
1944 - 27th October 1944 British Sailors' Society (Merchant Navy) Ladies
Guild. The Committee requests the pleasure of Mr. & Mrs. S.? C. Ferguson's
company at the Second Annual Dance to be given in the Orange Hall,
Banbridge, on Friday. Music by Ed. Finlay and his Band. R.S.V.P. to Mrs. J.
D. Finney, Belmont, Banbridge

1) 11th January 1954 Postmark Saalbach im Pinzgau to Miss Edith Ferguson,
Warrain, Banbridge, Co. Down, N. Ireland from D. - Gasthof Frohe Heimax Sat.
Saalbach - Hinterglemm. My Boots collapsed completely yesterday & I had to
have a new pair. They feel enormous & as it is bitterly cold I feel just
like the man in the picture! We had a little sun today & the sky is clear
now. There are 3 ski-lifts here, not as big as the Gstaad ones but there is
a v. long one at Sesselbahn at Saalbach, 10 minutes in the bus from here. My
new pants are very successful. Hope Jim or Firm is good, Love D.
2) 17th November 1964 Belfast Miss E. Ferguson, Warrain, Banbridge, Co. Down

Howard Ferguson 21st October 1908 - 1st November 1999 - A memorial recital
The Duke's Hall,
Royal Academy of Music, 8th December 2000
Edith Ferguson and Howard's musical executor, Hugh Cobbe, would like to
express their great gratitude to Stephen Kovacevich for agreeing to give
this memorial recital, to Richard Rodney Bennett for writing Memento in
Howard's memory and to Yfrah Neaman for agreeing to speak. They also owe a
great debt of gratitude to Curtis Price, Principal of the Royal Academy of
Music, for making the Duke's Hall available for the concert, to Howard's
three major publishers, Boosey & Hawkes, The Oxford University Press and The
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music for providing material
support for the occasion and to ABRSM (Publishing) Ltd. for producing the
programmes. They would also like to thank Rachel Bostock, Maggie Butcher,
Richard Butt, Peter Craik, Emma Malcolm, David McCleery, Frances Palmer and
Naomi Rudoe for practical assistance with the arrangements.
The photograph of Howard is by Nigel Luckhurst

S. M. Ferguson - S. M. Ferguson, School House - Four Figure Tables S. M.
Ferguson P.A.?
J. B. & G. C. or E. Ferguson

Stanley Ferguson
Bridges to Banbridge, W. Haughton Crowe

Stanley M. Ferguson, Warrain, Banbridge 5th May 1948
Howard Ferguson, Shimna, Windsor Park, Belfast, 8th December 1916
Howard Ferguson - Stanley Ferguson
Stanley M. with love from Shimna? Granny
Stanley Maynard Ferguson Warrain, Banbridge, Co. Down 1941 - Stanley C.
Ferguson 1913
Other Book Inscriptions
E. M. Sinton
Stanley Ferguson, Dec. 1896
Edith Ferguson
Edith M. Sinton
Maud Sinton with love from Auntie Dora Xmas 1910
Labor Amnia Vincit, The School Prize for drawing F J Salmon, R. Bousfield,
m.a., 1907, Headmaster
S. M. Ferguson, School House, Sedbergh, Yorks, 5th October 1953
Sally Baxter Girl Report, Freda Wilson Prize Church 1958
Stanley C. Ferguson, Xmas 1913
Edith Frances Ferguson
S. C. Ferguson
With Love to Freda, Wm. Kearney Christmas 1945

1) The people of Banbridge and district unite in extending to S. C. Ferguson
sincere congratulations on your safe deliverance from the perils of war.
This scroll is an expression of their heartfelt thanks for what you have
done and endured during the years of struggle in your country's cause, and
the hope that the future will bring you that comfort and happiness which you
have earned. March 1946
2) 8th June 1946 To-day, as we celebrate victory....
3) Important War Dates WW2

Newspaper Clippings
The Northern Whig and Belfast Post 1951
Fewer Matches Per Box - Because of increases in the cost of material
(mainly matchwood and paper and board for containers) and labour during the
past two years, the Board of Trade are to allow manufacturers to reduce the
matches in a standard (2d.) box from an average of 50 to one of 47, the
Board announced yesterday. In boxes of Swan vestas the average number may be
reduced from 100 to 95. Maximum prices for boxes of matches will
remain unchanged. The adjustment is being made in this way to avoid a price
with an odd farthing or a fraction of a farthing, the Board says. The Order
made by the Board comes into operation on Friday
Baby in suitcase: Woman arrested in Glasgow - Following four days'
investigation, Glasgow detectives have arrested a woman who will appear at
the Central Police Court to-day on a charge of murder. The arrest is the
sequel to the finding of the decomposed body of a baby in a suitcase in the
left luggage office at Queen Street railway station, Glasgow. The suitcase,
it is stated, had been deposited on Friday by a woman.
Lost cyanide found - After days of exhaustive search and inquiries by
the local police, with radio cars touring the town, Mrs. Douglas Clarke, of
Hartridge House, Cranbrook, Kent, has now discovered the missing cyanide at
her house. It had been there ever since last Thursday, when it was first
thought to be missing.

Sir Francis Evans, K.C.M.G., an Ulsterman, who has been appointed
Envoy Extra-ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Tel-Aviv. Sir Francis,
who is 54, was until recently British Consul-General, New York, and is at
present an Assistant Under-Secretary, Foreign Office.
"Good News" about Tyrone Hospital extension plans - When it was
reported to West Tyrone Hospitals Committee in Omagh yesterday that
architects of the Hospitals Authority were examining major plans, forwarded
by the Committee, of alterations and extensions to the County Hospital, the
chairman (Colonel R. R. A. Darling) said it was an expression by the
Authority of great trust in the Committee and the best piece of news they
had received since 1948. Dr. T. G. Milliken, Royal Victoria Hospital,
was appointed medical registrar in Tyrone County Hospital. The committee
decided to place on record their appreciation of the services of Miss E. E.
Purdon, physiotherapist in the County Hospital, who has resigned to take up
an appointment in Canada.
It was stated at Bromley, Kent Hospital yesterday that the condition of the
three babies, survivors of the quads born to Mrs. Muriel Brown, of
Bromley, on Monday, was satisfactory.
Counsel's objection in "drunk" case upheld - An interesting point was
raised by Mr. James McSparran, K.C., M.P., at Carrickfergus Petty Sessions
yesterday during the hearing of a case in which John William Wonnacott,
commercial traveller, Bangor Road, Holywood, was charged with being under
the influence of drink to such an extent as to be incapable of driving a car
at Carrickfergus, on June 28. Two constables stated that when they asked
Wonnacott to step out of the car, he staggered and held on to the door. On
the way to the barracks he staggered most of the way. Dr. J. Green gave
evidence as to examining Wonnacott almost 20 minutes after he had been
brought to the barracks. It was his opinion that Wonnacott was capable of
driving a car, but half an hour previously he could have been incapable of
driving. When District-Inspector Mahaffy questioned another constable
(barrack-orderly) as to how Wonnacott re-acted to the doctor's tests, Mr.
McSparran objected to the question. He held that when a motorist was being
examined in a case like this by a doctor, it should be carried out in
private. Mr. McWilliams, R.M., refused to allow the constable to answer the
question; he had already heard the evidence of the doctor.
District-Inspector - In that case I'm not entitled to ask any questions. It
is the first time in my experience that a witness is not allowed to give
evidence as to what happened at an examination. Mr. McSparran - The
evidence would not be accepted by a County Court judge. The case was
Farmer reversed car into motor-cycle - Fines totalling £7 were
imposed by Major F. G. S. McLean, R.M., at Portglenone Petty Sessions
yesterday on 19-year-old Andrew McBride, a farmer, of Moydamlaught,
Draperstown, who was charged with careless driving of a motor-car and with
not reporting an accident. It was stated that outside a dance hall in
Portglenone, McBride reversed his car into a motor-cycle. McBride denied
reversing his car into the motor-cycle.

To fly in Brabazon - David Gough, a cadet sergeant in the A.T.C., of
Whitewell Crescent, Belfast, will be a passenger in the Brabazon air-liner
when it flies over Northern Ireland on Saturday.
Enniskillen Mayor's Chain is solid gold - The Mayor of Enniskillen,
Alderman W. E. Johnston, J.P., will soon have a complete set of regalia, for
the chain of office which arrived last week was the last item required. When
Enniskillen regained its ancient status as a Borough in 1949, steps were
taken to provide suitable emblems. The new chain is of solid gold and
consists of 20 shields linked together from which the medallion is
suspended. It also is of solid gold with the new Borough coat of arms
beautifully enamelled in colour. The chain is to be presented in the near
Sanitary chiefs visit Ulster for discussions - Mr. C. A. Stansbury,
chief sanitary inspector to the County Borough of Walsall, Staffordshire,
who is this year's chairman of the General Council of the Sanitary
Inspectors' Association, and Mr. Morley T. Parry, food hygiene officer to
the Ministry of Food, were received at the City Hall, Belfast, yesterday by
the Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor S. K. Henry, and the chairman of the
Public Health Committee, Alderman A. Scott. Afterwards the visitors had
discussions with the City Medical Officer of Health, Dr. S. Barron, and
senior sanitary officers of the department. To-day and to-morrow, they are
to visit trade premises at ? other undertakings in Belfast, and other towns,
in compa? with sanitary officer of the respective authorities. Mr. Stansbury
and Mr. Parry are here on the invitation of the Ministry of Health and Local
Government for three days to exchange information on the development and
progress of the sanitary and food inspecting services operating in the
United Kingdom. Yesterday they also had discussions with officers concerned
with public health at Stormont, and attended a meeting of the Northern
Ireland branch of the Sanitary Inspectors' Association.
South Down men to pay insurance arrears - Two men who failed to stamp
National Insurance cards as self-employed persons were fined at Kilkeel
Petty Sessions yesterday and ordered to pay arrears of contributions. They
were Charles J. Fitzpatrick, Ballymageough, who was fined 40s. and ordered
to pay £40 1s. 2d., and Thos. J. Cunningham, Aughrim, Kilkeel, who was fined
10s. and ordered to pay £26 11s. 2d.
£76,000 Pools win - Mr. F. J. Mottershead (43), of Crossways, Birchin
Lane, Nantwich (Cheshire), has won the prize limit of £76,230 13s. 0d. in
Littlewood's treble chance pool. Mr. Mottershead, a married man with a
family of three, is a grocer at Warrington (Lancashire). The prize money
includes several smaller dividends.
Hospital and Wireless Set - Sir - Would you be kind enough to ask of
any of your readers have a wireless set which they would donate for use in a
Belfast Hospital. We have one or two requests for sets which we would like
to satisfy before Christmas. I will gladly arrange to collect any set or
sets your readers may have to give. Yours, Joseph D. Frame, M.B.E., Chairman
Hospitals Entertainment Association, 71 Dublin Road, Belfast
Charlie Chester Show opens second week - The Charlie Chester "Stand
Easy" show, which opened a second week at the Grand Opera House, Belfast, on
Monday evening, carries plenty of quick-fire patter, and as a spectacle is
well devised. Humour, however, does not always run along smooth channels.
Fred Ferrari provides a large measure of enjoyment with his songs, and the
Great Alexanders display notable skill in their springboard acts. This is a
striking example of clever timing. Ken Morris shows versatility on the
keyboard, and the Twelve Tiller Girls make an outstanding dancing team.
The £6,000 in his pools win was a mistake - The telegram that came to
the house of miner Leonard Harrison on Tuesday told him he had won six
thousand, seven hundred and forty-seven pounds, fourteen shillings and
tenpence on a treble chance football pool. Yesterday, after two days of
thinking about what he was going to do with the money, a cheque came to his
home in Grimethorpe (Yorks). The cheque was for seven hundred and
forty-seven pounds, fourteen shillings and tenpence. Explanation of the
missing £6000: It had been added to the telegram in error during

Judge's Daughter - Murder for Revenge from Stanley Vaughan, Belfast,
Thursday (1952)
Detectives think that nineteen-year-old, attractive Patricia Curran, who was
found murdered in the grounds of her family home near here early today, may
have been the victim of a murder for revenge. For her father is Mr. Justice
Curran, of the High Court of Northern Ireland. Another theory is that she
was shot by a rabbit poacher. Otherwise it would seem to be murder without a
motive. For Patricia had no enemies. "She was an extremely likeable,
charming girl, with no worries at all," her friends say. Her
shot-riddled body was found huddled beneath a bush in the extensive grounds
of the judge's twenty-roomed home, Glen House, at White Abbey, a village on
Belfast Lough. Yesterday afternoon, the girl played squash and was escorted
to a bus stop in Belfast by a boy friend, a fellow-student at Queen's
University. She boarded a bus for White Abbey at 5 p.m. It has been
established that she went straight home and died at about 5.45 - the time
she would have reached the spot where her body lay - Father in Search -
"When she did not arrive, we phoned her friends," the judge told me today.
All they could tell us was that she caught the bus. "For hours her
brother, Desmond, and I waited for her. Early today we decided to search the
grounds. We took torches. Just before one o'clock Desmond stumbled on the
body. "We thing she was shot between 5.25, when she left the bus here,
and 5.40. For at 5.45 her mother walked along the drive and saw no one."
No weapon was found. While waiting to enter Queen's University,
Patricia worked for a Belfast civil engineering firm. "She drove a
dark blur van for us, taking men and material to different sites," her
former employer, Mr. Kenneth Lowerson, told me.
Cutting from "News Letter" 27th August 1896
First Car Death - Sir - Ireland can also claim an early fatal car accident
(letter, Aug. 26). Charles Parsons, younger brother of the 4th Earl of Ross,
built a steam car in the forge at Birr Castle, Co. Offaly, in 1869. While
driving round the grounds with his cousin, Lady Bangor, she fell out of the
car, which was travelling at 9 mph, hit her head on a kerb and died
instantly, Sir Charles, who invented the steam turbine, lined until 1931.
Frank Meehan, Portlaoise, Co. Leix

Royal Red Cross Miss J. G. Sinton, Nursing Sister, France 1914-18 War

(rotten quality photo, sorry)
Maud Sinton, Banford House, Gilford, Co. Down
seems a page may be missing? - Summer! The cake is also best before & I'm
trying to keep it hidden from all the invading helpers who would no doubt
enjoy it )I don't mean mothers) Great excitement today as Carolyn's pram
arrived & she had her first outing as it was so nice & sunny. She was quite
doped with fresh air at 2 o'c & could barely wake up. Hope it always has
same effect. It's feeding time now so must stop (as always - like the zoo!!)
Lots of love, May P.S. I think T? P? is lovely name

The Ghosts of my Friends - Maud Sinton, Xmas 1912
Directions - Sign your name along the fold of the paper with a
full pen of ink, and then double the page over without using blotting paper
Ghosts - Gerald Villiers Stuart
Shadows form in our ghostly past; Ho! ho! young man, ho! ho!
From forgotten graves they will rise at last; It is so, young man, it is so!
Youth is swift and youth can flee; Ho! ho! young man, ho! ho!
Old age, too, is pursuing thee; It is so, young man, it is so!
You may run, you may dodge, you may twist, you may bend,
The flying phantoms win in the end; Ho! ho! old man, ho! ho!

1) The Ghost of a Celebrated General - Baden Powell
2) December 30th 1912 May Sinton
3) January 24th 1912 Frederick Buckby Sinton
4) December 30th 1912 Dorothy Sinton
5) December 30th 1912 Maud Sinton
6) December 30th 1912 Marjorie Sinton
7) December 30th 1912 Maynard Sinton
8) January 12th 1915 Rosemary B. Sinton

1) 27th April 1916 Joan Searle
2) 20th July 1913 M. C.? Atkinson?
3) July 20th 1913 Dorothy Atkinson
4) 20th July 1913 Annie J. Alexander
5) 20th July 1913 R. A. McCall
6) November 16th 1916 Winifred A. Chilton
7) November 16th J. Simpson
8) December 17th Phyllis Lane? Brown

1) December 17th 1916 Molly Courtenay
2) December 17th 1916 Winn? Everett
3) June 4th 1917 Susie Blundell
4) July 27th 1934 Doris M.? Wight or Wright
5) Arthur Sinton
6) July 27th 1934 Thomas Neville Sinton
7) Jemima Sara Babella Van Abbi?
8) 27th July 1934 George Herbert Bryson

1) 27th July 1934 Stanley Carr Ferguson
2) Annie Knott July 20th 1913
3) 39th December 1912 Gleann? Simpson
4) January 12th 1915 Lizzie McAlister
5) December 17th 1916 M. Kathleen Wainwright
6) December 18th 1916 Dorothea Gaddum
7) 27th July 1934 Margaret Greville Sinton
8) October 3rd 1918 E. Maud Sinton
9) October 3rd 1918 Elizabeth Maud Sinton
Gerald Ferguson Brice Smyth
Brevet Lieut.-Colonel (Temporary Brigadier General) G. B. F. Smyth, D.S.O.

Darling Gerald on Haloff?

Lt. Col./Major G. D. F. Smyth

Eric Hopkins, Rogerstone 1944
Killed 26th April 1944

12th August 1940 Postmark London to F. T. Salmon, Esq.,
"Westcliffe" Portballintrae, County Antrim, Northern Ireland
from 10 Downing Street, Whitehall - Dear Sir, I write on behalf of the Prime
Minister to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 6th August. yours
truly, E. M. Watson
M. E.? Salmon, "Westcliffe" Portballintrae
15th ? 1928 Church Place, Lurgan - Mr. J. Salmon, The Hill, Tegnavin?
Legnavin? (Prescription)

Portballintrae, September 5th, 1950
Dear Mr. Salmon, I have been asked by the Rector and Select Vestry of
Dunluce Parish Church to convey to you their very sincere good wishes for
your speedy recovery. They regret that you have been so seriously indisposed
for so long but they hope you will soon be quite well again. They
would like to take this opportunity of ? their very cordial appreciation of
your service as Churchwarden and they would be glad indeed if you would
kindly accept this expression of their gratitude and esteem. Yours
sincerely, A. Kilpatrick, Hon. Sec.? of P. Vestry.

Sacred to the memory of Alfred Ward Salmon [Lce.-Corpl. 5th Yorks Regt.]
Died 16th February 1919
of wounds and gas received at Flers. France Aged 36 Years. He Did His Duty

Salmon Photo Album no information

Llandudno May 1931

Page Two