Gallagher Suitcase
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- everything other than photos & postcards
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(many different spellings Gallagher Gallaher Gallacher, Galagher)
a large collection of photos, postcards and other
mostly English but with Belfast/Portaferry connections
well it did end up here in Ireland!

nice old dusty suitcase, label: Rev. Bro. C. Gallagher ?? Galloping Green,
Belmont House, Black Rock, Co. Dublin

Headquarters, U.S. Forces, European Theater Allied Contact Section. This is
to identify Col. Gallagher, Charles Gallagher. Validating officer Henry F.
Windmoeller, Capt. Ord. - Nationality British; Birth date 6th December 1923;
Height 5 ft 2 in; Weight 160 lbs; Hair brown; Eyes blue; Duty BGRC; Date
Issued 7 June 47

a compass?
grooming kit

hair tucked inside a laxative bottle?
more hair inside an envelope marked Joan

1) The St. John Ambulance Association - This is certify that James Wilson
has attended a course of Instruction at the Ulster Centre of the Association
and has qualified to render "first aid to the injured"
2) National Trade Defence Association Diploma - This Diploma is awarded to
Charles Anthony Gallagher to certify that he has attended a course of
instruction at the City of Liverpool College of Commerce and has passed an
examination with credit
A, R, Burnett-Hurst - Principal of Institute - W. ? Smith - Chairman of
Staff Education Committee Date: 26th April 1949
2 Northern Bank cheques dated 1970 made out to Pontings & Park Gardens at
Basildon Essex by Anne Wilson, Stamped paid Portaferry
4) Instructor's Manual Swimming and Diving Courses
5) John Fulton (1930) Ltd., Manufacturers & Warehousemen, Murray Street,

1) The Oriel Pocket Book - 70491 (11-9-19) Pte.
J. Gallagher Royal Scots.
2) list of names
and amounts of money; Route to India - Left Liverpool H. M. T.
"Herefordshire" Sunday 21/9/19 2.30 p.m. - Passed Cape St. Vincent Thursday
25/9 7.30 a.m. - Passed ??gib 10 p.m. 25/9 - Port Said 2/10 - Port Suez 3/10
- Bombay 13/10 - Columbo (Ceylon) 10/10 - Visit to Kandy 17/10 - Rangoon
Burma 21/10 - Meikbeld (Rel. 1st G. R. I. 7) 25/10
3) Rangoon (Sale
Bbs) 7-2-20 - Bangalore (Via 34th Sig Lev? Madras) 12-3-20 - Quetta 1/10/20
- Karachi (W/T Course) 30/22/30 - Allahabad 28/2/~26/3/21 - Delhi
26/3/~13/4/21 Letters to Rita Irving 17-1-20; Leo McGrillen 17-1-20;
Myers? 5/5/20; Annie 5/5/20; Kitty June 20; Marie 16/6/20; Sister Marie
23/6/20; Annie 23/6/20 - Xmas Cards & photos to Marie; Annie; Sarah; Jack;
The Misses Irving; "Mac" (Mess) all Dec 1920 - Xmas cards to Larry O'Shea;
Ned McGinley; McKenna (M. E. ?) scored out; A. from Marie April 6th/1921; R.
to Marie April 6th/1921
4) Won Hills
Billiard Tournament, Bangalore 30/7/20; Giby? Y. M. Tournament Bangalore
6/9/20; 1st Theory test 77/77; 2nd Theory test 58/67.5; 3rd Theory test
69/68; 4th Theory test 76/70; 5th Theory test 57/67.4; 6th Theory test
46/64; 7th test 62; Final test 87 Average 66.5%
5) Left Uta?
28/11/22; Left Kr. 7/12/22; Passed Aden 12/12/22; Passed Suez 17/12/22;
Passed Port Said 18; and Southampton 30/Dec/22; and Edinboro' 31/12/22; and
Portaferry 3/1/23; Dublin 19/2/23
6) "Maire My Girl"
Over the dim blue hills, Strays a wild river, Over the dim blue hills, Rests
my heart ever, Dearer & brighter than jewels or pearl, Dwells she in beauty
there Maire my Girl. Twas on an April eve that I first met her, Many
an eve shall pass E'er I forget her, Since my young heart has been wrapt in
a whirl, Thinking & dreaming of Maire my Girl. She is too kind & fond
Ever to grieve me, She has too pure a heart E'er to deceive me, Were I
Tyrconnells chief Or Desmond's Earl, Life would be dark without
7) Standchen -
Zephyrs gently waving o'er me, Waft my song to thee, They will murmur "I
adore thee Dearest come to me" Where the noisy brook is flowing, Countless
moonbeams shine, Here I wait, impatient growing, Till I call thee mine?
Hark! the nightingale is pouring Lovesongs for thine ear, Plaintive notes
still higher soaring. Trembling with her fear, Well she knows loves inward
sorrow, Feels the bitter smart From her grieving comfort borrow, For the
tender heart. - (Serenade) Let her song with pity move thee, Listen to my
prayer, Hasten to the arms that love thee, All our joys to share.
8) Indeed, the idols I have loved so long, Have done my Credit in Men's Eye
much wrong, Have drowned my Honour in a shallow cup, And sold my reputation
for a Song. O.K.

1, 2) Bridge Scores
3) Carmen: Lutz
Cavalleria: Mascagin; "Good-bye" Falling leaf & fading tree, Lines of white
in a sullen sea, Shadows rising on you & me, The Swallows are making them
ready to fly, Wheeling out on a windy sky, Goodbye Summer Goodbye, Goodbye.
- What are we waiting for? Ph my heart! Kiss me straight on the brows and
part! Again! Again! my heart! my heart! What are we waiting for you and I? A
pleading look A stifled cry, Goodbye for ever? Goodbye, Goodbye
4) Absent -
Sometimes between long shadows in the grass, The little truant waves of
sunlight pass. My eyes grow dim with tenderness the while, Thinking I see
thee, Thinking I see thee smile. And sometimes in the twilight gloom apart
the tall trees whisper, Whisper heart to heart from my fond lips, The eager
answers fall, thinking I hear thee, thinking I hear thee call.
5) Shipmates o'
mine. Tell me, tell me, where are you sailing, Shipmates o' mine? The
morn is cold & the great winds are wailing, Shipmates o' mine. "Forth we
must go" your brave words are falling, "Forth to the new land that ever is
calling" Fortune attend you there! Good luck go with you, Shipmates o' mine.
Tell me, tell me, where are you roaming. Shipmates o' mine? O'er blue seas,
or where the grey waves are foaming, Shipmates o' mine? Never a message! Oh
tell us your story, All fate has given you Sorrow or glory. Send us one word
for our lone hearts are waiting, Shipmates o' mine. Tell me, tell me where
are you sleeping, Shipmates o' mine. Down deep down where no rough tide is
leaping, Shipmates o' mine. There in your slumber the great guns you're
hearing, O'er your heads the proud chips are steering. Till the trumpet
shall sound, till the trumpet shall sound! Your captain shall wake you,
Shipmates o' mine.
6) May Brake? I
passed by your window. I passed by your window, When the morning was red,
The dew on the rosebud, The lark overhead, And oh I sang softly, Tho' no one
was near, To bid you "Good Morning" "Goodmorning" my dear. I passed by
your window, In the cool of the night, The lilies were watching, So still
and so white, And oh I sang softly, Tho' no one could hear, Good night, God
bless you, God bless you my dear.
7) Friend o' mine.
When you are happy, friend o' mine, And all your skies are blue; Tell me
your luck, your fortune fine, And let me laugh with you, Tell me the hops
that spur you on, The deeds you mean to do, The gold you've struck, the fame
you've won, And let me joy with you. But when you are sad and heart
acold, and all your skies are dark, Tell me the dreams that mocked your
hold, The shafts that missed the mark, Am I not yours for weal or woe? How
else can friends prove true? Tell me what breaks & brings you low, And let
me stand with you. So, when the night fades? tremulous, When the last
lamp burns low, When one of us, or both of us, The long lone road must go,
Look with your dear old eyes in mine, Give me a handshake true, Whatever
fate our souls await, Let me be there, Let me be there, There with you!
8) Scenes that are
brightest, May charm awhile, Hearts which are lightest, and eyes that smile,
Yet o'er then above us, Though Nature beam, With none to love us, How sad
they seem. Words cannot scatter, The thoughts we fear, For though the
flatter, They mock the ear, Hopes will still deceive us, With tearful cost,
And when they leave us, The heart is lost.
9) Drinking.
In cellar cool at ease I sit, Upon a barrel resting, In merry mood I loudly
call, The finest wine requested. The cellarman the beaker fills, My
lips I soon am linking, And deep & long the luscious draugh, I'm drinking
drinking, drinking. That demon thirst is quite a plague but so that I
may scare him, Again I raise the beaker high, And boldly quaffing dose him,
The world seems clothed in rosy tints, It's clouds to nought are shrinking,
I feel a friend to every man when drinking, drinking, drinking.
Diary Continued.
1917 Jan 27th Berthen, Mont de Cats; Mar 1st Marched 3 days to Le Thelay;
8th Inspected by F.M. Sir D. Haig, 10th Arras Cavalry Bks.; April 9th
Rodincourt Valley, wounded 2nd time, 17th Torpedoed S.S. "Donegal" 7.45
p.m., 18th Bristol (Beaufort War Hospital) Fishponds; May Calne, Wiers, 21st
Convalescent; June 16th Belfast Sick leave, 10 days, 26th Glencorse Depot;
July 14th Belfast Draft leave 7 days, 31st Etaples

1) Diary (Cont.) 1917 August 18th Peronne,
Somme, 20th Re-joined 17th Bn. at Villers Faucon, 20th till Guillemont Farm
- Epehy; Oct Sectors, 5th Duisans, 15th Ypres Salient till Mar 1918
Poelcapelle - Langemarck. St. Julien - Houlthurst Forest; 23rd Heilly,
Somme, 29th Rearguard Actions; April 6th till 29th Martinsary - Bouzincourt
Sector; May 1st Rubemare (Rest?), 19th till June Martinsart - Bouzincourt
Sector, 18th Raincheval (Rest); 1918 July 5th Kemmel Hill; Aug 18th Le Wast
(Musketry), 24th Steenvoorde; Sept. 3rd Voormezeele (Ypres), 11th Belfast 14
days. 25th Leave (28 - 2/11); Action Service Oct. 3rd Belgian Battery
Corner, 10th Action, 18th Capture of Marcke, 21st Relieved by 41st Div.,
23rd Courtrai, 26th Line Alveghem (Scheldt); Nov. 11th March on Till
Armistice Day. Omenarde?
2) Diary 1919 Mar
21st June 28th Leave; Glencorse July Joined 1st Battalion Redford Bks.;
Sept. 9th Inspection by C-I-C H.R.H. Princess Mary, 21st Sailed from
Liverpool H.T. "Herefordshire"; Oct 2nd. called at Port Said, 13th called at
Bombay, 16th Ashore at Colombo, 17th Trip to Kandy, 21st Arrived Rangoon,
25th Arrived Meiktila. 1920 Feb. 7 Returned to Rangoon Sale Bks.; Mar
12th Arrived Bangalore via Madras, Attd. 34th Sig. Coy. R.E.; Oct. 1 Quetta;
Nov. 30 Karachi (W/T); Feb. 28 Train to Allahabad via Lahore, Dehli,
Cawnpore. Allahabad (4 weeks) Delhi 3 weeks. Karachi. Quetta 16/5/21.
Fort Sandeman. Zhob? 11/4/22. Loralai May, Moghalkot, June via Brunj, Safi
Mirali Khel, 4 days march. 24/6/22 ?? ??
3) Mrs. John
Webber c/o Smith, ? Stafford Str?? Edinburgh
4) 34th D. S. C.
List of payments
5) Miss Alice
Janeway, Bay Road, Mt. Gambier, S. Austr. note in "?????" dated 1915 rec'd
Wexford 1923
6) Pte. Martin
Gallacher, 976.6 or 16 M.G.C. 49th Battn. Nat. Army Dundalk. Miss
Sarah Gallacher, c/o Mrs. Warren, 135 Heath Street East, Toronto, Canada.
Mr. John Gallacher, c/o A. M. Simpson, 28 McAlpine Street, Anderton,
Glasgow. 10986 W. Westwood 70460 J. Bowley? 70572 Joey
Brown. Sister Marie Gallacher, St. Wilfreds College, Oakamore, W.
Staffs, England. Woman has 5 customers for a basket of apples,
1st customer ½ stock + ½ apple - 2nd customer ½ stock + ½ apple - 3rd
customer ½ stock + ½ apple - 4th customer ½ stock + ½ apple - 5th customer ½
stock + ½ apple 15 left Solution 511
7) Addresses:
Mr. A. E. Summerfield, 358 Hereford Street, Linwood, Christchurch, N.Z. -
Mr. J. McMullen, 21 McIntyre Street, Anderston, Glasgow - M. Annie Sweeney,
31 Cromac Street, Belfast - Mr. Bernard Holden, 5 Avil's Hill, Kilbirnie,
Ayrshire - Miss Lily Murray, 53 Beechfield Street, Belfast - Miss A.
Gallacher, 8 Chichester Terrace, Antrim Road, Belfast - Mr. J. Myers, 47
Seaforde Street, Belfast - Miss Sarah Gallacher, 84 Henry Street, Liverpool
8) end page

Christmas 1937
With the Season's Kind Remembrances and the Best of Good Wishes for your
Prosperity and Happiness at Christmas and throughout the New Year From
Mr. & Mrs. T.? Gallagher, Meeting House Lane, Portaferry
Calendar 1938
Bookmark Portaferry Regatta Committee
1) P.O. Telegram 18th March 1943 from ? Turner Cheltenham to LACW Gallagher
Staverton Aerodrome, Gloucester - Congratulations on your 21st John
2 & 3) Greetings 19.3.43 to LACW Galagher c/o Airmens Mess RAF Stn.
Staventon, Gloucester - Many Happy Returns Love Uncle Bert
4, 5) Greetings 19.3.43 to LACW Gallagher RAF Station Staverton, Gloucester
- Many happy returns Love Jean
6) Greetings 19.3.43 to LACW Gallagher c/o Airmens Mess RAF Stn. Staverton,
Gloucester - Many happy returns Love Kath and Theo
7, 8, 9) P.O. Telegram 14th July 1941 Postmark Pangbourne, Reading, Berks
from Ann Gallagher Providence Whitchurch, Oxon. - Home until Saturday, Can
you come. Len or Lew xxx
1, 2, 3, 4) 1941 Miss A. Gallagher "Providence" Whitchurch Oxon. - With My
Love - Many happy returns my dearest PS I Love You Lew?
5) H.M. Inspector of Taxes Re-Use of Envelopes Label
6) 6 St. Agnes Court, Porchester Terrace, W. 2. Change of Address - Please
note that on and after Tuesday, 12th October, our address will be -
"Providence," Whitchurch Hill, Pangbourne, Berks. Telephone Pangbourne 138.
Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Stair and Family
7 & 8) British Postal Order Pay Mrs. A. Gallagher 2/6 17th December 1940?

1, 2, 3) Souvenir from Ireland - Wishing you a Happy Birthday from Dad & Mum
4, 5, 6) Miss Annie Gallaher, The Lane, Portaferry - Honi Soit Qui Mal Y-Pense
Royal Engineers - To My darling Sweetheart, Christmas Greetings and Best
Wishes for the Coming Year from Len, Lew, Lou
7) Well-Known Veterinary Surgeon Dies - Mr. George Percy Male, O.B.E.,
M.R.C.V.S., of Westcroft, Earley, well-known throughout the country as a
veterinary surgeon, whose death occurred on Thursday after a long illness,
aged 75. The funeral takes place at St. Peter's, Earley, on Tuesday ay 2.15

1, 2, 3) George Percy Male, January 11th 1881 - November 29th 1956 - St.
Peter's Church Earley, December 4th 1956

Birthday Cards to Ann from Ria; Theo & Kath; to Aunty Anne from Hugh and
John; from Father; Joan; John, Mary & Family; Kath & Theo; Beatie, Reg &
Roger; all at No. 7; Len, Lew?

Birthday Cards to Ann from Kath, Theo, John & Hugh; from John & Hugh to
Auntie Ann; To My Dear Sister from Marie?; from Marion Walker

Birthday Cards to Mrs. Wilson from Mrs. Townsend; from all at No. 7; from
Mary, John & all
To Ann From Beatie, Reg & Roger - News Inside - 14 Cennick Avenue,
Kingswood, Bristol, March 17th, Dear Ann, The chain of thought has worked
again as usual. It is St. Patrick's Day, which reminds me of you & that it
is soon your Birthday once more. I was pleased to have a few lines with your
Xmas Card, but I did not write any messages to you so now I will make up for
it. We have just got through this awful winter & my chest has been as bad as
ever but I am now hoping it will clear up a bit as the weather improves. We
often say we would love to come to Ireland to visit you, but can never make
plans too far ahead, but how about you coming to pay us a visit, we would
love to have you. I'm sure all the family would be thrilled to see you once
more & we should love to meet your husband Jim. Lots of things have happened
since I wrote last, Roger is now 20 & engaged to be married, next week he is
going to buy a car with a little help from his Dad, not a new one but it
should get us around for a little pleasure & he needs something for getting
him to & from work. He works at nights every fortnight & finds travelling on
buses rather tedious, he has had a motor cycle for two years, but its rather
old. Uncle Wally passed away during the summer but considering his state of
health over the years he did not do so badly living past his 70th birthday.
Auntie Blanche misses him very much of course, as we all do. We are going to
Gwen's son John's wedding in two weeks time & Margaret has just had her
first baby. So the family will be getting together once more. Reg's mother &
mine also keep fairly well but are both ageing, they found the hard winter
rather trying. Violet & Clarence are well. Pamela is soon to have her second
baby, she came to Ireland at Xmas to be with her husband's family. My Sister
Doris who has been to Australia for 12 years came home last year in Jan. It
was lovely to see her after so long, they liked Australia very much but she
was very home sick & lonely & is glad to be home. We have lots of babies in
my family now, our family grows continually. Well I expect you are now
sitting down to television as we are & they are singing "It's a great day
for the Irish" so as I think I have now told you all the news to date I will
now say cheerio. With best wishes from us all Beatie, Reg & Roger

1) A Happy Christmas
2) In the spirit of Christmas, Let the nation's sadly distressed cancer
sufferers benefit from your kindness

Wedding Anniversary Cards to (I assume Ann and Len/ Lew/Lou Gallagher) from
Kath, Theo, John & Hugh; Mary & John; J. & M.

1) The American National Red Cross - Gallagher, Charles has completed the
Senior course of instruction in life saving and water safety at 1st
Constabulary Pool, Karlsruhe, Germany 6-3-47 - The Certificate expires three
years from date. Countersigned Albert T. Point, Field Representative.
Holder's Signature C. Gallagher, Crooked Billet, 89, 91 Old Chester Road,
2) The American National Red Cross - Gallagher, Charles is qualified as an
Intermediate Swimmer at Karlsruhe, Germany 5-9-47. Name of Chapter European
Command, Field Representative Albert Point
3) The American National Red Cross - Gallagher, Charles is qualified as a
Beginner in Swimming at Karlsruhe, Germany 5-9-47. Albert Point European

1) Mr. Herbert Rollinson, Mansion House 1915-7-8 Liverpool Cen. 6176
representing Donald Mac Nicol & Co., Ltd., Wine & Spirit Agents & Shippers.
Area Office, 15 Victoria Street, Liverpool. Head Office, 110 Cannon Street,
London E.C.4 Rec. No. C 3141 H.M.V.
2) Grand Xmas Presentation in aid of Shamrock Hurling and Football Club, 12a
Lime Street, Liverpool 1
3) 50 something
4) Teach Yourself Irish - David Frendo Ransley
5) Weales Rudimentary Series, Practical House Decoration, Crosby Lockwood &
Co., London

1) Thirty First International Eucharistic Congress Dublin 1932
2) Irish Beekeepers 1946
3) Recreation and Physical Fitness. Youths and Men
4) China 1st Battalion from Len or Lew? xx
5) Royal Engineers with love Francis xxxx
Players Cigarette Card
next Page 3
Photos with information