Forsythe Collection
of Bloomfield House, Balloo House and Fairview Nurseries
interesting photographs of Bangor etc.

Spectator 8th September 1961
of Bloomfield Road - If the Ministry of Commerce approves, the remainder
of the Bloomfield Road widening scheme at Forsythe's nurseries will be
completed with the aid of an unemployment relief grant. The Works and
Planning Committee at its August meeting considered circular letters
from the Ministry of Labour and National Insurance about the payment of
special government grants towards the cost of approved works for
relieving unemployment between 1st October, 1961, and 31st March 1962.
It was reported that it had been decided at the last meeting of the
General Purposes Sub-Committee to recommend to the Works & Planning
Committee that the remainder of the Bloomfield Road widening at
Forsythe's Nurseries should be completed. The revised estimate,
including compensation, was £10,200, and this scheme would be eligible
for a grant of 85 per cent. Mr. Forsythe had already agreed to
transfer to the Council the land needed for the scheme. On the proposal
of Councillor R. V. Campbell, seconded by Councillor J. F. R. Hamilton,
it was decided that the scheme be submitted to the Ministry of Commerce
for approval. Danger, Councillor R. H. Thompson drew
attention to a danger existing on Bloomfield Road, at the junction with
Jordan Avenue, where the road narrows. He had experienced a near
accident there when a child emerged suddenly, and he suggested that
protective railings be erected similar to those now at the Pitcairn
Avenue entrance. The matter was referred to the Works & Planning
Committee. Crawfordsburn Road. Also referred to the
Works and Planning Committee was a point raised by Councillor G. H.
Allport, whose attention had been drawn to the condition of the banks on
Crawfordsburn Road, near Carson's Hill. He was informed that the County
Council kept these trimmed when it was their responsibility, and he
wanted to know why the Council did not do it now.
Both women councillors in favour of pool.
Councillor Mrs. Alex. Levine was joined by Councillor Mrs. Beryl Holland
in advocating a heated indoor swimming pool for Bangor at the earliest
possible moment. Mrs. Holland in the course of her remarks said there
was a time when she had been interested in the pool because she did not
know of the real need. She was not convinced of its necessity and felt
that the majority of ratepayers would not mind paying 3d. or 4d. on the
rates for this facility. Click image to read more but the article is NOT
You Have Been Warned! A warning that future
offenders under the Little Act must face the full rigour of the law was
issued by the Mayor of Bangor (Alderman C. A. Valentine) at Tuesday's
meeting of Bangor Borough Council. Click image for more but NOT the full

Bloomfield Road and entrance and garden of Forsythes

Bangor Train Station, Main Street, Hamilton Road, Bangor

12th at Bangor

not sure, looks like some kind of Queen's type students day?

Lucy, 3 years

Steele - Nicholsons, Balloo House
Eveline B Row
married Major Elliot Workman
married MacIlwaine
Kathleen B Row
married Ernest Stuart-Perry?
Granny Nicholson
Florence B Row
married Sydney Guilford
Maud B Row
(exactly how this is written on the back of the photo)

1) 16th August 1916 S. Reid - Portrush Photographer
2) Arthur Hay Johnston, September 1941 - Paddy Johnston
3) Lucy Clarke, August 1954 Love to Gran-Gran
4) -
5) Tamnamore April 27th 1945

1) We three again - this time you can see very clearly where poor old Daff
had her tooth out - she's very annoyed about this - but they say the Camera
never lies!! Yours Eileen xxxx the girls have all signed the other photo.
2) ??y's? Christening party at Balloo. Molly, Betty, me & Cody?, Bertie Lucy
Daddy, Alice, ???y Sr.? - Frieda & Baby ???y Big Balloo

1) Graduating Class 1914 Winnipeg General Hospital, Manitoba
2) Every best wish for Christmas & the New Year, Malcolm Nicholson

above 5 photos came in an envelope with 'Willie & Elfreda wedding at
Tamnamore, Dungannon, 27th April 1949

1) Ross Castle, Killarney - 9th May 1915 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Willie
Forsythe, Pretoria House, Portstewart, Co. Derry - My Dear Ethel, P Arrived
here 6.40 no train home till 8.45, Hope you are keeping better. Do you
recognize this card? Paper should soon be out which I intend to get & go
straight to station & wait for train, Ethel better luck this day week 3 & 5.
your Willie 3.15. M. P. E. M.R.E. 3 & 5 or 3-15
2) Saddle Horse L.E.D. Peter Pan With love & best wishes
from Auntie Mick? Xmas 1920
the following photos have no information and most are from glass negatives,
as are any above with no information

glass negatives were messed up, click to enlarge

London photographer
Bangor photographer

William Gill, Contractor, Newtownards

All my Love Eileen

1) Ballymena Cemetery No. 216 Mr. Wm. Jno. Forsythe of Ballygarvey has
paid the sum of £1:10:0 for one Grave in the New Cemetery, Section D. 10
Number 21. Dated this 10th day of June 1890 H. O'Caraher Clerk to Town
Commissioners - R. J. Bell, Printer, 44 Mill Street, Ballymena
2) The Local "Spectator" - Spectator Buildings, Bangor. We would
appreciate the privilege of an order to insert the appended notice in this
week's issue of the Spectator. Kindly note, we go to Press Thursday evening.
- The engagement is announced between William John Sewell Forsythe, only son
of W. J. H. Forsythe, Esq., J.P., and Mrs. Forsythe, of Bloomfield Lodge,
Bangor, Co. Down, and Elfreda Ivy Steele-Nicholson, daughter of the late C.
H. Steele-Nicholson, Esq., and Mrs. Steele-Nicholson, late of Jamirah Tea
Estate, Dibrugarh, Assam, and now at Tamnamore, Co. Tyrone. - Price of
Insertion 9/10
3) Post Office Telegram 2nd May 1942? - 111 10.20 Belfast 17 Forsyth c/o
Eccleston Hotel, London = Cabin reserved Southampton to Jersey collect and
pay on the steamer = Cooks
4) 20th September 1949 Postmark Bangor to W. J. S. Forsythe, Esq., Balloo
House, Upper Balloo, Rathgael - Bangor District Royal Arch Purple Chapter
No. 18 - Dear Sir and Bro., You are earnestly requested to attend the Stated
Meeting of above District Chapter to be held in the Orange Hall, Bangor, on
Tuesday 27th Sept., at 8 o'clock, when your punctual attendance is expected.
Yours fraternally, R. Drury, District Registrar.
5) 7th January 1950 Postmark Bangor to W. J. S. Forsythe, Esq., Balloo
House, Rathgael, Bangor - St. Comgall's Temperance L.O.L. No. 235.
Worshipful Master: W. J. S. Forsythe, Orange Hall, Bangor.
6) Post Office Telegram to Willie Forsythe, Fairview - 2nd July 1948 Bangor,
Co. Down - 11.47 Portstewart - Willie Forsythe Jnr., Fairview, Bangor, Down,
Glad you won both prizes hope you will have good sailing and calm seas love
to your crew. Mammy

1) 4th August 1948 from C. Whitfeld, P.O. Timan, Kenya Colony to J. Forsyth,
Jnr., Bloomfield, Bangor, Co. Down, N. Ireland - Upepo, B.E.A. - Dear
Willie, Many congratulations on your engagement to Elfreda and may you both
be very happy. I need not tell you what a lucky man you are. It will be
lovely for Elfreda going back to Balloo to live, for the old place is dear
to us all. I wonder how your mushrooms are going along? You ought to be into
your stride by now. I am thinking quite seriously of cultivating them out
here. Do you think the spawn would travel through extreme heat & still be
fertile? Please give my love to Lucy, I wonder what she is up to these days.
My regards to your father and mother, I hope they are both keeping well.
Yours Sincerely, Connie
2) 6th June 1905 Postmark Lisburn to Mr. Wm. John Forsyth, Fairview Cottage,
Bangor, Co. Down - No. 135. We, the Vicar and Churchwardens for the time
being of Derriaghy Church, in the Parish of Derriaghy, Co. of Antrim, hereby
Certify that it has been proved to our satisfaction that the Right of
Interment in Derriaghy Graveyard, in Plot No. 174 on Map, containing two
Graves, is vested in Repres. of Wm. Forsyth. Signed: Charles E. Quin, G. J.
Churley, Joseph Waring. 14th day of Nov. 1899 - No.
135. We, the Vicar and Churchwardens for the time being of Derriaghy Church,
in the Parish of Derriaghy, Co. of Antrim, hereby Certify that it has been
proved to our satisfaction that the Right of Interment in Derriaghy
Graveyard, in Plot No. 174 on Map, containing two Graves, is vested in Wm.
Forsyth. Signed: Charles E. Quin, G. J. Churley, Robert MacHenry 29th day of
May 1905
3) W. J. S. St. Comgall's temperance L.O.L. No. 235 - 21st December
4) Presented by the Employees of Messrs. W. J. Forsythe & Son, Ltd., to Mr.
William Forsythe on the occasion of his Wedding, with best wishes for his
future happiness. April 1949
5) W. J. S. Forsythe, Esq., Bloomfield Road, Bangor - Bangor District L.O.L.
No. 18 - 15th July 1949 - A. M. Campbell, District Secretary, 19 Hazeldene
Avenue, Bangor

1) 8th May 1949 Postmark Bangor to Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Forsythe, The
Ritz Hotel, St. Heliers, Jersey, Balloo House, Bangor, Co. Down,
Ireland - My dear Young Ones, If we mean to catch you this must be posted
soon. Nothing ? to say. The weather was not too good for a few days but
today has been lovely. Lucy was at the ? ? & is eating at the ? ? with ? in
the City. Auntie Mick? spent yesterday here & says I am to tell you that
there are 100 steps leading down to the beach (through a cemetery) that she
thinks you would both enjoy exploring (not the cemetery). She spent a
holiday in St. Heliers years ago. Mrs. Logan sent you a silver teapot and
Willie McMillan's present is here, ½ a doz. very pretty beer glasses, which
I expect Elfreda will use for flowers when she sees them. Daddy has arranged
for the lorry to bring your presents from Tamnamore on Tuesday. I hope
nothing gets broken. Your kitchen table has arrived and I don't like it but
perhaps you two will so we can wait till you see it & return it afterwards
if you think it wise. Prof. Muskett? is coming on Wed. with Dr. Bewley & a
friend of his. It is good to get it over while you two are gone, but it is a
very bad day as there is a good auction in Martello, Mrs. ? house at one
time and now Dr. Campbells new abode. Balloo has to be allowed in to the
bedroom each morning to see that you haven't returned through the night.
Daddy takes him to Balloo sometimes and he has a ? round there just to make
sure. Curly is in heat and we are having a hectic time protecting her. We
have been hoping to hear from you but I suppose the days are flying fast and
you have no time for writing. You know when you arrive Daddy will meet you
in Belfast. All here join in sending their love along with mine, and we are
as anxious as big Balloo to have you both with us again. Looking forward to
Friday, Your loving Mother.
2) Bro. Marshall Omagh 784 - W. J. S. Forsythe Esq., Bloomfield Road, Bangor
- St. Comgall's Temperance L.O.L. No. 235 - 20th July 1949
3) 86 Hamilton Road, Bangor. 19th January, 1950 - Mr. W. J. S.
Forsythe, Bloomfield Lodge, Bangor - Dear Bro. Forsythe, I thank you very
much indeed for your letter of the 18th instant, conveying your good wishes
to myself and the Officers and brethren of the Lodge. We were all extremely
sorry that you were unable to be present with us; but are very gratified to
know that you are making progress towards a complete recovery. I carried out
your wishes, and conveyed to the Officers and brethren your thanks for their
support during your year of office. We had a very good meeting
downstairs, and during the social evening which followed Bro. Moore proposed
the I.P.M.'s toast (which was yourself) and at the same time he read your
letter, and fine tributes were paid to you on all sides, not only for your
work during your year of office, but since joining the Orange Institution.
The W.D.M. suitably replied on your behalf. We had quite a nice evening,
once more we tried to beat the clock and again failed, and, although we cut
out some items on our programme, it was after 11 p.m. before we were
through. I had all the usual support from "Bloomfield Lodge" for which I am
deeply appreciative. On behalf of myself and the Officers and brethren of
235, I wish you a speedy and complete recovery and trust you will soon be
able to come amongst us again. Yours sincerely and fraternally, H. J.?

Christmas 1949 Bro. Willie from Sister Lucy for Posterity - Willie from
Grandpa & Gran, a tomato a day keeps the Dr. away - William, All ? best
wishes for Xmas, Elfreda
the end |