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The Laura Carr Collection, Donaghadee

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Assorted Photos from Albums

To Annie McConnell From J. N.  25th April 1890
(this album is part of the Laura Carr Collection)
A. McConnell April 1890

1                                2                              3                               4                             5                               6
1) Photographer Kobe, Japan
2) Mrs. Welsh (Belfast Photographer)
3) Miss McConnell
4) Mr. Welsh
5) Tom Austin - Mr. Ostin, Fisher Hill, Bangor (Belfast Photographer)
6) Tom Austin's Sister

1                                          2                                      3                                    4                                   5
1) Annie McIlwine? (Belfast Photographer)
2) Dear Chattie (Belfast Photographer)
3) George Alexander
4) Mrs. McCaughey
5) Mrs. Shanks (Belfast Photographer)

     1                             2                             3                             4                             5                             6
1) Miss Jardine, Belfast
2) Miss Fee?, Belfast
3) Miss Jardine, Belfast
4) Mrs. Keers?
5) Dr. John Gorman, Bangor
6) Miss S. Dogherty

1                                      2                                         3                                       4
1) 3 young Clancys
2) 2 Miss Lamonts, Bangor
3) Mr. George Tanner, Glasgow
4) 4 little Tanners Glasgow

                                 1                                                                 2                                     3
1) Mr. & Mrs. Roberts, Belfast
2) Dr. Higginson's 2 sons
3) Mr. N. Alexander wee Shannie or Hannie or Thannie

1                                 2                                3                                4      
1) Mr. S. Nelson, My. Lady's Road, Belfast
2) Mr. Swann, Bangor
3) Mr. W. Hanna, Chemist, Bangor
4) Miss Gray, Manchester

1                                          2                                         3                                        4
1) (Belfast Photographer)
2) (Belfast Photographer)
3) (Australian Photographer)
4) (Australian Photographer)


1                                     2                                 3                                                                               
1) July 1944 Dublin Isa her sons, Hunter and Kenneth
2) Taken at Bangor Intermediate School, June 1957
3) Hunter & Netty, Holland

McKee Erected in Loving Memory of Hannah Maria wife of John McKee. Born 21st June 1856 Died 21st December 1917
The above John McKee Born 21st March 1862 Died 25th June 1923

1                                  2                                   3
1) (Belfast Photographer)
2) 15th July 1958 Bergson Studio, York, Bradford
3) (Belfast Photographer)

Roy Neill Auction/Estate Agent/Valuer & Regal Cinema

1                                       2                                     3                                    4
1) Ken & Mum or Kens Mum (hard to make out) London 4th August 1953 on our way to Lucerne Switzerland
2) Mrs. Margaret Cowan, 21 Ballymacool Terrace, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal
3) 25th August 1936/8
4) (Belfast Photographer)

1                                                                   2                                                              3
1) Isa & Sam - Ramsey, I.O.M.
2) With love from Netty
3) -

1) Myles OcOnnor & I. I.O.M. 2949

October 1959


following photos are theatre photos with no information
theatre photos with information are here

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