against David Moore,
High Street, Antrim, for using a goods vehicle on February 3 without a goods
vehicle licence. -
A fine of 20s was imposed on Isaac O'Neill, Drumadragh,
Coleraine, for driving a motor vehicle at Dunsilly, Antrim, on January 22 at
33-35 m.p.h., his maximum legal speed being 20 m.p.h. -
Defective handbrake
- A fine of 10s was imposed on James Thompson, Tully, Crumlin, for on
February 5 using a motor vehicle without having his brakes in proper order.
It was stated that the handbrake was defective. -
When Oswald Sommerville,
58 Sandymount Street, Belfast, was fined 20s for driving while unlicensed, a
motor vehicle at Corbally, Antrim, on December 13, it was stated that his
licence had lapsed 11 months previously. -
Daniel Rainey, Garvaghey,
Portglenone, was fined 20s for driving a motor vehicle, with trailer
attached, at 40 m.p.h. at Muckamore on February 5, his maximum legal speed
being 30 m.p.h. He was also fined 10s for not having a reflecting mirror.
Study of Blood Donors' Reactions, Tests carried out, The Blood Transfusion
Officer of the Northern Ireland Hospitals Authority is studying blood
donors' reactions. It was reported at the meeting of the Authority that 14
officers from the headquarters had volunteered to attend the Blood
Transfusion Service for the purpose of assisting the officer in carrying out
Columns 3, 4, 5 & 6 top - Now only the crumbling walls remain to
remind one of a romantic history.
Olderfleet Castle
Column Three bottom half of paper -
Doctor's 'line' for children 'an
imposition', Dr. K. R. Kennedy, giving evidence in school attendance cases
brought by Down Education Committee at Holywood Petty Sessions, said that
the question of certificates for school children was a problem which
occurred day in and day out. The local branches of the British Medical
Association had more or less instructed general practitioners not to issue
such certificates. He was prepared to co-operate with the school authorities
at all times in giving them any information regarding children who were his
patients. If doctors gave medical certificates they were entitles and,
indeed, obliged to charge a fee, and personally he thought that was an
imposition on the mothers who could spend the money in buying food. Quite
often, he said, intelligent mothers kept their children off school with a
cold. Despite the fact that they knew how to treat such children they had to
send for the doctor, who must come and see them in order to issue a
certificate. He had phoned the Education Committee's officers on this
matter, but he did not get much satisfaction, because they said he should
write in. He was a very busy man. The R.M. Mr. J. O. Long, said he was in
complete agreement with the doctor. It was now over two years since the
matter was first raised before him, and he thought it was time the Education
Authorities evolved some satisfactory system. -
Gift from U.S.A., Rev. C. W.
D. Kerr who presided at the annual congregational meeting of Upper and Lower Clonaneese Presbyterian Churches, Dungannon, last week, reported a gift of
the wiring of Lower Clonaneese Church for electric light by Mr. Robert
Cuddy, a former member of the congregation now in U.S.A.
Column four bottom half of paper -
Coast News, Convoy of cars
escorted her to quayside, Miss Kathleen McAllister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Clement McAllister, Glenarm, was given a rousing send-off at the Liverpool
boat when she left on Friday evening on the first stage of her journey to
New York. A large number of friends, who travelled from Glenarm in about a
dozen cars, escorted her to the quayside and there they had an impromptu
concert which was very much enjoyed not only by Kathleen but by other
travellers as well. -
Badminton, The senior section of the Glenarm Badminton
Club met the Millbrook Club in a friendly match in the Town Hall, Glenarm,
on Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. Jack Wilson, captain of the Glenarm
club welcomed the visitors, and Mr. Jimmy Waugh thanked them for accepting
the invitation. The Glenarm players were in excellent form and found no
difficulty in defeating the visitors 7-1. Tea was afterwards served by the
ladies if the Glenarm club. -
Fancy Dress Dance, About 400 people attended a
successful fancy dress dance in McAuley's Hall, Carnlough, on Friday
evening. Quite a number of the dancers entered for the fancy dress
competition, the judges of which were Mrs. J. Clarke, Ballymena, and Dr. L.
A. Brennan, Carnlough. Prize-winners were:- Women - 1. Miss Rosaleen
Hyndman, Carnlough (Witch). Men - 1. Mr. John O'Boyle, Slemish (Pegged
out). Three prizes were awarded for the best couples - 1. Miss Mary
Magill, Slemish (Buttons and Bows), Mr. Patrick Magill, Slemish (The Jolly
Thresher Lad); 2. Mr. Henry Magill and Miss Mary Feeney, braid (Moonlight
Flit); 3. Mr. R. Rowan and Miss Agnes O'Boyle, Braid (Love Will Find a Way).
Prizes were handed over by Mrs. Clarke. During an interval in the programme
Misses Monica and Bridie Kemp, dressed in traditional Irish costume, gave
exhibitions of Irish dancing. Songs were sung by Miss Sayers, and the M.C.
was Mr. G. D. McCaughan. Responsible for the arrangements were Messrs.
Daniel O'Loan. Arthur Hamill, Patrick O'Boyle and Patrick Rowan. Music was
supplied by the Road Travellers' Band.
Weekly Whist Drive.
Eleven tables were engaged at the weekly whist drive organised by St. John's
Club in the Parochial Hall. Following were the prize-winners: Men - Mr. D.
Mellon, Mr. Alex Kane; Women - Miss K. Magill, Miss Margaret Hyndman.
To Aid Funds. To
aid funds of St. John's Club, Carnlough, a dance was held in the Parochial
Hall, on Sunday night. The programme included Irish and modern dancing, and
the music was supplied by the Bright Knights Dance Band. Mr. J. Gillespie,
leader of the band was M.C.
Column five bottom half of page - R.U.A.S.
Plans 'Skill at Arms' Display, The Corps of
Royal Military Police is to stage a "Skill at Arms" display during each day
of the Royal Ulster Agricultural Society's annual show, which is to be held
at Balmoral Showgrounds in May. (click on image above to read more on
this and the following stories) The Presidency. Lieut.-Col. A. R. G.
Gordon; Mr. T. J. McMillan, of Crossgar; Mr. John Pearson.
Clergy Discuss Social Problems,
Addresses at Belfast, More than 140 clergy and laymen of churches in Belfast
attended a meeting in the Sinclair Hall, Duncairn, on Friday evening, when
addresses were given on social and religious problems by Mr. Joseph
Donnelly, of Belfast City Mission, and Rev. R. R. Cunningham, of the Central
Mission, Grosvenor Hall. Overcrowding in houses, careless church attendance,
and intemperance were among the subjects discussed by 20 speakers. The
following resolution was unanimously passed: "That the Government of
Northern Ireland should refuse any requests to increase the hours and
facilities for the sale and consumption of alcoholic liquor, one of the
greatest social evils of to-day" Solos were given by Mr. Stewart McKinley
and Mr. James Shaw.
Column six bottom half of page,
Abbots Cross News, Gifts of eggs received at church
service. On Sunday last morning prayer in
Cloughfern Parish Church took the form of a gift service when Rev. J. E. C.
Parr, M.A., accepted gifts of eggs from the children which totalled 22
dozen, the proceeds of which are in aid of the Church Missionary Society.
The Junior and Senior Choirs under their organist and choir master, Mr. D.
Duffin, rendered special music. Owing to a fault in the electricity supply
on Sunday evening, the churches in Cloughfern area had to revert to candles
for the evening service. The following churches were affected - Cloughfern
Parish, Abbots Cross Presbyterian and Abbots Cross Congregational.
Missionary Sunday (click on image above to read more on this story)
Football. On Saturday
last Clifton Street Presbyterian met Cloughfern Parish in the Churches
League at Cloughfern and were beaten 6-2. Cloughfern started with 10 men and
were two goals up in 15 minutes when their team was complete. The Parish
team continued to have the better of the exchanges, and half-time arrived
with Cloughfern leading by four goals to two. After the interval Cloughfern
continued to dominate and added two further goals without reply. Cloughfern
team - F. Caldwell; S. Ball, R. Pullen; S. McCullough, H. Snoddy, J. Gibson;
W. Dubois, S. Strange, R. McCullough, N. Sharpe, N. McGihon.
Columns 7/8, advertisements

Larne Times, Thursday
March 18, 1954
Column One Advertisements
Column Two 2/3s advertisements
Column Two bottom part of page
Two charged with theft of liquor,
William James Clawson, Davy's Street, and Thomas Robb, Irish Quarter West,
appeared at a Special Court in Carrickfergus on Wednesday before Mr. T. R.
Cambridge, J.P., charged with breaking and entering the canteen at the
headquarters of the Antrim Coast Regiment Territorial Army, at Windmill
Road, on January 22-23, and stealing liquor, cigarettes and cash to the
total value of £22. 9s. 3d. Detective-Sergeant E. B. Totten, who gave
evidence of arrest, said that when charged the accused each replied: "Not
guilty." Witness asked for a remand until Friday, which was granted. Bail
was allowed.
Protest Against Travelling Firms,
Coleraine Chamber of Commerce last week passed a resolution deploring the
practice of outside travelling firms being able to trade in the town by
hiring halls to sell goods. The resolution will be sent to the M.P. for the
constituency, Rev. Robert Moore, the National Chamber of Trade Council for
Northern Ireland and to all Chambers affiliated to it.
Column Three, Whiteabbey News, Wolf Club
Pack were hosts on parents' night. (click
on image above for full story)
Sunday School Party.
(click on image above for full story)
Darts (click on
image above for full story)
Football (click on
image above for full story)
Whitehead Topics, Presbyterian church reviews year's
work (click on image above for full story)
names included - Mr. R. Espie, Miss D. Davison, Mrs. W. Herdman, Mrs.
L. Davison, Mr. W. McFarlane, Miss L. Barnett, Mr. Jack Chambers, Mr. J. N.
Hall, Mr. R. B. Wilson, Mr. Jack Hall, Miss V. Kirk, Mr. S. Moore, Rev. W.
F. S. Stewart, M.A., B.D., B.Litt., Mr. Dennis McCombe, Miss Isobel Forbes,
Messrs. W. Logan and J. Greer.
Education in U.S.A.
(click on image above for full story) Names included - Mr. S. Lynn,
B.Com.Sc., Mr. J. N. Hall, Mrs. Z. Hay, Mrs. McKay, Mrs. Cambridge, Mr. C.
Adair, Mr. W. Miller.
Sunday School Concert
(click on image above for full story) names included - Miss B.
Martin, Mrs. W. C. Bourns, Miss M. Chambers, Mrs. S. Heyburn, Miss N. Forde,
Mr. R. Espie, Rev. W. C. Bourns, M.A., Mr. H. Johnston.
Indoor Bowls
(click on image above for full story) names
included - F. Lyons, J. J. R. Bain, Miss L. Barnett, Mrs. C. Potter, R.
Woods, J. Boal, Mrs. W. Morgan, Mrs. Morell, Mrs. L. Henshaw, Mrs. M.
Johnston, W. Finlay, Mr. Logan, Mrs. McC. Martin, E. Johnston, D. Gillan,
Mr. McGuffe, Rev. N. Lynas, Mr. J. Greer.
Cup Winners.
Congratulation to Mrs. C. Martin and Mr. Marshall Hood, both of Whitehead,
who last Saturday won the Cup for the Open Badminton tournament sponsored by
the Larne Methodist Church Club.
Columns 4, 5, & 6 top of page
(see photo)
Sprigs for the Army on St. Patrick's Day.
General Sir James Steele, G.C.B., Colonel of the Royal Ulster Rifles,
presented shamrock to officers at St. Patrick's Barracks, Ballymena, on
Wednesday. On the left, Major E. D. D. Wilson, O.C. of the Depot, pins on
his sprig.
Column four below photo
Greenisland News, Local singer's triumph at city
Festival. Miss Isabel Bowman, whose singing
has delighted her many friends at local concerts, has gone on to great
heights by her brilliant successes at the recent Belfast Musical Festival.
(click on image above for full story)
Women Unionists.
(click on image above for full story) names included Greenisland
Branch Carrick Women's Unionist Association, Mrs. M. L. Anderson, Mrs. W. G.
Mackie, Mrs. W. Rankin, Mrs. T. Wilson, Mrs. E. Hill, Mrs. W. G. Mackie,
Mrs. J. McKirgan, Mrs. M. L. Anderson, Mrs. W. Rankin, Mrs. E. Hill, Mrs. W.
Marrs, Mrs. T. Wilson, Mrs. R. Taylor, Mrs. R. E. Elliott, Mrs. Fitzsimons,
Mrs. H. G. Larmor, Mrs. C. Stafford, Mrs. E. Brown, Mrs. J. Harmon, Miss V.
Gregg, Mrs. W. Greer, and Mrs. W. Wilson.
Women's Institute.
(click on image above for full story) names included Mrs. J. C.
Millar, Mrs. T. McBride, Mrs. T. Wilson, Mrs. H. Scott, Miss Isabel Bowman,
Mrs. W. Barclay, Mrs. W. Kerr, Mrs. N. Hill, Mrs. Duncan, Mrs. J. G. Wiley.
Cricket Club (click
on image above for full story) names included Mr. Graham, Miss
Margaret Wright, Mrs. W. Kerr, Miss Valerie McKee, Mr. Wilson Knipe.
Ladies' Hockey
(click on image above for full story) names included Isabel Farmer.
Football. (click
on image above for full story) names included Albert Foundry, Reid
and Duff.
Trigger had a special greeting for the children.
There were some late arrivals at Larne schools on Monday morning, and all
because a special passenger was arriving on the Stranraer steamer. Long
before the time the children were at the harbour eagerly awaiting, and
although the boat docked at about 9 a.m., it was not until an hour later
that the passenger came off. Walking down the gangway on which a "carpet" of
straw had been laid, came the four-legged ideal of the screen, the horse
"Trigger." In company with its master, Roy Rogers, who travelled with his
wife to Ulster by air, it is here to thrill numerous children and grown-ups,
too, on the stage of the Royal Hippodrome, Belfast. Before entering the box
in which it travelled by road to Belfast, "Trigger" received a loud cheer
when it "curtseyed" to the delighted children. After that the boys and girls
were happy to hurry off to their various classrooms. Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers
have five children, three of them adopted at home in Los Angeles,
California. On Monday night they put through a telephone call to the
youngest, Mary ("Little Doe") whose second birthday is to-day. This is the
first time Roy and Dale, his wife, have visited the British Isles. They go
to Dublin to-day.
Belfast Doctor Leaves £20,000.
Dr. William Arthur Magill, ? Castle Avenue, Antrim Road, Belfast, who died
on April 22 last left £20,033. £9,270 - Mrs. Ellen Frances Topley, of
Glenara, Holywood, Co. Down, who died on September 14? She left £100 to
Northern Ireland Council of Social Welfare.
Columns five and six under photo Death Rate
Is The Lowest On Record, Reduced T.B. and cancer tolls.
The Ulster Registrar-General, in his return of vital statistics for the
quarter ended September 30 last, states that the general death rate, the
death rate from tuberculosis, cancer, the principal epidemic diseases, and
the infant and maternal mortality rates show decreases when compared with
the corresponding quarter of 1952. The marriage rate increased during the
same period, but the birth rate shows a slight decrease. The births numbered
7,254, of which 3,751 were of boys and 3,503 of girls, the total being
equivalent to an annual rate of 20.8 per 1,000 of the estimated population.
This rate is 0.1 below that for the third quarter of 1952. The number of
marriages registered during the quarter was 3,207 representing a rate of 9.2
per 1,000 population and being 0.4 above the rate for the same period of
1952. The deaths registered during the quarter, numbered 3,075, of which
1,564 were of males and 1,511 of females. Of the total deaths 1,907 or 62
per cent were of persons aged 65 years and upwards. The death rate per 1,000
population was 8.8 and is the lowest ever recorded for any quarter. Deaths
from all forms of tuberculosis represented a rate of 0.18 per 1,000
population, whilst the deaths of infants under one year of age was
equivalent to 31 deaths per 1,000 live births. These rates are also lower
than any previously recorded. 'Flu less fatal. The death rate from the
principal epidemic diseases dropped from 0.22 for the previous quarter to
0.09 for the quarter under review. This fall was mainly due to the decrease
in the number of deaths from influenza and of deaths of children under two
years of age from diarrhoeal diseases, the numbers being 36 to 5 and 36 to
15 respectively. Mortality from cancer also showed a decline from 500 deaths
in the September quarter of 1952 to 489 for the same period of 1953. The
death rates were 1.45 and 1.40 respectively, per 1,000 population. The
maternal mortality rate was 0.7 per 1,000 live births as compared with 1.4
for the third quarter of 1952.
Milebush man's fatal crash on way to work.
A verdict of accidental death was returned at an inquest in Carrickfergus on
Wednesday on Leslie McAllister, a 24-year-old docker, of Red Brae, Milebush,
Carrickfergus, who met with a fatal accident on a pedal cycle the previous
day. The Coroner: Dr. Herbert Baird, expressed the opinion that the brakes
had apparently seized in some ay and that when deceased fell his head struck
the road, causing a severe fracture of the skull. He was found lying
unconscious on the roadside with a sports model bicycle beside him.
McAllister was married less than a year ago. Constable's Evidence. Constable
George Clarke deposed that at 11-5 a.m. on Tuesday he visited the scene of
the accident and found marks on the road directly below the entrance to
Captain Cole's residence, apparently made by the pedal of a bicycle scraping
along the ground. These scrapes extended for a distance of 20 yards, at the
end of the road six feet from the side of the bank. The road is 19 feet wide
at the spot, situated at the bottom of an exceptionally steep hill, very
slightly curved and in good condition. The weather was fine and the road
dry. Witness examined a pedal cycle which had apparently been ridden by
deceased, and found that the brake blocks on the front had been turned
upwards, and that the bottom mudguard stays on the front wheel had also been
turned upwards. The bottom mudguard stays on the front wheel were broken,
and turned into the fork. The saddle was partly turned to the right and the
portion of the left pedal was damaged. Apart from this the bike was in good
mechanical order. Martha McAllister, deceased's wife, said at 10-15 a.m. her
husband left home to go to work in Belfast, riding his blue and white
bicycle. She later identified the body. Woman's Discovery. Ellen McAllister,
Commons, Carrickfergus (spinner), stated that at 10-45 a.m. she was walking
up the Red Brae, and a short distance from Captain Cole's house she saw a
man lying face downwards about a foot from the side of the road. He was
lying with one of his legs over the top of the bicycle. Witness ran to Capt.
Cole's house and he telephoned for the ambulance. She did not notice any
other traffic coming up or down the Brae at the time, and did not know how
long the man had been lying on the road. Dr. James R. Purser stated
McAllister was admitted to the local hospital at 11-5 and was unconscious.
He had an abrasion on the back of his skull and the back of his left hand,
and a bruise over his left eye. He died at 2-30 p.m. without regaining
consciousness. In the opinion of witness the cause of death was laceration
of the brain as the result of an accident, the injuries being consistent
with a fall from a bicycle. The Coroner expressed sympathy with the
relatives, as did Mr. J. McReynolds, foreman of the jury, and Sergt. Sydney
Hodgen on behalf of the police.
Column six under photo and below Death Rate article.
Organised Crime. Co. Antrim is praised by Assize Judge.
Addressing the Grand Jury at the opening of the Antrim Spring Assizes in
Belfast last week, Mr. Justice Sheil said the County remained "as it had
been and as we hope it will always be, clear of organised crime and free
from all political troubles." He had had an interview with Co.-Inspector W.
A. Coote, O.B.E., who was shortly leaving the Force, and he too was happy to
report that he was able to leave a good record with regard to the state of
the County at the present Assize. It was true that in the specially reported
cases there appeared to be an increase of 64 cases. There was a simple
explanation of that. A new system of making records had been brought into
force whereby all indictable offences, even if they had been dealt with at
petty sessions, were reported to Her Majesty's Judges. Hitherto this was not
so and if they had been working on the same bases as twelve months ago,
there would have been an increase of only nine, a very small number. The
Grand Jury's labours, though at first glance they appeared formidable, would
be matters easily resolved. They would be concerned with 17 bills of
indictment but they only involved 15 persons. Mr. Justice Sheil said he had
gone through the dispositions and they would not, he was satisfied, provide
any difficulty.
Restitution made.
George E. Bigger (18), was given an unconditional discharge on two charges
of shop breaking and larceny of 6,180 cigarettes and a quantity of
chocolate. Mr. H. A. McVeigh, Q.C. (instructed by Mr. R. B. Uprichard, Crown
Solicitor), said accused had made restitution of £20. This case was adjoined
from the Summer Assizes to give accused a chance to make restitution and to
join the R.A.F. He had failed to join the R.A.F., although he had made
Edward Phillips, a
soldier, stated to be a native of Cookstown, and at present stationed at
Troon. Scotland was sentenced to six months imprisonment on a charge of
breaking into a shop in Larne and stealing 1,000 cigarettes and a quantity
of tobacco. The Judge said the warrant would not be issued until the
following evening to give the accused an opportunity of leaving Northern
Lorry Helper is Killed, Co. Antrim road mishap.
A verdict in accordance with the medical evidence was returned by Dr. Hall
Stewart, Coroner, at an inquest in Antrim on Tuesday on Frances Joseph
Byrne, 4 Baroda Street, Belfast. The jury found that the injuries were
accidentally received. Byrne was helper on a lorry with trailer which had
stopped at Templepatrick road bridge about 1.20 a.m. on March 12 so that the
load on the trailer could be adjusted before passing through. He was at the
rear of the trailer when he was in collision with a passing motor-car.
'Black' Men's Day in Ballymena.
County Antrim "Black" demonstration on the last Saturday in August will be
held this year in Ballymena, when Lisburn, Ballymena, Ballymoney, Antrim,
Larne and Ballyclare District Chapters will attend. Sir Kt. James Bailie,
C.G.T., has been re-appointed W.D.M. of the Ballymena Chapter, a position
which he has occupied for more than 30 years.
Columns seven and eight Advertisements,
mostly Cinemas
Various Clippings Below

3 4
1) Daily Express Friday July 10th 1970 - Hero
Mickey taken in as a stray ~ The Irish Times, Tuesday, February
24th 1970 - Barnard to Become Space Doctor
2, 3, 4) The Sunday
Express, November 15th 1970 - Did No One Mourn These Children? Charfield
5) The Strange Wedding
That Set A Prisoner Free, The White Divorce
6, 7) Daily Express
Tuesday July 21st 1970 - "We've delivered the bacon OK Mac, but it got a wee
bit warm for the half-million eggs" Giles - Expressman James MacManus
joins the egg-and-bacon run, Mystery Boatloads At A Quiet Quay but it's
business as usual, Skipper Roy Shaw and Silver Scout head for port - As the
dock strike tightened its grip yesterday I joined one of the small flotilla
of strike-breaking fishing boats which are running a massive sea-lift of
food across the Irish Sea. Early in the morning the 49-ton fishing smack
Silver Scout slipped into harbour at the tiny village of Portavogie on
Ulster's County Down coast. For one hour the four-man crew, headed by
29-year-old skipper Roy Shaw, loaded one of the richest cargoes to slip
through the dockers' hands - a £10,000 consignment of cured-bacon carcases.
The 600 carcases has been dumped on the quayside after a lorry journey
across Northern Ireland from a large bacon factory in Enniskillen in Co.
Fermanagh. (click on images 6 & 7 for full
8, 9) Daily Express
Tuesday July 21st 1970 - Strutting Back to Starbuck Farm yesterday, Spike
and the cockiest brood in Britain, Enter proud mum Spike with her seemingly
endless brood of 21 ducklings. The Ministry of Agriculture said: "Spike may
well have set up a British record." (click
on images 8 & 9 above for full story)

1) News Letter, Monday, August 17th 1970 - Then
Down Came the Floods, Many homeless as storms hit Ulster, Many Roads
Impassable, The scene in Sandy Row, Belfast, after the week-end flooding -
Storm floods wreaked havoc in Ulster yesterday, as swollen rivers burst
their banks, leaving many families homeless and extensively damaging
property. In some parts of the Province, troops were called in to rescue
marooned families and livestock and dam back the rising water. Two hundred
men of the Black Watch yesterday sandbagged the banks of the Mourne River at
Strabane, 15 miles from Londonderry, in an effort to stop further flooding.
The men worked throughout the day, at times shoulder-deep in muddy water.
Seven families, comprising 20 people in Waterside Street, were evacuated
when the river wall threatened to give way. There was flooding in the
adjoining Bridge Street, but the water was pumped away by the fire service.
People at Ballymagorry, on the main road between Strabane and Londonderry,
were also evacuated when the Glenmornan River burst its banks and flooded
the road to a depth of some feet. There was severe flooding at Burndennett,
where two families were rescued by the Army using rubber dinghies. At the
Border village of Clady, six families vacated their homes when the River
Finn burst its banks and poured into the village streets to a depth of about
two feet. Many telephones in the area have been put out of order. "Ankle
deep in mud" - Mr. A. Sedgwick of Electric Street, brushes mud from his
2) continued from 1 - A
welcome sight for the troops helping the flood rescue work, the tea urn
arrives. Mr. Alex Graham, of Durham Street, wades through the water with his
milk. Householders in Magnetic Street, off Roden Street, with their
furniture stacked outside their homes. Northern Ireland, after months of
sectarian strife and bitter rioting, was reeling yesterday from the effects
of some of the worst floods for many years. Troops and police worked side by
side with Protestants and Roman Catholics to battle against the floods. A
repair bill of millions of pounds is likely as a result of one night's rain.
Highest Ever Rainfall. Rainfall recorded at Aldergrove Met. Office from 10
a.m. Saturday until 10 a.m. yesterday at 2.60 inches was the highest ever
recorded there in a 24-hour period. Previous highest was 1.95 inches on July
13, 1967, and the highest for August was 1.72 inches on August 9, 1952. At
Newtownstewart a record 2.89 inches fell in the same period. And at Armagh,
a record 3.08 inches was recorded - almost equal to the average for the
entire month of August. More than 1,000 soldiers laid down their
self-loading rifles and riot batons and spent the day helping stricken
Belfast people mop up after Saturday night's storm. The troops set up mobile
canteens and pre-cooked meals were sent to emergency centres where several
hundred families were sheltering. An emergency Cabinet meeting is to be held
later to-day to consider the effect of the flooding and to decide what can
be done to alleviate the hardship caused to hundreds of families.....
3) continued from 2 -
"Coldstream carpet cleaners" - Soldiers of the Coldstream Guards hoe down
carpets for people in Fort Street. "To the rescue" A policeman and soldier
push a stranded car from the flood water on the Grosvenor Road. Soldiers
bailing water from homes in the Sandy Row area. Young boys from Cullingtree
Road, with shoes in hand, make their way through the flood water in Glengall
Street. Left to Right are Ciaran Crosey, Gerard McConville and Gerard
Maguire. Anniversary. It was a year to the day yesterday that the Army
moved into Belfast to keep the peace. Then they struggled against bricks,
petrol bombs and gunfire. Last night they were preparing to return to their
peace-keeping role if needed again in that capacity. And in the narrow
terraced streets where only last week soldiers were forbidden to walk alone,
the only enemy recognised by either side was the tide of muddy flood-water
which poured relentlessly into the houses. All over the Province the scene
was one of devastation as flood-water from torrential rain and swollen
rivers, combined with gale-force winds, left a trail of destruction. Bridges
were washed away, roads flooded, fields of crops ruined and houses and
property lost. Belfast itself was reeling under the highest ever recorded
rainfall in a 24 hour period. In parts the flood-water was more than six
feet deep. And as the massive "operation mop-up" got under way there was
spontaneous praise for the Army from both Protestants and Roman Catholics
for the willing way in which they had rescued stranded families, evacuated
houses, joined in the cleaning up and helped in every way. Mr. Paddy Devlin,
M.P. for Falls, toured his constituency, one of the worst hit areas, and he
praised "the wonderful efforts of the Coldstream Guards, they have done a
magnificent job from the early hours of this morning," he added. ~
Makes you think, I love mankind, it's people I can't stand. No problem is so
big or so complicated that it cannot be run away from. Charles M. Schulz
4) Daily Express Tuesday
August 18, 1970 - "If it isn't the same dharlin' boy I beat the living
daylights out of for pinging me one with a rubber bullet!"
5) Heart Case - The first
heart transplant in Ireland has been successfully performed on a priest in
Belfast. (click on image 5 above for full story) ~ A Ticket - And there's
yet another Belfast story. (click on image 5 above for full story)
6) The Irish Times,
Monday, August 17th, 1970 - Two rectors lost off Wexford, Two Church of
Ireland clergymen and the 20-year-old son of one of them drowned on
Saturday. Their empty sailing dinghy was found near Blackwater Head, Co.
Wexford, yesterday morning and the body of the Rev. Donald McLinden, Rector
of Enniscorthy, was washed up on a beach two miles north of the head. The
search continued yesterday for the bodies of the Rev. Edward Shearer, rector
of Wexford, and his 20 year old son Philip, an arts student at Trinity
College, Dublin. The three men formed the crew of the 17-foot Mermaid
dinghy, Kotick, which, with 11 others, had set out from Wexford in a race
around the North Shear buoy, five miles north-east of Rosslare Harbour. When
it was found that Mr. shearer's boat has not returned, the Rev. Thomas
Sherwood, of St. Peter's College, Wexford, who also took part in the race,
notified Mr. Cecil Miller, hon. secretary of Rosslare Harbour lifeboat
station. The lifeboat under second coxswain Jack Wickhan put to sea in a
wind of 75 m.p.h. at 7.30 p.m. Mr. Wickhan later said the lifeboat used
searchlight and radar, but conditions were so bad that it was impossible to
see anything. The lifeboat returned at midnight, and at dawn yesterday went
out again and remained at sea for more than eight hours. An Army helicopter
from Baldonnel Airport , piloted by Captain Fergal O'Connor, joined in the
search also. Coast life-saving service men patrolled the east Wexford
coastline continuously Saturday night and yesterday, assisted by local
people, members of Wexford Harbour Boat Club and Wexford troop of Sea
Scouts. On The Beach. Yesterday Mr. Jim Donoghue, hon. secretary of Wexford
Sailing Club, found Mr. McLindon's body on the beach near Ballyvaldon, about
two miles north of Blackwater Head. The helicopter sighted the empty wrecked
dinghy with its mast broken off and the sails still on it. It was being
battered by the surf a couple of miles from where the body had been found.
The helicopter also reported having sighted an empty life-jacket floating in
the sea nearby. At the request of Rosslare Harbour Sailing Club Mass for the
repose of the souls of the three men was offered in St. Patrick's Church,
Rosslare Harbour yesterday by the Rev. Declan Cleary, C.C. Father
Cleary also prayed for the safe return of the lifeboat men who were then
still at sea. Mr. McLindon is survived by his wife and children, Mr. Shearer
was educated at Mountjoy School, Dublin, and took his B.D. degree with
distinction at Dublin University. He is survived by his wife, four sons and
one daughter. Mr. McLindon's body was removed to Wexford County Hospital
yesterday morning at St. Iberius Church, Wexford, the Bishop of Ossory,
Ferns and Leighlin, the Right Rev. Dr. H. R. McAdoo, conducted a memorial
Daily Express Wednesday November 4th, 1970 - Wasn't that a dainty cake to
set before a Prince? The royal taster, Charles and Yvonne yesterday - It's
that look of expectancy you can find on any cook's face. Will he like it? Or
is it lumpy and tasteless? And when the taster is no less than Prince
Charles it's even more important. The little girl waiting anxiously for the
royal verdict on her cake mixture is Yvonne Owen, aged eight. The Prince was
visiting Newborough Primary School, Anglesey, where, apart from his cake
tasting, he gave his autograph to seven year old Gillian Rowlands. But
Yvonne thought her "prize" was best ... and home she ran to tell her family
of the day the Prince of Wales sampled a cake she made and approved.
7) Daily Express Tuesday
February 16th, 1971 "Shut up before you start! Thanks to decimal chit-chat
I'm not half way through yesterday's round" Giles
The Sunday Express, March 28th 1971 - The Son of a Heart Throb, His name is
John, he is the ten year old son of one of the great Hollywood heart throbs,
Clark Gable, who died, aged 59 four months before John was born. John is
arriving at a Hollywood premiere with his mother Kay, 53
8) Rene MacColl, he was a
great reporter by Cyril Aynsley (not complete) (click on image 8 above for
part story)
9) The Irish Press,
Tuesday June 1st, 1971 - Tears at death of a parish, Last Service at St.
Mark's by Andrew Bushe (click on image 9 above for full story)
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